Smash Ultimate DLC Release Date Leak

Terry is mostly likely going to be released on the 22nd of November, however this could be earlier or later (although that is unlikely due to all the progress they are making on Terry)

Last DLC fighter for the fighter's pass 5 releases on late January to early February (dates aren't definative until the fighter is close to completion)

They will be revealed during the Game Awards in a trailer in the style of their games (think of Joker's or Terry's trailer)

Who is the fighter? Well let's just say that a certain group of fags will have won against all odds and a good chunk of Yea Forums (as well as some normies) will be storming hard. It will be a day long remembered.

They aren't exactly irrelevant but they aren't your popular/most likely picks.

Pic is unrelated, I promise

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Other urls found in this thread:

OP, are you a homosexual?

>borb isn't the 5th fighter
fuck off

>They will be revealed during the Game Awards in a trailer in the style of their games (think of Joker's or Terry's trailer)
Perhaps a skits or a anime animated trailer?
>Who is the fighter? Well let's just say that a certain group of fags will have won against all odds and a good chunk of Yea Forums (as well as some normies) will be storming hard. It will be a day long remembered.
>They aren't exactly irrelevant but they aren't your popular/most likely picks.
I'm thinking you are referring to pic related as a tag team character, right?

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I don't want to spoil the surprise, so I won't tell you whether you are right it wrong. But know this; the final fighter fights by themselves. I don't know exactly what the trailer will look like, since I only saw reference to it in emails I managed to "obtain through questionable means".

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>the final fighter fights by themselves
So, is it like Duck Hunt or the Ice Climbers?

Yea, I'm thinking it's the chief

>I don't want to spoil the surprise, so I won't tell you
imagine replying to the thread, nice fanfic of Yea Forums OP.


Give us hints

Mystery resolved

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what's up guys laxchris here

what kinda leaker "leaks" shit but doesn't leak anything

bring back single post names that happen to be real and we don't realize it until seven months later

Hey, I'm the real laxchris.

kill yourself

poo poo pee pee

Birdo bros win yet again

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Birdo bros. are on quite the losing streak right now.

Eh. Didn't stop the Banjo Kazooie people. Smash 6 can't be THAT far away

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yeah i'm thinking he's in

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I don't think Birdo has much of a chance. She'd be great to have, but I don't see it happening. I'm kind of surprised she didn't get an assist though.

>Vague enough to cover 80% or picks
Stop LARPing you faggot

Because she’s a part of the SMB2 stage

I'm LaxChris, yes I'm the real LaxChris
All you other LaxChrises are just fat pisses
So won't the real LaxChris please stand up
Please stand up, please stand up?

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Reimu and Yukari

It's time.

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goose the patriotic flyer from the popular hit series pilotwings is in

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It's obviously, the Doom Slayer.

>Terry releases November. Might not release details on fighter yet to give way to the Game Awards reveal.
>Doom Eternal releases November. Might give an idea of what to expect from the game and give us a taste of the game, as well as Japs to know him more.
>Game Awards may reveal 1 or 2 fighters.
>"Trailer in the style of their games": Either DOS presentation of the game, as in booting up from a PC, or a presentation with Doom Eternal graphics, specifically his badass walk through Phobos Facility... Or both!
>Unrepresented platform: PC.
>Not irrelevant, but not popular: Many know Doom Slayer has the particular quirk of getting rules pulled from the ass of Anti-Doomfags all the time. Not surprised.

He is in.

>aren't your popular/most likely picks

Flattering, wasn't Doom Slayer unpopular, according to some people?

> a group of fags
look at these jerks
> against all odds
nobody played it

It's got to be Wonderful 101

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He's irrelevant AND one of the popular/most likely picks though

Which should have made it easier.

>November 22nd
Hmm, wonder what else is releasing that day

>Who is the fighter? Well let's just say that a certain group of fags will have won against all odds and a good chunk of Yea Forums (as well as some normies) will be storming hard. It will be a day long remembered.
you just lost any and all credibility you ostensibly had

AYO whitey, fuck ya doin here

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They’re in.

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They are in

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Guys its fucking Bulborb OP is tricking us.

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Smash bros you need to get in here NOW|

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I think it might actually happen this time. Anything is possible at this point and I for once in this lifetime it actually feels like the stars are aligning,


Cool, he's in.

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So it's Chief then since people still seem to think he has no chance of getting in.

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>people think companies that already have a rep in the pass will get another one
That is just stupid from a business stand point.
No MS, No SE, No fatlus, No SNK.

>That is just stupid from a business stand point.
Literally how? The only way that this would be stupid is if Nintendo turned down a company who was willing to throw a shit ton of games or money their way for an inclusion in favor of a company who isn't doing that.

Your just riding off that twitter post that got Banjo, Sans skin, and Home Run Contest you stupid faggot.

Just say it's Geno so you can continue pretending you're original.

>Who is the fighter? Well let's just say that a certain group of fags will have won against all odds and a good chunk of Yea Forums (as well as some normies) will be storming hard. It will be a day long remembered.
Wow that tells literally fucking nothing

Here you go Yea Forums

Fuck yourself OP never post again

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it's called diversifying your portfolio.

Last I checked Nintendo isn't some struggling artist trying to get a job.

It's probably Steve, but honestly who cares because not only is Banjo in, but he got in first which deprived Stevefags of their victory of Steve beating Banjo.

no, they are a company that is trying to make as much money and build 3rd party support up again.

It's either Steve or Geno

And that requires a Smash inclusion how? Do you think companies will just pack up their stuff like children if they aren't represented in Smash?

>Character from another fighting game series gets revealed
>It's Sol Badguy from Guilty Gear

How would you feel about this?

Attached: smashprof_solbadguy_full.jpg (784x1350, 907K)

Reimu is in!

>in a trailer in the style of their games
Smash characters drawn by ZUN is gonna be hilarious

>people thinking it's reimu when op says normies would be excited
2hu is niche and only incels enjoy it

>some normies
normies would go crazy over an "anime girl" in smash

While I'm totally down with GG character, I'd rather it be just about anyone but Sol or Ky. Smash has enough dudes with swords or dudes that punch, it doesn't really need any more of them. But maybe I'm in the minority with my shit opinions.