I've come to shill Lost Planet again. Discuss it here or Lost Planet 4 will be pushed back another year
Lost Planet
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I don't know why they named lost planet 3 "E.X. Troopers" and never released it stateside
it's a p fun game even with all the moonrunes
Because we're not allowed to have anything good in regards to Lost Planet.
Why did capcom remove coop in 3, best part of 2 was combining the mechs with friends to fight the kaijus.
I want to go back to lost planet 1 but LP2 is just so much better
Because Con-Man is a fucking idiot.
Capcom didn't make 3 and there was a disagreement at some point between the developer that made 3 and the higher ups at capcom at some point.
I blame Inafune for everyting that has gone wrong with the Lost Planet franchise
I replayed the original recently, and now i'm about to go through colonies edition just to satisfy my own obsession.
Dead games like Lost Planet really make me wish cross platform play was more available. At least then i could match up with some BRs who are probably still playing in this day and age
back when me and my friends dabbled in the multiplayer we found a japanese guy who fucking demolished us
What do you want out of Lost Planet 4? Where/When should it take place? Should they do multiple separate stories like in 2? or go for one story like with Wayne in LP1?
I was playing LP2 on xbox a few months ago and actually had a few randos join
they should do what LP2 did but make it WAY bigger scale, just a bunch of fighting between EDN factions constantly, with maybe a little bit of T-ENG sea levels
Console player bases last much longer than PC ones. Too many free games
The things i do to shill this game
>Make video "Ratchet ghetto fight but with Lost Planet sound fx"
>Watch Lost Planet become relevant again causing Capcom to take notice and release a new sequel
tunggle or hamachi shit
so what are these games about
my only interaction with it was the demo for 2 and all I could remember was co-op, guns, rolling, mechs and a giant frog that we could get eaten by and tear shit up from inside
it was pretty cool
So I'm assuming they don't even want to touch Lost Planet because Inafune is gone? LP1 and 2 sold shitload but they haven't given them love and care again despite 3 being underwhelming and made by a western studio.
your description pretty much hits the nail on the head on what the games are about. kill big bosses, shoot big guns,get big peepee.
Isn't this just Monster Hunter with guns?
I miss playing the multiplayer nonstop on PS3, those were some good days. Got into it after stomping people in the demo, bought the game with allowance money, and stayed for the story. Actually won a couple of tournies too. Does anyone remember the 8-bit and Tokyo office map?
Not really. more an arcade shooter. go fast ans shoot straight for big score.
I'm tired of this meme
It's what Lost Planet 4 will be
I'd be fine with it but really I just want something that emulates the feel of LP2 but with a balanced multiplayer. Shit could've been top ludo but the nade spam was ridiculous.
Some of my best online multiplayer experiences were with LP1. The maps in Colonies were awesome!
i only learned about the bonus map packs during the end of my playtime with the game. God i love the multiplayer and Lost Technology especially
How can i rip the lost planet maps?