Name a relevant PC exclusive without sounding cringe. lmfao you cant

Name a relevant PC exclusive without sounding cringe. lmfao you cant.

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hahaahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahh pc gamers cant name a single exclusive. BTFO

60 FPS

Done and done

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Star sector is a game made by 4 guys that is not only appealing to the eyes, but is fun, autistically fun and funnily autistic. The entire game is about how DRM is retarded and fucks up the galaxy and the factions who suck off console wars are all faggots.

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It's very high on the list of Steam games so it's definitely relevant. It's also extremely well made.

MuH exlusives! Enjoy your stupid fucking bloom motion blur sub 30fps piece of shit artsy game. Have fun whining for mod support and cross play until your dusty box of outdated hardware dies.

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Wtf bros...

They weren't supposed to post these deep and intricate games that are marvels of game design and loved by many, bros...

How did this happen, consolebros...


Albion Online

Cool. So you payed $2000 for 60fps in Minecraft. Great use of your hardware there.

consolebabies already seething

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My box can pretend to be all boxes.
I think that's a good investment.


Way to out yourself as both poor AND stupid. Just so much seething.

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Multiplats are all ports from pc

OP said to not sound cringe.

Imagine being op.

I dont want to.

i have a red devil rx5700, ps4pro, and xbox one x
and i'm a college student living on part time minimum wage

>amd gpu
I'm sorry.

it's 2019

So what?

I can run literally any game at 1080p 60fps on max settings

B-But Ken Kutaragi said the PS3 could achieve 120 FPS...

Exactly retard.

the amd gpus being bad meme has been outdated for 10 years

wow a whole 60fps sick dude

>m-muh exclusives

All emulatable soon. You retards don't seem to understand that you buy a PC to play the best version of mulitplats, not for gay movie walking sims.

I'm sure it could run higher but i don't have a 120hz monitor, and i've literally never seen above 60fps in my life, it's smooth enough for me as is

>things only amd user say/believe


if you think ps4 games will be emulatable "soon" you're dumb af

Holy shit you're retarded. A PS4 can't even run the RE2 remake at a constant 20 fps, while a 1000 dollar build could easily hold 60fps or more

Yeah the truth hurts doesn't it? Shouldn't you guys be looking into more gpu upgrades for your mobas and indies?

>implying mobas/indies would require a gpu upgrade
consoletards everyone

Except I paid $200 for the hardware and played the same exact game just fine and enjoyed it just the same as you, who paid over 4 times that.

goddamn based
never ever pirate fags
also dorf fort is an acceptable answer

consoles will never be able to experience 300+ mods minecraft with the highest quality shaders possible.

Only tard here is you for failing to get the point.

It's still Minecraft sweetie. Or are we just going to pretend a heavily modded Skyrim is a completely different game? (it's not).

you don't have a point you fucking loser.

Here let me spell it out for you
>Drop thousands of dollars on a rig and upgrades every few years
>end up playing mobas, indiepixelshits, and WoW
Jeez that sure was hard to understand. You seem like the kind of guy who would have an anime avatar on their Steam profile, and actually bother to type in a profile as well.

didn't read lol stay mad console virgin

This is what we call "cope"

AI Girl

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Meanwhile, console people spend 100% of their time playing third person action games and aren't even aware other genres exist.

Some of us use our PCs for work too, user.

>that pic
Just had flashbacks to every hospital I ever worked at.

Games are made using PCs not consoles you fucking morons.

Half the switch library can be emulated already, my negroid friend, your precious bloodborne has a year at most.

OP status: absolutely rekt

Enjoying all those 'exclusives' running at 720p at a fluctuating 20-45 fps? I'll trade the 3 whole console exclusives to be able to play 95% of same games as consoles with a vastly improved experience. That's not even to mention I can finish two of those same games in the time it takes you to finish loading that save.

Yes it is, sweaty.

When you change the game experience to be something completely different, of course it's a different game.

You can modify Skyrim to become Enderal to enjoy an actually good RPG, or you can visit Loverslab to turn it into a rape simulator. Very different genres, very different games.

Console peasants sure are showing how poor they are.

A PC can be used for things that aren't videogames. Saying the price points are off is an idiotic argument. Yes, your proprietary drm box is cheaper. Now make it run this pirated copy of Photoshop. Oh wait, you can't.

>thinking mods don't change the game

Way to out yourself as having no idea what mods even are. Thanks, I needed a good laugh today.

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>le facebook meme
Super cringe.

Arma 3 and Dominions 5. Those two titles unironically blow every other platform out out of the water.

Starcraft 2

>literally any RTS
maybe I dont understand the thread

Are you angry your mom bought you the wrong color PC or something?

World of Warcraft
Battlefield 1942 maybe

tell us all about your exclusives.