Why are homos so seething over this? It’s a joke

Why are homos so seething over this? It’s a joke.

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Other urls found in this thread:


no it's called natural selection

It's funny because Kojima has a history of sexually objectifying men, I can guarantee you Norman gets a part where the camera zooms in on his ass or something in a cutscene, people are bitching for no reason

What a weak punch, it's like he's playfully hitting your shoulder

because gays are never happy

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It's not gays who are whining about it it's catladies and low-t straight guys who live to be perpetually offended on behalf of others.

Homosexuals are literally every fault in a woman's character within the body of a male.

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I don't follow the news on Kojimbo's movie, what is this?

Because homo demons are enemies in this game too?
Fuck Kojima, he is too homophobic.

I'm gay and I've never met fags who are like this. Guess I'm just lucky.

I like how this guy is just supposed to be a regular delivery man cuck and not some super soldier, yet after almost 2 decades the next blank protagonist still gets all the same traits.

Cuz you're not a faggot. Just gay. Gay dudes are cool.

Your mission: save the unborn BBs from Homo demoncrats

why do you care

Fucking this.

These garbage journalists only ever whine and bitch about Quiet. What about
Naked Raiden in MGS2
Volgin sexually absung Raikov in MGS3 and Raiden during one of the noncanon secret theater cutscenes
Raikov sexually abusing all of the soldiers and scientests at his post, including forcefully crotch grabbing the player if they're disguised as a scientist.
Or how about Liquid Snake being shirtless through most of MGS1, or Johnny being stripped of all of his clothes.
How about the extremely erotic fight at the end of MGS4 where Ocelot literaly kisses Snake at one point.

And this is only the shit I can think of off the top of my head.

you forgot the date with kaz in peace walker

Oh yeah. Aren't they wearing speedos too? There's also that homoerotic audio tape where Paz goes into detail about how Snake and Kaz are wrestling each other naked in the shower I think.

probably because it's fucking gay

>Snake and Kaz are wrestling each other naked in the shower I think.

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But that's not gay

>Kojima knows that homos are a joke

How can a man be so based? Holy fuck


I didn't see any gays complaining but I did see a bunch of women complaining about how quiet didn't get this feature.

It was japanese dramaCD tape.
Got also unofficial dub by Snake and Miller VAs

only cucks like dobson are mad. actual women and fags love it. they love the fact he punches you for looking.

what cucks dont understand is that since men like submissive women, women in turn like dominant men. its perfectly equal to have a female character shyly shake her tits in a mans face and have a man punish a naughty woman for perving on his stuff


actually straights act catty like women all the time. never in my life met a gay man who wasn't based and down to earth.

>aggression is bad when a man does it, but it's okay if a woman does it

Very few homos are seething over this. It's 90% straight sjws who feel like they have to defend every type of minority group on earth to make themselves feel like they're good people.

Wait, what is this about?

They look for any excuse to be mad ignore them

>punch you in the face
>just start sitting back down

Literally what. Like nothing happened?

Stare at his cock long enough and he punches the camera. Pretty funny if ya ask me.

>OP claims gay people are mad about this easter egg
>Absolutely nothing to back it up
>Retards just go with it

Man we truly are the smartest people on the internet

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no gays are whining about this.

Norman and Kojima spent a whole day fucking around with motion capture making up various shit to do in the private room.

See you this November in the co-op, faggot.

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Gayfag here. It is funny. You're equating twitter with real life again, OP.

Spoken like a bitchy woman.

No they're not. Gays are disgusting

Ok, fag

I bet you can't come up with a legitimate reason why that doesn't equate to "muh stats" or "muh bible"

get fucking rekt.

Most gays I end up following (artists) don't care or take the role of "harder daddy, please".
I mean, I'd take that stance too if the roles were reversed and say 2B stepped on the camera while you were trying to get an upskirt.

Remember Freddy Mercury?
this is what homosexuality does to you.

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What if its a girl playing the game?

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most low quality tl;dr thing I've ever seen

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good fanfic

I can bet you anything that the animation will be removed before the game's release


Having lots of unprotected sex as a BISEXUAL man does that to you. Sure, the development of AIDS medication was basically halted because it was perceived and pushed as a gays only disease, but still.

>Muh stats
>B-But what about the kids????
I know, right?

>Not the same as being a faggot
you are still a big fucking faggot that deserves the rope, dont try to move the goalposts.

By who? Kojima? Oh wait, his higher ups at... Kojima Production?

That's not what I meant, but good job completely missing the point.
The problem was unprotected sex, not who he was having unprotected sex with.

>he development of AIDS medication was basically halted because it was perceived and pushed as a gays only disease.

i don't see a downside here.

He was fucking men, he got aids, end of the story, stop trying to justify homos.

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my parents were straight as straight can be and they still managed to fuck me up proper good with their drug abuse and fundamentalism.

It's not about having a Mom or a Dad, or two Moms or two Dads or whatever the fuck gender non binary snowflakes will be asked to be called, it's always about having a non-shit parent which you can get outta anyone.

Kojima did this because people were calling him out on being gay for edgey Walking Dead guy.

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im convinced this is only in the game because kojima finds it hot or something

>i don't see a downside here.
What about the large number of heterosexuals that also died because of this? This moral high ground doesn't work anymore when you put it like that.
>He was fucking men, he got aids, end of story
He was fucking both men and women, he got aids, end of story. Moral is don't have unprotected sex.

Nailed it.

>Faggots are only 7% of the entire population
>they still are 45% of the pedophiles
makes you thunk.

>image spamming autist back at it again
Is this Barney? These threads have been posted multiple times per day with the same images over and over.

Sounds bad but I fail to follow Faust's logic that allowing same sex marriage normalizes or enforces gender binary marriages. It merely opens the possibility for them. Also, there are plenty of shit awful straight parents. And if you dare to suggest maybe not everyone should be allowed to have kids just because they got dicks and pussies, well then people screech about tyranny. It's hypocritical.

Quick rundown?

>What about the large number of heterosexuals that also died because of this?
they got what was comming for them, dont go hoe-ing around if you don't want to get ultra aids and drug resistant chlamydia

>He was fucking both men and women, he got aids, end of story. Moral is don't have unprotected sex.

I haven't seen a single article complaining about this and Kojima doesn't care about twitter trannies

during the Death Stranding safe-house demo, if you look at Sam (Reedus)'s crotch too long, he punches you for staring at his dick.

Because objectification is only bad when straight men do it
I thought feminism made this clear by now

>Men, overall, perform most of the molestation on children
>It's homosexual if it's on a boy and straight if it's on a girl
>It's not that fucked up individuals would fuck anything with a hole, it's that they're gay
Based retard

>Sam we want you to go west and finish what Amelie started


Holy fuck this voice acting is great. This shit is gonna be good.

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just 4 u bby ;)

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There is nothing to run down. Nobody is mad and OP is a faggot

Quick rundown:
1 I want to get fucked in the butt and maybe suck some dick
2 I DON'T want to interact with another human.

Why would anyone want to look at someones crotch? Fucking perverts lol.

Barney probably posts 80% of the bait threads these days

Homo demons go back to hell where you belong

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>Fucked up individuals would fuck anything with a hole
yeah those are called Gays, you retarded baboon.

Why even look? Is his meat really bulging from his pants that much? It didn't seem like it to me.

You got this straight off reddit, didn't you?

>Thread devolves in a bunch of christcuck autist gaybashing when the initial premise that anyone gave a shit about this in the first place was completely false

well played OP


Fresh reaction image

Attached: Reedus.png (432x348, 148K)

Straight men don't abuse young boys. Retard
So, yes, homosexuals are deranged and do comprise the largest part of the pedophile demographic.

i'm not gay but Sam Reedus is pretty buff bro no homo

>Sam Reedus is pretty
Full homo, bruh

>Straight men don't abuse young boys. Retard
Sure thing, jack. You're so right.
>So, yes, homosexuals are deranged and do comprise the largest part of the pedophile demographic.
Really? Did you just miss this ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8008535
That's okay. I can post it again.

Boys and girls don't differentiate much until they hit puberty and only straight men are into androgynous bodies

have sex


What if i am a female?

>People are still quoting shit from the 80s
Based retard

the only person "mad" about this i've seen is fucking Dobson, and who cares what he thinks?

Because current humans aren't humans at all, just parodies of supposed humans. Double true if they are American. Barely classified as human, just sacks of meat being offended by life itself.

Being gay seems super dangerous for your health. I think it's one of the few illnesses you get ostracized for trying to cure.

Reminder that this thread is likely one schizo arguing with himself because he's desperate for (You)'s.

>and only straight men are into androgynous bodies
Literally what

Have you looked at gay porn recently? Or shota? Because I have. Lots and lots of it, and androgynous bodies are not at all uncommon

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ps4 camera detects your ovaries and Reedus winks and takes off his shirt instead

Sex is present at birth, you fuckwit.
I agree a pedophile is a deranged individual, but they are well able to discern between female and male genitalia. Male on male and female on female is homosexual, regardless of age. Stop trying to sound stupid before I pop an aneurysm.

trannies are not female.

>I'll just dismiss the argument and go for ad hominem
I accept your concession. Thanks for being such a big man.

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all females are homo demons, GET OUT

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Literally who is?
You're grasping at straws because your arguments are piss-poor and easily debunked.

>give me proof that being gay is bad
>ok here
I guess they call it 'thinking straight' for a reason eh plowboy?

>It's only debunked because I disagree with it
Okay, champ. Whatever you say.

>>I'll just dismiss the argument and go for ad hominem
Based Retard.

Reminder that you are likely arguing with a catholic raised actual autistic person

All these posts were me, by the way

No argument, then. You reek of insecurity. I guess that's common when trying to defend aberrant postures without hard facts.

Reminder that this board is unironically filled with Trannies and faggots.

I have seen absolutely 0 people mad about this. Why are you tards taking OP's bait?
t. uses Twitter constantly

I say burn the gays

You sound like a terf

I mean your "argument" was "It's from this time period"
and my argument was "that doesn't matter, because people also regurgitate statistics from this time period"
and instead of actually arguing back, you just claim that you "debunked" something when you didn't.

I miss the days when we just pretended to like dickgirls and be turbofaggots.
It's not fun now that actual nutjobs made it here.

same, sadly when you pretend to be a retard you'll eventually be surrounded by real retards.

>we just pretended to like dickgirls and be turbofaggots.

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>t. uses Twitter constantly
confirmed homo

Would gladly get AIDS and fucked in the ass if I could get just a fragment of his skill and creativity.

>implying everyone was pretending

>everything I don't like was ironic and joking and everything I do like was 100% genuine
every time

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That was another user. Also, your article isn't statistically significant anyway. Learn to read a scientific paper. They even mention it only applied to that specific sample of a population. It's a cross-sectional study of a small amount of people. In fucking 1994, they're 25 years older now.
It's useless as evidence for anything except to explain the situation of those specific individuals at that specific time.

I think the bitter autismo population is probably the larger demographic, but it's not like either of us can prove it so I don't know why the fuck you'd even care

>"KOJIMA HATES GAYS!" The nazi and soiycuck shout
You do no Kojima loves showing off the hot guys in his games right?

Why can't you niggers just talk about video games?

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The seed of homosex lives within you too, my friend. There is only one way to cleanse it


I am really insecure and I need you guys to validate my believes.
UHM! What I ment to say was: The instability of society is more important than video games!

/lgbt/ actually
keep living in perpetual denial tho

Letting your boybean be touched.

>I just discovered Yea Forums


>tfw bichad making faggots seethe

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You know, that's nothing wrong in looking at another men crotch if he's sitting down like that looking all cute and shit. It's only natural to get curious about that dick. No homo.

But they're not at all. 99.3% of all pedos are straight men.

>I have seen absolutely 0 people mad about this
Dobson, that's about it

your prostate has to be milked to force the gay out. As long as it's not another mans penis (in which case he'll cum more gay inside of you, thus defeating the point) it effectively removes the gay.

What did he say?

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Literally always been like this.
I miss deep sea general.

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some gay shit

>where Ocelot literaly kisses Snake at one point.
It was a russian taunt

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Looking back its kind of funny to see /vg/ is basically what rulefags wanted Yea Forums to be but its creation is also part of the reason Yea Forums hasn't changed.

claimed that most pedos are gay. which has been disproven, it's actually the opposite. there are almost no gay pedos whatsoever.

I forgot about this one, thanks for the definitive proof that Yea Forums was never about fucking jizzskull threads

Are gays actually mad or you just mean faggots in a general internet notion?

Deep sea threads were seriously the best thing about this whole website

They have the same response to women with armpit hair. It's from conditioning and brainwashing, it's not a natural response.

>Stare at his cock long enough and he punches the camera. Pretty funny if ya ask me.

It reminds me of Police Quest 3. If you make Sonny Bonds walk into the women's locker room he walks out holding his face and an angry women leans out shaking her fist.


There are literally no gays mad about this.

Pro tip: actually read that article.
The test was done in one place, with one demographic.
Would the results of the test be the same in France where it's a common greeting to kiss each other on the lips?
Do younger or older age groups react more or less extremely?
Even the researcher themselves explain that their research is very incomplete and does not explain the voilent behavior towards homosexuals.
Don't be too quick on that either son. The only rational thing is demanding more data.

you heard it here. fags are literally as harmful as druggies.

>it was a russian taunt
Ocelot is a confirmed homosexual for Big Boss, and wanted to give Solid Snake a taste.

no, fags don't get mad about this stuff. they are never the ones acting offended. it is always catladies and their betacuck loser pets who raise a stink about meaningless shit.

What The Fuck?

it's japan, it's ok to make joke like that. respect their culture, bigot.


this fagget also died from aids and his last time on screen he was so pozzed up he had to lay on the makeup thick like him

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>being this much of a faggot

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>Gay guys openly compliment and hit on me more than women
Nah women need to step up

kek, saved

The only complaining I'm seeing is on Yea Forums here and it isn't the gays who are upset about it

Faggots are shit parents though

Anyone got any links/screens of the actual outrage?

Because I don't know what OP is on about.

Attached: With the chemsex scene booming, are gay men using drugs to medicate complex issues around sex .png (727x988, 103K)

They sound slutty. a Typical female fault.

It's literally a /pol/ psyop.

does he punch you if you pee too much

It's not gay if you don't look him in the eyes

dont you ever get bored posting propaganda


i thought that was funny

It'll feel too good. You won't be able to hold yourself from looking in his eyes.

Studies show that children are worse off in any parental situation that isnt a male father and female mother. Chances for drugs and abuse are higher among abnormal parental households.

holy shit one tweet thread from a literal who what an outrage

You really expect me to go and get hundreds of fucking tweets retard? If you care so much to be educated go and do it yourself.

You just let it live in your head rent free huh

lol how you supposed to look a nigga in the eyes when he fucking your butt that shit gets done from behind

It's only gay if balls touch or if he touches your PP. Thats why you need to cover your balls and hold onto your own PP. It's preferable if a woman with a strap-on does this as well so there's no chance of cross gaytamination

lmao, or maybe you could take the time you spend getting worked up about literal who tweets and do something more productive with your life

I fucking hate faggots

gay here, don't entirely agree with this image but can confirm i am angry all the time

Nope, no one is actually mad.

this is literally me

this is literally the entirety of Yea Forums
its a safehaven for idiots, trolls trolling trolls, and retards who think they're in good company.

the fact that there is an animation for this is pretty stupid

>gays allying with /pol/
Whenever you see someone cry about seeing the nigger-word or fag-word on Yea Forums its always some homosexual.

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This is a great image

Maybe so, but don't you start talking shit about based Nomi. Faggotry is permissible when they sing that well.

I can already tell some retarded shit is going to happen, this image of Reedus will for some reason be connected to homo/transphobia, journos will have a shitstorm. And then Reedus will personally come out to apologize to the LGBT community and donate a few grand to some faggy cause along with Kojima.

All the while Yea Forums just eats up the dumb fucking outrage.

based and redpilled

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A-ahah yeah

Honestly I know this is trollbait but /lgbt/ can be really cancerous and I don't recommend it as a quality place for discourse.

Fuckin hilarious. Absolute truth.

>what is a control group
>since the study of faggots molesting children is 25 years old, that magically means faggots randomly stopped molesting kids in 1995 onward

This is you

>go crawl back to your precious fishflaps
Holy fug, that's great.

This, I'd be surprised if there wasn't yet another scene where the protagonist's crotch is grabbed by a guy for some weird reason.

they will always complain, because if they stop being a victim then they have no cause, just like feminists

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I honestly dont know the difference between gays and transgenders.

gays are men who consider themselves men who like to fuck men
transgenders are men who consider themselves women who sometimes like to fuck men and sometimes still like to fuck women

>treating terf like an insult

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And I say HEEEEYAAYAAAH I say hey, what's going on?

Knocks that faggot out. It's based, nothing to complain about.

Why do you?

Doesn't make any sense, you control his character and he punches the screen? Makes me want to walk him straight into a BT in retaliation.

Homie, for every example in that story, I can show you at least ten examples of kids doing dumb shit that were raised by straight parents and make the same vague assumption that being raised straight had something to do with it. Correlation does not imply causation, bitch.

saved. thanks user.

It's like in Nier Automata where 2B would swat the camera away if you looked up her skirt for too long. Stare at norman's reedus for too long and he hooks you in the gabber.

They are homo demens, like a different kind of homo sapiens. Not homosexual-demons

there was also Lollipop Chainsaw, where Juliet would cover her butt you try to look at her panties
it may as well be a japanese thing at this point

I have literally no clue what this is, but
Is the answer, not the question.

you got an achievement for it too. how times have changed...

bad sample size



>Volgin sexually absung Raikov in MGS3
i think it's more implied they were gay lovers

it is also in peace walker and ground zeroes in paz's diary. she recounts the whole thing.

but i'm not
i think it's funny

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I don't understand. If a straight man was "objectifying" a woman and she did that people would be clapping

Does Sam hate homo demons because of faggots?

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I haven't seen any proof that there is any outrage.

Archive is kill. Someone please repost it, I want to see it.

support for lgbt is going down

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>Why are homos so seething over this?

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Young rebel against authority. Left-wing people are the "authority".

the authority is literally trump you dilating tranny

Solely because of trannies. They're legit just subhuman scum.

What a string of mental disorder. Learn how America works.
Trump can't do anything that doesn't relate to protecting and representing the country from foreign bodies. That's the duty of the president.
Congress and its State representatives are the ones that control what happens within the country itself.
You have to deal with faggots and trannies because your State representatives allow it.
You have to deal with left-wing majority bias in the MSM because the FCC and FTC won't do their fucking jobs.

brainlet, the thing that children perceive as authority is what their parents believe, what the popular generic media supports, what's taught in schools, what they see on TV. Trump may be president, but children see every form of media they can find full of old people bitching and moaning about him. Is Trump objectively powerful? Sure. However, he isn't the perceived authority that kids want to rebel again.

>the lgbt is clean! they don't do anything wrong!

you have 0 evidence for your mental gymnastics

support for lgbt is dropping because the LGBT is fille with insane people who will never be NORMAL.

end of story

That’s literally all because of the vocal and stupid “T”.

>fucked 173 guys in 4 years.
Fucking hell. What a degenerate.

Nope its counter-culture. Basic human biology. Populous inner cities and MSM are projecting SJW bullshit so the young rebel against it.
Don't tell kids what to do. Tell them the opposite of what they should do.

Go back to plebbit you seething low-IQ manlet. Learn how America works before you spout inane retarded bullshit.

>y-you just don't know how america works!

and you have no idea what's hiding behind trump's america

Lmao this post

>What a degenerate.
Pretty modest for a homosexual desu.

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You need to be 18 or older to post on Yea Forums.

They're not. You just have cognitive bias.

That’s not gonna stop me from drawing porn of Sam and Geoff Keighley’ one-off gay character

whats gonna stop me is the fact that it’s Norman Reedus and I can’t do that to him

go back to /lgbt/

I say kill all faggots

go back to plebbit. You're not old enough to post here.
Also Trump is pro-LGBT. Keep seething manlet. He's not going to do anything about trannies because he's kike enabler and the Jews own MSM.

>is pro lgbt
>literally appointed "electric Mike" Pence as his vice president

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Kojima sucks!

>Trash analogy

>go back to /lgbt/

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and he repeatedly said he loved mexians even though he is actually rounding them up, your poin?

Surely, fucking the trash deposit hole is truly trash.





the absolute state of Hideo Kojima

>even though he is actually rounding them up

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I haven't met many gay people, but at college there was this one gay dude who I became good friends with and he was literally the most based and redpilled dude in the entire fucking school. Didn't give a flying fuck, complete and utter alpha and dominance display.

If it was up to this guy we would have made no progress as a species.
>What are you doing sharpening that stick? Branches weren't made to be used as hunting tools, you don't understand design!

It'll be great once this game fails and he is in financial ruin and can never curse us with another 'creative' project again. He will go back to being a studio drone where he belongs

> Forcefully inserting penises and foreign object into your poop hole
>"We are progressing as a specie"

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>muh stats
You actually got BTFO


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Having the kind of mindset that lets us experiment instead of only using things for what they were "naturally designed for" (as if nature deliberately designs anything) is indeed what let us progress as a species.

Guess you've never looked in the mirror.

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dickgirls are not gay

why is the prostate in such a convenient place then?

Hey man, theres a G-spot up there for a reason yah?

they elect jewish politicians

>"naturally designed for" (as if nature deliberately designs anything)
Science is literally trying to understand the already established Logos (order) of the Universe. That's why the Church built Academies throughout Europe (now renamed "Universities" and turned into a SJW parody)

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That's not a "G-Spot", it a organ necessary for producing fertilizing semen.

He's right though. Gay dudes are gay because they don't put up with female bullshit. Straights are so used to it they actually start acting like women themselves.

yikes /pol/ is a bunch of closeted faggots since they like traps they should stfu

> in France where it's a common greeting to kiss each other on the lips?
Frog here, no one does this in France

So it basically comes down to God, or at least some sort of cosmic force that established a universal order and an inherent purpose for everything. And if someone doesn't believe in that then this whole "it wasn't designed for that" argument is nonsense to them.

btw this report is inaccurate since it includes multiple genders normies very much support lgbt but the multiple gender part they don't so lmao at /pol/tards who keep spamming this

They obviously are, they're actually the most progressive group out there, you just don't understand it because you're stuck in your old illogical ways.

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It can be both, it's pleasurable when stimulated to the point of orgasm.

>And if someone doesn't believe in that then this whole "it wasn't designed for that" argument is nonsense to them.
Well, it's your "right" to be irrational if you want.

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Normies support LGB. Trannies are horrible people inherently, and people know it.

Could be worse.

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>mentally ill christcuck calling others irrational

It's just lame. I expect better of videogames.

Being atheist is being irrational, it's believing that something can bring itself into existence from nothing, which is a crazy idea.

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I guess lions are progressing as a species then, not as fast as dolphins tho.

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The rational stance is that we don't know how the universe came into being. And even if there was a "something" behind it, it's a hell of an assumption that it must be God.

wasn't it also done by an organization for lgb acceptance that's hemorrhaging money because gays are becoming more accepted, causing them to lose relevance? i was under the impression it was just a fearmongering piece so they could get more donations and stay afloat.

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Sony is his boss.

Being atheist is simply not believing in God, that's it.