>Character is "Foreign"
>Actually 3/4ths Japanese
Why do they do this?
Character is "Foreign"
Other urls found in this thread:
So they're too "foreign" for the jap playerbase.
If you are not full japanese you aint japanese at all for them
Why are the Japanese so xenophobic?
this used to be something we mocked but the current right wing culture of Yea Forums forbids it
its a drawing
It's pretty stupid in Persona 5's case.
being natural blond with blue/green eyes will automatically make you a foreigner in Japan
>1/4 american
Damn, the american parent must have some strong genes
I don’t know what’s stupider, that Japs think if you’re less than 4/4ths Japanese that you’re not Japanese at all or that they think you can reasonably have blonde hair and blue eyes while also only having 1/4th non-Jap DNA.
Shitty politics and social issues
"Xenophobia" is a natural reaction to prevent you from diseases from the unknown.
No one wants you infecting Japan.
based retard
How else does a Japanese person get blue eyes and blonde hair?
>3/4rds Japanese
>looks white as fuck
In a perfect world...
Why are people who lead the fight against xenophobia the most xenophobic of them all? Really makes you think.
The only people who hate blondes are other whites.
Honestly has there ever been a half anything with blonde hair and blue eyes. I'm no master of genetics so I don't know how it works.
>people who lead the fight against xenophobia
How the fuck did you come to this conclusion?
Americans are still lucky they get portrayed in Japanese media as tall blond hair and blue eyed people.
I wasn't talking about the Japanese, user.
>this level of reading comprehension
go back to your shitty schools, burger
That's usually how the meida portrays them any where
Blond hair and Blue eyes are both recessive traits.
not really
in plenty of asian media it's a black sports-obsessed man
I know a Jewish girl who has those traits.
thats not untrue
I see alot more blondes in anime, in sports anime I know it's pretty different though
>Japanese love blondes in their games
>"All foreigners need to go back!"
How does this even work?
Therein lies Ann's entire crisis. She was born in Japan, she's mostly Japanese, except having natural blonde hair and blue eyes, and lived in America for some time before returning to her home country. But because of that, everyone around her assumes she's a complete and total moron (she's more lazy than stupid), and extremely sexually promiscuous, which she isn't. And so she only has one friend while everyone else assumed she and Kamoshida were sleeping together when they weren't, and then when Ann tried to stand up for herself her only friend ended up targeted in revenge.
She's literally being judged on appearance and abandoned because of it, because she doesn't fit in. Something to be blamed on the misfortune of her birth.
Funny thing is Shujin's English teacher, Ms. Chouno, is implied to be from Southern California, but she's Latina. Something different than normal.
Just because they like the fictional part doesn't always mean they're gonna like the real life part.
I love people who say 3/4 anything nationality or half a nationality. Half american, half chinese. etc.
Look, it's this fucking simple, to actually call yourself a specific nationality you must either A be born in that nation or B have actually become a citizen of nation and have a ID to prove you are originally a resident of that nation, otherwise you ain't half or 3/4 shit.
Never knew she was from there that's pretty cool
She's already been tainted by 1/4th demon. Throw her back.
Ms Chouno is interesting.
She deviates from generic anime cuteness, but is still attractive, like you can tell she looks like an actual Latina instead of a generic anime foreign stereotype.
Inferiority complex, and sour grapes, mostly. The Japanese are fucking tired of the same phenotype for choice in their potential mates, there's a whole aberrant culture of youth becoming as absurdly unnatural in their looks just to look different from the baseline, and honestly, can you fault them?
The Japanese affirm publicly their xenophobia and privately lust most after blonde, blue eyed men and women, but they know they would always be in a disadvantage in that relationship, and they rue their cruel fate and bitterly hold on to small breasts, flat butts, wimpy neoteny-ridden men and tacky clothes and hairstyles to compensate.
they want someone with exotic physical features but who still understands and integrates with japanese society because nobody in japan likes loud stupid obnoxious gaijin
You do realize blue eyes blond hair isn't exclusive to white people right? It's also EXTREMELY rare in white people to begin with you dumb fuck.
>She deviates from generic anime
imagine believing this
My favorites are the ones that claim 1/16 Cherokee or black.
No they are very conservative, they don't want some other group of people coming in screwing with their culture.
>thinking it's just muh blood
hello amerimutt
even if you're 100% nip, if you grew up elsewhere and went back, you'd be alienated by them too
I mean, she's still anime, but has a distinctly different facial shape and skin tone to every other character in the game, hence, she's not "Generic"
>everyone around her assumes she's a complete and total moron (she's more lazy than stupid), and extremely sexually promiscuous, which she isn't
Which is weird because all of the biggest Annfags don't even realize this
>No they are very conservative,
Why do people actually believe this?
>You do realize blue eyes blond hair isn't exclusive to white people right? It's also EXTREMELY rare in white people to begin with you dumb fuck.
... nani?
nigga visit sweden
because the boomers who run their government, economics, and society desperately try to portray and believe it
So what's the younger generation like?
Sweden is only one out of over a hundred nations. It is still rare. In total if you look at every nation where blonde hair and blue eyes are most common it only amounts to like 2% of the world population.
>"My mother is American and my father is Japanese!"
>Which is weird because all of the biggest Annfags don't even realize this
What are you talking about?
Say what you will about Annfags, but they're the first to jump down shitposters throats if they even so much as imply that she liked Kamoshida's attention.
Care to prove me wrong?
Anne is the love of my life.
Jokes on you I would never consider some black person born in Germany from two Ghana immigrant parents to be a german.
That doesn't make sense. I don't care that he was born there for example. He doesn't look like the people who used to live over there for centuries. He can speak perfect german but I still wouldn't accept him ever. The real problem lies not with him but within of government of course that allows people like his parents easy access to the country though.
Tbqh True Blond hair and light blue eyes looks kinda unnatural, I don't like it.
Dirty blond and grey eyes is better.
Or Light Brown Hair and light brown eyes, now that is the patricians choice.
Fuck blonds.
>They actually want us to believe it wouldn't be the other way around
Can I juat say B-Stylers ans gwt this over with?
Should I watch Zombieland Saga?
Perhaps this is because you are racist, and not because he is not german.
I don't see why not?
>Tfw this means whites born in America aren't Americans
You obviously don't even know what nationality means. You are objectively WRONG.
What's wrong with people from Africa becoming citizens of Germany? Are you that triggered by a specific group of people?
Let me ask you something, if a white person has a parent with blonde hair and blue eyes who is German, does this mean they are now German?
And easy access? How is that relevant to the conversation?
I wouldn't consider any other nationality that I could tell apart from the german population to be german too.
In general I agree with japanese regarding not consider Ann to be japanese
What does that have to do with anything?
That the country and it's people aren't extremely conservative and are just like anyone else. Faggots have this weird sense that Japan is all about their culture and hates all non-Japanese culture.
No, it's not extremely rare.
2% of the world's population are natural blonde. And while this sounds rare on paper, we're talking specifically about White people, which make up only 30% of the world population. The 2% factors in everyone, including the whole of Africa and East Asia.
Most Northern European countries have blonde hair across 40% to 80% of their native populations, and a good chunk can be found in the UK, Germany, France, and
1 in 20 Americans are naturally blonde, and only 12/20 Americans are White. And of those 12, White Hispanics are included.
If you're speaking specifically about White people, and not the general global population, it's not this extremely rare thing. At worst in a majority White population, it's uncommon.
He's talking about the entire world even some Africans can have both naturally.
It's basically copeposting by weebs who know they will never actually live in japan. It's the other side of the "desperately believes they can live in japan while being cringey as fuck" coin, the nihilistic retards who want to live in anime land but know they'll always stand out and go emo about it
>TFW Autistic and don't even fit in in my own country
>>They actually want us to believe it wouldn't be the other way around
This is why I respect Capcom. They're not afraid to admit that Europeans just steal their women sometimes, and instead focus on making the end result something special.
.t someone who has never lived in a different country and at most visited tourism districts
Reread his post, he specifically says at the end
>It's also EXTREMELY rare in white people to begin with you dumb fuck.
This is the point I am contesting.
>it's people aren't extremely conservative and are just like anyone else.
What a load of crock.
What places (If any) in the world have you visited that would result in such an ignorant view?
Most blonds end up becoming dirty blonds in adulthood.
Actual, pure blond hair is rare as fuck.
>we're all the same guys!
kill yourself
i've spent each half of my life in different continents and the people's attitudes toward things are night and day
how else are you supposed to read it?
That's not and argument and yes I have. Acting like the entire Japanese populace hates anyone that's not Japanese is not only ignorant but also fucking stupid as fuck. Even anime and video games should show you that they take intrest in other cultures. Hell fucking Persona and SMT litterally show that they take interest in other cultures and show them respect. Think about it, why would a Japanese game company know about Baal, Moloch and Mot if they didn't take intrest in the culture?
>What's wrong with people from Africa becoming citizens of Germany?
Different culture. They have a totally different mindset. They are loud and rude. Have no manners. Push for their way of life instead of integrating into the german one. You could've said that their children woyld be german but that is not the case as children most likely would be raised among people alike and be influenced by their behavior so yet again despite being born in Germany they act like savages from Africa that are their parents.
Not to mention that they are ugly but that apply pretty much to anyone who is not from western/northern europe.
Japs are fucking autistic about heritage can’t believe they don’t post on /pol/
I've visited Canada and Japan, thw only people who think like this are anons that never been anywhere but act like experts.
Yes people act different this is the case with Japan it's not a super conservative wonderland like you think
>character is 25+
>considered old
I hear that there is literally a Korean Hate board on 2ch
Japanese are butthurt they’re relevance in being usurped by sk
those who look gaijin and speak Japanese are part Japanese irl
full gaijins can't speak Japanese
>they’re relevance in being usurped by sk
KPop doesn't count.
I can't think of anything Korea has better compared to Japan.
Can someone explain why a culture/race of people wanting to stay homogeneous is a bad thing? How does it like, effect me or you exactly?
South Korea is literally a Japan Hate country
It's not a bad thing. However it is viewed as suh at this current day and age where people for some reason want to see the whole world to become homogenous mashup.
Why couldn't they give us fluffy hair and maid outfit together?
Because 9/10 people just say X race is homogenous but wants to fuck Y race because they secretly hate themselves.
amerimutt media and western lefties, most of whom are brainwashed by anglo media, are desperate to describe japan as that. they have a weird impulse to push their burden/reality on japan. i always think its caused by their subconscious negative mindset thats against their society and the mass immigration. they are so insecure that they have to make sure they have done a right thing by making third people like japnaese follow them
japan is just the same as western first world countries until 2007 or so that were liberal leaning. if japan is so conservative, then it just means the west used to be as conservative as japan until 2007, but its totally nonsense.
It's unironic ironic idolkino
What I want to know is why it's okay for some cultures to want to be this way but for others it's not.
When White people want to do it, it's demonized and called racist and people start shouting about the next Hitler.
When Japanese do it, it's considered xenophobia as well.
But when Black people Muslims want to do it, it's considered strong racial pride and it's okay to shit on people who date outside of their race. Particularly women. It's okay if the men fuck dumb white and asian sluts, though. As long as they don't get them pregnant or abandon the bitch if they do, depending on which race is laying the pipe.
she’s pushing 30
>I've visited Canada and Japan
what parts of japan and for what reason? also
how about something substantial like a career path that forces you outside of those areas?
the three years i worked for a university had me bouncing around north africa and west asia working alongside the locals there
a statement like "people are all the same" could only come out of someone spitting out idealistic nonsense
>What I want to know is why it's okay for some cultures to want to be this way but for others it's not.
Because the Jews that control the media say so.
Okay and why should someone else care?
>teddie is foreign
>he’s covered up most of the time
Most of my family is Gypsy but I have blue eyes, white skin and blonde hair, so yeah it's possible.
Because life is cruel.
In itself, it's not a bad thing.
But it often tends to lead to bad things, like refusing to work well together with the outside world.
In example, note Japans aging population. This aging population thing is in fact happening in most first world countries, it's just that others are offsetting it with migrants and refugees. So while other countries should be mostly OK with their population ages, Japan it going to hit a huge fucking problem when a high percentage of their population can no longer work and the younger generation can't support them.
Also, while I don't like the idea of cultures becoming super mixed and whatever, if you don't mix them at all, everyone can only really experience their own culture, and that's kinda sad.
>The Japanese affirm publicly their xenophobia and privately lust most after blonde, blue eyed men and women
time to go to japan
>"White culture"
It's telling how you call it "white" culture, and not American culture, or British Culture or wherever else there are white people.
The issue is cognitive dissonance. Humans by their nature create mental shortcuts, called Heuristics, to help them efficiently process information and solve problems. Humans also tend to like to maintain equilibrium - once something has been accepted as "fact" in the brain, additional or contrary information causes emotional and psychological distress. Unlearning and relearning something takes effort, and is uncomfortable. That's why in education it's considered incredibly important that things be taught right the first time.
So what the fuck does this have to do with race? Well, humans use heuristics for everything, including social interactions. We interact with others and file them mentally as they, them, him, her, that tribe, this tribe, etc - as we unconsciously (and some might say compulsively) sort and organize information we take in.
So when we learn to associate certain traits or features with a certain group - ex. White skin with Europeans, confronting outliers or contradictions to that definition causes cognitive dissonance, and a vague sense of unease until the dissonance is resolved either by the addition of qualifiers that settle the different information with pre-established norms, or until the concept of that norm is written in the brain.
This is why ethnicity, behaviors, and cultural quirks that people are not used to causes concern, especially in the case of relatively rapid social or demographic shifts as it creates cognitive dissonance with fundamental and definitive world views. What IS white, what IS black, what IS american, what IS european, what IS acceptable, what IS unacceptable, etc. Our cognitive dissonance is compounded by instinctive tribalism to create a negative feedback loop where the outlier - even if it is in fact, now a statistical majority - is rejected, sometimes violently.
And now you know why old people hate new shit and the 21st century makes people uncomfortable.
Technically he's not even human. He's a Shadow that desired human attention and so took the form of a comical plush bear, in contrast with the monstrous Shadows that only express suppressed negative emotions. As such he got exactly what he wanted, human friends. And in learning about humanity he gained a human form and Persona too, becoming the very thing he wanted all along.
Like Metis, he's a Shadow that gained enough humanity to cast his own Shadow. Humanity is a pretty infectious thing.
At least Japan won't become a sandnigger mutt nation due to immigration. I think their way is better, even if their economy takes a hit due to not embracing mass immigration.
>what parts of japan and for what reason?
I mostly stayed in Osaka because I've always wanted to goto Japan but Tokyo is expensive as shit.
>>people are all the same" could only come out of someone spitting out idealistic nonsense
When I said that I mean there are people in Japan and a fairly largw amount which I would say about 70% don't act like how Yea Forums or sjws think they act. Japan isn't xenophobic nor do they hate the non-japanese it's a little more relaxed there honestly but I know that's basically the case for any person that's getting a little R&R. I'm speaking from personal experience and my brother who served 11 years in the military thinks the same. While he was stationed in SK he said he the people were kind and took interest in American culture.
what the fuck is wrong with you
>like refusing to work well together with the outside world.
i'm sorry declining mass immigration means they've shitty dealings with the rest of the world today
Your post is something I would definetly imagine being taught in schools of California.
They fucked up hard in WW2 and never recovered
case in point
>sexual abuse victim is the fanservice character
most of those who have a weird view on japan, whether its liberal or conservative, are monolingual scum. they get offended in japan just because they cant communicate with japanse in english, and most of the fuckers are anglos. learning a foreign language is a quite important thing when it comes to understanding a different society/culture but anlgos will never understand it.
Is he wrong though? You could rearrange that by replacing the word "heuristics" with "memes". Stereotypes and generalizations are memetic, easy to remember and repeat. Everyone has their own units of cognitive bias and information they pass onto others, spreading their memes. When confronted with memes that run counter to their own beliefs, people can get hostile or afraid, because they don't know, aren't sure anymore. And so it's far easier to hide within your own memes than to learn and embrace others.
Would you like me to go through and list every single majority White country individually you fucking retard?
At no point did I say "White culture" like you're quoting.
I mentioned cultures in the context of ALL cultures, and then mentioned generalized White people in general.
Know what else is telling?
You called me on "White culture", yet not on "Black culture" despite there being a ton of different variations of that as well. Same with Muslims. The only singular culture I mentioned was Japan.
You nit picky fuck faced douche.
>You could rearrange that by replacing the word "heuristics" with "memes"
that's pretty much how we use the term meme these days yeah. a meme is just a "unit"of heuristics
It's a simple visual shorthand, the same reason why Russians are usually portrayed as some kinds of snow elves with white hair.
>Character dresses like her wardrobe came from a thrift store
>She's still best girl
How does Kawakami do it?
strange that they mostly use this type of appearance for russians and finns.
Nordics are just blondes for some reason.
by being relate able to the tired mid 20's - 30 sometimes who feel like they gave up on their dreams and are living a dead end life beneath the weight of crushing debt and no mobility
>all this writing
>doesn't actually answer the question
this feels like one of those ramblings a humanities student would cram into their paper
fuck grading, glad i finished last year
>Would you like me to go through and list every single majority White country individually you fucking retard?
Not him but when brining up homogeneous that would be a yes. Because id nor then toy don't want true homogenous tou just want a mishmash of whites with conflicting cultures together because they are white and sjws want the same but with other races. Bringing up homogeneous and juat using white people,black people etc. Is assinine considering like you said these races have tons of different cultures
>>doesn't actually answer the question
I did answer the question though. People dislike multi-culturalism because it clashes with their preconceived notions of society, and creates cognitive dissonance. It's 2k symbols senpai, it's not *that* much writing.
Why people should like multi-culturalism to begin with?
yellow represents the gay
Because of delicious cuisines
>I did answer the question though
>Can someone explain why a culture/race of people wanting to stay homogeneous is a bad thing?
>How does it like, effect me or you exactly?
>People dislike multi-culturalism because it clashes with their preconceived notions of society, and creates cognitive dissonance.
Maybe a strange inversal of it.
well that's a different question, one i'm not qualified to answer, nor will I say definitively that they should.
I will say - and this is just observation - refugee or open states tend to profit from accepting outsiders so long as they can maintain a coherent and effective core culture. Ex. Rome thrived because it was willing to take anyone and everyone who came and 'became Roman', as did the United States. Multi-culturalism is harmless and can even be beneficial so long as there's a solid back-plating of naturalization and a core "culture" to unify disparate sub-groups. Whether or not such a "Core Identity" exists in America now is a subject of debate and another one I can't give a definitive answer to. Opinion wise, I think there is, I think most of the problems we attribute to cultural divisions are the result of income inequality. Though there are some examples of cultural sub-groups that do cause problems because they won't "naturalize" - like urban black culture. Yeah I fucking said it. We used to have black people like Pryor, Rock, and Cosby who could speak out about this but Pryor fell to his drug problems, Rock chickened out and Cosby got me-too'd
By being insanely cute! Her simple outfit just makes her all the more appealing with how domestic she looks!
Also this.
he could frame it better
maybe in a sense as separate, homogeneous cultures can be perceived as a multicultural threat
Cause they like foreign features but not foreigners themselves.
Other cultures can be pretty cool.
And even the cultures I don't personally like, other people may like.
I grew up in Sydney (I think it's the third most multicultural city in the world), so I'm not some whiny bitch boy who bitches whenever they are faced with a culture they aren't used to.
Because exotic shit can be fun and interesting. Take this thread, it's (initially at least) about a mostly-Japanese girl, from a Japanese video game about Japanese teens living in Japan and trying to change Japanese society. Mementos doesn't exist outside of Tokyo. The rigid belief in social harmony that spawns the Holy Grail, and in turn Yaldabaoth to defend it, is mostly a Japanese-thing. And I can assure you I am in no way Japanese, nor have I ever been to Japan.
But still I like this game. And the others before it. And other video games and media that come from Japan. I wouldn't be able to have fun with these things if I stuck to only my own culture's stuff alone.
>EXTREMELY rare in white people
What T. Finnish cunt
One Drop Rule
brits are foreign in america
>EXTREMELY rare in white people
>white people
>T. Finnish cunt
There is your answer Pekka
every finn i met was dark as fuck
Snow mongolian, regards binland
>No, it's not extremely rare.
>2% of the world's population are natural blonde. And while this sounds rare on paper, we're talking specifically about White people, which make up only 30% of the world population. The 2% factors in everyone, including the whole of Africa and East Asia.
>Most Northern European countries have blonde hair across 40% to 80% of their native populations, and a good chunk can be found in the UK, Germany, France, and
>1 in 20 Americans are naturally blonde, and only 12/20 Americans are White. And of those 12, White Hispanics are included.
>If you're speaking specifically about White people, and not the general global population, it's not this extremely rare thing. At worst in a majority White population, it's uncommon.
You do realize that by me mentioning everyone as a whole with blue hair we get an actual picture of how common it is right? Even if we limited it to white people, less than half the white population have blond hair or blue hair. That is rare. The vast majority of people do not have this.
Well some of russians are silver haired.
fuck off
>blue hair
Yep, there's no point talking to you. You just went full retard.
It's fine to stay that way but people don't take kindly to you being racist and intolerant. What's funnier is how they try to adopt different aspects of other cultures but have the audacity to be racist to it. It's funny as hell.
It's never okay to be like that. Black people, Asians,etc are no exception. Japan believes in some bullshit like "Japanese purity", they believe if they let in too many people they will lose that purity. They believe in "racial purity". Fucking lol.
>japanese love female blondes in their games
no man has ever been xenophobic towards hot females from whatever group. I'm sure even Klan members woupd never say no to niggers if they were all taylor brooks type women
Wait you're telling me actual human people in the real world who are Russian have white hair? No they don't do that to portray Russians. It's called mukokuseki.
They don't look like real people.
Shut the hell up. lol
t. FDA
>You do realize that by me mentioning everyone as a whole with BLUE HAIR we get an actual picture of how common it is right? Even if we limited it to white people, less than half the white population have blond hair or BLUE HAIR. That is rare. The vast majority of people do not have this.
They said "blue hair" twice. I assume they mean't blue eyes but it's still funny.
because couples that are both white and live in japan are incredibly rare
not everything is a racism thing you fag
Everything is racism user.
I'm racism.
You're racism.
Your dog is racism.
Bernd is it you?
[citation needed]
>character is half Japanese
>is the school idol instead of being mercilessly bullied
every time
island mentality
You're just wrong
to explain what the fuck they're doing in japan in the first place
>Why do they do this?
So that it's believable that she grew up in and is a Japanese citizen.
It'd be like making a foreign character in an American setting but without a green card.
the funny part is western liberals cant admit that they just choose mega capitalism over anything else.
all mass immigrant stuff is just to keep global capitalism and big companies growing and going. which is not ideologically liberal at all, is more conservative.
its ironical that they cant realise that they are making the peak capitalistic society by themselves and totally enabling riches.
also you can notice modern liberals are very pro mega corps. like if mega corps like disney marvel etc virtue signal they all think the mega corps are their friends and innocently support them
to me, this zeitgeist is fucking sick.
This is Euro vs Mutt logic.
Mutts take it that being born in a country makes you a member of that nation, Euros take it that lineage makes you a member of a nation even if your parents emigrated.
You are thinking of centrists user.
It's centrists that think of corporations as their friends.
>mass immigration is conservative
I dunno what kind of Liberals you are hanging around, but none of the ones I know hold a high opinion of megacorps.
>don't like megacorps
>want mass immigration which fuels the ever growing minimum wage labour force
pick one
Those two things are not mutually exclusive, user.
no you should admit modern liberals are amazingly impressionable and casual, and dont even try to dig good underground stuff anymore. most of them are literally spoiled cretins.
it is. you dont understand actual conservative politicians. those who are anti mass immigration are far-right politicians. most conservative politicians only think of money and their flimsy "pride", and dont give a fuck about any actual cultural value that us normies cherish.
Cheap labour doesn’t only affect large corporations, retard.
Why do you think every corner shop, garage, fast food joint etc are full of indians?
That doesn't mean you have to import all the shit cultures and mesh them together with your own. Go and visit a foreign country if you are interested in their culture.
Eh, they are still kind of weird. I tanked a relationship I was in with a Japanese girl whose parents actually grew up and lived in Japan by complimenting her mother's Kanji tiles. I said that they were beautifully drawn, and apparently I deeply offended her dad.
Japan is a really weird nation, full of subtleties.
Sure, like language and culture from China. Oh wait...
but there's only one best way to live. nobody should be living suboptimally. we'll all be the same and it'll be great. imagine the vibrant diversity. i just came.
>I said that they were beautifully drawn, and apparently I deeply offended her dad.
But why?
Why did that offend the father? No clue. Why did I say they were beautifully drawn? Because they were.
>it's just that others are offsetting it with migrants and refugees.
Yes and they all have racial troubles 24/7 and a large portion of sandniggers/niggers who hate the country and native people. Great lol
>everyone can only really experience their own culture, and that's kinda sad.
If you want to experience a different culture you can travel to a foreign country.
Ann is finnish, not japanese. Takamaki is a finnish surname.
it's been three years, stop forcing that meme.
Find me specific mention of her being 3/4th japanese.
I've been waiting for this ever since I saw the new intro.
they bothered to state she's 1/4 american, if she was finnish in any way they'd sure as hell mention that
And Takamaki is a Japnese surname.
They saw how shitty the rest of the world is and decided they want nothing to do with it.
If I'm a dirty immigrant, it's bad for me because I can't leech off their wealth. So I cry racism and xenophobia and demand open borders.
Yeah, the old ones.
>finnish surname
>lived in finland
>no mention of being japanese
>But she's japanese I swear!
She's finnish.
Those rich upperclass cunts have enough wealth to go around, and they don't deserve it.
An Isolationist island nation tends not to be very welcoming
>speaks perfect Japanese
>never speaks Finnish
Because I want to bleach some tight jap bussy and infect their land with hapas
Fuck this. They really are pusing that Kasumi is the actual heroine of Persona 5. Honestly I don't understand why Atlus does this.
>"Guys! The heroine will be in the remake/remaster instead of the OG game!"
that's just a dialect common in the eastern part of the finnic empire
Why are you surprised they are marketing the remake around the new waifu?
And yet we can't fucking play as her
>>speaks perfect Japanese
Literally every foreign teenager who moved to Japan in anime ever.
>>never speaks Finnish
Why would she speak finnish to japanese people?
>Marie 2.0
God help us
What Japanese game developer is going to know what a Fin is besides a sign to get out of the water? also stop trying to pass off Takamaki as a Finnish name, (you) and I both know it's fucking Japanese. If it's a name in both languages whoop de fucking do, who cares. Certainly not Atlus.
Foreigners slip into their OG language all the time. Ann, not even once.
>What Japanese game developer is going to know what a Fin is
The one who made sure to mention that Ann lived in finland.
Also, finnish character in japanese media aren't that rare.
>Makoto was actually Japanese all along
>Drake is "Black"
>Actually a Jew
Americans are worse
They like their culture and would prefer to keep it.
>but I
Who the fuck cares then, who are you?
You realise nationality is a different concept to race right?
Am I supposed to see a difference apart from the clothes?