ITT: Vaporware that you're still mad about

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i was really looking forward to it

It - It's still coming, right boys?

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Well, we're getting Dying Light 2 which I think is a much better deal.

Will never not be mad

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One of these threads huh? Atomic Heart

I was interested enough in this to do a little research, apparently everything in this trailer is just prerendered with no actual programmed gameplay. Its just a big showpiece. The only other game the company made is a VR shitshow and this project is dead before it started. Very cool what could have been though

If they do the RPG elemental well in Dying Light 2 I'd really like to see Hellraid put back in to production, they already have the know how to make medium/heavy armor builds from the combat in DL all they need to do is nail the magic combat and make an interesting world.

MML3 happened right in the middle of when Vidya industry started going far downhill as consumer base was expanding further from core gamers. Its a shame, it might have been possible to stop the path we were on then.

Steambot Chronicles 2

Didn’t they restart development like last year or this year? what the FUCK is going on?

This one hurts. It even had a phone game teaser that was like a time puzzle room. It was great.

>having nostalgia for a trailer

oh god please.

Why aren’t there more games where you develop a bond with a customizable vehicle/mecha? Sure there’s driving games but there’s no connection being made like in SC. Hell even Fallout 4 could’ve done it but instead it’s just used as a power up

if thats true that's really dissapointing and shocking.
Thought someone finally got first person combat to feel smooth and fluid.

starcraft ghost

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>smooth and fluid
>this “game”
Anyone who saw the long showcase video knew it was a fucking sham. That robot took 20 hits from a sledgehammer without flinching and the combat looks worse than Dead Island. The Soviet inspiration for visual design was also cool until you start seeing random shit that didn’t make sense but looked spooky, which is a tell tale sign of any UE4 plebian developer.

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The way the character moved looked fluid and quick. looked like a first person action game with dodges built into it.

>Sequel canceled
>Original game doesen't work on PS3
>Also requires NASA tier pc to emulate
>All there's left is shitty psp spin-off
Life is suffering

Hang on, lemme watch that demo vid again so there’s no bias but that shit looked sketch from the start.

looks real

Bioshock Vita

After infinite there's been nothing going on with the series, it deserved at least one spin off

I still believe it can happen. I'm also a moron.

Stop spreading misinformation, the game is real and in full development in moscow, they even got Richard "level lord" Gray to consult.

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I know, but its literally all fake. Even the 'combat' was made manually. Apparently this is a common practice for early footage of AAA games too

At the very worst it's proof of concept but saying it's fake is just flat out wrong and all you're doing is spreading misinformation. Seriously stop being a fucking retard.

>E3 demo is scripted

but desu it being 100% pre-rendered in a different engine is weird.

>it being 100% pre-rendered in a different engine is weird
Where do you retards get this shit?

i don't believe it can happen and i'm retarded

There was some blog entry last year quoting former members of the devteam. Probably from it.

sick source dude i'll totally take your word for it

Ain't even the one you were talking to before. Couldn't give two shits about the game.

here buddy

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Maybe someone will translate it for you.

HOI East vs West

then fuck off lol

imagine actually being this gullible that you take any post on the internet as gospel.

Why is this taking so long to come out, again? Are the devs genuinely incompotent or something?
In the time it took to come out all hype died and a million other games have done what it did better. Alien Isolation essentially obliterated this game in aesthetics

Alien Isolation has been out for a minute senpai

The game ran horribley on ps2. I mean loading times every 3 minutes that took forever.

>I was interested enough in this to do a little research, apparently everything in this trailer is just prerendered with no actual programmed gameplay
Mind sharing your sources?

LucasArts sequel to "Sam & Max" (mostly done, just needed bug squashing & voice overs with main actors).

Ultima VIII: Lost Vale (100% done, cancelled due to poor sales of U8).

Original version of TimeShift (95% done, down to bug squashing and minor level tweaking).

Routine (looked interesting, yet another "I wanna be the next System Shock 2" clone).

Original version of Ultima 9 (isometric version, canned because of EA stupidity)

And the list goes on...


TSF Forefront

Deep Down

>lived long enough to regret Starcraft Ghost not staying dead

Sonic Xtreme

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goddamn polaks they had a great game in the making

Was waiting for this one

Why the fuck is this so talked about in Yea Forums? It's a movie game but "horror".

This one hurts the most for me. I was so excited for comiket every year only to be disappointed each time. Now Forefront is dead and so is the entire franchise.

I mean Twilight and Wars was so much better.

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Prey 2

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I still rewatch the trailers every now and then


I really liked the Ultima series. Started on Ultima 6, but I have played them all with the exception of Ultima 9. From reviews, Ultima 9 does not seem like it was made in the same theme and style as the previous. By isometric, do you mean that it was using a similar engine to Ultima 8?

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I never lost hope for Cube world. So glad it's free from vaporware chains.

Pic related is the one for me. Had to come out on 2015, we're still here. They post updates from time to time but how the fuck can it take so long when they had a succesful kickstarter and Chucklefish as pub- oh I get it.

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You sound like a dev.

>take a lighthearted classy single player game that ends on a cliffhanger
>after people waited 90 years for a sequel to see what happened to your best friend, BGE2 is always online junk, shitty muh mature gritty theme that clashes with the first game, oh and it's a prequel to boot

Fuck you Michel Ancel and Ubisoft. The game is so different in style and gameplay it should just be a new IP. Fucking frogs.

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yu don't understand user
this is ancel's DREAM GAME that he's been burning up inside to make all along

wrong, they admitted in a stream they had to change it so it gets made because the first didn't sell well, the cat's out of the bag

this'll rustle a few jimmies

This one irritates me the most. The first two games are insanely fun and challenging more so the second one. The third game could have been Demon's Souls before it was even a thing with the darker tone and exploration the third game seemed to be gunning for.

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Wasn't this shit coming to the Wii U at one point or am I remembering another game?