Today is the 15th anniversary of Pokemon Emerald. Say something nice to it

Today is the 15th anniversary of Pokemon Emerald. Say something nice to it.

Attached: Pokémon_Emerald_boxart_EN-US.jpg (1473x1475, 1.28M)

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come back! ...wait a minute, this is the first time they dropped gotta catch 'em all all the cover.

Its utter shit

Its soulless

It's a good game and deserves the praise it still gets 15 years later.

Fug is still the best legendary.

3rd gen was the best cause it made it too easy to drop Pokemon... and never play it again.

Last good Pokémon game.

Always liked Ruby more but I love fug
Plus it makes the Holy trinity along with HGSS and Platinum so it's cool

Too much water

The 3rd gen 2 game would be crystal not HGSS. Though I really love the gen 2 remakes

It should have ended here.

3rd best Pokemon game, next to Heartgold and BW2

What should've it been instead? Crummy pokémon creatures?

Probably the probably the peak along with hgss. I explored the fuck out of it as a kid, and I loved it despite the memes. It did suck to have most of the dex gone and to buy colosseum and gale of darkness to fix it, but gen 3 was far more charming than what we have now.

Attached: 1566672109894.gif (499x374, 968K)

Oh man for real? Shit, if I had known it was coming up I would've waited to replay it. Shame.

You were the good one, rest in peace. Your family lineage has been filtered out and gotten muddy over the years.

I'm sorry gamefreak destroyed your legacy

is BW2 that good

it's a fucking meme. it has shitty nonsensical world design, no cool secrets to find, no memorable boss fights, nothing that makes a Pokemon game good.

It has "a good story" by Pokemon standards, but the story is still barely even fanfic-tier.

You DID get all 7 gold symbols, right Yea Forums?

last good pokemon game