Decent 7/10 game drowned in bad politics because of epic games.
Yea Forums has devolved from gamers into political shills who have to bring up every political point brought up in a game before they can enjoy playing it.
EDF never had to deal with this bull and they released the PC version months after the ps4 version.
Is this the final nail in Yea Forums's credibility?
Other urls found in this thread:
Yeah, it’s fine for the most part. I’m having a fun time playing it, but every fucking piece of dialogue is the cringiest shit I’ve ever heard.
The PC version of EDF also fucking works on toasters, doesn't require always online, doesn't have shit DRM, and is an entirely different style and genre.
Every single time one of you idiots plays one of these fucking games, you're making everything else you do online incredibly vulnerable because you're too much of a goddamn rube to not have standards. Not just the chink botnet using your data to power up their hong kong beatdowns, but you're spreading asshole for every other ne'erdowell who will come across you sending data to who knows where and start digging through your shit.
turn off social notifications and lag will dissappear
not my find, someone else found out
>turn off social notifications and lag will dissappear
What ones? EGS?
The main story writing is practically unchanged in quality compared to Borderlands 2 or TPS. The main characters aren't too annoying except with a few of Randy's catchphrases being thrown around, and Tiny Tina in general.
It's the fucking side characters that are dragging it down. It's like they wrote the exact same character personality of "sarcastic condescending moron with a few one liners" and then gave it to 90% of the NPCs.
Borderlands has always been garbage.
The first one sucked, the second was one was worse and anyone who paid any attention to the series after that should unironically off themselves.
Tales from the Borderlands is the best Borderlands game.
fuck off randy
>wwaaahhh i don't like it so no-one else is allowed to like it
Literally what you just wrote.
>Decent 7/10 game
Well it's the only looter shooter in the genre with actual fun loot.
It's like everyone left on this board is too young to remember when the first Borderlands was blatantly marketed here, a tradition that has continued with each successive game.
>you brew coffee the game
>it's the only looter shooter
>it's the only looter shooter in the genre with actual fun
it's horribly boring.
>any Borderlands game
You have a serious problem and it isn't Yea Forums.
>horribly boring
how the fuck could anything be 'horribly boring' - if it causes horror then by definition its not boring
Go ahead and name the other ones then.
Literally the only better looter shooter is Shadow Warrior 2.
it's boring alone, more fun with coop
there are no other true looter shooters, that's the point - the other games pretending to be looter shooters are actually shooters where you occasionally get loot and rarely its even worthwhile to use
You should seriously learn context before posting stupid shit mate.
>food analogy
Well i do
it's so boring it's scary
>Decent 7/10 game
>somehow ruined by politics
You already fucked up by compromising to make your point stronger. The people frothing this game while getting shit on were viral marketer tier "10/10 GOTY, best selling videogame to date" retards.
What even fucking were the political points? Everything was about epic games and denuvo.
no pedo bux for you and your jews randy. go bobandy yourself.
I'll be too busy actually thinking about the words I write to avoid combining them in stupid ways
Are there any USB/Medieval Times references?
Fuck off Gearbox shill.
I've played 2 7 times all the way through, pre sequel 4 times and 3 once. Honestly it isnt that good. The gunplay and movement is expanded upon which is great and some new skills (mostly by boy flaks) are pretty fun, but it literally looks just like pre sequel and has even more forced pandering and LOL RANDOMNESS. I'm fine with it because the good gameplay makes me tune out the dogshit story and dialogue but I can 100% see people not wanting to put up with it. Also handsome jack was a way better villain it feels like every interacting with the twins is the exact same God complex bs at least jack had multiple ways of acting like and asshole.
Boredomlands has always been mediocre at best
>Decent 7/10
Nah, its a 3/10 at best because its gameplay loop isnt as shitty as BL2's, but its dragged down by it's even worse than ever "muh meme" humor and a story that sits right next to Pre-Sequel in how terrible it actually ended up being.
>I've played 2 7 times all the way through
Mentally ill. These games are garbage
>Jerry mouse poster
>Yea Forums
Its boring as fuck. It has zero challenge and every single god damn mother fucking enemy is a massive sponge.
Like holy fucking shit if your looter game takes longer than 2 seconds to kill an enemy its dogshit period. Most enemies can take fucking multiple mags to the face.
The actual loot and shoot gameplay is good, it's just that everything around it is fucking awful and seems to be deliberately designed to make me want to hate it. That's what I get for assuming that Gearbox would have learned by now
Didn't buy it.
Won't buy it.
So do any hot chicks exist in BL3? In current year I know they're taboo so I assumed Moxxie and any feminine characters had their entire characters reworked to be smug and insufferable.
moxxie was always smug and insufferable
No stop my anus is destroyed.
Please stop thinking you mean something
Yea Forums is just a bunch of contrarians that are always and I mean ALWAYS wrong about anything gaming
Even though the game takes place on multiple planets, it feels empty and somewhat neutered, like a PG version of the previous games. It's missing a lot of characters, some for no reason at all (although I'll bet some were purposely held back for DLC). The Sanctuary ship is a cluttered mess that's just a pain in the ass to navigate, unlike the relatively clean and navigable layout of the Sanctuary town in BL2. Every character is constantly patting each other on the back, which is honestly more grating than the jokes. Setting aside the lame humor of both games, BL2 had a much better overall plot than "YouTubers stole your vault map." There just don't seem to be any real stakes involved in BL3, no sense of momentum. There's a distinct lack of energy here, as if everyone's just reciting their lines while going through the required motions to get to the end. It's more Pre-Sequel than it is BL1.
Didn't buy it
Won't buy it.
>Moxxie and any feminine characters
>>Feminine characters
No such thing this time around...
>The actual loot and shoot gameplay is good
It’s immoral to lie on the internet like this user.
Ding dong diddly
I remember everyone bitching about it here, about it having 8 guns not a bazillions
About how shitty the graphics were, CD keys not working and how unfunny it was
>post literally agrees that 3 is shitty
>complain anyway
>buying and playing a looter shooter
Look I know you're a masochist but no one else is
>if I insult people for not buying it, I can manipulate them into buying it! So badass.
Not everyone is as gullible and fragile as you.
Says the gullible and fragile cuck
Fuck Epic, fuck Gearbox, fuck Borderlands and fuck shills
Fuck cucks who hate BL3
BL1 had a fucking garbage story. All 3 games after have been much better plot wise
>That robotic teddy bear head for FL4K
>The main characters aren't too annoying
Claptrap's REALLY fucking unbearable
This game and all the drama surrounding it lives in your head rent free. You are pathetic
I'm playing it now and having a hard fucking time just getting the game to unlock my 4th weapon slot. I''m level 25 and apparently according to Google, you''re supposed to unlocked the 4th slot by level 20. So I'm running around with 3 guns like a fucking plebeian.
it's literally unplayable for me unless I play a cracked copy
I can't justify buying this shit.
where are you story wise?
t. shill
Oh so now it's a 7/10 game and that's a good thing according to OP. laughing at your life, faggot.
It wasn't as good as 2 and it runs worse than 2, which already runs pretty badly. So no money from me.
It's much better than 2 though.
I'll believe it when it gets cracked Randy
just got to the 1st vault and killed the baddy. I had to verify my game twice, and then when I went to the escape menu, it said "an update is ready" so it kicked me back to the title screen. Clicked continue and now my 4th slot is FINALLY unlocked and I automatically had a legendary SMG in the slot that I didn't own before.
I don't know what the fuck is going on.
>Say the 2nd game was better
>Hasn't played the new one
I don't give a fuck if you don't buy the game, but don't be a faggot and claim shit you don't know
I wasn't him, fag
>shit I got sapped when I found myself alone and vulnerable to the calypso twins
>hmm should we send another siren basically by herself what could possibly go wrong
>ok now let's send tannis by herself nothing could possibly happen to her nope
is Lilith the biggest moron or what
And your comment is still as worthless
you can thank the alt-right for this. Yea Forums is disfunctional garbage since a while.
>wanting to play the game at all
Really can’t tell this is supposed to be from rick and morty without the text
The ironing
whenever I play a borderlands game I always feel like I'm waiting for the moment I get the good loot but it never comes and all the gear I have is always exactly as strong as the previous thing I picked up because the enemies scale exactly as fast as the equipment and everything becomes a dull gray blur
>names are Wick and Worty
I haven't played it. I'll get the complete package with all the dlc on sale for a few bucks after most of the major bugs and optimization issues are taken care of. Not even a poorfag. Just don't care enough about this franchise or those devs to invest anything more than that.
Pretty much the franchise. The idea is to find all of these unique guns while building up your character, but you don't really get to feel powerful until the endgame. NVHM is a glorified tutorial
It's fun
I find it funny that almost every single important character is female, and this game gets no shit for it while Gears 5, with no real propaganda in the campaign, gets shit on for it.
>the alt-right is the reason why Yea Forums hates this game!
stop making up excuses
I'll just play the PS4 version while waiting to pirate it.
If it's the same as previous ones then I'll be fine. Why was everyone expecting a magnum opus? 1, 2, and tps where busted at launch but still playable. I just want more borderlands and by the sound of it, I get what I want. Why was anyone expecting more from the people that made colonial Marines?
Most people on Yea Forums are fucking inbred. There's a reason they dont' even talk about the game in any tangible way. They don't play the games
>play my t3hp3ngu1n0fd00m loot shooter then you can talk about it
Yes. You think you're opinion means anything otherwise?
am I the only one that wouldn't even pirate this game for free?
Do you normally pay to pirate things?
SW2 has its own set of massive crippling problems, the biggest one being there's about 4 fucking levels and the loot is all tiny stat-boosting garbage
They kill 2 of them off in this one, though I think the sperg chick still lives and she's hot if you like short hair
Is it actually an easter egg or is it a side quest?
It would be a lot less gross and cynical if they actually bothered hiding it.
They're respawning unique monsters
its literally a rare spawn enemy in an area that you'll never visit until you start doing proving grounds or you really like exploring everywhere
Side quest
>TFW FL4K is garbage
I knew I should have gone with Zane or Amara. I see a lot of people playing those two, but I thought having a pet would be's not. I'm level 16 and have all my points into the tree that boosts my pet's damage and stats. He does such trash damage and only does decent damage if I use my active skill but it has such a long cooldown time.
I hate to start over, but I might have to. He does such garbage damage. Should I try a different talent tree with FL4K? The pet one sucks ass and I hate that it does. Zane is probably better for solo play anyway cause he has a clone and a drone. My only problem with Zane is I hate his VA and personality. FL4K has a cool VA and I like his personality, but his damage and skills are terrible.
Don't you find them by doing a random quest off the board after killavolt
>Yea Forums
Go down his spiderant tree. It's the most powerful build in the game.
FL4K is the strongest character in the game, you're doing something wrong user
I'm doing the "master" talent tree cause it powers up your pet, so I should be using the "hunter" talent tree instead? Interesting. I'll have to look into it.
I'll tell you why that doesn't matter. Borderlands isn't a good series, it's barely even a good game.
This slot machine with slight FPS focus is not fun to people who don't have brain injuries.
"Hunter" tree boosts your weapon damage and criticals, plus gives you handy-dandy healing tool via using Rakk Attack later on.
Personally I'm gunning down Hunter tree and a bit of Stalker tree.
Master is the worst dps tree, stalker is the strongest tree in the game and hunter is also a powerhouse
Name your top 5
>Master is the worst dps tree
That's so fucking disappointing for a tree that is suppose to power up your pet. I wanted to make a build around my pet's damage but I guess it just isn't possible. Stupid ass developers can't even get a pet system/talent tree right.
FL4K? More like F4G, lmao.
>Level 16
>Hasn't even unlocked 2 of the biggest stat modifiers in the game
>Doesn't seem to realize he isn't stuck to one tree
Stop blaming the game
>I like his personality
Pets simply don't have the power or versatily of legendary weapons. Not saying it's bad, it's just mediocre in terms of damage in comparison to the other two, even though survibabily wise is probably the strongest one, since it helps you and your pet be alive for longer
The pet tree is more for co op but it is fun. Flak is really strong. As of now zain is the only one thats kind of weak, and he's not even that bad.
how do i make amara strong? is the red tree her only viable dps? im thinking maxed blue tree with the rest of the points in red should be decent
shield focused Zane reporting in. I havent even bothered with the clone/drone trees. Undercover tree literally just boosts your shield to stupid levels and as you get the later skills you start freezing people all the time. Then you have skills that give you health/shield/instant CD on action skills for shooting said frozen enemies.
Moze is the weakest, I'd say Zane is almost equal to Flak.
Is the Stalker tree just a crit build talent tree? Hunter seems to be more about survivability more than DPS, like Stalker seems to be more DPS focused.
You can tell the game is shit and has shit sales because there are countless threads saying the game is a success but zero threads actually discussing the game itself. It's the Ubisoft shill special.
Since when is a "decent 7/10 game" worthy of the praises that you fuckers sing? Christ the gearbox shills are in full effect.
The game has probably done really well, but I doubt the PC version has. Plus most discussion devolved into EGS shitting (As it should), so I can see most people playing the game skipping the threads
>Politics because of Epic store
Can someone explain this?
Also Borderlands 3 is an overhyped mess of a game with terrible optimization and even more cringy jokes than in Borderlands 2.
To be fair. Borderlands 2 wasn't even that bad in comparison. Tiny Tina made the game almost unplayable for me, but at this point I guess I've grown out of the sort of humor the game tries to throw at you. Nothing really sticks. It just comes across as annoying.
Moze does some of the best damage in the game wether it be through explosives or never-ending bullet spam with unbreakable shield almost like a salvador lite. Zane has too many conflicting options to really focus in on something, which is good for fun value but not so good for actual min-maxing.
>Has male voice
>Acts pretty manly with his rooty-tooty-shooty hunting attitude
Argument can be made with him being a robot, but it's clearly a guy, especially when he hits on women.
BL3 is only good if you play your own music over everything else.
So basically you just went for a tank build and now you're unkillable? I mean, I suppose that's broken in it's own way, though I get more enjoyment out of hitting big dick numbers on my DPS.
>Bad dialogue ruins the game
She gets absolutely shredded in her mech in the endgame. Her versatile is extremely lacking compared to the 3 other characters
Borderlands 3 is only good if you turn down the music, ignore all the characters, look at something else and turn off the game for a different one instead.
essentially yea. I'm a mobile tank with the ability to freeze enemies in place from any damage I do to them, and then I get health back just from hitting the enemies further. Badass enemies are push overs.
The music is really, really good this time around though
It's an 8 my dude, fixed everything about 2 and even pleases people like me who liked BL1. Shame about this epic stuff, I wonder if things would be different here if not for that.
Moxxie's tits are fabulous in this one. The game blows tho, the writing....the writing and voice overs bring this game down so many pegs. The gun play is fun. But the fucking writing man. I don't mind making 90% of the main characters female. But at least write some funny shit. Or how about a story I can get invested in to.
>That fucking Fukanagwa Jr fight theme
I really want to find it.
Yeah, I looked at Zane's barrier tree. It's basically just nothing but health regen, shield upgrades, CC, AoE stuns, etc. It's more about CC and defensive upgrades. As I said, that's still really strong since you become pretty much unkillable, but I still prefer DPS builds over tank builds.
So FL4K's "hunter" tree is just survivability and buffs? And Stalker is more about stacking crit damage? Seems like Stalker would do more damage over hunter. I know that Fade Away skill says that your first three shots are automatic crits that do like 200% damage. If you stack crit skills then you'd think you could just melt bosses with it in the late game with a strong gun.
Pretty sure he had a bomber build somewhere in there; like, tons of bombs too.
Borderlands has only ever been good for the r34 content it inspires. The gameplay loop is shit. Poor combat mechanics, shit bosses, shit loot system where chests almost never give you anything good, shit drops that force you to fight the same boss 50 times before it drops something worthwhile, poor writing, cringe dialogue and characters, on and on.
There would still be a lot of shitposting regardless of Epic because people hate Randy. As well as all the other dumb drama that has surfaced with Take Two and shit like that.
Borderlands has always been a naturally polarizing series on Yea Forums. And anons never did forget the rage they felt when the very first one was shilled to hell and back here years ago.
I'm still checked the fuck right out of the series after 2. "Hey guys who exactly ARE these spoopy space alien assassins with weird weapons?" Bl2:"uh.. forget about all that have some memes"
I wanna fuck Lorelei while hopped up one 3 cups of coffee
Cloudkill and the 4th item slot are both the mission reward for that quest.
>implying there are still anons posting now who were here when the first BL came out
The grenade build is kind of weird because it relies entirely on a rng kill skill in the clone tree. You can't actually throw your own grenades because you're playing zane and it gimps you too much not to have two skills going.
>Yea Forums's credibility
>Yea Forums is one person
I played 1 through all difficulties and had fun, same with DLC.
I had to force myself to even finish 2 once, and uninstalled as soon as I was done with it, never touched DLC.
How will I feel about 3? If it's the exact same shit as 1 and 2, I know I won't even be able to play through half.
It's just a better Borderlands 2, but writing quality is the same.
Can you skip dialogue in this one? Because if I'm forced to sit through every obnoxious bad joke being rubbed in my face it's not a 7/10, it's a potentially 7/10 game turning itself into a 0/10
viral thread, report and sage
Yea Forums is very much a hive mind full people parroting the common opinion of the echo chamber or some e-celeb, the common person too dumb or lazy to form an opinion of their own
You're either naive or foolish to think otherwise
I'll just wait for the f2p destiny game to play a shitty loot shooter.
So the first major boss they make is garbage because he a fucking shield AND has unavoidable AoE that you just have to hope you can tank through. Then you have this faggot who can you literally just run in circles for his various phases which ARE ALL THE SAME JUST HIS HEALTH BAR REFILLS
Did they fucking test this or what? This game has some good moments and while the graphics are an unoptimized mess,it plays well. But shit like this is just unforgivable.
>7 remake
>Borderlands 3
Fucking disgusting. It makes me feel sick inside knowing it's mad or being made.
I had fun with borderlands 1
What bosses are you talking about? Killavolt and Katawaga?
I'm already juggling Iceborne, 3 Houses and Astal Chain. Link's Awakening is in a few days and even if I liked this genre, the new Destiny xpac is coming and I know I can play that on steam. When the fuck do I have time for a 7/10 IGNORING all the epic and randy shit
killavolt. Katawaga was a easy for me. Fight was fine. That was the first fight that actually played well. Killavolt was pure cancer.
I personally don't like either of those games so only Borderlands 3 fills the void for me.
i dunno what to say expect get better taste in games. Or a new hobby, preferably
>user has different tastes than you
>ONLY option it to change their opinion on what they like or just stop playing games entirely
Alright cunt. All your games sound like shit to me too and the only thing I'm looking forward to is The Surge 2 and Code Vein.
Nobody likes talking to a drunk unless he's buying
Nobody says hello when they're (?) unless they're Hawaiian
Nobody tastes eggs and bacon when they're frying
And nobody likes a bigot unless he's crying
Nobody much likes it when the neighbors are always prying
Nobody really likes Meg Ryan movies that much do they? Except Meg Ryan and even she's not sure these days
Nobody likes the CIA always spying and running right wing paramilitary death squads
Nobody likes a bigot unless he's crying
Like a big baby
More people hate bigots cause they're assholes right?
Judgmental agents of fear
You know who probably hates bigots even more?
Who Randy?
When shedding a tear and crying like a gamergater
With self loathing and low self-esteem
Nobody much likes when those buddhists are always pacifying
One they they're just gonna awwwwhhhh fucking hit someone
Nobody likes a confused giant from (???)
You see that big dumb bastards got it all mixed up
Nobody watches the clothes when they're drying
Unless you're stoned and in a laundry mat
And no one likes a bigot unless he's crying
No one likes a bigot when he's crying
Sing it with me
(dead silence)
Nobody likes a bigot when he's crying
One more time
Nobody likes a bigot... unless, unless he's crying
Like a big fucking baby
When he's cryiiiing
(Imitates baby crying)
From the lyrical genius of Randy Pitchford.
>two different Souls clones
wew lad you sure showed me
Gameplay is gut. Story is not.
Back in the day I was thinking that Randy is just a really weird, but good guy, nothing more, but watching the numbers of scandals increase in incredible short time makes me wonder how the fuck is he even still alive.
I'm also can't believe that after Roland's death and "goodbye" to him in Tiny Tina's DLC they managed to fucking kill Maya without any hesitation and reaction from the characters. Like she's never been here. Even Ava, the girl that Maya was carrying for doesn't give a shit, and that's really shows how bad story and writing are despite other problems.
>plays looter shooter #50
>plays yet ANOTHER MH game, the exact same recipe as the last few
Cool. Such awesome taste user. Point was that everyone has different tastes. I get we're on Yea Forums, but c'mon now
level up until 50 THEN do every side mission?
this game's story strikes me sort of like Bioshock Infinite story. I don't know if you know about what happened with that, but go an watch the old commercials for Infinite, then compare to the actual story. It's like they fired the entire team of writers and then hired an entirely new team 2 weeks before release so they had to rush and come up with something.
I've been doing all the side missions as I go. If all you're about is Co-op raiding/boss fights at max level and hunting down legendaries RIGHT NOW, then go ahead and speed run. But I'm actually enjoying the journey right now. Plus I'm level 25 already at probably the halfway point of the game.
Anthony Burch wasn't the cause for Gearbox turning into memelords that can't write. He was a symptom.
Bioshock Infinite's story always sucked and the cut content wouldn't have saved it.
>Create a shitty game that's Bioshock in name only
>Instead of making a game set before and/or during the civil war in Rapture
Fuck Ken Levine.
Fuck Irrational Games.
I'm glad they're defunct.
i copied my save and just blazing thorugh it on my own the other save is my coop save with friends
Switch your weapon, its a fucking rpg. If you hold onto weapons 10 levels too low your not gonna have a good time, then again you are full of shit, i delete mobs on mayhem 2 in tvhm with guns that are more than 5 levels outdated.
The first game and second games were definitely plagued by what you described but this one actually did make a good job at condensing numbers quite a bit.
Take your meds schizo
yea I had even reserved Infinite on PC because of my near adoration of the first 2 games. To this day Bioshock 1/2 are hands down some of my favorite. But it was such a slap in the face to see how in the trailers, the town people are trying to fucking hang Elizabeth as some sort of heathen, but then in game she's their idol. And they NEVER explain what the fuck song bird is.
If they had released the game with all the cut content in it as it's own title rather than Bioshock, It probably would have done better. Similar to Resident Evil 7. Fuck, Prey is closer to a Bioshock title.
Shit story and dialog, good gameplay compared to 2/TPS
5/10, Jakobs snipers get my dick rock hard
>inferior jakobs
>when FAR SUPERIOR Dahl exists
In NG+? Yes
Isn't the guy that responsible for BL1 and comics is the main writer for BL3? He's first name is Mikey, but I don't remember second name.
Anyway, even though, you're right. In BL2 there always was something behind "le ultra funny memes" and "really cool random humour". The characters had their motives, they were more complex an etc. I'm not implying that BL2 story is some kind of a masterpiece, but damn, it is compared to BL3.
Could be something like that, i did like the story, but its nothing great. It was ok, but it did have really jarring holes. Where the story just seemed to jump to the next point without any build up or explanation. As if they have written the main plot points, then when they started writing what holds them together they ran out of time.
What's the most fun Siren build, Yea Forums? I started with Brawl because I wanted to be an unstoppable regenerating monster but I die all the same anyway.
>When Vladov exists
oh no no no
>unstoppable regenerating monster
Zane with the undercover skill tree is that. Pure self buffing tank. I miss the kreig build from BL2. THAT was a fun fucking build.
>not wanting to use a shitty launcher and support a shitty developer is right-wing politics
Excuse me?
>Literal commie bloc tier weapons that have shit accuracy and shit power per bullet so they make up for it with blinding fire rate
Meanwhile I can snipe people with a Dahl pistol in semi-auto.
Where. Is. The.
Well that's probably exactly what happened. They designed the different biomes first because lack of map variety has always been a staple complaint and then had to make shit up to fit them in the game. You can tell by the map design alone that they were made before any of the side quest content was written.
My only complaint with the gunplay is that launchers are FUCKING GARBAGE now. Even worse than BL1.
Where the fuck are all the Vladof Spinning barrel guns? I swear in BL2 you couldn't go three weapons without one dropping, and now that a character exists that gives anything over 20 mag size infinite ammo they become fucking impossible to find
everyone always foccuses on shit like the Rick and morty easter eggs and other memes, but no one ever mentioned that these two Reddit tier chucklefucks are in the game
i give it 2 weeks
how so? there are in fact garbage tier launchers, but some are OP as fuck.
That's not even to mention how almost all the Sniper Rifles are outclassed by ARs
you find them. I actually found a Vladof whose underbarrel weapon was a SECOND spinning barrel so you can fire something like 15 rounds a second. It was an AR and it was disgusting. I was out damaging a shotgun.
>Infinite Ammo
The COV weapons all have this by default apparently but just potentially overheat.
in a way that causes horror; shockingly.
"people are suffering horribly in the aftermath of the cyclone"
in a very bad way; terrible.
"his latest work flopped horribly"
>EDF never had to deal with this bull and they released the PC version months after the ps4 version.
you stupid motherfucking fuck-faces. this thread should have turned into an EDF thread, but you guys are too busy playing shit-fuck games just like how shills want you to in the end
The COV weapons are actually awful to use for Moze, I've been able to get enough ammo regen to make pretty much every weapon that has over 20-25 Magazine to shoot forever, but COV weapons still overheat
Jakobs sniper rifles are the only ones worth having if you actually use them as a sniper rifle. At medium range a good Dahl AR will be better all around. But my buddy was playing as FL4K and picking motherfuckers all day with his sniper rifle.
>just shut up and consume political message
Holy fucking shill. Neck yourself faggot
I really wish they implement some way to move attachments from gun to gun. Like magazine size/sites, etc. Because I can't count the number of times that I've gotten a FANTASTIC SMG but has a fucking 11 round magazine. WHY? Or a great Torgue AR with no sights at all.
Would probably be way too easy to create nearly perfect guns if you could
well of course restrict things like elemental damage. Or in order for you to change magazine size you, they have to be from the same gun company, something. I know the loot is random but fuck me it's frustrating to get a gun that's amazing and it's carrying my ass, but it has just one caveat that makes it annoying.
I've been here for over a decade and I can safely tell you that Yea Forums as a collective has always hated Borderlands. Everything about it is so laughable mediocre it amazes me that children such as yourself can call it a 7/10.
I don't even give a shit about Epic or Randy Pitchford, Borderlands is a shit series enjoyed by redditors.
Jack was a wayyyyyyyyy better antagonist in BL2 than those thingies in 3 honestly
>Yea Forums is a hivemind when it says an opinion I don't like
>randy pitchford
Randy is the main reason why Borderlands is shit under his direction.
I find it funny that almost every single important character is female, and this game gets no shit for it while Gears 5, with no real propaganda in the campaign, gets shit on for it.
Gears of War used to be a HEAVILY male centered game with the men being the size of Hulks tearing shit up, having the lead be a woman feels shoe horned and not right for the setting, while Borderlands has had female main characters since the first game. So of course the game with a history of female leads isn't going to get any shit for it, it's expected from it.
Can someone explain how EDF and BL3 are related?
I keep trying to work out what this OP is saying but my brain just stops cause its so retarded
Waiting on the torrent