Why is this bitch not banned?

Why is this bitch not banned?

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Have you seen that rack?

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They make more money than you.

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She fucks twitch staff for favors.

>she pulls views
>personal friend with twitch admins
even more now that the whole streamer scene is starting to lose speed they need to keep any known names.

Big tits or not. This bitch is ugly as fuck.


literally who
also because she fucks twitch staff

Kys you autistic subhuman

Keep fucking crying.
Why is that women have to censor themselves but men don't? Women with big breasts exist, get the fuck over it. It's all natural and nobody should have to suffer being bullied into submission until they're forced to hide their bodies in shame.
Fuck all of you. I'm done.

She's going to hit the wall SO HARD in 10 years, you can tell


Tranny detected

Bad bait

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Female privilege.
They probably have Twitch mod staff by the balls.

Fucking no way this is a real stream. You can't even tell what the fuck is going on in the game with her humongous tits covering up so much of the fucking screen.

This could literally be a dude if you removed the makeup and the tits.

I don't get it. Pls explain.

god she's ugly
imagine without the makeup

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she's fucking twitch's golden boy

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Can't even fucking see the game? People watch this shit? Just watch a real porn stream if you want to see tits.

So do actual whores lol. Do you think that means I'm jealous of them or they're better than me? I could live in a refrigerator box on the side of the road and still be ten times the human being these walking meat flaps are.

Nintendo furfag who posts it in all shitposting threads.

probably because she doesn't stream dressed like that anymore, doesn't she just hang out and stream in normal clothes leeching off asmon and co?

Already happened

Exactly, I don't remember anyone complaining when T1, Mitch, etc. did streams shirtless, even when they acted overtly sexual. Hell, Hyphonix did a stream a couple years ago where he twerked for new subs.
If a woman streamed in a revealing top and was completely innocent, losers would still get mad. Get over it you beta fucks

What do you think her IQ is?

Aside from the fact that she;s worth more than him, yes

Attached: Ampharos.png (269x301, 113K)

Wow. Just like most women.

There's nothing sexual about a shirtless man, unless you're gay, which I'm assuming you are for implying shirtless guys are being sexual.

I used to think I'd be sexually attracted with any women with big tits and a nice ass, but I guess this means I'm somewhat gay because that face is just gross

>implying she hasn't

Sadly, In this capitalist age, money is more important than soul


I miss Caleb's shirtless after workout streams


Door giveaway 123 123

My based man

These threads get left up for like 3 hours and the moment I post in them, I get banned. At least tell me why tranny jannies so that I would at least be inclined to not evade and sit the ban out.

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thats how girls stream, user

She already did

Holy based god


user... I....

I'm a face man and judge women more heavily on how feminine and cute their faces are. Tits are secondary, ass is tertiary for me.

I can't hate on these chicks. If I was a woman with big tits I'd be fleecing pathetic virgins of their hard earned money over the internet too.

Why does Yea Forums cry about these people? Everytime I check the category, these chicks have way less viewers than the male streamers. So, what is the issue? Is it literally just "They are women"?

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I don't blame them either, but the least they can do is host streams on sites specifically tailored to this kind of crap and leave legitimate game streaming alone.

People owning you isn't "bait". If you feel the urge to respond because someone destroyed you, it isn't "bait".

Once I got an ip range of mine banned because some janitor was having a meltdown and he decided banning everyone that replied to the thread (which was about vidya mind you), he banned me a good seven times before he suddenly stopped. I don't fucking know how this place is still up after the oldfag mods got axed during the fappening. Moot fucked everything up before fucking off himself.

is there one that's actually cute

and risk the wrath of the most valuable asset the platform has right now?

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Bitch looks like Al from Happy Days

Why don't male streamers gotta do that and why do you focus on the women ones and not the male ones?

Found the guy that subscribes and donates to these whores.

>repeated, odd behaviour

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For every famous male streamer with a large following, there are 1000 literal nobody guys. Females overall enjoy higher view counts especially if they act a bit risque and are good looking. Skill in games need not apply.

>No response
Okay, so it's literally just shitposting for fun. Okay.

The problem is that those male streamers actually had to work for those viewers, the girl streamers literally just wore a tank top low to show boob, put on makeup and went live and they get hundreds of viewers and even more money than those guys would've made

>because she doesn't stream dressed like that anymore
She is live right now with even more cleavage

This is false. Lying to yourself just to be angry seems pretty fucking retarded. The male streamers have way way way more viewers and you can hjonestly count them all up right now and it totals more than the women viewers. Just admit the reason is "reeee women" and stop lying to you and me.

Also, what are the male chatting guys doing that shows skill in vidya? Is just shit talking in just chatting okay if you have a dick?

So, again, literally just "cuz women shuldnt streem"

Legit get over yourself m8

The male ones that act sexual can fuck off too. I want to only see uninterrupted GAMEPLAY.

Why is there a "just chatting" on a VIDEOgame streaming site? The world may never know.. Delete that shit entirely.

Then stop going into the non-game sections of the site you retard. It's like coming here and crying about the lack of anime on Yea Forums

this is real by the way

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Based ampharautist

lmao, you are the only one seeing her 11 years in the past, right?

hot girls willing to get to the edge of ToS can get several hundred viewers and a livable salary, but all the top spots (1000+ viewers) are mostly male since most guys realize chaturbate is a better place for sexual content.

You're not gay at all. The ultimate black pill is that women with a bath natural face (no makeup) are worth nothing. Their boobs, ass, hips, pussy? Garbage before their natural makeup-less face. It's very demoralizing, because the modern woman is almost always caked in a kilo of makeup.

I'd literally do anything to be with this woman and make multiple mutt ba....bab...

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Who is this?

Didn't Tyler1 get banned for showing a nipple?

>literally just "cuz women shuldnt streem"
Ah, I see, so you're just baiting for (You)'s by completely ignoring my statement of titty streamers getting a head start over men just for showing their tits

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This t bh

>The male streamers have way way way more viewers and you can hjonestly count them all up right now and it totals more than the women viewers
That is because you're counting total views, of course it would be higher since males streamers outnumber females 100 to 1. Percentage wise, shit's a lot more skewed towards women. Now I don't have a problem if it's a woman keeping a low profile and actually playing the game, but you're defending the thots that stick their tits out covering half the screen while barely playing the game and just talking in a manner to excite their beta orbiters.

Crop the tits user

I never got the argument against Twitch Thots either. Just don't watch them. The only argument I've ever seen that isn't some incel ridden bullshit is the "But Twitch's reputation/content" argument.

Wow dude, sorry some big titty chick made people think you were weird when you talked about the site you watch others play video games on for hours a day

Am I on Yea Forums? Because this looks like a My 600lb Life thread.


Are you mad because she actually plays video games, OP?


damn C9 Sneaky looks like THAT?

I don't do twitch but the most basic argument is fairness especially these days. If you're a male, you'll get banned for even a hint of a nipple or a bulge.


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momokun is a fucking retard but god what I'd do to that belly

There was an incident where Macaiyla had a nip slip on Tyler's stream a while back. Dont think T ever got banned for it though, remember his return dressed as Draven??

It's kinda ironic how the biggest streamer on Twitch right now is a trash goblin who people complain is getting handouts and carried through the game by his viewers; On a platform that's entire business model is about streamers getting handouts and carried through life by their viewers.

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>No argument
>deflects to personal attacks and ad hom
Thanks for conceding I guess.

And no one is going to argue to your appeal to emotion. You have no actual facts to present and no one is obligated to argue with your feelings.

Absolutely based

Men on twitch deserve it. They're all desperate malding fucks with backwards caps, cope beards, cope racing chairs, cope neon lights, cope bitrates and emotes, cope game selections, cope merch backgrounds and shill partnerships, cope hosts, and especially cope rhetoric regarding ethots on their platform. The men deserve far FAR worse than the ethots, and they get it in spades.

Can you please prove your claim?
You are crying that men don't make as much or something even though that is false, and then getting mad people aren't circlejerking.

Guys, I think he's based.

Talking sense?? How dare you?!

>No argument
It's there, you can read it
>deflects to personal attacks and ad hom
Calling you out on shitty b8 isn't a personal attack my guy
And don't think the whole "HAHA HE MADE FUN OF ME FOR PRETENDING TO BE RETARDED SO I IMMEDIATELY WIN" shit flies by either

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and it's not going to stop, he has hordes of slavs making endless videos about him on youtube, he also made 11 guilds so that there is constant conflict and drama to liven up his stream. Twitch is approaching an Asmongold singularity.