If you could erase one game from existence what would that game be?
If you could erase one game from existence what would that game be?
Your favorite game
Pong. The original game and concept of video games
Halo. Ruined FPS games forever
Tennis for Two
games existed before pong bro. sorry.
Smash Bros
dead rising 4
Oddworld Munch's Oddysee
Is there a reversal of this? Can I undo an erased game?
Super Smash Bros.
>name nigger is dumb
That's my choice. Most popular and overrated game of all time, bullshit YouTube videos everywhere, bullshit merchandise everywhere, partially responsible for every indie game doing LOL PIXELS. Fuck Minecraft.
Super Smash Bros. Melee for the Nintendo Gamecube
Why would I want a game to be erased from existence? If I don't like a game then I just don't play it and forget about it.
Series should've died after Shining Force III. This game marked the eternal descent of the franchise, and Tony Taka would be the one to turn it into an unrecognizable cesspool.
My life.
this stupid faggot shit normiefied my favorite genre, made it so all FPSes JUST HAD to be online and anyone who likes it can suck my ass.
paper mario sticker star
World of Warcraft. I feel like it was the first domino that ushered in the era that has lead to the mainstream and females getting into gaming, and thus devolving the entire hobby the same way movies, then music devolved to soulless generic trash that appeals to the largest common denominator. Only gaming was awesome before WoW.
Halo did not have online retard
Can I just erase myself instead?
this minus the incel shit
That game didn't even have online multiplayer dumbass.
Persona 3
>halo did not have online
>it actually did
spotted the underage
Smash Bros.
rosterfagging should be a criminal offense
Why? Its fairly recent and didn't really do anything. I'm not sure what erasing it would accomplish
Smash easily, I liked the games but holy fuck is the fanbase the worst shit to ever touch this earth
Shit genre if some console shooter ruined it.
Combat Evolved did not have xbox live capability, newfag
It just had splitscreen or system link
The PC version used gamespy.
Fallout 4.
WoW. MMOs needed to improve, I think, but it went in the wrong direction thanks to WoW.
Candy Crush.
If that game hadn't printed free money for years we wouldn't have the shit mobile market that we have now.
Apex Legends
>bullshit YouTube videos everywhere
God they're so fucking annoying. I used Video Blocker to get rid of them in my suggestions forever and half of the content Youtube bothers showing me disappears.
>on xbox
there's your problem, you didn't have the true halo experience on PC, with the Plasma Cannon and the Flamethrower... shitskins
Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite
You know why
the funny thing is not only a few months ago were minecraft videos pretty much dead, no one wanted to touch it except those who never stopped. only until it got traction did all these youtube leaches hop back on for dat sweet cash money
That came out like 2 years after the actual game, and is the graphically inferior version of the game because Gearbox is incompetent.
Shit i fucked up and tagged op twice.
Terraria. It’s just a 2D Minecraft clone with shitty animation
Yeah its the newest trend. Just like Fortnite was for several months and people wouldn't stop making shitty videos about it.
The popularity it garnered made fpses pallatable to normie faggots who wanted multiplayer with their drunk friends, retards missing the point as usual.
>graphically inferior
user, idk how to tell you this, but there's this thing called modding and it makes up for developer incompetence, ik you might not have heard of it because you are an xbutt but i assure you halo 1 can look like halo 2 or 3 provided the right mappers and/or enhancements.
I'd erase Dragonball Fighterz if it meant I got my $65 back, but it wouldn't, so I'd just erase the game to save any poor sucker's wallet from getting raped by that trash fire the way I did.
You should have turned 360 degrees and walked away right there
I wonder what the next trend will be
Mercenaries 2. It didn't need a sequel, it was already perfect.
they had a free weekend recently, and i played it for a bit. The game just got stale as fuck after the first few story missions, there's really no content behind it.
For introducing the Paper Mario series' current problems into Mario & Luigi in addition to making people feel burnt out on the series. The only 3DS Mario & Luigi's should have been Dream Team and Superstar Saga.
I feel like a lot of the shittiness of modern consoles could have been prevented if Uncharted didn't exist.
Erase Zero Time Dilemma. I don't even want VLR to have a conclusion if it's like that fucking garbage.
I'd like to un-erase Ron Gilbert's Monkey Island 3.
Half life
Fps games should never have gained stories, valve should have never become a thing, and the half life 3 meme should never happened
COD 4 in the hopes that COD would never go on to make so much money that EA would cannibalize good studio after good studio to work on shitty COD sequels, and instead work on whatever fun games they wanted to work on. Yeah EA would still churn out sports titles, but I assume those take way less work.
I don't really buy the argument that Halo made FPS's casual, because any shooter on a console is inherently casual so it doesn't matter to begin with. Halo at least had the decency to come out every 3-4 years, whereas a new disposable COD comes out every year, and overshadows other better games as a result.
Dawn of War 3
A thousand times Dawn of fucking War 3
What's the point if all you're gonna do is look at it?
PC Halo died so fast. By the end it was just spic servers and 24/7 Rockets/snipers in Blood Gulch
>can't understand algebra
I hope you like calculus
>PC Halo died so fast
Are you joking?
We literally have hundreds of servers for Halo 1 still TO THIS DAY.
We have a mod that fixes the netcode so we get hit prediction, and also syncs AI from server to client, so we can even have coop modes.
Did you see how fast Eldewrito exploded once that got announced, days before microsoft dropped the dmca hammer on them? That shit is still running strong despite the dev team being forced to abandon it.
how about instead of talking out your ass, you actually go play a game or two and have... idk... i think it's called "fun"
warhammer and the insufferable memes it created over the years
Retards moving the goalposts as usual. Calling it "my first fps" is basically just announcing to everyone it was your first hate bandwagon.
None, because if you remove a bad game from existence the devs can't learn from it and it'll end up just getting made anyways.
You are mad because the game doesn't treat you like a retard?
Half Life
I would've agreed with you, but then I remembered Eternal Crusade existed. I honestly can't tell which one disappointed me more.
I actually like Paper Jam more than every other Mario and Luigi aside from Superstar Saga
the last of us
Why do I suspect you're a Spic playing on some ancient pentium 4?
That's some religious zealotry to an old fucking game that is past its prime.
No PK fire spamming Ness on smash anymore
No Undertale
World of WarCraft.
I would say Call of Duty, but CoD didn't do anything to actually hurt games I cared about. WoW killed MMOs. Now every single one of them plays just like it.
>past its prime
funny. Tell me more about how you have to pay to play online and plead with your console manufacturer to let you play an old game that was kino
nice. Tell me, do your parents know you are on Yea Forums?
DMC2. I never got a legit sequel and the series diverted entirely from my interest following it, so I want everyone else to suffer as much as me.
Why not erase the root problem with Sticker Star
>pay to play online
I game on PC, faggot.
Good point. Save two series for the price of one.
Sure you do. That's why you are religiously defending a console's inferiority. Because you play on PC. And you totally don't play on Xbox. Seems about right.
Fallout New Vegas
Halo toppled your autism filled arena shooter genre. Stay fucking mad.
Where did I defend a console, you turd?
Go back to school, acquire some reading comprehension.
The Legend of Zelda
The Sims, fuck women
My life.
And all things in the world that lead to it.
I could have forgiven this game for going the baseline of what I wanted out of it if it was considered a Side game.
World of Warcraft
I wouldn't have had fucked my shit up as hard if I never played that game.
This but unironically.
It's so weird looking at this and then looking at where we are now. Horse armor is tame by today's standards.
Here to say this. Erasing Homestuck is also viable.
This works too.
If it didn't exist, TF2 wouldn't have been ruined by its shit (weapon skins, matchmaking), or at least would have prolonged that fate by a couple years or more
>single handedly ruins your franchises reputation and cause history revisionists to try and say that all your games are bad
isn’t it obvious
Shitters. Lmao can't even be decent at the easiest fighting game in the market. LOL
If it meant the development time went into something else, then FO76.
That was just a waste of literally everyone's time.
delete warcraft 1 and wow would never exist either, with a bonus that blizz would be dead
You're one generation early.
Kirby's Dreamland 2
fuck Dark Matter
But I really liked Warcraft 3 ...
You know you can stand in place but make turns still go with space right?
Assassin's Creed.
I fucking hate this series so good damn much with its uninteresting story and a million and a half sequels that suck more and more shit.
Black Flag was amazing, but I'd gladly abort the entire series if it meant getting anything remotely more creative and fun.
Pokémon Go. If you can even call it a “game”
Completely ruined the series and gave birth to a lust for that sweet phone game money from Nintendo.
killed the entire MMO genre and turned every game after it into shitty mindless grindfests with little to no true player interaction that eventually gave origin to possibly one of the worst gaming genres ever concieved
the Looter Shooter genre
My gut says Halo but the FPS genre probably would've been ruined eventually anyway.
NBA2K, so 2K games can stop asking $60 for an mobile game on PS4 and Xbone
Decent choice but is correct that it was inevitable and already underway.
TF2 was already at total saturation on trading/DLC cancer long before all the shit got ported over from CS:GO. The move to matchmaking is a somewhat legitimate complaint, though it's hard to say if something like it wouldn't have been inevitable.
This might actually be a really good answer. Not just for how it birthed the open world meme, but also in terms of 'gamer' demographics. I think Vice City may actually be the better choice though, for its underappreciated significance to the endless 80s nostalgia we've lived with ever since, in addition to everything bad about III (if III brought/birthed the 'mature games for mature gamers like myself' kids, VC definitely brought boomers in unprecedented numbers). So much of all 80s nostalgia shit is actually just imitating Vice City (and that's a big part of why it's SO obnoxious).
Donkey Kong Country, the originator of the viral marketed pseudo-successful style-over-substance shitgames of the 90s and onward.
WHY are there so many fucking awful 40k games. The worst part is that most of them could be great but the devs just decided to shit on it for NO REASON.
>the Looter Shooter genre
Like Overwatch, or like Borderlands...?
Dark Souls 2
not him but i'm sure he meant games like Borderlands and/or destiny
Never heard of "Spacewar" or "Tennis fir Two", have you champ?
Came here to post this. I'm still seething, now we won't get a good 40k RTS for at least 10 years.
Dark Souls. Quite possibly the most overrated game of all time which is saying something.
Fallout 3. But then again we got New Vegas as a result so maybe not.