what the fuck happened, it's like no one even cares about it
What the fuck happened, it's like no one even cares about it
>Sony only re-release of a previously Sony only game
>only new girl is a dude
Who was this game for?
Nobody really cared about it the first time, if we're being honest. It was a unique-but-niche game the first time around, and really only noticeable for the controversy the second time around.
>forced tranny love interest that doesn't fit in the game theme
>new C ending (that also misses the point) makes all the other endings meaningless
Pretty much anyone that would want to play this has already played the original.
Nothing. I'm still playing. I just got the new C ending and going to the true K next.
>Sony only re-release of a previously Sony only game
Catherine was released on everything except Nintendo.
Considering Eric"a" and Qatherine, I'd the director is a humongous homosexual trying to push his fetish on us.
>re release it but with a trap
>only 1 new ending is absolutely based
i'd rather just watch the ending on youtube
tranny agenda killed the game
It wasn't an agenda until it got to the US.
Turns out Yea Forums was full of K-cucks and they committed ritualistic suicide after getting shafted
fags don't like people who look like women, he's probably a bisexual trying to make people join his club
because it’s anime titty qbert
when will le epic trap meme go away?
It's not on Switch so nobody cares
probably never because straight men are attracted to that
abrahamic traditions is the reason why most men supress this desire
Main difference is that it added a cuckold ending for the best girl, and the new heroine is a trap angel. What do you think went wrong?
you have been memed
Rin route sucks and the game is basically the same when excluding that.
>fags don't like people who look like women
Then what's this whole bullshit about crossdressers wanting to be called women?
>crossdressers wanting to be called women
crossdressing != looking like a woman, Rin and Erica both look like anime females
besides vast majority of trannies are actually straight men with a fetish for lesbians, calling them men ruins their fantasy
catherine was a neat one off game but it seriously did not need a rerelease.
>makes a new version
>throws the theme of the original out the window
>no point in choosing anyone, but Catherine
>new girl is cute, but she's a male
They should have just made him a genderless alien instead of a full on dude. His route was actually cute, and he accepted Vincent for who he is.
>he accepted Vincent for who he is.
In this case, a closet faggot?
The trap option is boring should’ve had no genitalia
ill get it eventually I just don't feel like paying $60 at the moment.
the trap option would be fine if they kept the female pronouns, male pronouns kill any boner
Censorship its a very effective hype killer most of the time
they censored some trannie text while pretending trannies were offended. The moment they did this, it became a dead game to most gamers.
im too busy cooming
It was an okay game and the only reason people were talking about it so much is because they were censoring stuff.
Considering how literally no one is talking about it, I'm guessing Snoy/Fatlus USA didn't censor this shit?
It turns out almost nothing was censored aside from a name in the credits. If Yea Forums can't whine about censorship or how the west is killing the gaming industry it's worthless.
That's normal. It's the average weeb game. literally nobody was playing it last gen.
The first ps4 version just sold well because of ironic weebs or casuals consuming weeb stuff just because of a twitter trend or something like that
no pc release
catherine is one of my favouriote games. pc PLEASE. i hava ps4, but i want it on PC.
>All those cancelled preorders when it was revealed Rin was a faggot
Wew lad, that will teach Atlus a lesson.
I love Catherine, but I'm only looking to get this on PC. If they didn't release classic on PC, I would've bought already.
Snoybois are all talk. They brag about all the games that are exclusive, but don't actually play them.
I replayed the PS3 version because I like this game.
>It turns out almost nothing was censored aside from a name in the credits.
That is a lie.
I didn't.
>caving to SJW who would never play it
>adding a third character to ruin the dynamic
>making third character a trap
What else was changed? Only other thing I can think of is the line about Erica not being able to become a female wrestler being removed. But that's not in the JPN version either.
I'm not buying any fatlus games so they become desperate for money and finally put persona on something besides playstation
In that scene very scene you are talking about, Vincent in the ps3 version said "I'd be more convinced if a women was telling me this."
In the ps4 version he just says "Oh, come on."
Both english version. And it was Reset Era that complained saying it was transphobic until they changed that line in the ps4 version. Fuck Atlus for bending the knee there.
I beat the Qatherine true ending today. Shit is underwhelming as fuck. HAHA Random aliens.
Also I'm sick and tired of Troy Baker already, he is not bad but he does the same type of voice in every fucking game.
>it's like no one even cares
No shit. it's basically like the finished versions of persona or pokemon but with somehow even less added content
Already played it after its Japanese release on the Vita. Played the original back then so the only appeal of this rerelease was the handheld version. I've always wanted to play this comfily in bed.
>what the fuck happened, it's like no one even cares about it
Why should their real fans care for this when they go out of their way to pander to outrage mob of sjws to censor shit? sjws aren't their real fans and they won't buy this crap regardless if it's censored or not. Their real fans would have bought it if they didn't censor this.
only a faggot wouldn't fuck Erica and Qatherine
i would've fucked erica if it were a trap but it's very clearly spelled out that he has a mutilated hole
Catherine was also on 360. They made a huge marketing moment out of the alternative box art that each console got
Have you ever considered you might be gay considering all you think about are the gays and trannies all day?
Rent free as usual.
Okay, so that is the other thing they changed. How about what they DIDN'T change? The leaked Catherine ending is still the exact same, they're jokes about Rin "Packing heat", the biggest thing resetera whined about hasn't been touched. You're just going to ignore that?
It really doesn't throw the theme out of the window. Rin is meant to be that woman or whatever you meet that brings a mellow perspective into your life. It's new and fresh and differs from the both strict and carefree lifestyle that K or C offered.
> How about what they DIDN'T change? The leaked Catherine ending is still the exact same, they're jokes about Rin "Packing heat", the biggest thing resetera whined about hasn't been touched. You're just going to ignore that?
Yes we're gonna ignore what they didn't touch because they didn't touch it. We're perfectly fine with shit they didn't touch so why talk about it?
What we aren't fine with is the shit they censored and did touch. You give them a inch, they take a mile. That's censorship. You bend the knee now, they will continue to want more and more censorship from you in the future because you're too fucking dumb to realize they were never your audience and never will be. They didn't buy your products before and they won't after you censor it. The only ones you hurt are your own fans.
WHAT?! Sonyggers won't care about video games that doesn't follow Sony's agenda?! What a surprise! Any attempt of discussion about it is a bannable offense at NeoGAF and ResetGAF. I just hope Fatlus learn the lesson this time.
New endings are garbage.
New """"girl"""" is garbage.
Same game as the original but with more garbage.
If you paid for this you're a kuk.
These. All of these. But I'd argue the gay shit is really just a symptom of a larger issue of trying to appeal to more people rather than actually being fucking cohesive and making sense with the lore, themes, and purpose of the original. On a story level the new character adds absolutely nothing, has minimal downsides for non-homophebes, fucks up the theming of the game. A near Mary Sue choice with no downsides that fucks up everything.
The downside is that it's not a real woman. Just a fantasy
Last I had checked it was coming out in February 2020 and suddenly I found out it was already released.
No marketing, no promotion.
So far I'm liking the changes they've made, haven't gotten too far into the story though.
I played this game already and while I'd like to revisit it and explore the new content, I'm really occupied with Astral Chain, Daemon X Machina, Red Dead, and Monster Hunter
You faggots are on Yea Forums. There's tranny shit all over the place here.
Because they cucked the PC userbase who would have actually bought this.
I've been playing it for the past week. The new ideal voices for Catherine are really great.
>>Catherine route about shirking responsibility and living in the moment
>>Katherine about stability and how to be grateful with what you have
>>Qatherine about leaving your comfort zone to try to find real happiness
Seems like it fits
same desu. Why does the game industry (Hollywood too) shit out all these remakes when they got everything right the first time?
It got shilled, came out, stopped getting shilled.
Yea Forums is literally 90% shilling.