Rate the games you finished this year.
Rate the games you finished this year
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Persona is a masterpiece
I didn't finish any games this year.
>Wasteland 2
9/10 combat, 7/10 everything else. A little too long but worth playing.
>Shovel Knight
8/10. Feels very janky after playing the sequel Hollow Knight.
Not even sekiro and dmc?
God of War: 7.5/10
The Legend of Zelda 6.5/10
Silent Hill 2 - 10/10
Tomb Raider Anniversary - 8/10
Kingdom Hearts 3 - 7/10
Spyro Reignited Trilogy:
>Spyro 1 - 8/10
>Ripto's Rage - 7/10
>Year of the Dragon - 5/10
Sin and Punishment 2: Star Successor - 9/10
Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow - 8.5/10
Onimusha: Warlords HD - 7.5/10
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 - 9/10
999 - 9/10
Hollow Knight - 7.5/10
Persona 5 - 8.5/10
Spider-Man - 8/10
Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon - 7.5/10
Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions - 8.5/10
Gitaroo Man - 7.5/10
Eternal Darkness - 8/10
Cuphead - 8/10
Donut County - 7/10
Shenmue HD - 7.5/10
Ace Combat 4 - 7.5/10
Ape Escape - 7.5/10
Dragon Quest V - 8/10
Resident Evil 2 - 8.5/10
Sekiro - 9/10
Ace Combat 5 - 8.5/10
Advance Wars 2 - 8/10
A Hat in Time - 7/10
Control - 6.5/10
you just threw the pole, huh.
hotline miami = 8.5/10
silent hill 2 = 9.5/10
Resident Evil 2 Remake = 9/10
banjo tooie = 8/10
celeste = 9/10
smash ultimate = 9/10
tropical freeze = 8.5/10
REmake - 10/10
all new games except SH2, REmake and tooie, which were replays. good year for me.
Shin Megami Tensei 1/2/if... - Snes: all solid 7/10. 2 maybe 8/10. Lots of problems with them, but they were enjoyable enough that it was fun playing them anyway
Finally played a game of warband to completion/total domination: 8/10, again, it shines with mods, but vanilla isn't terrible, just has lots of room for improvement.
Super Daryl Deluxe: solid 7/10 rpg, if you get it for dirt cheap, it's worth buying, if not, pirate it.
DMC V - 8/10
EO nexus - 6/10
DQ XI - 9/10
DQ VIII - 9/10
Ace Attorney Trilogy - 10/10
only one still in progress is borderlands 3, so far it is about a 7. shit on me all you want for liking those games, but the loot grind really clicks with my autism
Celeste: 8/10
DMC5: 6/10
Sekiro: 9/10
Bloodstained: 8/10
My Friend Pedro: 6/10
Amid Evil: 9/10
Shadowbringers: 9/10
Three Houses: 8/10, but Maddening just released so might be higher with a real difficulty
Astral Chain: 7/10
Pretty good year desu
maddening is just awakening lunatic, not a fun challenge, just a grindy one
>FE Three Houses
>FE Binding Blade
>Devil May Cry HD
8/10 only played on normal mode though
>Kingdom Hearts 3
8/10 waiting for the DLC
Yakuza 0: 4.5/5
Yakuza Kiwami: 3.5/5
DMC5: 2.5/5
I am mayo: 5/5
CTR NF: 4/5
Va11ha11a: 3.5/5
Undertale: 2/5
Red Dead Redemption 2: 2/5
God of War: 2/5
It's been quite a year, but not as good as last year
starting from January...
first time, had never played a JRPG before, totally loved it 8.5/10
loved it 8.5/10
great combat, shit story, overall 8/10
really really liked, got me really interested in the history of ancient Japan for like a solid month 8.5/10
>Planescape Torment
adored it 10/10
>Baldur's Gate 1
just played to get to superior BG2, 7/10
currently playing: BG2
God of war 6/10
Until dawn 8/10
Nier Automata 10/10
REmake 2 7
Yakuza 0 9
Nothing else besides that. The wagie cagie life fucking blows.
Fallout 76
Shotguns were so shit in wasteland, but the you get the guarented crits skill,the final shotgun and the las shotgun upgrade and then your character becomes god
Marathoned all the Ace Combats (sans 7 and the 3DS/GBA ones), Silent Hills, half the Legend of Zeldas, most main Kirby games, Bayonetta 2, DK Tropical Freeze, both Divinity OS games, Yoshi Crafted World, all Wonder Boy games, all Banjo-Kazooie games (sans Pilot), DMC 5, Fable 1 & 2 and ton of other good stuff I can't seem to remember because it was more than 6 months ago. Can elaborate on each game if anyone wants to read an autistically long list.
amazing mirror is the best kirby game along with any version of superstar. god i want to replay those games
AM was pretty good, about a 7.5/10, but I think the metroidvania-esque elements were undercooked, prefer a more focused approach. Super Star is top tier, Robobot was probably the best among the nu-Kirby games.
Amid Evil 2/5
Remnant From the ashes 4/5
Ion Fury 3/5
Dusk 5/5
Darksiders 3 4/5
Mad Max 5/5
Killer 7 5/5
Necropolis 1/5
Deus Ex MD 1/5
The hong kong massacre 2/5
Draugen 1/5
GTAv 2/5
Mothergunship 2/5
Not a very good year overall, my faves this year on top
Of the ones I have in mind and of which you'll notice a pattern:
KH2 - 10/10
KHBBS - 6/10
KHDDD - 7.5/10
Resident Evil 6 is not that bad
Ghost Recon Future Soldier is great
Final Fantasy VII is dumb
Zelda: Spirit Tracks is okay
Redneck Rampage and expansions are great
Devil May Cry 4 is boring
Enslaved: Odyssey of the West is good
Splinter Cell Conviction is crap
Tom Clancy's HAWX is fine
HAWX 2 is shit
Goldeneye 007 is barely playable
The Walking Dead: The Final Season is great
Unravel Two is okay
Forza Horizon 3 is fantastic
Assassin's Creed Origins is incredible
Super Mario 3D Land is great
Mortal Kombat X sucks
Can't remember much else
Metal Gear Solid 5: 5.5/10
Nier Automata: 7/10
God of War ps4: 7/10
Astral Chain: 9/10
Xenoblade 2: 10/10
RDR2: 6/10
Persona 5: 6/10
Sekiro: 9/10
Spider man ps4: 6/10
RE2 Remake: 7.5/10
FE 3H: 8/10
MH world: 5/10
SOTC ps4: 6/10
Doom 2016: 9/10
Yakuza 0: 9/10
Started playing control but dropped it.
>Hollow knight
>Valkyria chronicle 4
>Dragon Quest 11
Astral Chain: 8/10
Slay the Spire: 8.5/10
Hollow Knight: 8.5/10
max payne: 5/5
max payne 2: 4/5
max payne 3: 4/5
fear: 5/5
wuppo: 4/5
crosscode: 5/5
dying light: 4/5
i don't remember anymore, it was a long year
>Ace Combat 7
>Rance VI
>Kichikuou Rance
does max payne play well with windows 10 or do i need to jump through hoops. i want a cool action game, and it looks kinda awesome
DMC5 - 9/10
DMC: Devil May Cry - 7/10
DMC 1 - 8/10
Re1 Remake - 7/10
RE2 Remake - 8/10
Sekiro - 8/10
FF7 1st time- 9/10
Days Gone - 7/10
MGS1 - 10/10
MGS2 - 7/10
MGS3 - 8/10
MGS4 - 9/10
Dragons Dogma - 6/10
FF15 - 5/10
Doom 2 - 7/10
Hollow Night 9/10
Monster Hunter World - 10/10
Only Death Stranding will save 2019
basically follow this guide and you'll be fine for the first game
i think the 2nd one only needs a widescreen patch, 3rd doesn't need anything
for the 1st and 2nd game you're gonna have to cap your fps to 60 because anything higher than that will fuck up the physics
i remembered some more
hitman 2016: 4/5
metal gear solid: 2/5
does 999 count? it's more of a game than the average visual novel. if so then 4/5
hyper light drifter: 1/5
kathy rain: 3/5
the beginner's guide: 1/5
a story about my uncle: 3/5
sweet, thanks. much easier than trying to get fallout 3 working.
>much easier than trying to get fallout 3 working.
you're not missing anything
>hyper light drifter: 1/5
it's easily a 4/5 for me
oh ive played dozens of times on ps3, i just wanted to go through it again a few weeks ago but couldnt get it running
i ain't no fucking reviewer why would i rate the games i played?
those were this year?
well not for me
only reason i didn't give it a 0 is because it works
rating something isn't the same as describing how you feel about the game
yes it is
8/10. Better combat than souls and the level design was good. Replayability let’s this game down though. Would rather they have made dark souls 4 tbqh.
>rdr1 + dlc
8/10. Mexico portion of the game sucks but I loved everything else. Game holds up graphics wise even though it’s 9 years old
8.5/10. Guarma sucks. Story was great, online is pretty boring. I was excited to see new austin when I beat the story but then that area of the map is just barren. Would have loved it if the epilogue was a bit longer and we ventured out a bit further, But I get that, that would have ruined the story in rdr1 as John has never been to most of these places. I think the furthest the epilogue takes you is hennigans stead.
just giving a number isn't the same as writing a couple of sentences about what you liked about the game or not
you could give genital jousting a 7/10 without describing what you thought about it
Pokemon red 7/10
Pokemon blue 7/10
Pokemon Yellow 7/10
Pokemon crystal 8/10
Pokemon platinum 7/10
Pokemon y 8/10
Pokemon Omega Ruby 6.5/10
Tomb raider PS3 7/10
Uncharted 2 6.5/10
Sekiro 9/10
DMC5 9/10
Hitman™ 9/10
REmake 2 8/10
>haven't finished
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 7/10
Crash Team Racing 6/10
Summon Night: Swordcraft Story 8/10
Resident Evil 2 9/10
Kingdom Hearts 3 10/10
MHW and Iceborne 10/10
Crash Bandicoot trilogy 8/10
Valkyrie Chronicles 1 8/10
The new Spiderman 7/10
Golden Sun 9/10
Dark Cloud 8/10
Rogue Galaxy 8/10
Okami 8/10
Shantae Risky revenge 7/10
God Eater 1 8/10
Dragon Quest 11 8/10
Magical vacation gba 8/10
Salt and Sanctuary 1/10
Nioh 9/10
Probably more but that’s all I could think of atm.
I haven't finished a game in 4 years
above average
means ya liked it dummy
Sekiro 8.5
DMC5 8.0
Remnant from the Ashes 6.5
Persona 5 7.0
do you even know what a review is?
the point of a review isn't to just say whether you liked it or not and give it a score, you're supposed to go over what the game has to offer and express how you felt about the various aspects of it (gameplay, story, music etc)
just saying "i liked it, 7/10" or just giving the score isn't a review, it's a rating, because you aren't going beyond the score to give your thoughts about the game
/5 or /10?
>RE2 Remake
>The Last Guardian
>Shantae Half Genie Hero
>Labyrinth of Refrain Coven of Dusk
>Uncharted 4
>Fire Emblem Three Houses
>Xenoblade 2 Torna Golden Country
>Pathologic 2
Absurdly good / 10
>Prey (2017)
8 / 10
>Amid Evil
7 / 10
9 / 10
7 / 10
Not that fag, but if you are going to use .5s why not just go with 10 and make it whole numbers?
10/10, at least in its genre. Nothing can beat the beast that is Factorio, and I have never experienced a game with as much replayability.
Replayability takes away the 10/10. Amazing game, and my favorite From game so far. Beat it 4 times, two of them with bell + charm but now I have no motivation to go back. Great ride, though.
>Devil May Cry 5
Good action and I loved what it was going for. V was very unpolished but I greatly appreciated the risk they took by developing a completely different playstyle. What annoyed me the most is investing time into a character only for him to be switched, and the amount of times you are forced to lose to the big bad guy.
>Pokemon White 2
I want to like it. I want to love it, even. It's a good pokemon game but it still lacks something. What I miss the most is pokemon diversity. It's better than some games, but it's still boring to see Rogenrolla in every cave, and not much else. Planning a modded version of BW2 soon to see if I will get the experience I desire.
should've said 10
Sekiro 9/10 had fun
and uh, that's it? What the fuck?
I'm a busy man okay. 1/0 tells if I finished it or not
i originally had them as stars - i guess it would make more sense just doing it out of 10 now but i don't really care
Easily my favorite action game of all time. It’s got literally everything I wanted from it except a playable Vergil, which I knew it wouldn’t have.
10/10, GOTY by far and I doubt any game could possibly surpass it before the year ends
>Three Houses
It’s my favorite Fire Emblem game, with my only complaint being that starting a new route can be boring due to the first part of the game not changing enough.
Took a long time for this game to “click” for me due to how different it feels from Souls, but even once it did, it just never felt like anything but a “good” game (IE: it never became great). Not a fan of the Posture system, nor of the fact that your playstyle is so limited compared to what I’m used to. Stealth was fun, though.
>Katana ZERO
Shorter than I would’ve liked, but the fantastic soundtrack really saves it. Definitely worth grabbing on a sale if you have even the slightest interest.
I’m a massive sucker for time loop stuff, too, which this game catered to pretty hard.
Nothing else I played left enough of an impression on me for me to bother remembering it.
I rate them 1 through 6.
Come at me.
It's actually a standard in my country. Ratings are based on dice.
Finished No More Heroes recently and i really enjoyed it
Felt like a great rent of the weekend kind of game
Dont know if i should play the sequel
dm5 4/5
sekiro 4/5
REmake2 4/5
not bad not bad
>Ace Combat 7 - 9/10
>RE2make - 8/10
>DMC5 - 9/10
>KH3 - 6/10
>Spyro Reignited - 9/10; 7/10; 7/10
>A Hat in Time - 9/10
>Sonic Mania Encore - 9/10
>Sekiro - 8/10
>Resident Evil 7 VR - 8/10
>Started playing Tekken 7 again - 8/10
Pretty good year. I wanna play Judgement, but that's about it.
8/10 Really fun gameplay, not a whole lot to it but also priced accordingly. Highly recommend.
>Katana Zero
8.5/10 Great gameplay, good if cliche storyline, interesting use of text. Needs more levels where you play as the Dragon
>My Friend Pedro
7/10 Fun when a rhythm gets going, but fights felt either a little annoying when trying to balance dodging and shooting or incredibly set up to the point of pointlessness. Also some pretty shitty humour.
>Headliner: NoviNews
6/10 Basically no gameplay to speak of, but interesting Papers Please-esque 'changing the world, one deskjob at a time' kind of world-focused story.
6/10 Feels kinda odd and weightless, and with the "cutscenes" especially it seems like an okay game made in Gmod.
8/10 Escape rooms were actually pretty fun, story was pretty interesting with characters keeping you going at the start and bizarre Japanese autist's ideas pulling you through at the end. Routes seemed a little abitrary and proper ends only felt achievable via the map screen.
>Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward
8/10 Weird shit got more interesting, but also more tedious. End game is pretty fun, mid-game is awful.
>Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma
Uchikoshi's Bullshit/10 Really hard to rate, didn't much care for the non-linearity before it was explained, hated the BIG twist with Delta felt really dumb.
>Titanfall 2
9/10 Great shooter, good story. Wish the online was more active and/or there was more singleplayer stuff separate from the campaign. Frontier Defense seems too difficult.
>Mario Odyssey
9/10 Love the depth with the hat throw mechanics.
>Super Smash Bros: Ultimate
Smash/10 Kinda more of the same. Spirits mode wasn't as fun as Subspace and varied between broken in your favour when you have good spirits and broken against you against the highest level spirits. Fuck you Wily.
>Astral Chain
9/10 Solid platinum game, investigative part could be used better.
>won't let me spoiler the ZTD spoiler