Here's your competitive shooter bro

>here's your competitive shooter bro

Attached: gears.webm (1280x720, 2.9M)

Other urls found in this thread:

I don't see any problem

>10 hits to deal only 94%
holy fuck even halo isn't that bad

the shotgun has always been broken in every gears game

>10 hit virgin vs the 1 hit chad

Attached: ten hits.png (976x189, 209K)

>that aim
You need to aim for the head. No wonder Yea Forumstards hate the game. This explains a lot.

>his hitbox just disappears during the roll
Is this darksouls?

jesus christ how many times are you going make this thread op? L2p and git good

Maybe you would've done 100% damage if you didn't suck ass at aiming.

I never played Gears, what's wrong with the webm?
That was a shotgun, right? I don't get it.

God can we make ONE webm thread without any boring ass shooters?

OP doesn't' understand how the gun he's using works and dies because he just sits there like shooting like a retard, as if it's any wonder why he died. He's infuriated he sucks and has been making this same exact thread for days now

Turn down your mouse sens OP, you aim like you have parkinsons. Fuck Gears too.

>lower sensitivity on pc
why would anyone handicap themselves

The last time I played Gears was Gears 2. Did they get rid of the stopping power slowing mechanic when getting shot? It was unironically a good addition.

>it has a webm thus its a webm thread
Fucking retard
Guy puts 10 shots into another, at least one of which being a headshot, and doesn't get the frag but gets 100% by a shotgun, while in cover, that literally just ran at him like a retard. One of these things is an idiot play that should be punished by the other.

Because when you lower your sensitivity, you don't have to sit there fighting your own over-adjustments as you struggle to aim at a target moving in a straight line.

Are you simple? The whole point of PC aim being better is that you can turn you sensitivity as low as possible and have a massive fucking surface to use so you can make pixel adjustments. Handicapping yourself would be refusing to ever lower it since I don't know of a single pro shooter player that plays with high sens.

>going up against emile at close range
You're asking for it, user

>but gets 100% by a shotgun, while in cover
>Swarm player is currently aiming out of cover, head and upper torso completely exposed

Attached: 1552192366265.gif (200x235, 647K)

But the rifle is weak as fuck, I saw my friend play this game on MP sometimes, but the majority of time on campaign.
I don't know, maybe there is nothing wrong for me because I saw him playing and everytime the rifle is used is for headshots only..

then shit i've been lied to this whole time, oldfags say the higher the better, when it comes to fps games like quake and cs/csgo

That's still half the target. He's in the objectively safer position and is punished for even attempting to contest it at all. His only viable play was to attempt to identify out of that mass of gray and brown that the enemy was carrying a shotgun and run away and that is absolutely not what should have happened there.
The gnasher fag should have gotten his skull blown off while his buddy, who still has the bead on our protag, riddles him with holes. Maybe gnasher squeezes a shot off for some damage but he should not have lived or gotten the kill.

Yeah no. A good starting point for anybody is that from center of mousepad to edge is a 180. The difference is that pros buy massive mousepads, and use arm aim rather than wrist, so they can sweep across and stay accurate rather than fight themselves to just stay on target.

quake/ut etc. had high sens because the movespeed was extremely fast

most cs pros have very low sens, movespeed is pretty slow and maps are not very open

Unless you active reloaded, you switch to the shotgun for an enemy closing in that fast. This has been common knowledge since the first Gears from over a decade ago

The lancer could use a little bit of a buff. The only time you really get downs is when someone is a completely fool and doesn’t immediately jump into cover, they need to be out in the open for like 3 or more full seconds

My bad, didn't see he was also carrying a gnasher. Suppose he could have switched himself.
Point remains, what the fuck is the point of the rifle even existing if you can't stop someone, dead or not, mid charge from 10m away.

Pro tip:
This is their first Gears of War game and they have no idea how to play it properly, so they rage.

sounds about right. Lancer has always sucked, anyone who plays the game can get a handle on it. Op hits with literally 5 hit markers, that's fucking nothing with the lancer.

Anyone who plays the campaign knows how much the Lancer sucks way before going into multiplayer

>One of these things is an idiot play that should be punished by the other

See, that's where you're wrong, the other team can do stupid shit with impunity if you can't aim to save your life. Why play smart when the other guy can't kill you anyway?

I think the point is that it's meant to be a scenario where the characters are genetic freaks high as fuck on adrenaline rushing into gunfire. A lancer can down someone that is running at you, but first you have to aim.

The OG gears of war guns had situationally dependant uses, just like arena shooters. Not many people know, but Gears of Wars spiritual predecessor was Unreal championship 2, which was an attempt at adapting unreal tournament into a 3rd person console shooter.

Attached: Screenshot_20190516-010945_Firefox.jpg (385x407, 69K)

>if you can't aim to save your life
>Op hits with literally 5 hit markers
Is 10 fucking shots not enough? The point isn't knowing whether or not that the lancer sucks. The point is that it shouldn't fucking suck so much that 10 shots, at least 2 of which being headshots, still isn't enough to fucking kill someone.

>almost dies to some other dude
>die in one shot from a shotgun at nearly point blank range
wooooooooooooooooooow complete bullshit

Headshots register with a red hit marker

The dude runs in a STRAIGHT LINE directly at him for three whole seconds, but he's jerking the reticle around like he's got Parkinson's and misses like half the shots.

>it shouldn't fucking suck so much that 10 shots still isn't enough to fucking kill someone

The number of shots doesn't mean much when you account for the fact that the Lancer is supposed to vomit bullets in every game. Guy starts with 92 and explodes at 73, hits 10 shots, so he's got just barely over 50% accuracy on an easy target that you claim is being so dumb that there's no way he ought to get away with it without being punished. That's entirely on him.

>Headshots register with a red hit marker

Also there's this, maybe if he'd aim for the head it wouldn't take a million years to down somebody.

>didnt duck down immediately when the guy came to instagib range.
Like holy shit you know he has a gnasher just blindfire the 2 remaining bullets lmao

>Is 10 fucking shots not enough?
Nope, like I said learn the gun/game OP
>at least 2 of which being headshots

Go back to CoD you faggot

>The point isn't knowing whether or not that the lancer sucks.
That's exactly the point you dumb faggot. It's a ar with an insanely high fire-rate, good accuracy and a chainsaw for close range. If you had played the game you'd know the lancer is as weak as it is.

I used to think the same, but I've found that 300-400 DPI with a huge mousepad is the way to go. No more spazzing out and after a week you're super fucking comfortable moving your entire arm.

100% agree and this is exactly why Gears will never be taken seriously as competitive

>He's in the objectively safer position and is punished for even attempting to contest it at all
He was and if he had good aim he could've easily have downed/killed him but you can literally see his helicopter aim in the beginning followed up by not attempt to headshot the target.

Why is the gear icon so big when you get shot now?
Did they not get why it was that original size in the first place!?

because the old one blocked your vision.

>gears noobs try to play the game like their average CoD release
Hate the game as much all you want, but it just isn't for you. It's a unique multiplayer that's misunderstood by casualfags who just want mind-numbing point and shoot action.

That was the fucking point

No it wasnt.

Looks like the same 'ol Gears online to me.

>guy is coming at you that aggressively
>not just switching to the shotgun and blindfiring his face off

>Wtf dood few non active lancer body shots should absolutely kill him!
>Wtf dood a gnasher blast to the neck at close range shouldn't kill me!
You sound just as retarded as DSP. Do us all a favor and stop posting

that dogshit aim

Blind fire, switch weapon, aim better, roll backwards and fire. He had options.

How many people in this thread actually play this game? What platform? I haven't heard people actually talk about Gears in years.

I've been enjoying it on PC and I haven't played since Gears 3 on the 360


It's there so people can actually advance on fags like OP that hug cover all day and think they're invincible.

PC, game pass is like ÂŁ2.

>assault rifle guy gets 10 or so hits in, aims for the upper body
>shotgun guy runs directly at him, facetanks every shot, and then clicks in his vague direction and gibs him instantly

PC here. I basically skipped 4 and stopped paying attention to the campaign, but the multiplayer is decent in 5.
Playing using gamepass though, I wouldn't buy the game.

Is this supposed to be the pc master race

Players on both platforms can be shit

Last Gears I played was 2.

>facetanks every shot
He only took one shot and killed you with it. Nice try OP

>Playing on keyboard
>Getting lancered, see a man advancing
>Instead of utilizing mobility just sits static and attempts to lancer while getting pressured by his teammate
I'm going to save this so every time someone bitches about the Gnasher or wallbouncing I can post this and laugh at the casuals that post in this shithole claiming they understand anything about how the game works

yup, sounds like proper Gears.
>facetanking every shot
Nah you just weren't getting headshots

less than 10 with a non active-reloaded regular lancer, none of which were headshots. had tons of time to land more effective shots, initial flick and tracking was terrible; too high sense. gnasher gets in range and destroys him.

You missed countless shots and failed to use your active reload. If you had just used the active reload with your dogshit aim you still would have shredded the guy way before he even got close.
tldr; you are shit

>rifle guy has to control recoil and get headshots to kill
>shotgun guy can just hipfire in your general direction

>not understanding how a shotgun works
>not understanding range
>being a retard

the shotgun guy ran all the way across the map to get him. Op had plenty of time to kill him either by improving his shitty aim or by using gears 101 logic and rolling back or switching to the gnasher himself.

Literally get good faggot

>Rifle guy has to utilize effective ranges and can't just to brainlessly auto fire at people with shotguns closing distance
>Shotgun guy has to close the distance which wouldn't really be feasible if the rifle guy isn't retarded

are you seriously bitching that a shotgun is more overpowered than a rifle? How fucking underraged are you?

Cover shooters are extremely dull
Epic Games should get the firing squad for unleashing this cancer upon the industry that turned games into glorified shooting galleries

>Epic Games should get the firing squad for unleashing this cancer upon the industry that turned games into glorified shooting galleries
I didn't know Epic Games released Call of Duty 2: Modern Warfare

Your rifle is for midrange senpai

>Remembering CoD:WaW and how every single child alive thought sitting across the map with a sniper was XXXElitexSkillXXX and if you managed to weave through their team and shotgun them you'd get messages for hours about how you're a no skill noob

that's a fucking sniper rifle though, Op is talking about an AR

>Blaming Gears (which always had mediocre sales compared to bigger titles) for the current state of shooters after a generation of CoDs, Battlefields, Fortnites, etc.
Imagine being this fucking dense.

I'm saying that even with the massive handicap a shotgun has in literally any game ever made, people still, in their extremely tiny and knee jerk minds, think that a weapon with more range and the ability to insta kill somehow takes skill.
In the rifle's case you're full auto, if the shotgun guy had missed his one shot he was fucking dead.
The fact OP didn't use a shotgun shows he's fucking garbage with it

He just got shot up running into that cover too. Should he have died before he made it to the cover? Is that what you're saying?

>He just got shot up running into that cover too
Actually it's even worse - he ran directly into the ice water that damages you. He is dogshit.

how does Yea Forums feel abou gunplay of these games? in comparison to other TPS like max payne and RDR2. i'd say its up there

>The fact OP didn't use a shotgun shows he's fucking garbage with it
Not really, I mean he is garbage but but a player with better aim and knowledge would win that fight with the lancer.

I like the gore a lot and the emphasis on close quarters with game modes like Execution do well to capitalize on it.
I also really like how the plays on power weapons work, tons of retards talk about how the Gnasher is the end all be all, but a Gnasher can't beat a Boomshot unless you're actually a drooling retard

Any player with a brain wouldn't have tried lancering after taking lancer fire and seeing another player advancing on him, they would have taken their gnasher out and slid around cover, OP should have been getting tagged by the second guy if everyone in that match was mentally aware

You're trash OP

>Third person
Choose precisely one.



OP is not mexican or black, that's why he sucks at the game

Gears can't ever be competitive. Too much random shit going on.

You're saying he should go out into literally the middle of that map while being focused by at least 2 enemies? Questionable, I'd kill you.

Yeah, I'm thinking PCfarts are just garb

Why do Mexicans love Gears? Every fucking lobby.

Such as?

>Player advancing your position while you're taking fire
No, you fucking idiot, you take the close quarters fight the advancing guy is giving you because he's fucking retarded and then take the 1V1 with the guy who was lancering

This, a good player wouldn't have even let the shotgun dude get that close in a straight line anyways.

This game has crossplay and as a pc player I can can confidently tell you it's the console players that are truly "garb".

My beaner ass doesn't fucking know why we all play that shit to be fucking honest

You literally have no idea what you're talking about and have just resorted to calling names, tragic. Mad cus bad, enjoy getting shit on with your retarded single minded playstyle.

Also how is it a 1v1 all of a sudden, he is focused by 2 guys lol. Seems like you don't even understand the situation to begin with, work on that awareness.

And as another one, your skill rank is probably like 40k facing like 45ks.
Most retards that play M+KB on PC are dumbasses that hard aim and wonder why they get gibbed in shotgun fights because they refuse to learn how to wallbounce and opt to just hard aim and miss bouncers

Attached: Speccy2.png (954x431, 46K)

>enemy screams into mic


>don't play your advantage and give the approaching guy the fight he wants
retard alert

>he is focused by 2 guys lol
You mean the one that fucked off and literally had 0 damage dealt by the time OP died?

>tryharding gears
lmao kid, crossplay is only pubs btw since y'know control kiddies would get raped

>Most retards that play M+KB on PC are dumbasses that hard aim and wonder why they get gibbed in shotgun fights because they refuse to learn how to wallbounce and opt to just hard aim and miss bouncers
Nice assumption retard. Some of us PC players are veterans who played back on the 360

>Play your advantage
>Being pinned down so just stationary lancer
>Not taking a 1V1 by utilizing the cover to stay out of lancer fire and fight the shotgun guy one on one
Why does everyone that posts about this game suck dick at it?

Hope there's still a playerbase left when the game goes on sale. I remember really liking GoW multiplayer.

He took damage from that guy, how you don't notice I have no idea lol, tragically unaware. Cya kid.

>0 damage dealt
Get bodied

>crossplay is only pubs
Nope it's the entire game

>pinned down
>hadn't fired since he went into cover and had time for an entirely different fight

Any onyx 3 niggers in here carrying retards every game

>Some of us PC players are veterans who played back on the 360
I'm one of them I just like absolutely shitting on PC scrubs that preach M+KB like it's the gospel when in reality it sucks shit for Gears

Ok kid you see the cog filling up the screen? That means you have been hit, literally just git gud lol.

So you magically become aware of what enemies are going to do while in fights?
Anyone with a brain would assume the lancer guy would keep lancering, or are you just some idiot pretending to troll like the other guy who got BTFO

>Xbox players will have the option of disabling cross-play in ranked matches if they prefer to only play against other console players in that category.
And you know the only ones that don't disable it are just unaware of the option because they are hot garbage.

It's crossplay for everything. In ranked console users have the option of opting-out but seeing as console users are also room-temperature IQ most of them don't.

If the lancer did more damage then everybody would just sit in cover all the time.
Gnasher chads have always ruled the game ever since the first gears of war just as it should be.

>wow this looks completely retarded
>people ITT actually rabidly defending someone facetanking half a magazine of rifle fire
>shotgun's only theoretical weakness is completely negated
>look up game's multiplayer, the meta is in fact to magnetize to walls and rubberband around the map instagibbing people with default loadout shotguns because no other weapon does anything
Impressive, I hate it

Attached: bb.jpg (313x254, 56K)

>being such a consolefag that you can't use kb+m for a shooter
fucking lmao

Face a guy with 160 ping and then come back here.
You will literally get shit on by some spic with a shitty connection regardless of what they play on because if they're in that magic ping range they become almost impossible to kill

>And you know the only ones that don't disable it are just unaware of the option because they are hot garbage.
Nah I doubt most people even know they you can disable it

stay mad tho

Bet my PC is better than yours

it's called awareness not magic and the only person being "btfo" (absolute cringe btw) is you you sad salty little virgin kek

Oh so you are "trolling"

>preach M+KB like it's the gospel when in reality it sucks shit for Gears
It doesn't though

That's exactly what I said... jesus christ consolefags are dumb.

It's almost like there's a benefit and situation to every gun, as if strategy and map awareness is key. Foreign concept for CoDfags I know...

Most shooters reward positioning over aim, all this talk about pc is pointless when that's the case

Possibly but I have no doubt that I'm better than you.

So basically you didn't have a point to begin with?

It really fucking does
>Have controller break
>Try Keyboard
>Smashing spacebar to fight properly.
Yeah no

based seething retard

That hubris is hilarious, probably never touched Escalation because of the latent fear most "I'm good but I hate Esports" scrubs have here

Reading comprehension retard, learn it.

>Smashing spacebar to fight properly.
You are aware that you can remap to whatever key or mouse button you'd like right? Most people map cover/evade to their mouse and it works damn good.

You don't need to do that, just camp on cover and shotgun people who try to rush you

Ever since lag has been fixed you can't truly avoid Lancer fire, it's hitscan

The best strategy now that gears weapons work as intended since gears 2 has been camp with the Lancer and pop people who get close with the shotgun

I'll take that as a no.

I'm not getting used to that garbage, F wouldn't feel right, binding a movement key to my mouse would feel awkward.
Anyone that can't concede to buying a fucking controller when they have a 1000+ dollar rig is a fucking moron anyway

just by the way you type I can tell you're some stinking neckbeard lmao, enjoy your virginity you fucking loser. I don't even know what escalation is I played a handful of games for like and hour and dominated every one, get fucked on retard peace.

Rebind it then? Holy shit these pc noob gears kiddies are hilarious.

Here's your reply.

>The best strategy now that gears weapons work as intended since gears 2 has been camp with the Lancer
*pops smoke on power weapon*
*picks up Boom*
*looks in your general direction*
Nothing personnel

>binding a movement key to my mouse would feel awkward.
Nah it's fine

This is coming from someone who owns a controller and played Gears 1-3 on Xbox.

Lancer incels BTFO

Spams Lancer in general direction while you try to line up boomshots nothing personal

>Standing still
>Struggles to track a target moving straight at you
What is wrong with this dude

You realize that even if you did manage to down them in the smoke a teammate being near them would instantly negate all the damage you did before you could possibly finish them off?

To get a good boom off you have to get close most of the time, like a shotgun, as the splash damage won't account for most fights on even ground, so lancers still keep you at bay

Which wasn't a problem in gears 1 as projectile lancers sucked dick

A boom doesn't even need to hit you to get you to stop lancering.
The sound of one going off alone makes everyone on the enemy team flinch, which is all that's really needed if they're pressuring teammates, god forbid it kills one or even multiple people, then it's really shit city

Fuck you, if CoD, Battlefield, Fortnite, etc wasn't fun, it wouldn't sell.

this is bait

Based, I don't play any of those games but the fact that people here think people get tricked into buying stuff they don't like is fucking hilarious

Boom is nowhere as good as it used to be due to nerfs, map design, and the hitscan Lancer, I've seen very few kills with it on asylum, sometimes not even 1 per round