Will it ever be cracked?
Dawn of the fourth day
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It's unbreakable
Considering it actively uploads and changes shit around on each computer, It might be a bit.
the age of pirates is over
seethe crackfags
Yes. It will. But it's not gonna be in a matter of days, it'll be in a matter of weeks.
I'd wager a couple of months total.
Not sure why people are frantically counting the days. It's been 7 years, wait a few more months.
What site shows this cracked/uncracked list?
>playing borderlands alone
Why bother? Its a shitty single player game.
Oh boy I cant wait. With this denuvo victory every corporate investor will demand this shitty practice. Cant wait for 2mbps upload req.
The software checks and updates far too quickly for it to be cracked. The technology and knowledge will be there one day, just not soon.
what's stopping me from buying on the epic games store, sending an email asking for a refund, disabling my internet and enjoying bl3 and my refund from epic?
You think theyd check if copy is legit? I remember years back playing with people who used cracked games on valve servers. Which would give out boogus ip numbers
The game requires an internet connection at all times. Almost every Denuvo game does.
If you even live innawoods, it's very likely your connection would be too slow for it to stream literally everything you fucking do and the game would autoclose thinking you're "tampering with it"
More importantly, how is this allowed
not anytime soon, the new denuvo makes the games pretty much "always online" kinda like Diablo 3.The thing is we still have all the files from the games, but some heavy programming is needed
The better question is why would you even want to play this?
Why won't they just crack it?
I waited six years for this game...please Randy....let me have it......
Wot is this sport?
It doesn't even need to be cracked to get it free, for now.
You can play it on LAN you dumb cunt
But Steam drones say Epic will steal your credit card info for nefarious chinese purposes (or whatever the current Steam drone lie is)
Is this legit? I heard that it was a rumor started by a troll but if there really is an easy way around EGS i'll take it.
>sjw game is not cracked
Oh no it's the end of the world. You should stop with these shill threads, OP.
Hey Yea Forums! Randy Gear King here coming to you live to share some free SHiFT codes which can only be use when you BUY my game.
Don't know how legit it is, but knowing both EGS and Gearbox's incompetence I sure wouldn't doubt it.
I imagine if they’ve stepped up their game this hard to keep it uncracked then maybe. Or maybe not. Also it’s EGS and not Steam, so perhaps whatever workaround they use to play online would need to be modified as well. I dunno.
denuvo re-auths every few days or something
Its virtually impossible. Denuvo is just updated their DRM again which makes the DRM 50 times stronger than before. Just give up and buy the game. Its worth it
you think at this point someone would crack it for the shits
Handegg without the protection
Just emulate the RPCS3 version if you actually that desperate to plat this crap.
What does 50x stronger means? No one here has idea how hard was it to crack denuvo back then. This is just shittalk.
Denuvo might not care with EGS's exclusivity scheme, since what they do is pre-buy something like 500k copies of the game through otherwise-normal means and then distribute those copies.
who cares
thats all they really show
they dont provide the crack only list what has been cracked
It's all just numbers but most companies count Denuvo as a win if the game isn't cracked within the first couple of weeks because that's where most revenue lies.
gas yourself, shit smear
Feel free to try, cuck boy.
it means they took denuvo and layered in 50 times, because that's the only way they know how to make the protection stronger, and it results in more and more severe performance impacts the more they do it
So far theres no single Epic exclusive games with Denuvo are cracked.
Stop making these threads. No one cares about this fucking game. Quit making people think anyone here gives a shit
maybe because they are not worth it.
You and i do. Dont be a tsundere. You will play this game once its cracked.
if the game isn't cracked before it's released on steam then i'll get it there
not giving sweeney any business
dont remind me of that
Not a fact. That is a fucking meme created by denial piratetards
It's uncrackable. I don't know why the other games haven't implemented this version.
there's always one of these in any of these threads, and it's always funny, every single time
i actually bought this one and don't feel bad about it
>disabling my internet
>he doesn't know
maybe you should do it if you want it so bad
who draws this cuck shit
honestly i played the ps4 version this weekend and its not bad but definitely not anything at all that people are making it out to be... it's like warframe / destiny but kinda worse...
Hi, crackboy420 here, I can confirm that people are working on a crack but a lot of smarties are currently busy or too lazy to dedicate time to borderlands at the moment. Same goes for most EGS items. A lot of people are just kind of burnt out now and nobody really has time anymore.
In terms of how hard the DRM on borderlands is to crack, it's pretty much impossible to completely disable and we haven't been able to figure a way of tricking it using most common methods. While it would still be possible to crack it using some more stupid technical methods, it wouldn't exactly be easily distributed and the game would most likely run like actual dog shit as a result. Main issue is that there's just a lot of checks in place that cover a lot of the easier ways of reversing things
>There are people in this thread who believe the lie that no one wants to crack Handball 17, and not that Handball 17 has the most powerful DRM in history.
I bet you think Zoe Quinn is telling the truth too.
Go back Randy
>playing the inferior consolecuck port of GOAT
>Heavy Rain
>Not worth it
We are the vocal minority here. Most piratefags want those game to get cracked. Yea Forums isnt the entire world.
who cares
Yes. But not before the hype dies.
The DRM is about as dynamic as it gets. Reverse engineering is near impossible without sheer luck or access to a super computer + tracing software specifically designed for the exe being tested.
The only way forward is getting ahold of the seed(s) that rewrite the 64bit assembly every time the exe is launched.
Everything else is decrypted and accessible. Just a matter of time until leaks spring up or someones brute force figures it out.
>buy the game. Its worth it
This shit isn't even worth pirating, much less paying money for
Me, you, and all of the poorfags and piratefags in the entire world.
someone tried it and reported it just gave them an error when they tried to launch it. So who knows who is telling the truth
Steam drones aren't telling the truth
lmao. It only needed the chinks for it to be uncrackable. You really need a crook to stop a crook.
I'd sooner drop gaming as a whole than voluntarily download malware onto my computer. I can stomach old Denuvo but the Denuvo Borderlands 3 uses is unironically malware.
Didn't buy it.
Won't buy it.
Can you stop pls?
>refunded from the Epic Games Store
Sounds plausible!
Yfw it never get cracked so the game is lost to the sands of time when the server closes
Thanks Randy, they all work. Will fap to some cunny after I'm done with my session
Tfw Borderlands 3 will be cracked before Handball.
You're going to count a lot more than 4 days to get a denuvo game cracked, retard
You should become a Tsundere Seiyuu. You're fit for the job
Hey Bobandy, I would love to BUY your game, but you slapped it on some chinese spyware.
lol never ever
shame cause unlike memelands Anno is a crazy good series, Anno 1404 is carrying the Caesar/Pharaoh/Zeus torch
They'll always lose.
Assassin's Creed II took a month. I say give them time.
Cry more bitch
>make game
>introduce several sections that are unbeatable if the game doesn't detect multiple codes generated upon official purchase
>people now have to play through the entire game to confirm they've removed all barriers.
>you now have at least a week of leeway to sell your game free from pirates
wasn't the whole point of Denuvo to not take up so much performance? wasn't that the selling point?
unban me from coolhole
Who gives a fuck if it tanks profrmance? Are you going to do something about it goy? No? Though so... now buy the game
>Cracking a multiplayer focused game
>multiplayer focused
>Game puts you into a lobby immediately upon launching
>Large percentage of the skills specifically affect team mates, some don't even have any significant effect in singleplayer
>All vehicles are mutli seat
>Huge barren rooms unless you've got multiple players to fill them up with loot boxes
>waiting to pirate fart joke shooter 3
Just go outside and get punched in the face, it’s free and immediate
metro exodus
Its released on steam day one for preorderfag
games get cracked based on their demand. nobody cares for this meme game.
still had denuovo and is exclusive for few more months on steam
who cares
And by posting it twice shows that you care, Christina-kun.
i cracked it
but only for me i wont share
it is still exclusive for epic so get fucked
Who cares? Buy a copy and play it! Woo!
Doesnt count since it released on steam on day one. Get double analed, dumbass.
Hopefully not. If it ever is I know I'll get pressured into playing that trash with my friends.
Yeah right, unless their refund is automated, I call bullshit.
>back when fortnite came out
>forced to LINK payment method rather than just use it as a one time purchase so you can make One Click Purchases®
>years later
>get notification at work that I purchased like $200 in fortnite coins or whatever the fuck
>immediately open a claim with EPIC and Paypal
>paypal refunds me within 4 hours
>Epic responds like a month later
>t. retard
believes a random twitter post with no video evidence
>doesnt count because i say so
keep moving the goalppst retard
it counts so get fucked
hello Randy
Metro Exodus isnt even an Epic Exclusive games, retard. If thats makes your pirateshit brain at ease then name other game OTHER EPIC EXCLUSIVE DENUVO GAMES than Metro Exodus then, retard.
You cant. Get gangbanged.
Jesus christ... the denial levels of piratetard really boils my head. Just fucking kill yourself, retard.
I don't remember Denuvo's selling point ever being about performance.
there's a non-scene release if you want to play it though
Some games aren't even worth pirating bro
you can play heavy rain with the demo exploit. you fags pretend to care but you really don't care or you'd know this shit
I dunno why you retards are so impatient. Let epicfriends beta test it and swipe the polished Steam release. If you are real pirates you have a nigh infinite backlog anyway.
Why the FUCK would devs add denuvo for a game like this?
you didn't know? tim paid for your copy. say thanks to tim!
>I dunno why you retards are so impatient.
nobody cares about this game and certainly nobody is playing it, that's why more people are shitposting than playing it :)
That bypass isnt work anymore. Only works for about a week and It has been patched.
yes isnt work if you dumb :)
Why anyone would even waste HDD space on this crap is beyond comprehension
Got it for literally $15 thanks to epic mega sale.
Doesnt work. Not even cs.rin.ru can found another solution. It has been patched, let it go and just buy the game
I played it on PS3, it still works btw :)
It would crash at a certain chapter regardless, you'd have to use a third party save to skip past the crash point, so it was a shit workaround.
cracking handball is the key to cracking borderlands 3
Consoles are literally easier to crack nowdays than PC. Why you still using PC ???
This post was posted using Web Browser in Ps4 btw.
PC Piracy is dead.
No, really
Its dead.
>let it go and just buy the game
lmao, Imagine unironically buying a David Cage """""cinematic""""" """""experience""""".
Luckily that's on uplay so you still don't need epic launcher. Great game too
It just doesnt feel the same. Just buy it, its cheap.
Debating with feelings is for children and Twitter activists. Shove your fart-huffing movie games up your ass and swivel.
eh can you even play newer games on a jailbroken ps4?
If it released on Steam how come I can't play it on Steam?
Checkmate atheists.
You can buy key less than a dollar one russian sell sites.
Because you dont pre order it, retard.
If you pirate it, you actually play the steam version. not Epic. Codex Preordered the steam version and cracked it.
>Metro Exodus isnt count
Dumb esl monkey.
But if it released on Steam I should be able to play it on Steam, I can't so I guess it isn't.
Not an argument. At least im not getting shot while out buying something on convenience store. Sucks to be you, trump lover.
You can, google Metro.Exodus-CODEX
Check. Your move, next. I know you try to trolling, But i'll bite, go on. Your move.
Small franchise try to protect their profits.
For who like handball must buy, while others won't play even it was cracked, so they try to push whoever want to play to pay.
This must be a white knights fantasy. Holy shit is that pathetic.
and he even changed image md5 and my filters caught it anyway
Not as pathetic as the pirate image added at the bottom there.
game isn't even out for another 6 months
Never ever.
Most publishers can't afford it.
I Heard the type of denuvo in Borderlands 3 is really strong. I heard that Borderlands 3 DRM is also so intrusive it acts like malware, and crackers accidentally are about to provide fuckton of fuel to any anti EGS and anti DRM narrative.