Fuck this game.
>buy AWP
>watch corner
Fuck this game.
>buy AWP
>watch corner
>cs thread on Yea Forums
here we go
CS threads used to be pretty great on Yea Forums like ~10 years ago. Now it's all shitters from reddit and real life swarming this place.
CS also used to have servers where people played the game to have fun
matchmaking ruined it, just like it ruins every game
>memorize spray patterns
it's just not fair bros
[indiscriminate gunfire]
dont forget
>6 gifs from CSGO alpha 2010
>2 gifs of someone lagging
>1 gif of pros making great plays
>3 gifs of a pro picking up his mouse and flicking onto a head
awp makes the game not fun, it's a crutch for bad players
>achievement unlocked: Blitzkrieg
you niggas just bad at the game
if i wanted to point and click (aka be an "awper") i'd play freddi fish 2 you retarded nigger
>enemy plants bomb
>have only awp
>have to clear multiple spots with a single shot weapon
it's balanced user. you have smokes, flashes, molotovs and grenades to clear an awper from his position. you have to actually think im this game
5v5 thinking, holy shit
sorry user I don't have the hours required to actually do anything but shoot people so AWP is retardedly OP, to the point that I am probably never actually going to learn this game because getting raped by an AWPshitter is just annoying as fuck.
it's ok user. just make sure you don't waste space on this board with retarded threads like these. as long as you understand that you are the problem.
I'm sorry someone raped you so hard that you don't want new players to play your game. Must suck playing a game that's been unchanged since 1999 since the devs are terrified of alienating their fanbase.
You do realize 90% of the population on CSS played either custom maps and gamemodes like zombies and surf, or played on de_dust 2 to shitpost on mic and hang out and not play seriously because the game's aim was inherently dogshit? CS:GO survived because that era was the last golden age for PC and consoles and we all had nostalgia hoping it would bring that back, but it didn't so almost no one plays it outside of custom maps.
I just assumed I could carry this game using my sick aim but it turns out it's all about game sense and positioning like 90% of the trash heaps out there today.
its not and you can win based on aim alone if you are actually good
Sniping in TF2:
>enemies fly through the sky
>enemies can move crazy fast
>enemies sneak up on you invisible
>even headshots don't kill
Sniping in CS:
>turn away from flash
>hold angle and hit anything but the legs on a slow target
Sniping in Quake:
>enemies fly through the sky
>enemies can move crazy fast
>even headshots don't kill
>enemies also have snipers
All of you niggers are crying meanwhile they nerfed the AWP so that any shot below the waste does 89 damage
AWP is only there so retards can feel good about themselves even though they can't hit a single headshot. Bodyshots one hit kills, what could go wrong?
No shit a no respawn game is fucking garbage and promotes playing like a little bitch
It's why I exclusively play Cache. Playing on D2 / Mirage / Train against AWPers is one of the shittest experience ever especially when your team doesn't buy / use their utility
Fuck this game.
>buy GS
>watch in corner
complaining about awps in csgo? really? theres far worse things than awps.
how about fucking smoke grenades. they ruin the game.
>not exclusively playing arms race
one of anomaly's best vids