Fuck you I liked it

Fuck you I liked it.

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ok why

The niggers of Yea Forums are too low brow to appreciate this gem.

Good story, good music, good aesthetic.

>good music

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trendy beard = no play


That's what I said faggot.

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It plagiarized some dialog straight from a book.

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I know you're lying.

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What the fuck is wrong with you.

I actually like the style.

But every fucking cutscene I have seen was cringe. Also for fucks sake the Hipster main character is holding a damn vinyl record in that pic.


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is your brain broken
were you shaken as a child

what book? Does the author know? Because that's grounds for a lawsuit they could easily win.

I like the idea of an RPG with a modern day setting, but the combat and music are both so atrocious that I can't bring myself to subject myself to playing it

This. I don’t care for the character design either really. Especially the main character. Neat idea, cringe execution

Hi mr developer

Some fuckin slant Keyblade Mitsubishi I think

now there's a word salad if ever I saw one

the black girl was really hot and her design was charming

It's a Toby Fox soundtrack. Instant classic.

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>what book? Does the author know?

Don't remember title of book. It was a translation of one a novel by Haruki Murakami. Have no idea if knows or not. Probably not.

After Dark by Haruki Murakami

It's credited in the game anyway. I doubt it's something he could get in trouble for, I'm not familiar with the law but Aerith is literally in the game so that's probably not that big a deal.

Slow paced, badly written wannabe vomit from a guy who just ate Undertale and Earthbound with a side of rancid beans. I rather cut my dick with a salted barbed wire than play this fuckleberry load of fuck. I rather lynch my own prolapse than spend another minute on this heap of stagnant donkey semen. Fuck this game and fuck whoever thought this was a good idea.

Isn't this meant to be intentional? The game is about magical realism, same as Murakami's stuff. It's slightly less trashy than quoting Earthbound directly

crediting something doesn't really give you carte blanche to plagiarize something unless you're directly quoting, which that was clearly not

Yeah it's intentional and supposed to be foreshadowing, it's a quote recontextualized for the game.

It wasn't initially credited at all. It was only credited after people found out and tons of articles made about it. They credited only to cover their backs.

They are LUCKY that they aren't sued for this shit.

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>I doubt it's something he could get in trouble for

It's direct copy of paragraphs and lines without even rewording it. It's like copy and pasting stuff here and there. It's a textbook example of plagiarizing.

I'm 99% sure that they can still sue and win right now because they only credited after the game came out and multiple articles and fans criticizing them for this. And the clear fact that they copied word for word.

YIIK is the best JRPG of 2019 and was sandbagged by people that started putting Earthbound in the 3x3s 5 years ago.

But like I said Aerith is literally in the game, and characters directly reference a bunch of older games. I doubt the law works how you think it does or Square would have been on their ass for using a character without their permission.

Duke3D plagiarized some dialogue straight from a film.

You aren't sued for plagiarism, you are sued for copyright infringement, and you won't be sued for making allusions, because they aren't substantive. Attribution won't save you from copyright infringement if your work is infringing. You can't write Stephen King wrote, "[entire corpus of Misery]."
On to the matter of copyright infringement, tell me more about your video game piracy habits.

Toby only made ONE song

I'm glad you have shit taste too.