Underrail thread

Underrail thread

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>On PSI Caster
neck yourself

How's this?

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>neck yourself
Do psi characters have psi powrs that negate the usefulness of dodge and evasion?

At the very least dump perception and get more con. Probably dump agi too so you can get more int, or just more con. Really you're new so more con isn't going to be bad if only because it means you'll die less. Pure PSI is super fucking strong so as long as you don't just totally beef your stats and feats which you're sort of doing right now you'll be fine. You get a stat point every 4 levels so you can buff what you got or upgrade what you need to get feats you want, and there's a lot of badass feats for PSI.

>So I can see hidden things?
no goofball
>Dodge, Evasion, and Initiative.

Don't worry about dodge or evasion, those are basically wasted skill points after the tutorial. Unless you're going a specific build involving those skills and their related feats you shouldn't bother putting points into them, or getting agility. For your hidden things, you can just wear goggles, there's headgear that gives you perception or a big % buff to detect. Flares and any kind of light also help you detect stuff.

yeah probably

You just blow everything up or use forcefield to block everything from getting to you.

Nah, not really. You're just supposed to either kill everything before they can attack you or kill a couple of enemies and use Force Field to cheese the rest.
I got through GSC Compound and Depot A using Force Cheese and molotovs. It was ez.

Drop off, zoner

Don't forget to grab pack rat and paranoia.
I guess you can ignore pack rat and go for fast metabolism, but considering the walking speed, if you're a hoarder I wouldn't advise it.

Okay so what feats do I start with?
Fast Metabolism? What else?

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Fast Metabolism/Pack Rat
Fast Metabolism/Paranoia
Your call.

I hate to recommend it because you seem new, but the new psi ability the DLC added is really useful. Like, it's so useful even non-psi builds can benefit from it. It's basically pure utility but it does fucked up things like give you more AP, remove AP from enemies, lower your cooldowns,, and all sorts of meme shit. It's outrageously strong when combined with any semi competent build. I don't want to be like "buy the new DLC so you can have this cool set of abilities," but if you like this game you might as well get the DLC.


Or you can just not be a retard and elect to not give your hard earned cash to the Serbian Jew and pirate the fucking thing.

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Explain yourself

Is solving the music cypher puzzle worth it? I'm honestly just to lazy at this point to even attempt it if it's not.

Fast metabolism is a fucking meme unless you're going psychosis.

>or you can just elect to keep all your hard earned shekels to yourself, oy vey

Jesus fucking Christ, mods, why is this general allowed here? Do your fucking job, faggots.

>not going psychosis
>not getting psionic mania
Fucking why would you ever consider doing that?


>S-save me from a thread about video games

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Look at me.
Yea Forums is Underrail now.
It's a game by an autist, for autists.

>He failed his janitor application
>He loves getting banned
Quite the masochist we are

>Is solving the music cypher puzzle worth it?

We NEED 4 smash threads on Yea Forums, 2 WoW threads, an FF14 thread, 2 FF7 threads, and half a dozen shitposting console war threads on the front page.

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What's more OP?

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Or this with force user?

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>Death Standing
It's a non-game. Like Depression Quest. Or Planescape Torment.

today i have become a brainlet
i took weaponsmithing on a shotgun build


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Just reload. You save before every major levelup, right?

This guy here, how's this for my skills?

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Crit shotgun build is a thing though.

>mercantile but no persuasion

>Not persuading people with your fists

Use this to plan out your character.
underrail info tm
I told you, you really don't need dodge/evasion. Drop them and max stealth.
I hope you're not planning on ignoring crafting.
Persuasion if you want to have some say in quest choices and therefore game endings.
Mercantile for more rewards through dialogue.

mercantile is more useful anyway

Wouldn't evasion be useful for avoiding AoE damage or does your own psi not hurt you?

Just don't include yourself in the AoE brainlet.

Persuasion is the only way to get the optimal solution for some quests, though.

Oh, so you're just theory crafting. I'll go right ahead and ignore you then, I'll keep evasion and move dodge to persuasion.

Do Locust Hives not respawn?

For what fucking purpose? Underrail has the WORST stealth system I've ever seen.

>Move in close to enemies
>Manually enter combat
>Essentially renders imitative of enemies useless
And if you're going pure PSI, you'll almost never go first. That alone makes it worth it.
Apart from that it also allows you to position yourself better and strike the dangerous targets first.

>>Underrail has the worst stealth system I've ever seen
Why even bother responding?

I ended up getting this game years ago before it was finished in a groupees bundle for some absurdly low price but I still haven't played it. Do I play the base game before getting the expansion or is the expansion meant to be played side-by-side with the base content?

I'm autistic, and unable to differentiate between bait and actual retardation.

Level 16 is recommended for the expansion, but you could do it at a lower level if you know what you're doing.
You've already got the game, play it a bit see if it's your thing and then buy the expansion if it is.

Crafting is REALLY useful in this game and you shouldn't ignore it, even as a psi build. Like the other user said don't bother with evade or dodge, put those points into crafting. Psi is your main murder mechanic but you only need so much in it to get feats, so you can ignore leveling it up once in a while to put more points into crafting, which you also only need so much put into. You can probably ignore chemistry and be fine, and maybe biology, since you can just buy adrenaline and psi boosters, and you only need like 30 or 50 points to craft your own. With all your int and will, you'll be able to grab int related and will related feats easily, so you can put more points into crafting. And since you have a lot of int all your crafting shit is going to have bonuses too. You can probably neglect all your crafting shit until around the time you get to junkyard or so and then spend a whole level pumping most of them up.

Your main concern with skills should be psi shit so you can learn all the psi moves and feats, and then after that crafting, cuz grenades, drugs, and psi boosters are going to be your main boon when your psi attacks alone won't cut it. Really like you'll probably be fine as long as you just pump up your psi shit and shove some points into crafting once in a while. A pure psi build like you're going is really, really strong, so it's hard to fuck it up, so don't worry about it too much. Crafting is useful and nice cuz you can craft some meme gear to make your psi shit better, but you're really just gonna be murdering everything with brain powers regardless. Early crafting shit is just gonna be slightly better armor than what you can find or buy, or hypos and psi boosters, the latter of which you can just buy and find in the world, so you can ignore it for a while to pump up your psi skills.


The latter, you unlock access to the expansion about halfway through the main game and can play it any time after that.

Fair enough, user. I guess your answer will be useful for new/inexperienced players browsing the thread regardless.

Until you actually go to the expansion all the DLC does is add a few things for the base game that only help you, depending on build. For the most part there's no real difference until you actually go to the expansion area. If you like the game you might as well get the expansion. Just know that the expansion is hard as fuck depending on your level, and you're either going to slog through it and come out so badass you just mollywhop the rest of the base game's content, or you wait until the very end of the base game and then faceroll most of the expansion content.


-items sold are worth 10% their regular price, quest rewards 25% of normal
-carrying capacity reduced by 50%
-all skill checks increased by 20%
-crit power doesnt exist
-LoC only breaks stun/etc
-can't drop items from your inventory for free (can still drop equipped weapons for free)
-grenade cooldowns +1 turn
-w2c does 90% damage
-high efficiency energy converters nerfed to regenerating x% of energy lost to damage, at y% per round
-toxic gas simply deals bio damage each round/if moved through; no damage multiplication
-using psi abilities from 1 school will increase the action point cost of psi abilities from other schools
-many psi abilities must hit vs evasion now (or reduced by it), use psi skill at 70% for THC
-forcefield functions as an energy shield against ranged attacks, has a certain amount of hp against melee attacks before failing (dependent on skill)
-all npc's have 30% greater detection & trap detection (bosses have 50% greater)
-bear traps dont function if they deal no damage, stronger enemies have shorter durations, and spotted traps use your traps skill vs their dodge
-some enemies will have black dragon throwing knives/crossbow bolts, and such traps can also be found
-randomized traps/locations
-randomized enemy placement
-npc's that spot traps or corpses will turn orange, holler, and search the map (and pull alarms, if any)
-if spotted, all hostile npc's on that map will never turn back to green; yellow minimum
-npc's will not enter dangerous terrain (such as gas, fire, or traps) unless they have a clear path to you
-most hostile npc's, if they can't attack you on their current turn, will instead head for cover or distance
-if you are seen entering stealth in a controlled or partially controlled map, npc's will turn hostile
-gladiators past master exploder have improved builds with more feats, especially carnifex

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Enough with your theories, give me one legitimate reason not to take Evasion for the AoE reduction

And given how the natives are balanced, it's probably just better to come in overpowered for the content so you can crush them quickly. Cause the camp attacks are honestly the most boring part of this game by far.


Is there any reason to use the compass? Aren't all the areas laid out so that North is in the top right?
I picked one up in the very beginning of the game during the very first quest, enabled it, and have had it on the entire time. I've been using it more as a player icon than anything else.

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So are we just going to play every single indie game Sseth reviews now?

jesus your Yea Forums experience must be absolute hell

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I feel like I should actually elaborate more on this cuz my post is kinda vague. The biggest nonDLCarea addition to the base game the expansion gives is the time meme psi skills. It's almost all utility and they're so good on their own that pretty much every build can sacrifice points and the -25% health debuff to take them and only become better. Give yourself more AP and MP, lower cooldowns, temporary health, 2 turn stasis, etc. It's overpowered. You only need 70 points into the skill and literally any build you have becomes a god basically.

feel free not to

I don't want grenades, what good is crafting to me?

combat with several combatants still takes too long, I feel like the game's moving faster than the AI can process what's happening

Well I can't speak for Yea Forums, but I bought Underrail in 2016, and while Sseth's reviews are humorous, I've never actually bought a game based on them.
Alls I want is "hardcore" RPGs that allow for theorycrafting, build diversity and don't fucking hold your hand from start to finish.
It has its ups and downs.

It doesn't actually speed up the processing, just the animations, unfortunately.

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I agree. Although I imagine it's mainly because the animations still occur. If those were skipped altogether at 1000% speed it would go way fucking faster.

Do people actually read the dialogue in this game?
Underrail is Fallout with infinitely better combat and much shittier writing.

Make better weapons
Make better armour and accessories with effects you can't find on pregenerated gear
Customise your equipment how you want instead of having to choose one modification or another
Make a fuckton of drugs to shoot up with in every fight

When you hear the *whooosh* it's time to hit sprint

Because you can put those points into anything else that will help you more concretely. You already said you wanted evasion in the event of you hitting yourself with your own AoE. You can mitigate that yourself 99% of the time easily, whether it be psi or grenades. That is literally the best counter to AoE: don't target yourself in it. Evasion isn't worth it mathematically. The amount of damage reduced by putting points into evasion doesn't justify putting the points into it in the first place, because only after an assload of points will the damage evaded begin to matter.

From the wiki: The percentage of damage evaded from area of effect attacks is evasion/400. For example, a character with 200 evasion will evade 50% of damage from AoE attacks. So that means at level 15 if you were pumping evasion every level you would be evading 20%. The amount is even lower than that for every single level. If the only reason you're putting points into evade is because you're worried about your own friendly fire, then it's a complete waste, and even if you're worried about enemy grenades, you have so many other tools at your disposal it shouldn't matter. You have high con, and psi, so you can forcefield to block chokepoints and burst down enemies.

The points you'd put into evade would be much better spent elsewhere, that's all I can really say. Once you get used to your abilities all of that evasion is useless, because you won't be blowing yourself up, and enemies don't nade all that often. Most of the enemies that do throw grenades are throwing flashbangs, which evade isn't going to do anything against anyway.

I read it. It got it's moments.

I've not bought a game based on hey hey people but I have started playing them again. I put maybe 100 hours into starsector a few years ago, and then started playing it again cuz of his review and the resurgence of threads on Yea Forums. I had this game since 2018 and randomly bought the dlc 6 months ago on a whim and decided to actually play it again in part because of all the threads I've been seeing for the last couple months, and his video on it in the last couple weeks.

Okay but what about avoiding gunfire and other ranged attacks?

look mate
evasion/dodge are only worth if you put everything into them, have 10+ agility, take all the feats that boost them, wear +e/d clothes and buff yourself with steaks

I fought one on accident. It was in some cave filled with rathounds, I think I was just exploring. The stalker was attacking the rathounds, which was nice, and it let me do a bunch of damage to it before it got up to me to attacked me. So it wasn't a big deal. A few hours later I dealt with 5 or 6 crawlers in a cave. That was annoying. A few hours after that I dealt with 5 or 6 crawlers and two death stalkers in a cave. That was like being in a pot of water slowly being brought to a boil. It was the single most annoying, tedious, dangerous, painful encounter I've ever had in a video game. It was great, but I really, really fucking hope I don't have to see them again anytime soon.

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>spend 15 minutes in first expansion fight
>one guard dies
>finally win, loot all the bodies
>touch the guard
>everybody turns on me
>forgot to save

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what level is the hacking check in grey army

i think it's 100

Evade and dodge are only useful for builds that aren't specializing around them at the very beginning of the game, when you don't even need them. You have high con, you can tank anything that isn't dead in the first turn or two. Like I said, pure psi is incredibly strong, you're going to murder everything that wants you dead. As long as you get feats related to psi, you're going to be fine, and you're not going to need to waste points on dodge or evade. In the few events where you need that -20% AoE damage, you're going to be getting murdered by some dude bursting in your face or a goliath psi beetle frying your brain anyway.

Trust me and trust everyone else telling you this, your skill points in evade and dodge are going to be put to better use somewhere else. Either persuade cuz I think you said you wanted it, or crafting shit. Just don't nuke yourself all that often and you'll be fine.

lmao what do you even need hacking for my dude just kill them all

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Convince me to buy this game.
I haven't enjoyed a game in years but I'm getting good vibes from this one. Same ones I got from STALKER and Warband.

So what crafting do I start out with?

underrail threads have been going on daily since july 24th, sseth has had nothing to do with them being on Yea Forums.

>Want to get into this game
>Read that I should play on oddity for the proper experience
>Also read that this game is meant for minmaxing
>Seems like I can't do both because all the minmax builds have 0 lockpicking, hacking, pickpocketing even though I need them to get experience on oddity
I was planning to play with a stealth build but I don't know where to start.

Are there any mindshrooms in the blacksea or an equivalent? I need 1 to make some juice

the only minmaxing you need is putting as many points as you can into your preferred combat style every level at least on normal difficulty
don't worry about anything else just play the game you'll figure it out and realize your mistakes

yeah, theres one in the the old lady's garden in the pirate area

I think eustace sells some

so how do i get the option to marry olivia now that i've killed her bitch of a husband

these are some things i enjoy the most

-world is really cool
-it's murderhobo: the game
-you have to think what you gonna play. cant go in blind and expecting some jack of all trades build is going to work
-there are a lot of viable builds and they're all fun and unique. you can be a cave wizard, melee unarmed monk, full metal armor tank with an assualt rifle, sneaky sniper, scientist with chemical/laser pistols...
-you can autistically minmax
-has a nice oddity mode that gives XP for exploration (trash browsing) and questing. you can also go with classic kills = xp

Assuming that all parts are of level 160 quality, this is the effective crafting skill required.

ass: mech 153
flash: mech 5, chem 40
energy shield: elec 166
grenade V: mech 10, chem 112
leather armor: tail 128
leather armor w/ pad: tail 141
leather armor w/ coat: tail 141
leather armor w/ pad/coat: tail 154
leather boots: tail 128
leather striders: tail 128, mech 141
magn grenade: chem 40, tail 10
machete: mech 128
machete w/ energy: mech 128, elec 176
machete w/ taser: mech 128, elec 154
metal armor w/ 4 plates: mech 167, tail 128
metal armor w/ 4 plates/regen: mech 167, tail 128, elec 83, bio 83
metal helm: mech 128, tail 128
metal striders: mech 141, tail 128
napalm: chem 60, tail 10
sarah michelle gellar: mech 128
shot: mech 128
psi head: elec 128, bio 44
seeker gogs: mech 76, elec 128
seeker nvg: mech 76, elec 145
shotgun: mech 128
shotgun, combat: mech 153
ski mask: tail 128
smart gogs: mech 51, elec 147
smart nvg: mech 51, elec 164
sniper: mech 153
sniper w/ anat: mech 153, elec 25
sniper w/ smart: mech 153, elec 128
spear: mech 128
spear w/ energy: mech 128, elect 176
spear w/ taser: mech 128, elec 156
tabi: tail 128
tac: tail 128, mech 96
tac w: ssteel: tail 128, mech 128
tac w/ coat: tail 141, mech 96
tac w/ psi: tail 128, mech 96, bio 32
tac w/ coat/psi: tail 141, mech 96, bio 32

Again, all equipment was made with quality 160 parts for reference. Don't forget, you can get a +15% to crafting skills with crafting benches in your house. Some parts don't go that high, like leather, or psi carapaces only going to 100~. So you'll need way less skill points invested

Converting to Tchortism was the best thing i've done for myself in this game and I refuse to play past the endless faceless invasion at the institute on this character.
>Side by side with the Eidein culling inbred faceless left and right
>wave after wave fall before the might of Tchort's followers
>Our numbers dwindle, Mediant Samuel dies, both mine and Eiden's shields are down, he's low but I'm still healthy
>Elevator finally rings up, still 10 degenerate bastards closing in
>fuck it, run into the fray, quick tinker a frag mine and chuck a frag grenade onto it
>crit most of them down with me in a blaze of glory
may Tchort guide your playthroughs, brothers and sisters

>-there are a lot of viable builds and they're all fun and unique. you can be a cave wizard, melee unarmed monk, full metal armor tank with an assualt rifle, sneaky sniper, scientist with chemical/laser pistols...
>-you can autistically minmax

Those really fit my taste.
Is it dialog heavy? I enjoyed some cRPGs in the past but the dialogs (unless the story is not that linear) always bore me to death on future playthroughts.

I'm just gonna go with stealth and invest in crafting as needed.

Even if you were putting max points in all of the PSI stats and a combat stat you'd still have points left over.

does a knife build need STR at all? do i put it down to 3?

styg blueballs you the entire game, only female characters get the pass. fuck nicolas though, fucker wouldn't even share any brew. no brew, no girls, fucking stygger needs to fix his game.

Not really. There are some bits but you can tell when they're about to go through a rant and skip through it. Personally, I enjoy the mild humor a lot.

>>-there are a lot of viable builds
Okay this is a straight up lie, underrail is not about freedom, this isn't an early bethesda game.
80% of your build options will result in a trip back to character creation.

Really all of the crafting skills are good, but at the very least probably get tailoring, to make armor you can wear, and electronics to make an energy shield eventually. A bit of chemistry early on with tailoring will let you make molotovs, which are really good. Chemistry and mechanics will let you make frag and HE grenades. Biology will help you make psi boosters and hypos and adrenaline, but all of that crap you can just buy from vendors, so I don't really think it's a priority. Grenades can also be bought in plenty usually, though gas grenades and flashbangs are kind of rare unless you're making them yourself, and those are really good too.

Honestly you can just put your extra points that you would've been putting into dodge and evasion into persuasion, since you said you wanted it, and either the rest into throwing, cuz grenades are really good, or spread them out into the crafting crap. You can max 8 skills every level, so take that into account when doing your shit. But you don't need to max everything all the time, or even ever. Like throwing, if you're going to invest into it, you can stop leveling at around 80 or so, for instance. 80 throwing gives you pretty accurate grenades, and with the right dex, some feats to use. But you don't need the feats for grenades to be good. Grenades are always good regardless of throwing or feats. Same with crafting shit. You only need so much in crafting, and with your high int you shouldn't have a problem with crafting. Like, 69 effective mechanic skill will let you make mark 4 grenades, for instance.

Really dude just don't worry about it, this is all like metagaming shit and it isn't necessary to do fine on a normal playthrough. Pure psi is really good. Just play the game. I doubt a pure psi build with lock picking, hacking, high con/will/int is gonna have trouble, even if you're totally clueless.

Yeah if your build options are stats of 4-6 while picking feats like snooping and burglar, maybe.

Stealthy boxer run?

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with some psionics, perfect.

>want to call him a bitch
>want to tell other annoying faggots to fuck off too
>afraid that if i do i'll miss out on something
this is why i always play the nice guy and neutral guy in games
wanted those tabi boots from old jonas but couldn't bring myself to not give him his watch back since it means that much to him

>wanted those tabi boots from old jonas
when I first played years ago, I tried each of the rewards to see it and it definitely was not tabis, it was regular cave hopper boots.

>mfw I just threw a molotov in there and locked the doors when I got to the section

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Well I actually enjoy going autistic at the wiki (I hope it is good) researching viable builds.

Well if I can do shit like that I'm getting it for sure. I guess the expansion is worth the money as well?

I'm not sure if the phantom boxing menace would be a viable build to be honest. I know psi punchman is but I don't know much beyond that as I've never ran it myself. I'm sure someone else can attest to it though.

>working ona sword and nade guy
>getting parry and riposte first, then grenadier, then sword crafting, then critical shot, and only then i can start getting flurry and decapitate
that's somewhere around level 14 or 16
i hope that basic attacks will suffice until then

expansion is worth it
use this to play with different builds

>"DODGE AND EVASION USELESS!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO NEED NO NEED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
>play psychic
>attack and kill enemy 1 out of 4
>the other three instant kill me
>have to restart because I cannot progress past this point

same will happen with dodge and evasion
try it out

>have dodge
>they miss half their attacks
>survive the encounter

3 str all the way

I'm gonna go melee psi
kinda like a jedi

what melee

This isn't a good game to play if you get mad easily.
>get fucked in combat
>swing my hand in rage
>catch knuckle on desk and remove some skin
>now wearing a bandage

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i've put energy module on a sword for poverty lightsaber
robe + psychokineses (for that sith lord electricity)

>wearing a bandage for a little scratch
why not pick a safer hoby?
something like laying on the floor and not moving until you die?

energy or electricity on sword?
what's more useful?

>he doesn't have a dedicated punching spot an the wall

watch out there big guy! =)

You ARE getting 100% map completion, right user?

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electricity can jump on others, but it's not that big of a deal
energy if you want single target damage

Why not get both? Double critical punch destroys anything

If you are playing pcycho build and can only kill 1 of a four guys per turn you playing it wrong

Thank god these assholes get bored of you after a turn or two

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That's a Black Crawler.

How do you check map completion?

From what I gathered gorilla warfare is not only effective but encouraged. Is it just traps being good or also nades? What kinda firearm works best with luring enemies into deathtraps? I'd assume shottie if they work like in most games where you deal million damage point blank.

I can't find the bone crank anywhere. I entered the boneyard once during this playthrough apparently since it doesn't do the save before you enter like it normally does so I can't even re-roll its position. Can the crank spawn already inserted into one of the mechanisms or something?

Where to reliably get quality 140+ sniper rifle frames?

So uh how the fuck do I counter Bilocation when I have an INTlet build?

It's about the feeling of pleasure it gives you
There's no map completion stat

Any kind of weapon would work, anything that makes a sound. I don't know how to just shoot without a target, but you can shoot at cameras without triggering combat, preferably using a weapon that is likely to miss (close range sniper, long range smg)

Flashbang them and let it wear out on it's own. Or preferably kill them before they get the chance to use it.

Why do you think you have 100%?

Shotguns are definitely kings of hiding around a corner and popping NPCs as they come around. Hit and Run feat basically lets you dip out of cover, shoot your shot then get back around.

Traps are good but especially so in the early game. In the later half traps are better used to force the AI to go around them in tower defense fashion. Grenades, specifically the standard grenade is always good.

Oh yeah, I meant not for luring but for killing alongside all the other shit to finish stuff off or have a backup plan just in case. Or is it not wise to invest both into explosions and guns?

You don't.

I feel it would make more sense to attack from far away with a sniper rifle - and when other enemies rush towards you, they die to the minesweeper puzzle you laid out for them. I invested in just guns, and I rarely have to use mines. Molotovs, though, those are easy to use and fun.

That warms my soul thanks. Yeah I pretty much had a hit n run asshole with bombs and a shottie in mind.

I thought being able to leave a map during combat was cheese until I got myself into a situation where I get instakilled on both sides during map exit

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All good I scummed the old fucker in the Arena by F9'ing, flashbanging then sledging his ass into the ground before he could do anything.

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The Virgin in-built versus the Chad cheatengine.

>Processes one of the most enemy dense areas of the game in seconds.
>Can be pushed to go even faster if you want.
Taking loads of shit back to your room in SGS or your house in Core City? Why not just instantaneously teleport across the screen and near instantly load the next area to do the same?

>b-but it's cheating!
Only if you use it as such. Your character is no faster in game relative to something else than before. You have no extra movement capacity. All you're doing by using CE is saving your valuable time.

Attached: loading times, what loading times.webm (1280x720, 829K)

Cheatengine doesn't speed up processing, particularly loading screens and hiccups when a lot of enemies are trying to go into same location in real time mode.

Can you permanently stop Native attacks on the expedition camp?

>go to core city, apparently gorsky want to settle old blood
>Aight, I'm in, It's personal respect and all that
>Decide to do the tunneler job
>After finding a mechanic who asks for 2000 bucks I head back
>No option to demand gorsky, a apparent well off faggot, to pay for it
>literally no choice in mentioning it
You bitch, you absolute fuckhead. I have literally zero agenda in this and you expect me to pay for your petty revenge plans.

Go fuck yourself, gorsky.

just fix it bro just repair it

crawlers are dumb and bullshit enemy design because you can deal with them only by cheesing
prove me wrong
protip:you can't

Crit is literally the way to go with shotgun?

If you dont have high agility you should save points, im 10 agility, nimble, light armour, tabis at level 25 and dlc guys meant for lvl 18s still hit me more often than not. If you are high agility its worth it for the aoe reduction.

Not quite sure how to approach a stealthy knifefag build. It'll probably really need crafting but it feels too starved for points to do anything worthwhile with them in crafting.

Yeah, he's just a retarded pipeworker who wants to play at gangs instead of bothering to actually do anything to help his station.

Scream again and I'll cut ya!

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Nope just throw a pesticide grenade and dip

Lads read the fucking feat and hang your heads in shame

Is it possible to be a killing machine without PSI?

Which factions in Core City can I sign up with but still be bros with the Faceless? I need the exp

I can detect and kill mine before they detect me.


You can do any of the faction quests in Core City without affecting your relationship with the Faceless, as long as you don't act like an idiot when they show up.
Praetorian >>> Coretech >>>>>>>>>> JKKniggers

My experience has been entirely different, little dude.

Crawlers are the most fun to fight enemy in the game and iconic of underrail
Prove me wrong

JKK manage to be by far the most retarded of the three main factions, which is a pretty big achievement considering the existence of Coretech.

molotovs work best in all situations and hit pretty reliably even with 0 throwing because the aoe is huge

How far in do you get a shield?

Adding to this user's point, if you get lucky it effectively acts as a 2-3 turn disable on enemies because they panic whilst completely engulfed in flames, and it ends in them getting fatigued.

>Why don't you want to go to the bar with me and tell me about the time you guided a robot around a warehouse user

Attached: viv.png (100x100, 10K)

>Finally finish the first fight as a melee basically just waiting for them to walk up the ramps as im melee only and running at them means i just get netted and slapped around
>Quicksave when fight ends
>Yahota dies of a heart attack

ezra can sell them as soon as you hand in the drill part

>finally find a character I actually like
>she is silently killed off offscreen

Classic or oddity?

Vivian is cute and perfect. JKK didn't deserve her.

>joined specifically for her
Life in the underrail truly is suffering.

>Not bringing a balistic vest for bots
The tutorial wasn't lying bud, those things are life savers.


So i was walking around the core looking for sidequest and took an oddjob for coretech and nownother factions wont let me join. Did i fuck up or is coretech as good as any?

Still try the JKK communicator occasionly. You know, just in case she answers...

Name a better girl than Sneaky
Cute tomboy look and attitude. I'd play gangs with her.

People who play this game with no lockpicking, hacking and stealth are madmen who hate enjoyment

>Vivian is cute and perfect.
Any adult woman who speaks like a retarded child is better off dead.

I'm just here rolling for Quality 150+ super steel, don't mind me.

I hear the widow in the corner of foundry is a great lay

destroyor is that you

Implying she could even fell you after Big Jon Beautiful has had his way with her for years

>madmen who hate enjoyment
Normally I'm a hack-em-all, pick-em-all, craft-em-all player in games like these but I've been having a ton of fun just being a fat fuck with a rifle and kevlar overcoat throwing nades and spraying down muggers. I don't think I could have handled a first playthrough without going all in on a Str/Per/Con build. My stats are still unoptomised shitfuck I'm sure (wasted points in dodge/evasion and some rarely used points in intimidation to roleplay being a soldier harder) but it's nice to note down all the lockpicking and stuff that I'll come back for on a run where I know what I'm in for.

What's needed for Riot gear?

Is there an item that reveal traps? Even with goggles and food I'm still getting fucked by mines

Just, get this, don't step on the mines.
Cheers, Dude...

Just how bad is your detection? With 5 per and Paranoia I spotted every trap without food or goggles.

Hey, Can anyone help me out with the nexus of technology puzzle? 3 int IRL here, This shit is too hard for grug.


Attached: oogaboogaaa.jpg (800x450, 42K)

5 per with goggles and food

>can you decrypt this without the key?

Are you using Adaptive goggles? Try Motion Tracking.

>the sewer pipe crawlers
>the coil spider fucking hallway
I didn't expect to feel this much anxiety.

Attached: 1563847475457.png (202x206, 46K)

Don't be a shitter, there's nothing story related there, you've only got half the information you need anyway
and definitely don't use that program that automatically solves the cipher for you, here's a link so you know to specifically avoid it

Cipher Keys

Interval key: Minor third, Minor third, Major Sixth.

If theres nothing story related there, What am i missing in the complex? I've combed through it fairly well.

Where can I get some more auto shotguns? I am using a pump right now but I haven't seen any autoshotguns in a long time, not even the parts besides for one piece that is too high of a quality to craft right now

Only thing you need is the chip encoder.

You find a microchip encoder and a smartphone (which I think is just for story fluff) if I recall correctly

Grug no do puzzles not real grug

Thanks anons, I'll go from floor to floor again.

Yes, go to the north of black sea, punch them, slice them, smash them, fry their brains and gas them.

That feeling when you roll 3 140s

Not a feeling I'm familiar with.

There is some really good crafting materials and a unique gun behind the cipher door, though. Up to you if you wanna cheat and use the program.

Is it a shotgun?

When I say unique I mean that in every sense of the word.

Fuck you, now I have to see it

I'll do it, But i dont consider it cheating.

cant kill anything without w2c bullets, where do i get lots of them

>Get a bunch of Stygian coins to buy a circuit board for the drill
>Immediately spend it all on ammo and grenades

How hard can it be to find without buying it

Attached: got em.jpg (699x522, 246K)

Not to be a gamer but is there any lewd in the game?

Also when do I stop leveling combat skills and go for crafting?

You don't buy it. Get ready for the first difficulty spike. "Old Junkyard"... Bring acid protection.

It's the only way of finding it
Also yes

Do you really expect that you will be able to buy a quest item, user?

look at this dude I wonder what he will be like soon

Is my armour good so far? I'm level 18 pure Psy.

I feel like I should have something better. Can someone post their best crafted items? Just so I can get an idea.

Attached: Armour.png (320x639, 128K)

I just can't stand leaving things unopened its too painful

Why arent you using psi gear, are you using that just to not get fucked by coil spiders

Lel implying dumb lemrians wouldn't have googled music cipher software, it's canon

>psi gear

Huh? What like.

Psi beetle carapace on your tac vest

Yeah I did praetorian first time around and it was decent, JKK this time around which was pretty weird but I assumed you'd find out Olivia's story with a Coretech playthrough but apparently this is not the case Ola just says she's dead then you leave it. Can't imagine how retarded Coretechs going to have to be to compete, although having no method to get to your secret research base without going through crawler HQ would probably do it.

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Aw hell yeah

I thought I'd have the option to buy it off a merchant from what the quest note said

When you have the recipe and the parts you put them together and see how much crafting you need, then you put all points towards that except for 5 in your combat skill

Someone said there is something heartbreaking in JKK can someone spoiler me it?

He said he's new to the build user, would you rather he googled someone else's premade one like a fag instead of figuring it out on his own?

>mfw Lemurian health center

The horror, the horror
I'm not a bad person for not mercy killing the Doctor right? -30% resolve permanently is too much

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My Psy skills are all at around 150 do I need more?

enemies can shoot through the spaces in forcefield, so it's not perfect

The recruiter for JKK is a charming girl, and you get to do one mission together with a bit of nice chemistry between you two, then some unlikable asshole from JKK kills her offscreen and you never hear about her again.

Can cave hopper leather only ever improve agility by one or does it scale with quality and the tailoring skill

My resolve was already garbage so I went for it but was a cool area

He really likes to cuck the player character in this game.

And what is with all the nìggers? There was one with a literal harem. Can our character do any sex at all?

I'm a psi user, I stood to gain nothing from doing it.
I still feel bad considering there's a good chance that he's going to suffer for eternity because of me

No but more will still provide slight damage increases so maybe put 5 into thought control everytime if brain frying is your primary method of killing

man im just in the institute and already feel burnt out of the game. i think i explored to much.

Only ever one, like tabis only ever reduce melee ap by 1

Yeah definitely not worth for a psi user, could you pass all the will checks and just leave at the start?

I'm in the Docks at Core city doing that mission to steal shield emitters, but I have no idea how I'm actually meant to complete the quest. I've opened up all the doors and taken everything inside, but they're still acting like I haven't done anything.

Not sure if it matters, but I sneaked in from the vents and have been stealthing around instead of going through the front door. There's only one box I haven't robbed and it's an extremely difficult one in the left area. Do I really need to get to that one?

Take a trip to the Blacked Sea.

I kind of felt the same right up to it but Institute rekindled my passion somehow.

>going dodge evasion with lower agility
what in god's name are you doing user
you know those skill's are only as useful as they are high, right?
so if you're doge and evasion is too low, the enemy's not gonna miss enough and you're probably gonna eat shit

Yeah if you're burnt out now, dc really not going to be fun. I got to dc then didnt play for 2 months before finishing the game.

So is this "good" for Psy users? Seems kinda hard to make.

Attached: Good armour.png (700x758, 61K)

it looks like plain cardboard box and it weighs 5kg

I also stealthed the entirety of the place, without putting bob's stuff to use. I actually didn't notice picking emitters. Only after I collected everything on the map, I decided to check if maybe I already had it in my inventory, and it turned out I did.

Truly the Tchortists hired the best man for the job

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should i upgrade my int from 5 to 7 for dissasembly?

only thing important is the carapace(biology). other materials can be literal shit

Someone's stealing from the camp, right?

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Disassembly? The recipe that lets you disassemble items into parts? It lowers quality for every part so why would you ever want that.

Checked and I did have them. So why didn't it complete the quest when I went back to Sneaky?

dissasembly is a meme. don't take it.
there are better crafting related feats for int 7

Because you have to talk to Gorsky about that, zoner.

>Energy Shield
>Riot Armor
You're untouchable, I completed a DOM Tranquility run and the game is a breeze, you don't need Dodge/Evasion.

No, it isn't a very good feat. It definitely isn't worth spending two extra points in Intelligence when they could be spent in a better stat.

talk to gorcki

It's a dead-end perk imho.

Rate this huge mistake waiting to happen
Mind control main, with access to nades and occasional lightning magick
further base stat gain goes to will

Attached: bruh.jpg (968x710, 205K)

nah, but it can be nice

Attached: Screenshot (14).png (295x170, 8K)

you cant go wrong with psi.

Dump Agi and Dex, Max Int and Will dump rest into Con.

Don't bother going for Thick Skull though, LoC is available later and serves a similar (but better) purpose.

>TC main
Dead end, max every school, go for Tranquility as well. Psycho is overrated, but unarguably a little bit stronger early on.

I followed the same order you did, and I agree (though I actually quite liked the Praetorian questline, they were cool dudes).
The Coretech questline itself is fine, it's just that you spend all this time working for them and being an ultra-competent employee and then find out they're doing a heap of retarded shit in the background, it's pretty aggravating.
They also have by far the worst variant of the warehouse quest.

it was somewhat less effective against burrowers, but still had a noticeable effect

Attached: Screenshot (17).png (335x76, 4K)

will to 10
dex can be dropped even if you go with grenades
you can also drop agi also and put it into con

>3 Strength, 3 Perception
Seems right

Sure, doesn't prove a thing though. Then again try completing DOM and we can talk.

Disassembly lowers part quality by 10%, having other crafting feats like Gun Nut, Skinner or Clothier boosts part quality by 20%, so you can still end up with a better item most of the time, and also replenish its durability for free.
It's thematically neat and perfect for a scavenger character, but the reasons it's subpar are that we do not have crafting feats for specific parts like electronics and the drops in this game rarely if ever get to 80Q, it's a shame since it's potentially a very interesting feat.


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OMG op I too saw the seth video :O how EP*C is that?!?! :)

How much money has Styg made off this game? Is he a millionaire now?

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>on Psi

But why

Drop off.

you seem to misunderstand
I'm sure D/E isn't optimal compared to going full blown armor and tank.
But it's certainly doable.
The real reason that user's retarded is he's dumped agility and invested into con, but still wants to put points into them.

He's definitely a Slavic millionaire.

it's not my build. he wants to use nades, let him.

I've considered doing a throwing, metathermics, gun build.
>throw fireball
>throw molotov
>use remaining AP to fire incendiary chem pistol
everything must burn

So mind control is the best damage skill for Psy?

I've been using the fireball and fist so far never used mindcontrol skills once. Do they have higher damage?

Maximum fire, obviously.

I'm literally near finishing core city, lvl 18 oddity, just finished arena, haven't upgraded my knife since junkyard, nobody sells knives/machetes. I have 100 mechanics and the knives/machetes I make are crap, the ones I've found have the electrical bonus (of which skill I don't have) and the damage is pretty much the same. Investing in mechanics has been a waste, thinking I could at least make a better knife now and then.

Yeah there's a balance of finding shit enough materials to make things craftable, I didnt have enough points spare to make useful armour till lvl20

Do they get invisible or they actually teleport away? Because when I see one of them I spam flares but still can't see them.

>Can our character do any sex at all?
No, but you can have your mind violated by the Faceless, Doc Mason, Six, Tchort, and Flottsormir.

Attached: i never asked for this.png (1337x891, 1.14M)

close but not quite. at least not after steam cut and all the other taxes

Metathermics has the higher stability damage overall damage if you factor in AoE with cryokynetic orb/destabilization.
Psychokinesis has the higher burst damage on single target thanks to proxy
Thought control has passable single target burst damage if you really invest into it but PK is still better.
Temporal Manipulation has a damage spell that bypasses damage reduction, but is still overall low damage, good for a specific boss in the game though.

they go into stealth
if flares aren't working, use molotovs of caltrops
the log will mention they're being damaged, if it doesn't outright remove them from stealth

I doubt you could give carnifex any more feats that would actually help him.

They do not teleport.

>Dump Agi
but I need a minimum of 6 to have the option to run like a sissy
robots and groups that need more than 1 nuke to murder in one turn

If you want a nice knife just go kill rathound king

>Because when I see one of them I spam flares but still can't see them.
>I see
>but still can't see them

He has enough to live a nice Serbian upper middle class life and keep his company afloat.

He means after they restealth, jack.

nice AI, retards

Attached: dogsblockingeachother.jpg (611x469, 96K)

>kill rathound king
He only has armour and a crossbow though?

Isn't it better to make peace?

Fuck no, he's some retarded pipeworker who can't take a joke and who thinks he's special because 'muh rathounds'. Fuck him.

That's what I have been doing plus the fireball psi thing

ok fags what am I in for if I touch this shit again

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The gene pool is stagnant enough as it is. he gets the chlorine in all of my runs.

You'll never be one of the pack user.

Literally nothing, since you aren't redpilled.

Aside from mechanics, whats the other most useful crafting skill?

>People hate the Chadhound king


Nice name, jack


For me he had a tungesten serrated shock knife that had 12 - 20 mech damage
And making peace only gets you his regalia though you get every normal reward

should i keep leveling only those two or shold i put some points in other crafting skills as well?


Play as a hammer wizard

You literally take the red pill if you're psi.

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Electronics and Tailoring.
Chemistry is borderline useful if you want to invest into heavily into warcrimes, but brapnades are honestly more than enough already and you can also buy the various poisoned caltrops/knives so you don't need to craft them.
Biology is good if you want supersoldier drugs/hypercerebrix and a regenerative vest, otherwise leave it to 20 for your brapnades and never touch it again.

the doc just painted the blue ones

depends on the build.

after defeating those raiders holding people hostage, am I too low level to explore the burrower cave?
I mean gorsky warned me

>Psilets in denial again

Attached: Underpilled.png (525x137, 95K)

>spend 9000 on some super steel for the first time
>find out theyre useless cmpared to tungsten for my tank

I'm about to do a stealth, dodge/evasion, pure throwing and trapping build
how fucked am I?

any point cap i should be aware of?

It is easy and a small area.

does circular wave emitter optional part increase the damage of shock knives? when used for a shield emitter optional part?

learn some hobo magicks as backup and you're golden

I'm level 16 right now. Should I go explore the caves south of SGS? For some oddities I might've missed? Like psi beetle ones? Now that I'm much stronger?

Literally everyone can get some use out of infused leather.

An effective 130-135 for Mechanics/Electronics/Tailoring is enough, provided you get the workbenches for your house.
But you can also read this

>can't even manage to kidnap a hunter by himself
>just sits in his fucking room with his mangy dogs all day

also forgot to mention:
I'm on dominating

This. He's not doing a dom run, its fine to go dodge, just not when you've dumped agility

>you can't use the speed up mechanic while over encumbered, you know the mechanic that's suppossed to make the game less tedious and offers no other gameplay advantage
gee, I sure love walking the same way twice, don't worry about it, I have unlimited free time

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if you don't have a way to deal decent damage and handle a large amount of enemies, you're in for a bad time
caltrops and molotovs will work wonders against the little shits, but you'll need a decent weapon to take out the bigger fellas

Fuck survival instincts
i hate to juggle my hp around, but missing 30% crit is just too much to skip this feat

wait until you decide to roll a 9 STR assault rifle build where 90% of your inventory weight is just your weapons, ammo, armor and health potions

Yeah its my first run trying crafting its tough, I think its best to have the parts and make something in the crafting window that you can see is worth crafting then invest heavily up to it over 2 or 3 levels

Stop being a wimp and become a 15 STR chad

great to hear because that's exactly the build I'm going for, I'm just not far enough to have all that heavy stuff
at least something to look forward to

I think they teleport round some nearby out of sight corner. My new strategy has been just to search them out after they disappear. Usually only about 5 tiles away and i just bump into them. I have a lot of movespeed tho

well when you get your tungsten armor with flares and repair kits/energy cells (and also a jackhammer) your inventory will be 98% filled so that leaves 2% for potential plot items that cause weight and mind you this is while wearing a belt that increases inventory

have fun

what should I buy to complete the very first mission? armor? grenades? I'm being raped by those fucking rathounds. I can complete one or two generators but the damage keeps piling on. I didn't buy anything other than flares and ammo for the starting pistol and that took almost all my money lmao

nades would be good if you aren't doing psi

animals can't open doors. stay behind the fence and fuck them up
molotovs are always a good idea

Why is this game getting a lot of attention lately?

Some generators you can sneak into without alerting the dogs. You need high perception to notice the shortcut. Well, I didn't have any issues with the quest because I had points in perception and guns in the first place.


expansion released recently. it's also a cool game in the style of fallout

My 3 Int I showing again and I cant figure out what the numbers mean in Dude's second home. Send help.

Good luck my child, save scumming repeatedly to slowly refine your trap placement into the perfect death trap is some of the most fun I've had in this game

this or position yourself in such way that only one rat can attack you at any given moment, there are plenty of choke points in the caves

sseth video review just recently and an expansion some time ago.

Go unga bunga on the mutants
I did that worked just fine

Expansion just released, people have been looking forward to it for a while.

A brain.

Read the dialogue. The fucking guard tells you that you can scare them off with flares. Use those and the gates and it's ez pz


Attached: 1.png (1026x797, 1000K)

Press Z, caveman.



Tab highlights both the door and the corpse, Z exists for these problems.


You got pack rathound and the belt? Its really worth the feat for how much enjoyment looting and hoarding brings

Oh shit, didn't know that thanks

Fug, I didn't know that. Thanks, user.

fuck you z doesn't do shit
i want video proof

The numbers in each correct option add up to one of the numbers in one of the hints you can find around.
I thought you were supposed to add them up in columns before I looked it up.

Mouse on the body, not the text bre

if z works as you claim, wont doesn't it make the body's outline glow
why isn't the name clickable
do you remember how SIMPLE pic was

Attached: lod.jpg (580x575, 109K)

Tranquility has a bit more wiggle room in its build, and has a wider array of combat options. Psychosis is probably objectively better, but I personally like playing a Tranquility build more.

The famed 3INT zoner strikes again.

unfair comparison, D2 is the best game ever made

dumb motioner

fuck off i'm playing on dominating as some weak ass 3 con no evade leather armor knife you have no idea what i went through to kill rathounds and psi beetle without using consumables
i am the hardest man, but even i can't do the impossible


Attached: select corpse.png (499x530, 101K)

his corpse is at your feet you fucking motioner
Move mouse DOWN


>Finish Dude's quest
>Thought I could use the rift now to teleport to some city or whatever
>Only option is going back to that military base
Am I seriously supposed to go through the caves on foot now?
It's basically in the middle of nowhere, holy shit.

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Where the fuck can I buy high quality galvanic padding? Nobody sells it and I went through 3 merchant restocks for ALL merchants up till the Institute of Tchort

Pixel hunt better, never been an issue for me.

You have to find the other rifts first, zoner. also go north.

that's because you're A NIGGER

go one map north and theres a passage to lower underrail
you'll be just north of foundry

Yep good luck hauling all that grey army loot from the middle of nowhere. Its basically extravagant fast travel, you have to unlock the other rifts though by juicing through them. Always have 2 juices on you

Why does the HUD have to be so fucking ugly?

He has good taste, so why not.
Both Starsector and Underrail turned out to be huge and fun time sinks for me.

nevermind got it lol
just had to click the corpse heh


Attached: Pipeworkers not welcome.png (297x143, 30K)

also what does pressing + do

Attached: 1.png (1026x797, 1.04M)

>try throwing knife build for the meme
>buy blueprint so I can craft more throwing knives for cheaper
>the steel used to make them costs more than the knives themselves
what the fuck is styg thinking?
i knew throwing was bad but I didn't realize the crafting was also retarded

Attached: augh.jpg (500x341, 19K)




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Why don't you try moving around and pressing + or - and see what happens, you fucking zoner?
Want me to hold your hand while I fuck your wife too?

Attached: dis zoner serious.png (284x142, 35K)

poisons you dip

Why do you try playing the game instead of posting about every little thing and you'll find out immediately

you get the ability to make them in bulk so long as you have steel instead of having to rely on vendors resetting

>what the fuck is styg thinking?
You could use that steel to make something else, that's why it's expensive.

blaine doesnt have it?

Oh fuck I forgot he existed.
Glad I didn't kill him

that was the first thing i tried but it does nothing both in combat and outside
i move just as slowly as before
this is why i ask

are you legitimately retarded

can anyone recommend me a pure str hammer build

Why don't you go into the controls options, see what it is yourself, realize you're overencumbered and then try it again asshole

how bluepilled am I for not going psi?
am I missing out on spooky content?


it's not my fault ;_;

What maximum armour penalty should I go to for a stealth sniper build?
I've got the perk that reduces it by 15%, should I just aim for 0% where possible or is that not feasible?

Yes it you little bitch

>how bluepilled am I for not going psi?
>am I missing out
Yep, but you're missing on lore big time, which is more important, you need high WIL in order to interact with monoliths.

I'm not complaining about how expensive the steel is.
I'm upset that you can get 10 bear traps, or like 20 caltrops
but only 30 throwing knives, which sounds like a lot, but you burn through very quickly
and that the throwing knives will be worth less than the steel used to make them, so you have no incentive not to just find a merchant and buy them for cheaper
poisons change the amount crafted for other items, which keeps it more balanced
poison caltrops will give you less than just the normal recipe
So he could still let you craft more knives and not put poison on them

Please do not bully motioners, user.

Are you doing dodge/evasion
if so, yes
if not, why did you get the feat in the first place

Also there's the weird bandit group north then west of core city upper metro station who sells lots of high quality cloth and padding

sniper isn't supposed to survive when things are hitting you and investing resources into fixing this weakness is playing sniper wrong


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Yeah, I was just wondering if there's as sweet spot between losing the 15% bonus and the perks that a higher penalty armor might provide.

how high

Well thanks for the protips; I checked both. Neither had any galvanic padding. Only insulating and soft - up to 80 quality.

It's a table.

Can i have my brew back now man?

They don't necessarily restock one every time; same with very high-quality materials, vendors usually only stock a couple at a time so you might have to go back a few times to find the particular one you want.

8 minimum, I believe the various events in the Black Sea need a 10 though.

looks like a table to me

Cheers dude

Eh. I mean it just makes some of the encounters easy. A well placed cryokinetic orb bolstered by crits clears rooms faster and make some difficult bosses trivial.

For c

Its a table

I advise against Galvanic padding, or any galvanic component really, your energy shield should block any electric based attack sans EMP, which are unblockable either way and instakill you 90% of the time if you're wearing electronics, which is why you kill EMP chucklefucks first.

Galvanic should be useful versus coil spiders which bypass your shield, it is literally the only time you would ever want eletricty res.

Is there any point in energy or cold though? cold maybe lunatics and energy is...some ghosts in expedition and the plasma sentries?

>your energy shield should block any electric based attack sans EMP
Coil spiders absolutely shred me though and I don't need mechanical resistance.
I guess I could go insulating, but there's very few things that actually deal cold damage - only enemy psionics, and I can simply focus on taking them down first.

Is that actual will or can I have 10 effective will through items?

Yup, that's a table.

>he doesn't craft a full set of Galvanic protective gear the second coil spiders start appearing

>get overencumbered
>stop and use my material to craft something
>carried weight increases
wtf styg

Attached: M10xGgCXpL0.jpg (720x861, 59K)

Recycle all low value shit you can. Make repair kits out of scrap. The overall weight should decrease, but kits do weight quite a bit as well.
You can sell kits to a lot of merchants.

Stop being 3 str
Become 15 str


Honestly a higher strength is just an excuse to carry even more stuff around with you. It's a vicious cycle.

more like based cycle

Just go stealth or bullet spongey, just save scum coil spider traps and wear a energy shield. You're Gucci

How do you make low-field shields worth a damn, or is it pointless?


Where the fuck do I catch a demon squid? It's kinda a matter of life and death to me

useful if you know youre going up against a melee only enemy, I carry one on me along with my usual high emitter

>can't put night vision or adaptive lens inside a metal helmet
But why?

>want to play murderhobo with a shotgun
>but don't want to miss out on lore dumps psi gets
The pain

get lucky and get the fisherman random event, he sells you nearly all fish

Greater Coil Spiders can and should be picked off one by one, even in dominating, they don't even detect sound that well so unless you're lobbing nades around like a madman it's hard to get their attention, unless you run around too much, normal spooders don't even throw EMP so they're not a problem, your shield will cockblock them and a aimed shot or burst takes care of the rest, let alone getting in melee range.
It's not immediately evident for a beginner, but eventually you'll learn to play stealthily and Coil Spooders will be significantly less threatening.
As for energy, your shield will block it so again, no point in energy resistance for your armor.
Cold is a bit different though since there's various freezing rooms in the game where cold resistance helps a lot, not to mention it blocks damage from cryo spamming mooks, infused Bison vests are especially great for that as they will stop any cold damage and prevent freezing/hypothermia, though I'd argue infused bison leather is the best material in the game for leather armors, that health+consitution bonus coupled with high mechanical and cold reduction is pretty nifty, and it doesn't even weigh much unlike Sea Serpent skin.
Effective stats are al that matters, so go ahead.

play twice

In the expansion especially, you're going to want the ability to do damage at a distance. I'd either take versatility and use guns in one slot, or take psi empathy/corporeal projection and max out psychokinesis

you can get to 20 str through a variety of drugs for a period of time, which is why I went for con/bodybuilding instead

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They're useful against crossbowniggers and some natural enemy attacks. With good quality emitters their shielding in the high range is still good enough that they're serviceable overall protection; I usually wander around with a conservative low emitter as my exploring shield these days.

The upper caves.

That's why you play as a shotgun wizard.

Spoken like a true knifefag, you wimp
Hammerers need all that STR

emp damage is electrical damage, you fucknut
plus in underrail electroshock weapons are common

siphoner pools in teh black sea
or as loot in native villages

Then play both. Murderhoboing with a shotgun doesn't require many skills to be good, and psi doesn't require many feats.

shotguns are like 5 str. not that much of a compromise.

how are you supposed to wear Belar's hammer that requires 20 str

is that weapon just a meme

>emp damage is electrical damage, you fucknut
Reread the post.
>electroshock weapons are common
If you even get hit by melee you have bigger problems that some measly electric damage from a sub 70 quality weapon, don't pretend otherwise, a galvanic vest will make zero difference when most of the damage you'll take is mechanical, and I tell you this as somebody who routinely runs with 3CON.

post your avatarfu

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Jack, I just don't think you understand. Even 350 carrying capacity isn't enough. There's just too much stuff I have to carry with me in case I need it!

You can get to 20 strength with attribute increases from levelups, food buffs, drugs, and the Rathound Regalia.

I went with spear / throw / temporal stuff but I can't find more trainers. I got my tailor, electronics and mechanics to 90 or so, I just handed over the circuit and I went to Core City to find some crafting gear. Made some high quality shields, couldn't find much in the way of armor or a new spear though. Going to the battery factory next or the station north through the Iron whatever guys' shit.

Any tips?

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You need 8 for tincan and burst

How the fuck do you combine some materials and have resulting weight INCREASE? That's breaks the law of equivalent exchange

once the temporary effects pass do you automatically unequip the weapon or something?

how does it work

Essie best waifu

you do not unequip

you can use it with less than 20 str, you just take a penalty for each point you dont have

but you can get to 20 with drugs as I said

its damage is so high that its worth using even with a penalty

it's Serbshit logic, he ain't gotta explain shit

it's part of a tchort institute questline

Attain more strenght
Never enough strenght


Apex taste.

What's the best nigger build?
I want to be able to steal everything, have only 1 int, throw spears and use fist.
Bonus if you can fit some persuasion in there so I can get them reparations.

10 AGI
Sanic wizard
yay or nay?

best player avatar coming through

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You already seem to have an idea in mind, just fucking play the game and try it out


Go to foundry, be lesbian bffs with Leonie for loads of high quality metal, solve the town's problems and get mad metals. get you a tungsten spear if you haven't already, impale makes good use of the crit damage bonus.

also you might wanna try joining up for coretech, once you get access to their merchant you can get energy edge emitters to turn your spear into a LASER SPEAR.

Can you use shields whilst being a spear chucker?

I killed Magnar and now i have his fucking spirit haunting me.
How do you kill what's not alive?

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Do the expansion adds any content to the base game?

>faggots already calling anons things like zoners and motioners
didn’t take long for a self felating clique to form around this shit huh?

does the gas from the abandoned box ever go away or do I have to just fukken tank that shit

you can buy/loot/craft riot gear that has a shield. there are also shield emitters, but that may be too advanced for the build you want to make.

Chug some juice and pray you have good enough firepower to bust his ass because PSI is almost useless outside of Ripples.
You do have juice with you, right?

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>Reread the post.
yeah, you missed it, not me

The damage you take from emps is electrical damage, which galvanic stuff resists.

Aside from Aimed shot and Sprint, what are some god tier feats?

>playing dominating
When will I start regretting it?

cheap shots is the greatest feat for knife or fist

Commando for AR/SMG would be elder god tier if it worked with combat shotguns

>You do have juice with you, right?
Let's say i forgot it back home, if that was the case, can i kill it with enough grenades? I have thrown 5 at it and it makes a weird sound when they hit it. Can i kill it with enough of them?

Not him but I haven't gotten the juice yet and i'm fairly far into the DLC, will Aegis be fine if I leave them alone for however long it takes to do the dude's quest? I've massacred the natives and brokered peace with the pirates, but supplies and dangerously low

It doesn't fucking matter whether EMPs do electrical damage or not because only people who wear electronics have to worry about that and even with some meager electrical damage reduction you'll have other problems than survival when all your electronics are fucked, not to mention that again, killing EMP chucklefucks/Greater Coil Spiders first is what you'll want to do and is easily achievable if you're not a complete retard.

pack rathound

just ask Al Fabet


Psionic Mania for your nuke psychosis build

Funny seeing Carnifex getting one-shot by a guaranteed crit from your cryokinetic orb.

Depot A
D'ya like beetles?

Depot A, that's when i did.

Is foundry the one I'm headed towards? North out of SGS?

God I love this game for being bitch hard and not having tons of walkthroughs, it feels like I'm in school again or something.

Is there any reason to pick up hides from all the respawning rats? I guess they can be made into gloves and recycled easily enough but I'm drowning in resources and have a tough time making money even though I have tons of it. I trade mostly in bullets since those are easy to unload.

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>can i kill it with enough grenades?
No, forget about it, the ghost has massive evasion stats and is highly resistant to pretty much anything, even tungsten rounds have a hard time damaging him reliably, he's also immune to crits so forget about abusing energy guns.
When you're outside of the Black Sea time is stopped there, so to speak, so yeah.

Going for the shotgun burst build + heavy armor, no psi
What am i in for?

Attached: Underrail Screenshot 2019.09.17 - (490x420, 27K)

>those mega beetles on spooky island
gave me a proper spook

yeah it's like a big mod to the game

except the dev doesn't like mods so uh go figure

How do you pronounce tchort?
Tea shorts?
Tic shart?

What about fire/gas/cryo bombs?

A reroll with that sheet.


>When you're outside of the Black Sea time is stopped there

Fucking seriously? I've been focusing like hell on the expedition because I thought shit would go south fast if I left it too long
Thanks man, that's a weight off my mind


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same as unloading firearms, the new ammo adds to your weight

It's a fucking ghost, nigga, what do you think?
Even plasma nades barely scratch him.


pretty sure, you could just take the train from SGS if you get lost or roadblocked, there can be nasty bandits along the way.

and nah. if you've got enough repair kits there's no real reason to touch them. no need to pick up shit you can't reliably sell or use.

enjoy mate, i've put a stupid amount of hours into it already, shit scratches that oldschool itch real bad for me.


>still can't change portraits ingame without renaming files

Continuing the fallout tradition

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>Having 4 in any stats

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Depot A wasn't too bad considering you can skip the area with a fuck ton of mutants

Isn't 4 the lowest you can go without respective skill penalties?

is there any reason to hang on to grey army commiedollars? while i appreciate the shit out of the extra effort involved in giving them their own foreign currency and language and everything i doubt the merchants back in south underrail are going to accept this stuff.

what if it's 4 will for dialogue stats

heavy armor needs 8 str, 9 if you want tungsten
drop dex to 3

4 agi is a respectable stat if you don't want negative stealth.

i want to get heavy armor as early as possible, ill bump dex to 6 later for that shotgun accurancy perk

I don't know man i am a dumb tincan with a lot of dakka, should i return to the mainland and go get some juice? will it be useful somewhere else?

It's probably worth getting 6 dex just for grenadier

Damn, gonna wait till I grab it to replay this game, then. Big thank

i have a few questions, noobie here with ~35 hrs experience, mostly spent theorycrafting because that's what i do in these games, i love it.

has anyone found a use for antithermic overcoats? i've been theorycrafting a strategy to keep extra antithermic gear and equip it and blow off a ton of molotovs around me to keep melee attackers at bay.
is it effective to max mercantile and save skill points (from crafting) and put them into other things, and simply buy my gear? or are the crafting possibilities actually worth almost 500 of my total skill points?
what level range would you say is needed before you need to start dumping your points into crafting? i feel like you need to level it from the start but i'd rather increase my combat/utility skills in the early game.
is it worth psi pilling if you have 3 CON and WILL? the time stuff seems pretty good even without feats but making my weak HP builds even weaker sounds like reload-land.
is it possible to stealth cheese groups of enemies? example, sniping someone and then breaking line of sight somehow and re-stealthing. so far i've only thought about how this could be done but haven't tried it, it would surely fit my operator builds however.

Commando and Hit and Run are fucking great, I actually feel like I'm operating operationally. I also really like the one that adds up damage for burst attacks, OH and suppressive fire to fucking debuff everyone infront of you.

>round the corner
>blast a nerd down
>blast another nerd down
>free burst, enough ammo for one more
>suppressed fucking everyone
>extra move points
>enough AP to reload with the bullet strap belt
>get into good cover

I stack fucking bodies, oh and I can make MK5 nades, holy shit they're so strong.

>anything other than two 10s and one 8 is bad

Can I get some help progressing here? I'm a level 18 sword and board with plenty of throwing. I get jumped instantly and the combination of nets, psi spam and crossbow shots with poison are impossible to avoid. I'm using a low/medium shield and a good weapon/riot armor + the appropriate perks.

Attached: Alternate entrance.jpg (1595x921, 299K)

>has anyone found a use for antithermic overcoats?
besides being immune to burning?

temporal manipulation doesnt care

Any time I get a big group I can't kill, I plant like 3-5 mines and surround it with bear traps then kill big groups with a grenade+mine DPS. I feel like it's cheesy but I have no idea how to legitimately defeat them without a gun / being able to kite. I tried to build my own characters about 4 times but couldn't ever get one that could do Junkyard until I just followed a guide.

>should i return to the mainland and go get some juice?
>will it be useful somewhere else?
Juice is always useful on a ranged character, I literally always have it on, it's a dirt cheap, long lasting +1 to PER that stacks with other things.

>found a use for antithermic overcoats
nigga what antithermic is one of the most useful types of cloth if you use even the smallest amount of fire, which you should because molotovs. this isn't theorycrafting, it's basic knowledge.

just play the game more instead of armchairing.

how are you even supposed to beat this map without some gay aoe

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temporal manipulation is a good support skill even if your initial stat spread isn't geared for psi.

that's not cheesing, that's using the tools you have available. spear is great for annihilating single enemies but it's weak when you get dogpiled by ranged enemies, which is why you need traps or throwing or psi to help you with those. sounds like you've got that angle covered already.

How? I can't, I just mowed down fast as fuck. I'm on Hard.

Where the hell is this? Black sea? I know I missed some shitty areas there, but this looks important enough.

core city university

>items sold are worth 10% their regular price
not that I'm against that, necessarily, but I think vendors should just refuse to buy shitty gear, like regular unenhanced guns/leather armor/crossbows/melee weapons

buy molotovs. the enemy AI will often attempt to go around the fire blast to attack you, giving you some turns to attack them at a better position.

oh except the dogs cause they'll just run through the fire like morons.

reminder to shoot the worms in foundry mine for oddity xp collectables

There's no more beautiful a sight
I did it with gas and a shit ton of molotovs.

come in via stealth
you dont have psi, so put down some traps/caltrops/toxic gas and have your best grenades as utilities
use that big snake rock for cover when ending your turn

it's one of the missions you can take to progress the institute questline. Not necessary cause you can do the other quests, but it awards experience

Gas and molotovs just doesn't work. Gas doesn't spread if there's fire, and their initiative is too high, even with food/buffs, a few always get the first turn on me. At that point its a spam of doppelgangers, poison crossbows, throwing nets, stuns and giganiggers with spike sticks.

I have literally 0 stealth, and the enemies on the right side of the map can shoot me even if I'm behind the rocks for cover. I'm always out-initiatived. Would stealth really help this? Also, I've found two (2) things of toxic sludge and gas grenades are rare as fuck due to it


Are there any oddities at SGS?

but there's literally 20+ enemies in this map and any amount of noise will gather them all
is there some magic choke point where you can abuse melee killing power to take them on 1 by 1

vera's pussy

you can make a set of stealth gear so you dont get auto-detected

there are many places that have guaranteed toxic gas
>panacea labs
>the powerfist dungeon
>the mutagen dungeon in upper caves
>core city sewers

irongut really helps against the poison, and a doctors belt lets you use medicines for like 2 ap

Oh, shit, thanks. I just blasted through the institute the second I got there, only later I found out I missed a big chunk of quests.

actually no

never really thought about it

I'll try to get some more prep, thanks, but do I have time to get these? If I run all the way back to core city, won't the camp attacks keep going on? I didn't know I was timed to protect the camp, so I dallied a lot and now I'm low on personnel, energy, meds and stuff.
I don't know where any of those places are except core city sewers, so I'll take a gander, thanks.

>If I run all the way back to core city, won't the camp attacks keep going on?
the moment you leave the black sea the timer stops until you come back

Wait, legit?
OK, that helps a TON. Thank you.

dont tell me cave hoppers drop oddity

no problem

Of course they do.
All enemy types in this game drop oddities.

cave hoppers drop oddity


in 500+ hours it never occured to me to kill a hopper

How many filthy native bosses are there and do i have to remove all of them to make them stop fucking with our camp?