Why did the Rayman series die? Also discuss your favorite Rayman game and favorite fairy

Why did the Rayman series die? Also discuss your favorite Rayman game and favorite fairy.

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I loved origins but legends was pretty shit
Also rayman is one of those games you never play again when you complete it

Personally I like Annetta Fish but they're all great. Unfortunately there's hardly any content for her. Or the rest for that matter.
Agreed totally. Origins expects you to full clear it in order to actually finish the game, so once you've beaten the final boss there's really nothing else to do besides start over with a friend.

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somebody post it

It didn’t die. Rabbids is thriving.

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I thought Legends had better levels, but I liked the actual story that Origins had, no matter how minimal it was, it just made the game feel cohesive. With Legends it was like they had bunch of random ideas for worlds and then decided to just stick them in with no regards to how they worked together.
Origins played like complete, realized entry instead of a (admittedly very good) level package. Not to mention that the finale was an absolute masterpiece.

It died because the games don't sell well and the creator does other projects so not to burn himself out, I'm guessing.
Wish they could do a remake trilogy or something already and just have Ancel supervise the development of it.
I don't really have a favorite fairy but I guess if I had to pick, Helena (I think that's the blonde one) or Betilla
>legends was pretty shit
It really wasn't, great level design, lots of replay value with the daily/weekly challenges, and it fleshed out some of the ideas from Origins while including about half of its stages remade

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I guess I can agree with that, but both games have such a disposal story that I don't mind the almost complete lack of one in Legends.

Your cock would kill her

What do you mean die? Legends was released what, 3 years ago? They shouldn't annualize it. The reason it's not getting tons of games is because Michel Ancel wants to work on different stuff. It's a shame what Beyond Good & Evil 2 turned out to be, it's a big pile of red flags.

2013 was 6 years ago, user.

Actually Legends was released 6 years ago
It just keeps getting ported, and is probably the third most ported Rayman game after 2 and the original

Rayman 4 when?

sir, you vastly overestimate me

>I was like the only person to still play Rayman Adventures on my phone
>they stopped updates cold back in February so I've lost literally everything
I just wanted a third game in the reboot style with new shit and more sweet babes to ogle.

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Rayman 1 is the best one and Edith is best fairy.

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Sauce-que Kun

This but only if she's got a big tummy

Best nymph

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Someone will fix that someday.

Best barbarian.

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This, a third Rayman game as a sequel to Origins and Legends that improved the formula even more would have been incredible. But I've given up hope at this point.
I too played Adventures a fuck ton, but I stopped a long time ago because I was on an older phone and couldn't keep updating it at some point, and was unable to carry over my save data.

There was a solid three months where I was busting a nut to this picture so much. I’ve never even played the game.

fairies ruined the franchise worse than rabbids.

Someone make me a webm of that one part of the parody Rayman Whorigins

for me its Ly.

You really should, Origins is great

Do it, asshole. It's really fun.

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Understandable. Have a great day.

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you faggots are complaining when you got 2 great Rayman games in this decade, meanwhile Beyond Good & Evil fans had to wait 30 years after a cliffhanger ending to get a fucking prequel that is going to be always online, and a shitty gritty theme compared to the classy first game, you guys are spoiled as fuck, just fuck you

hey I remember seeing this flipnote a few years ago

legends and origins are the same lol what are you on about?
i just wanted a new 3d blasting sequel but eh, they were fine. coop was a nice feature



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I'm sorry the game isn't what you wanted it to be, that really sucks.
But for me, I was introduced to Rayman with these games and was hoping they would do more of with the character, or at least a full on trilogy.

*more of them

origins had a more steep difficulty curve while legends was more focused on casual fun until the end game but you could tell the developers were at least more experienced at making good level design even though it wasn't as engaging

Yeah, except fuck no.

This is the biggest I've got.

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I loved Origins until I had to do Murfy stages. They're fine as occasional diversions but there were too many, to the point of distracting from the main point of good ass platforming. That, and my data eventually getting corrupted, meant I never got around to finishing it.

Sorry, meant to say all that about Legends. Origins was legit as fuck.

I agree that Murfy stages were the lower points of Legends, but for me they're essentially the platforming equivalent of the Moskito levels from Origins

>Betilla is already pretty big
>Edith is twice her size
Her tummy may not be as big as it could be, but you've done a good job posting that one

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Meanwhile no one mentions The Great Escape. You all sicken me.

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>fuck we went too far, pull back, PULL BACK

I genuinely thought those were thighs from the thumbnail.

My fav Nymphs 1.) Edith, 2.) Betilla, 3.) Holly, 4.) Anetta, 5.) Helena, 6.) Voodoo

Still mad they got pulled from Legends even the Origin's segments too

I need to get a Dreamcast copy of this. I only ever played it for real on PS1, but I did play it on a Dreamcast demo disc and fuck me, was it SO much smoother.

Haven't played it yet.
Is the 3DS version any good? I may pick that up. I'm just paranoid that Ubisoft will port it again to current consoles right after I start/finish, or (the unlikely option) they'll announce a full on remake trilogy

Not only can I see the original Rayman trilogy ever being remade, I can't see them even doing it right.

I have no idea about the 3DS version, I only played it on dreamcast many years ago, but it's a great game.

I think there might even be some cut content on the other consoles versions. Not anything too important though.

we must explore FURTHER

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>Tfw Ly, Barbara and Betilla probably won't be in Rayman 4

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looks like a diaper

tfw if they even make a Rayman 4

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As you were, user.


you look like a diaper

Yeah, I would be surprised if Ubisoft actually gave a fuck to actually do it and really well
Well, I keep seeing threads about the game and no one can agree on what the best version is, so that's another reason I've yet to play it. Maybe someday when I get a PS3 that's backwards compatible with PS2 games I'll get Revolution or something

>all this fairy and barbarian love
>no love for man shrouded in mystery

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I played rayman 2 on pc and it was great but i haven't played on other platforms so i can't know how it fares against others

He's never coming back they had their chance with Origins and blew it.

Now it just needs a follow-up pic where Ly is being squished between their bellies pressing together.

>mr dark is the bad guy
Ancel is racist

Avoid the 3DS version like the fucking plague user, it's a shitty port with many bugs and is impossible to 100% complete due to one of the bugs that turns a bouncy platform into a static one. Hell I could barely beat the game because one of the levels refused to spawn the exit portal about 3 times playing it. The PS2 version is the best port with the Dreamcaat version being second best.

>see a news blurb about rayman
>get super excited for a split second until i realize its another autorun mobile shit and i crash into massive dissapointment

This is like the third time, fuck Ubisoft.

In that case I'll avoid it and figure a better way to play it in the future, unless Ubisoft brings it to current gen systems really soon or something
That's fine, thanks for the help anyway user

The great escape is not only the best Rayman game, it's peak platforming in general.

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tits > ass


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tits when theyre not drawn like balloons > ass

Rayman died just like Remi did.
I wish Rayman 2 2D was still a thing.

>tfw Ly hasn't appeared anywhere since Rayman Raving Rabbids on the fucking GBA

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you cant improve on perfection so they just didn't bother


He was doomed from the start

This game looks pretty promising despite it being mobile. Ngl, the Rayman mobile games are pretty decent. Adventures was basically Legends bite size DLC.

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Because its typical ubisoft cancer? Imagine liking anything those retards shit out.

>blindly shitting on the ONLY longstanding series from Ubisoft that isn't their modern bullshit

Rayman was good in the 90s and actually stayed good over the years. Michel Ancel is the one good egg at Ubisoft and this series is his baby. Best fucking believe he's done him right over the last 20+ years.

Rayman accomplished what the other Playstation mascots could not: A quality revival.

Fairies are elastic, dingbat


I want to see Ly at that size

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butt too fat

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imagine the smell

Or the size of both of them combined



imagine the taste

what did he mean by this?

The Rayman mobile games are basically the best you can do if you ever want to play a mobile game.

let's not get carried away

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Unpopular opinion here but I want the Rabbids back. but implement them in to a Rayman game, dont just turn it into another party game, that I wont ever be able to play with friends because I have no friends.

Rhythm games are top dogs of the mobile scene in terms of quality games, though everyone isn't into those

3DS version is just the dreamcast version so if you liked that version, go nuts.

I'm not a tasteless plebeian so I cannot agree with you. Like, if you wanna be into dudes then whatever but they don't out-ass a woman. They don't have the hips for it.

I really wish the original Rayman Raving Rabbids concept had been used because it actually looked pretty neat.

I will cut you.

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maybe youre right
but when they do have big butts its usually better than womens imo

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You'd be surprised with how far science has come these days. Some of them are capable of out assing some girls.

theres not a lot of porn for rayman given its popularity. its a bit sad

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Even more surprising considering it's French

a shame really, but sometimes life is just this way

I think part of it is cause there hasn't been a lot of characters to make porn of.
The fairies and Barbara were a fairly recent addition, but before that, there was only Ly.

guess we'll need to fix this ourselves

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The best rayman game I wish they’d make more like this. Lots of fun humor art and godly music

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i was like 10 or even younger when i played this. i remember crying in rage at the bossfight my father had to pull me odf the computer to stop raging. on the next day i aced it on the first try

I wish Ancel would hurry up with his other projects

Has anyone played these games with a keyboard on PC? Or is it just too difficult?

the controls are smooth

it's not fair

Pretty sure the nymphs are normal sized

Even better

it's not dead it's on hiatus "untill XXX YYY and ZZZ games are out", problem is, those games are dev hell.

>Be associated with food
>Get drawn to look like a meatplanet by dozens of fat artists

(And that's a good thing)

Americans need to worship a fake idea of fatness where it's not a disease that kill you before you hit 40. It can't be helped, they will do it as long as they can't afford to pay their doctors for anything but the global castration program currently running in middle class.

I like Holly (Even with the distinct possibility of being pic related)

But only fatty gets any art.

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Rayman Origins is great, but the original game is still my favorite one and it has objectively the best music in the series

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The Zombie nymph never gets any love in these threads. I wonder if Yea Forums was to casual to finish LotLD.

Also why did they cut out Ray blowing up Betilla's skirt that was shown at E3?

>objectively the best music
Nah that's 2

Weren’t the other fairies shown before the game’s release? That would explain it, since the zombie one was supposed to be a secret hidden behind the real final boss.

Weird way to spell "worst." All the cringey Borderlands tier dialogue you could want, lame powerup-based puzzles, dumb plot, terrible minigame between levels. The only good point was it had some good tunes but we don't pretend every Sonic game is good just because of that.

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I tried the game, didn't like it but that fairy is hot.

I remember cycling through the different barbarians when I found out they have unique panties

>Also rayman is one of those games you never play again when you complete it
Explain to me why I bought Origins on three different systems, platinumed and full g'ed them and Legends on four different system and did the same thing (barring Legends on PS3 because my save file got wiped). I even did the daily challenge grind three times.

think you might be a gaybo, lad.


Yeah, the 2D reboot never getting a third game really feels like a missing link. I always thought the aesthetic of these games would be great for a wacky cartoon.

On another note, replacing the hot fairies with the sticc with tits barbarians was a major misstep in my opinion. They aren't bad, just worse. I'd much rather have played as a thicc fairy if they floated the option, and what's more they don't even make an appearance in Legends. No reference or nothin'.

>That score system
>The achievements in the 360 and PS3 version which required you to perfect it across the whole fucking game
Fuck that noise. It's a shit easy game to just finish but getting 100% in that will make you want to kill yourself.

No 3DS version is garbage, if you want to play it your best bet is Dreamcast or PS2 version. Under that I'd maybe say N64 but everything else is a mess.

>Andre hold my beer


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>Rayman is back
>Oh shit
Fuck off Ubishit. Just fuck off and fucking kill yourselves.

That was just aggressively unfunny.

>He buys Origins and Legends on multiple systems as well

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I did the same thing with Sleeping Dogs. Bought it on three systems and got all of the achievements three times. The Definitive Edition is complete shit, though.

Something about TGE's atmosphere was just so good

It's amazing how dark the game is yet at the same time God is some fat guy wearing jeans.

>God is some fat guy wearing jeans
Incredibly based

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It used to scare the shit out of me



My brother. There's just something about this one that's so good.

Rayman 3 was good but 2 may be my favorite.

But you're also talking to the guy that spent countless hours playing the original on NGage

>Meeting Clark for the first time.

Such a chill theme for a one man robot wrecking crew.

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This is way better than it has any right to be

To be fair it's not just this. The meme of "flabby fatass equals thicc amirite" has been prevalent for a while, especially recently. its apparently almost impossible for anyone to draw lewds of Isabelle from Animal Crossing anymore without making her even slightly chubby.

I guess legends wasn't successful enough i still wanted more after it, but i still prefered Origins.

Fine taste sir.

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More lewds, my dick demands it

my pee pee is smoll

I wouldn't say shit, but Legends was definitely lacking. It took me less time to beat than Origins, despite half the levels literally being ported from Origins. The scratch tickets and collectable creatures were dumb, there were no time trials on the regular levels, and it completely did away with the sense of adventure that Origins had. I loved the way that the different worlds in Origins faded into each other during the end-of-world scrolling shooter levels as it made the world feel connected and there was a sense of a greater journey. It's a small thing, but Legends just felt disjointed and less interesting as a result.

The real reason Legends failed though is Ubisoft making it a big-budget project after the surprise success of Origins, and when it couldn't live up to the expected sales, they flushed the whole IP down the drain yet again

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>lol heres your millionth definitive edition of Rayman Legends dude!
god fuck this company so much. Just give us a new Rayman already it doesn't even have to be Rayman 4, just please anything except that mobile game garbage.

She kinda reminds me of Palutena if that means anything.

Of the main games, I've only played 1, 2 and 3. I know this may be a contrarian opinion, but 2 I think is the weakest one. 3 I think is the superior 3d game, and I'm genuinely not sure why some people and critics did not like it as much. If Rayman 4 comes out, I will definitely play it. I have beaten 1 a few times, but I've never played Origins and Legends yet.


more edith

More pictures or more mass?


>Edith will never crush you

No arms having ass.

>rayman is now a cum man game

I'm gonna coom

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I would fuck the ever living shit out of that thing.

French media is built from the ground up with cum, like mortar to a brick house.

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>the rayman M won't work on my pc

Wii version was the best version of Origins.

>Edith will never eat you

>Try to play Rayman 1
>it's slow and tough as shit

how the hell did i complete this when i was 10?

My issue with it are the large sprites in a 4:3 resolution. Makes it really hard to platform when you can barely see where you're supposed to go

Beyond Good and Evil is trash

I played it on PS2 and dropped it after the Slaughterhouse. Shit game.

Ancel should've made Rayman 3

It really isn't. It's a bit rough around the edges, with simple combat and underdeveloped stealth, but it's a ton of fun even then. The story and exploration aspects makes the world come alive, and while it might not appeal to a mechanic-focused player, it's by no means bad

If you want to replay it there's one person remaking it with some new levels and changes, it definitely is more fast than the original, there's a demo if you want to try it, it's called 'Rayman Redemption.

Best taste

looks like shit