"b-big bro, what are you doing with those girls you take up to your room?"

"b-big bro, what are you doing with those girls you take up to your room?"

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Playing uno

Wanna join and see?

I'm making out with my girlfriend naoto

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trying to get scathach, futsunushi, norn, and ishtar

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Just hangin with my bro

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>Star Ocean mobage gets a Persona collab
>The English/global version already died

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What girls? I only take my bro Kanji up there

That collab is only good for those WAY too high quality 3D models of Makoto and Yu

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I instantly heard nanakos voice when I read big bro

Don’t worry about it. Go sing your Junes song.

Damn right you did

Does anyone remember the name of the Doujin where Kyon's Sister finds him and Haruhi fucking?

It's really fun, I swear!

Secret Junes lovers club.
Go away loser.

Nanako is not for lewd!

Uh... playing video games.

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Yeah it's Kyon kun denwa

>Nanako isn't not for lewd
FTFY, not sure why you'd use a double negative though.

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For me, it's Rise.

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One way to find out Nanako.

If only it was that easy to make friends let alone a gf.

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it is if you're handsome and good at everything

I'm autistic and I find it easy to make friends, so I don't know what you're doing wrong.

just find the right blend of being friendly but not uncomfortably friendly and everything will probably work out eventually. getting a job or being in school usually gives you people to interact with on a regular basis.

getting a girlfriend is just complete luck though if you aren't attractive and/or charismatic
even the most autistic people out there have someone who will probably be willing to put up with them. its just those people are so rare they get snatched up pretty quickly.

It's because you don't even realize they're mocking and looking down on you. After all, you're autistic and cant pick up on subtle social cues.

>I'm autistic and I find it easy to make friends
just because you say you're autistic doesn't mean you are, friend

tbf theres varying degrees of autism and he could have just happened to have come into contact with chill people who are fine with it.

people are so drastically different from eachother not everyone really has access to the same types.

Dont talk to my old frenz anymore ever since they moved to new areas and its hard to relate to new people.
I try so hard to make small talk which ends up nowhere. Guess I gotta try harder.

Getting a girlfriend is not the end all be all answer you guys think it is.

You don't just make friends with random people. You need to go and do something that will let you meet people with common interests.

I made it sound worse than it is, but I do have Asperger's syndrome.

I actually think I've just learned how to act at least relatively normal. I'm sure I'm odd in some ways, but I'm able to operate like a normal person at least.

dumb whore

These are the people who get into horrible relationships with a nightmarish fat girlfriend. I've seen it too many times, nerds dating the first awful human being to give them attention.

On the other hand, I know a couple of low-key chads you'd never be able to tell from looking at them.


Humanity is heavily nuanced.

"Just playing dress-up, Nanako."

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I want to Fuck Naoto

Just B.E yourself

>still no P4G PS4 port
Why, Atlus

Just give it up. Theres No official port on previous persona games. Atlus is technically stuck in 80s jap bubble era.

Thats kanji you dumb bitch. And im fuckin him in the ass