Bros I'm feeling it. It feels different, obviously, but it's still home.
However I missed the start so I'm low level and most ppl appear to be 50+ now.
That sucks. I want a group to level with.
Bros I'm feeling it. It feels different, obviously, but it's still home
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There's plenty of time to get to 60. Lots of people will be leveling alts too.
WoW is a game of catching up to max level so you can farm. You missed the boat / expansion release / patch drop, and now you have to catch up alone.
Or enjoy that nostalgic "WoW Classic" feature, standing in your capital city for four hours spamming "LFM Tank, Healer, 1 DPS" so you can watch the huntard steal everything.
I’m on Herod right now as Alliance and it seems like there an absurd number of horde. I’m considering changing realms? Is this a good idea?
If they are 50+ they are no life NEET faggots
just hit level 49 today with 7 days /played
am i bad?
Bad idea. Unless you enjoy solo questing and forming low level dungeon groups by /who whispering
I’m at 29 with 2 days 6 hrs played
Am I bad?
>>that feeling when u sell something on the auction house
>>that feeling of open world pvp w raid groups in south shore
>>remembering people randomly buffing you as you cross paths
its epic, cant lie
I just hate seeing WPVP being such shit. I go to STV and it’s like 85% horde
I do spend unnecessary time to work on engineering
53 with 6d20h so probably
The Herod server is about 25% alliance compared to 75% horde. Sadly you're stuck here forever unless they add paid server transfer.
There is a free Xfer on Herod
I just don’t know what server to go to.
I want eastern PvP
the servers have so much pop capacity that you're never alone. even today i was running 3-4 man groups in the teens
Its only to one server which is Earthfury, which has a similar ratio but with only 1/10th the people. So you're only gonna make the problem worse for yourself.
Well fuck me then
pvp servers generally have more horde than alliance. very rare for pvp servers to be alliance heavy without streamer/famous players
Yeah man, it sucks, I'd have transfered off myself because Im in the same boat, the game is nearly unplayable unless you do anything but sit in dungeons. My only hope is they add a paid transfer so I can go to a nice server without being a nightmare.
Just make a new character retard
Im already 55 levels in as a warrior, I really really REALLY dont want to do it all again.
I don’t blame you. I wouldn’t. Just get 60 and pray they add paid character Xfer in the future when more of the playerbase drops.
i hit 40 with 6 days played. so your pretty good
Or you’re just bad
>The Herod server is about 25% alliance compared to 75% horde. Sadly you're stuck here forever unless they add paid server transfer
>not wanting to be absurdly outnumbered by your enemy
fucking plebs, this shit is so much fun playing as a human after the events of WC3, heroically purging Azeroth of the incel skeletons and the green tide everywhere I go. Everything you do is exciting, from running to an instance to farming, you have be at peak performance at all times.
No everything gets absurdly frustrating, every flight point and spot in the map is camped to the brim with tons of enemies who are all higher level than you. The world as a whole stops existing and getting anything done is a nightmare it took me over 10 minutes to zone into Zul'Farrak because there were multiple full raid groups just patroling the outside of the area waiting for people. World pvp is fun but not when its this unbalanced.
Hope you didnt join those meme or streamer servers.
Come to smolderweb, no ques and no memes going on in general chat. At least, on alliance. I plan on making a tauren shaman at some point, I hope it's not bad as I hear.
I got bored 10 days in, I'm no longer in high school no time for this sort of autistic shit.
same, i absolutely LOVED vanilla, but I'm too old for Classic.
Anyone play on sulfuras ? Whats the horde alliance balance like ?
Same and who the fuck cares. Did you have fun? If so you're doing it right.
>most ppl appear to be 50+ now
Not really, seems like most people are still spamming SM and ZF, you'll be fine.
There's always low levels to group with on any server. You're not really missing out on anything except lines and waiting for spawns. I've restarted like 5 times now and really have no issues forming groups even on low pop servers, except for maybe early in the morning on a weekday or something.
All of this aoe farming in the chat/world has made me want to make an arcane/fire mage, going for having PoM Pyro at 41.
is mage AOE spam still a thing in the level 60 dungeons?
Yes, but not for the bosses.
Kirtonnos best server
I started fire mage and it is fun doing big damage, but you have no fucking cc and can't take on more than 1 thing at a time. You will really only shine in dungeons, but outside of that it's a pretty shitty experience. Though I do get "going against the grain". I wanted to so bad, but the lack of cc and aoe really hurts.
haha yeah dude, having an irreversibly destroyed economy is so comfy bro its just like when i was a kid man haha
Won't you still have access to poly, nova, and (though less effective) level 1 frost bolt for kiting things? Sure you can't bring whole packs together and aoe them to a crawl but there should be ways to divide and conquer 2-3 mobs.
Blizz are reversing transactions and banning all the players who have exploited though
just got the cathedral shield today GZ please
Are you having fun? If yes, then you are not bad. I pity the fools who rush 60. Leveling is fucking fun, im not even 30 and i already have 7 new people on friend list. Real endgame are friends we made along the way
>not pvp fucking around in contested zones
>Nooo the game is ruined, RUINED I tell you!!!
>I cheated and now I'm bored
>The game is no longer fun
>This is a problem with the game, please fix it
sorry faggot I don't play shitty games like wow classic, where you cannot play as a panda girl. what say you in defense?