what are your honest thoughts about the nation of dagda?
Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Other urls found in this thread:
dagda? how about i just fucking COOM
How do I acquire a goth gf like Shamir bros?
It's a shithole. Based Caspar for destroying all of it
Who exactly are you quoting, here?
Is she wearing open toed boots?
They sound cool from the little we hear about them in the game.
It's the classic fantasy conundrum. You can't make the flavor nations more interesting than the main setting, but they always seem to benefit from the Boba Fett effect and end up sounding cooler.
there really isn't much to go on but it is named after this oaf and shamir is hot so it's probably a cool place.
>non-futa Afrobull
a cock sucking faggot tool that the meaningless mods can't get rid of
Angry coomer detected
Shamir is a pretty meh unit really. She's just back up incase your Ashe, Bernie,etc get fucked by RNG
Do you get to kill your friends in it?
I bet someone has stabbed a man before throwing them off of the Oghma Mountains.
I love how genuinely, unironically seething this meme makes Yea Forums. The best part is it's true. Most people here are crippling porn addicts who don't want to admit they have a problem.
the part i like most is how you accomplish the exact opposite of your goal by spamming this, the mods just keep hitting you faster, people make more and more ecchi threads, and the mods delete them less because you're so much more obnoxious by comparison
You are the cancer that is killing this site.
Stop masturbating.
He says uploading vidya tits and lewd shit all day.
Stay mad, you fucking degenerate coomer.
based coomer
it's brap 2.0 and it's already old
This site has been dead for at least 7 years moron lmao
>implying nonstop "subtle" porn threads aren't cancer
It's different from brap in that it's a genuine criticism. You are being made fun of and you hate it because deep down you know we're right.
Try not being a faggot, I hear that helps.
>Weeb shit
Practice what you preach, nigger
sure, i guess it's criticism in the same way mass replying to the whole thread with "*farts* uh-oh, stinky!" would be criticism
>being a futafag in the first place
>"Try not being a faggot" said the weeb
A shame I already used the palpatine image.
Weebs rule this site, scum. Go back to redd!t if you don't like it.
>newfags spamming wojak edit #7572
>use weeb as an insult
>he's pretending he doesn't understand
Cute. You can lie to me, but you can't lie to yourself.
is this game worth $60 usd
Exactly how fucking new are you lmao
>I have a small white penis
I haven't heard much about it but I think it's great!
>not wanting to experience both ends of the spectrum during sex
I can't imagine being as much of a faggot as you.
Jokes on you, my dick is covered in my own shit that I use as lube. It's no longer white
Pretty sure the only small white dick bois are the ones posting porn all day, you silly nigger
No games are worth $60.
I've probably fapped once this week and I still like porn threads more than I like your faggot ass.
No, maybe like 40 bucks.
Graphics are complete ass and the monestary is just empty bland shit, it's only saving grace is the battles on maddening difficulty.
t. teenie weenies, fuck of too /pol/ where you belong
You come from there? Typical, you niggers shit up everything.
Typical coomercel
typical loser that can't get laid but spends his free time shitposting
top making posts about this weak ass game. I don't know why like 98% of the male characters look like bitches and feminine. Only like 2 look like actual dudes. The rest look like walking shojo troupes. Who responsible for the character designs?
Next, there is like no dark skin girls in the game, all of them are either pale and only like 2 of them are tan and none of them have any real lips worth noting. They're all monkeys bro.
The game play is outdated as shit with turn based fucking strategy. You're literally taking turns to let someone beat you up, fucking stupid man.
You're all bitches, every single one of you. Stop turning this website into a scat fetish website, I don't like seeing shit every time I go on.
it's all shitposting and it's annoying, shitty reposted memes and pornposting should both be bannable
alright now to talk about the fucking game
what master class do i make /ourguy/?
You keep him as swordmaster
How ironic
War Master for the 20 crit
at least I'm not shitposting like the loser you are
Swordmaster or Assassin.
How ironic
Hopefully, your friends suck in apocalypse
Sword users kinda got the shit end of the stick in 3H. There’s no true sword option. Luckily, swordmaster is still good enough that you can keep him there and be fine. Or switch him into mortal savant if you’re a meme loving fuck.
Makes me want to kill my friends.
>like afrobulls work
>people start politicizing his work
>can't enjoy it anymore
why do you ladies ruin everything?
Swordmaster or Warmaster. Assasin works too. He's definitely /ourguy/
>not posting superior version
who bitch this is
Stupid shit like this is what killed /tg/. Not having NSFW weekends just lead to it being an endless span of Quests, and when those got removed they just got replaced with an endless span of Generals, and any thread that isn't a general dies before bump limit.
fuck me, I actually laughed. damn.
It's not fair bros I just wanted to look at Marianne's panties why did she have to dress so conservatively?
Bow Knight.
(((Gl*wfaggots))) begone
cause she isn't wearing any so she has to cover it up
Absolutely (((glowing)))
Just retard things
Cope and seethe glowie
Completely seriously and without a hint of irony, I think that there needs to be a report option for threads that are blatant cumskull threads. They never get discussion and do nothing but clog up the board. They could easily make this thread on any of the porn boards to get what they want but for some reason they make them here.
>oy vey, you goys need to procreate or we wont have enough servants to keep us fat
you are the jews
just strip her, not like she'd try to stop you
But not procreating leads to the death of the white race.
The most difficult decision is whether to S rank Lysithea or Marianne
Not my problem.
do byleth cure lysithea's crest cancer? i forgot. if he does, S rank lys and hand off marianne to dimitri.
Do archers being more annoying on maddening mean anything for the viability of fliers
These are the top two threads on Yea Forums for me right now
It's fucking ridiculous. Why do we even have porn boards if they just post shit here anyway?
All fags dancing on the /pol/
Dimitri got pincushioned by a bunch of Imperials
wyvern knight is still ridiculously good, just less broken than before
That would be wrong because she should only be treated with love.
This, cum in that crest cunny and let Marianne get BOAR'd
Why do they both have to be so good?
Byleth cures her.
porn's boring
>Black Eagle Strike Force
Does equippable crests let you use relic combat arts?
Edelgard is quite the chuuni
I fucking love him as a Sniper/ Bow Knight, it allows him to nothin personell enemies from afar so he doesn't need to worry about RNG dodging.
give it to me straight Yea Forums
what would you actually want to see in the story DLC? the last bit of the expansion pass
lovingly strip her
A Dark Route where I can truly be the Ashen Demon.
I want more Slitherer shit. More dubstep, more computers, and more ICBMs.
Felix and Sothis supports
Hey look the Black Eagle Gay Force is here
>haha thats our sensei
How fucking obsessed?
>STR with pass/STR fliers
>Stat inflation makes the beginning a nightmare
>EXP cuts so hard that above makes many units effectively unuseable
It's a step up from ezmodo hard but it's not that good either.
That's fucking cute
I almost never fuck up my strategies and only use Divine pulse for bs like this
Take on and destroy everyone except whoever Byleth decides to fuck.
What if Byleth wants to fuck everyone?
>Claude uncovers more church secrets in a few months than 1000 years of Emperors plotting against the church
i feel like a golden route is the obvious one, but i don't know if they'll tackle that
what i want personally is more supports. there are quite a few characters that it was just crazy to me that they did not have supports together. like sylvain has surprisingly little female endings and A ranks, for example. even on the platonic front, i would like to see more. shamir and shamir (universe 16) for example.
To be fair, Claude was only able to get those secrets from a Rhea that was tortured for years, as to why Edelgard didn't get said information, well I don't fucking know.
Holy Based!
To not be fucking contrived it better be a tarnished gold. Sure you can have everyone team up but keep the bitter tones.
Responding to your own post just makes you a sad case.
Had a girl do this all the time at work.
Told her I could see through her pants to her panties, and she said "that's good".
I considered telling my boss her pants aren't up to code.
Should I?
Only if she's fat.
Dagda? I remember when those dastards and and Brigid were foolish enough to try and attack the Empire because they thought we were weak. Needless to say we slaughtered them and took Brigid to be our vassal, and Sothis help me if I ever see another Dagdan so much as think about breaking the peace, the Valley of Torment will be nothing compared to the wasteland we'll make Dagda.
It's probably the most likely place they'd set another place in 3H's world.
yes. That's basically sexual harassment right there. Imagine what kind of shitstorm there'd be if a guy did the same thing.
bury your face into her ass
Shes mostly just fatter below her waste.
to be fair, I don't know many men that wear panties.
brap memes unironically gave me a fart fetish
>Most people here are crippling porn addicts
please don't project so hard.
just think of the male equivalent, it doesn't have to be identically 1 to 1
Alright, I'll go report her then.
Or should I talk to her first?
>westerners prefer this to subs
>subs are ear-raping
just report her, if you talk to her she'll just pin it on you crying wolf
Except no one is seething.
I see those posts in almost every thread I look but no one actually replies to them.
This was the first thread I see and its most probably because its the first post in the thread.
Can't tell if he fucked up the anatomy due to the pose or if he gave her stumpy goblin legs because "DUDE THICC LMAO". What a shame. I usually like afro's shit.
the amount of times this happens is ludicrous.
Jeez Ionius, chill out man, you'll give yourself a heart attack.
female salt is legitimately dangerous, since women are basically sociopaths.
coomer is from /fit/
Or are you saying Yea Forums because he said "seething"? I appreciate you giving us the deserved rub for that one brother, but it's not really exclusive to us anymore.
What's wrong with porn? You aren't some fag high on estrogen and other stuff, right?
go to bed bayonetta
I don't know if they all are, but the flirtatious type definitely seem to be.
Which is a shame.
It's too bad there's no scene of Edelgard interrogating Rhea, I want to see her reaction to finding out that most of the shit she accused Rhea of was lies.
>the Slitherers told me that Wilhelm hated you and wanted you dead
>nigga what, Wilhelm was my best friend you dumb bitch
Go back to your hole and comb your feet hair, you fucking hobbit.
>9 replies
Sure guys, ok
>replying to yourself
This is honestly pathetic.
imagine having test so low you don't have hair on your feet
>thinks afrobull is shitman
Get some fucking eyes nigger
retards will just respond with >shadman to any western artist they recognize now for the epic meme
>Wait, shit, really?
>Bitch why the fuck do you think the Hresvelg Family has my Crest?
That's really how it is yeah.
>we are not mad
>9+ replies of no u, fuck you, you are retarded, etc.
At least own the fact you are all perverts holy shit.
This is funny because chemically castrated trannies are half the people that push this meme (the other half being no-fappers that have chemically castrated themselves on gear).
Yeah, I've seen the version after she gets fucked in the ass and filled with COOM
Ion get no pussy lmao
Edelgard was horribly misinformed when she claims her special knowledge traces back to the first Emperor Wilhelm. The game heavily implies that Wilhelm was an actual ally and friend to Seiros, unlike the other Elites. whose history was whitewashed.. He was the only human leader that willingly allied with the dragons, was crowned by Seiros herself, allowed her Church to flourish in his empire, and Seiros herself even feels terrible being forced to kill Edelgard, because she is one of the last descendants of Wilhelm, and that House Hresvelg was given the Crest of Seiros was passed down by the Saint herself.
When you read all this, it baffles me that Edelgard thinks she's following the wishes of Wilhelm. When he would more likely roll over his grave knowing his last descendant is opposing the very figure that helped him build his empire and gave his house their Crest. I mean, for God's sake, this guy opposed Nemesis, the very man Edelgard sees as a hero.
>just ignore it
how about mods just delete coomer posts?
shamir is hot but i don't know how i feel about hairy footed shamir
>Not wanting to experience faggotry makes you a fag
u homo
How did you get this picture of me?
all the faggots spamming shit comes from /pol/
Dude got mad pussy though
>implying it doesnt look the same
The Secret of the Emperor wouldn't line up with the accepted facts; obviously, it's not a fucking secret if it's written into church doctrine.
what class should i make this cute goth dagdan
i've heard assassin is good, maybe bow knight
Kill yourself redditor and stop forcing these shit memes.
make her a godslayer
>mad about anime on Yea Forums
>thinks he's an oldfag
Well it's not like Edelgard has any real way of knowing that The Emperor's History is false, or more likely tampered with, and I imagine she doesn't want to hear that it's wrong because she can't accept that she was tricked yet again by the slithery bois. Since if she admitted that, her whole life since the rape basement would have been for naught and thus unjustifiable and she would break.
give me a shoejob pls
This is my girl.
that is felix's girl
The origin of the crests is irrelevant. Her motivation is ending the harm that they cause regardless.
I find it ironic that Wilhelm's descendants end up being Rhea's enemies, while the ones that save and help her from the other routes are the descendants of her enemies that almost destroyed her race and killed her mother.
What is Bernadetta good for?
Sucking me off under my desk.
Who needs pussy when you have such a bitching chair?
The right can't meme.
No one but you thought it was shadman
Being the queen of Fodlan.
>everything I dont agree with must come from /pop/
Yea Forumstards
>anti degenerate sex culture
>not right wing
user maybe read a book.
Why are all the master classes, except wyvern lord and war master, so bad?
Because negative growths, and Gremory has no fucking move
You kinda forgot Falcon which may be more broken than Wyvern Lord
they're just so bizarre. besides falcon, wyvern and WM none of them are specialized in a way that is beneficial to the user. like savant negs your strength. you don't want to give it to any sword user for that reason, unless it's felix or byleth and you love memes.
post Annetto
Falcon Knight and Bow Knight are amazing though. Holy Knight and Dark Knight are great too, though only on certain characters.
being small, light and easily picked up and carried places against her will.
hugging, kissing, hand holding, and marrying
I don’t know why y’all think Rhea would willingly lend her captor information that would upheave the entire social order she spent a millenia building up.
meme savant is not a sword class, it is a caster class that happens to have swordfaire
based and thronepilled
Boar chow
It's really odd to me how short Lorenz and Raphael's supports are. They only go up to B and nothing significant really happens in them.
You'd think they would be a lot more in depth and involved, possibly even a paralogue for the two of them considering Lorenz's dad murdered Raphael's parents.
>meme savant has swordfaire
That's it. It's a class secretly for Marianne to abuse her relic and levin sword, but just her, and maybe Manuela.
Raph is allergic to meaningful supports.
There's a similar enough situation for Caspar and Petra
Not even, holy knight and bishop are both better.
DK and Gremory are superior to Holy Knight and Bishop, respectively.
Dark Knight is unironically good for offensive based mages. People do not respect how nice Tellius Canto is in this game
>not Black Eagle Dyke Force
Come on Claude I thought you were clever.
The little we know of the other nations is already interesting. I wouldn't mind a spin off set in Dagda that also ends up exploring other nations like Morfis and Brigid.
At least they actually mention it in their supports.
My first playthrough where I had no idea of the pairing system they ended up together.
Lorenz isn't his father, Raphael has no beef with him.
Morfis intrigues me the most. I'm a sucker for "magic nation" types of places.
Lorenz is the kind of person that, if he found out about it, he could not let it go no matter how much Raphael tells him he isn't angry.
Muh rhea sama
Muh thunderbrand
>thought Brigid is that islands cluster
>turned out its literally that 1 tiny island
Albinea sound like fun too. A small, concise campain in not!British Isle would be great
We didn't need to see that
the right literally has a monopoly on memes
Stop bullying Lorenz.
She is obviously in love with shamir.
Why is the holy tomb underneath the amiibo gazebo?
The academy bicycle.
>recruited Ingrid, Marianne, Lysithea, and Felix today in my BE playthrough
>working on mercie, annette, hilda, and leonie right now
my harem is almost complete
She literally never gets past first dates though unless you pair her up.
For how promiscuous her and Manuela are built up to be its kinda amazing they have next to no luck with me
What're some good classes to make people beyond the obvious ones? Like last run I made Ferdinand a GK, but what would be a good choice this time? War Master? I'm making Sylvain a Dark Knight.
What's up with Felix's eyes? They look decades older than him?
Played Blue Lions as female Byleth
Should I go male for Eagles or stay female
Want to know if there are any major differences with mannerisms and the like to make it worth the absence of not having Byleth's byleths in my face anymore
Some user pls respond
>Killed her, took her Thunderbrand, and used it to kill Rhea
>AND fucked and married her life partner.
That was for Lonato you dumb bitch
War Master is great. Take him through the brigand and armor knight classes and you'll have the decisive blow and armor blow to raise his attack and defenses during his attack phase, making him a offensive tank.
Years of dealing with the boar and all the shit that happened during the time skip aged them.
it's not fair bros...she should've won...
I might have to go for this since I'm figuratively dicking the church this playthrough anyhow
Any advice for the rest? I feel like this time I'll go for a lot more Dark Knights if only because having every girl running around in a Gremory outfit seems fucking dumb.
Having just done their first support I felt Shamir was more in love with Catherine than the other way around, she's just a lot more cool about it.
But I'm very likely to put Shamir with Dedue because I did their support immediately after and it's terribly cute.
If you don't mind not having a dedicated dancer then giving the class to a sword user isn't bad since it'll give them sword avoid+20 to further help them evade incoming attacks. If you are feeling really frisky then you could make your mages into armor knights. Apparently its not too hard to do, just dump your instruction time into axes and armor til you have a 30ish percent chance and gamble from there until they become a magic casting wall.
Not him but you can reserve gremory for the healing mages, dark mage is nice for purely offensive mages. Usually people just like having their mages on both duties.
I feel like Dorothea is made to be the dancer so I just always pick her.
manuela is a femcel because guys see her room is a warzone and dip before it goes any further
dorothea is genuinely a slut and fucked her way into the school though
I like how you proved your point by triggering these fags
Train her in swords then and let her use a Levin Sword+. She'll be able to dance, dodge, and attack from afar with it.
>I felt Shamir was more in love with Catherine than the other way around
what the fuck
shamir really doesn't budge until she jokes about getting married in their last support. meanwhile catherine can't contain her juices around her, and that's not because she's not as cool as shamir
It just feels forced and thus not that funny, wojak and its variants really ran their course
Hi homo
Bros what class do I make Bernie to get her better strength growths?
Shamir puts on a stoic front but the way she gently teases Catherine right up to the marriage proposal makes me think she's as affectionate without having to be as showy about it.
Or maybe Shamir realises Catherine likes her long before Catherine figures that out herself.
Either way it's pretty good.
>i dont know what seething is
Brigand for the gains and death blow.
They're legitimately the only off-topic/troll posts that, for the most part at least, people actually ignore, like they should be doing for all troll posts but small victories right.
desperately in need of a shamir gf
Brigand, then maybe a paladin, Assassin, then finally Bow Knight
Bow Knight is stronger than Wyvern Lord so don't bother with it unless you're devoted to making her an axe user
I miss the good old days when we were all crippling porn addicts who knew it was a problem but didnt really care enough to stop
You shut up too ashe
>my friend who obsesses over "muh big tiddy goth gfs" is a berniefag
>when shamir exists
>Board about video games
>All people talk about is porn and politics
Seriously, if you want to post disgusting 2d porn go to e, If you want to talk politics go to /pol/
Bow Knight has abysmal growths though, so it depends on how early you plan to promote her. I think pegasus is the better class unless you are doing some LTC challenge, bow knight Bernie can pull off some real shenanigans in LTC thanks to pass.
Wojaks and Pepes are a fucking creativity cancer on this website for years now and this is just another shitty forced meme.
>design cute guy
>cant be romanced by mByleth
bernie is the official reddit waifu
shamir is the thinking man's choice, your friend is clearly not a thinking man
what about lysithea "fuck crests" Ordelia
Unironically based.
lysithea is based too actually. there are a handful of thinking man's waifus in this game and she is one of them for sure.
what are some easy characters to recruit?
>sylvain (if mbyleth)
any others notably easy?
God it kills me how many faggots like her for the "DUDE MY HIKKIOMORI WAIFU XD". I just see her as a sweet but reclusive girl that is interested in arts rather then fighting, her being a shut in is one of the aspects I cared the least about her.
Any character who has can have their B support before the timeskip is easy to recruit. It's only characters like Caspar who are annoying since you can only do his A support before the skip.
Caspar looks easy if you decide to use fists
Ignatz but why though most people hate him except those that relate to him or people that like everyone
not even remotely goth
mortal savant obviously
MS is a meme class.
lorenz is very, very stupid
it's a /fit/ meme
its legitimately good on felix
You picked the best house right Yea Forums?
Of course, BL is the best.
Yeah, seeing Edelgard get her head cleaved open was exhilarating.
Literally the only choice.
W-why does it look like Byleth is about to get raped? And how come Dimitri isn’t doing the raping? A girl can’t rape another girl it is physically impossible.
How is he going to rape anything with his tiny dick?
Dimitri is definitley hung like a horse
like a BOAR
You’d suck it on command.
Keep telling yourself that.
Is she still your girl?
Verdant Wind?
Never was.
does he have a corkscrew dick?
only femleth can take the boar dick without getting split in two
or marianne with that crest of bestiality
Yes, of course.
based. Always gets the porn addicts seething.
I don't understand coom. Sometimes these memes just pop up and I have no context. As long as tits or ass is posted, I'm a happy man.
>all these replies from coomers
Swordmaster has better growths, speed being better than resistance. Levin Swords are generally as good as Thunder.
I just want to smell it and kiss it.
it's not her stopping you that you have to worry about, it's her husband
>4 and a half hours
for once janny is based
Why yes, I did pick the deer
>As long as tits or ass is posted, I'm a happy man.
the idea behind coomer is that you shouldn't be happy when this happens, because nofap schizos don't want you to be. ever since c*mbrain got filtered they've been in a permanent seethe state, so they've been spamming coomer when they see a female character in anything more revealing than a burqa. but it has backfired on them as people are starting to identify with the coomer and his coomerisms, not get angry when it is used as an insult.
where are the video games OP ?
a junkie don't want to admit is a junkie for something idiot, for video games, drugs, alchool, etc.
I see a lovely lady and I wank. Not anything more complicated than that and I go on my merry way making a buck or two. Crazy how this has all become so twisted.
absolutely based
keep on cooming brother
literally neither are goth
not even close
>get to visit dubsteppers city
>get to fight grug the unga with patrician battle theme
>comfy, upbeat student roster
>nice girls
>based house leader
>heroic happy ending
Why can't the right meme?
t. seething right cuck
It's always you retards.
You say that like it's a good thing
she's a fantastic unit
Dude, this didn't come from /pol/, stop trying to rewrite history and go back to your discord.
She's a bitch and everyone recruits her so it's pretty neutral, and even people who don't know better still kinda recruit her because BE for some reason let her be the only recruit for free
the horse meme hit him hard didnt it
Honestly, for the first time in a long time, I'm actually indifferent to a wojak meme. It doesn't make me laugh or seethe. He's just sort of weird. Some creepy dude that likes to fap.
I did Mortal Savant because fuck you. Sadly, he only gets two spells so it's pretty meh on him.
Did the crests cause Edeldork and Lys to become tiny midget semen demons?
Of course.
Now that I think about it, maybe it did stunt their growth. They're absurdly short, especially Edelgard.
Wish the crests stopped El's fat chest growth like Lys
No, just coincidence. If it was the case they'd share the same crest. For some damn reason Lys and Thunderstrike Cassandra both can make it rain at awkward times by their crest
I hope awkward times include occasions when Lysithea is wearing a thin white sundress
Which house has the worst units?
Lions. They're luck based as fuck. Dedue, Felix, and Mercedes are fine. Everyone else is a "maybe" if RNG doesn't fuck you.
>all these idiots giving (you)s to coomer posters
Their purpose is to derail threads, just ignore them. DOA threads are doing fine because they ignore them and post their own screenshots of DOA girls.
BE by the sheer fact they have not just 2 but 3 squishy mages that you pretty much always have to baby
you ever wonder if jannies every now and again just hover over an obviously NSFW image and eventually decide "nah this one's on me boys" and keep scrolling?
You stop needing to baby Hubert after he gets to an intermediate class. Lindhart doesn't need to do shit beyond healing anyway, so you can keep him behind everyone else. Dorothea is the only real liability on the team. She takes everything to the head.
I found Felix to be more lucc based than Ingrid.
Prequel route starring Jeralt.
A feel good ending where everyone lives but Byleth has to sacrifice themself
Post more """"porn"""" to make trannies seethe
Ingrid was fucking rediculous once she started flying. The perfect dodge tank.
Fuck that, I want an ending where Liecester, Faerghus and the Church gang up on the Empire, what did Edelgard do to deserve a happy ending.
Feel good ending that only unlocks with an S rank support with Edelgard
Literally no one will unlock it
No my case is more that I hate that albino meme
look at this faggot
So does all the fire emblem games take place on the same continent, how many years has passed in-universe since Marth?
Annette is everybody's girl if you know what I'm implying
What are you implying?
She's the academy bicycle!
Do you think they will add more playable characters in the main game? Like Judith or Hilda older brother? Three Houses feels a bit unfinished. Especially Edeltards route.
They said they would in upcoming dlc, yes
It did tho
Annette is pure. You delete this.
I'm sorry Byleth, you should get with another girl instead
>it's a /fit/ meme
based on a meme popularized by Yea Forums which started from Yea Forums
Black Eagles. Only Ferdinand, Petra and Bernie are worth a damn. Lindhardt is fucking shit. Dorethea is okay but nothing special. Caspar is dogshit.
Would Edelgard suggest herself?
If I want to use an offense-oriented Marianne should she be a holy knight, dark knight, or meme savant?
I know people don't like meme savant but I thought the magic crit would synergize well with her spell list.
No. She would definitely drop hints that she's interested, though.
Dark knight is always your best bet for offensive spell users since they can do their business and get out of harm's way
That's especially important to Marianne since she has as much health as a noodle
beat him up too
She's not into Byleth!
>Caspar is dogshit.
You got RNG fucked or picked some terrible classes.
My Caspar was a damage dealing monster in my playthrough. One of my best.
And how the fuck is Linhardt shit? He buffs his own healing, has warp, and physic will consistently cover the entire map.
>play BE
>Edel dislikes all my dialogue choices
>play BL
>Dimitri likes all my dialogue choices
My one and only denka
>underage fag thinks anybody cares about what he has to say
>answer like I normally would for things
>Edelgard and Hubert hate everything I say
>BEs and GDs are mixed responses
>every BL agrees with me on everything
I knew I wouldn't go wrong picking the martially-focused group.
that pic is exactly how I feel thinking of how I'd interact with the lions and what I'd talk to them about
it's so pathetic
You're not alone on that.
the coomer is the every man. He is middle aged, slightly over weight but not fat, balding, and somewhat unkempt in his casual cloths. He enjoys the sight of women, naked or otherwise, and enjoys masturbating in the privacy of his own home to them. He bothers no one, and does not let the world bother him. Truly, the Coomer is the image of an american
Huh, abilities like aegis can activate for other units through support. Neat.
Marry Marianne!
Having Marianne suck me off while I try to teach a lecture!
Dorothea's passive healing allows you to sustain your team early on, and is the only way I've found to reliably grind on NG Maddening in the early chapters before you have a team of dedicated healers with multiples utilities.
>She wants to show you a bit of her courage
They're trannies.
>she takes a male pigeon instead of a boy
Why is she so cute bros?
Her struggle is endearing, especially seeing her overcome it so thoroughly. It actually makes use of the games themes and the time skip really well. It makes her cute scenes feel earned, rather than just being cute for cuteness sake.
Also Proposes to you before you can
Can someone explain this meme to me? Always thought it was a reference to a vr chat video
I'd destroy her shithole if you know what I mean.
Based and completely true. Every one of these threads, or threads for any game with "waifus", descends into coombrain posting and you know at least one user is fapping at any given time.
Based schizoposter
A route where Byleth is the antagonist.
>Symptoms of schizophrenia usually start between ages 16 and 30. In rare cases, children have schizophrenia too.
>The symptoms of schizophrenia fall into three categories: positive, negative, and cognitive.
>Symptoms include:
>of being a gender/sex that you are not
>special snowflake syndrome and feelings of not belonging in the body you are in
-Thought disorders (unusual or dysfunctional ways of thinking)
>believing that prepubescent children can be transgender and stuffing them with hormones and puberty blockers
-Movement disorders (agitated body movements)
>result of dilation pain and insecurity about your body belonging to yourself or being the "correct" body
-“Flat affect” (reduced expression of emotions via facial expression or voice tone)
>plastic/reconstructive surgery byproduct
-Reduced feelings of pleasure in everyday life
>desensitization to dilation pain, daily drug intake, painkillers, anti-depressants, REEEEE syndrome
-Difficulty beginning and sustaining activities
>can't go 5 minutes without virtue signaling about tranntyism on Twitter and shit
>chronic dilation pain
>anti-depressants and painkillers disrupting productivity
-Reduced speaking
>Twitter substitues vocal activity
-Poor “executive functioning” (the ability to understand information and use it to make decisions)
>can't even decide which gender you are
-Trouble focusing or paying attention
>chronic dilation pain reduces attention span
>anti-depressants and painkillers disrupting productivity
-Problems with “working memory” (the ability to use information immediately after learning it)
>all of the above
cool, I'll just hang out with my best bro and every other girl instead.
i like the way you think
>ejaculating is right-wing
Nobody cares about your shit reddit meme buzzwords
Easy decision. Marianne has the best S rank and multiple other people can cure Lysithea's cancer.
Why did you abandon Edelgard, your future bride (in her head)
You can't have Edelgard and Hilda in the same party, as she can smell her bullshit. Given the choice, any sane person would pick Hilda over her.
Comprehensively blown the fuck out.
>Doesn't marry you
>Never gave up her position even though she said she would
>Fucks nobles instead for an heir
>Takes your god powers away so you die old and alone in her route
Nah I'll stick to any other route and get every other girl instead, hell best girls Hilda and Flayn won't even follow you there. Anyone who thinks Edel is worth all that shit is a cuck.
>see picture of hot girl
>get triggered
Since when did /pol/ become no different than feminists?
You can't imagine being a non-faggot because your faggotry gives you a shrivelled up brain.
the exp changes treat enemies as if they were 5 or so levels lower that what their actual levels are
all story enemies got their levels boosted to increase their stats so your exp gains aside from the first 2 or so chapters are the same
The biggest difference in exp is the first mandatory aux battle, as the enemies there are still level 3 like in other modes so as a result you get next to no exp from that chapter
After you finish ch 4 your exp levels will be close to what they would be in a normal or hard mode run
they're /pol/tards pissy because Yea Forums isn't dropping everything to "save the white race".
it comes from the now dead 8gag
Lol no. Sylvian is one of the better units in this game easily being able to get into brigand and wyvern lord. Ingrid is fantastic even if she lacks strength, annettes gonna oneshot everything no matter if she lacks speed thanks to her massive magic growth, and ashe is just the designated shit archer that every house gets
>schizo writes an essay based on his hallucination of every poster being a tranny
not really
Is it true Edelgard doesn't marry you simce you're a commoner? She seems obsessed with you on every route I've played, still need to do BE.
With younger Alois, Manuela and Catherine
Damn, I thought Flayn being thirsty was just a meme
transvestites btfo'd
Doesn't Jeralt say Manuela and Hanneman weren't around when he was captain?
he said he Seteth wasnt arond but seeing as Manuela didnt seem to recognize him she probabily wasnt either
>the right
nigger are you insane?
end your life
>neo puritan social justice warriors
>not anti porn
stop clutching on to your boogeyman
unequivocally based
/pol/trannies and sjw nazis are two sides of the same coin
green haired girls are always sluts
Is Marianne the GD designated healer? Because her heals are not really that good compared to lindhardt or mercy. Should I just recruit a better one?
Stop trying to bend history, /pol/ got nothing on this one.
she's not much of a healer
>what i want personally is more supports. there are quite a few characters that it was just crazy to me that they did not have supports together.
At least I can call a /pol/tannie a nigger without being falsely accused of rape after I fuck his boyfriend
What's the best way to get money in the later chapters of part 2?
She's not really much of anything when compared to others. I suppose I could try to train her with swords for her relic.
She's supposed to be GD healer but she work better as offensive mage instead. So yeah you should recruit Lindhardt or Mercedes if you care about good healers.
Aux battles land you like 5-10k by that part
/pol/ turned wojak into the template for all childish insults over the internet, they hold some responsibility for this shit even if they didn't make this specific one
Richard Nixon made the EPA
what's your point
am I a cumskull if I fap 1-2 times a day?
Haha based
...what's yours?
/pol/ isn't responsible for "other," morons shitting up the visible internet with their garbage. They're still morons, but they're not a giant malicious hivemind more than the Yea Forums cunny posters are.
That's my point.
savescum and fish as many glittering fish(the gold icon ones) as you can
gold fish sell for 500g and platinum ones sell fo 1000g
>pol turned wojak into a template
are you fucking kidding me you fucking nufag Yea Forums ran that shit into the ground with consolewar shitposting
Edelgard is literally fantasising about you right now.
Join her house!
That's what I did to Death Knight
Gronder Field is great. All the former students are just killing each other for my entertainment
No, you do get married. You just don’t get to be Emperor because she abdicates
what if i dont let her fantasize about me?
She's the red mage, she can sword, white magic and black magic. She gets psychic and silence as her white magic which is the most useful heal and the most useful skill for shutting down mages and meteor bots. Her black magic is high crit ice magic and Thoron which gives her an easy 3 range attack. But probably best in her kit is swords, her ultimate weapon is a relic sword that scales off magic, her crest functions the same way as Felix's, and she gets Soulblade which feeds off her high res. If you make her a Dancer she can get sword avoid and you can keep her on the front line despite her mage squishiness.
You can’t. She’s schlicking to you right now, teach!
I made marianne into gremory just for the titties.
Sensei's obviously.
>hates the church
>masturbates to Rhea's mommy-son-husband
I personally preferred the time when we could post attractive female characters on Yea Forums without nofap bitches being on a moralfag crusade.
Lysithea NEEDS to be a Gremory
He belongs with Bernie the bear in their love cave.
God imagine when she's recruitable in the DLC route and yet get to have her to yourself.
Maybe Rhea should find her own BF that isn’t triple incest
What if it's the only route where you can let everyone else live but you have to die in the end?
how rude
She's fantasising about having a nice dignified dinner date with you, not sex
This is offensive on multiple levels
>Edelgard is literally fantasising about you right now.
She doing that to forget about all the experiments and all the sex that the Slithers forced her to do.
It's still kinda hot.
I want to marry her.
Damn, what a desperate slut. Too bad she ain't getting no dick lmao
There's not enough of this shit, can only think of
Monica was cuter
Hilda can't be recruited in a BE playthrough
The Church version you can once Edelgard leaves.
Fight for her
I'm gonna fucking coom
She was married to the goddamn king of an entire fucking country and managed to keep it a secret. That’s impressive.
How old was Edelgard when Thales took her to the rape basement? For that matter how old was Lysithea?
Male Byleth is way less expressive than Fem and not as hot.
>Flame Emperor hires bandits to kill the House Leaders
>End of Ch1
>Edelgard almost gets killed
>Not as hot
False, male is hotter and better
>Male Byleth
>Not as hot.
At least he's not a frog
Please understand El has brain damage
she is not very smart
For real? Had no idea, I didn't even try because I thought it didn't matter which BE route you chose. Good to know.
are there any shamir doujins yet?
>I'm a genius!
>Oh no!
Edelgard was 9 or 10 years old around that time and Lysithea is 2 years younger than Edlegard
Mercedes girl
El spent too much time thinking about the hot mercenary that showed up, and not enough about executing her plan
So Agarthans like prime cunny I see
Ferdinand wonders at one point whether one of the lords knew that mercenaries were in the village. So I think she planned to put herself in danger and have the mercenaries save them
I think I know why this was posted and where this is going
Wasted potential: the character. What's the point of giving her this design and then having her be relevant for all of ten minutes of story, unavoidably dying the very same chapter she's introduced AND also killing Solon.
Especially when token villain recruitment is an absolute staple of Fire Emblem and she's disposed of by her own side, it seems obvious that there'd be some way to get her. They made her a fucking Fire Emblem Heroes unit for Christ's sake
Bros, can you give me good western artists who draw good asses?
I've given up on Japanese artists. Methonium was the only one I liked and now he/she is just doing a vanilla manga now.
He does pretty nice buttholes
What's a good Battalion to give Byleth?
where's my fucking canon menage a trois with Catherine and Shamir
Jeralt's Mercenaries
Ah I remember I was like that too, til' I found out about Shamir, then I changed course immediately.
True kino is keeping Jeralt's mercenaries the entire game, they're heavily overstated for their low leadership requirement and have a great gambit
afrobull is the reason why i want to eat ass so much nowadays
Based Harem-bro
I don't remember Edelgard idolizing Nemesis when I played BE, I do remember her downplaying his actions, though.
>12 hours up right as we're about to reach the bump limit
alright... i'll say it... janny is based for sure today
My brothers.
there is no futa version as far as i know, and that’s where they usually go
>Be Dimitri
>Unite the Continent and become Savior King
>Install sensei as the new Pope, then marry Sensei to unite both Church and State
>Everything's fine and dandy
>Give your Kingdom to your firstborn son and let the second son inherit his mother's position
>Theroretically this will stabilize the realm as both church and state will be held by the same Dynasty
>Instead your kids immediately start killing each other once you drop dead because they can't decide whether Moral Authority triumphs over Legal Authority or vice versa.
>Fodlan collapses into a bloody Civil War in just one generation
>Be Edelgard
>Declare war against the whole continent because over an abstract irrelevant concept that you want to make the most relevant.
>Somehow manage to win despite heavy casualties
>Immediately declare war against the Slithers just as you have finished destroying the whole continent.
>Somehow win again
>Return home and find the country completely bankrupt due to all the retarded wars you waged
>Get guillotined by the ensuing republican revolution
>Your """"""""""Empire"""""""""" lasted less than one generation.
>be Claude
>fuck off to another country while Foldland goes to shit
The only reason they even went in that direction is because Claude decided to leg it at the earliest opportunity.