Outside of Yea Forums, who actually hates Borderlands 3?

>Yea Forums tells me everyone hates Borderlands 3. Nobodies looking forward to Borderlands 3. Borderlands 3 is hated by critics so people will hate it now. Borderlands fans have turned against the franchise now!
>Check /r/borderlands
>They're all excited for it

So why does Yea Forums lie? And no, it's not because it's the subreddit. The Anthem subreddit was shit on by the games fans for months on end.

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Other urls found in this thread:

arch.b4k.co/v/search/subject/Outside of /v/, who actually hates Borderlands 3?/

Reddit shit

>hated by critics so people will hate it now
Critics have no power anymore.
>Borderlands fans have turned
This will never happen, Borderlands fans are like AssCreed fans, they will never turn on the thing they like no matter how shitty it gets.
>this means Yea Forums is wrong/lying
No it doesn't, the opinions of critics and braindead fans mean literally nothing.

So why is this nigger banned yet? Sage

so how much do you thinkg anons shills like OP are shilling? how hard ? i mean we can't see after Yea Forums archive is down.

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>Outside of Yea Forums, who actually hates Borderlands 3?
My answer hasn't changed.

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Borderlands appeals to its fans, so it's doing what any game should

>Tumblr gif


Which negro?

Every repost of this thread costs the tencent store 200 chargeback refunds.

I doubt it

You keep trying to viral here, it didn't work for borderlands, borderlands 2, etc.. it wont work for this one either.

Cry about it

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Who knows what he keeps on his other usbs...

Cry more

Considering he has this same exact thread every day after a certain point, its safe to say other anons are also shilling with him. It might be a safe bet to say he is also that one chink shill give how they both created a thread format and post it nonstop for a week.

dude shut the fuck up already we just want normal Yea Forums threads again
its just him even uses same 3 lines when called out

borderlands has literally never been good
the entire looty shooty genre is just like the guns that comprise most of the gameplay, complete trash

Nobody but Yea Forums "hates" a video game.

One may be indifferent towards a game or be critical of it, but only mentally ill Yea Forumsirgins activelly *hate* video games.

>inb4 muh reddit

spacing gave away were your from with zero irony go back and then kill yourself

Honestly this. We always complain about how a game series stopped catering to the fans who have been playing since the first game and started appealing to normies. It just so happens that borderlands have always appealed to normies.

>Yea Forums and the related subreddit are the only places for opinions
Did you expect anything else on the fucking borderlands subreddit than "omg this is so hype"? Of course they like it, dumbass

why would you post on /r/borderlands if you hated the game
you wouldnt unless you are a no life loser moron
and then you'd belong on Yea Forums

This EXACT same thread AGAIN
Fuck off shill.

I don't understand why people just have to play it now is all. I'll buy it when it's on sale in steam with all dlcs in some kind of giant "goty" version. The new characters are ok but nothing I'm enraptured with.



not like anyone on Yea Forums buys video games anyway
I don't see the point of shilling here

die mad that your board is an irrelevant hellhole good only for laughing at the regulars and letting off steam

>epic games give randy millions of dollars for guaranteed sales
>randy uses this guaranteed money to pretend it sold that many copies to real people
>release the game 6 months later on steam
>all the steam drones buy it full price

>>all the steam drones buy it full price

And they will

We had this thread yesterday you shill. And the day before. Borderlands 3 looks absolutely terrible, I'm not downloading EGS and I'm boycotting the steam release next year because fuck you Greedy Pitchford

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Game looks shit, I don't even get why people are so brand focused.

some people are so poor that all they have is money

>how dare you catch me spamming cry more

>meanwhile on reddit

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>implying Yea Forums doesn't have direct, objectively worse, analogues to every reddit thing that makes them butthurt
greentext = reddit spacing
downvote = cringe
upvote = based
making an autist so ASSBLASTED he creates a new wojak edit and starts spamming it = GOLD


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arch.b4k.co/v/search/subject/Outside of /v/, who actually hates Borderlands 3?/

Is this a bot?

The humor doesn't make me laugh, and boy howdy - it certainly tries, almost constantly. Gameplay bores me. Whatever 'story' is there I can't take seriously, so there's no dramatic tension or intrigue to make me want to play.

>Greedy Pitchford

Attached: cringe era.jpg (480x360, 36K)

nope just a seriously mentally ill faggot
he's responsible for most of the spam and reposts on Yea Forums
mods know about him but can do nothing because he ban evades like a motherfucker

>Check /r/borderlands
How about you stay there?

>Game looks shit

So did the others

Then fuck off back to r*ddit if it's better you retarded nigger

My normie friends who all loved BL2 hate it. Because its just more of the same shit and Destiny 2's gameplay loop is more fun.

I don't hate it.
I just have 0 interest in it.
Borderlands got boring later on, and I haven't finished borderlands2 because I got bored.

>Outside of Yea Forums, who actually hates Borderlands 3?
the people that liked borderlands 1

>Literally just the same shit



Pirated 1 and 2, never finished any of them, borderlands was always a normalcattle franchise.
And EGS spyware PLUS an even more asinine version of denuvo, so double the malware/spyware crap on your PC.

Yes, because grinding for gear at NG+++ and doing raid bosses is a normie thing to do.

>Yes, because grinding for gear at NG+++ and doing raid bosses is a normie thing to do.

I genuinely don't know anyone sane that would do this, so it has to be a Hillary voting normie

The extremes aren't representative of the whole.

Loot is the whole appeal of the game. Borderlands 2 was consistently one of the most played games on Steam for 7 years.

>almost identical replies
is this what they teach in shill school?

>OP is seething so hard he changed the MD5

Why do you care if people don't like it?
Why do you keep making this same thread?
Why don't you just go play it?

>I don't like thing so it's garbage
cool thanks

Yea Forums tends to withdraw in its own little bubble divorced from reality where they can pretend the games they hate are universally hated, as is right and just, of course. It's a coping mechanism.

>pro BL3 or pro epic thread
>someone in agreement replies directly to OP every time it's almost on page 10

I saged tho so nj bumping it asshole

Also I ran into it on the front page lel

You know this paranoia about shills really shows the failure of the Yea Forums experiment. Complete anonymity just means no one trusts anyone and there is no sense of community.

Isn't it obvious.
Insipid gameplay, retarded story and unlikable characters, moronic loot system, ez mode builds and the list goes on, just what cattle like to feed on. Bet you also like nuDiablo 3.
It's a mix of shills and retarded fanboys.

>Insipid gameplay, retarded story and unlikable characters, moronic loot system, ez mode builds and the list goes on, just what cattle like to feed on.
nobody hates every aspect of something unless they have a agenda
>diablo 3
never played it

Randy is that you.

>Complete anonymity just means no one trusts anyone and there is no sense of community.
>looking for a sense of community in fucking Yea Forums
You fucking dumbass

Fuck off election tourist

how new?

only election tourists call Yea Forums an experiment

That doesn't even make sense

go to /vg/ if you want communities

I own Borderlands 1 and 2 on steam. Liked both. But fuck them for going Epic exclusive. Will NOT be buying Borderlands 3.

Gonna pick up Code Vein instead which comes out later this month.

Maybe if you went back to your subreddit it would be better for all of us

Randy always wins, don't even step up.

Attached: randy magic.jpg (1280x720, 69K)

Neither does acting smug about liking borderlands 3

Actually if anyone who came here in the last decade went back then maybe this board would be tolerable again

Thanks for announcing your sage, retard

I haven't even played Borderlands 3

More like from the first post

Same posts for five consecutive day, THIS IS MARKETING.

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>maya dies because the writer literally can't write for shit beyond saturday morning cartoon level, same cheap garbage they did with bloodwing in borderlands 2
>raid bosses still aren't properly compattible with co-op and require a reload of the game to respawn
>the loot fountain is still the same shit from the first game
>subtle woke bullshit all over the place
>stat system is still nothing but a facade and bigger number always betterer, no meaningful theory crafting or exploitation of synergies possible
>shit vehicle physics
>EPIC store exclusive for 9 or so months
>garbage "humor" (pickle rick)
>randy bitchford is involved in any way
man i thought i was aware of how shit this game was going to be but looking at it now i don't even want to fucking play it at a discount, just looks like the same horse shit from BL2 but with an extra bit of polish in the art department

Waht, you gonna go crying to the mods because I'm dropping truth bombs you can't handle? Typical reddit mentality. Only difference here is you gotta catch me on a technicality because the mods would never enforce a rule that's actually useful for something.


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If you hate Yea Forums so much why don't you just leave forever?
Oh wait, you can't because you're so fucking smug about being above it all that you have to announce it in a fucking anonymous image board to placate your ego since you can't do it on reddit without having your points docked because you're not acting like part of the circlejerk

>truth bombs
don't act like you're so fucking smart that Yea Forums is shit and you're above it all

>Hating a reddit mentality is "hating Yea Forums"
>Not fitting in on reddit is considered a bad thing on nu-Yea Forums
Didn't have to come out and make it explicit, sheesh

But the truth is I am so fucking smart

>Check /r/borderlands

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>no meaningful theory crafting or exploitation of synergies possible

the pre-sequel was just this and i have no faith they can even deliver a game that isn't just a retarded railroaded experience. bl2 was... okay. but they arent getting more of my money, fuck em

>check any popular subreddit

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Not him but the tone and humor was different. Felt like it anyways.
We went from dark humor with a sprinkle of memes to 9gag central.
Mite b my rose tinted glasses, but eh

I'm pretty sure the only reason the hate is so vehement because the rest of the borderlands discussion is mostly in places where you can get banned for negative opinions

No, I don't think that's right

Probably because that time you didn't having Lilith taking over half the plot and making stupid decisions that gets her boyfriend killed and cause the rise of Handsome Jack

Did you try looking

>We went from dark humor with a sprinkle of memes
borderlands 2 had memes because it was written by anthony birch, the biggest hack of all time and desperate e-celeb wannabe despite already being an e-celebrity.

its also because it started to suck. the games had some level of strategery to them that made long term end-game play somewhat enjoyable. i guess they decided that wasn't as valuable to their brand as flashy on rails campaigns where they just use the item system to give you breadcrumbs to move the story forward and subtly indoctrinate you with propaganda

The worse part is Jack could've been a better villain. His psycho outbreaks were really fun to listen to.
But memes lmao I guess

Did you?

>Check /r/borderlands
>They're all excited for it
Because that's their target audience, even then its not like they have any semblence of taste. Now fuck off shill. {spoiler]Somebody post the BL3 shill copypasta, I need it for future threads like this one.[/spoiler]

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It's a looter shooter, I imagine everyone who hates looter shooters hates the game. I know I do


Look harder

>People in r/borderlands like borderlands games
Wow, who would have fucking thought?? All I know is all my rl friends said it looks like shit and I'm inclined to agree with them.