Time for a tropes you hate thread!

Time for a tropes you hate thread!
Keep it Vidya
>Shoot red barrel
>It doesn't explode

Attached: CrEap5IUsAAXqX8.jpg (692x969, 49K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>Health isn't Red
>Magic juice isn't Blue

Attached: 1565049261462.jpg (512x512, 11K)

>Die to boss
>Checkpoint was like 10 minutes ago

Attached: 1338307138321.png (357x319, 8K)

>enemy you're fighting has a potion or some other way to restore their health back to maximum when you've damaged them enough

Attached: 1563500889489.jpg (900x1200, 148K)

>The only sneak mission in a non sneak based game

Attached: frustration.jpg (1000x667, 364K)

>Previously tough enemy suddenly joins your party
>he sucks now for some reason

>Highly advanced space station, facility, etc
>No bathrooms in sight

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>this fuckin strong boss
>spam every shit i have on him
>doesn't die
>he kills you
>its was actually a scripted boss battle where you had to die to continue
>you wasted every ammo/items only to not get them back

Attached: 1560684680778.gif (284x223, 960K)

>you need to complete the game on normal to unlock the hard difficulty

Attached: me.gif (660x440, 2.78M)

>magic juice

>he killed millions
>but he said hes sorry so its ok

>he killed millions
>but you're just as bad if you kill him

>no healing items before the final boss
Thanks Resident Evil 2

>beat the boss battle
>"Oh no, he's too strong!"

Reminder that Vinny fucking sucks and make fun of him at any opportunity you have in his streams.

name 5 games where this doesn't happen

>split paths
>One leads to rare loot
>Other leads to Cutscene and game progression with no indicator
>Can't backtrack

Attached: 88c.jpg (720x833, 27K)

>you can save random npcs from the enemy and they'll help you
>the do next to no damage and have bad ai even by the game's standards

>do an escort mission with a journalist and a photographer
>they mostly hang back and avoid enemy attacks
>during a battle, the photographer suddenly uses the flash on their camera to daze an enemy
It made my dick hard.

>characters indiscriminately murder random people trying to find and kill the antagonist
>go to heaven

>The main villain and heroe were once best friends