Did you play Half-Life 3?

Did you play Half-Life 3?

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Mitchell look I can explain







>Valve gave the green light to this abomination to make a quick buck off HL
>drones think they give a fuck about making a third game at all

The game/mod sucks, but it's the best written and most honest Half Life game.

You see what happens when you try and tell a real story in such a generic setting like the Half Life universe? It fucking sucks.

It's shocking how much better Deus Ex is in the way it tells its story, whether directly (cutscenes) or indirectly (emails)

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There will another HL.
It will just be a shitty VR """game""" tech demo that has nothing to do with the FPS story.



This was the last nail in half lifes coffin, what kind of company enjoys seeing their flagship series getting raped like this

holy shit user im in tears

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There is a reason companies hire writers and directors.
Every consumer thinks they can do it, but most of these community projects are autistic as fuck with shitty stories and horrific pacing.

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Hero? Heh, you're talking to a villain, my dear...

>There is a reason companies hire writers and directors.

Well whoever they hired at Valve does a piss poor job of it and hides any real storytelling behind bland set pieces.

I think Trevor is one of the worst written things in gaming to date - but Valve has never come close to even creating someone as realised (even if they're stupid as hell) as Trevor.

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Half-Life was never about the story, it was about how the story was told.

post disregarded

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>but it's the best written and most honest Half Life game
Lol no

I just noticed he said that too. He's baiting.

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>Half-Life was never about the story, it was about how the story was told.

And sorry, Deus Ex outclasses HL2. Eli's death is one of the most cringe things I've ever seen in gaming. Meanwhile, the death of Paul has an understated sadness to it. As someone with a brother, it really spoke to me in a way a bad NPC like Alyx crying could never get out of me.

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Don't argue with "immersive sim" fags. They don't know what gameplay is and want every video game to have shoehorned in RPG elements and mediocre writting.

See: Nah, I'm being serious. HL and HL2 don't have ANY story to sink your teeth into like you can with Deus Ex or MGS, and you have to come up with a lot of cringe fan theories for them to even possibly make sense.

Nah, my favorite GTA is San Andreas.

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Half-Life 1 is much more immersive than Deus Ex, the story unfolds as you play, unlike in DX where you have cookie cutter cutscenes. Those games are among my favorites, but HL and many other games never had a focus on the story, and that's not exactly a bad thing. Those games are pretty much different genres, DX is a RPG.

>Nah, I'm being serious. HL and HL2 don't have ANY story to sink your teeth into like you can with Deus Ex or MGS, and you have to come up with a lot of cringe fan theories for them to even possibly make sense.
No you're actually just retarded.

>unlike in DX where you have cookie cutter cutscenes

Holy lol. HLfags are embarrassing.

Half Life has cookie cutter cutscenes, you just can't skip them.

Answer honestly: Is it even possible to explain what or who the Nihalanth is by the text of the game?

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If this thread is alive in 15 minutes I will post a pic of the dev team.
>It's on my PC and I'm phone posting from the shitter.

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I found out yesterday that Laidlaw got a nomination for the PKD award several decades ago. Neat.

A lot of exposition would affect HL's pacing, being a simple action FPS. In fact a lot of people give HL2 shit for too many exposition scenes, me included. I prefer the simple approach of HL1.

HL2 has way more scenes than 1, and people criticize it for that.You just have to put through your thick skull that not every game needs a focus on the story, in fact doing this arguably harmed HL2.

Why even compare the two? They arent even going for the same thing.
You're just a contrarian nigger.

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Both are FPSes you rube

Just one is actually good and pushes the medium forward. The other is Half Life 2.

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Actually no, Deus Ex is a RPG hybrid, you can play it going full melee build, without firing a single gun ever in the entire game. Half-Life is a FPS with the goal strictly being action.

You're jumping all over the place.
First you say all of half life is shit, then you backpedal and claim just the story, and how you're talking about hl2 - a completely different game.

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Deus Ex is a poor FPS and a poor RPG. Weak action for a FPS and weak writting for an RPG


Nah it's an FPS with deeper mechanics like System Shock 2, and you can play both games with WASD layouts which were typical for the genre.

When I say Half Life I mean HL2, the one most people have played.

And HL2 is a pretend movie with inferior FPS gameplay to Duke Nukem 3D. You want to go that road?

>When I say Half Life I mean HL2, the one most people have played.
More people have played HL than Deus Ex and HL2 combined.
Wake to expose yourself, newfag.

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Deus Ex is a RPG with a clear progression system via the skills and augs, also more character building aspect via the choices you make for all those things than tons of so called RPGs today. NPC interaction is a big theme in it, while in HL you just use them to open doors and that's it, back to shooting shit up. They were obviously going for different things, and you're blind to try to force a comparison.

>you can play both games with WSAD
you can also play Gone Homo, The Witness, Stanley Parable with WSAD, so fucking what?

>And HL2 is a pretend movie with inferior FPS gameplay to Duke Nukem 3D.
And yet it still has action that is captivating unlike Dude Sex. Weak role playing as well compared to New Vegas.

>HL2 has way more scenes than 1, and people criticize it for that.You just have to put through your thick skull that not every game needs a focus on the story, in fact doing this arguably harmed HL2.
You didn't answer though, and he wasn't talking about HL2.




>you can also play Gone Homo, The Witness, Stanley Parable with WSAD, so fucking what?

I don't remember guns in those games that you use from a first person perspective, but nice try.

yeah, as run around in dystopian city with special girl to take down gray bearded man it was pretty alright

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>and that's just on steam
oh ho ho ho no no no no hahahahaHAHAHA

I wasn't talking about HL2, people who know best are aware the first game is superior anyway.

In fact for chasing the story department that the storyanon so dearly likes, they made the game worse with too many exposition scenes. It's just proof that what he wants is a bad deal for a FPS like Half-Life, which has more in common with a game such as Doom than fucking RPGs.

Lol that only counts from when they started recording on Steam.
>Half-Life (Valve) / 1998 - 9.3 Million
>Half-Life 2 (Valve) / 2004 - 6.5 Million
>It has sold more than 1 million copies, as of April 23, 2009
Keep trying, coombrain

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Deus Ex predates Steam and isn't required to play it.

Valve killed WON and forced goldsrc games to be Steam only.

You're missing the point. Your character literally has no say or input, so who cares if they're helping? You're a ghost nobody, even if people keep calling you Gordon Freeman. You're not Max Payne, you don't have a personality. You're not JC Denton and have choices in dialogue to make.

So is Thief a FPS? You can use WSAD and shoot with it.
Is Mount & Blade a FPS? You control with WSAD and you shoot arrows with it too, I think in one of the M&B games you can shoot with muskets.

Can Garrett get a full set of upgrades and become an FPS character? Fully upgraded JC makes the game like Quake basically.

Nothing in the story is consistent or makes sense.
How did gman know Mitch would go on a boat to get his army rollin'
How did gman know the traitor would become Mitch second-in-command
What was the purpose of giving Mitch a 'deal' that will only be relevant 20 years later
What concrete effect does Mitch have on Combine forces, is killing off the daughter of a second-tier civil administrator that much of a big deal
How did Mitch know about the Borealis

In short, the plot has no object on top of being extremely badly conveyed
I just wanted to learn more about best boy Adrian

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You don't need some higher story motivation to play HL. The first game has great immersion when shit hits the fan, seeing the lab before and after the disaster added a lot to the game.

The lab emergency audio is really great atmosphere, you just keep going to survive and because it's engaging to kill the enemies and seeing what's ahead. Some genres had a very small focus on story, such as 2D and 3D platformers, 2D fighting games, and it's fine. Not every single game out there needs tons of NPCs to talk to and a big story, sometimes you don't want things to get in the way of the gameplay, or when you want to make a faster paced game. Apples and oranges, it's obvious HL and DX went for completely different goals.

Volvo doesn't really care anymore.
I still want to believe, I will always believe, but deep down I know our story ended long ago.

>Nothing in the story is consistent or makes sense.

Nothing in the story of Half Life itself is consistent or makes sense... because there is no story.

The only part in HL1 that actually tries to explain the story is when G-man talks to you at the end, which is no doubt where every retarded fan theory came from and has inspired the poor writing in Hunt Down the Freeman and the nonexistent writing in HL2

*erotic moan*

no trained soldier slings an SMG over their back like they're dante and puts their hands in their pockets that is retarded

Didn't this mod install CP on peoples PCs?

Did you give up after having you ass handed to you?
I'm sure you're too young to remember before Steam publicly tracked sales charts or even before they counted hours played.

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>there is no story in HL
There is. It isn't a story of big twists, reveals or megalomaniac villains ; it is just "everything goes wrong. Aliens fuck up the Earth. We resist."
It's very efficient because the atmospheric worldbuilding and the NPC interactions with you really help you feel immersed.
But you're baiting so lmao

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Here is the dev team pic I promised

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>You don't need some higher story motivation to play HL.

It's not that you do, but then the game is basically no better than Super Mario Brothers or Dig Dug.

Like when you think of Metal Gear Solid, Max Payne 2 or Deus Ex, you can think of what the central themes and ideas are. These are what help make these games memorable and longlasting.

The most you can come up with for HL1 is "SCIENCE BAD".

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Which one is you?

Apparently some kid model had a FULLY MODELLED penis. Can't say for sure.

He's just posing for resistance propaganda of course

isn’t there still a half life movie in development (hell) supposed to be directed by JJ abrhams

Here is the creator and project lead sperging out on one of his (former) level designers.
>Most of the staff was told they would get paid and barely anyone did, which is why most left mid-project, hence "former"

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When I think about HL I think the gameplay is fucking amazing and the immersion in it is still hard to match to this day.

Doom 1 is still fun to play to this day despite having a joke of a story that someone killed Doomguy's bunny and he's mad.

Also it's funny to talk about good stories and mention anything Kojima, that dude just makes an overwritten mess out of everything, then pull some retarded maguffin to explain his retardation. NANOMACHINES

>he let Paul die
You're a shitty brother desu

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MGS is Kojima putting himself out there, flaws and all

HL1 and 2 are attempting to do LOST style storytelling (or X-files for HL1), pretending to offer answers while not really, as ultimately, the real answers would be fucking lame.

at least there's one white person there

What fucking answers? The earth got fucked after Black Mesa and you're needed to cause enough shit for a revolution. Why? Who fucking cares. Here, have a gravity gun and enjoy the game.
Both Half life games put the gameplay first over a story, you know, like games used to do? You never question why Bowser keeps kidnapping Peach in Mario Bros. or what the Triforce actually is in Zelda, so why should you wonder about the Combine and how they actually captured earth in 7 hours?

Which HL mod was the one with Alex vagina

A heavily modified version of Cinematic I think

>Both Half life games put the gameplay first over a story,

Except ironically both try to make it seem like there is more story if you just keep playing. There's a constant stringing along, especially with the Episodes.

Whereas Deus Ex tells a whole story, everything from beginning to end. It's like a really good novel. Half Life is like Harry Potter.

>Except ironically both try to make it seem like there is more story if you just keep playing
Not really. The story is just there so Valve can put varied looking levels in the game, especially in the episodes.
The car throw in Episode 1 exists just to have a reason to be back in the citadel and have a neat puzzle section. The train ride at the end is a thing only to justify waking up near a mine, looking at a pretty skybox in Episode 2, and so on and so forth.
The cliffhanger was just a reason to justify being in the Arctic in Episode 3.

You're basically agreeing with me, but saying a bad thing is a good thing

But that's not a bad thing in the first place?

>saying a bad thing is a good thing

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So what's with the bizarre ending where he ends up in a room full of Freemen?

You won't be laughing if you think only EA will have you entertained with more CoD: shitware.

Was anyone else in that one stream that got dumped on the tranny?

What the fuck are you talking about? No one is arguing that Half-Life is better written than Deus Ex. The writing of a game isn't an objective marker of its quality.

What’s up with modders and putting inappropriately detailed models in release files?

>people shitting on HLs story
I swear this board gets worse every day.

Why not FULLY MODEL if you can?


>Comparing Half Life to Deus Ex
What an odd comparison to begin with. Both set out to do wildly different things. Not to mention claiming that Hunt Down the Freeman is the most "honest" half life story is a crock of shit.

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You're mad that I'm right on both counts

>B-b-but they're trying to do different things!!!1

You're right. Deus Ex is a marathon runner and HL1/2 are in the special olympics

I'm glad there was no HL3, Alyx was fucking annoying.

why did they make gordon look like a young stephen king?