What's next for Adam Sessler?
What's next for Adam Sessler?
e3 2020 baybee
Fucking cute girls (male)
Getting AIDS from fucking too many trannies.
BLACKED conventions
More cocaine
Parkinsons from too much coke.
Remember when Yea Forums used to like this guy?
Nothing to do with vide games because he hates them. Drugs and boi pussy are in his future.
A grave, if he is lucky
Shilling for the Epic Store in exchange for access to Tim's cocaine stash on weekends
jesus. what wrong with him.
A methadone clinic
I give this thread a 4... out of 5
too many drugs/withdrawals
Sexual assault/rape allegations, because he's cozy with that blue haired cunt that made a guy commit suicide.
Can't wait for this s o y cuck to get bitten for handling vipers.
Adam really let himself go.
I'd be surprised if he ends up on the chopping block.
>Sessler was the OG coom chad
I should have known.
What year was it when it all went so wrong?
based on the memes i've seen pushed, he's the face of Coomer
He'll just pull the gay card and homo-judo out of it. Kevin Spacey managed to do it and he got caught fucking little boys.
>But Spacey lost his job and his show!
Yeah, he did, and then he went cold for a year or two and now he's back and nobody cares anymore.
Gay Judo is the only thing that can defeat Roastie Karate
>his twitter is nothing but politics
six feet
he's old and not good at anything
>Gay Judo is the only thing that can defeat Roastie Karate
I dunno, i've seen some righteous jew-jitsu do some damage before.
No, he isn't back. What makes you think that?
I don't doubt he will eventually be welcomed back to the whore house that is Hollywood, just like child rapist Roman Polanski. Their feigned outrage doesn't fool me.
Die a violent death.
Remember when Adam was respectable?
>What makes you think that?
he's appearing in things again
I would be scared for my life as well.
Like what? All thats on IMDB is that short he uploaded himself to youtube, and a movie he filmed before the assault allegations.
>a movie he filmed before the assault allegations
which made 128 million dollars in it's first day. Anyway he's getting work in Europe (big fucking surprise yeah?)
Cooming in tranny holes.
That's cute actually. He thinks he matters enough to change the world.
when did we stop?
Why does Adam look like The Coomer?
cocaine again
He's getting buff for X-Play 2.0
Look at the traps on this guy.
>128 million in its first day
What movie are you talking about?
Billionaire Boy's Club only made 2.4 million total in the entire run. There's been nothing else besides that. Gore hasn't released yet, and that also was filmed before the allegations.
ur mom tho
He looks like a cuck
>has a cocaine addiction
>bangs trannies
>faps to blacked.com
>reviewed 9,414 pieces of pornographic material on IMDB
>still is talked about even after his prime on X-Play has ended
Is there a more based Coomer such as Adam Sessler?
Ur mom
You could just say you were wrong instead of being a fucking retard.
that's a different user, looks like I was wrong. I was just looking at headlines. Guess it meant the nmovie he was SUPPOSED to be in but they cut him out of
Give me a quick rundown on this fella
wait did he stop doing gay porn?
Super Fan photographed at some porno award event. This guy has 9000+ reviews on pornhub
Oh, the one where they reshot his parts? Oh yeah.
He's donezo. For now. But like I said, I don't doubt that eventually they'll welcome him back with open arms, after he goes on Oprah or some shit in 5 years.
What's next for Morgan?
When he started fucking trannies
You can't messler with the Sessler
Charges were dropped because there was no evidence. Innocent until proven guilty, bitch. Don't be a cancel culture stooge.
How many memes are you cunts gonna force this month
When did you realize Sess was a hack? God of War Ascension review for me.
I am still very mad about this. I really liked Adam Sessler but this video was a complete hack job. Why did he lie about it? I still can't wrap my head around it. What he is so outraged about, doesn't even happen in the game
cranium full of cum
Coomer got nice eyes
why does he simultaneously look 40 and 14
he has sociopath eyes
>Look at the traps in this guy.
Finnish guy obsessed with porn.