Games like this one?

So this game turned out to be fucking amazing.
I'm desperate for more grapple games, can anyone here recommend me good grapple game that are kind of similiar to this one?

Attached: Bionic Commando.jpg (500x687, 79K)

Try ReArmed


The best actiony grappling hook game you'll find is Ninja Five-O for the GBA, absolutely amazing game. Besides that, your main option is the Umihara Kawase series, all great games and the best pure grappling hook platforming. There's also Remnants of Naezith, Super Hook Girl and Environmental Station Alpha

Bionic Commando had the best gameplay of the whole NES library. It makes games like Mega Man look like shit in comparison

There's the remake of it with extra shit and the sequel to it (Rearmed & Rearmed 2). There's also the Umihara Kawase games and probably a few Spidey games.

Quick list off the top of my head. The following are games where swinging is part of the mechanics. There are a lot if games like Just Cause and Dying Light that have Grappling Hooks, but they strictly have zip maneuvers, and not so much swinging.

Bionic Commando REarmed 1 and 2
Bionic Commando 2009
Umihara Kawase Series
My game in 1 week
Ninja Five-O
Grapple Force Rena
Mega Man Zero 2
Spider-Man 2 (Console Versions)
The Lost World: Jurassic Park (Human Hunter Section)
Spider-Man: Web of Shadows
Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions (Nintendo DS)

Of the above list, the Umihara Kawase series and Bionic Commando 2009 are supreme

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Vertebreaker? That game better get a level editor somewhere down the line

I always remembered Bionic Commando as having this really smooth and satisfying grappling system. I remember it having Super Mario Bros.-esque physics to it and shit. I replayed it recently and it has none of that. It's stiff and awkward. It's about as much fun to platform in as it is in the old NES Castlevania games.

The Free Ones
Story about my uncle
A hat in time has some grappling thingy from what i've seen.

Give Up Robot
Silver Grapple

I'll see what I can do

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Unimaginably based. UK physics + potentially endless amount of fan content will absolutely exterminate the platformer genre rendering every other game in it worthless

I forgot to mention two games for the Game Boy
Batman by Sunsoft
Bionic Commado
Both are excellent. I know I'm missing more games but I'm a little tired right now. I really should build the ultimate swingers inage guide to grappling hooks.
Grappling hooks are my vidya fetish and I have every intention of doing it justice. Please feel free to shitpost everything about it when the tech demo comes out. I want the Umihara audience.

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Will do, been looking forward to news on the game for a while now

Thanks for the recommendations! From everything you recommended me, Umihara Kawase looks like what I was looking for, I'm not a fan of the graphics on the Switch game though.

Vertebreaker is your game? It looks awesome, I'll definitely be checking it out.

Why isn't this game talked about more? People only seem to mention the Nazi imagery when it's brought up. Are the grappling controls + no jumping really that much of a barrier to entry? I didn't have that much trouble with the game.

Attached: HitlerHeadExplode.jpg (707x220, 114K)

One more game (actually 2) Tomba 1 and Tomba 2 had a grappling hook item that was fun to use.
Bionic Commando is loved, but most people just remember it as a nostalgic time and the series really hasn't been relevant in a while si you'll never see someone bring it up out of the blue. Combofiend and Marvel vs. Capcom 3 did spark interest in the series first a bit. Enough that it somehow drove sales to push BC09 into Capcom's Platinum Hits List (Games that have sold over 1 million units). I just saw the game pop up just a year or two after Combo made Soencee a household name in the FGC.

Attached: tomba03.gif (320x240, 1.92M)


Lost Planet games have grapple hook in them, but no swinging

Just Cause series has the grappling hook. Can't swing but you get to do cool shit with it.

Dying Light