>Speaking to Gamespot, Kojima explained that he believes without sequels, Death Stranding will not establish Strand as a continuing genre. "When you create something new, you have to create a sequel and then a third version or it [will] not remain as a genre," he said. "When this game comes out there will be a lot of pros and cons, and [these elements could become the essence of the core part], but I think it's better that I keep it going in a sequel."
>Death Stranding is what Kojima terms a "strand game," which he says has never existed before. While it's still slightly unclear exactly what defines a strand game, it seems to be bound by social elements.
He did it, the madman created a new genre.
Speaking to Gamespot, Kojima explained that he believes without sequels...
Other urls found in this thread:
Not yet, there needs to be more DS games to start a new genre, Did you not read the headline you posted?
we already have walking simulators though and he definitely did not invent them. that hack is way too full of himself and has his own head way too far up his ass at this point.
Its almost like its supposed to be a movie or something...
Would Souls games constitute a "strand game"?
he truly is the japanese david cage, what a buffoon
I'm scared for him bros
I REALLY want this to be good so I can smear it in Yea Forums's face. I'm starting to get bored with laughing at you guys for seething over Breath of the Wild.
I'm putting more faith in Cyberpunk 2077 for that.
Too many implants
kill yourself, you dumb fucking retard
I legitimately want him to succeed but this game is not for me from everything shown so far story and gameplay-wise.
Can anyone pinpoint the year when Kojima's mind began deteriorating?
Mgs4 was his first game where the stupidity of the writing overshadowed its creativity
He's always had that Japanese weirdness, he just unleashed too much of it for this game
>Walk around open world doing chores
>Said chores affect the world real time opening other chores to do
This guy thrives on your retardation, and he knows it, he just spouts shit about how deep his new game will be, and everytime you eat that shit up.
He did the same beefore, there is an article with him openly lying about some hype shit for MGSV that would jeopardize his job at the industry cause it was never done before, of course nobody remembers.
Even Dorito pope is cashing on their "bromance" cause Yea Forums eats that shit up like fisherman wives.
It's all lies to make you buy the game.
The more he describes it the more it sounds like shit Dark Souls and Journey has already done.
I don't even know what this new genre is supposed to be, calm down, Kojimbo.
It's not a new genre, walking sims already exist.
How does the concept of the chiral network differ from our modern-day communication?
>It’s a “letter theory.” It wasn’t real-time before, in the past. For instance, a husband writes a letter from the battlefield a long time ago: “I don’t know when I’m going to die.” And he sends it, and it takes a couple months before it arrives, and the wife receives it and reads it. There’s a time when she thinks, “He might be dead.” The wife has to imagine what he was thinking at the time he was writing – and this was the communication then. Right now, it’s more real-time.
>This is about caring for people. It’s not direct; I wanted to do that with the internet we have today. If someone puts a cup there in Death Stranding, you might think to yourself, “Did that person deliberately put it there? Did he just have to throw away the load? But you think about it. It’s like the letter theory. In this direct communication era, I wanted to create an indirect communication using the technology of today so you feel for others more. Like you used to, back then – the 20th Century, 19th Century style – when people had to think about others in communication. But nowadays people forget about it because we’re so direct. I can Face Time you any time. So, right now, if I see your cup, I can phone you and say, ‘Hey, what’s this cup for?” But in Death Stranding, you can’t. You have to think about it.
>Now, when you place a cup after that experience, you have to think about, “What would people think if I put it here?” So I believe that this way, people’s feeling towards each other will deepen in Death Stranding because of how it’s connected.
This is the most interesting part of the interview.
I really look forward to a more engaging (compared to Soul's message) asynchronous multiplayer system.
So you finally realize BotW sucks.
Full circle lmao
>games where players can leave messages to other players that get uploaded to the cloud and integrated into the game
wow that seriously has never been done before
look out, hole ahead.
i mean seriously there's never been something that crazy
yoko taro could never imagine something so crazy
what the fuck is a Strand game
just tell me
Why be obsessed over making a new genre? Wouldn't it be better just to make a game that's fun and makes you want to spend a lot of time on it without feeling like it's a chore?
One more time faggots!
Its really weird because literally everyone is like.
>Oh yeah so kinda like dark souls elements
but Kojima keeps insisting that he came up with the idea. Weird guy.
Breath of the Wild was okay I guess. Why does it upset you that someone doesn't like it?
>Talking about sequels before the game is even out
Dead on arrival
walking simulators alresdy exist, no need for new genre
Lol I think you might be right, I remember him saying that deep shit about MGSV saying it might cost him his career in the industry, and the whole "You will be ashamed of your words and deeds" bit about quiet that turned out to be "lol she breathes through her skin bro"
also from the last seething thread
>...But the other thing about it is that you can go anywhere in the world. It’s open-world. In the past, even if games are “open-world,” there are limitations where you can’t go further. Like, they created valleys where you can’t go. But in this game, you can go anywhere. You set routes, and you want to know what goes on beyond. In this game, I think you will not understand if I just say this, but once you start playing the game, just walking in that world is really fun. What I realized is, when I monitor playtests – even the staff's – they don’t get it at first. But when they really start playing, just walking is really fun in the space.
>And now everyone will say, “Oh, it’s a walking simulator!”
>It’s the same as when I first brought out a stealth game. If 100 people play it and 100 people say it’s fun, it means the genre or the game already exists. But this is a new genre – same as stealth the first time, there will be people who don’t get it. It will take time for the real evaluations to come in.
SOURCE: gameinformer.com
stay mad Yea Forums
It's like Dark Souls how other people run around the world in their game but can affect other people's worlds.
You piss on the ground and a Mushroom grows in your world, but it also grows in other people's worlds too?
So it's like one big community world?
That's how it sounds like anyways.
I'm going to make giant cocks out of cups like the Nazca lines.
Reminds me of mighty no. 9.
boy the last thread got nearly 600 replies, lets see how much Yea Forums keep seething over this
I just played Shadow of the Colossus for the first time and honestly walking was reallyfun in that game. But I hated Breath of the Wild. I have no fucking idea what I'm going to feel about this game.
I wonder if DSfag will show his face ITT after the absolute ass ravaging he received in the last thread
Dibs on creating a community piss tree.
>Made a game (i.e movie) for the circlejerk pretentious hollywood elites
>"created" a new genre that only he kind of knows what the fuck is about
Konami made the right decision to fire this hack. The Kojima cultists are in full force though, so I have no doubt it will be his highest selling game. I'll still be wary of it, though so far I'm not all that interested in what he's shown.
This post is brought to you by Monster Energy
maybe he actually invented the movie genre, and you guys just got btfo by it
Strand games are here to stay babyyy, haters can suck it!
The "strand genre" he talks about is probably a game where your actions can alter the world of other players and vice versa, strand means literally holding and supporting each other.
Guess it was already done on Dark Souls and the like, but with a dynamic world it can be done in much deeper ways.
Get everyone to piss on it and see how big it will grow.
walking simulator already exists
He didn't make a new genre at all though so I don't know what he's talking about. Does he even know what constitutes as a new genre for a game?
>Breaking news: Kojima invented a new genre!!
>But we still don't know what this genre even is
Why is every article like this
It's still a walking sim with asynchronous multiplayer. It's not fucking new, anyone who thinks it's a new genre has drank the Kojimbo Kool Aid.
Stop bad mouthing kojima faggot I am not tolerating it
Well, Dark Souls and other games were never named "world tendency" games. Maybe Kojima will end up stealing that core mechanic and say he was the first to use the genre.
I have similar thoughts on both games. I think its irritating in Breath of the Wild because it feels like things are getting in your way while you are trying to do something.
>Strand as a continuing genre
This dude has lost it
Is this guy honestly trying to claim a genre?
Are we gonna get strandlikes in the future?
this really just confirms how pretentious Kojima is and has always been, at this point it's impossible to deny
this is what apple does, and they get away with it because of sheer numbers. I think he'd win in the same way apple does.
If only his talent could be as great as his ego.
can we say he actually invented the movie game genre?
Breath of the Wild felt way too aimless where SotC had a clear goal. SotC's lore and story were so much superior to BotW. It actually felt more like NES Zelda than BotW.
I dont know if this means I'll like Dearh stranding or not. But from the trailers I think the story and lore will be very interesting.
Shills. They get paid to produce articles that maintain awareness of this movie.
Everyone is going to copy me after this. They all will want my genre. You'll see. You will feel ashamed of your words & deeds
Does this retard think just because he supposedly "created" stealth genre he can "come up" with some gameplay mechanic in our day and age and say it's a new genre and everyone must accept it?
Genres don't get forced like that, they get born naturally without someone telling people "rook I maida nu janro".
It's not even Dark Souls, asynchronous multiplayer existed since forever. Is every arcade ever a strand game now because you can see and compete against other players' score? Are Rust and Minecraft strand games because you log in to the server and someone left a steaming pile of shit in the place of your house?
What a fucking hack. I wish dorito pope didn't suck his dick so much and bring so much attention to him.
I for one wouldn't mind more in depth exploration survival based games.
Him calling this game a strand genre title is the same thing as trannies calling themadlves whatever gender they wish they were. Say whatever you want, you aren't God.
The only new genre is soulsborne, this isnt going to be the end things studios follow as a skeleton
>probably a game where your actions can alter the world of other players and vice versa
Demon's Souls did that with World Tendency
Well it cost him his job at Konami and when this shit flops it will cost him his job at Sony lmao
I mean he's not wrong at all. Souls games only really took off as a genre (even if you argue that the action rpg genre existed before, obviously there's a specific type of weight to the combat and people refer to them as souls games instead of action rpgs for a reason) after the second did mediocre, and spurred a bunch of people into making clones to try and take the market.
It is just a movie that requires your travel from cut scene to cut scene. Honestly, just play it on youtube like becoming human or the last of us.
Soulsbourne is a genre that encompases clunky japanese videogames where the only challenge is replicating the thought process that lead people to think Demons Souls and Dark Souls were good ideas for a videogame.
Even the "plot" of these games are nothing but pretentious drivel.
The only dark part of Dark Souls is the shade of the cocks it's players suck.
Doubt it, every Metal Gear Solid fan will get a copy sooner or later and journous will give it a 85-90 score.
RDR 2 was incredibly monotonous at times due to how realistic it tried to be and you don't see journous or normalfags shitting on it, totally on the contrary.
What cost him his job at Konami was Konami not wanting to make more Triple A games because phone games cost much less and make far more money.
>when this shit flops it will cost him his job at Sony lmao
He doesn't work at Sony, Kojipro is independant.
They are now in a contract to make Death Stranding, nothing more, after this they are no their own again.
in the last thread it was pretty much stated that people here dont care about sales or reviews, only their own opinions
so sadly, just because you dont like the game doesnt mean its gonna flop, you can of course still call it trash, but be aware that its gonna sell millions still and be super praised outside Yea Forums
it will probably be GOTY
Can't fucking find the article, and will not put effort on convincing kojimadrones, but he was very vague about it, as always, and after finishing the game, there is nothing that shocking.
But of course the river of paid and free publicity ran down to Yea Forums and we got people speculating on how BB would go nuclear, as he should have; then everyone was dissapointed, myself included, in an otherwise good game, where you make your own fun, this is excactly what I excpect from DS after I play it.
If it comes to PC
Kojimber makes good game at their core, he is just a retard when it comes to writing and publicity.
>the whole "You will be ashamed of your words and deeds" bit about quiet that turned out to be "lol she breathes through her skin bro"
That's good though.
The only ones mad at this are SJWs.
Of course, the MGS fanbase is full of them.
based pathetic Kojimadrone
>he is just a retard when it comes to writing and publicity
Which is why plot in videogames is not good.
Videogames are not for storytelling, and everyone who tried failed.
i wanna play this game so i can just wander in another reality that can make me forget at least for a moment how much i just wanna die since my wife left me
if pre failure stank like roses , this game would be the worlds largest flower garden.
anyone paying attention can see this for the indie game it is.keep shilling.
and those unsure for fucks sake dont buy this garbage, youll like it so much you wont finish it.heres a reason aaa games are a thing. premium experience.
this isnt an aaa game and kojima is on the downhill like , almost at the bottom.
i will say the bizar story may be its one redeeming feature... but i read books for stories not gameplay
There are good plots in vidya, MGS had one before Fukushima got nuked.
Then Kojimbo crashed and burned
You mean like MGS1, where the villain's motivation was that he knew less about DNA than a kid in common core?
Or MGS3, which was a creatively bankrupt ripoff of James Bond, to the point where your stupid commander kept making jokes about it because Kojima can't into subtlety?
Not only that, but the fact that the only way MGS can tell a story is through hours and hours of cutscenes and codec calls just make MGS incompatible with the videogame industry, which is why the franchise had to die.
So literally every souls game? So literally every MMO in existence? I am tired of this man, he does nothing good.
>literally direct-to-DVD tier schlock
>good plots
I think it's about time people in this industry stop pretending they want good writing and admit they just want B-movie tier crap.
I have no idea why this industry has such an obsession with praising mediocrity.
MGS's plot is not even original, it just takes different parts of shitty movies Kojima watches, it makes the cutscenes extra retarded with all the anime shit and that's it.
This is what is considered a good plot in the videogame industry.
When will we get legitimately well written stories that don't make people feel embarassed to experience?
>We need more walking simulators!
>made the same for three decades
>he finally makes another game/ip
>"wow, I just created something totally different"
Jap robot shit doesn't count
Has Kojima ever spoken to someone that wasn't constantly sucking his dick? Thats what happens when you surround yourself with yes men and Dorito Popes.
Name two games that are exactly like Death Stranding, I'll wait!
So this game is basically MGSV but with a bigger emptier world and you can air drop supplies in for other players? Didn't Konami do that with Metal Gear Survive?
You again?
Get the fuck out of here. You should know when you've been beaten.
This is what I have been thinking since he started talking about it. Dark Souls really is the original Strand Game.
There are about 10000 of them on Steam, go nuts
Can I build bridges and give weapons to other players I'm dark souls?
But you have yet to explain what the presence of writing, which is always awful since there's no talented writers working in this industry, adds to the game.
How does a game benefit from having some terrible plot forced on it?
MGS, for example, would benefit immensely by getting rid of it.
The only thing that would change is that discussion about MGS would be focused on gameplay instead of whether Ocelot is gay for Big Boss, like the SJWs who eat up MGS plot do.
>ape dark souls bit
>call it a new genre
most of them are shit tier games that Yea Forums loves to play
Name two games that are exactly alike, I'll wait!
There have been plenty of well written stories in games, but they're all western. Planescape, RDR, Max Payne etc
If the game is seriously good, then it wouldn't be necessary for Kojima to create more games in this supposedly new genre, but other developers would see the potential and start aping elements of it, like has happened with literally every other succesful game that was first of its kind.
What does it say about Kojima's genre if he's the only one who will be making games in it?
I don't have to explain shit to you, DSfag.
If that's the best the videogame industry can achieve, then I doubt it's worth putting so much emphasis on it.
It will be MGSV all over again. A bunch of people praising it at first only to, after two weeks, being shat on by everyone. Only this time Kojima wont have Konami to take the blame.
No man's sky
MGSV but with the ability to go prone replaced with in depth walking
But the only people who shat on MGSV was Yea Forums
It was praised by literally everyone else.
Yea Forums's opinions are never relevant in this industry.
Reminder that this is the place that insists that GZ and MG Survive are good, when they both got slammed by people, one for being a paid demo, and the other for being yet another zombie game.
I read the article. I've REALLY been in the fence about this so far. To make my biases clear, I love Metal Gear, with my least favorite mainline being 4, and I actually quite enjoyed V. That said, I've been in the seemingly common camp among non-shitposters that the game will be either a huge hit or an embarrassing flop. Obviously I want it to be great since great games are a neat thing to have (even if I don't own a PS4), but I've still been very cautious. No preorders here, I was gonna wait two weeks after launch, but I do expect to buy it. Anyways, this article is maybe the first time I've actually believed this guy knows what he's talking about, even a little. Im not seeing his cheeky weirdness from MGS4, or his whole "and then Venom blinks as if to explain to the player the Patriots had won again" pretentiousness from MGSV. It feels like he's talked to a lot of people (George Miller, his team, western perspectives) about his decisions, which is good, since I personally think the guy needs to be tempered by others to really make a good product. The amount of thought, even if it's only for marketing, he seems to have put into the nitty gritty of player interactions with others is an interesting read, if nothing else. I'm still on edge. I'm still not gonna shill it until it's been out and I've played it. But I'm a little more hopeful, which I like.
Because you can't.
You are just a Stockholm Syndrome MGS SJW who wants games to be poluted with endless cutscenes with terribly written dialogue.
That's the thing about your ilk, that you don't even want good writing, the shitty writing of MGS or DMC is more than enough to satisfy you.
You beg for garbage.
The mere fact that the main character of MGS is unironically called Big Boss shows how much of a joke it is.
None of them have the sort of roaming exploration I crave. I want to go on long journeys through strange forgotten lands uncovering secrets and making new discoveries.
what the fuck is that image
why must everything look as retarded as possible
Yeah look bro I totally invented a new stealth genre
Im not pretending, some of my favorite video games have B-movie tier like RE, and MGS in special lured me in for that shit.
Im saying only retards like kojima want deep writing in videogames, because that always get in the way of the gameplay itself.
Kojima wanted to make a game about connection and we got a walking simulator.
Sorry, I don't buy games from people I could beat up.
It's not just "look out whole ahead" though because in this game you can build a bridge OVER the hole and people will send you likes and suck you off for being a stand up guy and allowing OTHER players to use their collected resources to potentially construct objects to assist you in YOUR game. I think the only way we are going to the moon in a timely manner is through shared help and coordination, this is the mgsv nuke creation/disarmament idea but extrapolated to be more complex and impactful. I have to wonder if people will intentionally engineer void outs and blow up helpful structures just to grief people similar to what the homo demens are allegedly doing in the games story, maybe its kojimas way of subtly saying griefers are a bunch of fags.
you can modify the environments in certain parts and yes you can give weapons and other items to other players
>if i call it a new genre it's a new genre
And that's why you are a blight on this industry.
You beg for more plot, but specifically mediocre schlock.
Kill yourself.
Epic strawman
You should stop pretending to know anything about me
Here's 1 game
No, Souls has direct multiplayer and people can invade you even if you don't initiate stuff. DS is connecting shit while remaining completely single player.
kek, your not even folowing the disscusion correclty, stupid shit.
Funny, coming from the fanbase that was wishing one of it's characters to be a tranny, and then got mad when it turned out a woman was dressed like a slut just for the sake of it.
MGSfags are all SJWs.
Red dead 2, mgs 5, dayZ, rust, gta 5, far cry 3, mad max
Like honestly literally every open world game
I liked Ground Zeroes a lot but I got it for free. Haven't played MG Survive but I know a lot of people are upset at the obvious cash grab. I don't really care either way.
i get the meme and all but open worlds are not a new genre
kojima's just butthurt over some random nobody in his company singlehandedly making exponentially more on the app store using konami's IPs than he's done in his entire 20 year career in konami.
>Im saying only retards like kojima want deep writing in videogames, because that always get in the way of the gameplay itself.
With MGSV he stopped focusing on the plot and you shat on him for it, even though that's what all videogames should do.
how did the (((peruvians))) do it?
Survive was better than mgsv funny enough.
they had massive dicks and just wandered the land
Yea Forums has these kind of opinions and then still insist that they are popular enough to have influence in this industry, even though Survive did flop despite how hard people shilled it here, no doubt the same who insist that DS is going to flop.
What's more hilarious is that MGSV has like 40 times more players every day than Survive.
Ok I'll bite.
Saying that miyazaki invented strand games is like saying Henry Ford "invented" the Bugatti Veyron. Sure Ford arguably made the first automobile but calling a veyron a model T is fucking retarded. You're not JUST writing shit on the floor you're crafting the games environment, and while I'm not 100% certain of how the mechanic will work its interesting to think about how you can walk through an area at the start of the game and have to deal with a very linear path to traverse it and come back later and shits accessible in a new ever evolving way. People hating on this shit as a neat idea or trying to give credit to from for it are fucking pathetic.
you mistook the peruvians for ecuadorians
MGS1 Cutscene Time: 3 hours, 14 minutes
MGS1 Gameplay Time: 15-20 hours
MGS2 Cutscene Time: 5 hours, 24 minutes
MGS2 Gameplay Time: 17-20 hours
MGS3 Cutscene Time: 4 Hours, 22 minutes
MGS3 Gameplay Time: 20 hours
MGS4 Cutscene Time: 8 Hours, 27 Minutes
MGS4 Gameplay Time: 6-8 hours
MGSPW Cutscene Time: 2 Hours, 57 Minutes
MGSPW Gameplay Time: 15-18 hours
MGSV Cutscene Time: 5 hours, 16 Minutes
MGSV Gameplay Time: 16-18 Hours
MGSV has the highest cutscene to gameplay ratio of the series bar MGS4
It's literally Dark Souls multiplayer elements.
What a hack.
>MGSV Gameplay Time: 16-18 Hours
I mean ive seen some journos defend mgs survive
Not just fags on Yea Forums that like to be contrarian
>gameplay time 20 hours
The first time I played that game it took me 15 hours, and I fucking sucked at it.
Source on all these?
Because it took me 40 hour to beat MGSV.
Mechanically the game plays similar to onimusha to me.
Survive was better than mgsv though. It's actually quite similar to death stranding.
I loved the atmosphere and the exploration. Combat was fun too.
Too bad your analogy is fucking retarded because of incompatible examples.
I shat on him because he should have went all the way and make BB a villian, because everything he said and showed on media was leading to it, he also tricked us into thinking Solid was going to appear with one trailer, the fucker.
Survive was a game that took the worst parts of MGSV and made an entire game focused on them.
I do not want to grind or build bases in an MGS game.
And the other parts of the game there's a ton of other games that does better.
Hell, it doesn't even have co-op for the entire game.
Too bad you started your argument, realized it sucked and I was right and forgot to go fuck yourself.
The fact he cant clearly and precisely explain what this genre is should tell everyone that he's either trolling, or that arrogant and full of himself. What he's already explained has been in other games as mechanics already, some integral functions even.
Who the fuck cares about any of that?
MGS lore is pure trash.
He should have focused on the gameplay and make it much deeper, make a couple more maps and put more detail, not shitty plot about whatever the fuck Big Boss was doing in the 80s.
I could run around Groznyj Grad for 600 hours if I felt like it but that statistic would be irrelevant
Peru is not even listed there but in another chart was way over 6'' too
What you described is basically the fundamentals of a MP minecraft server. This has been around for a decade+ already lol
>imagine falling for Kojimbo's bullshit again
>place a high value item out in a spot where ladders can’t be placed and there’s a lot of shit spots so people can slip and fall
Who /devilish/ here?
The thing is, you look in the review page for Steam and a ton of people have upwards of 100 hours.
The other games didn't, they were narrative focused, gameplay was just there because it's a videogame and Kojima felt forced to have something to fill in the gaps.
Considering how clunky those games were, I have no doubt nobody put any effort or second thoughts into it.
Lots of people
fucking contrarian little shit
But yeah you're kinda right.
>Gameplay Time
There is no objective measurement of gameplay time as it's all determined by player skill and completion rate
MGS1 can be finished with Big Boss rank in an hour and a half.
I have no fucking clue what even separates Death Stranding from all other action movie games
The thing is that MGSfags keep talking about how they want good writing, how "KINO" MGS2 was, but then in reality they don't care about themes or good writing, you just want a COD-tier plot with Big Boss and Solid Snake killing illuminaties.
Hell, the entire fanbase shat on MGS2 for more than a decade.
See you this November in the co-op, faggot.
>el POORANO's dick is too small to be listed in any chart
>while the eternal ecuadorian topples the charts coming in #1
>An open world third person shooter where you collect items from location A and send it to B
Thats not a fucking new genre you worthless hack
t.didnt play the game
Most of the game is you exploring these mist filled areas wearing a gas mask scavenging resources, fighting/running from enemies and plotting your way forward to the next safe zone.
Unlike mgsv it actually takes advantage of the open world. When you enter the mist you can't find your location on the map. You need to rely on your memory and any landmarks in the foggy enemy infested wasteland to find your way.
And then the final boss of the game, the lord of the dust can be found lumbering through the levels. It's incredible hearing and seeing this giant anomination that's literally over a mile long lumbering over and past you.
The game has soul for sure.
Ok you keep playing minecraft I'll play my version of it, woah look at that two things existing simultaneously.
how will kojimba gunna make a sequel if sony fires him for wasting billions of dollars on a game that will most certainly be dead on arrival
You can literally give players any items you can drop, which is everything.
Not a single 'feature' in this game is unique.
>Most of the game is you exploring these mist filled areas wearing a gas mask scavenging resources, fighting/running from enemies and plotting your way forward to the next safe zone.
What next safe zone?
There's the base and that's it.
>Unlike mgsv it actually takes advantage of the open world
That's the thing, I do not want an open world.
That's why when playing MGSV I always went on missions, I never went on free roam mode because roaming open worlds is pointless.
>And then the final boss of the game, the lord of the dust can be found lumbering through the levels.
But better ignore that the "boss fight" against him is just fighting against hordes of regular zombies.
>Open world third person shooter with MMO persistent world and Souls elements
So, literally nothing new.
>Literally a fucking bunch of micromanagement bullshit tied to what is mostly a walking sim with the occasional fucking interesting thing that happens being a gun fight with shitty 8th gen "crouch to stealth"
I've never seen a game that has revolted me in mere concept this hard
>that opening
>that fucking gameplay
I played 28 hours of it on a free weekend and I’m glad I did so I didn’t have to spend a dime on that shit.
Does it need to cure cancer and bring your dead parents back to life? It's a fucking video game jesus christ.
It's amazing how this entire post is wrong.
Sony can't fire him because Kojipro is an independant studio.
Second, I doubt this game has a budget higher than 100 million.
And third, it's going to sell, it's a Sony exclusive.
Yea Forums is the only one shitting on it, and Yea Forums is the one that insists that MGSV flopped and swore that Survive would do good.
Yea Forums is, and will always be wrong.
That's why TORtanic is famous, because it's the only time Yea Forums was right about something, and fucking everyone could see that coming anyway.
I didnt' say you had to not play it. I was just pointing out the shit Kojima is saying existed a decade ago while he was still jerking off snake.
>is like saying Henry Ford "invented" the Bugatti Veyron
No. A genre would correlate more with car classification than it would a specific type of car. No one was claiming Kojima invented Dark Souls. 2/10
No wonder you can't make an argument with that grammar.
>farming simulator where you can't even sprint because even that costs resources
>delivering mail = new genre
Everyone In the thread is saying From invented strand games though.... 0/10
kojimbo recouped all his costs by getting AMC and monster on board.
he has a monthly tugboat for life, he's set.
Something like a genre isn't something that you get to proclaim. You can make an attempt at something you think is a new genre, but the categorization lies solely in the hands of the audience and critics of it in its aftermath. The soulsborne games are a great example of this. I don't think Miyazaki ever proclaimed to have created some completely new game genre. It just crosses the line into pretentiousness.
what a fucking navel gazing hack
i bet he sniffs his own farts
Good god you're retarded.
Ford didn't make the first car. Ford made the first car that the assembly line workers could afford.
Saying Ford invented cars is like saying Kojima invented the stealth genre.
Doesn't Yea Forums ever get tired of making this kind of stupid exagerations despite the fact that most people here are millennials, aka, almost 30 year olds?
>I can't argue your core arguments so I'm gonna larp as an english professor
>strand game
yeah i'll strand the game in a garbage can
Nor it isn't.
Soulsbourne encompases the amount of technical flaws a third person combat needs to be as bad as Dark Souls games.
You’re even more pretentious than Kojima’s statements. At least he’s a creative(not the adjective, the noun) and he’s attempting something(albeit the whole “strand genre” is mega pretentious. Like holy shit Kojimbo, as a fan, that’s a load of horse shit you’re trying to feed us). You consume media like the rest of us, your concept of deep writing is no better than those of the best writers. And furthermore, writing doesn’t only consist of dialog and basic plot. Structure, movement, pacing are all elements of good writing and he also directs his work to fine tune on stylistic choices.
I don’t think the metal gear games are particularly deep for the writing so much so for their theming and how it connects to these weird(more so with solid 2 and on) simulators of stealth action. I also don’t look at the series as a whole story, there’s no way, they’re all so tonally different. But yeah, ur a chit.
>I can't type a compelling argument so I resort to petty responses and image reactions like a child
>seriously being this much of a pleb and not appreciating the japanese nature/camping/gearecore/cozycore experience kojima has blessed us with
How do some of you go through life with absolutely zero taste and appreciation for the subtle nuances that /outside/ has to give you? Imagine being this much of a rube.
The genre is open world. What he's talking about are gimmicks and online mechanics. What happens if you play the game offline? Is it suddenly a different genre? He obviously doesn't know what a genre is. Its probably because he can't speak English.
why does that native american's hand look so big?
Lmao you need to do all those things in death stranding.
Metal gear survive is literally the scraps left over from death stranding which kojima was working on when he left.
Again you clearly didn't play the game there's a whole bunch of safezones scattered through the map. You find one and then have to defend it against a horde to unlock it as a fast travel point.
Like I said in mgsv the open world is just filler, it actually has a purpose in survive. If you're gay and only like linear corridors that's a problem with you not the game.
Did I say anything about the boss being good? I just loved seeing the motherfucker roaming the map. It adda so much to the atmosphere of the game. First time he showed up I nearly shit myself. You're just sneaking through the mists and BAM this giant ass shadow of the colossus motherfucker shows up.
Which is why I gave myself the out of
>arguably ford invented the first automobile
I mean you prefer the orville and Wilbur wright analogy more comparing their flier to an F-22? Do I need to spell out the analogy further or you just like soaking up "I'm a smug cunt" points?
Kojima invented the strand part of mmos though.
Lol no
Minecraft created a new genre, as did MOBAs but the WC3 type.
lmao are we starting this thread again?
Celeste has a decent ish story that meshes well with the games theme
but it was made on a like 40 dollar budget with admittedly really bad art and an anemic plot. There was a lot of potential there, if they had money for better writers.
Henry Ford didn't invent the Bugatti user.
>You’re even more pretentious than Kojima’s statements
No, I just realized this industry has an obsession with avoiding good writing.
Like when I read about DMC's development and how they based it all on Hollywood B-movies.
Why the fuck would you that?
What kind of person sees mediocre media and says "Yup, that's what I want my creation to be, a 5/10".
This shit only happens in videogames for some reason.
>I don’t think the metal gear games are particularly deep for the writing so much so for their theming
But you don't want that, you hate theming.
MGSfags want games about what Solid Snake does in an average day, or about Big Boss fucking around with Grey Fox.
Walking Simulator isn't new though.. what the fuck. You can't just call a banana a YellowZingyPeely and than claim it's a new vegetable.
the #1 wasnt congo?
also i didnt knew ecuador was full of nigs
>Like I said in mgsv the open world is just filler
Exactly, the open world is just there for missions to happen in them, like PW.
Only thing it needed was to remove the free roam mode.
>it actually has a purpose in survive
Yes, grinding, that's not a good purpose.
>Saying that miyazaki invented strand games is like saying Henry Ford "invented" the Bugatti Veyron.
Holy shit stick to your food analogies you dumb motherfucker.
Universal symbol of a slut with confidence issues
Firstly, Souls games do the exact fucking same thing with their messages and players interacting through PvP/Coop.
Secondly, many games like Dragons Dogma have persistent bosses which need to be cleared by players killing them over and over in their own versions of the game which is exactly the same mechanic hes claiming he 'created'. As is the entire pawn system, which allows you to impact other players game experiences without you actually being there.
The idea of online persistent content is not new. Its not common because its fundamentally a shit feature, but its not new in any shape or form.
Also any MMO with layers is by definition a "strand". When some faggot farms items X and Y in his layer and sells them on the AH its crossed into my layer as well.
This is not a new feature at fucking all.
>arguably made the first automobile
He didn't.
Not him but its not arguable at all. He didn't.
>not wanting every thread filled with BEC (BIG ECUADORIAN COCK)
spotted the lomo saltado
>Send supplies
Is this nigger serious? What the fuck is dragons dogma for 500 points Jim. Or any MMO ever.
>share safe houses
What the fuck does this even mean? The buildings are set locations, you dont share anything.
>walk in the footsteps
Oh wow LITERALLY dark souls bloodstains.
wtf are you even talking about? fucking mexicans
I wish the async multiplayer meme would go away.
>That's good though.
No, it's dishonest. If you like Joost titties just say so.
Saying that From invented strand games and koji didn't is like saying the jews invented beyblades
>they fear the BEC
The "new" feature is that your world can be changed by other players interacting in their world or sending you things.
Not a new feature at all, lots of games do this sort of shit, its also not a genre.
The only way this could be considered a 'genre' is if it was literally impossible to play or progress without other players doing things in their world, but you can play this game 100% offline so hes full of shit. And if you cant progress except without others doing things in their world then its basically just a MP game like any other, you just cant see people.
Kojima is a hack.
Hey, Quiet had a reason, she breathed through her skin and you SJWs were saying he did it because of tiddies.
He completely proved you wrong.
He's contracted like how No Man's Sky did.
last i checked ecuadorians dick size equals the size of their country in comparison to the rest of the continent
Why are you arguing which japanese developer stole mechanics from mmos first with jew and car analogies?
You canuru goo any whereruru, new jonura, not rike bureathu ofuru wildu
are you using BEC units?
that was the most stupid excuse of a character design ever made
No you fuckwit, the open world is there to EXPLORE. You have to map it yourself and it's so refreshing. There's no question mark bullshit and while levels are open progression through them is mostly linear.
You even need to mark down locations of resources once you've mapped an area if you want to find them later. Survive has by far the best exploration of any open world game I've played, and scrounging for resources in the mist while hiding from roving zombies is a lot of fun.
This board is full of circlejerking reddit plebs though who hated the game because muh kojima.
I bet you couldn't upvote other players' ladders in those games though.
Kojima just invented third person open world action game with limited online player interaction? What a genius.
>and it's so refreshing.
Why is it refreshing when there are dozens of other boring open world games on the market?
So basically it took the open world shit and made it even more tedious.
I don't want open world games.
didn't knew ecuadorians wandered the south of Peru
What happens when you play the game a year after release? Will there already be huge fucking bridges everywhere? I wonder how they will balance that. Will Day 1 players never see any meaningful multiplayer constructions, or will there be preset items from the devs?
And what is the dying mechanic? I recall that Kojima said there was no "game over" state.
To derail the thread from the problem at hand:
Kojima is a complete delusional hack fraud and should be outed as such and ignored like the world should have done to that french clown from Lionhead.
There are a lot of Dark Souls games, that's why the souls genre exists.
Or that is what I would say if I was an idiot incapable of recognizing an adventure game.
Literally none of them make you navigate via landmarks or map areas you haven't explores yet.
Actually the long dark is similar in that regard and it's probably the best survival game out there.
Doesn't he also think he came up with the stealth genre?
Man, that’s a lot of projection going on there pal.
And theming? It’s the only goddamn consistent thing in terms of writing in the series. Genetics, legacy, war, politics, ethics is literally brought up from Metal Gear 2. Not even solid. How each of the games handle that is up for debate but I particularly 2, 3, and 5 for it.
I get it man, the games do play up the anime kitsch and Kojima is obsessed with referencing his favorite media, so sometimes it can get lost in the sauce with drawn out dialogue and long pauses, but even V had a shit ton of this discussion and it supposedly has the least amount of story(another discussion for another time).
I’m not gonna die on this ant hill for metal gear necessarily but it just seems like you have your head up your own ass.
You sir, have a good night.
that's fucking gay; for sois who can't win and are also afraid to lose
yes, and those equal to less of an centimeter
Yo, fellow 600+ bro.
Do you gay fuckers not enjoy hiking and camping irl? Do you just walk down fucking hallways because you can't handle more than one direction at once?
Not really, it was the first game that had no co-director tho
They'll probably do quarterly rollbacks to whatever server is holding all the stupid minecraft structures to prevent people from picking up GOTY editions and just getting ez-mode through everything(If this game even has any challenge to it at all in the end)
Pretty much. Strand is just Kojima's interpretation of indirect multiplayer interaction.
Someone in a previous thread claimed that it's tied to how much you interact with other players by giving likes etc.
You've only ever bought Cuphead, then?
Kojima literally saw Suda51 do async multiplayer in Let It Die and said to himself, "Did u rike it?" and made Death Stranding all the while ripping of Suda's monster designs to make the enemies.
Async multiplayer is a horrible idea and should never exist.
He likes to bring it up every time he talks about his fame, not invented but "Popularized" is his phrasing iirc
watch -- after the this game mildly ("mildly" because even if it does sell well, it won't be a satisfactory profit because he spent way too much money), no one is going to give him money for a second game. screencap this.
everyone said that about him after MGSV but look where we are now
except monster, Casio, Ray Ban, any mundane product placement, government grants coming from japan will gladly give $$$ to Kojima to make anything his heart desires.
Onimusha with its controls and camera is more like Resident evil/DMC mix than souls.
This is proto souls:
This, Rune, Crusaders of might and magic, Darkan, probably a dozen other action rpgs i'm forgetting. The genre used to thrive on PC because 3rd person action games were booming after tomb rider. Then there were like 8 years of dead air
I don't know what he could possibly do for another game, given that his new studio is pretty much revolving around this game, what with the logo, offices, and everything.
>not enjoy hiking and camping irl?
Hiking and camping IRL is great. MGSV was boring and so are most open world games.
Now you can move your fat body freery
who is this bog creature.
t. kojima cocksucker
That's what I've been saying this entire time, mgsv had a terrible open world and survive is a vast improvement with very enjoyable exploration and survival mechanics.
Please learn to read.
Dragon's dogma lets you upboat other player's little girls.
So... like Gravity Rush 2?
Japan has perfected camping. While the white man eats their Doritos in his mother's basement dreaming of the great outdoors, Hiroyuki leaves us for some quality time with nature eating sashimi under a star-filled night sky with his underage harem.
whoah, is this what being btfo looks like?
Why do you think I play videogames?
Because the open world part of life sucks dick.
>Do you gay fuckers not enjoy hiking and camping irl?
Will you ask me if i enjoy murdering people in real life because i like quake?
The experience is so different and your question is so retarded it's incredible.
Literal child.
If you could fly around in an arena blasting people in the face with rockets without consequences, you would.
>Step 1: I'll create a new genre
>Step 2: Ok, i-it's not exactly new but you will rike it
>Step 3: Heh, we need more creativity to shift the gamer paradigm yo
game looks pretty meh gameplay wise and the more I see of the story the less I care about it. Still gonna buy it tho. I usually had a great time with Kojima's games. Just the hype has died down a lot.
>Travel to A
>Collect item Y
>Take it to location B
>On the way get attacked by NPCs and deal with them with third person shooting/stealth mechanics
>Also see dark souls messages and votes
>Also see Dark souls blood stains except this time its footprints
>Arrive at location B
>Drop off item A
>Rinse and repeat
Wow. Revolutionary.
What a fucking arrogant cunt.
>Konami made the right decision to fire this hack
Let's not pretend like Konami is actually a good game company though. It's clear they got rid of him to focus on mobile games and slot machines.
You seem to be confused, user. Lets straighten this out. -Subject A- is me. I was not claiming MGSV open world was refreshing. I feel the opposite. I lump MGSV in boring open world. I was asking him why he thought open world was refreshing.Then you posted -Subject B-. And I confess I didn't get what you were are inferring about games at that time. But you seemed to be very hostile so I assumed you very much liked open world games and didn't like that I was questioning that. But you were ranting about IRL. Which led to my response here in -Subject C- reiterating that I don't like most open world games and also answering your odd questions about my IRL likes and dislikes. So I hope we are on the same page here now. Yes?
>Ditch a liability to make money
So they did what every company does
So few people actually Played Demon's Souls it seems. In DEMON'S Souls, they had a world tendency system. And what you did in your world could potentially alter the world of another. It was a poorly implemented system. But quite literally, your actions could cause a bridge to be built in the worlds of other players.
No one played demons, Yea Forums only played dark souls
If that page include you fucking yourself with a cactus, then yes.
Fuck you, we had comfy Demon's threads, before the Dark Souls for PC petition ruined everything.
>TWO star wars reboot funkos
I know its hard. You seem to get confused very easily.
Her name is Sydney and she does a show on IGN
Honestly I would.
We need to organize a search party for Mr. Kojima. He’s lost somewhere many miles up his own ass
Oh I'm not confused at all, allow me to clarify my position.
Ur wrong
Go fuck yourself with a cactus.
>What every company does
You don't know what a company is. Plenty of companies out there don't attempt to suck as much profit out of people as possible.
How is he planning sequel games when he doesn't know how Death Stranding will do? For all he knows, it could be a complete flop.
Well this has been a fun chat. I hope you start to figure things out. I know life can get really confusing. Especially on the internet chatting strange people. But unfortunately for you, I'm going to bed now. I had a big day. Still. Feel free to keep replying. I won't mind. Have as many last words as you like. They can even be bad words. I won't tell.
A Cactus.
You know what worries me? All the imitators that will try to cash in the "Stranding" craze.
So in the game there are various teams?
It's like dark souls covenants but every one fights for territory and resources in real time?
More open world games with shooting, cookie cutter stealth and takedowns? There are several games like that, mister hack with his head shoved deep inside his rectum.
Doubt it, between his cult and journos he could go as far as to make the worst game posible on purpose and it will be a financial success, while people claim its some sort of post-modern art piece.
"Gamers Don't Get Kojima's Genius And That's A Good Thing".
someone who has never played demons souls. it was truly a new experience when it came out.
>forcing a meme with the power of fame so that it becomes a new genre.
Meanwhile lowkey masterpieces like metal gear survive are barely noticed.
It's no coincidence that the best metal gear game was made without kojima.
Sarcasm, I know. But Survive isn't that bad as people think.
I still believe metal gear survive used some ideas from a proto ds.
Some shit are way too similar.
Didn't the dev team try to fix it and is playable now?
It's a high budget postal simulator. Get real. It's as if someone dump stupid money and a free engine on the dude that's making my summer car or those truck games so that they can polish the physics and gameplay. Those balancing mechanic ain't no different than shifting manual gears (something I don't think most Americans even know how) in those two games I've mentioned.
Uhhhh I wasn't being sarcastic. Maybe hyperbolic but survive is definitely my favorite metal gear.
It's decent.
neofag had that too. back then neofags werent sjws at all and some of them imported jp version and were playing it. it was like a very obscure japanese rpg.
Why is that Kojima fanboy (geoff keeley was it) called dorito pope anyway?
It's a marketing simulator in real time.
Survive always was playable. One thing the dev wanted is a game using V gameplay with new features as some kind of test. It wasn't even supposed to have a single-player campaign first but they added one because of the backlash.
But survive isn't the future of mg. Even the producer said it.
A dannish interviewer actually directly asked him about Dark Souls message system being similar. His answer was surprisingly honest in my opinion.
How can a spin off be your favorite game?
Really nigger?
You mean in the sense that everyone is going to suck him off because he's a somewhat likeable buffoon with a little bit of looks? I don't think it's gonna work, maybe if Kojima owned his own company like Konami it would have.
This is more like the amiga shit that went down.
Because it's the most fun? Scavenging in the mist while hiding from zombies and mapping resources/areas while a giant ass two mile long colossus stomps around is fun.
Thief was first and " popularized " the mechanics he so desperately wanted.
Go back newfag.
The game that blatantly ripped off its level designs from Doom?
I don't browse DS threads or Kojima threads often you spergs. Just recently watched gameplay trailer and it seems like a game that I'd play to chill and just soak in the atmosphere and scenery. It's a game for fat fucks like me that can't do any sort of hiking without blowing my heart.
>inb4 your heart's about to burst either way
Hahaha, fuck you.
Hahah fat fuck i hope your heart bursts
Get a move on fatty
nice bait,
>I don't browse DS threads or Kojima threads often you spergs.
That has nothing to dew with Doritos Pope newfag. Go back.
It's bait built off spam bait. The best kind.
"Yes, I invented vídeo games with these TWO hands!"
-Hideo Kojima, inventor of vídeo games.
It's not a video game it's a hideo game.
They came out within a few months of each other. I think MGS1 came out first iirc. Regardless of the fact Thief 1 absolutely shits on MGS1, its clear both games came about naturally. Neither having invented the genre. But I agree that
>Thief " popularized " the mechanics he so desperately wanted.
Hideo hame.
Hideo gajima
Thief had a massive AI backlog, it was planned to release two quarters earlier.
Bullshit. Yea Forums was hyped as fuck for Dark Souls at release because Demon's had such a following on the site.
People were hyping the fuck out of demons souls previews at e3. I remember g4, a fucking television channel, made a huge deal about it. You fucking faggot zoomer shit I hate you. Dont talk authority when youre fucking lying about your age. Cunt.
Also that user was right, PCfags ruin every Japanese game they touch, fucking virgin asshats they are
>Celeste has a decent ish story that meshes well with the games theme
Celeste had fun platforming and good music, but the story and dialogue were beyond awful. A sad millennial being coddled is not a good story.
What's the last book you read or movie you watched with a good plot? Try not to name some simple go-to answer that's more than 10 years old and appears on every entry level recommendation list. Your post reeks of pretentious pseudo-intellectualism.
Demon's Souls was previewed at E3 after it came out in Asia. A bunch of people from Yea Forums were hyping it for February, when it released in Japan and we imported from Hong Kong since it was all in English. The media was slow as fuck to pick up on it.
Is this a new genre of shitposting?
Broken English and moon shitposting isn't new, newfriend.
So you mean death stranding isnt a new game genre either?
Single player adventure with indirect online interaction? No, he didn't invent the idea. He might, however, execute it better than it's been done before and become the name associated with the idea.
>New genre
No man's sky already invented the walking simulator genre
Yea Forums is always right. The further you drift from the truth, the more fucked over you will get.
>Kojimbocucks literally cannot wait to haul semen from point A to B in Kobimjob's newest walking sim
Asscreed games with their birds eye view points to reveal the map mechanic makes it more a proto Strand game than Souls games.
>Weird guy
The correct term here is "hack"
I really want this game to succeed, I cannot recall the last time we have seen such a unique project from a major publisher. Maybe Minecraft, but I'm not sure.
I don't know about you guys, but this could be that little push the entire medium needs in order to be taken seriously as an art form.
That being said...
If this game ultimately fails, it's pretty much the end of Kojima's career, right?
>taken seriously as an art form
That was a small indie game that was super successful and got bought out by Microsoft.
Anyway I wouldn't be too concerned about this game failing, Kojima has a huge fanbase that will eat up any garbage he shits out.
>Yea Forums
He clarified it recently but shitposting is more valuable to Konami shills.
So dragon's dogma
>Konami shills
dont exist
>social elements
Well I guess I won't be getting the full experience then since there's no chance I'm giving Sony money for their shitty online.
Souls likes are not a genre, Souls is an action adventure RPG.
They usually let games with only asynchronous online work without having to pay for their Plus bullshit, but then again this is Sony's only big game coming out for a while so maybe they're feeling more jewish than usual.
This is no mans sky all over again
It may not require it if there's no real player interaction
ah yes from the creator of "TRANSFARRING"
Transfarring is gameplay system developed by Kojima Productions. The word "Transfarring" was coined by Hideo Kojima himself, and is a portmanteau of the words "transferring" and "sharing." This system is included in the Metal Gear Solid: HD Collection. It allows the player to transfer the game between systems allowing for continuous play of the same file on either the PlayStation Portable, PlayStation Vita, PlayStation 3, or PlayStation 4. Games capable of Transfarring have the Transfarring logo on the box.
If death stranding is anything other than amazing after all the shit that came out of this hack's mouth I don't think he will ever recover.
I hope kojidrones understand that people don't just suddenly hate kojima just because its cool. Its been a gradual process with MGSV being the big catalyst.
Transfarring was actually a neat idea at the time.
>taken seriously as an artform when we have (literal) children getting triggered about any and all politics in video games.
>walking simulator
>walking simulator
>walking simulator
>walking simulator
Dilate and 40% yourself
Yea Forums
>And what you did in your world could potentially alter the world of another
Not even a little. World tendency was poorly explained, sure, but it boiled down to a pretty simple and straightforward system. The only influence you had on other players' WT was if you helped then kill a boss and even then, it had nothing to do with you. It was just that they killed a boss. They would have gotten that shift whether you were there or not. Same thing for invading and killing them. It's not because YOU killed them, but because they died. The things your did only had a direct impact on your WT, not anyone else's. Help somebody kill a boss, you get closer to white. Invade and kill somebody, you get closer to black. Kill an invader, you get closer to white. Die to anything, you get closer to black.
The effects of WT were also pretty straight forward. Certain things would only happen if you had pure black or pure white WT, such as certain paths opening it certain enemies appearing. It wasn't as fancy or profound as you're making it out to be.
>thief was before metal gear 2
are you retarded?
You don't go out of your way or boast about making a new genre, it just happens naturally. He's so full of himself.
>"pls Sony give me more money to put my vision to life"
>actually goes and spends them on bullshit actors and music licenses
Where did I hear this one before?
Can i be an asshole and ruined something for someone else in this game to hinder their progress?
It's not, Kojimbo always lies until he is backed up in a corner
Kek, Kojimadrones sure learn from him, writing wallls of text while saying absolutely nothing is an impressive quirk.
Not a new genre, has been done before, he is only expanding on that with lots of 2deep4u bullshit.
>Walking simulator MOVIE
>Clarifies what got poorly translated
Keep seething.
the map is „offline“ when you start the game. by connecing the sheikah towers to the network, you reveal that part of the map and items of other players will turn visible in that area only
Thats like saying 9 is not a number because its just 2+3+4
they suck his dick while ignoring the game, you shit on him while ignoring the game
>o be taken seriously as an art form.
>Needing validation for a hobby
Dios nos libre y guarde.
faggot should stick with tactical espionage operations games.
>lol you cant understand true art!
I dont need to understand it to see that it's shit on a fucking canvas
Well, what was his answer then?
Is kojima retarded? We have tons of walking simulators. Some of them also have pissing in it as well.
Nobody thinks Henry Ford invented the automobile, retard.
hes been working on mgsv since 2009 so he still thinks the game industry is how it was back then. when in reality if you dont choose a safe genre your game fails nowadays.
This guy is so far up his own ass it's hilarious
Why did sony greenlight this game knowing that it was a fucking walking sim? A metal gear type game would've gotten a million more sales.
Oh my fucking lord. Please tell me that screencap is fake
asynchonous multiplayer elements are not new
leaving a message in dark souls for someone else to read is an example
working together as a clan in any gacha game is also an example
kojima is a hack
Who is George Miller?
Even Moulineux is more respectable at this point.
David Cage made at least 2 good games. Kojima mostly ruined them. Only mgs 1 is 50% good, before Kojima went all wank in the cutscenes disc 2.
>world tendency
the real reason why you should NEVEr play demon's souls online
>Can anyone pinpoint the year when Kojima's mind began deteriorating?
Literally from his careers inception when he thought plagiarizing western media was acceptable.
>The "strand genre" he talks about is probably a game where your actions can alter the world of other players and vice versa
What is a fucking MMO you mouth breathing retard?
>I created a new genre!
I don't think you get to decide that yourself Kojima, that's now how it works.
Is there a bigger hack than Kojima?
He was always good for a 4th wall breaking laugh, janky as fuck gameplay and great custscenes, but at what point did he start to genuinely believe that his regurgitation of western media was anything more than it is?
*dabs on non strand genre believers
Does this retard STILL believe he invented the stealth genre? For duck's sake, Thief: The Dark Project was released THAT SAME FUCKING YEAR.
Director of Happy Feet and the Babe (talking pig) movies
Kojima is the type of person to smell his own farts and tells people it smells good
Has he heard of Minecraft?
How the fuck is an art style a genre? This guy is the most pretentious mother fucker on the planet
But Disney is always calling their movies "classics".
>Thief: The Dark Project was released THAT SAME FUCKING YEAR.
And Tenchu 1 even before that, neither were the first either, but Tenchu and Thief have contributed far more to the genre than Metal Gear Solid ever has.
Uh ok. That's a weird person to see brought up.
>Kojima's new game system is called "pupidiku"
>very original new game where you put your dick into another man's ass but wait its NOT a gay to do this
Someone please inform Kojima we've had plenty of walking simulators and delivering shit has been done in tons of games, including fucking phone games. It's not a new genre.
Kojima's game will fail because it wants to be art, not a videogame. Most often the purest form of artistic expression has nothing to do with any artistic tropes, cliches or elements.
He did everything in his power to try and bait an emotional response from hiring actors to setting the tone on complex themes and ideas that belong in academia. Neither of this will evoke an emotional response akin to an artform that exists in a media that hasn't had that as it's goal, like many of your beloved games and your attachments to them.
It's easy to call Kojima pretentious but he really has no clue how to recapture the emotion he conveyed with his first real success. He really thinks that if he meets accomplished people in the industry it will help him, but it won't. I feel really sad for the guy, he's very misunderstood and won't achieve his "spiritual" goal this way.
>Kojima thinks
Lol no he doesn't.
Don't ignore the original Metal Gear games. He beat Thief by a good few years, but even then other games had stealth before Metal Gear. Thief may be a vastly superior game in nearly every aspect but it was not new. Only the execution was, which is the main point here.
The audacity of this twat to claim he has invented a new genre is what makes me angry. You don't get to decide Kojima and certainly not right away. Maybe years from now he can say "Oh I started this strand genre with DS" but now before the game even launches. It has already been said as well, DS does nothing particularly new. Demon's Souls had the messages, item drops and even World Tendency. Minecraft had the world you could all interact with. Journey with the seamless multiplayer. All he is doing is taking the concepts further than anyone else. Again, like Thief, it is the execution. He is doing nothing new with Death Stranding but the execution means it may be the best implementation of these online and multiplayer mechanics.
but Death Stranding IS the second game, Metal Gear Survive was the first
Wrong and stupid, its going to win every award under the sun and shilled by every single streamer, gaming tabloid because snoy wants the money back.
>great cutscenes
They are starting to seriously show their age with the way-too-fast zoom ins and exaggerated camera shake.
>shilled by every single streamer
except phil
Why do so many girls have that exact choker?
Based Phil, the only man who isn't afraid to shit on Kojima. We will get Sons of Kojima 2.0 from his burial of Death Stranding?
What I've said had very little to do with wether or not he will be successful financially. I'm not an expert in marketing or finances but I'm sure the media will consume the product in whatever way that seems appropriate at the time.
I meant that it will fail to convey what he yearns to do as an artist and a creator.
New Super Mario Bros. U
New Super Luigi U
Check mate atheists
Because women just follow trends in the hopes of getting noticed by men
it's a social walking simulator though, you can see other people walking with you, and the length of your journey is longer than the average walking simulator
so really, it's a hiking simulator.
Seriously though, what the fuck is a "strand game"? Cause he's saying there need to be more games to make it an actual genre, but I still don't understand what this genre is supposed to encompass.
and you're still wrong its going to be shilled as the greatest "art" game ever made 10/10 by genius creator Kojima. This is SNOY they will bleed money to not look retarded and keep the lies spreading. Whatever you think is gonna happen is irrelevant they have enough money and retard snoybois to change reality and facts.
It's literally just what dark souls has been doing for a decade
>Without ever crossing paths
Holy shit people are retarded, can't even call Kojima out correctly. This isn't like Dark Souls or MMOs at all, it's like goddamn Farmville.
A single player game where players can indirectly help out other players online by sharing items and all the structures they build within the world.
>>You mean like MGS1, where the villain's motivation was that he knew less about DNA than a kid in common core?
This. hahahaha.
What is the strand genre even?
Strand will be a genre created by a genius named Hideo Kojima
survival horror movie
>Thats like saying 9 is not a number because its just 2+3+4
This is a stupid comparison. It implies all Action Adventure RPGs are souls games. which is not true. Try again.
Kojimadrones are not people they do not think like a human being
I can't wait for this masterpiece to come out and get 98+ scores all over and see Yea Forums seethe for months.
Open world movie games loaded with sodeep literary/philosophy references that make 16yos who think they're mature for their age feel smart.
Hideo Kojima by Hideo Kojima (Hideo Kojima)
[Hideo Kojima]
>Make walking simulator thats a metaphor about drumpf
>new genre
glad this faggot will never be able to make movies like he wants to
Memes aside "strand" is a terrible name for a genre
Does Kojima not play indie or PS4 games? Walking simulators have existed for years.
This is literally the definition of pretentious
when he played GTA
Pretty sure Kojima is reading these threads, look at this shit
He's back on shilling Yunker energy drinks, instead of monster energy drinks
yes he is, he just told you to kys, fucking tasteless weeb
>When will we get legitimately well written stories that don't make people feel embarassed to experience?
when the target audience isnt: 'EVERYBODY from 6 years - and up'
This is what happens when you do nothing but feed someones ego for years on end. I hope Kojimafags are proud of themselfs.
>But in this game, you can go anywhere
So, like Minerman?
It's called a "walking sim", kojimbo. There are loads of them.
Minecraft is just Dorf Fortress in 3D but with 99% of the features stripped away.
>I decided to create a new genre
Is that how it works? I'm sure no one set themselves to create a new genre, just a new game and people decide if it is a neww genre or not after following its trends. Werent all early non-id fps originally called "Doom clones"?
I sincerely hope this turns out to be a massive flop and the only strand will be the turd dangling between Kojimbos legs
Based infinite seethe generating Kojima. Working on passion projects with famous celebrities while his fans enjoy his work. What a guy. There's nothing you can do to topple his or his fans' happiness.
I'm happy to hear that we have a great game where everyone can hate fags
so we gettin' specific STRAND games in the future, porn STRAND, Puzzle STRAND, God game STRAND, Creative/Art STRAND?
I dreamt about this game last night. I was in an abandoned building and I had to search and take some pills to be able to use the lamp and detect BTs. Somehow my lamp was organic and it was an extension of my body like in that David Cronemberg movie with Jude Law where people connected to the internet through a console made of a black fibrous flesh.
The bts could attack even if -o couldn't see them and a bt monster very similar to the hanging creatures in Half Life was stalking me.
he could be playing all the old ID games, and VR that user couldn't take Carmack, not even in his most nerdy and lanky phase, Carmack is to crazy and wirey and would beat that user up
>leave base without any packages
>at maximum carrying capacity
>trawl the landscape for stuff
>collapse all ladders after crossing and pick them up
>throw everything in the river
>It’s the same as when I first brought out a stealth game.
Is Kojimbo pretending he invented the stealth genere now?
Metal Gear (the original form 1987) introduced a lot of staple stealth mechanics, but it wasn't even remotely close to being the first stealth game. Jesus christ.
name the first
Probably 005 (arcade game from 1981)
Wolfenstein? Maybe? Unless you count pacman I guess
Holy shit hackjima
The real question is: Will Hidiot Kojima use "Fragile" (Léa Seydoux, which has made many movies fully naked w/sex scenes) as a literal roastie whore in the game to hide the fact that the game will be unfinished or stupidly boring, just like he did in MGSV:TPP with Quiet?
Lust darkens the mind, so you could hide the bad side of the game with a little bit of T&A, the gaymers won't know what happened to them.
And we know that originally, Stefanie Joosten was supposed to play the role of "Fragile"...
I never knew he directed Babe. Babe 1 is actually pretty good, and 2 is almost as good, with some heavier themes thrown in. Happy Feet is boring though.
Aaaand Kino Mad Max movies
This is obviously fake
>MGS1 Gameplay Time: 15-20 hours
Yeah, if you walk really slowly or die a lot. Same with 2.
kek it's real, check it out gameinformer.com
It's the universal black belt of sucking dick.
>wants a girl that smells of horse shit and hay
Why is it so hard to believe I honestly don't understand
I want to marry her, move together and COOOOOOOOOME and then raise children.
does anyone actually want random players throwing supplies during boss fights and placing ladders all over your world?
I'd rather play offline
He created the Stealth genre in 1987 retards. There were other games with Stealth mechanics at the time but they were not Stealth games primarily but mostly action games
>Thus, the idea of a game "where infiltration was the primary" mechanic was born.
Pac-man was not primary a stealth game it was maze game genre retard
The more he talks about this game, the more he sounds like some lunatic artists who displays a pile garbage in a museum, and that is the only exhibit.
And stop being a fucking useless mongoloid retard.
Did you just read what I said about what a genre is faggot? Wolfenstein and Game: 005 (1981 Sega) were actually shooting genre with steath elements where you had to shoot the enemies most of the time.
You're fucking retarded. Shooting in 005 is just as optional as in MG, and in Wolfenstein it's almost impossible to make it by shooting.
Why do you lie?
I really like HK's idea of wanting people to cooperate with each other. I like where it points. In a hypertechnologized global society, it's a interesting idea to make a high production project for people to help each other. From the little I've seen of the game, the first 10 or 15 minutes, what strikes me is how the game takes Rust's formula and inverts it, in the sense that, if you play Rust for a while and watch a couple of videos on youtube, the power dynamics generated can become shocking.
It is a game that offers an optional experience of dominion, control and exploitation of others, as they are all potential enemies. You can cheat, steal and even force your opponents hand in ways that only limit your imagination and moral compass. You have stories of deception, of people making other players kill their friends making traps and social engineering feats.
Death Stranding aims to suppress this human natural depredation behavior by having everyone playing technically as support. It's a very bold, risky and experimental idea for a Triple A. We are natives of a digital entertainment industry that has the act of killing as one of its fundamental pillars, and if murder it is our cup of tea, of course non-lethal cooperativeness video game will not permeate. And that's ok. Discarding the fact the demo has only one player and we watching the the thing, nobody should be forced to play a game that don't resonates with him. Now there is a large open game space where we are forced to change perceptions and we need to look for new ways of thinking in order to meet objectives. I'm up for that.
Meant Beyond Castle Wolfenstein. It's from 1984, but still much older than MG.
I still don't understand how the multiplayer of this game is supposed to work. So you'll occasionally see ladders put down by other people and that somehow affects the game, unless you don't have playstation's overpriced online in which case you just can't play it right?
Here you go faggot
>A maze type shooting game where you play secret agent 005
>Like its predecessor, Beyond Castle Wolfenstein is a combination action and adventure game with stealth elements
Nothing you posted disproves them as stealth games, you twat.
Also, Infiltrator (1986) didn't even have guns, or any other way to kill people. Kojimbo is a hack and it's a retarded lie to claim that he "invented" stealth games.
>Like its predecessor, Beyond Castle Wolfenstein is a combination action and adventure game with stealth elements
Just like MG. Stealth is more important in BCW, because you can't just shoot your way out of trouble. It also allowed you to disguse yourself, unlike MG.
>it's an mmo without players
So, literally everything out of Korea after one year?
I'm interested in playing this game but I feel it would be irresponsible of me to pay money for it.
So was soulsbourne and metroidvania mind you, They already have games like them.People just stacked two on two of their favorite combination of genre.
>Lmao you need to do all those things in death stranding.
From the gameplay, you in a way its not necessary, Energy bar is consumed based on the carry weight Sam have, and how you handle Item durability. other than that, from the gameplay, you don't need a constant [Water] [Food] reminder every 20 min.
From the what it looks like, You can rush a delivery from point A to B depending on the route with few support items(ammunition) and more luggage.
based Hideo ''not a gay'' Kojima
>Nothing you posted disproves them as stealth games, you twat.
Let me put that in a way you can understand
005 - Maze shooting game
Wolfenstein - Action and Adventure shooting game with stealth mechanics
Infiltrator (1986)
>This game has two parts, a simulator and enemy base exploration.
Where the fuck is the stealth part? All you got to do is walk around and knock them down
Now go look for a walkthrough for real stealth games made before Kojima's MG where you can pass enemies without confrontation and having to kill it to get to the next level
They have durability if I got my translation right from the Gameplay.
So If half the players are already in their endgame, their tower would be crumbling by the time new players come in. unless midgame player casually visits previous site with their midgame vehicles to keep the structures afloat
I really believe the PSN is going to be big deal with it. Sure, with singleplayer only, probably we are still be able to play, but the experience will be full with the co-op online. Probably this is how the want to make the money.
I can stay without a doubt that Death Stranding will be a completely mediocre if not boring game, it has been hyped up to no end and has yet to show anything that interesting apart from "quirky kojima story" that people lap up.
It will win GOTY and Yea Forums will praise it to no end until a few years down the line where the sentiment will change and people will finally be able to admit that it was a lacklustre and rather boring game with no substance, Jokima will ride this wave for a few years and then release some more boring shit.
He's relying on well known actors/directors to carry the game because nothing the fuck else with, the same way that Ellen page and William Dafoe did with Beyond: Two Souls.
You're just desperate as fuck. Your "arguments" are just a series of goalpost relocations.
Kojima didn't invent stealth. He was almost a decade late. He just copied shit froma lot of other games and added some extra features.
Yea Forums's not going to suddenly start praising a game they've already been shitting on for years. If anything the hatred for it and Kojima will increase when it's out.
Its a cloth-like choker, so you don't actually choke on it when talking normally compare to a soft garter choker, user
I don't know user, the game seems pretty solid. Is not Dear Esther in the slightest. The controversial thing it is focus of the main cycle, but it is in fact, a video game.
Oh, so basically Time Fall is going to keep the territory constantly refreshing itself.
>Death Stranding is what Kojima terms a "strand game," which he says has never existed before
*blocks your path 10 years ago*
AAA devs are so up their own ass it's worrying
>He just copied shit froma lot of other games and added some extra features.
Kojima copied other developers as much as others copied him afterwards. But he was the one who decided to turn stealth mechanics into a genre, because these games that he copied had Stealth as small side element instead of a game genre
>remove other player's deco in their safe house
>Put random ladders in their safe house
>obstruct safe routine with unnecessary structures
>grow mushroom on a players normal safe routing to force em to get BT buttfuck
The whole point Keifer was chosen as Snake was because of his Music Director's advice. so it's pretty much real.
>find some comfy cave
>make it my to go place whenever i want to feel cozy
>faggot redditors are now making a highway right in front of it
No thanks, will play this shit offline day1
This, and I assume you're correct about not being able to see shit if you don't feel like paying 20 dollars a month to see fucking ladders in a game.
I HIGHLY doubt this game will function like it's supposed to offline. I understand what Kojima is doing, where the shit other players do in the game will essentially make your journey a smoother one where everyone will be contributing to each other's playthrough but considering you're "genre-defining" feature needs online to work I'd hardly call it a new genre. You're just playing MGSV with a larger, uninterrupted world if you don't have online.
Why call it it's own genre if plenty of people aren't even going to experience the part that makes it "new genre." Fucking retarded. Regardless, Dark Souls already did this and more. Kojima is just expanding on it to make it more beneficial to your walkthrough.
pretty much, yeah.
>small side element
Fucking have a look at 005, Castle Wolfenstein, Beyond Castle Wolfenstein and Infiltrator. Are you seriously implying stealth is a "small element" of any of those games, but not in Metal gear? What the actual fuck is wrong with you?
Goddamn Kojimacuck.
after all this he better at least deliver on some sort of premise. If it's a social media - geography sim or something..
As long as its something different and it releases on schedule then I'll give it a chance.
That's why it was so good.
Yea Forums has done that multiple times, just look at how there's nothing but praise for Kojima now
>just look at how there's nothing but praise for Kojima now
You did read the thread, right?
There are like five simultaneous threads bitching about Kojima on Yea Forums at all times.
MGS2 barely has more gameplay hours than cutscenes, I don't really mind but the ratio was kind of ridiculous. What do you base this shit on? Self-reporting on how long to beat places it at 14 hour average, cutscenes and all.
That would actually be cool. The BRIDGES company is nice but I align with the Homo Demons more often.
Somebody should confirm this. But considering the main message from the game is cooperation, it's very unlikely.
Survive wasn’t terrible, but...
>Predictable and bland story with no quirks, basically a COD zombies map on steroids
>Microtransactions up the ass
>”Survival” gameplay that basically boils down to floundering about slowly for supplies and not being able to have half the movement capabilities of any metal gear games
It’s not shit but it’s not great.
>Free Engine
>Kojima is using DECIMA, a custom engine used originally for Horizon Zero Dawn