Post your favorite indie or obscure games. No popular indies like celeste and no shovel ware either. These need to be hidden gems.
Share your most obscure, good games
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Door Kickers.
Worlds. I’ve shilled it before, don’t feel like it today. Look it up on steam it’s good trust me.
At least half of these are not obscure (and over half of them are not good)
Hammerfight. Its got a ton of issues, but I still love it.
Super Meat Boy
Hey if you want to comment something unrelated to what was asked then go to reddit. Incorrect response. 0/10
You shouldn't post dogshit just because it's obscure. Those are just low quality games for the most part.
Dark Souls - be careful though its hard as fuck
>the main theme is now playing in your head
>won't stop
My go-tos are Sutte Hakkun and Ninja Five-O
First one's a very fun and difficult puzzle game released in 1998 for the SNES where you're a bird who eats paint and spits the paint out into blocks which makes them platforms
Ninja Five-O is just a basic but very fun Shinobi-like sidescrolling action game with a grappling hook
When will Youtubers start using these as le hidden gems instead of pretending Demon's Crest and Little Samson are hidden?
The youtuber part hurts the most. I really wish bigger youtubers would give good hidden gems a chance.
It's funny because i've literally seen Ninja five-o displayed clearly behind some yammering youtuber before.
Guardian Recall. It's a untranslated SRPG on both the PC98 and PSX. It's basically a SRPG version of Jojo. Every character has their own unique guardian with their own strengths and weaknesses and if the guardian gets knocked out then the character that controls it also gets knocked out. The enemy also plays by the same rules so most battles come down to trying to take down enemy masters with your guardian while trying to keep your own master safe. You don't have direct control over the guardians and instead have to manipulate them through commands like attack from afar or heal. It definitely has some jank because of this, but not to the point where it gets unfun to play.
Like most JRPGs the story isn't anything special and it's mostly carried by a really fun cast. Yuuko in particular is a great MC and there aren't nearly enough hot blooded tomboy protagonists like her.
And if you only play one version then I recommend the PSX version over the PC98 one. It has more chapters, goes more in depth with the characters and story and is generally a more polished experience. The only thing the PC98 version really has over the PSX one is the lack of load times and the lesbian sex scenes, and the latter you can easily find online.
>Space Cowboy Online/Air Rivals/Ace Online
MMO with planes. It was jank and P2W as fuck but it was fun as hell and the soundtrack was amazing.
id play this if i werent an EOP scrub
I like Zeno Clash. Not enough people know Zeno Clash.
>heironyous bosch style art design
Google that if I didn't spell correctly for speling fix
>intetesting character designs
>fun first person melee
If you like first person punch fighting check it out.
>nice weapons from melee to gun to bomb
Melee is the focus.
>unique weird world, atmosphere and story
Not that long of a game.
Sequence Storm.
It's an 8/10 rhythm game with 4/10 graphics, but it's a one-man dev so whatever. Plays similarly to Sound Voltex, but on controller: hit most notes with the shoulder buttons, and special notes with the analog sticks. What makes it stand out is integrating racing game mechanics - the notes are placed on a track, and playing well makes everything move faster. This also means looking out for turns and either popping star power or reading ahead. Even though it's a small dev they managed to nail all of the important mechanics and produce a lot of original music for the game, which is far more effort than most rhythm game devs.
I've tried shilling this to my bemanifag friends but they dismissed it for being a SDVX clone. I think that's a fucking shame because we're already starved for hardcore rhythm games in the west, and not everyone wants to travel hours to an arcade to get their fix.
Dungeon Explorer. You explore dungeons, get stuff, kill monsters. No roguelike bullshit. Solid .
crosscode when it not making you grind or throwing difficulty spike puzzles at you.
bloodcell countergauge all the way
An Untitled Story
Candy Box and Candy Box 2
Poly Bridge
Potatoman Seeks the Troof
Rescue the Beagles
The Ball
Ninja Five-O's fucking based, criminally overlooked and rarely brought up in ninja games threads despite being the best of them all
Not the most obscure game but incredibly good. Gameplay is buttery smooth fast paced fun. For me the fast pace and challenge make it better than pretty much every other boss rushy run n gun including Hard Corps and Alien Soldier.