Megaman ZX is kinda hard goddamn

Megaman ZX is kinda hard goddamn

Attached: 0556 MegaMan ZX (US)__30702.png (256x384, 23K)

fuck this is some trial and error bullshit

Attached: 2019-09-16 20-39-36.webm (1920x720, 1.15M)

i just started this game got to the deer boss and he tilted me to the point of putting it down. I know its supposed to be easy but jesus christ this is game tilted me

No where near as hard as the Zero games, git gud

i also tried the first zero game and i was getting pleb filtered can someone help me git gud...

That's the first Pseudoroid in ZXA, ZX's first major Pseudoroid is an eagle. Are you going out of order?

>Not always holding the charge button

Stop playing it like a late classic MM or X game where you can just mindlessly trade hits with bosses and come out on top.

Always keep the buster charged, if you jump and attack keep holding the button, for some reason this extends the saber's range/hitbox so you won't get hit by aerial enemies, you'll just cleave through them.

Worry not as once you get Model H after the first real stage, the rest of the game becomes a joke.

thank you this helped i beat the boss i was stuck on for about an hour

Inticreates games are full of this shit.

>Play MM9 for the first time today
>Plug Man stage
>first screen is full of infinitely respawning shitters that you need Jewel Shield to deal with and I don't have it
>Soon after there's a vanishing block section over spikes
>At the end of it is a fucking mettaur placed specifically to knock you into the spikes once you cross and there's no way of seeing it or dealing with it beforehand
>just have to know to place Rush coil in case it knocks you off
>immediately after is another vanishing block section
>two pathways
>one pathway has a block specifically placed to prevent you from making a jump and force you into a bottomless pit
>can only see it at the very edge of the platform that you jump from to get to the vanishing blocks
>Just after that
>normal platform section but this time has enemies that jump out of a bottomless pit where none had previously been in the level
>Of course, they don't spawn until you're right next to the pit and you will die if you jump over without knowing they're there

Seriously one of the worst Mega Man levels I've ever played

How the FUCK do you get to area F

- The tellies can be shot with the Buster, the Satellite just makes dealing with them mindless.
- the met can be sniped with timing
- the block is a trap if you aren't suspicious of an apparent safe spot in the middle of a block dash, sure, but it shouldn't catch you twice

That's not a big deal. Uroboros at the end of ZXA is a much bigger pain in the ass.

Through Area B niggy.

You know you can fucking move and slash at the same time right? Why would you jump straight up to slash?

Mega Man ZX is baby mode Mega Man Zero.

Play more aggressively user. Dash jump and slash all together rather than being a sissy.

anyone else hype for legacy in january?

Attached: Mega-Man-Zero-ZX-Legacy-Collection_08-26-19.jpg (600x337, 123K)

Zero isn't even hard. It's just poorly designed and full of gotcha traps taking advantage of the screen crunch. If you use Cyber Elves or weather to delete this bullshit, it's even easier than ZX, but people feel compelled not to do that because of muh ranking autism and muh EX skills

Zoom zoom

>If you use Cyber Elves or weather to delete this bullshit
>using elves
>changing weather
Imagine being this bad.

I didn't do these, of course. That's why I'm able to say that. The only game that didn't feel full of bullshit was Zero 3, and that's probably only because I set the instant death prevention elf as my satellite immediately and never took it off.

>Playing as zero > playing as MegaMan
Prove me wrong. His play styles are way more fun and his games are harder.

None of the games are "full of bullshit," you're just a terrible player.

Or you're just an apologist.
Here's some things I remember from my Zero 4 playthrough, which I didn't even finish
>Offscreen enemies pushing me up into a laser beam that I'm trying to avoid
>Magnet gimmick that is unavoidable and completely gimps your jump if you get unlucky
>Enemies over bottomless pits while areas are affected by wind physics
These are not things that are fair.

You can clearly see and slash the thing before you land on the 2nd platform though.

If you git gud, maybe you'll finish the game some day.

>Label the areas in alphabetical order
>Make it so that against all common sense you can get to area F from area B without progressing through C,D and E

great design choice

Zero in X4-6 feels super stiff, armored X is superior every time.

He gets better in X8 at least.

Honestly, the metroid exploration meme is pretty bad in ZX and downright tacked-on in ZXA.
They shouldn't have bothered with that gay shit at all.

I wish ZXA has Omega as secret boss again. Model a is quite dissapointing for a reward in getting all the medals compared to fighting Omega. I want Model OX back.

I fully agree with this.

it's not gonna hold your hand like celeste