This can't be real

This can't be real

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Other urls found in this thread:

crossplay of what

shut the fuck up idiot

>twitter screencap thread

Pretty sure its CoD. Consoles not only have aim assist but less recoil. The advantages of a mouse are still way better though

Call of duty

but isn't it fair to remove those advantages

Give them gyro and remove them ps4 and Xbox are both capable of gyro the devs refuse to utilize it

There is no crossplay unless the pc player use a controler.

Pc players are garbage. Plugged in my ps4 controller to play for honor and it was a fucking joke got to Dimond 5 and wasn't even trying.

Are you actually retarded?

This is why I bump coomer threads. sage

Are you? Pc players are trash

>plays for Honor
>boasts about beating other people in video games
>Has a controller

seethe harer

Crossdressing Cossplayers?

no really, I need to know if you're retarded or not so I know whether or not I can make fun of you

oh this is going to be like every other time they put controller users against mouse users the controller users will get stomped and whine for the next 60 years about it

You know on PC For Honor is 60 fps and console maintains a 30 and PC players still can't even block let alone parry the slower attacks its like fighting drooling retards and made me realize ya'll are absolute trash

>played a none shooter
means nothing

Yea Forums - Twitter

And in the of chance that they win, they'll use it as definitive proof that controller beats mouse even though it's a one time thing.

It's actually unfair to the pc player. He has to work extra hard to not embarrass himself because he has more on the line.

It's common for controller to fail. But pc needs to make sure of that. And console will use every opportunity that they can to drive that thought into them.

During a game its not " this will be easy, I'm on PC." , It's " this SHOULD be easy... I'm on PC..."

You assume I play that garbage which makes you a fucking retard and not only that, you're a retard with horrible taste in videogames and I hope you one day learn about better ones

ok but a mouse can hit a headshot with ease a controller on the other hand

This gyro is tied to mouse and keyboard if the tech was perfected it would probably better then MKB

Ok trash.

I love how console players can't even form complete sentences. It really shows how stupid you guys are on multiple fronts.

>Go to a friend's house to hang out
>Decide to play COD black ops or whatever the fuck it is
>Literally go 40-0 because I was aiming down sights at every corner instead of running like a retard
Console players are glue eaters.

How does it feel knowing you'll be thinking about this thread for the rest of the night while I go about my business like it never happened?

I swear to God, console kiddies have so much to prove to absolutely no one.


>Moving around the map is camping

Attached: drooling retard.png (534x588, 267K)

For Honor has ranks?

Lmao sure bud whatever you say.

Ya'll are bitter af. Probably because you suck.

Attached: 1563788907858.png (367x390, 217K)

I am reasonably sure For Honor isn't crossplatform.

CoD threads really bring out the tards and that's saying a lot around these parts. You should all re-evaluate your lives.

Mouse and keyboard doesn't have a massive advantage in For Honor like they do in an FPS.

>Mad cuz bad
Definite proof you pay to play online

In ranked duels each color has five levels other then master and grand master
It goes. Bronze, silver, gold, platinum, diamond, master and thengrandmaster.

There is only 100 grand masters at a time and each is given a specific number

imagine playing shooter on controller

Wasn't 4 honor literally made four controllers?

>console players use every chance they have to best pc players
>they do this because they have an inferiority complex
>PC players don't care
>console players endlessly try to impress themselves

Exactly, where it comes down to pure raw skill.

What is gyro

No it was designed for pc and ported to consoles all changes and patchnotes are made with t

You have 1 life to live and this is what you are going to spend time on. Whether a shit fps matters if you use a controller or mouse. In 3 months this shit game will be forgotten. Subtle advertising by the faggot known as OP.

I'm pretty sure I read the new CoD won't queue kb+m with pad players usually because even with these advantages it would still be a slaughter

Attached: 1540830673288.jpg (1101x737, 115K)

No, I played the demo and playing it with mouse and keyboard was nightmarish.

No, it was made for pc and ported to consoles. All updates and patches are made with the pc meta in mind and consoles have to adapt

What's up with that selfie? I know your playstyle must be mind numbing but you should keep your eyes on the screen.

>designed for pc
oh sweet summer child

This is shit bait. I've been playing For Honor since launch, and console players are beyond dogshit. It doesn't help that frames are trash on console so you can easily spam 400 ms lights and it will genuinely work, as opposed to pc where you genuinely have to throw in mixups. Also this entire thread is bait. If you faggots actually idorted, you would know this. PC players are generally better in most online games that aren't dead on it, or are f2p.

Gyro control, think splatoon where you use the stick to spin around and motion control for fine movement. Suuuuper accurate. If you have a ps4 controller you can use gryo on pc if you have a wireless adapter.

Nice samefag, the 42s confirm.

>less recoil

Post proof. Perhaps this is true of this COD, I wouldn’t know since I’m not getting it but historically this is not true whatsoever.

Recoil is technically the same and effectively lighter on PC where you can better control recoil

cod multiplayer is dead in a week if they actually did this and you have no option to opt out.

Good god nigger I'm ending this conversation here. I urge you to go back to facebook and never stink up this place again. Your stench miraculously overpowers even that of this ocean of piss.

Attached: jenny puke.png (482x679, 193K)

No shit phone glitched and posted it mid complete. Why do you think one post is incomplete numbnuts

I'm being a brainlet. So you move using the stick and use motion control to aim?

PC players don't care about COD, they like Counter Strike & Siege

How new are you to shooters? Even fucking apex had to reduce recoil on consoles. Almost every shooter does.

Those forged on console and git gud are tougher. Play through ranked and get up high enough and you'll see how strong people are. I'm autistic when it comes to fh and it's ez mode on pc everything is in God damn slow motion

No, you can aim with the right stick AND gyro in tandem. use the stick aiming for wide motions like full turns, and use the gyro to fine-tune your aiming.

Don't project your self-hatred onto me, weeb.

Obviously you’ve never played COD, because the current COD is the first time they ever balanced for PC

Everything ever in COD has been balanced for PC.

Here’s the part where you pretend to not care since COD is shit anyway (I agree)

Does anyone besides console convert children still play CoD on PC?

Why are console players like this?

>they boast about being better than PC players
>they get made fun of by PC players
>their first reaction is to challenge said PC player, like a fucking animal

I meant console, not PC, obviously. It’s a console game.

so good games? damn...


Attached: consoles.webm (640x360, 2.39M)

> if you don't rush around corners like a retard and instead take them carefully, you are literally doing nothing and I'm surprised you're not bored
zero attention span

You use the left thumstick for movement.
Right thumstick is to aim too (like dual analog). but the controller itself has a "gyro" sensor. So when you tilt the controller up down left or right it aims accordingly (sounds weird but it's super fluid and feels natural) mostly you use it for the fine tuning aim that you can normally only get with keyboard and mouse. If you can just give it a try because it should be the standard.

Attached: consoles.webm (960x540, 2.92M)

Did someone say consoles?

Attached: 1548368142945.webm (720x404, 2.65M)

It's almost like a certain group of people behaves exactly like that. One could assume said group makes up the majority of that platform.

>I was aiming down sights at every corner
Doesn't sound like moving to me, fag.

I hope you're not implying that most consolefags are niggers and not white trash.
Because there are tons of the latter on consoles.

>Boast about being better
>pc players laugh
> ok fight me bitch
> um um um

Why are pc players such pussies

>I wouldn’t know since I’m not getting it but historically this is not true whatsoever.
All call of dutys are well known to have different recoil and even damage values between PC and console versions

Truly the superior platform in terms of input.

Attached: console aim.webm (640x360, 2.86M)

What the actual fuck

Attached: 1428763937919.jpg (337x343, 22K)

That's some crazy mental gymnastics you have going on there, bud.

The only crossplay game I play, the devs recently put in controller only matching to calm the butthurt of Xbox players

>um um um
more like
>pc players laugh (again)

Except it literally does?
> Move to corner
> Aim down sights, peek corner, move slowly
> Start moving normally again
If he were sitting at one corner and waiting for his enemy to come to him, he WOULD be camping. But saying "every corner" just means he's taking them slower.

Xbox pad doesnt have gyro. Only switch and DS4 do.

There is no such thing as white trash. All whites are gods chosen people. Except jews

Wasnt there a really oldgame that did this and console players stopped plsying?

ok, ill wait for you to buy a pc, bitch boy


Keep running from that fight. That'll make your dad love you finally.


Yes, Shadowrun on the 360 originally ran tests with crossplay, console users got wrecked so badly that they scrapped it completely.
Controllers can really only compete with a keyboard and mouse with auto-aim, otherwise it gets destroyed every single time.

Oh my bad I thought they did

Buy a console it's the cheaper option.

Mouse and keyboard > gyro > single stick with heavy auto aim like goldeneye > power gap > another power gap > 2 sticks trying to emulate a mouse and keyboard

Sounds like a camper rationalization to me, especially when you take into context that that sentence is put into juxtaposition with >instead of running like a retard. You're still camping if you move from one of 4 corners of a room every 3 minutes.

Destiny has more recoil, and extra bloom on controller

playing eldewrito I noticed I was able to keepup with keyboard players in every mode save swat

If controller was better, why don't pc gamers use them?

>controllerniggers think they can hold even half their own against a PC player

I'll never know how people get good with game pads for shooter games. For 2d platformers and beat em ups like yakuza yeah sure game pads all the way but anything with a retical to aim the mouse is so much better

Xbox is not capable of gyro.
Which is probably why nothing on ps4 uses it since it would allow ps4 players to shit all over xbox players in multiplayer, but then the morons at PlayStation went full retard and barred Cross play anyway.

>spend 800 to play every game vs spending 300 to play 1 game

Some people on PC actually do, and I have no idea why.

Halo Online has autoaim.

I use gyro ps4 on my pc, but I bought a pc late in my life and I couldn't learn mouse and keyboard for the life of me.

>Which is probably why nothing on ps4 uses it since it would allow ps4 players to shit all over xbox players in multiplayer
What ps4/xbox games even have crossplay?

cringe... ur gf didn't realise how small u were till she fucked me

LMAO console shitters are going to get DESTROYED, I remember playing bo2 on pc and the amount of movement and reaction time pc players have is insane, Imagine a frothing at the mount, speed, cocaine and adderal all in one, just a giant sweatfest, shooting you in the head from a kilometer away

fuck this is going to be fun

I'm aware, I more meant Halo has really good aim assist to the point some gamemodes controllers might have an advantage.

If you somehow were able to trick the game you had a controller but had a keyboard you've be an unstoppable monster.

>Need enormous aim assist to shoot in a straight line
>Talk shit
Console Siege webms are always hilarious because it's one of the few games that doesn't have aim assist and holy fuck does it show.

We could play more then one game. U homo

shut up bitch

> Running like a retard
> As compared to aiming down sights at every corner
This implies that the guy who's "running like a retard" is constantly going fast, even in cases where he could be walking right into the enemy's sightline
As opposed to the guy who aims down sights, who makes sure that if he's walking into a sightline he'll be ready to shoot first
You seem to understand the definition of camping, now realize that just because someone isn't running around a corner without even trying to be safe, like a retard, doesn't mean they're camping.

I blame the stupid fucking 3 lane shit. The games are literslly builts as hallways.

Pc "players" that play CoD are the ones that play Fortnite, OW and garbage battle royale
. They are garbage yes

Lmao doesn't matter I was done idgaf what she thinks

>If you somehow were able to trick the game you had a controller but had a keyboard you've be an unstoppable monster.
People abuse that all the time in PC games.
It was a huge issue in Titanfall 1, so much so that every pro team had at least 3 "controller" users who were just abusing the game's auto-aim on their KB+M.
It's why auto aim should just flat out be removed from online games, don't know who thought it was acceptable for every game that requires precision aiming to have a built in aimbot, but they deserve to be scalped.

you're not very good at reading comprehension, are ya lad?

i use controller in games without competitive part, like warframe or borderlands or destiny and only when im feeling really lazy
thats if we talking about shooters

you seems upset

Make me cock gobblin

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He would have gotten it if he just upped his sensitivity teebeehaych

>This implies that the guy who's "running like a retard" is constantly going fast, even in cases where he could be walking right into the enemy's sightline
>As opposed to the guy who aims down sights, who makes sure that if he's walking into a sightline he'll be ready to shoot first
That's one way to read into it, but there is just as much room to interpret it as skulking around shadowy corners. It was simply a poor choice of words from the aforementioned poster.

You're not very good at argumentation, lad. Sit down and let the adults talk.

i actually doubt that very much gyro is nice in lue of a mouse but not in place of one

>aim assist
>real competition

Having played both console and pc at a high level most pc players vastly overestimate their own skills, there are skilled players on both platforms

I thought mouse was better

>because the current COD is the first time they ever balanced for PC

Attached: 1504585596571.png (700x979, 97K)

It is. But aim assist isn't "real" competition when it's the equivalent of giving a wheelchair kid an Ironman suit in a basketball match.

Is that why the most popular console Siege streamer is Wings of Redemption?

Are you saying you can't beat a console player with a mouse if he has aim assist

Don't change the subject pic players overestimate how good they are that's why I was able to transition from console to pc and mvp almost every game I play within 6 months.


lucky shots?
anyone who is blinded 100% like that should be a SIMPLE target.

>Are you saying you can't beat a console player with a mouse if he has aim assist
...No? I'm saying that the super competitive console players will have decent aim thanks to aim assist.

>Obviously you’ve never played COD, because the current COD is the first time they ever balanced for PC

Attached: 1559415455948.gif (486x273, 3.5M)

Yes console players with at least 1000 hours on games like Siege will have an easier time transitioning into PC when they're playing against Silvers and low golds. Have you ever played against high plat/diamond players, especially a well-coordinated team?

So it's only aim assist nothing else

No matter what you play with you'll adapt to the control scheme

>poor choice of words
Maybe if you actually asked him to explain instead of calling him a camper you wouldn't be in that situation.

I play respawn games I don't like to waste time watching retards play and staring at portraits

Think battlefield, tf2, games that require you to aim and move

why are you playing 4 horor whats wrong with u

shroud vs this faggot

You do know that if you pit players with equal map knowledge and game sense, you're left with aim? Is this rocket science to you? Do you think playing on consoles makes you any better at any of this than playing on PC?

>Twitter for iPhone
Never take them seriously.

I can smell you console shit-eating breathe.

You can't turn as fast on console so planning your next move is pretty important as you can't 180 and run immediately, think battlefield

I can do pretty much whatever I want on pc movement wise, your movement is more limited on console

Nope. Wrong. W@W is the only one prior to BO4 and all they did was nerf the MP-40.

>Autoaim literally aimbots
Accurate title.

what really is limited here is your iq

Can i plug in a pad to queue then switch to mouse in game?

I don't if the response went through, but here you go:

>Controllers are shit so console players tend to be more slower.

Fortnite, Smite and Dauntless iirc.

You don't understand that despite the advantages of the pc console players can still be competitive

They adapt to the control scheme, if you play modern warfare don't be surprised when console players beat you

>Poster to Twitter from my iPhone
Yeah, good luck with that.

Splatoon 2 called. This works

Attached: 1515444736344.jpg (258x245, 12K)

I think he meant cross-dressing and got auto-corrected. Thanks Siri.

Don't be surprised when a console player beats you on modern warfare, that's all I'm saying

>soniggas think they can compete agains a mouse

??? I don't care, but that was your point? Why are console players actually retarded and insecure.

The new cod is cross play? I love cross play because it let's me stomp consoles, no matter what genre it is. Is rainbow six and other games getting crossplay/already crossplay?

He isn't using auto aim, he's using a mouse and keyboard.

I was just pointing out many pc players are overconfident

>consolefag wins 1 game against pc players
>pcfag loses 1/10 times against a controller
>gg you're pretty good for a controller user
Why is this even a surprise? Have people already forgotten Sea of Thieves when it tried doing crossplay?

I remember when Nier Automata launched and there were a dozen or so threads filled with tards who couldn't even clear the tutorial. "masterrace" is a meme used to justify their 2000$ 4chanmachine.

>implying that console players have little confidence about their skill and are insecure.
Based overconfident PC chads.

remember shadowrun crossplay? they limited pc turn speed because console kids were getting danced on.

oh no no no console bros we got too cocky!!

Attached: 1553670237012.png (640x557, 245K)

>get game pass
>play gears 5
>shit all over console players
>nearly best stats every game
>ranked is easy mod with kbm
I don't know but when you even have such a huge advantage in a game i literally never played before and that is designed around controllers i don't see how i wouldn't stomp console kiddies in modern warfare.

To be fair, that guy had never played Quake before I believe.
Here's a guy that actually tried gitting gud with dual analog in QC. While it doesn't looks as terrible as your average dual analog gameplay you can still see the typical problems with it. Turning around takes a while instead of being instant and he can't track for shit. And this is just him playing against bots.
Dual analog is just shit for FPS even if you're competent with it.

Compare that to this guy using gyro

PC players have a lot more nonwhites and poor people playing so it makes sense

He looks like he just got the game and plays with his feet user. That doesn't look anything like quake. Shooters on console are a joke for retards who need a crutch to hit anything.

there tends to balance changes catered to different platforms but the games are shipped with identical tuning until pc players start complaining on reddit about poor console based balancing. for example in bo4 snipers and smg were gutted on pc while console had them buffed about 3 weeks after the launch

Lmao, enjoy getting endlessly raped by PC cheating motherfuckers, consolefags. You will be aimbotted into oblivion.

Do you always stop reading posts halfway through?

Every multi platform should have crossplay. The fact that this is not the norm in the current year is honestly baffling.


Attached: 55DF275C-1A5A-4532-A73A-5B2A0DF76377.jpg (640x635, 58K)

90% of controller players will get smashed but theres some controller players that are stupid good at abusing the aim assist. fortnite pros literally forced the devs to nerf aim assist because some dude figured out a trick to do perfect tracking with it while moving

I'm talking about the guy in the first video. The second guy looks gud. My point stands that as long as consoles don't have a better input method or console players refuse to use them shooters are a joke on console. It's like retards without arms trying to headbutt each other to death. A real shitshow. I compare shooters on console and pc sometimes on youtube and the gameplay looks worlds apart. It's just insane to let pc players play with console players.

If they're on about CoD

Crossplay will be based on input type.
If you play K+M you will only be matched up to people playing K+M.
If you play controller you will only match up with people using controllers.

They already thought about that you fuck heads.

Almost true. Console players can opt in to play with mouse and keyboard players.

And no one is going to do that.

They don't because it's free advertisement for KB&M and PC.

Wait until someone makes a spoof tool to disguise KB&M as controller input.

>My point stands that as long as consoles don't have a better input method or console players refuse to use them shooters are a joke on console
Well yeah, that was mine as well. Just seemed like you considered my post with the videos a defense of dual analog originally so I assumed you just took a look at the first video and maybe the first sentence.

No it locks what you entered with.

the fuck is this

This is a thread about fps weeb, nobodies talking about your gay ackshun games.

I switched to DS4 with gyro on PC instead of kb/m a month ago because of carpal tunnel and back pain. On PC I actually do better with gyro than with a kb/m. I don't play eSports, this is purely in single player games, but I was amazed by how good the gyro is on the DS4, it's much better than the Switch's joy-cons. It's possible to use gyro on your PS4(as well as remap buttons) using Steam, VDX, and PS4 remote play, but it didn't seem to work as well as on PC games, though I may not have tinkered with settings enough, plus it was RDR2 which has assloads of input lag. Still far superior to an analog stick, though.

>Wait until someone makes a spoof tool to disguise KB&M as controller input.
Wait till someone gets banned.
Might have gotten away with it on steam where they don't care at all.
But Black Ops 4 on Battle Net has been 10/10 hardly any hackers aimbots etc.
They've been quick to ban/patch them etc.
Moving to Battle Net was the greatest thing CoD has done on PC.

Nah this thread is about pc vs console players. Have you missed the obvious twitter screencap bait used by OP?

>aim assist with KB&M
>this is going to be possible thanks to Activision

You can't turn the inbuilt auto aim off when using XIM. It's always there even with your M/K.

>But Black Ops 4 on Battle Net has been 10/10 hardly any hackers aimbots etc.
Are you joking? Just google black ops 4 buy hacks or something. Nearly every larger hack selling site had blops 4 cheats. It had a real cheater problem all the time.

Post examples.

>he believes all of them are real
Lmao enjoy your malware, spyware etc.
I bet some of them are even
>complete this survey to download
I play BO4 HC TDM daily. Never had a problem at all.

There are retarded players on PC too! See console is good!
Thank you based retard.


Locked to input type.

Zoomer pls. It was a multiplat launch title for the 360 and and Vista and PC players broke the multiplayer because they dominated every round.

>he believes all of them are real
There are enough legit hack selling sites and nearly all of them had blobs 4 cheats. If you don't know what you are talking about shut up. Just look at youtube and blobs 4 cheats. You brainlet might not know it but hack selling is a serious business these days.

2007 shadow run fps


Why would any pc players give a shit about cod?

I have used a controller on all PC shooters w no assist and consistently shit on everyone. I am better than all of u lmao. Only difference is PC players try to hipfire all the time like retards

Attached: 1560387443236.jpg (586x580, 127K)

There was a shadowrun fps

>dumbass thinks all those links are legit and not virus filled spyware
If you check CoD on Reddit most people are complaining about hackers on Black Ops 2 PC and Xbox and some MW2.

Gyro is still worse than mkb, but leagues beyond fucking joysticks. Gyro is the best possible for console.

Yeah I completely forgot that this shit exists. This IP is way better than Cyberpunk I kinda wished CDPR used this instead of the stale as fuck CP.

Attached: iu.png (778x960, 1.47M)

Born retarded

terrible bait

don't console players flip their shit and demand bans whenever someone figures out how to use m&kb on their peasant boxes?

>legit hack sites
>he legits believes this
Oh god stop my dying. Lel.
Buy one of them and try it. I dare you.

Sure you did.

Attached: 1561420692065.jpg (531x558, 77K)

Why would you willingly handicap yourself like that, aiming on stick feels terrible

They teamkilled each other

This game was fucking sick, played on 360 never really noticed the crossplay. Great game no joke

You guys are really a special kind of retards. No point in arguing with you. You never believe that there are real hacks, even when every big cheat selling site had them. I dunno if they install a rat or spyware, never bought them, but i know they are legit and that thousands buy them.
Clearly you just don't know what you guys are talking about. This stuff really turned into a business in the last few years.

bo4 was decent at launch but its in shambles right now, fused game modes in mp due to low population, blackout pretty much completely dead, and i actually ran into cheaters the one time i tried to play it again recently not even mentioning the trash optimization

they promised that mw will be better, and i think crossplay might do it some good, but time and time again cod has proven to be dog shit on PC barring infinite warfare which at the least ran very nicely


Attached: vCeKKERPPu9JDuYNHbV1O3i19Wr2-poTtsy43qn6KE4.jpg (770x768, 68K)


Playing the CoD Beta made me realize I'm just a boomer. Seeing fucking kids experience their first or second shooter other than Fortnite is hilarious.

>Trying to plant on friendly objective
>Not understanding what an objective even is
>Basically playing without ears and have zero awareness

These kids are in trouble if all the boomers like myself get in to this game for more than a week. Legitimately easy fun.

Attached: 1568578765249.gif (258x199, 1.05M)

Nobody with a double digit IQ plays CoD on PC

Im not too worried about it, being a console player mainly.
I dont think its going to be as one sided as ya'll think, consoles have aim assist for a reason.
Using a m+kb is essentially like having aim assist so what's the big deal.

Yeah that's because the double digit iqs play CoD on Consoles and triple digit iqs play on PC

No I played with plenty of people who openly talked about using keyboard and mouse in black ops 4, they were mostly shit and I carried them all day

Keyboard and mouse doesn't make a player better, you can be shit either way

aim assist wont matter when pc players can make instant precise shots with the mouse.
there is a good reason why console vs pc isnt a thing and shadowrun proved it

What do quadruple digit IQ anons play? Do they even play games or are they the game themselves?

>Using a m+kb is essentially like having aim assist
No, no it's not. You're doing the aiming yourself instead of the game doing it for you. Big difference.

Full of shit I played over 100 matches on black ops 4 pro league with people who used keyboard and mouse and I had to carry them all day

Matchmaking is based on input type.

Controllers with controllers
And faggots with faggots.

Makes aiming easier, are you too stupid to see the result is the same

I can make instant precise shots with a controller too, its called get gud.
feels the same to me, you fuckers think theres a huge difference between the two outside of twitchy arena shooters, the siege console gameplay webm's are from shitters and its obvious. Ive never had a situation on siege that involved me spinning in circles to find someone.

The result is not the same. Mouse makes it easier to aim where you intend to aim. Aim assist aims where the aim assist intends to aim which may or may not be where you intend to aim.

wrong. Mouse makes it easier to get on target and aim, aim assist also makes it easier to get on target and fine tune after that. do you even know how it works???

Aim assist makes it easier to aim where you intend to aim because it eliminates the dead zone interfering with your input

The do the same thing

They shitpost on Yea Forums

>console esports

thanks youtube

Are they shitposts or is the wisdom of their banter simply just beyond the ken of mortal men?

>People praising gyro when it's shit
And don't even talk about Splatoon the game has no real precision aiming mechanics.

whats so bad about it? just looks like some siege gameplay on console.

>photos taken before disaster

w-what happened to fireden?

Attached: 1370375652334.jpg (400x308, 19K)

displacement in real life is mapped to displacement in the game
displacement in real life is mapped to displacement in the game
displacement in real life is mapped to velocity in the game

Sticks just make no sense.

Attached: 1551998327245.gif (200x158, 459K)
Seems pretty solid to me.

They actually do if dead zones weren't so aggressive

>retard jumps out because he either didn't check balcony or thought he could do 90 degree snap shot to kill a prone dude
>easy kills from enemies that show 70% of their body
I dunno, you tell me.

Daily reminder that consolefags can't afford PCs

bruh I stopped playing BOPS4 because I literally kept got matched with a guy named aimbot who aimbotted for weeks straight with no ban

obviously controllers without aim assist have limits.
this isnt goalposting because im arguing that aim assisted controllers arent that far from kb+m

This gonna be good.

Oh baby!

Would beat you on both

>lying on internet
What's the point?

Welp, time for me to finally buy a controller then.

Play siege on pc or look at this
It's really worlds apart. If i only pulled half that shit like in the console pro match i would have eaten a headshot every time i just thought about peeking a corner. With the really fluid movement and perfect aim on pc the game play totally different and everything gets punished hard.

>twitter man said something foolish
What? No!

In theory yes, but consoles generally have a lower bar when it comes to competition which is why they seem retarded when compared to your average PC player.

you do have a point here. there are exceptions like my friend whos a competent cs:go player with a controller on pc, but a majority of console players are pretty bad at shooters.

>Rainbow Six
Yeah naw. Not gonna watch that shit sempai.

Literally segregating the peasants for thier own protection. The absolute state of consoles

isn't there a Siege pro player who uses a controller?

>console kiddies seething and in full denial about the clear inferiority of their controllers for precise targeting

Attached: goldman.jpg (250x224, 7K)

Don't ask what's wrong with it when you don't even want to compare it. It's really obvious when you just spend 1 minute watching both videos.

I don't watch siege pro play user. Sorry, i can't tell you.

Best of luck on modern warfare


Attached: pro3[1].jpg (430x430, 27K)

It's the same in literally every competitive game besides sports games user. Fortnite, PUBG, Apex Legends, Overwatch, CSGO. Even in mobas M&KB is preferrable.

No, it's a huge handicap. But there's a number of console pros that switched over to PC after Ubi scraped the console league and are still great aimers.

do you know how strong aim assist for call of duty controllers is?

>instant precise headshots during 180 or 90 degree angles
lmao no.

Console pleb always said pc player are sweaty try hard i wonder why?

CoD isn't Quake or Counter Strike or any shooter where aim can win a fight. Sure, mouse is more precise, but Call of Duty has never once been about precision. Auto aim and map design take care of all of that. It's more about pressing the fire button before the guy in front of you presses the fire button. That's why it's really shit and boring to play.

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Priest is a high tier controller player but he's a youtuber/streamer/whatever content creator, not a pro.

He's never going to get the chance to stomp gamepads in mw, it's already pre segregated to protect console users from thier own poor decisions

getting nostalgic for competitive cod4 lads

I'd beat you at both, most pc players are shit, which is why it took me less than 6 months to mvp every game I play on pc, after 10 years of fps on console

Can the average pc player do this? no
I know this because i am an average pc player

>Be a peasant using a controller
>can't take advantage of complicated grenade throws
>can't dodge flashbangs
>aims for the chest
and they think PC players won't take advantage of that

Consoles have active mouse and keyboard support, not every console player is as shit as you imagine, don't get mad when you get beat by a console player

Once again best of luck in modern warfare

>cant even do instant 180 shots or piss easy 90 degree angles.
you are bad. its literally a flick of the wrist.

6 month that's goddamn long you fucking pleb. It take me less than a month to master a new fps and get in the pro league

>>aims for the chest
you can't get consistent headshots in CoD, bloom and character movement speeds will stop you from being able to get precise aim even with a mouse

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>best of luck in modern warfare
Yeah, good luck lmao

Attached: crying wojak.jpg (600x484, 35K)

Pick a game that has respawns and I'm better

Attached: 1.jpg (720x960, 79K)

ADS shots are 100% precise

Truly best of luck to you, don't come bitching here when console players beat you

its literally not and i think you'r just a console player trying to be cool. sure i can shoot somebody at those angles but i bet you're implying 1337 headshots immediately. fuck off back to your xbox 360 pleb.

I only compete with the pro, kid. Stomping noob get boring after a while.

>ADS shots are 100% precise

Attached: 1560403735685.gif (500x281, 1.4M)

I just recently realized that a major reason that PvP console shooters are so popular is specifically because of how shit the controller is at aiming.

When everyone is horribly handicapped it levels the playing field by considerably lowering the skill ceiling.
Meanwhile the people who exist at the top on PC are legitimately hard to differentiate from people who are actually just cheating.

Attached: 1555585288679.gif (320x240, 1.08M)

>don't come bitching here when console players beat you
You won't have to worry about that

Attached: goldman.jpg (395x401, 59K)

Hey pick a game that has respawns dimitri I'd beat you at any pc game with about 2 years experience total on pc

Don't get mad when PC players end up winning most matches. This retard is still arguing about a few losses and it hurts.

This will never get old.

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Yeah, where you aim is where the bullet goes. Are you thinking about recoil? That's not what bloom is, retard.

It's like where you dress up as a video game character at a convention center

Once again don't be surprised when you lose against console players in call of duty

overconfident PC chads live in a higher plane of existence that these peasants can't even comprehend

If you are willing to play on asian server then pick any game and i will hop in

>which is why it took me less than 6 months to mvp every game I play on pc, after 10 years of fps on console

Did you use a controller or KB/M user?

Attached: 1561858337057.jpg (1492x1080, 147K)

Hey you have to play the game to lose but you probably won't even do that

Obviously a mouse as that was the whole point of getting a pc

does this still use the IDtech engine

Kek, amazing bait

You can opt in to Crossplay in the options, it will force you if you party up with someone through crossplay.


Welcome to the superior platform user. We still have the occasional niggers but if you want the best, only chance to get it is here.

I think it's technically still based on it, but it's so heavily modified it may as well be new. Hell, pick any engine and you could probably find IDtech in it if you went far back enough.

daily reminder that itll only pair up controller players with other controller players

can i still up the fps limit to 250 and get extra jump height and length

>Move to PC
>experience 240hz and 300fps
>superior keyboard&mouse input
>find the dpi and in-game sens you're comfortable with
>play with friends with quality mics
no reason to go back bros

idk, we'll find out how optimized it is when the beta comes

Daily reminder that 99% of console players are going to disable crossplay and the PC port's gonna die in 2 months.

>PC players insert a controller
>back to playing against PS4/XBOXONE players

Attached: LOL.jpg (640x640, 192K)

In the PS4 beta there was an option to disable crossplay altogether, so that won't work.

>trick the game into thinking you're using a controller when you're actually using a mouse
>PC players get to benefit from discount freeweekend players
The real competition is how fast Activision is going to shut down crossplay completely after this happens

I think that's entirely possible too. IW & Activision are such slimy motherfuckers you can't trust a single word that comes from their mouths.

>giving console users a choice on a platform with the least choices to make


>c-consoles are better

there's only one time controllers are better than KBM, and that's when you don't want to play seriously, just lounging around instead of sitting at a desk
the only reason to own a console is if there are exclusives that are well-made enough to justify the purchase for that game alone.
If you buy a console day one, or actively buy sports/shooters every single time another comes out, you're either a poorfag or a drooling [company]fanboy

I play PC because it has everything that's not hardware locked, I can make it look as good as I want, and it has nigh-unlimited mods that are only limited by how good the game's coding is and how much abuse my rig can take
there's no comparison, it's like putting a fucking yugo next to a maxed-out drag car
any game that can be played on console can be improved by being on pc
for the cost of two consoles, you could have gotten a PC that's on par or better in performance and had access to literally ten times as many games to choose from, including 75% of the titles that consoles have, plus emulation for EVERY generation of console prior
I can play everything from snes to switch, and it's all possible because I saved a little instead of wasting 700+ on consoles every couple years, plus 60 dollars for every game instead of waiting four months on PC and getting it on sale for 50+% off

Attached: dead, and for good reason.png (320x422, 104K)

Why did they ever switch to steam from the free browser game version? Did they try to kill the game?

its a meat wrap with lettuce tomato onions and tzatziki sauce


>For Honor
you must great

Attached: Z.jpg (275x183, 11K)

>sky is blue

Console developers just need to implement gyro controls already.

Attached: gyroscope-512.png (512x512, 16K)

Here are my overall thoughts of MW's beta
>Weapons now are able to differentiate smgs, assault rifles and lmgs, with smgs being better at short range and lmgs not being assault rifles with bigger mags
>Pistols feel way fucking less accurate when aimed down
>Maps are a bit more than three lanes but still have a lot of the bad trappings of CoD multiplayer, like chokepoints and pointless filler areas
>Headquarter's design falls apart when infinitely respawning team has the advantage of being able to grenade spam
>I actually really fucking like being able to mount, it benefits lmgs and sniper rifles the most
Overall, Modern Warfare tries so hard to appeal to nostalgia fags that it has the same issues as the original MW1/2 had and trying to fix it will cause temper tantrums, mounting is the only good new feature

Attached: rlly maks me thnk.png (225x225, 4K)

Is there any stronk independent black womyn in the game?

If there isn't i can't immerse myself, and i wont be able to convince my wife's boyfriend to buy it for me.

Who cares about pc players. I just want to dominate the braindead ps4 players

From Activision themselves:
>Faction: Chimera
>Citizenship: United States
>First Language: English
>Status: Active
>Background: Born in Washington DC to family of wealthy politicians. Joined US Army at 18. Family had her stationed in Bulgaria. Served full enlistment. Traveled five years off-grid, fighting in conflict zones from Eastern Europe to Africa.

Attached: OPERATORS-SYD.jpg (1920x1080, 249K)

I was actually joking, i didn't think they'd actually do it.

On the bright side she doesn't look completely bad? like a 6/10 i guess?

lmao looks like a hammerhead shark

I really wish they pushed gyro, that shit is so good in splatoon and I'd play more shooters on ps4 if they added it to like Alex or something

Splatoon is badass
Only console shooter I can do after having played CoD and CSGO on PC

For Honor doesn't have crossplay retard.

the real issue is that 99% of console players are going to opt out of crossplay because why would you willingly play against people with better frames, bigger resolution, mouse and keyboard, and potential cheaters when you can just play with console players and deal with none of that? game will be dead on PC after a month like CoD always is

Did they have to make her look so fuckin nigger-y? Every fucking time, i swear

I believe it, yeah

Wasn't Siege crossplay tested and then subsequently scrapped because the PC players kept absolutely fucking dunking on the console guys during the test? Lel

This is the same exact point I've been trying to make but people just don't want to hear the inevitable truth. Even though they claim they're separating platforms solely by input method, that still doesn't take away the other advantages of PC such as wider FoV and higher framerates. I know the game forces you to make an Activision account when you boot up the game for crossplay, and it's is enabled by default (at least it was on the PS4), but it's also very easy to opt out and I feel like 99% of console players are just going to opt out the first chance they get.

its crossplay between consoles. if you plug pad to pc you get transferred to console servers and if you put k&m to console then you get to play with pc folks. theres no situation where pads and pc play together in new cod

>Born in Washington DC to family of wealthy politicians.

Almost as bullshit as a black, female operator.

>have a friend who does this on R6 siege
>he consistently plays like shit
>whines about how everyone gets him way before he can react
>tell him it's cause of his controller
>tells me he's no good at KB+M
he'll never learn

>playing siege
you've already lost.

Fellas, fellas.

You're both right.

tell him it's like using chopsticks after using a fork for so long
it'll take some getting used to but once you learn, you learn
Not trying to imply chopsticks are superior, just the the concept is the same

Reminder most console players don't autistically go through their settings and tweak everything, if crossplay is on by default, then you will play with console players

>playing cod at all

>most console players are retards

The new cod won't let you play crossplay with different inputs though.

Remember when gears remastered came out with crossplay on pc? People got really mad they got sniped constantly lmao

Most console players don't need ocd psychological ticks to play games they just play

>Reminder most console players don't autistically go through their settings
Not like they get many settings to go through in the first place.

Attached: 1549001717009.jpg (400x438, 49K)

>most console players don't know what they're doing

But the point is they aren't neurotic losers who think .1 sensitivity matters, they don't have ocd and such weak psychology that they need to perform the settings ritual every 5 minutes

Most console players don't need to psychologically trick themselves that they'll play better with settings tweaks, they just perform

"forged" as if it's some trial by fire. You're still just participating in a leisurely activity, don't forget that

>this triggered console kid
lmao fucking based retard

they just get rekt you mean kek

Imagine going to play a sport and you get mad because of how your glove is shaped instead of just adapting, but your weak psychology and ocd won't let you do that, even though it's your fault


imagine not having a glove that fits, fucking consoletard logic lmao retard

Have fun in the modern warfare beta, don't rage to much and change your settings when you get owned by a console player

Better yet hop on gears of war right now and be humbled

I play on PC with a controller. I always am in the top of the leaderboards.

Half the PC players are little spergs who can't aim for shit and masturbate over their fps and FoV slider at 120 while thinking how good they are with a mouse like this.

Protip for m+kb players: you're not as good as you think you are.

Attached: Screenshot_20190917-022344.png (836x646, 158K)

I can't say for splatoon like that other guy, but the aiming in Zelda was one of its strongest control schemes.
I think it helped that the right Joy con (Motion and Stick) is what aims, meanwhile you can keep your left joy con still. It kinda feels like using a mouse in 3d space.
That being said, trying to use it with both hands (Dual shock/Xbox controller) would definitely throw me off.

The glove fits perfectly your weak psychology and ocd always will find a problem with it though

Post footage

Kid I have thousands of hours in cs, I would shit on you with literally 0 effort lol.

that backpedal lmao fuck off retard

Cs doesn't take skill, one life per round dice roll recoil

>That being said, trying to use it with both hands (Dual shock/Xbox controller) would definitely throw me off
Have you tried it? I've been playing shooters using gyro aim with a Steam Controller for years now and it feels just fine.
Split controllers could still be a benefit though as pressing buttons on the controller not used for gyro aiming has zero potential to slightly throw off the aim.

Why would you change settings? That just messes with your muscle memory
Nobody actually does that retard

That's the point, most pc players don't realize the problem is with them, not the settings

I have a better Idea you little shit.

When CoD comes out I'll 1v1 your little boy butt and stream it all for Yea Forums to see.

>Literally talking out of your ass and projecting

is there a source for the input only crossplay thing

I don't know why do pc players have to autistically change every setting before they play a game

this retard still saying the same dumb "no u" argument. Only difference being that he changed his wording from "losing" to "owned". Fuck face no one is claiming to he perfect but literal data and research point out how shit console players are.

You're the flat earthers of this community.

I'm not planning to buy MW though.
Why not play some Q3A with me right now?

Why do pc players have to autistically fiddle with every setting to play a game

Not him but you're intentionally being retarded at this point

the crossplatform in CoD 2019 is based on input device not platform. Keyboard console users get keyboard PC and vice versa for PC controller users

Because we have standards unlike console faggots? The default is usually shit and made for braindead idiots

You really have quite the chip on your shoulder, don't you?

Ask me how i know you're a beaner btw

If keyboard and mouse makes aiming easier, wouldn't it take more skill to play with a controller?

I play siege only with a ps3 controller on PC and I'm just about avg/above avg tier. Siege has aim assist disabled for multiplayer.
Realizing that most peole who have a hate boner for controllers probably will never be in some sort of ESports tournament anyway really helps me not give a fuck.

Why would I not still win arguments, it's not like I'm pretending to be someone else

But pc players need to change their settings every 5 minutes to pretend it matters and they weren't playing like shit

>Arena shooters
>No controller support
>One of the most unbalanced fps genres out there

No. Get call of duty or fuck off with your boomer ass.

How about you play a real game like Quake Champions?

>this is the guy you get on your team when you solo queue
please tell me you don't play ranked at least

No u

why do consolefags act like they know everything while also making it blatently obvious that they don't know shit? Constant secondhand embarrassment .

>No controller support
Fair enough. I'd be using a Steam Controller though which isn't supported either so we're even.
>One of the most unbalanced fps genres out there
How so? I'd argue that duels in Quake and similar games is the most balanced 1v1 experience you can get in a shooter.

Cs is trash homeboy, why would I want to play the slowest game ever invented

Fuck that's me. I absolutely hate aiming with a mouse in every game I feel like I suck with mouse and keyboard. Doesn't help that ASDF sucks shit for movement.

All it literally takes is just search any proleague footage and compare the level of players and strategy being used. Margin error on console proleague is not comparable to PC where even a slight mistake is punishable.

>slowest game
>implying that consoles don't benefit greatly from it.
the game might be slow but I think it's fitting for console lmao.

Using the shittiest 1 shot kill doorway camp game as your example

Shit homie

>Implying chopsticks are superior to a fucking fork

Imagine being this fucking faggoty over videogames

It's not just Siege. Seriously why are you actually this retarded.

How is gears 5 working for the pc master race

Interesting, how did you bind the input to a mouse input? I have the customized version of DS4Windows which reads gyro input through a UDP server and used it on CEMU/Breath of the Wild for aiming/puzzles that needed gyro and it worked fantastically. Never though to use it in other games.

Attached: 1559969710157.png (128x128, 28K)

>If keyboard and mouse makes aiming easier, wouldn't it take more skill to play with a controller?
Do you know how retarded this argument is?
Try to apply it to any other equipment:
>If a hammer makes driving in a nail easier wouldn't it take more skill to use a saw?
>If a Tennis racket makes playing tennis easier wouldn't it take more skill to use a badminton racket?
>If a road bike makes going fast easier wouldn't it take more skill to use a city bike?
Jesus Christ user. Pieces of equipment are designed to make their intended activities easier. That's what makes a piece of equipment good.
Controllers don't do this for playing shooters. That's why they're bad for them.

Advanced Warfare

>pc players need to change their settings every 5 minutes
you're actually retarded and it explains why you can't even argue or make any reasonable point beyond "no u". This entire thread is a PSA to not be a poor consolefag with extremely limited knowledge and insecurities.

Let me troll brah

>I was just being retarded
What part of it is actually you shitposting for funzies and not coping for being stuck with a shitbox that relies on consumer ignorance to fall for it.

>taking their bait

I have a pc and play at a ridiculously high level, but I knew talking about settings would get pc gamers mad

>false flagging
>hurr durr i pretend that i'm retarded
The absolute state of 7v/

This is because the game doesnt have aim assist right?

I think i just pissed myself

Pc gamers generally care about settings far more than console players, so I used that to make pc players mad

>ridiculously high level
>hello fellow gamers

90% of this thread is just fucking retards jerking themselves off about how good they are, you people are all retarded

Attached: gay.jpg (699x477, 79K)

None of those games have ranked systems so of course you will do well, battlefield and titanfall are literal seal club games where going 40-5 is average

go check any update to Sea of Thieves

in casual boat game, everyone is screaming about crossplay lmao

>console player in his little walled in garden confused when discovering choices and customization
this is almost too perfect

thats the thing, youre always restricted to a maximum amount of sway on console. On pc you can wipe and control your mice as fast as you need to regardless of sensitivity.

Dude like anyone i touch the settings like once or twice depending if their is any problem like low framerate or something. No one constantly dabbles around in settings. More setting choices are always good thought.

Gryo is neat but in practice it is not as accurate as mouse, at least not in a normal controller. If they made a separate one handed gyro controller shaped like a Wii mote than it would be way better, at the moment flinging your whole controller and both hands and arms around like an idiot feels shitty for gyro. One handed Gyro + keyboard or another one handed paired controller would be fucking great.

>this confuses and enrages the consolefag

Attached: 54aEqqM.jpg (1344x756, 210K)

I just insert the disc and bing bing wahoo comes out desu

> thumstick
I don't know about you, but when someone botches as simple a word as "thumb-stick", and it is evidently not a typo, I am instantly sceptical of everything else they have to say, even if it sounds reasonable.

>have to buy a fighting game twice because all of the good players are on console
Crossplay in a must for so many genres.

Why would you buy a fighting game on PC?

Attached: 1521131050816.jpg (351x351, 21K)

>Go to OP's twitter profile
>There's a single dude whiteknighting the fuck out of him in the comments with "you've won $0 what does your opinion matter"
oh i'm laffin

>flinging your whole controller and both hands and arms around like an idiot
What the fuck are you doing? You rotate the controller maybe 20 degrees to either side using only your wrists. Reading your post I doubt you have ever used gyro controls for more than five minutes.

On console battlefield i can legit pick bolt action rifle aim in and press up and the game wil auto aim the gun to the head to net me an instant kill

Meanwhile getting a headshot 1 shot on pc you have to actually aim and calculate based on movement

What console players dont get is that Console FPS is all decision making, you dont ha e to aim at all i played console cod from cod4 to black ops 2, i thought I was hot shir because of my "sick kd" then I got pc and played only on that nkw here we are years later and console kiddos don't realize how much slower and less skilled it takes to do well on console, cant stand fps on console after swapping to PC, game aims for you +controller just feels awkward to hold for me now

constant input that can have varied "strength"

PC crossplay in an FPS will make the game unplayable on other platforms. Even a mediocre PC player will steamroll and elite console player because of how superior 144 fps and m/k is.

sure sure...
Most consol fags cry about orochi lights because your shitty little consols cant go beyond 35fps.
Also you DO KNOW that you get noobs at the start who never played the game and a couple of average players.

Attached: For Honor2019-9-16-22-36-49.jpg (1920x1080, 675K)

Obsessing over trivial things that do not affect the rest of whatever they're part of is a pretty autistic behavior.
But for sure, gyro are the inbetween point of motion controls and manual aim, where you're not forced to use either and instead just do what's more comfortable to you.

Yes, that's exactly what makes them bad for shooters.

Not him, but using gyro that way is okay but not perfect. It takes hours of tweaking to get it right for each game, typically I have the right thumbstick at a very high sensitivity for flicking and 180 degree turns and then use the gyro for precise aim. For competitive games you just can't beat a mouse though. There really needs to be a one handed dedicated gyro controller so you'd only have to move one hand/arm around, I feel like that would help a lot and make things feel less awkward and you'd have your left hand/arm as a stationary anchor on the keyboard/controller.

Literally makes it require more energy thus less effective than a mouse.

Pc players only do better on shooters due to mouse and keyboard. You can't play any game that is remotely challenging without a mod or savestates.

You scrrrd
He scrrrd

>and they make her ugly

they want me to like black women and yet they refuse to make them qt like pic related

Attached: giver of boners.jpg (1080x1350, 75K)

I'm using hyperbole.. Not picking up on hyperbole or sarcasm is a sign of autism by the way desu. My point is that using both hands and arms is clunky and awkward for gyro. If you could separate the controls similar to Wii motes it would feel much less clunky.

You can use Steam. Detect the DS4 through Steam, then you can either
1) create a "desktop configuration" that works all the time or
2) add the game to Steam (if it's emulated you can create a batch file that launches the emulator with the game, then turn it into an EXE and add it to Steam) and configure the contoller settings specifically when that game is launched (this only works if the game is compatible with the Steam Overlay).
You can assign any kind of input you want to the gyro, be it mouse movement, stick movement or even button presses.

>It takes hours of tweaking to get it right for each game
It really doesn't. Take the time to make one preset for FPS and then just tweak the ingame sensitivity until the movement matches with other games. ezpz.

It doesn't matter if it's hyperbole. If you looked into motion controls any time recently you'd know that there's still tons of people that believe that gyro is nothing other than the hated waggle from the Wii days.
By trying to paint gyro (with two hands on the controller) as just that you're putting it in a worse light than it should be whether it's hyperbole of you actually believe it. If you really wanted to see gyro succeed you wouldn't do that because the existence a single handed controller like you want would most certainly benefit from any gyro control becoming more prevalent.

>console FPS is all about decision making
>but with no brain
kek'd at my own dumb joke

My words on here don't mean shit. If I enthusiastically kiss gyro-aiming's ass it won't change anything either. I'm being honest, gyro in it's current state with a PS4/Steam controller through Steam's controller settings is usable but clunky and still not as precise as a mouse. If someone made a one-handed gyro controller so you only had to move one hand/arm (like how you use a mouse) it would translate much better and not feel clunky. Me saying this has no bearing on the possibility of that becoming a reality.

conrollers are only good for platformers and casual games. Imagine playing a moba or rts with a controller.

more like chode inputs lmao

Console aiming is fine but completely different, and it levels the playing field much better than PC due to everyone having the same hardware, control method (except for XIM fags), and frame rate and no possibility of hackers. I play FPS on PC and console and enjoy them both for different reasons. PC is more skill based and frantic, console is more comfy and laid back.

What your hyperbole is saying and what your real statement is are completely different. Your hyperbole makes it sound like you're arguing that using gyro aiming is either embarrassing or takes too much effort ("fling around", "like an idiot") but your real problem is that you feel like using both hands is awkward and less accurate (something I strongly disagree with, by the way).
Whether you do it with one hand/arm or two the movements are exactly the same, it's not more exaggerated in one case than the other.

>Me saying this has no bearing on the possibility of that becoming a reality
People advocating for it has more power than you might think imo. Apparently Doom on Switch just got gyro added to it because people asked for it. If they had never heard of the feature they wouldn't have asked for it.

>clunky and still not as precise as a mouse
I personally don't think it's clunky and I have been using it for close to two years in any shooter I play now. I agree that it isn't quite as precise as mouse, but it's very close. I don't see how having it one handed would make it more precise though, apart from the chance of button presses from the left hand to throw off the aim being zero.

>If someone made a one-handed gyro controller so you only had to move one hand/arm (like how you use a mouse) it would translate much better and not feel clunky. Me saying this has no bearing on the possibility of that becoming a reality.
So a Wiimote. Or a Joycon. Or any of the split controllers VR sets use.
Welcome to 2019 I guess.

nude mods and less framedrops

Oh man you can smell the piss stained underwear of pcfags in this thread as they quiver at the thought having to face real humans with natural skills. Within the week they will all run back to their waifu poser programs

>no possibility of hackers

>real humans with natural skills

Attached: 1515749774674.jpg (600x520, 31K)

lmfao kill yourself

>aim assist

>fucking CoD
play quake 3 with controller
not a single conslecuck will survive...

>actually good stonetoss edit
What kind of bizarro thread haveI stumbled into?

Crossplay is when you cosplay and crossdress

I know I'm breaking the shitpost 4th wall but honestly I think I now enjoy playing online shooters on consoles more than on PC. M+kb fragging is fine but you cannot match the comfort levels of console. I can feel my spine and posture getting fucked if I play for more than 2 hours straight on PC. PC is great but it's just anti-comfy.

>I know I'm breaking the shitpost 4th wall
You're really not.


I would have loved to shit on some controllerfags but now I'm not even interested

Anyone remember Shadowrun on 360 and pc? Console players got fucked hard so badly that they had to keep handicapping pc players in the hopes they could balance it and it the end they just gave up on it.

I'm sure there's some really good controller users but it doesn't take away the fact mouse is far more precise and easier to control compared to stick movement.

ez Longshot, EMBAR, Markza and Hammerburst kills, why do you ask?

You seem to believe that is an advantage and not a detriment? Jesus

I'm not arguing that they are better for aiming (they are not), but they are better for movement.

it can be for movement but there's keyboards that basically have analog keys (they're not truly analog but it's close enough) so it's not like that kind of thing is exclusive to sticks
I considered getting one of those keyboards but they're in low stock and kind of expensive.

No one ITT was ever talking about movement.

analog keyboard would be so weird

>The *ding* noise when you blow someones head off in BF1

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quite a lot

Competition is competition.
>in denial that a console "plebian" shits on his master racist bros.

Source of this info?


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ur dumb

>all thos oc players in denail
I'm playing in pc as well but you gotta admit they have an advantage on us;
titanfall 2 controller fags dan on mouse players

did you have a stroke?

Now here's a bigger question, what if the console player is using a keyboard????

I give it a week for the pc hype

Consolefags are the female athletes of competitive gaming.

People do believe this shit OP, hell don't you remember the laughter that came from that mobile fortnite tv spot a couple months back with the little black girl and "Ninja"?

>Call of duty

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Would be total garbage playing against people with a cheap advantage like auto-aim

They’ll be guaranteed to win in many circumstances with no effort. Maybe not usually, or maybe they will. Either way that’s fucking stupid and it’s going to ruin what little seriousness is left in cod

Weren't consolebabbies demanding pc users were restricted to using controllers the last time a game got crossplay.

>Consoles literally need assistance to play FPS games such as auto-aim, recoil reduction, special servers for people not playing with a mouse and keyboard, and other compensations
>PC games usually only have this shit if it's poorly ported over from consoles

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>PC players don't care
Pc gaymers are obsessed with consoles

Opposite. PCfags are. They constantly play with a given hardware peripheral easymode and it actually makes them motor skill wise far shitter than their console counterparts.

I remember back in the early Halo days when a heap of the pro PC at the time players challenged a bunch of the original xbox greats.

Low and behold, the xbox dudes fucking destroyed the PC guys, even with a controller their aim was fucking way better, and this given Halo 1 doesn't have any auto aim, only slight bullet magnetism which also exists on PC.

Console gamers who become truly great at aiming with a joystick are training with weights on.

Servers based on input devices?

Why has it taken a decade for developers to finally do this?

So many games have controller support on PC but it’s utterly useless because you can’t hope to win against keyboard mouse users

Consolefags are the Applefags of gaming
>I like the design
>I support this company, call me a fanboy
>You own a PC, what are you, too poor to buy 60 dollar vidya?
>Why yes I do support this console because I used to own a different one from the same brand when it was more popular

You’re wrong. Halo has auto-aim. All of them do. They slow your aiming/turning speed down when the reticle turns red from being aimed at a player. This allows for exploitative behavior, with the extreme being to just spin horizontally with a sniper and letting go and pulling the trigger when you see the reticle turn red, resulting in instant headshots on people in any direction

>I remember back in the early Halo days when a heap of the pro PC at the time players challenged a bunch of the original xbox greats
Go ahead and post a video of it. Oh wait consolefags weirdly never have proof of their high claims.

What if I play with my fren who owns a ps4?

pc losers WILL get destroyed since they dont know how to use controllers, and they cant play this game outside of their dead userbase without one

Consoles are becoming entirely obsolete, the more we move away from exclusivity deals, the less consoles can be justified.

Why do you think consoles are getting rid of physical content while moving towards subscriptions? Consoles lost their exclusivity that forced us to buy them, they need new reasons for people to buy consoles.

t. someone who did exactly this :^)

I'll just leave this here.

One of the funniest things I've read all day

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>brings up a case that's nearly 2 decades ago and not something more recent
Flat Earthers have evolved.

Auto aim, aim assist, any average PC cod veteran will still wipe the floor with console fags

Men with big boobs like a woman

this thread feels like deja vu

I don’t even like consoles but ur dumb.
It depends

For example, for RDR2 online, controllers would own mouse and keyboard because of auto-aim, anywhere except in very long ranges where auto-aim doesn’t work

Proof? GTA right now is the same way within auto-aim ranges. Game pad always wins. I’ve done it, it’s stupid easy

Cowadooty hardly requires precise targeting.

They are put into controller games but they don't have an advantage because the console still thinks the mouse is an analog stick so the micro movements will never be what it is on PC, but in their heads they are cheating

Hurr pad wins with auto aim in third person rockstar games so that's why its better than mouse and keyboard. No.

No-one actually wants to aim in their first-person shooters.

As someone who is consistently at the top of the board regardless of platform I have literally no worries about this lmfao

sad but true

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Unless you own this.
>not giving yourself an unfair advantage so you can relax after a long day at work

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doesn't nobody remember the whole crossplay thing for xbox/pc they tried and even casuals didn't have trouble with any console players?
fucking underages

Yoir middle age is showing

>real competition

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This, any PC player who has tried these things knows they're fucking trash and don't feel like an actual PC game

>That being said, trying to use it with both hands (Dual shock/Xbox controller) would definitely throw me off.
Nah, its kinda the same thing but you get the precision of using both of your wrists to tilt the controller, it honestly felt really weird going from Splatoon 1 to 2 because I was so used to using the whole Gamepad

Can't you use a pro controller or that thing to stuff the joycons in to play Splatoon?

Yeah, I was just trying to emphasize that it won't be as weird or uncomfortable in comparison as he thinks. Both ways are fine, I eventually got used to solo joycon aiming anyway, but using both hands to control gyro aim has its benefits as well.

The guy is clearly cheating here with auto aim to make the mouse better. Please leave yourself idiot.