Imagine this on Switch
>Hey Sven, I want to make a ridiculous level full of fire and fun.
>Go ahead buddy.
Why cant i heal undead?
poison heals them by making them deader
Don't make it explode
Mmmmmm how ?
So if i attack undead will it heal them?
To make an interesting and unique fight
They succeeded but also managed to fry some hardware
any poison heals them yes, you can make drinkable poison for your undead bois but it's not as good as potions for fleshies
By not call the voidwoken
This mission made me realize that the magisters were right. This one dumbfuck sets everything on fire.
Can i side with voidwoken?
Man did this game fucking love necrofire. Shit was so annoying by endgame.
Their resistance to poison is 200% so it heals them. They also heal from Necromancy, both the static percentage of damage and spells.
This was one of the most hilariously crazy fights I’ve seen in a crpg. Bad taste if you don’t like it
>not cheesing it by chain teleporting him out of the area
Fucking plebians.
if you play as undead, yes
Yeah. the way it pushed you further and further every time.
>missing out on the xp and rewards
You are the actual pleb.
>fighting the source titan for the first time
Threw me and friend off guard, legitimately one of the best fights in the game
>tfw switchlets will never get to experience the beauty of seeing a wave of necrofire move gradually along all that fire
It was truly incredible, seeing it change like that, especially when the wave moved over the stairs and completely changed everything into cursed fire
I fucking love this fight for that reason
I didn't get any performance problems here but the big fog ravine where succubus girl is was fucking awful, what's the deal
>He didnt get behind the harbinger from the cliff and shoot it down using the higher ground
>He didnt throw the harbinger into a corpse pile and then blow them all up
You can cheese that fight in a hilarious number of ways, the fuck is wrong with you?
I said performance you goober. Everyone talks about how OP kills your framerate but everywhere with the shitty no-heal fog was practically silkysmooth. Harbinger was easymodo and I didn't even have to mass corpse explosion, even though I really wanted to.
just bless it lmao
Are the traps in DOS2 as annoying as those in DOS1?
I didnt notice any performance problems there with the decaying fog though
>Harbinger was easymodo
I just fucking love this game for the reason that if you fight the bosses traditionally, you're in for a bad time but if you plan, they easily get oneshotted
If you're creative, you can bend the bosses over any number of ways, even adramahlihk and lucian. Special highlights go to baiting that boatman into releasing deathfog in bloodmoon island and then using that to kill off everybody and chucking enemies into lava in the third act, especially that bitch sallow man
wait you can?
Half of the game is spent being on fire. I'd always have ability or item on hand to get rid of flames.
It doesnt change much, but yes. Becoming sworn is more like a narrative shift to the same events, you also get a huge stat boost
I don't even need to know what game this is. It was on the Yea Forums homepage and I died laughing. Thanks OP.
gee I wish there were plentiful fire resistance buffs in this game but c'est la vie
>oh shit this is the place from that screenshot
>woah that's a lot of fire, still fine tho
>*everything becomes cursed*
The thing I find more annoying than necrofire everywhere is that blessed fire can be put out
>Bless fire
>Enemy uses rain
>Turns into blessed steam
>Which becomes normal steam the next fucking turn
>Meanwhile rain on necrofire produces cursed steam and neither go away
Did they honestly not see a balance problem with this? Or did they want the cursing side to be hilariously more powerful than blessing?
Should I buy it? It's 40 % off.
It's definitely a fun game and I personally can recommend it, if it counts for something
The first game is a bit different but try that too
It's really fun, go for it.
play as Fane
Both Original Sin games are good, and if they are at sale, its not bad to buy them. Dont expect some RPG masterpieces, but they are clearly good ones.
Adramalam can be cheesed even without snuffing his candles.
that's the most based area in the game
the war between holy/cursed fire was great
I can handle anything except ice
fucking FALLING
>he actually needs to put out the pretty lighties to deal with tittydemon
>cheesing adramalikh
i mean i guess i had a super minmaxed party but it was still a really enjoyable head-on "holy shit that's a lot of enemies" boss battle, one of the few that felt like it couldn't be outright brute-forced with stats and optimization on the first try
Alright. What is the Divine Edition for Original Sin 2, what does it contain exactly, only non-gameplay elements?
it's actually not so bad, the framerate chugs while a ton of things are igniting but once they're lit it doesn't have much effect. I can hear the fan come on when it happens, though.
combine nails with your boots
why bother with the crafting in this game?
I don't think any editions contain any gameplay-changing stuff. Divine has artbooks and shit, and another one has other divinity games bundled in.
Any advice for playing Lone Wolf?
I've run into a few issues where having one character makes the game really challenging, like the scripted event where you fight the voidwoken ambush right outside fort joy, and some diety speaks to your brain and causes you to lose a precious turn and get stunlocked into oblivion
Is it worth taking metamorph or geomancy to get physical armor regeneration and not bother with passive healing from necromancy? It feels like the biggest threat is losing my physical armor and being chain CC'd to death
Is the second location after the prison island supposed to be so hard? I struggled a little but nothing major on the prison island but holy fuck the game takes a massive spike in difficulty, giant bugs are killing me, dwarves and their gay statue are killing me, bandits are killing me, scarecrows are killing me. Am I just bad at the game or something?
Keep that fight for last.
Level up by emptying fort joy. Those magister cucks deserve it anyway
Get that source collar off ASAP. The blacksmith will help you with that
Fortify and heart of steel are great spells, yes. Put a point in meta though, so you can pick up camouflage as well. Use camouflage to stall for turns and heal safely.
Also put a point in aero for evasion and a point in pyro for peace of mind, those two will undoubtedly carry you throughout the game
oh, forgot to mention that teleport, haste, frost armor, adrenaline, regeneration and a self-teleport spell of choice(cloak and dagger/tactical retreat/phoenix dive) are must-haves as well. If you dont want to put a point in for the teleport spells, get the wings spell from metamorph. That will help you with mobility and positioning for a bit until you level up enough and get something better like the earlier three
Thanks for the advice, user. I never guessed I could actually use camouflage during battles, I kind of assumed it was something to be used out of battle.
I don't want too much spoiled, but is the blacksmith in fort joy? I've already cleared out the magisters (except for the silent monks in the basement since I found out they were basically just source gimps) and moved into the swamp
So let's talk about how fucking shit the ending is and larian literally pushing agenda by slapping player on the hand if they choose anything but designated good ending.
> I never guessed I could actually use camouflage during battles
Camouflage is very helpul. If your enemies cant see you, they wont take any action, other than run out of some kind of harmful surface like fire. You can use this to buy turns for other skills to unlock, regeneration to finish, enemy buffs to wear off, your debuffs to wear off, etc
As for the blacksmith, yes, she's the cunt who sells summoning spells. There's an arena fight you can participate in. If you win, you can get her to dismantle your source collar
Save before the arena fight though, you can only attempt it once. If you lose, you'll need to savescum
It was so memorable though and i felt great after beating it
>Buddy gets super hyped about this game
>A little optimistic but tell him to watch the gameplay of the first one to make sure he'd like it
>Brushes me off and buys it
>Arrive in Fort Joy and dick around a bit
>He gets bored five minutes in because he doesn't like the gameplay
>Gets upset because he can't leave but berates me when I try to tell him what to do or give him hints so we stop playing
>This happened with three different people
>Save before the arena fight though, you can only attempt it once. If you lose, you'll need to savescum
Is that not every fight in the game? I haven't encountered a fight yet where dying doesn't result in a game over requiring a reload
i quit this game at this exact point lol. Fuck that bullshit.
attack them with poison spell. or better teach them a poison spell so they can heal themselves.
What are you talking about? All the endings are fucked up one way or another
In the repair the veil ending, all sourcerors end up as living corpses and the gods get off scot-free
The divine ending is pretty fucked up shit, with driftwood getting overrun, voidwoken still around, etc
The demon ending? The less said, the better
The source for everyone ending is honestly the best one because let's face it, war is gonna happen no matter what you do. Might as well benefit the most you can
The god king ending is my personal favorite though, with the void-eternals returning to claim what rightfully belongs to them, and the gods being punished. For all his dickishness, the god king DOES keep his end of the bargain, so becoming sworn does benefit you the most. Especially if you're playing as Fane, in which case you get a full pardon and redeem yourself
No dos 2 is more about fire everywhere.
>repair the veil
Sourcerers become soulless, just kidding malady fixed them because reasons, oh and everything is fine and dandy, no more void, also opened nursery btw
>literally every other ending
We united, fought and win, just kidding void is still there doing void shit, i am also a slave of the void btw, please somebody come fix the veil.
>just kidding malady fixed them because reasons
This happens to only your party though
>void is still there doing void shit
>Except in the demon and source for all endings where god king's ass gets kicked royally and the real problems arise from another source
>I am also a slave of the void btw
Didnt give windego a swornbreaker? If you do, she'll join you in the endings
Ignition chugs the system but after it stops exploding, the game run normally again. Played that map in handheld. Also the frame dips a little when looking over the whole map while moving the stick around but character movement and action plays above 25 fps
But we do?
>This happens to only your party though
It was pretty much spelled out by hammer that your party sacrifice is the last needed in pre ending dialog
>Except in the demon and source for all endings where god king's ass gets kicked royally and the real problems arise from another source
Yes on top of having void still being there doing void shit, you win battle, not war.
>I am also a slave of the void btw
I only had one as i accidentally skipped the entirety of godwoken island and got into academy through the back entrance. Gave it to nice succubus lady as she felt much more deserving it than wendigo, she didn't try to fuck me over.
>he didnt give windego a swornbreaker
lolwut? yes you do
>but we do, as a silky smooth 10fps slideshow!
You're not fooling anyone
game is pretty great on switch, haven't had any framerate drops on the first island and its very pleasing to look at on the 6 inch screen, on a TV, not so much
If you give windego a swornbreaker, she'll use it and die. You can then loot it off her corpse, THEN give it to Almira
>she didn't try to fuck me over
Refuse her kiss. See what happens
This fight is only hard if your weapons are from previous levels. Go steal new ones from a merchant and you won't have any trouble at all. Just a symptom of the game's absolutely awful item scaling system.
It's alright user, you can admit you got filtered by this fight. Your shitposting is too obvious
I really disliked the armour system in this game. Wanted to make a 3phys+1mag party, but had to respec the sole magic user into necromancy because he was pretty much useless.
I've already beat the game on hardest difficulty and will never touch it unless somebody comes up with a mod that makes unique weapons damage range to be static instead of tied to your level when you looted it.
It makes no sense that a level 12 legendary dragonslayer sword is worse weapon than a level 14 white quality sword you found from a dead bandit.
You are probably undereleved, try doing some of the minor quests in the city
>waaaah the higher level weapon has a higher dps, so this legendary weapon is inferior!
The value of a weapon isnt from just it's damage output, it's passives are also something to consider, you stupid fuck. A purple weapon can be level 14, and yet carry you through the entirety of act 2 depending on the stats it increases. Uniques like the Chamore Doran, and An mey Falin can take you through Act 2 and even act 3 despite being underleveled
perfection is what, this is what Divinity is all about.
they even reference this specific fight in the epilogue, saying those fields are still burning to this day
>one character
lone wolf lets you use 2 characters with lone wolf
>park my party on top
>bless fire so it heals my entire party every turn
>have ranger pick off slugs from afar
>have wizard teleport any slug who leaps on top back at the bottom so ranger can continue picking them off
nothing personnel...slug
there is a mod that lets you level up uniques to your current level.
Half the tomes are only craftable
Bless the fire retard
This fight was so fun multiplayer, as the primarily fire/earth mage of the party and not knowing it was coming I got to cackle madly as I made everything explode
wait, really?
the heck's the point? is it a bug?
>is it a bug
lolno, that's the skill. Lone wolf will be active as long as you are alone, or have one other member in your party, who can also be a lone wolf
>there are retards ITT who would waste source blessing that fire when the next dead slug will curse it again
Use flaming skin you brainless mongrels
Also, doesnt anyone understand the value of cursed steam in this fight?
its designed that way, it mimics lone wolf from the original game where you we're forced to have 2 main characters but the potential to each have a companion, but they could both just use lone wolf instead.
just bless the slug
Barely made it through in one go but it was awesome.
That will damage them more because lol necrofire.
Bless removes cursed effect from fire. It just gets cursed again.
git good
that you be smart enough to use blessing and hydro
I somehow beat this but I don't remember how. I think it was by cheesing it hardcore.
My brain was not suited for the games combat.
I just wanted to steal shit from people and do silly shit.
beating it is easy.
keeping the guy you are suppose to save alive is where it can get tricky.
I'm thinking installing mods for fresh experience.
Any recommendations?
If you have half decent comp it is easy as well. The hardest fights in act 2 are scarecrows if you got to them underleveled, the fuckhuge demon in lightning zone and fleshbug hatchery when your party got separated in dwarf caves.
Free bless to bless the fire
That's some shitty looking fire you got there
I'm pretty impressed with how well this is running on Switch so far. Only a few battles have made the game seriously slow down, and one of those is just because I touched a rigged chest that created constant explosions. Considering how much shit is constantly on fire, exploding or soaked in oil I was expecting a constant slideshow.
Chews through the handheld battery like a motherfucker though.
Yeah I haven't been finding my battery life this poor in a long time, I think it's partially because it's such a slow, methodical game.
Actually considering getting one of those new switches with the doubled battery life. Not the lite, they shadow dropped a revised normal switch that runs way cooler and has like 80% more battery life and didn't tell anyone.
bless it twice. i had bless on all 4 characters for that fight.
Definitely one of the most memorable and my favorite fight in the game. A three way battle that becomes extremely difficult by the end. Waves of voidwoken that just keep getting harder. A good arena to fight in. A secondary objective in saving the captive. And plenty of ways to pull it off. My first time through my friend and I cheesed by teleporting the guy into the nearby tent (we put a crate in the entrance so he wouldn't leave). On a later modded playthrough my three friends and I did it again only for him to break free with one turn left before the end and get himself killed. Shit was so funny we ran with it. Also, the modded summonable ice dragon makes that fight much easier on tactician since you can just end the fire.
i remember this fight
i barely squeaked by on my first try using every skill and source power at my disposal, then the NPC that i climbed all the way up there to rescue ran off and died to some necrofire that hadn't burned away yet.
The hardest fight for me was that eternal cunt. Everything hits so fucking hard but on the other hand it's not as long as other fights so it's possible to savescum.
The way I did this fight was by grouping my party tightly at the top and casting that source aoe bubble protection spell that gives you a bunch of physical and magic armor every round. I had my melee character standing at the chokepoint before the top platform, while my ranger and mage plinked slugs from the sides as they made their way up and my support healed or buffed as required.
Is there a mod for this game that fixes the ridiculous exponential leveling curve? Having to replace my gear every level past 15 to keep up with enemies killed the fun for me.
ngl lizards kinda sold me on me this game
I'm a sucker for inhuman fantasy creatures that you can play
Well shit I guess I'll go grab a partner, then.
Can I dismiss or bring him back any time I want?
Also my main character is already level 6 or so, if I go back and get someone from fort joy will they be level 1 and suck forever?
Can I respec companions later on or are they stuck in the configuration they started as?
I'm gonna get it for switch lite. Hype as fuck.
I would advise against the lite model, it's half the console for still most of the price
I had a full sized switch and all I wanted was a smaller, better portable version. I have an xbox and pc for television gaming. Literally all I'm missing out on is mario kart split screen but I have CTR on xbox now so fuck that.
Can anyone give me a comparison between switch and PC version? Apart from mod support and graphics, any difference? Is switch version up to date with PC?
You can respec at anytime after act 1, don't know about the xp thing
The switch lite is actually less portable because you can't detach the joycons
Plus, when the sticks eventually break because they get caught on everything (which is made worse by the fact you can't detach them) replacing them means getting a new console instead of a single joycon
Honestly it's a shame, had the switch lite been given circlepads it would've at least had the advantage of being pocketable but as it stands my original model just did everything the lite model did but better so I returned it (the switch lite did get slightly better battery life but the new OG switch has that now, too)
haha tiny messi
Even companions? I'm terrified of losing out on shit from changing my mind later on or finding a better party configuration and not being able to use it
didn't they just patch in a respec mirror to act 1?
The gods never get punished beyond you killing them though. Makes no sense you as divine don't clear out the voidwoken at driftwood, as it was like your fucking purpose to become divine was to push back the void
after experiencing the combat of DivOS it's hard to justify garbage like real time with pause and overall the turn based combat of all JRPGs
step your game up fucking faggot devs
Yes, there's a whole cheese strategy built around stealing money from all the vendors every time they replenish their gold by respeccing thievery onto everyone so you get four opportunities to steal from every vendor.
Not that you really need that much money... by the final act my party had more money than I knew what to do with even without abusing that. I did have one dedicated thief who would rob everyone blind though.
2 levels doesn't make a difference for gear until like level 18
I remember their editor was shilled as a second coming of nwn toolkit when the first game came out. Did anything come of it?
Unique gear can have skills or strong as hell stat bonuses. The strict damage/armor on an item isn't be all end all.
>tfw I thought it was a good idea to try and make a pure healer character
>struggle through most of the game, but this fight was a cakewalk
Exactly my thoughts
I fucking hated this game.
No sense of progression at all. For some reason fighting magisters in Fort Joy with sticks and stones at level 1 is just as hard as fighting them on the mainland with magic swords and wands at level 10, or even harder. Not to mention that fighting a Voidworm when you’re trying to escape is easier than killing those 3 or 4 magisters trying to hang the lizard witch, for some reason
Not to mention the fact that if you don’t make all of your characters into pure physical or magical damage you’re gimping yourself.
I’ve tried to enjoy this game like 4 times but I can’t see why everyone likes it so much.
I dropped the game here, couldnt beat it and I did everything else for my level on this map
1: Interact with his property and stay in his chat, this will let you kill his elves without him noticing, exit chat after they are dead and it's k.
2: make a box for him and teleport him inside, this will allow you to kill his demons unmolested
3: once dead, leave and reset, he will have escaped and is patrolling the main hall.
Lohse cannot participate for 2 and 3.
Is the optimal playstyle still to focus on one damage type between magic and physical?
no, but here's hoping they'll include it in Baldur's Gate 3
The fuck is this inane shit? If you have decent enough dps you can burn him by just attacking him in human form. There is also a bit save scummy way of hiding and backstabbing his physical armor off, as it sometimes doesn't trigger combat.
>Killing adramahlihk before he gets a chance to transform
>Missing out on that ginormous exp award and the thrill of beating him when he was at his strongest
Before you could stack higher I than him and blow him up/knock him down turn 1 because transforming was an ability. Now he transforms automatically.
>no sense of progression at all
Are you retarded? Going from prisoner to slaughtering the guards feels amazing. Act 2 has some fucking hard fights too, since it's really easy to get into fights you're underleveled for.
Yea, kinda. I'd say a 3-1 split is best because in some fights it's best to have your magic fight their weak magic mobs and your physical fight their weak physical mobs
If that fight required any sort of interesting tactic, I'd agree with you, but it doesn't, like the rest of the game.
How much can I cheese fights with teleport?
I get that it must be situational but I can only imagine how broken it must be to teleport a boss to another room behind the boss room and take out his minions while he runs around
shut the fuck up, vegeta
>How much can I cheese fights with teleport?
99% of the fights are trivialized by teleporting things around, I think the only notable fight where teleport is not as useful is the Kraken fight in Arx, and even there you get some mileage by teleporting mooks away.
>teleport enemies into oil to inflict slowed status
>teleport them into lower ground
>teleport them into pits
>teleport them into cursed ice to freeze them
>Teleport them into lava/deathfog
>teleport enemies into a group then blast them with an AOE
Hell yeah
got any cool tricks or tips on causing maximum havoc with teleport?
I play on Explorer's difficult setting.
Just teleporting people away will be enough, if you want to be a fucking dick teleport them into a pocket lava/deathfog field you move around with Terrain Transmutation for cheap instakill, if you want to be a massive fucking dick refresh your cooldowns with Skin Graft, pop Adrenaline and do it again, and if you want to be pure scum teleport your pocket lava field around with another terrain transmutation to instakill the ones that are still alive.
Now you know how to completely trivialize 90% of the game, and this is just one way to do it.
Just teleporting melee away or an Archer or mage to you helps immesurably.
>nether swap
>terrain transmute
>Skin graft
>do it again
I know it's cheap as shit, but chucking that faggot Alexander into a puddle of lava and watching him burn to death was truly unironically fun as hell
Sometimes you dont want to battle. Sometimes, you just want to be a prick
Honestly that kinda stuff is more fun
I think the mark of a good RPG means you have more ways to solve problems than waving stat-sticks around, being able to come up with interesting solutions is infinitely more rewarding than taking turns whacking eachother
I will now buy your game.
It's why I think those who complain that the game is too easy/broken are complete faggots who dont know how to have fun.
Yes, the game is broken, because that's the point. You are free to do whatever to complete your goals, and that degree of freedom lets you crush bosses before they even know what hit them. It's also the reason why D:OS2 is my absolute favorite. The fun isnt in curbstomping your enemies, it's in figuring out the different ways in which you can stomp them. I dont know any other RPG that manage to capture this feeling as well as this game did
heal spells then have one character talk to him so he doesn't sprint through the fire and die like a fucking retard.
Saving him changes nothing
Necrofire makes DOS2 objectively worse than DS1. Kills combat so hard.
>want to make my own character because of course I do that's half the fun
>player created characters have less game content than premade characters
Fucking hell. This makes it super hard for me to get into the game. I've flip flopped back and forth between custom characters of my own designs and the various premade characters, and yet I have never gotten far with any given one of them.
Don't make the player made character punish the player with less game for fucks sake.
Yeah I really think that Divinity OS2 has done for freedom in cRPGs that Ultima VII did in the 90s
Is it more like dungeon crawler/build simulator like BG or story/dialogue heavy?
Both. Plenty of story and fights to go around.