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would you say 2010-2012 Roblox was soulful or soulless.
Soulful but leaking soul at an alarming rate
new roblox actually made me fucking barf
definitely soulful
Is it time for another Yea Forums plays roblox?
Anyone wanna join Survivor?
capitalism sucked the life out of this game
>old games like crossroads, paintball, and jet fighter will never be a thing again
>now it's only e-dating on robloxian high school and work at a pizza place
Even though those 3 genres you mentioned are largely dead, there is still plenty of original, inspired stuff being made on Roblox as of today.
Here, check out my game. It's a turn-based RPG where you need to carefully manage which characters to use from battle to battle.
Roblox was peak soul in 2012, then it began to go downhilll from 2014 and onwards
As the game engine improved, everything else slowly went to shit
i would say it was peak roblox showing the start of jewish schemes
>making games in Roblox in 2019
incredibly based
I knew a dude who did that, I made fun of him and I didn't believe Roblox could have been a viable game engine at all until I saw Robot 64.
i wanna go back bros
Why were guests removed?
Why do modern day noobs have hair and clothes?
>Apocalypse Rising
>Sword Fighting Tournament
>King of the Hill
>The Underground War
>Survive the End of the World
>Sword Fights on the Heights IV
>Tales of Range's Cape
>Be Crushed By A Speeding Wall
I want to go back.
I've got a whole lotta' these
Fuck I miss all of these
roblox as an engine isn't complete dogshit but jesus christ they messed up everything else in the process
>dumped the neat blocky artstyle in favor of whatever the fuck pic related is supposed to be
>removing tix so there is no longer a free currency
>the forums (which is where the OBC neckbeards were requesting tix to be gone) are shut down so there isn't really a part of the community to hide from the prepubescent cancer
>microtransactions in combination with robux to money conversion means people will go out of their way to make EA-tier P2W games
i think the soulless meme is usually just dumbass nitpicking but roblox is the one instance where I will say it describes it perfectly.