Having limited saves for S+ doesn't make it harder, it just makes it longer! If I can beat the game with S and have 30 minuets to spare it shouldn't matter if i saved more than 3 times!
Resident Evil 2
I love Ada
has anyone shown this to Capcom?
I'm sure someone's already seen it by now
just beat leon A. where do i go frmo here?
jesus fucking christ
claire A
then S rank whichever A scenario you prefered for infinite ammo pistol
then leon A hardcore
then claire A hardcore
then B scenarios if you want
and if you're still interested aim for S or S+
too smol
Claire is wonderful and I love her.
la goblina
Why does her face look so bloated?
She is a cutie.
there are mods to deflate her hornet-stung face
I'd recommend using them
Because she is still only 19? Only literal 19 year olds dont think they still look 15 lmao, bunch of kiddos
I fucking wouldn't, the "i fixed her bros" face mods are about what you would expect of Yea Forums, pure ayy lmaos
She looks like the female MC in Andromeda
I think she is adorable the way she is.
>tfw nobody has uploaded the bikini to my knowledge
cmon user, I know you're out there
I am going to empty a lot of semen out.
The relationship of Ada and Leon is the exact opposite of this song:
I'm a sherry man, I'll have you know
El goblino de la luz apagada
I don't understand why people dislike her. She has cute chubby cheeks and is very wholesome.
Stop bullying Claire!
from a different angle
That mod makes her look awful.
S+ everything or fuck off my times are horrible and i did it.
an entire 500+ post thread disagrees with you
>Installing these mods
Sorry but all i do is fap and i do not like mixing my porn and games.
claire is perfect just the way she is
Daily reminder all these mods are 100% wasted. Somebody just mod the dam game to be porn please!
Your time is irrelevant it's about how big of a risk you're willing to take and how much you know about the game.
just like my sperm cells
that looks like my ex
i kinda miss her but at least my current is not batshit crazy
At first glance this image looked good but the more I looked at it the more I realized it's utter trash. She's a mangled wreck, the highlights and shadows are inconsistent and it doesn't look like her dress is riding up, it just looks like she skipped pants today. He needs to go back to tracing.
fuck you for making me click that loli shit.
>nuClairefag is soijak poster
Not surprised.
>spotless panties
>zombie apocalypse
Pick one.
Claire has fantastic tits
I'm more annoyed at the bullet sponge enemies.
Look, I don't mind needing to shoot a zombie in the head 2, maybe 3 times before he timbers over and either stays down or gets back up in 10 seconds. What I do mind, however, is shooting one zombie 4 times in the face, it completely shrugging each one off until the 5th makes him flinch, giving me about 4 seconds to run past him before he's chasing me. That just feels fucking horrible, and not in a "ooh this is immersive I feel the tension" way, I just feel like I wasted resources for no real reason. I aimed my shots, waited for the reticle to shrink all the way, I placed them carefully, I should be rewarded with an incapacitated and/or dead enemy for the bullets I put out.
If you're using a little pistol then shoot it in the legs instead numbnuts. You stun it AND have a high chance of disabling it into a crawler. The zombies in this game are actually threats and are not made of paper
How about this faggots, you want trained aim to the body that doesn't allow for specific aiming to the head like the original? Would you have all been so pleased then?
>Crawling zombies
I find them more annyoing than letting them stand. I pop them in the head a few times they drop i knife they die problem solved.
Just gonna leave this here and go to bed.
Crawlers are 100 times easier to deal with. You can easily just pop them 3 times in the knee to make them a crawler, waltz around behind them and knife them to death because crawlers can't turn around.
Because they draped a face scan over a head model instead of carving it into the model itself.
To lazy to try i want them dead. A clean hallway is a good hallway.
sauce to full thing
It should have been made clearer that shooting them in the head isn't the best thing to do.
They show the characters killing zombies with one shot to the head in cutscenes, but then in the gameplay it's nowhere near as effective. Why? Why do their arms and legs completely fall off when shot, as if they were in fact made of paper, yet they can tank a million bullets into their skulls and keep getting back up?
Ya gotta shoot them in the head.
>he needs to clear hallways
No thanks but then again i s+ everything so it matters not.
what are these for modding RE2? source?
Dodging is a thing now? i mean everything is a pile of blood and guts by the time i finish the game and i still have plenty of ammo left ammo left on hardcore.
>playing outside of HC
Ada >>>>>>>>>>> Claire
>Zombie grabs but you still escape it
What? I've never ever had that happen to me before.
Hey man i had to do it for a s+ rank
>had to
Nah, that's called giving up.
It never happens to me because zombies never get near me because there on the ground getting fucked by my knife or it's head blown clean off lol
Na man it's for the record
you gotta get good and press the escape button
Who's your favorite Resident Evil girl? Mine's Jill
So autism? Having it or doing it does nothing if you've done it for HC.
Stop posting this ugly tranny, thanks.
>Nobody posting the mods
then whats the point?
What I really want is a randomizer mod that works with a pirated copy.
thats not jill
Don't care want it for record showing everything is s+ranked
So yes, autism.
Can only be done on normal if a zombie grabs you from the back/side.
Just buy the game if you like it so much that you are looking for reasons to keep playing it. It deserves it at that point. You can't get everything for free
Keep living in denial
I am working in Japan and saving up for my wife and kids to travel here. I have been saving a lot by eating homemade salad with tuna, tofu or chicken almost everyday for 6 months. I mean, I also worked out a lot since nothing to do, and eating basically a keto diet as made me /fit/. but I am still saving money by living frugally. wish I was joking./blog
Just letting you know this is how your acting.
>I-I'm not autistic
>t. autist
Must've really activated those almonds, eh?
Talk to me when you don't savescum using infinite weapons
I do what i want problem?
RE games always have cool magnums
Yes. two flashes or 1 and dodge.
Oh noes, another reaction image!
I'm doomed, doomed I tell ya.
What's it like being retarded? If I've never played outside of HC, how am I supposed to savescum with infinite weapons?
That's all i need for this retarded conversion. You have massive autism.
>What's it like being retarded?
Dunno you tell me what's it like.
You're all autistic except for me
I agree with this statement.
excuses excuses, you filthy pirate
You resorted to them because you have nothing of value to add. Just like your life
Wouldn't know but since it needs spelling out to you, can't savescum and have infinite weapons on a first run.
We're all autistic, but farming autists for (You)s is too fucking easy these days.
Do we need to bring back all the 'this is bait' shit to stop them taking it at every opportunity?
I'm glad you also think that I'm the only non-autistic one here
>you have nothing of value to add
>Keep living in denial
>So yes, autism
>So autism? Having it or doing it does nothing if you've done it for HC.
>Nah, that's called giving up.
Your doing a excellent job champ keep it up.
>Wouldn't know but since it needs spelling out to you
This whole conversion started with DERP PLAYING NON HARCORE IS GAYYYYYYYYY OH MY PUSSY HURTS! Shut the fuck up bro lol.
Yes this is fact user is KING!
All hail!
>n-no, it's not autism, I just wanted the record screen to show the same ranks across the board, not because I actually wanted to do it
Do you not see the difference?
non-HC is verfiably gay, no challenge is no fun
oh god imagine the stuffy, sweaty smell of that pantyhose clad cunt
No i don't stay mad buddy lol
Claire prefers hardcore
Autists usually don't. So again, keep living in denial.
>Autists usually don't.
I agree how do you cope?
I'm not in denial about it. I probably am autistic.
My response is simply:
That's about it how do you cope with being a autistic faggot? not to mention your acting like a huge gaping vagina
By baiting other autistic faggots into autistic internet arguments like this one. Gotta find your fun somewhere. It's even more fun when they've got their heads stuck in the sand about it.
Ok vagina.
>back dimples
10/10 would bait again
you'd fucking swallow it whole too
Lord that's a nice tummy
I don't give a fuck.
>he keeps doing it
Why not? i'm not doing much at the moment.
I hope you die of aids and get your pretty little head blown off have fun being a cunt
Dimples of Venus!
Please post more of Ada in tights. My penis needs it.
She has nice hair
I want to smell it
How mentally ill do you have to be to make an image like this? And that goes for all of you disgusting waifufags.
what, it's funny
>Claire vs Ada (5 time defending world champ) with official Nippon Woodpecker Fighting match rules
>Leon as saddleboy
>Chris as ref
Who comes out on top?
Claire is stronger, she's got that Redfield strength that lets her carry around 12 year old girls and left-hook big male zombies off her like nothing
I want to smell her sweaty, glossy neck and back
More Claire, please. Please.
You would always think it'd be one of the Tomb Raider games to get all the good nude mods, but no, Resident Evil 2 Remake shits all over TR's and every other game's nude mods
It's scarier that way. A good horror game should not be what you expect
haha what if ada took her shoes off so she could run better
her feet would get dirty and wet user why would you even think that lol
jesus christ hnnnnnnnnnnnng
You still dealt a ton of permanent damage to him, even if he gets back up with 100 HP left out of his like 1300 HP (max) that he started with. A zombie is a BOW and can only take so much damage, he'll go down forever in one bodyshot after that. Every zombie is scripted uniquely and doesn't disappear or respawn
Suzi is best RE waifu and youtuber!
why would you want to get horny while playing a zombie game
I tried playing xcom 2 with a nude mod and just couldn't, game time and fapping time are meant to be separate.
this. I always end up playing like shit if I fap or get too aroused
Demon's Sperm was pretty good with this because the porn was a reward for getting to the end of the level and the clothes ripping when you get hurt was a disadvantage since you'd get distracted.
but they go together so well in this one
I don't care I would pound that after a couple of beers
RE threads get derailed with cunny now your time is over
sounds like a win win, keep posting suzichads
I have once or twice but I've no clue on how I tossed them off me
kill yourself, you worthless sack of shit
stop playing modern resident evil games
>no infinite ammo for the shotgun
>no infinite ammo option for the revolver
Play Resident Evil 2 (2019)
I just use cheat engine
where are all the angry white knight replies?
But I’ve been playing OG RE1 for like the past few weeks.
I bought the game for PS4. Biggest mistake of my life
keep up the good work
I want to fuck Rebecca
when did they add escape button? when i played it on normal no matter in what angle i go past zombies this never happened. instead they telegrabbed me and bit. seems like you're playing on some easy assist mode.
dont even think about playing resident evil 4!
Disgusting. Pedofags should be fucking gassed
Ada Wong more like Ada has a big Wang.
Futa virus RE game when
seethe more, moralfag.
it just happens sometimes when you play on standard mode and get grabbed from the side while trying to run past. It has to be the kind of grab that would normally tackle you to the floor, and you have half as much time to react. I don't think there's much you can do to influence whether or not it happens, the game just gives it to you sometimes or it doesn't, like an adaptive difficulty thing
i love resident evil
Stop being an autistic rebecca faggot.
I genuinely want to rape Sue. Like, just rape Sue in a bathroom stall at a convention and leave my load in their fag ass.
the real ada would never act this way
yeah this is some patched thing. never happened to me.
Imagine bathing dirty Sherry. Your slippery fingers running all over her tight loli body... "accidentally" brushing against her no no zones...
Best girl ranking:
- Jill > Ada > Heather > everyone else > power gap > shit > Rebecca
>I love Ada
REMINDER that Resident Evil 2 1998 vs 2019 is literally the prime example of SOUL vs SOULLESS
That doesn't look much better. The fact you have to try and get a good angle to not make her look like a actual monster says enough.
wrong u idiot
it still works on the latest version but you usually have to be playing pretty poorly on standard difficulty for it to activate, and it's only for that specific side-grab. I have seen it happen on hardcore occasionally though, like this
no you idiot, i meant it's a patched feature since it never happened to me and i played it on launch.
all it says is that they are shitty animators sometimes
it's you who's wrong, i'm precisely correct.
I played it on launch too and those webms are all from January / early February. Happened then, still happens now
>Ada is clearly the hot one, as evidence of actually being hot
>la creature Claire is the one waifufags flock to because of her fat potato face and 'cute' personality
When will Western devs learn that they can please waifufags and resetera by just following Capcom's example? Make the girl ugly but in an 'ugly cute' way, then give her a
'cute' personality.
He looks weird.
Would smash until my balls are completely dry.
honestly i'm starting to feel like all the FUCK MY SISTER LEON and porn mod posters are shitposters intentionally spamming the memes to ruin threads.
Leon is such a fucking retard holy shit.
*ruins your game*
No it says her face looks like shit.
No user, Claire is the one you NWF, not Ada.
Ada is an East Asian so that fact alone immediately disqualifies her from being a true waifu
you sound frustrated
seething with rage
just plain mad that people like claire
what part of the game is this?
What is this?
It's the ending of the 2nd Run scenarios
Then by your logic Leon's face looks like shit too, just because it can be animated all shitty and look like this
Leon has far fewer instance of looking like dogshit in comparison to nuClaire.
Claire is for loving forever.
Guys i can see her panties. oh god guys i'm cumming
She is so HOT!
>not to mention your acting like a huge gaping vagina
I want to know what you meant by this. Are you implying he's built for taking dicks, thus he's being a faggot because he's actually male?
>there are people who actually read these "no YOU'RE autistic" arguments down to the last reply
I am shocked
I read every post in every thread I bother opening on the off chance something of value is said or revealed. Its a 99% miss rate but sometimes its funny or informative.
Ah, you must be "enjoying" the game. What a fag. The scoring system of the game dictates that you're supposed to rush through at quickly as possible. Do you have any idea how slow it is to explore and find ammo, then use said ammo to eliminate threats and maximize your survival? You're not supposed to survive in a survival horror game. You're supposed to speedrun. Only that way will you get the Stylish+ rank.
There are pills you can take that will make you peaceful forever. I recommend using them.
No, you're just disconnected from reality. In reality everyone has angles they look poorly at
So how badly did you guys get hurt by the new game announcement? I know people were getting hyped about a new remake or something better
about what i expected honestly
I am sorry but mocapped faces are so fucking ugly, ALWAYS!
>hur hur waifus hur hur dur
angry white woman detected
Adam Sessler beat you to it in a hotel.
It is a harmless side project outsourced to another developer. The 2 main Resident Evil teams are busy working on the real games, probably RE7 team working on RE8 and the REmake 2 team starting work on REmake 3
>frogposters complaining about anyone else
>Sue Lightning bait
>No Google Drive link to make it worth while
>installed this mod to show my girlfriend and my brother for LULz
>unable to play by myself without getting distracted and jerking off
Fuck man it's so good.
Anyone who expected the first RE announcement after RE2R to be anything major was an idiot
Kill yourself.
>Ctrl+f mega
Come on, where is the cute and funny mods?
Why do redditors keep using dead memes? Is it because 2011 is when they first heard about this site?
but why would Sherry be wearing a swimsuit?