The reaction to this game being "too expensive" proves that LA was never as good as Yea Forums claimed. If it really is one of the best Zelda games then the remake would have been worth every penny, possibly more.
The reaction to this game being "too expensive" proves that LA was never as good as Yea Forums claimed...
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The problem is the art is shit.
but i already played the best version
LA is good, the remake isn't
What kind of insane logic is this?
$60 is a LOT for a handheld game. I'd pay $40 tops for it
it should be $80 easily
You're right. I replayed it recently and it's pretty bad. Lots of pacing issues up the ass, quests to get the keys for the dungeons suck most of the time, the items just aren't fun. So of course not only does the Remake not fix these, but they made tons of things worse and over animated Link so he's fucking slow as shit in everything he does. LA is the start of everything wrong with modern Zelda and Yea Forums is too blind to see it. The only thing that LA has is some good dungeon design, but only in the last 2 of the game. The ones before that are complete ass.
What's insane about it? If LA is better than games like OoT or BotW then it should easily warrant a $60 purchase. But it doesn't because it's just not.
maybe people just don't wanna pay full price for a 15-ish hour game
Maybe if they didn't choose to ruin the aesthetic of the old game with this shitty art style.
It's just a piss poor cash grab with an art style that I find incredibly ugly and far worse than the original. I see no reason it should be 60 when sotc, spyro , Crash, CNR, etc. are all 40. You can get the gba game for five fucking dollars.
But you can already buy and play it on the 3DS for 5 bucks, and itll subjectively look and sound better. You're logic makes no sense. Just because something is needless, overpriced rehash of a great game doesnt mean the original isn't great, nor does it make the rehash worth more
Just play original
>main quest is super short
>item management is the worst in the entire series
>overworld is too cluttered and mazelike to feel enjoyable to traverse
Yeah sounds about right.
OoT was only $35 on 3DS.
if it was a full 3d remake of la then yes
This game has expanded content compared to the original
And play far worse
OH no he added an a reeeeeeeeee
Does it have new dungeons or a master quest mode?
It's too expensive because you can go emulate the original right now. Hell they were selling the original on the 3DS's Virtual Console (surprise surprise, the Switch got rid of the Virtual Console and is now slowly dripfeeding VC games to justify the shitty online service).
Ideally they should have made a new game, but at a minimum it should have been a remakequel like ALBW, that carried over the setting/imagery but with new content. Instead it's a shameless reskin with a half-assed "dungeon maker" and some basic quality-of-life features like better controls (which is a given since the Switch has more buttons than the Gameboy).
If you want a new 2D Zelda within the next decade, you shouldn't buy it, because its success will put Nintendo on a remake spree.
>Game sucks because they changed his things look
Cringe and bluepilled
>Game sucks because the way it looks now is bad
Based and redpilled
It's the best 2D Zelda, but this is retarded from a business standpoint. It was sold 26 years ago at half this asking price and is the GBC port is available RIGHT NOW for cheaper than that on 3DS. A $60 price tag here makes no sense.
No. The dumb namefag is being vague on purpose.
They added a "dungeon maker" mode where you basically connect pre-made rooms together.
People keep going on about the visuals but I never hear anyone comment on how butchered the soundtrack is. I'm probably a little biased since I have a fetish for the gameboy soundchip but fuck, so much of the music popped. A lot of the music in the remake is really subdued, simple orchestral mixes and it just loses all of the oomph and charm. I fucking hate what I've heard of it so far
you're missing the point, if it were a truely great game worth 60 dollars in 1995 when it released why is it not worth that amount now?
Graphics are not a suitable answer for this question.
100% agree, sounds like it belongs more in Spirit Tracks than Link's Awakening.
I refuse to pay more than 10$ for a game
Because I've already played it and it's cheaper elsewhere
Also I believe it launched at 30$ at the time
soundtrack is literally worst part of the whole game, its WORSE than the original
It has expanded mini games and more things to collect, for a start. There's more to do postgame. Also has hero mode. Wait for the reviews to see what else is new.
>poorfags are too poor to afford the best game in the series
If I thought 60 dollaroos was worth playing BotW then I wouldn't think twice about paying 100 bucks for an even better Zelda.
You can get it right now on VC for 10
That's so small compared to the shit a real remake would do. It's trimming around the edges. It's more like Cave Story+.
Well good news! You can buy it for 5 bucks and play it right now! What a deal
Ocarina got an HD remake??
But I'd rather play a better version of it with improved visuals, item management, minigame use and additional content.
Economically speaking it's about the same price as the original release on Game Boy.
OoT 3D is technically a remake
Well if that's worth 55 bucks to you then go for it. Seems kind of a waste to me, especially for those who dont like the new visuals and music
The problem is simply zoomers being retards.
a damn fine one too
nintendo could port it to Switch and charge 60 dollars
Just like any other game for anybody who doesn't like said game.
Is a 1993 game you zoomzoom
Can they do anything right? What have they done outside of zelda remakes? Because they've fucked up all of those so far
I'm just waiting to play it, but it sounds bad in the trailers so far
not HD though
Agreed, I recently looked up the overworld theme.... damn. The original gives me goosebumps every time it gets to that dramatic 'lift' (or whatever the term is). The remade theme just doesn't pack that punch.
Hey me too! When are we getting that game?
Most other games dont have a subjectively better version you can get for 1/12th of the price
OOT3D was okay but it would've been better if they waited and gave the game a proper HD remake on the U or Switch
Remaster, code-wise. Old glitches still work because it's all the same code running.
Ever Oasis was pretty neat, and some of the worst parts of MM3D like the bosses was because of Aonuma.
I'll wait until the OST drops before making any decision.
>When are we getting that game?
This Friday.
what is she looking at
Epona's tally whacker
You can legally get the GBC version for $4.
Unless the remake is significantly better why would I recommend it over just playing that version?
No, this Friday we're getting an overly expensive remaster with no new content, a worse art style and soundtrack, with no new content besides a dungorn maker that makes literally no sense at all
Why is this $60 when a PS1 remake is only $30?
>Yea Forums can't wrap up their minds around not being the main target of a game
This isn't for you boomers. this is for the kids that never played it before. Personally, im really hyped to try hero mode and see the boss changes. I wanna see how The Shadow looks now
>no new content
Dungeon maker
More rewards and shells to collect
Better item management
More reasons to play the minigames, improved gameplay for said minigames
Dungeon torches that stay lit without resetting
Additional NPC dialogue
Yep, this Friday.
Game prices have not historically scaled 1:1 with inflation. They have generally gone down over time in part because of a more competitive marketplace.
Link's Awakening was a budget title when it came out.
$60 in 2019 is a full-price title.
Oh yeah, I forgot Hero Mode and Shadow Link as well.
Why are you buying a game that's not for you? Don't you know this is a game for children that have never played the original?
I would buy it if there was a master quest mode of some kind. As is it's just too much for too little and I dont like the new music at all. Does it have a way to play the original music like Spyro?
So was Spyro, and that was 49 bucks for not just one but three whole fucking games
LA is great, but a 1:1 remake of a gameboy game for its price it's simply too much. Other games for the same price offer a fuckload more content, including something like BotW
The fact you can only share dungeons via amiibo was enough to make me not touch this game. I was already skeptical as hell before that.
it's a game TARGETED for children that have never played the original. It doesn't mean anyone else can't buy it and enjoy it. Dumbfuck
I don't agree at all. I think it's as close to to the original as you can get.
Majora's Mask already got a remake.
>additional NPC dialogue
the 3DS N64 Zeldas were enhanced ports and not really remakes, ie they use the same engine and they just have updated assets. A remake means rebuilding the game from the scratch.
What miffs me is that they could have completely remade the game into something interesting and new that stood on it's own. Either going full 3D or taking liberties with the map and making everything more organic. But no, they straight up just made a 1 to 1 tile based remake. It's just such a wasted opportunity
Half the charm of LA is its NPCs you triple nigger. Of course it's a selling point, but even if it wasn't, it's still an example of new content.
A few extra lines of text is new content worth sixty dollars? Fucking hell you make me embarrassed to own a switch.
They should have dared to make a totally new top down Zelda. I mean ALBW already reused ALttP's overworld which was quite disappointing, then they went even more lazy and decided to 1:1 remake a gameboy game and sell that at full price.
They should have taken a hint from BOTW that a fresh approach can generate a lot of sales.
Such a change would be too ambitious and it probably wouldn't even resemble the same game anymore.
The entire point of this game is to be a simple stop gap for BOTW 2.
Because its not the best Zelda. That would be Oracle of Ages
Grezzo is a development team focused mostly on making remasters and ports. They arent going to be making a new zelda game.
>A few extra lines of text is new content worth sixty dollars?
I didn't say that. You asked for examples of new content and the added dialogue is just one of them.
LA in general is worth 60 dollars, especially with the stuff I listed in the remake.
It is worth it
The problem is that the game itself is really short
Spyro was $39.99, so was Crash N. Sane and CTR. Former two come with three games and the latter has constant post-launch support and online.
The upcoming Medievil remake is $29.99
As a Zelda fan I'm just glad we got something while we wait for BotW 2.
Nintendo is dying, so we have to support them since they're the good guys.
Snoynigger falseflags are pathetic. Do better
ALBW is great
This game would’ve definitely benefited if they pulled a Link Between Worlds and included an inverse version of the world
Nintendo's pricing with ports and remakes of old games is terrible. Other companies sell collections of older games for the same price that Nintendo offers a single game. This is why people think LA remake is overpriced, also handheld games would cost less than console games, so the notion of value is even more stacked against it.
Even more people would have complained if that happened, and it also would have required resources a company like Grezzo isn't fit to handle. It's just something to hold us over until the Breath of the Wild sequel.
The old original version with the glitches is worth $60? Even now?
If I had the option to buy Metroid Prime 2 for $5 or Metroid Prime 2 HD for $60, I would go for the former.
Its just hard for the average person to justify $60 for a game when most games nowadays either have tons of bloated content that extend the playtime, multiplayer which creates almost infinite content since friends make anything more fun, or are f2p but grindy as shit, all of which look like much more value purchases to the average person. With the existence of indies you can get older type of games for much cheaper as well, it doesn't help that Nintendo isn't too generous with sales or price reductions either.
Link Between Worlds had an inverse world because it was inspired by Link to the Past. Having other games do it would just turn the dark world mechanic into a silly gimmick.
It is a bit pricey but it's the only thing Link's Awakening related we have got in years so i'm going to support it.
the game is great but the price point makes activision looks like a charity
Maybe not, but a graphically updated version with new content and without the glitches is. LA at its core is a top tier Zelda without the failings of old GB hardware, and the remake fixes all of that.
>multiplayer which creates almost infinite content since friends make anything more fun
That's admittedly a good point, there's no reason they couldn't have worked a co-op feature in the game.
Just make it yourself in PureZC
The only game they fucked up was the MM remake.
Do you honestly think that Link's Awakening has the same amount of content than Breath of the Wild? They're not in the same realm at all, therefore LA feels overpriced. If you factor in other companies selling MULTIPLE old games for less than Nintendo sells one old game, it looks even worse. The Metal Gear Collection was $50 for example.
No, supposedly there's only that retarded dungeon builder thing, and a couple new collectibles
>Do you honestly think that Link's Awakening has the same amount of content than Breath of the Wild?
No, I don't, but that's my whole fucking point. LA is an outdated title and praised largely because of nostalgia and superficial shit like the story/atmosphere.
Not sure what you mean by master quest but it does have hero mode. Also the dungeon maker. Also more collectibles and possibly some other things we haven't heard about yet.
No price is high enough to make me not get Marin's game
Nah, LA is a genuinely good game, but it simply offers way less content than other good games, it all boils down to you spending like 20 hours with it, while with BOTW you could spend 60 hours with it.That doesn't mean BOTW is better, it just may provide entertainment for longer therefore it's more valuable.
Not that user but Master Quest like Ocarina of Time where the dungeons are switched up in addition to being more difficult and switching up collectibles. If the LA remake's Hero Mode does that then I would be glad
>>Switch remakes of games are less ambitious than fucking 3DS remakes of similarly old games
Fire Emblem Echoes and Metroid: Samus Returns, for all their flaws, at least tried to turn old GB/NES games into something more. Pokémon Let’s Go and Link’s Awakening are content with 1:1 tilesets and mediocre presentation.
Would you guys have preferred if it had something similar to abtw art style?
No it’s good, but should be $30 at most
I would have preferred a direct sequel to ALBW period, starring the same Link, maybe even based on LA but with a new island layout and new characters or something.
But oh well
>paying for switch games in the year 2019
dude literally no one gives a fuck about the handheld games. For 90% of the world Ocarina of Time will always be the one and only Zelda.
I could go with that as well. I wonder why they went with the new art style. It it felt weird watching the reveal trailer went it went from the anime intro to gameplay.
Your graphic designer is retarded.
You had a perfectly good artstyle that provided clear information to the player.
Then you added soft shadows, water reflections, and a light source at an oblique angle.
All because you wanted to be neXtgEn or someshit. Well, it eats up performance budget, looks shit, and obscures information from the player.
>playing remakes
yeah, nah, I'm just gonna play skyward sword again. at least they gave me a shiny gold wiimote with that for my $60
>paying for a switch in 2019
Nintendo's overcharging for games is nothing new. There is no reason for them to charge $40 for a Wind Waker / Twilight Princess remaster for the wii u. Most remasters come with multiple games at that price. They seem to put insane value in their old shit, and in general prices for Nintendo products take far longer to go down than for other companies.
Having said that, the LA remake looks like shit.
I don;t think this game is bad. But the Oracles basically made it obsolete out of everything but atmosphere and maybe dungeon design. Hell they're actually individually longer than LA as well.
But I don't know if charm alone can justify a pricetag that high.
i actually kind of like the model look for the backgrounds, but the characters and enemies really should've been cell-shaded
Does the game at least allow you to map items to more than 2 buttons? I'll accept everything else being a 1:1 remake if they changed that.
Just because it's a better game doesn't mean it's a better value. I love Guinness but hardly ever get it because a case of yuengling is a better value
They made Triforce Heroes though and that game is great (with friends)
zelda fans really eat anything nintendo shits out huh
Pegasus Boots are mapped to L, Shield to R, and Sword to B, with Power Bracelets being on A I believe. So it's still two item slots (X/Y) but you won't have to worry about equipping a sword/shield
I agree it did, but I'll admit that's mostly because I was expecting something that looked like ALBW, or even a sequel to it, rather than a translation of the GB sprites into 3D that they went with
Man, if there's any game that needs the Super Kirby Clash treatment, it's Four Swords/Tri Force Heroes. That game was fantastic, but its online playerbase dried up in like a week.
>Pegasus Boots are mapped to L, Shield to R, and Sword to B, with Power Bracelets being on A I believe. So it's still two item slots (X/Y) but you won't have to worry about equipping a sword/shield
I would have preferred a third item slot over a dedicated boots button. I guess this is fine, though.
Yeah I agree. Like for WW/TP on Wii U I could see why there were only 3 item slots but for LA, and any other new top down Zeldas we get on Switch (if any), ZL and ZR can definitely be used as item buttons. If I had to guess they'll just act as being alternatives to the L and R buttons
I think they also need the option for 2 players online. Maybe have the host carry one of those totem dolls.
You must torrent a lot
Epona is female you moron
I'm a music person, and just based off the impression I got from bits of the score, they recorded it with an intentionally small, "tight" ensemble for a lot of tracks. Not focusing on an orchestra, but more emphasis on solo instruments.
I can only guess the reasoning, but it's because this is a "smaller" Zelda game, both aesthetically, with the visuals, and to emphasize it's not a major release, like BotW.
Afaik the hero mode basically just adds artificial difficulty. Enemies deal double damage and there are no hearts/fairies to restore health
Should I get a physical copy or get the digital copy?
Also, they mix in some intentional chiptune sounding stuff, because it's "retro."
Honestly I can understand the intent behind what they're doing. Like, considering what this project is to Nintendo, it's probably the most creative approach they could've taken. But it's just probably not what a lot of people would've wanted. Like with the game in general.
Spend $5 on the 3DS e-shop.
That's unfortunate then, but I'm sure I'll get some good value out of the game and I'll replay it a few times in the future
Does anybody have the XCI yet?
they gave it to me for free*
The Oracle games were the superior Zelda games and I'll defend that to the fucking death. LA has a LOT of things that just don't work all that well in a Zelda game, from the combat to the environsments and the quests.
It's very unique though, there's no denying that, and some weird things are a bit fun.
>use this link
>have him go into a coma somehow and he ends up on koholint
>but his is a different version of koholint
Bam new LA inspired game that can still be different
It's just some faggot crying, no logic involved.
Personal taste, but I found the amount of puzzles in OoA to be kind of exhausting. I know some people love it for that, though.
That sounds perfect. It could even justify them using the Hylian Shield. Wouldn't be shocked if this was an inverse ALBW where they originally were intending to make an all new game that was a sequel to it but based on LA, only for it to turn into a full on remake.
That's the only thing I can think of here
So is the game a complete remake, or will there be new things added like sidequests, characters, and plotlines? I played the OoT remake and it was mostly the same.
You're right OP, most zelda games would suck if they were given a new pain job and rereleased.
It's grossly disrespectful to the original. If you can't see why just looking at it, then you never will.
So far the only new thing is a very basic dungeon creator that has you plopping in prefabricated rooms. This is actually replacement content, since they're removing the photos.
They could fuck with so many aspects of it too like having some of the same characters in LA like Marin but changing their role to fuck with people who played the original.
>removing photos
What the fuck?
>game that was originally $30-$40 "remade" in the exact same way
I'll probably be able to buy it used for that much soon though
Gameboy Printer doesn't exist anymore, so they dropped the content. Also potentially means all the extra interactions with the photos are getting axed.
Oh yeah, I could see that. It's truly a shame we aren't gonna get that at any point now though
I would accept a direct sequel to ALBW that's fully original or acts as a means of attempting the Oracle games again but as one full game
Not like they had to make them printable.
Yeah, that's fair. IMO the water temple in OoA is way hardet than the OoT one. OoS is supposed to be the more combat-oriented game, but I don't think the seasons mechanic is as strong/interesting as the time mechanic in the end.
An OOT remake is not worth that much.
Probably also got axed due to the Switch's screencap feature.
I have LA on every platform it's been released on because I think it's that good of a game. I have the original GB cart, I have the GBC cart, and I have it on the 3DS. I have no doubt it will be great on the Switch too.
Try enjoying something for once, you tryhards. If it's not Zelda, that's fine, but find something.
I enjoy Link's Awakening. It's a fine game. I also don't let myself get blinded when I see a not so great remake if something happening.
Like other people have said, it's a near 1:1 remake, with DIFFERENT graphics and sound. Not inherently better. Only instead of $5, they're asking for $60.
I didn't buy any of the Zelda remakes; I've already played through them before multiple times when they came out. Why pay $40-60 for the same experience with crisper graphics?
Basically. Links Awakening is like a 5 hour long GBC game, the people that say LA is the best literally do so to sound contrarian and elitist.
I'd literally rather buy the final fantasy 5 and 6 remakes
based quantity > quality protrarian
Beyond the new item/menu build the art is why the remake is worth getting, that aesthetic is cute as hell and really lends itself to the conversion from 2D to 3D. It looks gorgeous, I wanna live in that little world.
The real issue is charging $60 for a remake that only has 10-15 hours of gameplay with no new functions beyond a weak dungeon builder.
It should be $45 tops
It doesn't have the right feel to it imo. Doesn't look bad, just doesn't fit the world or story.
The art is totally subjective in its quality as a remake. They took sprites and tried to translate them into 3D, with a tacked on toy miniature aesthetic that Nintendo's been fetishizing for years with those yarn and crafts games.
Like, I'm not even criticizing stuff like Yoshi's Crafted World, or Paper Mario Color Splash (although there's plenty to fucking say about that), but what they're doing here isn't original. It isn't unique. If anything, it feels like they're just going through the motions.
I don't see how anyone could defend the price tag. First, you'd have to ignore Nintendo's own massive, modern, open world Zelda game that came out for the same price and offers so much more. Second, you have other companies doing the same for less. I don't even care about Spyro, and he got a complete trilogy remake for only $40. If you want to look at other remakes in the same price range you can look at Resident Evil 2, which is so heavily overhauled and graphically impressive it may as well have been its own game. I see nothing in LA that justifies the MSRP.
Realistically speaking, it's probably being made by the team that does the 3DS Zeldas (also $40) and they think that after slapping a few HD shaders onto it and they can jack up the price to console blockbuster level. But who cares, this is the same company that sold DKC:TF fucking higher than the price it launched at five years ago, and people are going to buy it anyway.
I'll get it on sale.
>First, you'd have to ignore Nintendo's own massive, modern, open world Zelda game that came out for the same price and offers so much more.
Going this route, you can't buy any game, no matter what, if an older game was in any way bigger? Can I buy Little Nightmares for 20$, if an older Assasin's Creed game goes for 15$ now and offers more content, no matter how bad it might be?
Reminder that seething shitters have wasted the entire year shitposting about this game.
And they're about to get hilarious BTFO by Nintendo yet again.
Not only is LA amazing, all anyone can talk about is how absolutely gorgeous the game looks.
I cannot wait - and I mean this; I CANNOT WAIT to watch the meltdown on this board as the seething kiddies desperately try create a narrative for themselves to cope.
Its going to be glorious.
>mindless sheep will buy whatever Nintendo shits down their throat
>based Nintendo! haters seething!
>you-you'll put up with Nintendo shoving the best video games of all time down your throat!!
How fuck yeah, keep that coming. Mmmm I love it.
nigga i love zelda, but this shit looks like hot garbage.
It's too expensive for the exact same game you played decades ago only now with a shit artstyle.
You can get this game on 3DS RIGHT NOW for 1/10 the price.
>this shit looks like hot garbage.
I said from Day One that I thought it looked great. Seems like everyone who has actually played the game agrees with me.
Welp! I'm glad you're here to tell us what to think! XDD
>You can get this game on 3DS RIGHT NOW for 1/10 the price.
No you can't, why are you lying?
But I can't, and not even the same user you're talking to - I like the new style, bigger inventory and the dungeon builder might not be as shit as Yea Forums tries to make it sound. On top of any surprised they might leave out.
As a Zelda fan you disgust me.
It’s not aimed for you old ass dorks, it’s for KIDS who have never played the original before
>On top of any surprised they might leave out.
How fucking hard do you have to cope to try claiming "some secret features they have but didn't advertise but they're totally there you'll see" as a selling point
Jesus Christ fucking nintendies
you're missing the point. It's expensive because it's the exact same game as the one you can emulate, buy on 3DS and which will eventually be on the nintendo switch online. the only difference is in the art direction which makes it disappointing.
The game itself is the prototype of the oracles, it's a great game.
Which are Nincels all so rich? Every little shit game is $60 no exceptions. It fucking hurts as a Playstation user since I don't even have that much money to spend on so many games.
no it's not, same engine, same game logic, only slighty updated visuals and iron boots fixed, most OOT glitches still work
Why are you so obsessed with Nintendo. Do you have games on your on system to play?
$60 was "full price" maybe ten years ago. Now the full price of a game is always anywhere between 80 and 120 dollars after you add the season passes and the game costing $70 on its own.
Its a matter of scope
It's a matter of cope
What game costs $70 on its own? Are you Canadian?
>too expensive
how much is it...
I’d love to see a re-release of ALBW on Switch, I never got it while I had my 3DS but heard it was great. I think it would really benefit from a HD release, the thing which always stopped me loving the 3DS that much was the awful resolution and tiny screen.
tiny fairy up her vagoo.
Fucking this. Can't wait to hear hater crying about "Nintendo Bonus" lol
Nintendo still gets 3DS sales so they don't want to port any 3DS games to Switch, even if it makes sense.
>Not using the vouchers
Wouldn't mind that myself. Especially if they included Tri Force Heroes as a bonus, which would add another Switch online game too
>have to be subbed to NSO in the first place
Yeah thats too much.
honestly I'd expect 20 or 30.
Have people entered the stage where they invent problems with the original/DX version yet to justify paying 60 bucks for the remake?
enjoy your ban, kiddo
They will be playing DX version on emulator this weekend and crying about how they don't need the Switch version.
Have people entered the stage where they cannot admit that they would rather play an improved gorgeous deluxe version of one of the best games ever made?
I would. For half the price they're offering it for.
>improved gorgeous deluxe version
I already own DX.
I bought the Limited Edition for £80. Which I will never open.
I also bought the digital version to play for £50.
Many games, but to shut off everyone who keeps saying the cost the same Breath of the Wild, for one. Actually more specifically it's 70 euros, not dollars, before the dlc. I only assume it's a case where they keep the number and swap the currency icon, instead of converting correctly and American eshop being even higher than that.
the faces look like those childrens show characters designed to appeal to proper autistic kids
>It-its exactly the same!!!
Good goy
>Having no friends that 1. You want to play things with and 2. Pay for a family subscription to let you join for free.
Kek or cringe? I say you're cringe here.
calling me?
>LA (4500 RUB) + DQ11 (4500 RUB) for the price of 1 month of NSO (300 RUB) and 1 voucher set (7500 RUB) = 9000 RUB offer for 7800 RUB, saving 1200 RUB
>but wait
>physical of LA and DQ are both 3750 RUB totalling 7500 RUB so I'm not even getting a free month of NSO and losing physical carts
What a scam
Oh yes, all those important improvements that justify this being more expensive than the likes of Spyro or Crash.
>Buy game for 55€ at launch
>when I'm done sell it for 45
Oh no how will I possibly justify this purchase to myself!
stick to BOTW threads
>he is russian
must suck
Pic related has 10 times the effort to modernize it compared to the original game and costs $20 bucks less. How do you justify this, Nintendies?
You can add all the Spyro and Crash games together on one cart and it still wouldn't be as good as Link's Awakening.
I did buy Crash and Spyro though, its great being able to play those Playstation classics on my Switch.
How does that make any sense?
Moron. That's a false equivalency if I've ever seen one.
It's only "too expensive" because it's a game I've already played a dozen times. For anyone who hasn't played LA it's worth it
I play LA every year. Its one of my favourite games ever. I'm over the moon now that I'm going to have this superb remake to play on my Switch rather than having to rely on emulators.
>y player need photos when they can make photos with button?? u cut. save money
why does every single post in support of the game have a bunch of marketing buzzwords in it? is there some kind of fake testimonial AI running loose on the board?
All the Switch games I’ve bought so far have been second hand at 50% RRP. I’m sure LA will drop down to those levels after a year or two. Maybe less in fact if it’s a short game without much replayability.
Why does every single post trashing the game sound like spiteful seething mentally ill kiddies having a meltdown?
>it-it looks like shit!
Nah it looks superb and everyone who has actually played the game are gushing about how beautiful it look.
>n-no! It looks like shit! You're just a fanboy who can't admit it! REEEEEEEEEEE!
reddit: the post
Who are you quoting?
this was always my thought process
>play game all the time
>buy remade game I like
>Artists do their damnedest to approximate sprite versions of imaginative, thought out concept art
>Squeeze what they can out of the limited hardware of the time
>Remake comes along, the perfect opportunity to show the original artists' vision to the world
>Haha, little toys is cute :^)
The aesthetic is genuinely the worst thing about it and appeals to early twenties Hot Topic girls with the Hylian crest on their wrist
>everyone who has actually played the game
show me literally one single reputable case of this
I wish we would have gotten a proper 3D remake with anime style graphics
learn how to use youtube dumbfuck
This. If they made a game with art that didn't look like it came from the Wii era I could forgive it being full priced, even if that would still be pushing it considering it was originally a gameboy game and has like 3 hours content.
The art is so bad and lazy, it's inexcusable.
honestly the style wouldn't even be that bad if everything wasn't so shiny and the characters had a few more details, they should've used the LADX photos as a basis and then gone from there
>The art is so bad and lazy, it's inexcusable.
So why does everyone who has played it say the exact opposite? Are they all paid off by Nintendo?
The game should have a remake of Oracle Seasons included to justify the price.
Many of them yeah. If not directly with shitty merchandise, they give ridiculous reviews like Arlo in exchange for 'assess'.
The art is lazy garbage. In any screenshot I can point out about a dozen inexcusable mistakes for a full priced game released in 2019.
>Artists do their damnedest to approximate sprite versions of imaginative, thought out concept art
Christ you are fucking deluded and have zero understanding of anything. Thankfully, I remain convinced Nintendo understand art design far better than you.
Post fag
lol, I'm him and you're a goober newb
Nobody cares what a autistic kid who worships Nintendo like a religion thinks.
Dude, I can look at the game. Playing it doesn't mean anything when it comes to graphics. Do you think someone opinions on the visuals are going to change only after they drop $60 and have the Switch in their hands?
>In any screenshot
Ahh so you're looking at static screenshots rather than moving footage and making up your mind from that.
I do that too. One time, I looked at a screengrab from a Martin Scorsese film and decided the movie was shit.
Tell me something about this game that couldn't be done on a wii game.
him who? are you okay?
Ah, you're retarded. I've seen the trailers and gameplay previews.
>n-n-n-nuh you've got to play it yourself to judge!!!
Was that your next backtracking move?
possibly sure
lol you can even search youtube, I'm wonderful
This is 10 minutes of gameplay, for anyone curious about the retard spewing about seeing the graphics in motion. Also note how you get half-way through the first dungeon within 10 minutes of casual play. The game is short folks.
Oh I'm sure you believe that you fucking shill.
I don't think it's worth $60, but the graphics are not one of the reasons why. Other than some framerate dips, it looks fantastic and is executed very well. It's one thing if the artstyle doesn't suit your tastes, but that doesn't mean it's lazy or not done well.
The game looks cute as fuck I want it
it's a gameboy and gbc game folks lol
I don't believe in anything.
It's easily worth an arm& a leg
Yes this is what I'm talking about, this is a True died in the wool Gamer.
Nobody cares what seething mentally ill virgins on the ass-end of the internet think.
You know fine well the game will get rave reviews, every review will cum all over the art style and it will sell a fuckton at $60.
The exact opposite of everything you desperately want to happen will happen. And, as always, you'll be un able to cope. You'll spend the next few weeks and months baffled and confused and angry - fruitless trying to fashion a narrative for yourself to take comfort in.
>P-Paid reviews!
>N-Nintendo bonus!
>F-Fucking kids game!
>I-I can play the original anytime I want and its much better!!
>it's a gameboy and gbc game folks lol
Uh, Sweaty? This is a Switch game. A $60 Switch game. A system that has Breath of the fucking Wild.
He's a screengrab from another thread.
The game is riddled with ugly little art flaws like this, and anyone with an artist eye would catch these mistakes in an instant. Flaws like these aren't hard to fix, so what am I to think of Nintendo's reasoning not to polish their game?? The only answer is laziness. Or cheapness.
It came out in 1993 go take a shower
Honey. Sweetie. This is coming out in 2019. For $60.
>shills resorting to this level of COPE and mental gymnastics
It got rereleased for 3DS a few years back too!
funko pops get rave reviews and people eat that shit up, too
>It got rereleased for 3DS a few years back too!
for free
>Camera pans to the right instead of straight above to reveal the egg
>Fanfare isn't synced with the whirl attack when you pick up the blade
>Blue and red rupees, making an already too abundant currency even more useless
>Crane minigame is dumbed down, also why is there a heart container
>Using the dungeon key makes the keyhole dissapear for some reason
>Opening the dungeon plays the standard puzzle fanfare, instead of the stronger, echoing version of the original
>Fanfare is disgusting btw
>Goombas drop hearts without stomping on them
>Winged hearts are a weird medal with numbers instead of an actual heart
>All music and sounds are muffled and full of non-instrumental percussions
this game is for children
while i dont 100% like the direction they took, i do know for a fact that end goal was to make the music sound like it was being played BY the eight instruments. it's a concept i really do appreciate, i just find it to be a bit minimal in practice
the underground area is also detailed to look like a cave instead of ruins like in the OG
>let me post screenshots of the beta version as proof!
This is why people laugh at mentally ill morons like you. You're so desperate to hate the game you do anything to convince yourself.
You can pick out little shit like this in literally any video game. I hope you realize that nitpicking to this degree actually hurts your point more than it helps it. Also
Most anticipated game of this year for me. I easily finshed the original game at least 20 times when I was younger. I hope my hype is not based solely on nostalgia.
Genuinely an interesting creative choice. Like I said, I feel like there's a lot of well intentioned ideas with the music- with the whole game, really. But it's definitely not what some people wanted.
Why would you pay 60 shekels to play the same game with inferior graphics and sound? I wanted a faithful remake for a few bucks years ago but this looks incredibly shitty. It would only be worth 60$ if they completely redesigned the game and dungeons while sticking to the original layout.
Nintendo sold remakes of Wind Waker and Twilight Princess for $60 a pop. This is just them robotically assuming that if they could do it for those, they could do it for this.
Wow, Nintendo got enough criticism to get off their ass and fix something. If it was just sycophant losers like you they had to please never have bothered.
Show me something in this game that couldn't be done on the Wii, you shill.
>graphics and sound are inferior to the GB version
I know this is bait, but even then you‘re a fucking autist
>Fanfare isn't synced with the whirl attack when you pick up the blade
that made me legitimately sad
Not that guy, but I agree with him. Sprites and chiptunes are an aesthetic. They aren't inherently inferior or superior.
same, but let's be realistic: do you really want to see modern Nintendo's attempt at a remake of Link's Awakening?
>can't take three steps for the first half of the game without putting your foot in a steaming pile of unskippable dialogue
>the owl as the new Fi
>Zelda, Ganon, the triforce, etc. shoehorned into the plot at some point
Actually the entire dungeon is now a cave instead of ruins
Meant for
>Show me something in this game that couldn't be done on the Wii
Why does that matter for a remake of a gameboy game? I thought your argument was laziness, not graphical complexity. What do you want, photorealism? But anyway, to answer your dumb question, resolution, depth of field, complexity of object geometry and shading, etc.
>Nintendo got enough criticism to get off their ass and fix something.
Literally nobody 'complained' about a fucking non-issue in a pre-release build.
By all means keep being obsessed with Nintendo. Sounds like a great life you have.
The main reason why the original was so fun were the glitches that let you beat the dungeons in different orders which let you hear how different instruments sounded together and without the shitty Coral Triangle.
I mean I get why they did it but still, it goes against the whole "1:1 remake" narrative people keep saying
>it's another zoomer has a horrible take thread
lmfao imagine being this mentally ill.
>muh resolution
Oh wow, a change entirely due to the hardware. What next are you going to cite, that it's portable.
It is laziness. It's lazy as fuck to make a full priced game with graphics on par with Wii era shit. Fuck, many Wii games look better than this.
>duhhhh better graphics = photorealism
Oh so you're a retard, good to know.
>on par with Wii era shit
I hate these tech illiterate retards.
Its the same seething shitters who try and pretend BotW looks like a PS2 game. And every time they get BTFO they change the subject. Everytime.
I still remember the original release. When I played this game as a kid and even as I replay it today I never considered the graphics cartooney. I read through the manual a lot because I loved the illustrations and I even bought the game guide which had additional illustrations. LA is not supposed to look like this dog shit. Link now looks like a husk because the developer just looked at the GBA game and thought that the limited graphics are intended to look like this. The remake looks way worse than the original.
Nintendo's excuse is that they don't want devalue various games and their own brand by selling at a lower price. It's absurd because when they do do it they release horrendously ugly versions (Nintendo Selects) of the games years after the fact with boxes that stick out like a sore thumb on your shelf.
I actually saw some part of the overworld that hadn't loaded properly during their first showoff of the mysterious woods. Like literally appearing as black squares until they "loaded' in
>But it's only a demo
Yeah and people said the same thing about Sonic Boom
>Oh wow, a change entirely due to the hardware.
>d-doesn't count!
lol dude
> What next are you going to cite, that it's portable.
Sure, why not? You asked what it does that the Wii couldn't, so I guess so.
>Fuck, many Wii games look better than this.
No they don't. Once again, just because you don't like the chosen art style doesn't mean it's lazy. I've already said I don't think the game is worth $60, but the graphics/art style have nothing to do with it. I don't know why you're so butthurt about the game and/or its graphics, but maybe you should sit down and think about it.
Holy fuck this. I love original links Awakening and they fucked up the depressing asthetic the original had by slapping a tropical shitty toy look to it.
I'll get it at $15. It's not worth it at that peicepoint.
40 and 50
>depressing aesthetic
ikr? Imagine, some acutal adult man whose job is artistic talent looked at the ground sprite and thought "hey that looks like sand". The absolute state of these people.
>they fucked up the depressing asthetic the original
lmao were you super depressed when you took Bow Wow for a walk with her pink bow?
I remember when they revealed it and they opened with that 2D cinematic and it looked fucking great and nailed the art style and as soon as I noticed it was Link's Awakening I popped a huge fucking boner but then they showed how it looked in gameplay and I went from rock hard to instant noodle.
What a fucking bait and switch.
It looks like absolute trash.
Who okayed this?
>the depressing asthetic the original had
I'm sorry, what? Did we play the same game?
>Links getting bonked
>cockblocked by a seagal
>getting bonked
>cockblocked by Mario
>old man about to die
>getting chomped
>being a thief
>watching a man drown
>about to be tentacled
>establishing a cruel monarchy to rule over the island
>making fun of the deceased
>literally killing some dude by pushing him off the bridge
Holy fuck the autism on display here is off the charts. Have sex you sad fucking loser lmao
I hate the look of the game. And this is coming from someone that loved windwaker on release and was hyped for it.
I dont mind different art styles. I mind shitty art styles that don't feel fresh or unique. This shit looks it has the same graphics of every minecraft clone in existence. I'm not interested.
Also links awakening is maybe my least favorite Zelda behind skyward sword. I would 10 times prefer if they remade oracles and seasons in one big ass game. NOW THAT would be a fucking masterpiece.
the walls should be different as well
>faggot spacing
Christ almighty, shut the FUCK UP. The only reason it had a "depressing aesthetic" was because of the monochrome GB screen. Every fucking game looked "depressing".
6/10 bait, would be higher if it wasn't recycled from Metroid II vs Samus Returns.
but people defending the game in this very thread are using 'it's for kids' as an excuse
The dark forest, the swamp, the ruined castle and the shrine ruines looked pretty depressing. Even on the GBC
It was alright, but it needs a huge makeover. The 3DS graphics would be atrocious on higher res.
Yeah totally depressing bro. Thats what Nintendo originally intended.
Yeah, you see the same problem with the new pokemon games. They look like fucking shit too, but that's because they're old 3DS projects and Gamefreak is incompetent as fuck.
honestly I imagined it would be freeform like BotW, using the same engine and everything, it surprised me that it's going to be a faithful gameboy like aesthetic
I hope your disorder gets better
it looks alright but I really feel mixed about the design changes in all of Nintendo's games rendering the originals still acceptable versions, that's their MOjust buy what you want, it's all in your head that certain things are only worth certain amounts, it's not about to bend over backwards to meet your demands
never returned the chain chomp
I really wish this was a send off to 3DS and used the LBW engine
I can hear the melodramatic music when the owl lands now. &also the game was about destroying the nightmare's and towns folk's dreamworld by waking the windfish, the bosses plead for you to stop because you're unaware of what you're setting in motion. Nope we played different games alright.
Link is asexual
pathetic scrub
it reminds me of 3d dot heroes
nope, it's the surreal nature of the game and its plot
this game is for children
Skellys are scary though
IMO the only depressing part was the original GB ending with Marin flying around with wings like she was an angel, DX swapped that for a seagull though
I'd say it was more of a 'mystical' tone. At least that's how I perceived it back in the days.
1. Skelebros are bros
2. Scary is not depressing
It IS expensive. I'm not going to pay $60 for a barebones remake of a game that I can already play in a fucking internet browser or can download for just 4 fucking MB.
>b-b-b-but that's illegal!!!
So is selling a GBC game for $60 in late 2019. Look at the spyro and crash remakes. They both remade three top notch PS1 games and still only charged $40 for them. The zelda remake doesn't even have remake the two oracle games for absolute no reason. It's a $20 title at most.
Hell, I'm pretty sure that nintendo is charging $60 for this shit only because LGPE got away with it.
They're both barebones overpriced remakes of 20 year old gameboy games.
They should make a Marin amiibo
Eh, it could be worse. Like, Pokemon Sword & Shiled levels of worse.
I'm playing it and having fun.
Shit like this shouldn't be allowed on TV. It gives Aonuma an endless stream of terrible ideas.
Why not go for the ladder so you can jump off onto your neck
>hardware change the devs have literally no control over
Oh wow, what a brilliant example of them not being lazy! An "improvement" in resolution by default.
Plenty of Wii games look heaps fucking better than this trash. Anyone with eyes can see that you apologist piece of garbage.
>thread about links awakening
>its full of missing links and sleeping sheeple
Holy fuck, this.
>Half-decent music
>Weird fucking snake rattle going off every couple of seconds
Aw shit it got leaked. Time to borrow a copy
Do you know if it's possible to do a 3 heart run in this one? I remember trying it on the superior GB version and having the fucking heart countainer blocking my path after the first boss.
Facade: Okay, listen up! If the Wind Fish wakes up, every-thing on this island will be gone forever! And I do mean... EVERYTHING!
Owl: Hoot! The many monsters of this island fear that the Wind Fish is about to awaken! The monsters' power is real! They may conquer the island and destroy their foes! That day may come soon! Now, go to the mountain tower! Fly like a bird! Hoot! Hoot!
Grim Creeper: My energy...gone...I...lost! But you will be lost too, if the Wind Fish wakes! Same as his... dream...
Hot Head: Why did you come here? If it weren't for you, nothing would have to change! You cannot wake the Wind Fish! Remember, you...too...are in......the dream...
Dethl: This island is going to dis-appear... Our world is going to disappear... Our world... Our... world...
Tal Tal sure has a lot of snakes.
There was a hero difficulty setting which was just 3 hearts + double damage taken
I love it, but I also really appreciate orchestral music.
*appears in your recommended*
Nah. I'd play it for free, but this game is trash, it's done such a disservice to the original, this is not even worth my time.
Worse than that. Watch any video and read the comments, half are like "omg the music is so good". That's insane. Every track uses weird non-instrumental shitty noise effects and muffled sound. It sounds like it was recorded in a junkyard by hitting random objects with a stick.
Give it up, dude. You asked what it does that the Wii couldn't and I gave you easy, completely valid, off-the-top-of-my-head answers, three of which you completely ignored.
You're not only taking your subjective opinion and treating it as fact, but you're continuing to double down on it, and every time you do, you prove more that you don't actually know what you're talking about and are just irrationally mad about the game for whatever reason.
The 3DS games are more remasters than anything. You can even do the exact same glitches (Until some were patched) in the exact same was as the N64 versions. Hell, OoT3D had a working ISG until they patched it out and HESSing still works just fine. It's even easier on OoT3D because you don't need an ESS adapter.
It's like the random BA BA they feel like shoving into nu-super mario bros music.
Yes, they did say they rebuilt OoT and MM from the original code. LA is obviously remade from scratch instead.
I gave the fuck up on that shit when my Zelda obsessed ex refused to buy it, I couldn't play with my European friends who did get it, I was sick of always doing the same early dungeons, and fuck carrying motherfucking totems around
Unironically the most based video in youtube
Daily reminder that some madman actually unfucked nearly the whole thing because of that
>I can play ALTTP for free now
>but must pay 60 for another Legacy Zelda game but with "muh 3d"
Anyone who pays for this is a retard
You can play the original version on 3DS for $5, it's not like they took that option away.
>Zelda obsessed ex
Post pics of her in lewd cosplays
>More rewards and shells to collect
Nice, that game was too hard, we needed a lvl3 sword and a rainbow suit that triples your hears while reducing damage by 3/4/
>Improved gameplay for minigames
Ah yes, as seen as the crane minigame. That shit was impossible, now that items don't move it might be manageable
>Dungeon torches that stay lit
Good, I hated having to think and manage things, especially since half the time the timer was part of impossible puzzles. Now I can finish the game
>Additional NPC dialogue
This really proves the skills of the writing team. Adding dialogue without adding any content to talk about is harder than it seems.
did you just throw magic powder n everything
Sold that piece of shit a long time ago. Lmao
Shut the fuck up tard.
I told you to show me something about this game that couldn't be done on a wii game, and instead of pointing to any hard work or genuine improvements in graphics/gameplay, you got caught up in a basic ass hardware change that isn't even within the dev's control.
The textures, aliasing. lol you claim the depths of field is better than wii games, fuck off. It's a top down perspective. The SWITCH is much more powerful than a Wii, but this game makes no fucking use of the Switch's power - in terms of gameplay or graphics.
This game is cheaply made and lazy. Wind Waker, Twighlight Princess, Mario Galaxy ALL look fucking better than this. They had effort put into their creation. This looks on par with Animal Crossing City Life, but City Life has an excuse for it's simple graphics, because its has a fuckhuge load of content, this doesn't.
Imagine being such a zoomer that 2.5D is the lowest dimension you can imaigne
Honestly it's mostly sony drones complaining about the price as usual. If someone wants it cheaper they can just wait for a sale
It's a terribly ugly remake of a mediocre game nobody asked. I wouldn't be wasting my time on this even if it was free.
>living rent free
It's a remake of a handheld game which are usually cheaper
3DS games for example are $40 at most and the LA remake feels like a 3DS game they just developed for the Switch it's even made by the same devs as OOT 3D and MM 3D
>you got caught up in a basic ass hardware change
That was you. I listed four things, you chose to harp on one because it was the only one you had any remote "argument" for. If you don't consider the four things I listed as genuine improvements in graphics, you're either stupid or so stubborn that you're willing to come off as stupid just to make a (dumb) point to some user you've never met. And we were never talking about gameplay, but keep moving goalposts. That always helps make your case.
And I'm not even going to address the rest of your post, because it's so stupid and ill-informed in so many different ways that it doesn't deserve any more of a response than this sentence.
Graphics are so entwined with gameplay it's fucking redundant to state it.
I know you're opting out of this argument because you have none. You're stupid. You know you're stupid. And you have no fucking answers left, because you KNOW that this game both LOOKS like a Wii game, and gameplay wise add nothing that justifies it being on the Switch at full price on 2019.
Hardware change that has nothing to do with the devs efforts
>depth of field
WRONG, this is a top down game
>complexity of object geometry
WRONG, this game is almost low-poly, plenty of Wii games have more complex geometry
>and shading,
WRONG, plenty of Wii games had better looking shading engines than this discount Yoshi's Woolly World
>third worlders getting filtered yet again by price tag
Based Nintendo
it really does sound like a lot of naysayers would happily play it if it was cheaper
>filtered yet again by price tag
Not me
>pleb NEETS yet AGAIN throwing away money on verified garbage much to the exasperation of people with taste and commonsense
Easy to check on most websites people's post histories, user. At this point you're being too predictable.
Shut up nerd.
>what did I do during my youth? Ah yes, I complained about prices on a chinese chess image-board
>stinky NEET living in a box because he spent all his money on garbage instead of holding his money to spend on quality games and pirating trash
Sad really. Get a job.
waste of time
Stop projecting yourself onto me. You're the retard who spends all his time here complaining.
60$ is not enough tbqh it should be 80$ to cover the development. Not that it yarrfects me in any way though.
>limp soundtrack with weird instrument choices
>unnecessary toyetic aesthetic
>an already easy game made even easier
>cut content (like all Zelda remakes for some reason)
That'll be sixty bucks.
Why would it be worth the same amount of money 30 years later when a lot of the potential playerbase has already played it? The value proposition is worse, since you're replaying a game instead of playing a new game.
Any game under 20 hours should never be 60 dollars.
All lies. Cope harder
Kek fucking seething baby in denial as expected.
EVERYONE is talking about how beautiful the game is. You wasted the entire year bitching about the art style and now you've been BTFO you can't handle it. Never saw that coming.
>Graphics are so entwined with gameplay it's fucking redundant to state it.
lol okay buddy
>gameplay wise add nothing that justifies it being on the Switch at full price on 2019.
I agree, but despite what you're claiming all of a sudden, until your previous post no one was talking about gameplay.
>Hardware change that has nothing to do with the devs efforts
Sure, but still something that couldn't be done on Wii. You know, the question you originally asked.
>depth of field
>WRONG, this is a top down game This is probably the dumbest thing you've said yet. The angle of the camera (which isn't top-down, or even isometric, btw) has nothing to do with anything. But besides that, you'd have to be blind to not see that there's a very obvious depth-of-field effect.
>complexity of object geometry
>WRONG, this game is almost low-poly, plenty of Wii games have more complex geometry
This is just incorrect. Despite their plain look, the assets in general have much more geometry than their equivalent would have on the Wii. And while it's hard to tell without seeing the mesh, they likely also incorporate tessellation, which helps smooth out the direct vertex lighting and is something that only became widespread after the Wii's peak.
>and shading,
>WRONG, plenty of Wii games had better looking shading engines than this discount Yoshi's Woolly World
Also wrong. Most Wii games had very rudimentary shaders and materials. LA is strongly rumored to use UE4, which uses a physically based material system, much more advanced than anything the Wii was capable of. Just because it's used subtly here doesn't mean it isn't there.
But now I am bowing out. Not because I don't have answers, but because you're too stupid and stubborn to understand them. You think you know what you're talking about, but you don't. That's the worst kind of idiot.
while you might think the Chamber Dungeon didn't go as far as it could I can't see why anyone would think it's less content than the picture quest
>>complexity of object geometry
>WRONG, this game is almost low-poly, plenty of Wii games have more complex geometry
>>and shading,
>WRONG, plenty of Wii games had better looking shading engines than this discount Yoshi's Woolly World
Why do you straight up lie?
People say it feels too expensive because breath of the wild or even ocarina of time, iconic games were the same price. This game just looks lazy and 3ds tier graphics.
Who else looking forward to watching shitters sperg out and trying to cope later this week?
>it only got rave reviews because its a Zelda game! Nintendo bonus!
Fucking kek, the cope levels will be off the charts.
>They sell their video games
because Nintendo has this dumb fucking idea that if they price one of their first party games at any less than $60 that they're implying it has less 'value'
it has nothing to do with what they actually think it's worth
just for consistency
no real justification
They also have a stupid policy where digital versions must cost the same as physical editions, which is a huge issue since cartridges are expensive, so publishers have the option of going digital only (at a reasonable price) or have an expensive physical version but then the digital version is that same price
>This game just looks lazy and 3ds tier graphics.
Get your eyes tested.
>They also have a stupid policy where digital versions must cost the same as physical editions
That has nothing to with Nintendo. Thats an industry wide problem because high st stores held a gun to the industry's head and told everyone they wouldn't stock their games if digital versions sold cheaper.
Lets blame Nintendo! Reeeeee! I must hate Nintendo!!!!
I'm looking forward to it, people keep trying to meme it into another EPIC FAIL XDDD Breath of the Wild with the usual down-playing, bitching and accusations of a free pass for being a Nintendo product.
10+ hours of entertainment for $60 is a bargain. the only other hobby thats as cheap or cheaper is reading books.
Dude BotW is about as far away from a failure as you can possibly get.
I'm well aware, at Switch launch there were more people with copies of Breath of the Wild than there were people that had Switches. People that whinge about it are generally retarded or baiting, though the two are not mutually exclusive.
>mfw I preordered it for 43€ on Amazon
>You're missing the point.
No, I'm pretty sure you are. I like my Honda Fit, which I bought used for 6k two years ago. Just because I like it doesn't mean that I need to go out and pick up a new one at full price.
I guess I'm retarded. I picked it up for the Wii U, and put it down a couple days later to play NieR Automata. I had more fun exploring Xenoblade Chronicles X than I did BotW.
That said, there were some legitimate good parts of that game, and I genuinely hope the next 3D Zelda isn't just a rehash, but actually improves what works and tosses what doesn't.
Nah, BotW really is love-it-or-hate-it. It's a very competent open-world style of game but you don't get much out of it that you won't get out of another competent open-world game. I'm excited for BOTW 2 since it's already skewing more towards traditional Zelda by introducing its own iteration of Ganondorf.
Fuck you, go play chibi-robo, the only good Open-world game
i've seen at least 4 people in thread alone say its awful. therefore, not EVERYONE.
nice to see you have to resort to outright lies to try and shill this garbage
I'm hoping for more dungeons, a real reason to explore (think LttP, where you could actually get completely optional shit, like the magic powder/half magic cost, and the invisible cloak) instead of deku seeds and shrines, more/better dungeons, and a way to impact a part of the world like Tarry Town, which might be one of my favorite things in any Zelda game, even though I was underwhelmed with it.
I also really liked the cooking while I was learning what worked and what didn't.
I love and hate it.
I think it's fantastic but it also has some major flaws that all the reviewers gloss over to the point where I feel like we played different games.
The level scaling is lazy and frustrating, the weapon system is bad, the final boss is a laughably bad joke.
I was infuriated by the game as much as I had fun with it. Ultimately I think it's too flawed, but I'm very interested to see how they address that in the sequel.
Thats weird because the advertising campaign seems to be aimed at adults.
Whats going on?
>i've seen at least 4 people in thread alone say its awful
Sorry, I'm talking about REAL people who have actually played the game. Not mentally ill children on a tween image board.
The original was also for children and came at a fairer price. What's the remake's excuse?
fuckin croist mate, why's it so blurry
I refuse to pay money for any games. These developers don’t have the right to charge me for playing this garbage.
If they want to remake it, they can. But if all they are doing is giving it a facelift, it doesn't need to be 60 bucks. Adventures of Mana got a facelift, and is pretty much the definitive way to play Final Fantasy Adventure. I think it cost like 20 bucks brand new, now costs 10 bucks normally, and is on sale for 5 bucks at the moment.
>15yo game needs review embargos
Octopath Traveller Syndrome
I will never pay any money for games I play. I refuse to.
You have to be mentally ill to consider this game to be anything but an insult to fans.
Fucking overpriced reskin.
The original was almost kafkaesque in its depiction, almost as horror-centric than metroid 2. *
Crash Bandicoot trilogy. Remake 3 games 40
Spyro the Dragon trilogy. Remake 3 games. 40
Links awakening. Remake 1 game. 60
I'll buy it used.
get to play free before you get paid copy
You can all the Crash and Spyro games on one cart and it still won't be as good as LA.
80 for 6 games vs 60 for 1
I'm only buying it for my gf because she says it looks cute. If slapping a coat of normie paint on it is what it takes for her to play than I'll bite. Not at full price though, fuck that. $40 max
>he didn't even play this crap to judge
Derivative shite ripping off Nintendo game design vs bonafide Nintendo classic remastered and improved.
Hmmmm, I know what I'm picking. Don't be upset bro.
>clearly its shit, but i better play with it to be sure
its a remake of a gameboy game. I legit thought it would be $40 at most.
If it was $40 I’d get it no questions asked. It’s that I’ve played it already and I hate being ripped off. It’s $5 on the eshop and only takes 10 hours to beat. I only pay 60 for NEW games that I’m excited about and took years to develop.
>clearly its shit
Top kek the denial already in full swing.
lmao a game that pushed ps1 hardware to the limits now bundled with the rest of them in full hd textures
keep smearing it on the walls buddy, your mom loves cleaning it up
I am going to enjoy watching the meltdown. I really am.
fucking kek
Shouting is not a suitable answer for this question.
so, we 400+ posts in now. have we got a definitive answer on the quality of the game yet?
If this game was priced at $20, what would you pathetic manchildren neets complain about then? Hmm? The graphics? Okay, say they used ALBW's palette. Then what? The length? The story? The combat? You are grasping at straws, trying so desperately to smear the game's image, by fixating your gaze on the price point, and it's coming across as laughable. $60 is a drop in the bucket these days. It's a pittance. The mental gymnastics you're jumping through to justify not buying this game is astounding. There is literally nothing Nintendo could have done to appease you, except perhaps by releasing this on the PS4. I wonder how many of you would be jumping for joy then, considering you're trapped in a three year drought and all...
>I would have preferred a direct sequel to ALBW period, starring the same Link
Wasn't that literally Triforce Heroes?
Yup, the green one is ALBW Link moving off to different lands for adventuring and red/blue Links are random other adventurers.
>If this game was priced at $20, what would you pathetic manchildren neets complain about then?
This. They would have desperately tried to find something else to complain and shit post about.
Now its evident that everything they wasted the entire year shitposting about has been BTFO. The only thing the can say now is "b-but the price!" and "its not worth it, I can play the original anytime I want!"
They got nothing but seethe.
Depending on how the new stuff theyre adding and possibly padding, 60$ is a lot to pay for a relatively short game.
>If your complaints didn't exist you'd have nothing to complain about!
If your only complaint is the price, you fall into one of these categories, no exception:
Because even if you waged at McDonald's for a living, barely skirting by, $60 is nothing.
>Because even if you waged at McDonald's for a living, barely skirting by, $60 is nothing.
Oh bullshit a Mickey D's job isn't enough for anybody to live on, assuming rent, utilities (water + electricity + gas), transportation and food.
>Botw content
Why are you talking about things that don't exist? Botw has the vastness of an ocean but the depth of a fucking puddle
Yes but I mean a regular ass top down Zelda adventure that had more of a story than that game did
>they use the same engine
No they don’t. See: the changed physics
And that was Aonuma's fault
Why is it always nintengoys who use the “UR POOR” argument when people say they don’t want to buy every single little shit Nintendo tries to shove down our throats?
Not just nintendo fans. It’s any idiot who’ll shovel money into anything. It’s the gayest argument every to say why someone won’t buy something. Value differs from person to person, but just because someone doesn’t think it’s worth their time to pay $60 for a game doesn’t mean their poor, it means they see less value in it and think it’s not worth shit to them
The first three dungeons aren't long anyway and the fourth onward are exponentially longer.
Anyway I know what I am getting out of this game, and I know I will like it because LA is my favorite Zelda and one of my favorite games period. I don't fault people for not wanting to commit to this purchase, but for me LA has sentimental value and will be well worth my time and money. I need this after getting burned by Breath of the Wild.
Will snoybois have another downvoting bonanza?
>>Goombas drop hearts without stomping on them
This could happen in the original, stomping them simply guaranteed a heart, but it wasn't the only way to obtain it.
What am I missing here? Was it not always called Tail Cave?
So far its just a dungeon maker that is just a self made compilation of the previous rooms & bosses you've gone through. Doesn't seem worth it really.
>If you have a ton of money you're free to completely ignore value of things!
A telltale sign of a poorfag's thinking.
>What am I missing here?
Terminal autism.
Kind of interesting concept. I've heard you only get one new challenge per dungeon unlocked though. So it seems more like tedium than a real sidequest.
Spotted the middle schooler. Pay attention to your teacher, user. Maybe you'll be someone some day, instead of just shit posting.
damn Yea Forums BTFO...
>Spyro remake was 3 amazing games for $40
>This is 1 good but fucking old gba game for $60
Is Trails of Mana remake gonna be $40? If so i'll def cop it
The only reasonable reply in this whole shitstorm.
Uncharted 4 is a 15h tops linear game but everyone pretends $60 for it is fine.
It's full price because they made it from scratch, which means they dedicated the same amount of resources in development as they would a completely new game. If it was an entirely new top-down Zelda game for Switch and it cost $60, no one would be complaining.
because this looks like cookie cutter jrpg junk and is nowhere near as polished as the link's awakening remake
Jokes on you I bought Collection of Mana, preordered LA and am gonna do the same with Trials.
For anyone that doesn't agree with this post, compare this:
to this:
Old OST is vastly superior
Playing the leak right now and it's definitly not worth the money
The graphics are shit and get old pretty quickly
There's no dpad movement for some reason, despite the fact that you're stuck on 8 directions
30 FPS
Combat is shit. It feels that it relies way too much on the shield. I'm essentially just waiting for the enemy to attack me so that they get knocked out from the shield
And probably the biggest insult of them all is the fact that you can't map items on the dpad. So have fun switching between bow, bombs and the jump feather
I tried playing the original but i hated the thing you had to open the fucking menu every second to select the item you needed. Are there any mods to assign some items on extra keys for emulators?
Its just mental illness at this point.
How is this even an issue? You need four items most of the time. Just arrange them on the top of your menu and quickly switch.
Still takes too long considering that even the fucking sword is a item
We're talking about a FUCKING GAMEBOY GAME being full prices though, aren't we. At best it should be a $20 budget title.
I could have swore the eshop said it was $40 last week.
>2 hours into the game
>already finished the 3rd dungeon
LA is good but this remake is not worth $60 if the only new additions are some QoL changes and dungeon maker, THAT YOU CAN'T SHARE
that's going to be a $40 launch? Neat.
Maybe it's not an "issue," but it is definitely tedious. Even on release I remember being really tired of it by the end of the game. And that was even while understanding the limitations of two buttons having recently come out of the NES era. Of course it's going to feel dated these days.
Speedrunners found the same exact glitches in the 3DS versions. They use the same engine.
Claymation art is terrible. There's a reason it died off in the 70s with the Rudolph Christmas specials. This game's runtime is 10h tops, while botw is the same price, and will give the average person 100+ h.
Some shallow dungeon maker and room decorating? OH BOY. Fuck off retard.
I've never played the original so I'll be spending my wage bux on this game. I also like this new art style.
even better zelda? Dude, the art makes link look like the fucking dentist from that old Rudolph christmas movie.
at worst it should be the price of a 3ds game.
This, holy shit
I already have the game though. Why would I need to buy the remake?
>There's a reason it died off in the 70s with the Rudolph Christmas specials
It quite literally didn't. That aside, the reason it's so rare is due to stop-motion animation being woefully time-consuming in comparison to other styles of animation.
this game feels fucking shit to play, is the fps uncapped? it goes from like 40-50 all the way to low 20s.
All Zelda games are overated bland and boring after a link to the past. Also Nintendo games are fucking OVERPRICED and never go on sale. They're around 40€ in Europe and I still think it's too much, I can't believe mutts put 60 to 70$ in them.
and I don't even want to think about the canadafags an the aussies
So you'd pay to play BoTW again, but with even less/shittier music and worse visuals?
Okay, then
but you have to buy $200 worth of amiibo to 100% botw
or $10 nfc cards.
Maybe because it's easy to find for cheap unlike nintendie's games? I never bought a PS4 game for more than 30 bucks.
does anyone make particularly nice ones?
>take co-op game
>remove co-op
I don't care for that remake either.
When Botw released you could find ones with the actual amiibo box art laid out nicely off ebay, doing a few quick searches just now brought up the knock off Chinese art though. Pic related
>mfw spyro, crash and ctr are all 30€ in france
here's the style I have. So they exist, just not as easy to come by now since everyone has botw.
Nobody brought that shit up, shut the fuck up. What I do expect at a bare minimum is a 2019 Zelda to have the same level of immersion as a 1998 3D Zelda.
It's 2019. It's about damn time we receive the proper 3D LA game many of us have been waiting for since childhood, and they instead disrespect us and the original game by making something that actually presents in a worse way than that original experience. In 1993 they had the excuse that the tech wasn't there, on top of the experimental nature of the game and its lore requiring it to be developed on the weaker Game Boy. But now there's absolutely zero excuse. This "remake" is a complete joke. Remakes are meant to do one thing: Giving us the intended perception we once imagined experiencing while playing the original. Resident Evil is a good example because in the 2002 remake of RE1 that's exactly what Capcom's internal production team pulled off, advancing the graphics and gameplay mechanics to a degree that matched our initial lucid experiences playing the PS1 original. LA on Switch doesn't even try to do that, opting for a lazy mobile game tier port of a large scale island adventure we proverbialy dreamt up playing the Game Boy classic. If they can't do that, at least give us something better than a fucking Nintendo 64 game! This demake is pathetic.
Fucking this
Why would they make 2 3D Zeldas when BOTW 2 Iscoming out next year?
Are you implying that 2D games have no place anymore?
Remember that this is an actual official artwork for Link's awakening. The GB style was simply a limitation from the era
Nothing wrong with wanting a top down Zelda game retarded 3dfag
Aren't these all western made Nintendo power ads?
Non canon
Nothing wrong with it. But at least don't make it in a style that kills all imagination and intensity. In case people didn't remember the story of Ls'A isn't an happy one.
The good thing with sprite it that they let you fill the blanks. Funko pops don't allow you that grace.
>It's just something to hold us over until the Breath of the Wild sequel.
Hold us over until another rehash?
>western made
>Katsuya Terada
They're actually concept arts and western magazines used them yes, but they're still concept art.
That person did not work on Links Awakening though so it's not concept art. Just promotional material.
>Hylian Shield
Finally SOMEONE else who realizes how retarded that shit is. And you know they're replacing the Ultimate Sword with the Master Sword too. Fuck centralization.