Why are the bosses in 3 so lame?
Why are the bosses in 3 so lame?
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2's were far more boring
They aren't
MGS3 had the best bosses. With the arguable exception of the bee man who was way too basic and had no real tricks
>Motjerfucking bulletproof bees that do not attack fagface camo in higher difficulties
>The Deer Hunter sniper batte man vs man or man vs time
>The many ways, canon or glitches, to beat The Predator
>The Italian Western duel
>YO ONIONS LA LUCHA Hell in the Cell
>Mecha Godzilla and moto escape
>The Possession and spooks
>No guns, Flowefield, Snakes only
No. The only good fight in MGS2 is the 25 RAY
1 and 3 are the only games in the franchise with more than 1-2 good boss fights though? Inb4 mikufags defending meme walker
Sleeping Sniper and Predator were kinda "obligatory nature fights" but everything else was 8-10 /10
fucking Fury? that shit was 10/10 for Cold War imagery
The Ray battle was boring once you realize how fucking easy it is.
>Wait for missiles
>Do again
my wife rin is so cute
Season 2 when? Movie when?
I allways beeak pasta.
The only bad ones were Fear and Pain, also I think the Shagohad fight is probably the weakest mech fight in the series. Stuff like Boss, Fury, and End are all really great.
Miniseries next year, movie probably in the fall
S2 announcement and airing 21/22 more than likely
Fear was a good fight. A bit frantic for the shitty controls, but still good.
Fury just came out of nowhere, then fought just to fuck off forever. Even MGS4 handled it better. The End was mostly jokes and humor than anything, but somehow I cared more about Fatman.
>Fury just came out of nowhere
He was foreshadowed like all the rest.
Play it on extreme and come back and say that. It, alongside Vamp were suffering personified.
Vamp is a cunt and I hate him even on easy. But I have finished the game and the Ray fight was still easy, it was just tedious because there were so damn many.
3 has the best bosses in the series so I don't even know what you mean.
Remember Fatman?
Good character, shitty boss fight.
Boss > End > Psycho Mantis > Vamp > Fatman > Grey Fox > Liquid Ocelot > Ocelots > Solidus > Fury > Fear > Sniper Wolf 2 > Sniper Wolf 1 > Crying Wolf > Volgin > Laughing Octopus > Metal Gear Rex > Vulcan Raven > Screaming Mantis > Revolver Ocelot (Revolver Ocelot) > Pain > Raging Raven > Metal Gear Ray > Fortune > Russian woman who's name I forgot > Shagohad > Mysteriously metrosexual commander of the Ocelots > Sorrow > Decoy Octopus
>No guns, Flowefield, ROCKETS AND C4 ONLY
I fix that for you.
Never played 2 and never cleared 1 but still got pic related. Will move on to 2 now, what am I in for?
me want to burn forrest/jungle down now
You're too much of a girly too see I guess.
Are you a mpron? You NEED to play the MGS games in the RELEASE ORDER.
the real shit Cobra is the Fear. there was nothing scary at all about his fight.
I just mean the fight itself is not very interesting, although it is good for a laugh. Even as a first timer it's pretty easy to figure out how to reliably beat the Pain, although I guess that's sort of the point since he' the first proper boss.
fuvk you too. I already know how 1 goes, start to finish, but the last few bits are just too bothersome. And besides, 3 is a prequel anyway
FOXHOUND > Cobra Unit > Dead Cell
The rest of the series doesnt matter.
I find it odd you fight him in the light.
Would be more spooky in the dark.
Yeah, I want to sniff her ass.
No you are wrong.
why were the 3 fights good
Mainly because so many of them can be cheesed. You can have fun coming up with the strategies to beat them but every time after it's boring unless you intentionally don't use the easy win. Fury and Boss are my favorite, but the bosses are much more of a challenge in 2.
Almost all of them made good use of the environment and required you to use some of the more esoteric items of your arsenal to get the edge, although they all still let you play it as a straight up fight if you wanted to. The exception being Volgin and the Boss, which were great basic CQC fights. The Boss herself was probably the best fight, not necessarily because of the mechanics, but because it was the culmination of everything Snake and by extension the player had learned throughout the entire game. Notice how every time Snake fights the Boss he gets a little bit better each time until the final battle where you actually manage to beat her. It was also a really cool environment to fight in.
And why the fuck are you tripping?
The fights in 2 can be cheesed as well, especially the Vamp fight which people hold up as one of the better fights in the game, and yet despite that it's still a good fight.
I blame streams and guides. People just look up or watch how to do stuff now if they can't instantly figure it out.
Just turn on a random let's play or stream of a first time MGS play through and 9/10 they will have the chat or comments tell them what to do,or they just look it up online.
>any fight past where you get the m60
>Not loving the death of the Fury
shit made no sense but was badass
Fatman is one of the best fights in the entire series.
Olga is the Ocelot fight except actually challenging and fun to play.
Fury was utter dogshit.
Ray fight isn't that hard even on Extreme, you just have to figure out your rythm and not get greedy with your shots. Don't run in a straight line away from Ray standing on the arena and it won't use the water beam attack. It's still challenging and really fun because it just has this flow to it. Amazing fight.
Vamp is a big pain in the ass but the fight is great. Pretty bullshit on Extreme if you're trying to use 0 rations but below that it's doable.
You just have to learn the patterns and positioning a bit, which might not be for everyone. But it's incredibly satisfying when he throws knives at you, you duck under then and get a hit in.
True actually.
>The Fury was utter dogshit
his whole death was just a stealth space oddity reference
>He couldn't even get non lethal kills
>He's now going to argue that you can get a non lethal m60 kill on the Fear and so that counts.
not him but don’t pretend nonlethal kills are all that special compared to regular kills. the outliers would be the fury for obvious reasons and the pain since you only get tranqs that do dogshit stamina damage. hell, the fury becomes piss easy nonlethal with the end’s rifle
Even the tranq rifle is harder than m60ing everything to death.
All mgs3 characters were supposed to have much deeper stories that we're cut. Fury had a really dope one I remember reading some of it.
>Fury was utter dogshit.
LMAO. He probably lit your ass up 15 times before you beat him.
utter dogshit = he kicked you ass
I think it's still canon, he's one of the few people who went to space
Fury is my favorite Cobra and probably in my top 3 of all MGS bosses.
Do you know where I can read more on it?
I still chuckle at that shit. Yuru Camp was such trash, but I grew up in the country and hate camping as a result. If it had more snatch licking I would've liked it, though. I haven't been to Yea Forums since 2017, I'd say. Are there any shows worth watching or should I just stick with old /m/ shit?
Kind of odd you would get FOXHOUND in a MGS game before playing the others. Because it takes many playthroughs to get this, unless you're a faggot who reads guides or watches how-tos.
>Yuru Camp was such trash
MGS3 is generic boring james bond spy story for normies. Only the ending was good.
MGS1,2,4 are superior
I did play 1 first, but growing up I never got the chance to play 2, only 3. It wasn’t until I got myself a vita a few months ago I had a chance to replay the franchise. and no, I went in just with teen years memories, started figuring shit out, played EE experimenting with boss tactics (fuck volgin), then decided to aim for foxhound. no guides except for finding the end’s rifle. the game teaches you nearly everything you need for a perfect run as long as you’re paying attention and exploring everything beforehand
>Olga is the Ocelot fight except actually challenging and fun to play.
Olga is the Ocelot fight but simpler. It gets harder but it's never terrible interesting to beat again since you don't wanna play it risky (one hit kills you in Extreme) so exploiting her stagger time with headshots is always preferable. If anything I would call Ocelot more fun since you actually can try more different approaches in this boss fight even if I prefer difficulty. MGS2 has some fun boss fights but it commits the mistake of never allowing stealth approaches to be viable so if you've been playing the game the way it was intended then you'll now be facing something that asks you to play the game in an entirely different way that asks you to show your proficiency with how to handle guns with the awkward controls of MGS2 rather than use what you've learned from it's stealth aspect. Once you've mastered the controls some of them are actually pretty enjoyable but they are really misplaced for this type of game.
>Fury was utter dogshit.
Fury is one of the best in the series. It's pretty much the design employed in Vulcan Raven but embracing almost all the unique mechanics that MGS3 brought to the table and is also kinda challenging with tends to be the weak point of the bosses in MGS3 (aside from that they're usually the best in the series) You can use so many stealth tactics to defeat him, I don't think there's any other thing in gaming that combines stealth+action as well as the Fury's boss fight. Plot wise he was just a goofy one note joke but honestly I'd rather take that over retarded characters that overstay their welcome in the plot and writing of the game like Fatman.
Fair enough. I was kind of the opposite where I played MGS2 way more than 3 growing up, and didn't get back into 3 until the HD collection.
1 has too many crappy setpieces and 4 is just dogshit. The only chads of the series are 2 and 3
>better than anything
I don't even want to think about having to put on yuri goggles anymore, nigga. Either have them lick pussy or don't have sexual/romantic tension.
MGS4 is the great pleb filter
True. If you enjoy it, you are a pleb. Great filter.
2 is like MGS1 but in steroids. All the mechanics were improved and it still has the fast pace of mgs 1 but the game has bad pacing and leaves a lot to be desired in terms of stealth scenarios since it makes the same mistake as mgs1 with obsessing way too much with setpieces over actually giving you scenarios in which you can use the stealth mechanics. It is very good though although the writing is really overhyped with the conclusion being amazing but having a lot of dumbass parts in the middle.
I really enjoyed Laughing Octopus my first time when all her tricks were unexpected. I to this day look back and laugh at how she actually did manage to trick me with the damn cardboard box trick.
I beat it on European Extreme, it's probably the easiest boss in the entire game.
I sure love having the enemy ai fighting militia instead of doing anything against me if they spot me.
>fatman is fun to play
>Olga is challenging
This HAS to be bait.
No place to hide
Laughing Octopus is a super cutie, would marry and impregnate.
>Lie down on any surface
>80+ camo index
All of them are cute.
Laughing Octopus is the best fight in that game but I kinda hate how easy it is to just shoot at her to defeat her. Even on Extreme I never found her to be challenging.
Fatman is fun to master. A nice arcade challenge but not the best fit for a stealth title, even if MGS is geared more towards action than other stealth titles at the time.
>You can still hear her breathing if you go non-lethal against her
>This doesn't happen against the other B&B bosses
>typical MGS4fags
Fury had best atmosphere in a boss fight. Fear was awesome fight with intense music. The end was an interesting in depth fight with many different ways to win. Pain was probably supposed to be easy because you just got done with the ocelot fight. The sorrow was supposed to make you reflect how you been playing the game up until that point.
Olga is actually the one fight that allows a stealth approach though. You're supposed to wait for her to reload and change cover so she'll focus on the wrong spots.
MGS 2 is all about utilizing first person view and slipping out of cover at the right moments.
I also don't see why it has to be a negative that some bosses challenge you in different ways from the typical gameplay. The point is to shake up the gameplay and face you with unique challenges.
>You can use so many stealth tactics to defeat him
Such as?
More challenging than Ocelot, dumbass.
>A nice arcade challenge
That's actually a good way to describe the bosses in 2.
Don't see why it doesn't fit a stealth title though bosses in 1 were like that too just with less refined gameplay.
>tfw made the original campfire guide on Yea Forums that inspired this user to go camping
>I allways beeak pasta.
>I also don't see why it has to be a negative that some bosses challenge you in different ways from the typical gameplay. The point is to shake up the gameplay and face you with unique challenges.
Shaking up the gameplay is okay, making something notably harder that requires a different set of skills to the ones you've been using previously is not. If you are playing MGS2 on hard or higher because you want a good stealth challenge the game will kick your teeth in not so much because of this but because of the action segments it will throw at you. Gameplay that deviates too hard from the core gameplay is usually meant to give variety but not be too challenging, in mgs2 the boss fights aside from olga asks you to interact with the action oriented parts of the gameplay while the non-boss segments are the opposite.
This applies specially to the enemy squad you must fight in MGS2 after beating Olga.
>Such as?
Aside from being able to remain undetected for most of the fight you can distract him with noises, lay mines and tnt. Shoot the tubes in the ceiling to pour water into the flames. The way he attacks you is also meshes really well with the stealth aspects of the game, flames will not only hurt you but also brighten the area so your camo index will be lower.
>Don't see why it doesn't fit a stealth title though bosses in 1 were like that too just with less refined gameplay.
In 1 the boss fights were pretty weak because of this. The gameplay was way simpler than in 2 so the mechanical mastery found in that title isn't present here so you just have a bland action boss fight that rarely takes advantage of the stealth aspect of the game
you have to be special breed of retard to defend Peace Walker bosses. Mon Hun ones included. The only saving grace was co-op and maybe Peace Walker itself.
>Look cute lesbo girls doing cute things!!!! Haven't seen that one yet, right?!?!??!
>Olga is actually the one fight that allows a stealth approach though. You're supposed to wait for her to reload and change cover so she'll focus on the wrong spots.
I haven't played mgs2 in years but that's only on normal. On hard and extreme hiding away from her is almost unreliable since she spots you almost instantly so you have to lean and shoot her in the head and then go back to cover immediately or she shoots at you in less than 1 second.
It's certainly very different to the type of "peek around corners and aim" that you use in the stealth parts, at least in extreme and hard.
Fuck the Harrier fight on higher difficulties, MGS2 was bullshit.
>if you play on hard you'll get your ass kicked
How about you play the game on normal first?
Once you know the game and bosses doing them on hard is really not terribly difficult. You die a couple of times if you suck and you'll need rations. But they are perfectly fine and doable, even on a casual playthrough.
Maybe I just suck, I could never get any use out of claymores against the Fury.
>Olga on Hard
Forgot Yea Forums is filled with babies.
Hiding like that is reliable it just depends on her positioning and what she's doing when you try to change cover.
If you want the bait to work you have to be a little bit more nuanced user. Nobody here believes that.
The Russian Soldiers bossfight is laughably easy if you're doing lethal, even on highest difficulty.
Just look up cut content from mgs3 and look for story cut content
>How about you play the game on normal first?
I did, then I played it on Hard and then Extreme. I think you're not seeing my point here, if you pick hard or extreme you will get killed not so much because of the stealth phases but because of the boss fights. This ends up becoming a stealth game in which you're not getting challenged by the core gameplay and logic you have to use for most of the experience but by boss fights that play very differently and demand a totally different set of skills. The boss fights exist in this twilight zone that demand a completely different set of skills and thinking than the normal sections.
>>Olga on Hard
Olga on hard and extreme hits like a mule, she's easily the hardest part in the first half of the game before the harrier in difficulties above normal.
If you have memorized the places in which they spawn they are but considering that they kill you in a few hits on extreme things won't go that easily the first time you face them on Extreme.
In terms of bosses
MGS > MGR > > > MGS3 > PO > MGS2 > > > MGS4 > > > shit > MGSV > PW
Yep 100% agree, I had the same issue with higher difficulty's on mgs2 as-well. The controls in mgs2 aren't great to start off but playing on the 360 ver made it all the worce.
I think that PW did the right thing with bosses for being made on a handheld. All being in wide open areas rather than the usual more claustrophobic or dense boss areas. Portable Ops suffered the issue of trying to be like Snake Eater's bosses, but with the more awkward handheld controls. Python, Gene, Raxa, and Cunningham are hit hard by this. Null was the only fun battle to me. Don't get me wrong I think PO had a lot of charm and I enjoyed it, but PW kicks it's ass in bosses. PW doesn't do bosses like the series typically does, but on top of the metal gear fights it also has the vehicle battles, which are awesome in their own right, super intense, and absent in the rest of the series.
>MGS 2 is all about utilizing first person view and slipping out of cover at the right moments.
You can take your time doing this on the stealth segments though, with Olga you gotta be fast while doing this which can be a bitch due to how weird aiming is in MGS2. It takes a while to learn how to do it and having a boss fights that suddenly asks you to do it fast is pretty jarring.
>MGS first
>PO higher than 2
It's a stealth action game user.
There's absolutely nothing wrong with bosses deviating from core gameplay. Most bosses in MGS 2 are extremely fun to play and to master on higher difficulties.
Why do you put Hard and Extreme in the same category. Extreme can get pretty bullshit but Hard is perfectly doable.
I kinda get your point, but I love the bossfights so it's a non issue to me.
Harrier and Tengu are burning dumpster fires on Extreme but everything else is great.
On the best version of the HD collection (shit res not withstanding), MGS 2 is pretty good, but play it on Extreme. European Extreme forces the game to end when you're spotted I believe, which ruins half the fun, while the AI is less capable on easier difficulties.
It's MGS 1 but better, relatively.
Olga on Hard is no easy deal. Maybe you've played this game a million times already but this was a roadblock back when I played Solid 2 on hard back in 2003~
The moments prior to her were easy, same with the following sections that weren't the Tengu assault and the legion of Rays.
I absolutely dig that shit. That's one major aspect MGS V failed to deliver on. Afghanistan and the Soviets are one thing with a different power dynamic, but while it's a massive free for all for the online FOB stuff, there should have been actual fighting and physical presence from the three PMCs on the Africa map for players to compete with on their own, offline even That should have been a major feature.
>0 killed
The fuck are you people on about 2 is fucking great mechanically.
If it's your first run you should play on normal where she goes down easier you get plenty of rations, ammo and can tank like 7 shots.
Didn't know people on Yea Forums were such whiney bitches about mgs2 bosses.
>It's a stealth action game user.
I know, and stealth and action need to be merged together instead of giving you 100% stealth for an hour only to throw you 100% action after that.
>There's absolutely nothing wrong with bosses deviating from core gameplay. Most bosses in MGS 2 are extremely fun to play and to master on higher difficulties.
They're not fun to play against the first time you face them for the reasons stated previously, mastering them feels rewarding but sneaking around like a pro only to fail after that because now you gotta play in the total opposite way can be pretty obnoxious, specially if you're coming back mostly for the stealth challenge rather than for the raw action challenge.
>Why do you put Hard and Extreme in the same category. Extreme can get pretty bullshit but Hard is perfectly doable.
Hard is doable, I'm just saying that Olga hits like a mule on hard so it's not like a cake walk either.
Watching the Militia fight them was fun though.
And I always helped them out.
>If it's your first run you should play on normal where she goes down easier you get plenty of rations, ammo and can tank like 7 shots.
I did and it was still sucked thanks to the controls. Even if she doesn't kill you (my point is not that she's hard) it is still quite different to how you approach aiming during stealth which is way slower.
The ai is too shit to be enjoyable desu
Sounds like you just don't like MGS
>Didn't know people on Yea Forums were such whiney bitches about mgs2 bosses.
They are not perfect, don't get offended because people point out flaws in this game.
C'mon don't act like a fanboy. I love MGS. MGS2 and 3 are the games I've replayed the most in my ps2 if not in any system.
As I told you, I enjoyed mastering them, but clearing the game without saving a single time didn't felt so much as mastering the stealth part of the game but the specific quirks in the boss fights. Not something that ruins the game but you can make boss fights without ignoring the main part of the gameplay that much.
They aren't pointing out flaws. They just say it's too hard on high difficulties and they don't like boss fights where you can't hide in an MGS title. Fair enough but those aren't design flaws.
Having a game that plays like stealth and then turn into an action game with 0 stealth is a design flaw. People hate those shitty bike sections in Bayonetta and those aren't too hard, mgs2 bosses are actually challenging so they're more than just a mini segment or set piece that feels different.
Why is that a design flaw?
The game turns into something totally different that doesn't take play like or takes advantage of it's main type of gameplay.
If you're someone who wants to sneak around you suddenly have to play an action game with bad controls before you can continue sneaking around. The game also has a lot of set-pieces in the later half so it just makes the good stealth system feel unexplored since the game was too busy throwing action scenes at you.
portable ops bosses were aids
I really don't see how bosses are bad just because they aren't stealth.
You still use the same mechanics. Take cover, use first person view to attack.
Again, sounds like you just don't like MGS.
Putting set pieces and boss fights in between stealth sections is just how the game is designed. If you only want the stealth part then the game just isn't for you.
>You still use the same mechanics. Take cover, use first person view to attack.
Yeah man I was totally shooting knives in the air and chasing a fat man while freezing explosives during the normal stealth sections. Your point only applies to olga.
>Why are the bosses in 3 so lame?
>Fight an old man
>Turn the game console off
>Wait a few days
>Come back
>Boss died of old age while waiting for you to come back
>Again, sounds like you just don't like MGS.
Or maybe I would like MGS2 more if the stealth aspect was more explored instead of feeling so relegated so often? A lot of the stealth areas in mgs2 also are backtracking through an area you already did before also.
>Putting set pieces and boss fights in between stealth sections is just how the game is designed
And there's room for improvement, specially regarding how much stealth there's in the actual game. Some set-pieces are weak like swimming around, I personally liked protecting Emma but the game spent way too much fucking time making me run back and forth searching for explosives. The only boss fight that allows for some stealth is Olga, you have 5 boss fights that are action with nothing of stealth in the game.
The idea itself isn't the issue, it's the execution.
Putting set pieces and boss fights in between stealth is fine and dandy but mgs 1 and 2 feel more like putting some stealth sections in between codec conversations, cutscenes, set pieces and boss fights.
I can't even remember them aside from the most superficial details lol
>Boss > End > Psycho Mantis > Vamp
Psycho mantis is too gimmicky. The gameplay and attack patterns themselves are dull.
I remember freezing explosives and using first person view to shoot people in the head, yes.
I'll never get people complaining about the swimming, take like 3 minutes of gameplay.
And what's wrong with the explosives, that's the part of the game where you actually spend most time sneaking around, exploring the environment, learning enemy positions and patterns. I thought that's the stealth you were arguing for.
>Oh no I have to go to Strut F again, I've been there before
Yea Forums truly is full of retards.
So now we're criticizing MGS for being story focused.
>I remember freezing explosives
while chasing a fatman shooting at you? I don't remember that.
>and using first person view to shoot people in the head
You mean a guard walking around instead of multiple projectiles that will hit you unless you shoot them? Yeah totally the same.
Yeah mgs 1 and 2 are way too story focused. Give more gameplay and shut the fuck up for a second, Kojima.
>I'll never get people complaining about the swimming, take like 3 minutes of gameplay.
3 minutes in a game that's already pretty short and giving you way too many set-pieces after set-pieces.
>And what's wrong with the explosives, that's the part of the game where you actually spend most time sneaking around, exploring the environment, learning enemy positions and patterns. I thought that's the stealth you were arguing for.
You mean backtracking the environment. Sure, not all of it is bad but you have to go back to the same areas way too many times while doing this.
I've rather have actually new stealth areas than going back to places I've already cleared.
>Oh no I have to go to Strut F again, I've been there before
More like I have to go back to every single place I've been before in the first half of the Plant chapter
>Yea Forums truly is full of retards.
For the second time, don't act like a fanboy, this game would only improve if the stealth-section ratio would increase and if it had more new areas rather than backtracking.
>So now we're criticizing MGS for being story focused.
That's always been like the main criticism towards this franchise and mgs2 is one of the biggest offenders desu. Not a bad game but holy fuck if it's not codec after cutscene after codec call.
Go enjoy V then.
One step in the right direction and a dozen in the wrong one? No thanks.