Are you hyped for Action Taimanin and the great new era of titty ninjas in the video games?

are you hyped for Action Taimanin and the great new era of titty ninjas in the video games?

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Why is it always titty ninjas?

I want more titty aliens, cowboys and pirates.

this is pathetic

>ntr game
Ok pretty funny edit

The movement speed needs to be increased, considering their running animation.
Really just speed the game up and it would probably be fine.
I'm just happy the models will be ripped and we'll get low-poly 3d porn.

Ninjakino back on the menu?

>Still no new Ninja Gaiden with Ayame, Rachel and Momiji
It's not Whiskey, but it'll do.

At least you can mod PC Sekiro to swap the MC out for anyone else!
Now we can do that with Asagi, too!

>I'm just happy the models will be ripped and we'll get low-poly 3d porn.
I wouldn't get my hopes up if I were you

>new era of action game
>remove taimanin title and characters
>just another action game

Not on the Shitch. It's weird that every multiplat on this board is advertised as being a Switch game despite being the worst platform to play games on.

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Give the nipple-bumps back.

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What game is even there? Isn't the series just pure guro porn?

I hope we can play as pregnant Yukikaze, there would be a time limit on each mission, if it ends she gives birth in the middle of battle and its game over.

Do we know if the older games are still gonna get translated, or was steam footing the bill for that?

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Can't wait to play it in my Ps4

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would it be blacking for Yukikaze?

There's an upcoming mobile action game.

All asagi games already got translated.

But what can it even be about? It certainly won't be about the porn.

A translation of a translation by someone who clearly doesn't know english doesn't really count.

>But what can it even be about? It certainly won't be about the porn.
It'll be a near future shinobi battle!

I want to be excited but gameplay looks like a janky honkai clone. Not good.

here's a general synopsis of the first game explaining the setting. you could probably do all kinds of things with it.

>The city streets of Tokyo are more dangerous than they’ve ever been before. Humans and demons exist side-by-side, with a sworn trust that they will not harm each other. But some humans have disregarded these sacred pledges and have teamed with demons to form groups and organizations, bent on death, destruction, and unholy human tragedy.

>To help quell this tide of evil, there exists a group of female ninjas who hunt down and slay those demons who mean to harm others. Asagi Igawa is one of these ninjas, or at least, she was. Her demon hunting days have been put aside in favor of being with her boyfriend, Sawaki. Unfortunately for the couple, Asagi’s past is not as far behind her as she would like to think. Her previously defeated nemesis, Oboro, has somehow come back from the grave to get revenge.

>Revenge in the twisted world of Taimanin Asagi is not something so simple as death however.

>Why is it always titty ninjas?
Don’t fix what ain’t broke

>Revenge in the twisted world of Taimanin Asagi is not something so simple as death however.

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I think they should use entirely new characters.
Fate was more of a VN with sex scenes rather than an eroge. So Fate's able to get away with SFW stuff and Otakus can spend money on their pure heroines (or, at least experienced but only has eyes for you).
But TA is different. Every heroine gets brutally raped. Yukikaze mocks her male love interest while sucking old man cock.
How are you going to sell this to people?

Have you played any of them? It's shit user, might as well have had an Viking trying to translate french into arabic.

Yukikaze is pure.

Wasn't it a mobile game?

Fate always have been a VN not a full blown nukige, different appeal you retard, on top of that HA and all adaptations removed the scenes, making comparison even more stupid.

Also TABA was a thing and have gorillion of characters to use.

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Breh, Murakami literally did an entire pirate series. A lot of his newer stuff is much better than Taimanin Asagi. I liked it, but it could have been so much more. One simple fix. Why did he have to inflate the redheads giant breasts? I have a think for gingers and her breasts were already huge. Fucking ruined her.

Cowboys? Fuck that. World's gayest demographic.

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>sony censoring swords now
Jesus christ.

When you remove all porn and try to make it serious you've lost the appeal of TA.
Fate had appeal outside of porn. TA's heroines are baggaged by cuckshit and gangbangs so a vanilla game has no point.

Taimanin already have a basic setting and 3 games to expand into it. The appeal is porn for sure but the whole thing isn't just rape 24/7.

They still are competent on their jobs.

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Have sex.

You can already get high-poly 3D Taimanin porn

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>that jaw
Jesus fucking christ

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That looks like utter shit, to be honest

Asagi > Oboro > Ingrid > Rinko > Sakura > Yukikaze > Asuka > Murasaki

Those running aminations.

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The animations are fine. It's the distance you move that's stupid.

>Fate had appeal outside of porn
Keep telling yourself that fate shitter

So how badly will this be censored in a Sony system?

So I've jacked it to every game's CG but never actually played any of them, I WAS gonna play the steam stuff to finally get a grasp of the story, but since that shit got cancelled, I gotta ask. We're any of the normal or Orc/Demon/Tentacle flavored pregnancies canon?

Not asking for research purposes or anything, I'm just a pervert.

Jesus who the fuck thought this was a good idea

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buy me near future shinobi battle geimu, onii-chan!

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>Game with sexy big breasted ninjas
>From a porn franchise
>Getting a ton of attention
>Beating out most of the shit revealed at TGS on twitter
If it pisses of the fun wrecking lefties even a bit, I'm happy it was created.

Does this series have lolis and shortstack or is it exclusively big titty ninjas?

fucking hell user even your pic related gets brutally raped by orc dick
show me a TABA character that doesn't get horribly raped at some point

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what other titty ninjas do you know that isn't senran?

>he doesn't like tall, stacked, confident women openly wearing skintight latex
It has one flat girl, and she's like the second most popular character because she's short and flat when nobody else is.

Not him, but Dead or Alive.

No true loli for obvious reasons, but there is a fair amount of flatties.

And Yukikaze is literally right there.

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not really
every sex scene in TA is non-canon, where an obviously bad choice leads to the rape
choosing something more reasonable leads to the canon ending where they just go home and nothing happens

Why you want to play a censored game user?

Bullshit, that only applies to Tamimanin Yukikaze, there is no route in TA where Asagi and Sakura don't get gang-raped.

Only non canon for asagi are bad endings.

They still get their shithole remodeled.

yeah, I thought the setting was pretty grim, where nothing ever goes well.

Why do you keep replying to this shit every time

>ntr game
Only one Asagi game had NTR though.

>No true loli for obvious reasons
Missed opportunities abound.

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What are you on? Taimanin has a bunch of true lolis.

To prevent this misconception from being spread to people new to the franchise?

>every sex scene in TA is non-canon
Spoken like a faggot who just parrots what other faggots who never played the games say.

Because there are people who legitimately believe this on the count of shitlords who spread misinformation.

No both those things are fine because they're running in high-heels

>They still get their shithole remodeled.
Elaborate on this with examples and pics or links to pics

Fuck cubes.

How about just play the damn thing.

Isn't remotely hard to find.

>long legs stretch forward like three feet
>only moves one foot forward

>that time asagi and sakura disguised themselves as literal whores in TA2

>get off to so much depraved shit from Lilith Games and such
>go full circle and can only get off from vanilla and wholesome relationship doujins now