New steam UI drops today
Get in the beta
Shit about it here
Be aware egs drones are in shill watch since yesterday
gonna have to hard pass op
>didn't change the header navigation
>the same thing but flatter
why does every single fucking company do this
Think it'll launch at 1pm EST like the usual Steam update time?
Either way this thread is kind of pointless, I doubt it will last until it's release. Still curious how it will function with non-Steam links and the fact it's been an eternity since the UI was last updated.
I only open Steam when there's a game on there I want to play. Let's just say it's been a while.
based v user that doesnt play video games
why do they want to keep this ugly part?
I bet it will be about 6-7 pm in EU
It's usually when the day starts in valve time
Probably because they are afraid of the backlash
The fact that they still refuse to display on the page stuff that could actually be interesting to know - like whether Steam Cloud is available, how much space the game occupies and in what folder and so on - but waste so much space with secondary shit is baffling.
To justify their job as a UX and UI designer. Otherwise they'd be contractors who would get hired once and never again, which would mean nobody would find a job ever again after some time. That's why they intentionally make it worse.
backlash of what and by who?
everyone agrees it looks shitty
>still can't disable friend requests
no matter the change, even if for the better, will get shit, either by the huge amount of retards on the platform, and the journos that keep pushing their nonreviews stores
the best thing about the UI is that it is made using the same tech behind the chat, so that they can push updates behind the scenes, instead of full blown client updates
the bad thing is, this shit is kind of a performance hog, with all those transparencies and animations, so toasterfags get ready to be disappointed immensely
>discordifying everything
looks like shit honesty. While everyone geos for minimalistic approach Valve adds a bunch of unnecessary shit to the ui to make i more cluttered.
They already said there's gonna be a low end mode that disables all the fancy animations and shit.
Why the fuck would I want a new UI when the current UI just fucking works fine?
fuck off man
Steam is such a resource hog heavy piece of shit with spaghetti code. It really feels like it's something from the early 2000's that just needs to die off and be remade again. The coding and resource heaviness of steam is a good example of valves quality with artifact and dota underlords. Any other launcher on the market uses less resources than this shit unless you count discord, but that is a unfair comparison.
Steam UI hahahahahaha
dunno how its possible for someone to be as stupid as you, especially with your sense of confirmation bias
maybe if valve didn't have such a shitty liberal work place where nobody has commitment they would get shit done faster.
It's no wonder people with actual skills and dreams to make shit start dropping out like flies, valve just needs robots with 40% efficiency to run day to day operations.
>OMG i'm sooooo tired working on this, im gonna go upstairs and work on their project for a bit, 2 months later OOOH man im so exhausted i'm gonna go next door and work on their project for a while
It's literally nothing. What the fuck, Valve?
everything that looks like shit and taste like shit is good to you pcbro so your input is worthless
So now the screen will have more games in it and less RPS articles. What's the problem?
it looks like it's pulling more information from separate pages into the main page for the game
Who else here uses "favorites" as a temporary category for stuff you play right now?
I use it as a queue of games I want to play during that month
i actually just have a category for games i'm currently playing or intend to play afterward that i move games into/out of
why do they want to keep the shitty grey color
make it darker
>muh client for launching clients
the color is fine you can reskin that shit if it bothers you
Steam isn't built very well for people with 1000+ games.
You know what would be a cool feature, a random game you own is displayed telling you to play it again or some sort of reminder system for you to continue the game at a later date.
i can't because now with the new ui i have to wait until there will be a compatible skin
The animations are fantastic
Pictures don't do justice to the amount of work they put into it
The top of every game page has a Marquee with the transparent logo (if the dev cares to upload a png logo) and artwork that moves when you scroll
It's really cool, imo
>its pretty!
Okay? The fuck do you need that shit in your online fucking library?
Why not?
Well I guess I could ask you why would you need to play games, too
It's nice to have a cool presentation of your library
It's called a hobby
Resource hog for one thing, usability for other.
you know what has a good interface
I liked it when it was a literal notepad
Now it's kind of convoluted