So..what happens when Blizzard runs out of Classic content. Is everyone just going to abandon ship and the game dies...

So..what happens when Blizzard runs out of Classic content. Is everyone just going to abandon ship and the game dies? Why bother to commit the time then?

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>Why bother to commit the time then?
I don't know, fun?

>get bored of classic
>want more wow to play
>go to retail

They just made themselves 1 million new subscribers


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People have been playing WoW for fifteen years user, they'll either find something else to do in-game or play something else during the downtime.

They're going to re-release the retail version again and call it "World of Warcraft: Redux" and charge people full price to replay it again.

Level a new toon and enjoy the ride once more. However, they will most likely go for tbc servers after 2 years or something. Easy money.

Ain't going to fool me twice nigga.

>Curious to see OSRS-like secondary development line
>Don't trust nublizz to not fucking it up horribly

i'd rather have something new partially based on tbc since tbc sucks

Yeah. Classic+ would be amazing. You know, like OSRS with votes for content and stuff. But blizzard is lazy and out of touch with their community, so that won't happen.

So far the content in Classic has lasted 15 years. It might run out in another 10 years.

If it runs well, we'll get BC.
The question is: Will all realms be force-upgraded to BC, or will you be able to decide whether to move to a BC realm?

I'd just stay on BC forever. It was basically classic with much better class balance and much more interesting raid encounters.

They're not lazy, they're angry.
The dev team has such a narrow perspective on development now. It's all about convenience, simplicity. No work, no effort, no time spent or invested in anything but the raid itself. All warcraft, no world. I'm sure the raids are good because that's all they focus on but everything around those raids doesn't exist. World doesn't exist because you teleport everywhere. No flavor abilities because it was too much of a hassle to have fun cool abilities you only used sometimes, etc.
The whole
>You think you want it, but you don't. Remember when you had to run to the dungeon? Ya you don't remember that. Now you just press the group finder and boop you're in the dungeon
proved that. He genuinely thought that was an objective improvement. He couldn't conceive of the fact that exploring the world might be great. There's no way modern blizz could pull off an OSRS style revival which sucks because I'd love to see it.

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Optimally they'd keep classic as is but have BC servers you could copy characters over to so you have a vanilla version of a character and a BC version and can play both.

i'd rather they keep the classic player base together, vanilla -> tbc -> wotlk -> wipe back to vanilla, people can leave and come back according to the cycle, would work for a long time

To be fair classic community has some serious autism

Did anyone else like having to discover a dungeon before you could queue for it or was it just me?

To be fair RS3 was managed by a shit Chinese skinner box company and still managed to pull through with osrs
If Blizzard is smart they will implement content based on what the players want but that also has it's own drawbacks

Id rather have retail 2.0 where things are great again.

Blizzard introduces WoW Classic Ladders. every season = a new modifier (like Diablo seasons).

Just more content and open world pvp systems. New 5 man dungeons designed with 1.12 classes in mind.

>Why bother to commit the time then?

That's a little philosophical for my taste.

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Will be interesting to see if blizzard makes any hints at the future aside from phases. Blizzcon this year needs to have a shit ton of news after the dumpster fire last years was.

lol. all my peers won't touch retail except one who just came from retail to play classic. so an immense retation rate of like 10%. yeah, retail... def gon play that shit... no