The REAL reason Mass Effect got dumbed down to retardation

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isnt this the cuphead reviewer who fails miserably in the tutorial?

It's still bioware's fault, this is this pathologic empathy, main characteristic of devouring mother.

This Nip faggot is one responsible for the removal of weapon cooling?

I don’t think being made for retards is what made the game bad. The animations were horrible, the writing was bad, the characters were worse, and the game was slow and boring

he's are talking about something in ME2 or ME3

What? I know 2 is overrated garbage and 3 sucks but I don't understand what he means. God damn one is good though

He's probably the retard who got weapon cooling removed from Mass Effect 2

my bad

Attached: Dean Takahashi vs pigeon.webm (640x360, 2.32M)

I wish I could fail upwards as much as this guy evidently has.

holy shit lol

the whole world briefly came together against this clown and his whining, it was good to see

He's not a real Nip. He's an American video game journalist.

I guess a small penis isn't the only small thing this guy has.

Mass Effect got dumbed down because right from the start, the lead writer and designers had no fucking idea how to go about the second and third games. The only reason the first game was so successful was because they followed the Bioware Formula(tm) so well, particularly in copying Karpyshyn's previous game, KotOR.

When he couldn't just do the same thing for ME2 they were fucked.

One was great but it had a lot of bullshit too. The clunky UI and a few boring sidemissions. Plus that ducking vehicle. And me2 is undeniably more fun. The writing in 3 sucks my balls though

>2 years ago

God I feel so old


The story started being retarded in ME2 because of that fucking hack called Mac Walters, later it would be known to the public that the whole idea to make Cerberus the be all end all of the franchise was from him. As soon as Drew was being phased out from Mass Effect, the spark was gone. Mac Walters opened the floodgates of radioactive waste into the series.

Fuck that hack fraud.

>I'm a Valve playtester, how could you tell?

Mass Effect never required skill, planning or much in the way of tactics anyway. How the fuck do you dumb down something that was always dumb?

Jesus fucking Christ. I forgot about this. What a loon.

>when you're so redpilled you never played ME in the first place because all of them are shitty normalfag RPGs

The most maddening part about this is that these are the people who genuinely believe they are qualified to decide what games should be like and when a game is "too difficult".
It's retards like him whining for special retard modes in games like Sekiro

I don't get why these people don't just watch longplays instead of demanding braindead games that play themselves.

It just screams of "shit I don't really like playing video games anymore but I built my career on them and I'm stuck with it and now I mostly just want them to be easy as possible for me to review"

even worse than the polygon doom video

A classic for the ages

Kill yourself you contrarian snowflake

There is no way in hell this isn't a troll

This. I am a lousy gamer and I had absolutely no problems on normal.

Its an RPG, take it slow and know what equipment to use.

How far did he get when he didn't know how to level up in Mass Effect? That actually sounds like a very interesting test.

Ahh, good old Dean Takahashi.
You might remember him from playing the original mass effect and giving it a terrible score (that he later changed) because he never once used his points to add to his character class until really late in the game.
He's been horrible at games since forever and hasn't learned a god damn thing.

Why does that fucking loser and people like him even have jobs involving video games if they're not good at them or just not enjoy them in the first place?

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Fun fact: Dean is part of the speed running community and this is actually a video of him trying a well known exploit

>Earth has a rogue army that most people aren't aware of

The entire concept was fucking dumb.

He didn't even build his career on games, he spent 20 years reporting on computer hardware news before he ever touched a controller


Yeah because anything under hardcore is baby level.

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>How far did he get when he didn't know how to level up in Mass Effect?
How do people not know how to level up?

>retarded faggot game journos ruining everything for everyone
this isn't new

>that description
>blaming raycism and culture war on their inability to read a basic fucking tutorial message
holy fucking shit these people
any sane person would just want to troll them more after reading that bullshit pile of excuses

What sort of spectacular retard do you have to be for ME3 to disappoint you? You would think that the entire upper staff being layed off by EA between the first and second games would have been enough of a hint that the series was going to shit. I mean, seriously, what sort of dumb, knuckle-dragging mongoloid would still have any expectations at that point?

Imagine the balls on this guy to be absolute dogshit garbage at videogames and still make more money and get more fame/infamy than you will have your entire life. That's more respectable than if he was a godlike gamer in any scenario.

That's the beauty of it. They fucked up so bad they managed to piss off even the skeptics.

>you now remember how Dishonored got changed after play testers failed to go upstairs when an NPC said it was off limits
Reviewers and play testers are the biggest retard scrubs on the planet.

How has this guy not offed himself from sheer embarrassment?

>making more money
user, game journos don't get much in terms of salary...

Big name games are made for shareholders and game journos. The customers are just cash cows to be milked.

League of Legends came out of beta 10 years ago.

that's a genuinely bad game though

Wait, wasn’t this the retard who shat on ME1 because he was too stupid to use the skill points?
THAT was why ME2 neutered skills?!

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Yeah, nobody really ever knew what to do with the reapers. You go from having a colossal battle against 1 reaper in ME1 and ME2 to fighting legions of them. It's literally unwinnable so they had to make a shitty ending where you have some secret superweapon that you dont even know what it does because the reapers are so powerful and have no weaknesses.

This is not just being bad in gaming, this is being generally stupid. Humans should be able to learn and understand tools they dont know by examining and experimenting. Even monkeys can do that. Hell this faggot had instructions to read. And yet, he failed. If this video is genuine and not trolling, he's literally dumber than a monkey.

They should have just sidelined them.
Dark space is fucking enormous, and you could easily justify them taking decades or even centuries to get back without the gates.

People are finally starting to admit me2 fucking sucked, it's about time.

Thanks for this vid in webm form

ME was doomed from the start.

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ME2 is still a better game than ME1, which was mediocre as fuck.

>The only reason the first game was so successful

ME2 sold more, had a higher Metacritic score and won over 30 GOTY awards. It was the most successful game of the series.

The concept was based on a Star Trek thing, a federation organization that doesn't technically exist

He also spent his entire Space Marine review talking about how it was a ripoff of Gears of War because uhhhh 3rd-person shooter and bulky armour. Then doubled down and wrote a long rambling follow up to try and cover his ass when people pointed out that spess mahrens are quite a bit older than GoW.

Not review tho, he just played it at a preview event cuz his boss told him to.

What whining tho? literally the video description was "I got told to play this game and sucked at it, it was funny so we put it here so we can all have a laugh"

Nepotism probably

Working for a tech site, when the rest of the staffers are busy he probably just gets shit thrown at him and told "gimme a review by Wednesday"

Its fucking zoomer that wanted an "open world experience" that fucking ruined it. Exploring and Discovering copious amount of empty landmass does not make a good game. The game was better when it was on rails
The game also benefited from having in general better characters and writing in the original trilogy. But also fuck people that just wanted more fuckable crewmembers. Cora was NOT a feminist but people kept forcing this meme because of her haircut. Peebu did not look like Shrek but people forced the fuck out of that meme as well. Yes the animations were horrid and the overarching story was not strong enough to stand on its own

Successful as in game quality, user. Think about the context of the post.

>he never once used his points
What is wrong with him?

Yes. But even then, if that's the case, just ignore that person's input for being blatantly retarded and not having input of worth. Not everyone or their opinion should be treated as equal. Especially when you're trying to develop a product.

Every time.

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He wrote a negative review of ME1. He didn't even finish the game because it was "too difficult" according to him. Later he admitted that he didn't know that you could assign talent points to your character and your squad mates, or that you could also change the loadout of your character and your squad mates.
He played (or tried to play) ME1 with the default weapons, armors and level. It's insane, there's no way that he could not have paid attention to the dialogues or the text on the hud.

Taking inspiration from Star Shit was always a problem.

>The entire script leaked a full year before release somehow
>Read through it, think it's absolutely fucking stupid
>But there's still a year to go, they'll surely change and fix things after this leak, right? Half Life 2 turned out pretty good after its leak, after all
>They didn't

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Fact: Mass Effect 1 was shit

are you doing a damage control. bioware is a garbage company. the whole of it is rotten to the core.

I’m convinced he’s legitimately unable to read, and that he dictates his reviews to other people.
I assume he takes the snorts, chuckles and occasional bouts of hysterical laughter as proof of his genius.

Sorry it doesn't have a difficulty setting that caters to your needs Dean.

You don't have to be surprised to be disappointed.

>Why does that fucking loser and people like him even have jobs involving video games if they're not good at them or just not enjoy them in the first place?
Most of them are people not good enough to be real journalists, so they just find themselves in the video game industry because the barrier is set low due to video games being viewed as 'kids toys'.

I liked the idea of trying to unite the whole galaxy against the reapers in 3. Honestly all of 3 was pretty good besides the dream sequences and the ending obviously.

>I liked the idea of trying to unite the whole galaxy against the reapers in 3
that should have been the plot of 2, forming up a coalition and getting the major races to work together
3 should have been realizing how fucked you are and putting all your resources into a last ditch escape/survival plan with the goal all game being to buy time to carry out that plan

>3 should have been realizing how fucked you are and putting all your resources into a last ditch escape/survival plan with the goal all game being to buy time to carry out that plan
That was literally the plot of the game. Uniting the races was just to get max resources for the crucible and buy time to build it and deploy it.

the crucible was a magic mcguffin plan
3 should have been a no win situation game

>hey isn't it amazing how we miraculously just found this magic anti-reaper device that had never been mentioned and that nobody had ever thought to look for before

It wasn’t that poorly written.

and the pigeon didn't even have the solution to it written on the wall

>multiple races encountered the reapers and then formed partial plans for a device they had no idea the function of, without any language barriers getting in the way or the reapers, who scour the galaxy for literal millennia, finding it
>suddenly gets found just when there’s no other hope for the galaxy
>not poorly written
Are you high.
It’s actually worse writing than the ending, and I can only assume people gave it a pass because they initially thought it was a reaper trap, and that the players were just being railroaded into being retarded yet again

I have a question for everyone here: Why the fuck do you still play Western video games?

The Western AAA industry has proven itself absolutely fucking incompetent time and time again, especially notorious devs like Bioware, Bethesda, Ubisoft, Gearbox, Blizzard/Acitvision, etc. who have been dogshit for well over a decade now. These companies have proven over and over again they are literally incapable of creating a new game that's not horribly botched in some way; either as a dumbed down cashgrab to appeal to normalfags, terrible business models (Day 1 DLC, microtransaction, etc.), or retrofitting once decent franchises to become service games literally designed to jew consumers.

Seriously, how did even a SLIVER of you faggots hold any semblance of hype for shit like Anthem? That shitheap ticked so many of the boxes (Always-online service game, derivative Destiny clone, microtransactions, etc) that it should've sent sirens to anyone with a half a braincell. Yet it STILL sold 3 million copies.

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Don't kid yourself, it was actually even worse than my summation.

Yeah but with the wacky hijinks in space tone of ME2 they couldn't go back to the Synthetic Cosmic Horror thing. Even though that would have been better, Mass Effect 2 basically set Mass Effect 3 up for failure.

It canonically would have been more valuable and sentimental if the last ditch attempt wasn't the crucible, but the design of the Ark ships to the Andromeda Galaxy, because the milkyway was fucked that cycle.

Also, hilariously, the Citadel Council banning the use of thermonuclear and anti-matter based weaponry in space and on planets CATASTROPHICALLY FUCKED THEIR ENTIRE DEFENSIVE AND OFFENSIVE strategies against the invading killer machines from dark space.

It's one thing to be stagnant and bound to ME physics, it's another thing to continue to NOT use every weapon available to you, including WMDs you had previously banned, when extinction of the entire species is on the table.


The original Mass Effect was based on 70s scifi movies with sexy blue space women and glowing neon everywhere, and likewise ME2 was based on gritty 80s scifi movies. ME3 therefore had to be based on 90s scifi movies of which there was only one of note: Judgement Day.

Unironically I'm quite happy with Mass Effect. It's not the best written game but no Bioware game ever was. ME1 was a struggle to get through though the ammo was superior to 2/3. They were all still fun games though and good enough series.

The ending was rushed, but they bent to fan outrage and fixed it. Personally I think the RED ending was the best. The reapers are gone and Shepard lives to fight another day or retire.

I know Yea Forums likes to be contrarian which is why the games are hated so much, but compared to what they did to Andromeda I'm still quite happy with the games.

Now bring on the usual Yea Forums insults, I doubt any of you were old enough to play ME1.

>You're hired.

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>ME3 therefore had to be based on 90s scifi movies
Could have went space horror and did Event Horizon.

Mass Effect was literally the best game in the franchise.
And Mass Effect was a cool universe that probably could have become the next Star Wars if it had been handled correctly.

Sorry but I disagree, the only thing ME1 did right was forcing you to sacrifice someone however it made the characters so bland that it was an easy choice to sacrifice Kaiden.

ME may have good lore behind it but it was never going to become the next Star Wars, it never could be as there are too many other games out there with rich lore. Star Wars only did well because it came out in a time when there wasn't really anything else and built a cult following over the years.

The ME universe is dead, Andromeda saw to that.

didnt even knew bioware could make something nonretarded in first place

They did try different elements of horror with the collector ship in 2, the overlord dlc, and the ardakt yakshi monastery. Maybe they should've went down that route more with the Reapers, treat them more as eldritch horrors than evil aliens with no good motives. I always thought mass effect was sort of doing a robo cop thing, balancing drama comedy, action, and horror in one. Maybe more horror Clive improved things a little.