I'll start. Final Fantasy 7
Video game remakes that aren't as good as the original
Other urls found in this thread:
what the fuck
>white people
This is cp
Damn that nigga has worse hair than his dad lmao
Funny how he has the same amount of hair in both pictures.
Cool dad
gay son
obviously they are white
I hope that I'm not the only one that felt a bit disturb by the image.
I understand that the pic was suppose to be funny for close family members or really close friends but to outsiders it's a clear nope.
Yeah I post on resetera. How did you know?
Cringe thread?
no it isn't you fucking american
>dad has better hairline than son
ITS FUCKING Faaaaaaaaaaaake
Also niggers are more likely to be gay. Google it.
I know that feel.
>sumo manlets
How come when a women does this exact same thing, taking pictures of weirdos, it's bad but when it's a guy it's okay?
I'm always afraid of going to the gym because I don't want to be this person
>I hope that I'm not the only one
You socially inept troglodyte of course your not, jut read the comments before posting you absolute RETARD.
Smooth brained piece of shit
fucking kek
He has bigger tits than some females
Yeah, niggers just kill theirs afterwards
Damn look at that gyno
What is he doin wrong
fucking retard
>turns into a dyke with cancer
Trolled hard.
LOOOOOOOOL angry white guy #10182727363 resorts to insulting black people out of FUCKING nowhere because he’s so fucking mad for literally no reason stay mad pisshead
Nothing. It's just every user on /fit/
>Guy goes to gym to become chad
>you sit there jacking it to Chinese cartoons and reeeing about video games Yea Forums
Yeah what a loser.
just 3 lads having fun together at the gym
>"Haha look at me and my transgender brother taking a bath together! Just like when we were kids, accept my dick is in his ass and I'm buttfucking him!"
What is wrong with people. He's not even attractive, like dude should have at least gotten a damn wig or something. Nigga has no fucking hair.
Wait why would someone take a picture of a dude working out for no reason, there has to be something to it
>be hungry skeleton
>decide to hit the gym to build some muscle
>dont want to look like a retard because i have no idea how to do most of the exercises or look weak
>end up doing nothing but cardio
>now im even more of a skeleton
fuck i just wish i wasnt the type of person thats hyper self aware, i know its dumb but i cant help it
Looooool angry niggers greentext insults at whites because their asses are so raw.
This makes me fucking sick
omg they're having fun, HOW DARE THEY?!
>photobomb bro in blue
>can't tell if red guy is pantomiming or actually struggling
>that knee inversion
>The son's sissy cock is literally against his father's big dong
Boner no..
Not even out yet you dumb piece of human waste.
I'm 90% sure they are literally retarded
how are people this white?
>green text insults
it's a meme
the guy is doing nothing wrong but some /fit/tard took a pic of him and posted it in gym cringe
...what? Lmao shut up bruh you got enough anger in your life and I don’t need it loool Go suck your fathers dick or something lool
He's squating in the curl rack.
it's ok I felt disturb too
I thought I was white as fuck, but this. I don't even know what this is. It's like god-tier white. It's like your hardcore Christians who don't know how to be social without being awkward and weird.
A man raising a daughter is the ultimate cuck
I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for other men.
Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to ravage her every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her.
As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically.
Oh kind of like that retarded half circled Mario image
>loool look white people so wacky
>oh yeah well NIGGERS suck
wypipo everyone
Are you fucking kidding me? fags come out with the most stupid excuses, man..
Here, user.
>Dress up like a normal person, don't go to the gym with stupid gaming shirts or any "nerdy" shit
>Don't try to be an idiot and pull more shit than you can, start small, people won't give a shit as long as you're keeping your posture and doing shit the way it's supposed to.
>Keep it to yourself and be cool with everyone
>Remember why you're there in the first place, to improve your shit, look up workouts and /or talk to the instructors, they will hook you up.
>Again, keep your fucking posture and increase the weights gradually.
Being a normal person isn't hard.
which one would you main, Yea Forums?
Jokes on you, fag. I was at the gym earlier today and am enjoying my night jacking off to lolis and shitposting about video games.
Get on my level, bitch.
and people wonder why steven universe has such a bad stigma. all of its fans are incest homos like yourself
yeah, or the guy in the prom suit coming through the doorway
Guess I'll stay home
Go back to your gay board
So you agree? Good. Show me dem boobies.
>white """"""""""people"""""""""""
this is clearly a joke
sheeeit nigguh youz aint black yalls sum cracka mufuckas gtfo LMAO :laughing_crying_emoji:
since the thread is off topic anyways, how can I get a nice butt like this?
Curling in the squat rack. Makes /fit/izens pretty mad
So look that shit up. And if you're really fucking up, chances are someone will stop and show you
Wear any t-shirt you want. Don't be this fag in his "gym" gortex attire.
Holy, fuck, my sides.
You are retarded and obsessed, sex is meaningless.
fuck why am i responding to a pasta
you type like a redditor
Squats + GOMAD
You type like a faggot, so which one is worse? Me or you? Ya, that would be you, retard.
Heavy squats.
>mfw this is my body type aka flagpole legs
He cooms
>Yeah dude, let me slap on my mario mushroom shirt, i gotta let these chads know im a GAMER.
Yeah, no, faggot.
You're not going there to make friends in the first place.
>when you're going bald faster than your dad
I'd just kill myself
>black "human beings"
Holy fuck I always had that fear but I didn't think it would actually happen. I ain't doing that shit anymore, never liked it anyway.
Fun fact: this and every other shitty black meme dance look just as bad no matter the skin color. (see: Kiki do you love me)
Just hire a PT for a few months
>Be 188cm 70kg 12%bf
>Fuck this
>Join gym, hire PT
>1 session a week with the PT
>Solo train 3 times a week 40-60 minutes
>year later
>86kg 14%
>Never felt better
>Wifey is constantly groping my muscles
Feels good. I'm only casual, but it doesn't take much to start building some visible muscle.
I cant believe this shit
Then who gives a shit what shirt you fucking wear. Just lift weights
Yea Forums is gayer than Yea Forums by a wide margin
Wait ... that person is female? My guess was they were just trans or something based on their appearance
what branch is this?
eat more you fucking lucky bastard. I don't get why so many people are worried about how they look at the gym. don't do weights just go use the equipment that's straightforward.
US Marines
>My cotton t-shirt is better than your cotton t-shirt for lifting weights
Explain to me why you white peoples think this is okay.
Imagine the fucking shame and embarrassment that guy felt, jesus.
Why do I feel like they're British?
the reason this looks retarded is because you have better expectations of non blacks
thats why black people can do whatever retarded thing they want and nobody bats an eye
Nah, just big man titties.
literal pictures of children. no problem
>cunny threads
>can't tell by looking at the uniforms
do you need help putting on your own underwear
Looks like dumbass marines
>Cotton t-shirt for working out
Dang, ur stupid.
It's probably his gay son or younger brother. He's clearly a faggot though, so I'm sure he's enjoying sitting on that dick.
thats disgusting
are these poses required? if so they're assholes for putting them through this because this is hard to watch.
>Imagine the fucking shame and embarrassment
It happens a lot on the Drill Teams, but the worst ones are when the Officers walk through them while they're spinning their and gets hit in the face.
That'd still be you, user.
He's not the one flipping out like some overly sensitive little faggot.
lol sure
I'm not a mutt, sorry.
Oh, I'm sorry. I meant my leather suit.
You type like a redditor.
Of course they are, it's a fucking Blizzard game after all.
Nigger, we could spend the rest of this thread showing you want an overwhelming embarrassment your kind can be. Can it and contribute some shitposts.
I honestly have no idea what that thing is even after looking at it for more then 2 seconds. I just assumed it was a physically deformed woman but it could just as easily be the other way around
is this peak cope? jesus christ
You type like a subhuman nigger.
oh man i had forgotten about that pic, top fucking kek
the way he steps back after seeing that guy fuck is so intimidating
No, I can't ... I REFUSE! I closed it after 5 seconds, away with it! Keep this and mail it to them when they're 20 years older.
>Two fat retards fighting each other
>Some nigger break dancing for attention and lols
This looks like some private school for the specially challenged.
>that fucking guy breakdancing and dark souls rolling all over the place
>That sissy faggot face
>Those moobs
Damn why is the dad smiling again?
I would be crying.
Better yet, i wouldn't even be taking that gay ass pic.
Sweet Palico
based black guy break dancing and making a joke of the situation.
>porn of babies isnt cp
is this what europedos actually believe?
Don't you have some place to shoot up, John?
Is you a retard, faggot. Can't you read?
This is why I never dance.