What was the dumbest reason you've ever gotten for getting banned from playing videogames/discussing on videogame forums?
How do we, as gamers, combat these ridiculous censorship regulations?
What was the dumbest reason you've ever gotten for getting banned from playing videogames/discussing on videogame forums?
How do we, as gamers, combat these ridiculous censorship regulations?
This satire is way too thick man, you gotta make it more believable.
What's satiric?
I got banned from PC Gamer's Disqus forums for pointing out that Epic's careful wording of one of their statements was misleading.
Your post. Way too many give aways, the file name doesn't make sense for the image, the "US GAMERS" thing, not knowing what "regulations" means, etc.
>salt-right crying they found out about his racist dogwhistle
I got banned yesterday for 24 hours for spoiling BL3.
Kek. This
not sure what kinda drugs you're on buddy, but thanks for bumping my thread lol
>4ch*n janitor
we're 4channel though. fuck off and go back to that dumb website
I got banned from Smashboards for correcting someone who was saying the Japanese Rising Sun Flag was racist, and then telling them to please not speak with authority on matters they don’t understand.
The discussion prior to was idiots unironically pushing for affirmative action in Smash Bros.
I deleted my account shortly after.
Enjoy your permanent ban.
>being too stupid to know what sage is on top of making any of these posts
Posting in an "off topic" thread on 4channel.
>Scream NIGGERS at the top of your lungs
>"Wtf why'd I get banned"
>Play Overwatch from launch
>Play with 2 regular groups of people
>Finally get tired of the endless grind for lootboxes (the only reason my completionist ass kept the game installed) and decide to move on to greener pastures
>2 days later 76 gets turned gay
>Keep getting invites from my usual team mates
>Keep telling them I'm done with that shit
>One person thinks I quit cause of 76's change, immediatly thinks I'm a homophobe and starts harassing me, and gets his buddies to gang up and report me for a bunch of bullshit stuff
Gotta love the guilty until proven innocent world we now live in.
Saying we is hate speech now? Wew lad.
There he is. There he goes again. Look, everyone! He posted it once again! Isn't he just the funniest guy around?! Oh my God.
I can almost see your pathetic overweight frame glowing in the dark, lit by your computer screen which is the only source of light in your room, giggling like a little girl as you once again type "lol" and fill in the captcha. Or maybe you don't even fill in the captcha. Maybe you're such a disgusting NEET that you actually paid for a Yea Forums pass, so you just upload your shitty three-letter post. Oh, and we all know the shitpost. The epic meme "lol", isn't it? I imagine you little shit laughing so hard as you post it that you drop your Doritos on the floor, but it's ok, your mother will clean it up in the morning. Oh, that's right. Did I fail to mention? You live with your mother. You are a fat fucking fuckup, she's probably so sick of you already. So fucking sick of having to do everything for you all goddamn day, every day, for a grown manchild who spends all his time on Yea Forums posting "lol" in every fucking thread on every fucking board. Just imagine this. She had you, and then she thought you were gonna be a scientist or an astronaut or something grand, and then you became a NEET. A fucking pathetic "lol" posting NEET. She probably cries herself to sleep everyday thinking about how bad it is and how she wishes she could just disappear. She can't even try to talk with you because all you say is "lol." You've become a parody of your own self. And that's all you are. A sad little faggot laughing in the dark by himself as he prepares to indulge in the same old dance that he's done a million times now. And that's all you'll ever be.
Ugh you toxic shitheads should get out of gaming.
Racism is not funny. Racism harms people every day but you think it's edgy to joke about it because you're a privilege alt right incel.
Watch contrapoints.
I've never been banned because I'm not mentally retarded.
>saying WE is equivalent to screaming about niggers
Cmon bud
You need to grow up. Act like an adult op.
Called out a mod for being an asshole because he was one. Everybody hated him. Eventually we drove him to quit.
It was pretty obvious you were a homophobe.
Why should you gey banned for saying nigger? Next up you'll be burning books.
This desu
I wish we were on China so you fuckers got your passaports revoked
i got a 3 day ban for replying to a thread with webm-related.
it makes jannies seethe for whatever reason
How is the word "we" racist hate speech? Explain like I'm 5 please
That's not dumb, you knew exactly what you were doing faggot.
Don't feign ignorance and then get angry when people see through you.
>things that never happened
Here's you (((YOU))), baitnigger
WE WUZ KANGZ gets spammed by edgy kids pretty much anytime a black guy appears in any historical media, video games included. It started out as a mocking reference to radical Afrocentrists who claim that the Egyptian pharaohs were all black, but like any meme lost all its meaning once it got popular. Like others anons have said it's basically a racist dogwhistle at this point.
At robotechx.con all laughing
I should clarify that it's also used anytime there's a non-white character too, divorcing it from the original meaning even further.
>implying fags aren't actually that sensitive
we wuz kangs, especially offensive to sheltered janitors when used in a forum for a video game based on egypt
>Reason: :)
Back in I think 2015, Bungie.net (yes the one you used to post your Halo 3 content on) admins decided that they were going to ban anyone who had not yet played Destiny from their forums. This was essentially done to weed out most of the remaining legacy members from the Halo days, as older members (including many moderators who quickly faded out) were highly critical of Destiny and the website's direction.
I circumvented this by borrowing a friend's copy of Destiny and getting a couple of minutes of Destiny gameplay on it. I continued to be critical of bungie.net's new design and its siterunners, but mostly just continued on posting on the forums as usual with other users (mostly new but rare old).
By 2017 I think they just wanted to get rid of us older guard, and so they just permanently banned me for no contrived reason. This really didn't matter anyway since when Destiny 2 came out they again banned anyone from the forums who did not have Destiny 2 gameplay on their account, and I sure wasn't gonna buy that anyway. My account was ten years old at the time and before they downgraded the site it was Exalted Mythic level. The web admin even had a conversation with me about banning me since I'd been around long enough that we'd talked once or twice and essentially wouldn't give me a reason for the ban.
Real shame about what they did to that site. Used to be the best gaming community.
That's a good one
Oh. Does anything cool happen at the end?
fuck trannies and fuck jannies
It gets spammed because stupid niggers think they were Egyptian kings, the original colonists, Einstein was black, etc. They deserve it.
We have certified stale meme experts in here? Jesus, the fun police are such faggots.
No, I just spoiled that Lilith and Maya die.
>go to a mental asylum
>get kicked out because you're not retarded
What did you expect
Meant for
Fuck you ubisoft. You think you can keep earning capitalist money with communist ideas. Don't even bother porting splinter cell or watch dogs to Nintendo platforms anymore. Rabbids and just dance always sucked ass. #GetWokeGoBroke
The only place I've ever been banned from is Yea Forums. Twice. The claim was I was banned for "garbage off topic posting" but I always do garbage off topic posts and not get banned for them. The two that got me banned happened to both covered the same topic; criticizing the quality of live action Japanese porn.
>admins decided that they were going to ban anyone who had not played Destiny (and Destiny 2) from their forums
HUGE red flag. Fuck mods being retarded as usual. I personally would've fucked off as soon as they announced banning people for not playing the first Destiny game. Sucks that you had to go through all that bs
I've gotten banned from everything, the only ban I've caught that hasn't been a perma has been good ol' Yea Forums. Always ready to welcome me back.
You know why sjws always apply for mod/janitor jobs?
It's because that's the most amount of power they will ever have in their lives. They feel like gods when they can abuse that power. They go on a powertrip and ban anyone that doesn't agree with them.
resist ubi and resist communism
This is a huge lie, I never played Destiny and was still able to log into Bungie.net before it got split up.
It's a shitty /pol/ meme. Even if it's not racist (which it arguably is in the sense that most of the people who use it probably lean towards racist politics) it should be banned anyway just for being a shitty /pol/ meme
>criticizing the quality of live action Japanese porn
The mods were unironically based for banning you. Japanese porn (whether real or hentai) trumps every other porn.
Shit yeah man. I was going to be apart of that ban but my buddy got me destiny 2 so I could play with him. Its about what you expect. A repeat of Destiny 1. A shame what Bungie became. I don't know what they will do post Destiny 2 now that they are free from Activision, but I know I won't ever trust them again. I glance at the forums every now and again. You aren't missing anything. And Honestly I was growing tired of bungie.net by the time Reach released. Especially that goat with 3 legs guy. Fucker was shitting up the forums every goddamn day with his constant pissing and moaning about bungie ruining his life.
Got a 3 day ban a few weeks back for calling an obvious shitposter in an obvious shit thread a shitposter. "Quality of posts". The shit thread stayed, and the shitposter's posts stayed up. Literal spam, reposted spam, and some weird ERP about feet. That shit stayed up. My post insulting the shitposter got deleted.
Only other bans I've gotten is for complaining about moderation. Got one of those for asking which webcomics were allowed on Yea Forums and which would get deleted. It's not like they post a fucking list or anything. Got another ban a week later for asking why I got banned for "Complaining about moderation" for asking that question. Apparently that is also "complaining about moderation."?
I've since given up trying to understand or follow the rules. They don't seem to matter anyways.
I've been posting with a VPN for many years on this website because mods/jannies are so fucking stupid. I recommend you do it too.
I'm not even afraid of getting banned here anymore. I can literally post anything and get away with it lmao. Webm-related, clean it up jannies
Based. I dont want faggy Yea Forums memes infecting steam
The fuck is wrong with honorary Aryans?
vpn is based
he based
I expected better. Smashboards was pretty chill preSmash 4, before it got overrun by RetardERA.
Calling out a publisher of an eroge on Steam for censoring the game but saying it wasn't. Note that the ban reason says I was linking porn, which I didn't do, and that I was reposting a closed topic, but I wasn't the one who started the thread.
I just checked again and they've since added an adult content DLC, so that's nice I guess.
Runner up
I got banned for trolling because someone was trolling a thread I made.
Having sex with the game creator's wife.
>speaking truth to power
Asking for a perma on any site
Who, Germanics? Because Iranians are the original Aryans.
If you're banning somebody over words then you're proving the other side's point.
>Real shame about what they did to that site. Used to be the best gaming community.
It really was. Bungie was fucking legendary and the Halo community was so damn social.
>What was the dumbest reason you've ever gotten for getting banned from playing videogames/discussing on videogame forums?
I got banned on Yea Forums for posting child porn.
It wasn't child porn. It was a picture of children but they were fully dressed and not posing or doing anything lewd.
Appealed it successfully.
>making fun of west africans who think they're egyptians is racist
stay seething Yea Forums cuck
Jesus is /pol/ shit really this mainsteam now? I mean I knew it was pretty mainstream and that most of the people who post this shit are normalfags but I didn't know it was THIS bad
>making fun of dumb people is /pol/
There's no way mods know the WE WUZ meme. Fake. It's just saying we in caps.
I made a girl character from a fairly obscure steam game into my waifu and used to post about how much I loved her and my fantasies of living in the game world with her. Got banned 3 times for making threads about her, the last one was a perma and may have been the one asking who the voice actress was so that I could pay her 100 dollars for a few mp3z of her voice saying certain (non lewd) things. The admin ended up losing his privileges because of banning me and now I can post about her whenever I want.
>Go be racist on a discussion forum
>Don't even say anything original. Just type "WE"
>Get banned for breaking the rules
it's not that obscure
>How do we, as gamers, combat these ridiculous censorship regulations?
Support alt tech or platforms with less censorship. Do not support platforms that are overly censorious.
Create slander against these platforms and spread it to potential users. The slander does not have to be true, and it does not need to represent your beliefs. It only has to discourage potential users.
Optionally, arson and mass murder of company resources of those who advocate censorship. Use this option sparingly.
I've rarely been banned on here but I got banned a few weeks ago for posting basic Gnostic beliefs on /pol/. True, I was trying to bait Christfags by revealing that their god is the demiurge according to Gnostic scriptures, but there's so many Christian and pagan and other religious threads on there, I don't see why I was singled out. Probably just butthurt Christian larpers who have never even read the Bible and were pissed about somebody relaying information after reading ancient texts. Some Brazilfag couldn't even fathom that I had independently read about this stuff and accused me of recently finishing some Persona game even though I flatout don't play JRPGs.
This is amusing.
How do you know they weren’t trying to say WE ARE FAMILY?
Holy shit
Somewhat unrelated, but I got the opposite of a ban.
When CoD4 was announced, I did nothing but spam their forums calling infinity ward fucking retarded because the PC version looked like it going to be like CoD2 - a shitty console port using the same shitty ruleset (And it did)
Because I was so active on their forums, they sent me 4 posters, an army hat, a sports bottle, about 80 stickers and some other shit.
I've wasted my last 10 years in this shithole but only started getting banned for random bullshit after moot stepped down.
what exactly are you making fun of? Was something wrong with the trailer?
>black guy appears
>world is unified for that critical moment like Goku needs your energy for his Negro Spiritual Bomb
Huh, that's actually really funny. Wait a minute...the left can't meme.
A traitor!
People are waking up to the clown world we live in each day, unironically.
You know that picture of Pepe hanging feminist wojak snd just wanting to play vidya? Most people can relate and it grows everyday.
I got banned once for selling too much shit that actually sold in WoW.
I got banned from Blade and Soul because I was hacked.
I got banned from Guild Wars 2 for the same reason, but they gave me my account back, and all the gold the hacker made on my account.
>/pol/ shit
how new?
based buttttton
The word nigger isn't funny and it's hurtful
>is /pol/ shit really this mainsteam now?
it is the most active board on the site since the elections. i shit you not.
JAV is interesting because I feel like they min-maxed it or something. Like, they use all the good ideas and really creative fetish stuff and they actually know what fucking foreplay is but at the cost of censorship
It's like playing New Vegas and making a dumbass punch god, you get funny dialog options and you're Kenshiro but you gimp the shit out of your leveling
Samefag on different IPs
>post something racist
>get banned
>cry on Yea Forums
>reply to my post saying posting "WE" is not racist
I got banned from /tg/ for trolling pirate-beggars before Curse of Strahd was released. I told everyone weeks in advance that I had a copy of the adventure and I would be scanning and uploading. Then I would pop into threads every 4 or so days to let them know I was working on it. Then, the night before it was going to be officially released in stores, I uploaded the first two pages and then a bunch of pictures of Dio from Jojos.
I got banned for a week despite not actually breaking any rules. I think one of the mods was desperately looking forward to it, and realized that me being a loon set back the actual pirates several days or a week. Worth.
I'm the 2nd user you replied to. I've been here on and off since 2004. Never got banned until the first Yea Forums ban for asking for a list of OK webcomics to post. I got tired of having shit seemingly deleted at random. It was a waste of my time and the time of whatever mod/janny was deleting them. I just wanted to know to save us both time.
All me
Get dabbed on
>*smacks lips*
What youse tryin' to say is
>*rolls up sleeves*
What you white bois is saying
>*breathes heavily through gaped teeth*
That we niggas can
>*pulls up pants slowly falling back below the waistline*
That we can like get sum
>*snorts loudly through huge nostrils*
Get sum of that you saying that
>*holds BBC in hands and shakes it twice*
Some finna
>*eats skittles and KFC while having some grape drink*
Hol up so u be sayin is
>*licks teeth and grins*
That this little white gurl hurr
>*smacks lips profusely*
>*steals a bicycle*
>*gets jiggy wit it*
>*eats a skittle*
>*checks for nearest KFC*
>*collects welfare*
>*licks teeth and smacks lips*
>*does the crip walk*
>*opens a up a 40 and pours some for his homies trayvon and michael brown*
>*tweets about dis and goes to check in with his parole officer*
>*sucks air through teeth*
>*pulls up sagging pants*
>*instinctively looks around for police*
>*faints and then gets up repeatedly*
>*scopes dem titties*
>*shouts at movie theater screen*
>*chucks spear*
>*sets down cotton bale*
>*strokes welfare check pensively*
>*throws gang sign*
>*swings from basketball hoop*
>*grabs dick and shuffles left and right*
>*participates in a drive-by shooting*
>*converts to Islam*
>*repeated World Star yelling in the* background
>*sells crack*
>*rolls a blunt*
i 100% expected this reply and it's still funny
>post a picture of sakurafish on Yea Forums
>get banned for a week for spamming
Abib is a double nigger
what a cringe post
Goddamn the reveal for this game was fucking hilarious
>Play Metal Gear Online
>Constant kick votes and false reports over any and every time you kill a player
kys faggot
The amusing thing is that he is crying about getting banned since he thought he was being clever, and could try to deny he was posting what he was.
>sakurafish is now bannable offense
>sadpanda moved to /h/
>/djt/ moved to /jp/ and /int/
why do mods hate fun?
it's not funny, it's hurtful
Hi user. I see you called someone a "nigger". I'm assuming you meant this jokingly, but I've been mulling this over in my head for several minutes and it does not sit right.
Let me please (re)iterate you on this word. Not only does it aim hatred at a large group of people that I myself and many of my friends are a part of, the word has the power to tear down and undermine a fight that we have been fighting for decades. I don't know where you stand on the issue, but I'm assuming you value your rights to equality as a citizen of this country.
You may think that this is only a word, a mere configuration of letters, but this word is the foundation that keeps African-American people held in the depths of inequality, while men like yourself toss around hateful slurs in a joking way thinking immaturely that you are immune to hurting anyone. This is not true. Next time you throw this word out (however jokingly and privately you may thing you are using this- in this era NOTHING is ever private), think about those who have struggled for the right to feel safe in their own country.
The word "nigger" creates a hostile environment and makes many African-American people feel unsafe around those who have enough power in society to use such words. Don't make me feel unsafe. I have a right to my safety. And although I have tremendous pride in being a mature, strong, bisexual, black woman, it really sucks when your words get in the way of my pride. Thanks for your attention.
kek, clever
I criticised nigger dicks on Yea Forums and got a week-long ban
Yeah i feel like looking at JAV is kinda cheating, Japs put so much effort and strangeness into some of the videos it's just kinda unfair to any other porn media.
it's not v, but the retard mods/jannies on Yea Forums who fail to do their job properly and then start banning people for "replaying to off topic garbage" like I'm supposed to be able to judge what those fuckwits are going to think off topic is?
>user-096: I can't ever stop the orgasm!!! A schoolgirl gets fucked from behind by the complete stranger while she browses on an imageboard with disgust!!!!
stop, this is neither cute or funny.
i know you got a white boyfriend bitch
also, nigger
das rite wh*Te boi
even ur mods cant resist BBC
>stop, this is neither cute or funny.
how did you find a vpn that isn't banned and also doesn't have 1Mb speed?.
meant for
das rite
god i havent seen this in forever lmao
apologize wh*Te bois
Just got a confirmation email that action was taken on an account I reported for sending me unimaginative hate mail. I purposely goad you faggots into sending me salt, drink the tears, report you for harassment, then get drunk on the excess butthurt after the ban. Keep being retards, I guess.
Blacks took more slaves than whites.
Mmm tastes like someone didn't shower today! Don't worry I'll have you cleaned right up ;P
I'm no white cuck you turd cock
Kek just got banned from Paladins for a day for a toxicity/racism spree. Man it felt liberating. We really have to fix this censorship issue, it's just awfully unkino.
I miss copypasta like this.
ah, perfect -- i wanted to bring this up, but i didn't know how to
do you see OP pic? people will say
>Yea Forums doesn't matter
>Yea Forums is nothing; they have no influence over anything
yet we see its influence right here in the image. they are scared and shaking. i mean, there are whole fucking US university textbooks about /pol/ and how to "fight" "against" it. they are so scared. just know this, Yea Forums
Why are black dicks always so sad, so droopy?
Is your post in response to this because you know it's true and now you must resort to desperation posts?
They are showers, not growers
boner burns out because schlomo spends too much time trying to get all those shots
>saying we is racist
I bet you think the ok symbol is a white supremacist symbol too retard
Everyone loves black people. They are very impressive physically and artistically. They are also violent savages who would descend into anarchy if white rule were to give way.
>girls do porn because they love bbc
>girls do porn because they love money and the only way they can earn it is on their back or in the strip club
Pick one
I want to know why this faggot has so many pictures and gifs of penises saved.
Yea Forums mods have actively been trying to destroy the board for years
this is autism
I'm black and I'm serious. I don't think I've ever seen an erect black dick that points up.
really wish I was white or asian though
I'm black and mine does.
why do you want below average size penis?
anythings better than brown/dark skin. Not going to get to use my dick anyway.
>muh dog whistle
When the left is openly racist against whites.
ok...this IS funny and pleases.
i was banned once for saying nigger on Yea Forums
BL 2 was so shit i dont even remember there were characters named that.
is this pasta?
Got banned for making a thread calling the mods butt fucking faggots. This was during the Nintendo Direct. They were still deleting CTR threads during this bullshit.
>slav comes to Yea Forums whining that he was "unfairly" banned from Overwatch
>turns out he kept screaming in his mic and was using an aimbot
>korean comes to Yea Forums whining that he was "unfairly" banned from PUBG
>turns out he was using cheat mods online and was repeatedly stream sniping
>frogposter literally from /r/The_Donald comes to Yea Forums whining that he was "unfairly" banned from Rainbow 6 Siege (still making the same threads and posts since fucking JULY OF 2017)
>turns out he was constantly spamming 'I hope you get raped by niggers' to players that were winning, frequently teamkilling, and attempted to dox a girl that beat him
NEVER trust the people who come to Yea Forums whining about getting banned from a game or forum, especially if they don't bother to post the full forum thread, posts, and chat logs.
>meme pointing out cultural appropriation
its because black people are now common in most western societies and they feel bad because their culture hasnt produced anything, so black power movements approriated things like Egyptian Royality, and claim that egyptians were black, when they were middle eastern
The same movement also has lead ridiculous claims like Beethoven was black, ceasar was black, Hannibal was black, Shakespeare's work was written by a black women
its an attempt to make black people feel good about themselves and fit into societies were they didnt have any relevance or place
>their culture hasnt produced anything
>black power movements approriated things like Egyptian Royality
Almost none of them do that. It's mostly only racists that always look for this little niche thing and then extrapolate it to be the overarching theme of whatever they hate. I'm black and I've never heard a single other black person ever reference the egyptians as inspiration for me. I've only ever really seen white people say we do it.
What a massive, massive faggot you are man. You should really just get off the internet, it's embarrassing to know that people like you even exist.
>lost all its meaning
Oh it did? Then why does it trigger your faggot ass so much? Seems like it's still as fresh as the day it was born, faggot nigger!
>Check storepage of Sniper Elite 4
>Enable infinte ammo.exe playing with buddy
>Nothing happens
>Get VAC'd few days later
As it turns out, the game *did* have VAC enabled. Just kinda hid it. So while I'm at fault here I still feel like it's a bit unfair
Here, take a look at this
I would scream nigger right in your face before knocking you out, you pathetic faggot.
I got banned for pointing out that a /vg/ tripfag was seething. Literally the only times I've ever been banned on Yea Forums in my entire 13 year posting career have been in the past few months because of this fucking faggot, who is probably a new Janitor.
I got banned for a few days in world of tanks for saying my tank crew loved meat buns. They cited it as racism.
My tank was chinese with a chinese crew. Their food item was literally meatbuns. I said "My crew kicks ass all day cause they have their favest food, meatbuns"
I was not in trouble for the ass part, it was specificially cited as "racism" I even appealed it and got told "You can't say that about them and the meat buns"
Isn't that a single player game? That's ridiculous.
>your IP
Delete this post for your benefit
I don't live there anymore
How do you even ban evade disqus bans?
I've never been banned on Yea Forums before...would love to see the good ol' (USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST) text!
I never got banned because I'm not an underage autist who spams "nigger" every couple seconds.
The only time I got banned was 72h for botting.
>jokingly call the admin antisemitic for putting the word jew on a racist word filter because that's retarded
>get banned for a week
>reason: grow the fuck up
>that kid who never got detention trying to brag about how much of a good boy he is
You're just trying to bait people into calling you a nigger so you can report them.
It has a coop/horde mode and a seperate PvP
Only really annoyed that it didn't show on the store page or I wouldn't have tried to fuck around with it in coop
>that guy who picked on the nicest guy for nothing only to end up falling in love with him
never happened
Got a 3 day ban on Yea Forums once for derailing a Formula 1 thread with images of hotglue. To be fair, that particular race was insanely boring, so if anything I saved their Sunday.
>Those 2 guys who are always the first to shit talk
those guys got alot of pussy
I got banned from neogaf for saying that I didn't want to talk about gamergate because I'd get banned. The reason was explicitly "saying you won't post a bannable thing will get you banned".
>black who do so are a minority
>but everyone who calls those people out and makes fun of them are racist
what a fucking retard you are.
>I don't get banned in video games because I'm a mature adult.
It really doesn't get any more pathetic than this. This is how you know we're at the end of a cycle and mass chaos will happen soon.
WE WUZ KANGZ like every anti-PC meme goes the opposite of the lefty memes (walls of text and world salads) to becomes the shortest possible memetic vessel for easy sharing of ideas.
>Call people niggers sparingly
>Taunt whenever possible to induce salt
>Purposefully create alt accounts like "OwO" or "I love Applejack" that are convincing enough to be real and induce even more rage whenever I beat somebody.
>Go as far as to give them furry/brony profile pics and obnoxious believable profiles
>Never banned and still laughing my ass off for a decade straight.
You lads just need a little more creativity and comedic timing, you just ain't doing it right. And another thing? Yore Ugleh.
I ban evade thanks to dynamic ip. The tranny mod at nichegamer banned me for not being a console cuck so I just switched to wifi and made a new account. You can't ban me fucktard :) (i know you browse Yea Forums faggot)
I got banned because the mods are newfags.
>that guy who fucked all the girls
>now has a kid and is down to earth
stopped reading at "attention"
Newsflash: most normal people aren't mentally ill socjus types, they are smart enough to know these blacks trying to claim the achievements of their betters for themselves are full of shit.
but thats entry level shit.
thats pathetic
at least you got a good screencap out of it.
Getting a ban that you know was motivated by mod/janny salt is the best
It's the best (You) you can possibly get.
Big oof
>I'm black
Post hand
It's just Abib
faggot really needs to axed, Yea Forums is the only board he's had a part in shitting up but Yea Forums is the most frequent target of his ire
Explain, I would like to adopt more rage inducing methods. Bonus points if they're good entertainment/fun and make other players laugh in the process beyond the victim/victims.
How fucking new? Go back.
What's worse is I think I got reported by a newfag that was getting roasted because he seriously replied to my post. I think it was something like: "Wow, I've never seen a moderator on here before!".
literally noone is going to get annoyed at weeb / brony names and profiles. thats like 70% of the tf2 players at this point.
i got banned from facebook for saying "honk" in a comment in a gaming group
does that count
based janny
almost had a KANGS situation going on here
What an absolute treat
which game is this
It's funny though because he's right, that guy probably came right back 10 seconds later, making that ban utterly worthless
I know that lad, I meant in other multiplayer games like Hearthstone or Dota. I avoid using weeb profiles for that reason entirely and stick to mostly Brony/Furry ones. For TF2 I mostly just kill people in ridiculous ways with sniper to make them think I'm hacking, then proceed to spin around in circles like a spastic occasionally chipping someone for 50 damage just to make the accuser feel look retarded. Tauntkilling/Abusing friendlies also works; and and a good phlog pyro/black box soldier does the trick too, same with a nice scunt.
Sometimes you get punished not for your actions, but for the reactions of your actions.
A good example is that one radio show that "warned" the people that there we H2O coming out of their kitchen and bathroom watertaps. This caused a city-wide panic and the radio hosts were fined for inciting panic.
A glorious death user.
Fight well in valhallah
I got banned for a whole week because I asked what the "I" in LGBTI meant in some shitty guild recruitment thread that kept insisting that they were the only guild on the server that was friendly to the "LGBTI" community.
Turned out a pretty shitty GM was personal friends with the guild owner and kept abusing her power to help that bitch out.
I could post the whole story if anyone's interested. But to keep a long story short. I started the tradition, no... The obligated response of asking 'What does the I stand for' in every thread and world chat post every time they spammed their recruitment ad.
Mods and jannies are literal redditors and trannies. I have been in some discord servers with some of them, literally the shittiest people online. No wonder this site is shit, it's run by literal redditor newfags.
Except I was the OP of that thread, was posing a problem in the OP and one of the replies was one of those you would find on old forums "Works for me lol!", so I decided to post that as a jest.
If this happened ten years ago the newfag would have been banned with "Lurk moar" as a reason, but alas this is where we are. Newfag bonanza.
Dabbing on jannies could be the only reason some people post here
>trying to conflate legal speech with cheating to justify corporate thievery
goodest goy!
i got banned on miiverse because my password was just my username with 123 after it, some user went on my account and posted that i wanted to suck iwata's dick
i was a retarded 12 year old.
It's like people have literally forgotton that all the mods of this site were changed and replaced by the similar sort of faggots you see moderating every subreddit, no one really put them there... They're just there. Most of them are furfags or trannies.
People left this site several years back because of the mod situation. Gaymergay was just the vocal few faggots who thought that they could make a shitty movement out of it. Most people got sick of the shitstorm and the mods banning anything that hurts their fee fees.
>12 year old
And you most likely still be until you hit that 25 years mark
i know.
Got banned because I called a mod out on the forums for being completely corrupt and banning people left right and center for "talking on chat too much" or discussing things he didn't like.
The game had a subscription system that you had to log in game to cancel. If you were banned and had like a whole year's subscription you would still be charged every month for it. The only way to cancel would be to go through with your bank and demand the money back for fraud. I can only imagine the amount of people who got fucked over this way by that mod alone.
something only loses meaning when you apply it to things that don't fit
we wuz is only ever invoked when someone's trying to revise history in favor of afrocentrism
please don't make "lost its meaning" lose its meaning just because you're mad that we don't immediately agree when you call random people nazis. nobody should have to point this out, because what the fuck, but the phrase actually has a meaning instead of just being a buzzphrase to shut down your petty namecalling.
Been banned from Yea Forums a few times for dubs posting in naruto threads on Yea Forums
>Racist dogwhistle
Please go back to ResetEra
Wow, you hate gays? Get off my board, you sperm burping faggot.
I said nigger in a thread on Yea Forums and got banned for racism despite posts about nigger crime statistics in that same thread not getting deleted.
>the janny remains completely oblivious to what he just posted
I guess retardation is a side effect of doing it for free.
I got a timeout on finding matches for an hour once because I left a 2v2 match when my teammate was afk.
>spam meme everywhere on the internet
>don't expect people to figure out what it means
>why did I get banned for something that was clearly going to get me banned?????????????
>lillith dies
good, fuck that cunt
cope, dilate and seethe tranny
>giving a shit about some random teen on the internet shouting something to rile people up
>wonder why kids still want to say nigger when you give them attention for saying nigger instead of ignoring them
I'm starting to think bait threads are popular due to anons not realizing the concept of bait/trolling and taking everything at face value
I was banned for "spam" for literally saying :O
pic related
essentially some random black supremacist group claimed that since Egypt was in Africa, ancient Egyptians were majority black or at the very least the ruling class was black along with some other weird shit that I am not getting into. This naturally resulted in general mockery to the point anytime a black character is scene in a historical game making conversation about the AoE2 African Kingdom expansion impossible.
Very easy to get banned if you rub the admins the wrong way. I repeatedly shit on the admins, and they made up some reason to ban me. That's how it works.
During the Game Awards, I got banned from their chat on Twitch for "abuse" or some dumb asspull from the mods. For context, I typed "sĂły" (without the accent of course) when the tranny Celeste composer came on stage. That was literally the only thing I said in chat, too.
>using a /pol/ meme outside of /pol/
what that the tranny everyone thought was actually pretty cute and thought was a woman until he started talking?
Trolling forums is for cowards. I friend request actual devs and tell them their game is shit right to their face(instant message).
It's Dihydrogen Monoxide, you goon.
>Jesus is /pol/ shit really this mainsteam now?
>agree to ToS
>violate ToS
>get banned
>start crying
>lose election to gamergate
>still crying
>related to ToS and user agreements with 3rd party companies
>literally seething about the google antitrust
Last time I went on a videogames forum, I jokingly said "thanks to Destiny even Sony people will get to play Halo", I got a permaban, but by then forums where already full of nazis permabanning anyone not sucking mods' dicks or being overly polite.
I've gotten banned multiple times from Yea Forums for saying nigger
Got banned from a zombie master server for a bug that someone else was exploiting. Multiple people saw it go down, but muh nepotism won out.
>OP is a retard who asks why he was banned for totally not posting anything offensive, only the words WE which definitely has no relation to racism
>One user asks others to explain what WE means in that context
>Literally everyone says that its WE WUZ KANGZ, a racist meme that has lost all meaning at this point
>"No but I totally don't get why OP was banned he definitely didn't mean anything racist, he dindu nuffin. So much for the tolerant left :I "
2016 Yea Forums was a mistake
Yeah lmao. I called it from a fucking mile away, too, which made the shitstorm in the sticky and the chat 10x more glorious. Not to mention he openly stated that everyone on the dev team had some form of mental illness.
just another lefturd cope, yawn
Yea Forums owns culture now and there is nothing you can do to stop us
For all the trash talk about other websites Yea Forums's mods are trash. There was a thread once that got derailed by waifuposting and i got banned for calling britanny venti an ugly mutt. The derailed thread stayed active and only the posts insulting venti were deleted.
I'm permabanned from 4chins for using proxies. I've never used a proxy in my life, and my appeal was denied four times.
I got perma banned from the M&B Bannerlord steam forum for asking a question about the Armenian genocide. Im pretty sure Erodogan has paid them off.
not afraid to admit i fell for the trap until he talked, literally.
Do you really think that Yea Forums is a small, obscure website on the edge of the internet?
Yea Forums is as normie as reddit and Tumblr
I was premanently banned from the Square Enix forums before the release of the abomination that is Thi4f for exposing with proof that the "volunteer moderators" were using the official news coverage sticky thread to only highlight paid positive coverage and were deliberately trying to keep anyone from seeing the negative press of their shit game.
Before that I was given several unrelated warnings due to the fact that the mods literally did not know what the definition of trolling was and people were getting banned for reporting trolling rather than for trolling because discussing other users' bad actions was against the rules but trolling wasn't. I suspect trolling itself wasn't against the rules because it's impossible to prove that someone isn't just genuinely retarded.
I got permabanned from WitWix's stream for saying that I liked milk, apperently he hates milk with a passion
Also got banned from GDQ twitch channel, no clue why since I never talked in it.
This was a load of horseshit, got suspended / pet renamed in wow because i called it Misogyny. I was pretty shocked at how low the standard is now
>the "volunteer moderators" were using the official news coverage sticky thread to only highlight paid positive coverage and were deliberately trying to keep anyone from seeing the negative press of their shit game.
Yeah no shit.
Imagine being such a meme identity zoomer fag you act like you're on Yea Forums outside Yea Forums. This is why zoomers and millenials are failures as humans. Zoomers are mutated to not understand basic social behaviour, and millenials for not slapping their little shitniglet zoomer spawn when it starts acting out.
I once got banned from CS:GO on an account that didn't own csgo
I once got banned from a gmod server for not speaking german, despite speaking german.
I once got banned from habbo hotel for being black.
I once got banned from a CS:S server for retreating back to my spawn to rotate around to the other bombsite, and it was an automated ban too.
And lastly, I once got banned from Yea Forums for discussing video games
>Explain like I'm 5 please
I called people cancerniggers online, I mean, JESUS FREEDUMB OF SPEECH RIGHT?
ok grandpa, take your pills now
it's kind of funny to think of how much of Yea Forums breathed life into the internet. those tumblrfags and twitterfags hate us but dont realize that this site created cat memes and all the normalfag meme shit and internet culture we have today. so really they're part of the thing they hate.
t. mad codkid that got banned from his vidya and is still mad about there being consequences in the adult world.
Smashboards are actually good for tourney organizing back in 2007-2010 when I used it. it didn't used to be overrun by cucks and zoomers
Oh no, what are we going to do with all the por now?
The mod that issued my ban used to be a regular forum user but was mysteriously promoted when he started sucking Square's dick rather than having a genuine discussion. Because the definition of "moderator" is obviously "something that skews a system one way."
Anyway, "yeah no shit" was not the common sentiment. If it was they wouldn't have cared about someone "exposing" anything because it would have been commonly accepted standard practice that no negative coverage can be posted. They enforced rules against it specifically to deceive.
>having that shit ahegao pic saved
Cringe weeb cuck
I get banned on Yea Forums for spam, for off-topic threads, for trolling/bait threads quite regularly.
I find it funny that mods on this shithole think they're doing the right thing and that Yea Forums can be saved and we can have quality discussions here.
Fuck off, how about you ban all poltards first. Oh right, you won't cause gookmoot is scared to lose his source of passive income
You mentally ill zoomers killed this place because you skipped Yea Forums and went straight to /pol/ where they encourage you to behave like everything is Yea Forums.
Yea Forums, the garbage board, still instilled a lurk mentality, still instilled the list of rules into the brains of newfags.
But of course, le epic zoom zoom from reddit heard about /pol/ instead of Yea Forums first and went there, then acts like a retard everywhere.
And the worst part is, these zooms deluded minds will revision it all as this always having been the norm.
Kill zoomers. Hurt them.
love you too, user!
>All these hit dogs hollering at this post
Its like people using nazi technology.
Nobody really cares until you can get something out of it.
Are you referring to me or just in general about zoomers? If the former, I've only been on Yea Forums, Yea Forums and /e/ for a long time now, just a point of perspective for you.
Hiroshimoot has sold out to the cabal. Want to know why? Soi, coombrain, etc, got filtered within days/weeks of appearing because it triggered leftists. But incel is still not filtered despite a multitude of posts on /qa/ calling for it, because it directly demoralizes the alt-right virgins that post here.
Gamered basedncel
There goes the "tolerant left"
Technically I never broke any of the rules, but I got banned from Tera for "harassment" of other players even though everything I did was off game. All I did was argue on the forums and FB groups
>be a pocket healer in the best PvP guild on Tera
>non-stop shit-talking from everyone in every guild
>GF plays but is pure PvE so never part of anything
>other guilds start targeting her, tell her to ignore it but she can't
>they keep going after her to get to me
>everyone is on the FB page for the server use their real names like idiots
>start making files on all of them, things like telephone numbers and family names
>start spamming their phones with texts, sending pizza to their addresses etc.
>one of the guild leaders of a rival place is one of those "I don't like drama" girls, yet causes most of it
>single mother, so call CPS on her
>one of the GMs is also in a relationship with one of the players, report this to the game mods
>release nudes that have been circulated, cause a few couples to break-up
>one of the girls in an e-relationship is a catfish so release her real photo
>some players tried to transfer to another server, made sure to steal their name on both servers as they transferred
In the end PvP pretty much died on the server as people transferred off and guilds fell apart. Got banned on the forums first, then eventually on the game.
I've only ever gotten banned from reddit for calling people faggots
>alt right are incels
Whatever, faggot. I mean, no doubt there are plenty, but I'd wager more alt right types get laid than communist types. Those guys are the gayest of the gay.
Anyway though, anyone who calls themselves alt right is probably a fag. Don't play those semantic/semitic games.
Yea Forums is a porn dump nowadays, it is nowhere near as glorious as it was back in '07 and before. /pol/ is the new Yea Forums, it's been that way since the election.
why did coom even gain traction, this place has been waifufagging for awhile now, the only people who would be disgusted is zoomers who have no idea how things work around here, newfag zoomers created the coomer meme, it's the only explanation.
>no doubt there are plenty, but I'd wager more alt right types get laid than communist types
I ran a poll on /fit/ and /pol/ the other day. Fairly certain it spread to other boards, since I kept getting votes after my threads archived. Results should speak for themselves: strawpoll.com
Sorry to say this to you, you might feel like a chad dabbing on masturbators by spamming that shitty meme, but in the end everyone seen you as just salty trannies with regret from cutting their dicks.
It ridicules sex-obsessed leftists and brainlets. It makes a mockery out of their addiction to the orgasm, whereas /pol/ and /fit/ and the likes spread nofap around along with their rhetoric.
They've been the gateway for much longer than the election. But the point is, the difference is that Yea Forums made obvious newfags lurk, /pol/ encourage them to spread whatever cool contrapolitical shit of the year /pol/ obsess over. Numbers over quality. Just like the retarded goons.
Lilith was the playable siren character from BL1, Maya was the playable siren character in BL2
The level of shitposting here is still the same it was 13 years ago when I first arrived. Memes have changed, quantity has changed, but the core principles still remain. The Internet Hate Machine chugs on.
First counter contrarian cycle, newfag?
It's a staple of this place. One thing becomes a majority, and after a while more and more gets sick of it and start countering it out of sheer spite and being sick of the same brain dead retardation.
Then they after a long while become the majority "opinion". Rinse and repeat.
dude why do you enjoy doing shit like that? you are the lowest of the low kind of person.
got kicked out of my guild recently because a retarded tranny didn't like me because I didn't spoonfeed him. kept kicking up a fuss and managed to get a few other retards to join along.
It's a big guild. I've been in it since it only had 6 people
Men who think they can behave like women and get away with it were a mistake.
It's not racist. It used to mock blacks but now can be used to apply to any dumb community that likes to larp as someone great.
Once got a short term ban on here for replying supportively to bait.
It was actually making a decent point. Don't feel like blaming the mod, though.
I thought c*mbrain was used by leftists?
Except the internet hate machine put effort and creativity into trolling, and most of the time it was aimed at each other. Old Yea Forums put moot as the most influential manin the world, while making the same list spell out a meme phrase to keen eyes. Today, zoom zooms scream dilate at random who's Twitter and think it's epic lulz like in the old days.
Now we have retards like OP who genuinely feels oppressed because his top effort WE spam gets slammed.
Zoomers have literally become the same tier as goonswarm in effort, the group Yea Forums hated the most.
Got banned on Yea Forums once for "replying to off topic garbage"
Whatever the fuck that means. It wasn't an eceleb thread or anything, it was actual vidya discussion. Well, as much vidya discussion as you can get on this shithole anyway.
Started out on /pol/ by Christian conservative larpers united with nofap /r9k/ fags seething people called not fapping nothing to brag about.
Albeit I saw the words first elsewhere long ago, but if /pol/ and /r9k/ is good at something, it's digging up old shit and spam it. Same shit with npc
Nah, it's counter-leftist, since we know, and they know inside, that the only reason 'men' support any of that bullshit is to get the slightest whiff of pussy.
/pol/ still produce fantastic memes and propaganda. They fucking memed Donald Trump into the white house. He Will Not Divide Us was epic-level trolling taken into real life. I mean, if Yea Forums is your main board, it might be hard to see what's going on on the rest of the site, but things are doing great. Heck, /k/ has like 10 different stores run by anons there now, have regular buy/trade threads, and host annual IRL events, it's a legit mercantile board. /g/, /h/, and Yea Forums recently came together to save the Library of Alexandria of hentai. Shit's happening, but Yea Forums tranny posting might overshadow it if you spend all your time here.
I only ever saw it being used against anime posters, calling people it for liking literally any female anime character.
Go to /fit/, it's used there all the time against people who post nothing but gymthots and honestly
>lift for women
>/pol/ still produce fantastic memes
Stopped reading right there. The only thing they produce is fake bullshit like qanon and pizzagate, marketed towards utterly retarded election boomers and teens. I can see why you'd consider that "amazing" when you fell for the sadpanda con. Probably donated some money too.
>zoomers and millenials are failures as humans
I didnt know people past the age of 40 browsed Yea Forums
reminds me i got kicked out of from a group because i had the opinion that the older gays from the 50s had some class and were objectively better, instead of the modern gay pride lisp gays.
>butch lesbian friend got upset and called me a homophobe
>essentially calls me a /pol/fag because i use Yea Forums, therefore im automatically scum
>tell her all the stuff i've actually done for the lgbt community
>blocks me
she hated me because i told the truth, we made up in the end after two days but it was a weird two days
Yeah it's racist. And for a reason. Listen to this, and prove me wrong if you can -
I say blacks because if I say Africans, faggots will say "the Egyptians had chariots!" which is true. But the Egyptians weren't fucking black and painted many images of themselves slaughtering blacks.
Truth is, blacks are the dumbest motherfuckers, hell, mother rapers, on the planet.
>It's Okay to Be White
>98% of men don't want to have sex with transsexuals
>*tink* *tink* *tink* Ladies and Gentlemen of the room may I have your attention, please?
Try actually lurking, user.
Dilate and suicide :)
Let me guess, you were CB posting
If you use Yea Forums, even just for /an/ or /po/, you are scum though. A nigger not acting like a thug living in a ghetto is still a nigger.
>Probably donated some money too
Nah, who the fuck even did that?
But the shitshow and rallying of troops was amazing, if you deny that you're truly jaded beyond hope. I'm sorry you're unable to have fun with this site anymore, user.
>he actually considers tux pepe spam "fantastic meme"
All we need to know, really
>sadpanda con
It's a clowns world and we're just living in it user. I had a similar experience. I just did the Dave Chappelle blacks vs niggers bit except gays vs faggots and pretty much got cancelled in that group. They are evil and humourless people and I'm now a homophobe who sucks cock.
jannie b gone
I've learned "off topic garbage" is just code for some mod somewhere doesn't like it. Day after day I see legit video game threads being deleted and blatantly off topic threads that should be deleted being allowed to fester instead. Like this thread, for example. Then you get shit like Subnautica threads being deleted two days after the game was released because "They now belong on /vg/" but daily DOA threads for literally years is fine, apparently.
I got banned from this site for a week for saying that Schindlers list made me laugh on Yea Forums.
A popular hentai site went down, and coombrains everywhere are still upset about it.
nothing beats getting punished by an automated system that just counts the number of reports
and then they wonder why queue times are through the roof, protip: everyone's banned
Do you even know what sage is?