How does my game look? Also, programming thread

How does my game look? Also, programming thread.

Attached: Made in GameMaker Studio 2 2019-09-16 22-18-22.webm (1024x768, 540K)

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nice walking simulator

tetris ripoff

I mean as far as platforming goes. I am going to get the platforming pixel perfect before I do anything else.

I like it

I think you need to settle for a specific pixel resolution for your sprites first and visualize the hitbox all the time if you want to do that.


anybody can churn out a shitty .exe tier platformer in gm

Thank you!

Try and make Strider more centered onto the camera.Him being pushed to the right so much could make whatever gameplay you're trying to do harder to see

Can you? Lmao, get out.

Thank you. That will be an easy fix.

its fucking game maker, there's really nothing to boast about

I'll take that as a no. I'm not boasting but you don't need to be a dick. I trying here.


pretty cool looking character OP. Looks like a ninja and does a badass run

Attached: lthumbs up.webm (1280x720, 171K)

Looks like shit
What sort of game are you trying to make? A platformer? If so your character has no sense of momentum and it is somewhat hard to tell where his collision is because his body moves so much. His spritework is clearly not intended for a platformer.
I think you need to think harder about what you're trying to create and why, and then from there make a satisfying experience. As of now it looks bad and looks like it plays bad.
I can, would take about half an hour tops, it's painfully easy.

That is Strider Hiryu. He is just a place holder. Tnx tho.

That looks like shit. Loser.

If you think you're so good why don't you post your game here. If your game is good I will kiss your ass and take all of you advice. So sick of my stuff being shit on.

how do i find the rest of that?

>*posts shit game*
>hey guys what do you think of my game
>it's shit
>waaah stop criticizing me
I can make something better in ten minutes, just watch

Attached: 1567987053889.jpg (364x360, 23K)

Redmoa on youtube, he's damn good animator who makes good webm porn but also does funny animations

Okay. It really isn't even close to a full game. Post your game. I'm open to critiques but when someone says I can make a better game in ten minutes can you see why I think they are bullshiting me? What is wrong with it? This isn't even a game it is an engine for one really. Not even a demo.

Also, you didn't even play it.

If you're trying to help I'm sorry. I thought you were just trying to be a dick. This is my first serious game. I need serious critiques.

OP, maybe is just me but your "idle" sprite is just quite misleading, can you make its hitbox visible on a picture? also, what resolution is your sprite? even if Strider is a placeholder that will come to bite you in the ass later.

Here you go. Tnx. What should I do about it?

Attached: idlemask.png (735x478, 24K)

thanks based user

Again what sort of game are you even trying to make?

Pick a different placeholder sprite with a resolution being power of 2, preferably so its hitbox or its composition will be squares, the rest of your sprites and tilesets will have to follow the same rule more or less, otherwise you will end up with a visual mess later.

A fast paced Ninja game with wall jumping and 8 way shuriken toss.

God I want to make a 3D engine so badly.

Attached: 96ab6fcf7b2a6211f8ec6d0e280c7bb8.jpg (800x562, 52K)

Looks like you made a sidescroller with 2 actions and a reused sprite. So looks like shit.

There's not even enough here to critique. Work on it for more than 10 minutes then come back, OP.

good sprite work, better than 90% of indie pixel trash. game looks like ninja gaiden

Tnx, but they are placeholders.

I'm not surprised you haven't played Strider, but you mean to tell me you've never played MvC?

Fair enough. I meant as far as platforming goes. Am I going in the right direction?

Too soon to take critiques. Like putting 3 pencil lines on paper and asking for advice on that. Keep up the work.

Thank you. Do you think I can become a splendid programmer?

How old are you?

Attached: SpeedBoostEffect.webm (1254x602, 1.76M)

Why do you ask? I'm sleepy right now so I can't really structure sentences together. I apologize. I'm 18.

Hahaha in this world there are no splendid programmers, only persistent bastards. KEEP WORKING.

Tnx :)

>Do you think I can become a splendid programmer?
How would we know? We haven't seen your code, and whatever it is must be quite simple given what you have to show for it.

I use state machines. I could post my code here if you like? I learned from Shaun Spalding + years of programming with my brother as a kid.
//Get scripts

//Calculate movement

var move = key_right - key_left

hsp = move * walksp;

vsp = vsp + grv;


if (!Crouching)
if (place_meeting(x,y+1, obj_wall)) && (key_jump) //Jumping
vsp = -9
CanDoubleJump = true

if (!place_meeting(x,y+1, obj_wall)) && (key_jump) && CanDoubleJump = true //Double Jump
vsp = -7
CanDoubleJump = false

if (vsp < 0) && (!key_jump_held) vsp = max(vsp,-10/4) //Variable jump height

if (place_meeting(x,y+1, obj_wall)) && (key_down) //Crouching
Crouching = true

if Crouching = true && (key_down_released) //Stop crouching

Crouching = false

if (dash_key) && Crouching = false
state = states.dash
alarm[0] = room_speed/7

if (key_slash)
state = states.attack
if (!place_meeting(x,y+1, obj_wall))
sprite_index = spr_player_jump
if (sign(vsp) > 0) sprite_index = spr_player_fall else sprite_index = spr_player_jump;

if (hsp == 0)
sprite_index = spr_player_idle
{ //Walking
sprite_index = spr_player_walk
if Crouching = true
sprite_index = spr_player_crouch
mask_index = spr_player_crouch
if Crouching = false
mask_index = spr_player_idle
if state = states.dash
sprite_index = spr_player_dash

if state = states.attack
sprite_index = spr_player_cut
image_index = 0

//Sprite flipping
if (hsp !=0) image_xscale = sign(hsp);

Oh shit that's really cool user, looks fun! Looking for a musician by any chance?

Its GMK so its nothing special. But hey, good for you trying user. Its something 99,9% of Yea Forums wont do.

>that coding

Attached: jazz stops.jpg (600x800, 65K)

You barely have a game and you're still in the early beginner phase. Instead of asking Yea Forums for critiques at this stage, you need to be introspective for a while and learn to critique yourself. If you've played games for long enough, you should know what looks good and what doesn't. You'll need "taste" if you're ever going to make anything worthwhile, but at this stage it doesn't matter, since the most worthwhile thing you'll take out of this is the experience you'll gain from making your game.
Take the time to learn what you really want to make, motivate yourself, and discipline yourself. Doing gamedev as a hobby isn't easy since it requires a lot of work. Those without discipline will only give up far before they can make anything. Force yourself to make progress each day, if you do just that, you'll eventually make something you can be proud of.

Keep in mind I'm still learning.

generic / 10.
Pay my living expenses and we can do something about that.

is that actually your code
because there are many typos and missing semicolons

if Crouching = true && (key_down_released)
is missing circle brackets


if state = states.attack
should be a double equals ==, as you're assigning state to states.attack not comparing

when sharing code use pastebin

Yep, that's Strider alright.

Is this inspired by Megaman? If not, it should be. Check out Megaman Zero/ZX and get a feel for how it does platforming and action.

Attached: Mega-Man-Zero-ZX-Legacy-Collection_2019_08-27-19_006.png (1173x1500, 1.67M)

What is wrong with it.

Whats the engine to create cool 3d environments?

and we're just taking the piss. You're looking for input too soon.
Keep on it and flesh out the design more.

While learning the rule is to make something other people will want to play, then after you git gud, do what you want.
What we're seeing here is just boiler plate.

Tnx. I'm still learning. I learn from Shaun and that is the way he types.

That looks amazing. I will make you proud!

That does not work in GML. GML is simplified. == creates a fatal error.

no it doesn't. you can use either

Thanks user, not sure why I deleted it but here is the work in progress!

We hope fans of metal slug wil like it\

Attached: alpha.webm (640x480, 1.87M)

I just did it. Does not work with states.

They will love it :)

what are states? i didnt even read your code, just informing you that you are wrong

really bad. Hire an artist retard.

The reason the semicolons are missing is because Game Maker really is loose with them.

Nah he's right, you should use == here. In other languages you'd get an error for using single =. You're lucky Game Maker holds your hand for you.

Do you have a dev Twitter?

Aww, I see you're back you piece of shit. Good. Don't give up.. You need to work on your camera. Here's some reference material.

Attached: NRes.png (480x270, 50K)

well I mean your code shouldn't compile, what you've directly posted won't work, unless you hastily gutted it and put it here

What language are you using? I'm supposing java, c or c++

He had both in his post, so I was assuming it wasn't some beginner language


it's gml. it's forgiving

You have never heard of state machines? To make coding easier I separate parts of it into scripts and call them "states". That is the quick rundown. This makes sure you can easily go through your coding. While a platformer with no states might look something like this"

if attack = false
if crouch = false
if ground = true
if place_meeting(x,y, obj_wall) && keyboard_check(vk_right)
hsp = 6;
} "

A platformer with state machines would look like this "

if state = states.normal && keyboard_check(vk_right)
hsp = 6;
} "

Good explanation?

Thank you! You remembered me!

you are missing the point im trying to make here. == is perfectly legal in gml

In any case, you're better off using if(x) instead of if(x==true). Less chance of typos and errors if you're using a language that actually cares about the difference between = and ==.

Attached: 6547304568970568.jpg (600x380, 23K)

>Hire an artist when he doesn't even have his gameplay nailed down yet.

Attached: 1452919180767.jpg (500x500, 63K)

bools/booleans don't need to have =true/false after them in an if statement

Yeah, you people really don't get what this is. Not even close to a full game. This is just the engine.

not him, but state machines are more than just that

it refers to an object being in a particular state where a particular set of actions will vary based on the state its in
think of a garage door object, it can be in a closed state, opening, paused, closing, or opened state. In this model a garage door button will make the door open if it is closed, close if it is open, and pause if it is moving, and flip direction and move if it is paused.

A platformer in this model refers to how a given set of player inputs will vary based on what state the player is in, like if you are falling the jump button won't switch the player state to a jump state.

nah it's not even finished yet its on like the first 2 stages, We're hoping to do a standard 6 and maybe add small alternate paths but it takes a while when you're making a game for free with people

You are correct. My bad. Thank you.

How the fuck do you even into programming a game? I know a teeny bit of Python, but like conceptually I can't even imagine how everything would be set up.

Correct. I just learned really.

If you're a retard, just get Game maker.

It's cool dude! I really want to continue the project I had, but I can't art for shit, and I feel weird using things I don't make

imo, one of the most important things in a game about ninjas is speed, the movement options and the speed the character moves at are on point as far as i can see, but i fear those small bumps in the level will slow down the game and could possibly make it a bit tedious (like in 0:05), consider putting more slopes instead of bumps or making the ninja do a small jump, flip or whatever automatically to conserve speed
Good luck with your project user

Thank you, and I plan on adding slopes next.

Thank you :)
Never give up!

you start by doing it.
Some people learn faster than others, some have a knack for it, but anybody can learn it so don't be dissuaded if you have a hard time.

There are many mechanisms that can go into making a game, but there are common elements behind them all.
There are a few patterns behind them all, but the question depends on how down the rabbit hole you want to go?

All games start with some continual loop, generally checking against 'if game should continue', then perform an input check of some sort, updating game elements by the amount of time that passed, and ending with a render command that similarly uses a delta time

Game development can take the form of engine development, or game logic development, or 3D rendering development.
Each of these is interesting, but tackling all 3 can be a huge timeskink and challenge.

If you're interested in more of the game logic side of things, look into preexisting game engines like unity or unreal just to see how a basic game can look.

If you're interested in engine work, you will need some helper libraries and can follow tutorial series and make your own.

>If you think you're so good why don't you post your game here.
Okay. Ended up taking more like an hour rather than half an hour like I said here but oh well. Got about as much functionality as you do, from scratch, with my own assets rather than borrowed, in an hour.
You aren't even at the level where you can begin to ask for feedback. Come back with something that resembles a game.

Attached: anongame.webm (1026x800, 168K)

Do you feel better now? I'm disappointed in you user.

Attached: 04.jpg (990x550, 118K)

>Do you feel better now?
>I'm disappointed in you user.
Thank you, that fuels me

Attached: 05.jpg (990x550, 105K)

honestly it looks like shit but that ninja...unf....nice spritework there bro

reminder that if you haven't tried out every game engine at least once, you're ngmi

Fair enough. Sorry if I came off as rude.

Bruh that's cringe

Should I kms?

>this is at least 10 days worth of work

Attached: 1532750521983.jpg (288x224, 25K)

>>all those zoomers failing to recognize strider


it hurts more than it should

Not it isn't. That was on my mac. That game engine crashed.

im being ironic user

How do we stop this bros?

Attached: ARK - Lobby Simulation Evolved.png (1879x449, 334K)

I'm pretty sure OP doesn't even know who he is and stumbled across the sprites by searching 'ninja' in google.

Here's a fun article on programming a platforming engine some of you might enjoy:

Thank you! I love that.

Oh, trust me. I know who Strider is. Lmao, I 1cced that baby and played the reboot.

My advice: if this is your first game don't start with something of this scope. The most important skill to learn as a solo developer is actually finishing games. Try making a literal 1 mechanic game first and actually finish it. You'll see that going from playable to fun to polished/balanced is where like 90% of your work will go. It'll teach you a whole lot more than what you're doing now and you'll have something completed to show for it.

Thank you so much for the advice. You're right.

I only have art and writing.
I haven't started the coding in the Ren'Py because I'm still deciding on presentation and running it through coders who know better than me before I start.

Attached: 1563254414057.png (548x364, 118K)

What is it about?

Death game VN
It'll have puzzles

Have there every been a puzzle rpg? thats good

Rate my game, faggots!

Attached: i ain't clicking that shit nigga.jpg (250x250, 14K)

Hitboxes are fucked and don't line up well with the Strider sprite, camera is doing the exact opposite of what it should be doing and is focusing on whats behind you, dash doesnt look like a dash but rather a choppy teleport. Dont have much of anything here atm OP, come back when you implement more advanced stuff. I guess you want to make an arcade styled game and think its a small scale project. It isn't, I learned that the hard way, even a humble 5 level platformer takes a long time.

Thank you for the advice. Might kms tho.

Just get different placeholders or make some new ones, it would be way easier to work with those.

don't be a pussy. Don't you have a sandbox for shit like this?

Suicide is cringe desu senpai, first prototypes are always sloppy abortions only difference is that you were over confident and are thus a good target for ridicule.

scrap it and make a 3d game.
2d is garbage.

>Oh noes! Teh Yea Forumsirgins don't jerk off to my shitty 2D platforming project. Better kys.
The faster, the better.
You wanna impress me? Make a RTS/RPG hybrid with grand strategy elements in a persistent world.

Yeah, you're right.

Nah, I'd rather just die. See you in hell. Killing myself.

I'm struggling with libgdx atm, went from Clickteam Fusion, friend told me to use Game Maker instead. Told him "Fuck you, I'm going pro!" Should I regret my choice?

You could have gone Godot.

I also want to develop "useful" android apps.

Wtf is this Game Maker?
That shit is a sin

Hey, you're doing something, that's great! It may sound like im mocking you, but I'm not. It's just really cool to see that people trying to do something here. Good luck with your project man.
any story? or it's just some prototype to increase programming skillz?

Attached: BLS0KR1g1rM.jpg (1198x898, 62K)

Nice PS1 emulator
Play this game om the PS1 faggots, it's made by the same Metal Slug people


This is Dolphin Blue, did you think no one would notice?

wow, he already port the game?

Thank you so much! It is for a ninja game I'm working on.

So, is it going to be something like The Messsenger or original Ninja Gaiden games? Those were good.

Attached: mR7aecUcUdk.jpg (533x663, 28K)

If you want direction, add a little stall to the end of the dash to make landing afterwards more manageable and make it feel more impactful.

what is this image from?

>Another minecraft clone

Attached: 1553792857261.png (400x400, 192K)

Yes, I like to use Strider as an example.

Thank you. Will do!

Oh, alright then. I didn't recognized Hiryu at that webm, lol. Anyway, once again: good luck with your stuff. Hope you will make it, my dude. Just don't let anything or anyone hold you down.

Attached: NMvglEXbkmU.jpg (1198x896, 59K)

Thank you so much! I will try my hardest. I know this seems like shit to some people but I've come a long way. Plus I'm much younger than most people here and have less experience.

Yea, I know, Yea Forums been like this forever. But it's important to do things that you desire (and that's even more important if they bring you joy), and it's also a good thing that you share it with people, even if some edgelords don't think so. But hey, what do they know? Only how to bitch on the internet, that's for sure.

Attached: TliFXepPVjo.jpg (1280x720, 103K)

>criticism = edgelording
This is why most indie devs are cancer. I've got a lot of game projects as well, but I won't show anything until I have something to actually show. Moving a sprite around on tiled platforms aren't exactly that interesting.

Cutest thread on Yea Forums

you should go back newfag

looks like what I made in a flash game summer camp 14 years ago. You gonna add a giant bear with a rotating hands for platforming segments? I did that with mine.

>how does my game look
This is literally fucking nothing though. Anyone else who has spent 5 minutes in GM:S knows how easy it is to add jumping and collision to an object. What feedback do you expect to get when you've got fuck all to show?

Attached: 1507601948589.gif (316x237, 960K)

is that fucking reize?

>giant bear with a rotating hands for platforming segments
That sounds rad as fuck.

>Anyone else who has spent 5 minutes in GM:S knows how easy it is to add jumping and collision to an object. What feedback do you expect to get when you've got fuck all to show?
kek, some user already did, OP is btfo

God I fucking hate the gms2 gui holy fuck

Why are you making copy of game? Make your own characters and ideas.

>giving up just like that

You were never gonna make it anyway