>...But the other thing about it is that you can go anywhere in the world. It’s open-world. In the past, even if games are “open-world,” there are limitations where you can’t go further. Like, they created valleys where you can’t go. But in this game, you can go anywhere. You set routes, and you want to know what goes on beyond. In this game, I think you will not understand if I just say this, but once you start playing the game, just walking in that world is really fun. What I realized is, when I monitor playtests – even the staff's – they don’t get it at first. But when they really start playing, just walking is really fun in the space.

>And now everyone will say, “Oh, it’s a walking simulator!”

>It’s the same as when I first brought out a stealth game. If 100 people play it and 100 people say it’s fun, it means the genre or the game already exists. But this is a new genre – same as stealth the first time, there will be people who don’t get it. It will take time for the real evaluations to come in.

SOURCE: gameinformer.com/interview/2019/09/16/hideo-kojima-answers-our-questions-about-death-stranding

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Other urls found in this thread:


>walking is just really fun. I promise. My playtesters love it.

It's going to be hilarious when Kojima's retarded "stranding" genre is labeled as "action adventure" and everyone realizes that he was full of shit.

This hack actually thinks he created the Stealth genre, lmao
>n-no it's not a walking simulator, it's a stranding simulator!!!

Even in the old MG games you could still do a shit ton of things besides hiding, for all the cutscenes galore from the MGS series at least there was gameplay, MGSV is mechanically interesting but repetitive in design, a walking simulator like Death Stranding doesn't seem to promise more than just that, walking around and pissing.

Kojimbo has officially lost it.

Attached: atpRtsd.png (112x112, 23K)

Everything Kojima has made since Snake Eater has been hot garbage and absolutely no one would give a shit about Death Stranding if he wasn't attached to it.

He's right.

Not saying he came up with the very first stealth game, but back in 1987 the "stealth genre" was definitely not an established thing yet. Metal Gear 1 was lumped in as an "action game" since most games were not doing stealth.

I can guarantee some proto-Yea Forumsirgin in the 80's was like "omg what is this, a hiding simulator? Where's my bing bing wahoos or shmup mechanics"

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If 100 people say its a walking sim, and 100 people say it's boring, it means the genre is a walking sim and that it's boring.

>No it's not a walking simulator trust me walking is fun

Attached: moist like a young vagina.jpg (480x271, 35K)

It won't be branded as action that's for sure, most of the game is build with little to none combat options

Has anyone ever correctly guessed the quality of a Kojimbo game release, shit or not?

You still had more gameplay variety in Metal Gear.

kek fucking chink i swear

Kojima makes interesting memorable games, proove me wrong.
Only reason retards are seething is because they used to enjoy his games while they were niche and he wasnt big, just be glad he didint put trannies and fags and other shit eating minorities into this game like this one other game i wont name. Fucking hell the sheer thought of the protag having somekind of pride suit/patch or some gender neutral icons makes me cringe.

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You think he fucks his actresses?

>literally says "see that mountain, you can go there"

Attached: 45-utterly-random-memes-that-made-us-laugh-this-week-jkW.png (640x360, 90K)

What other stealth games were around when Metal Gear first dropped?

Every MGS since 4 actually. All of them have been spot on to how they actually turned out.

Except you can do more than walk and piss in Death Stranding

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>I invented stealth games

Is this true? Were there any stealth games before the original Metal Gear?

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He made it popular via MGS1, it's not about who came up with the joke, it's about who said it louder

Hideo Kojima is the Kanye West of the video games industry


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The original MGs were not stealth games. Thief is what pioneered the genre.
He basically just confirmed it was a walking simulator and that he's trying to pioneer a new genre about walking.

Nothing about Kojimas games are interesting. They just ape actually interesting works. Rip off a character from Escape From New York, drop him in a Tom Clancy plot, then throw some le epic anime humor in there and retards like you will lap it up. Same reason he's allowed to run around saying he invented the stealth game despite it being factually incorrect on every level.

>two large open maps
>absolutely boring o go from base to base nothing whatsoever to do and to lessen this you use helicopter to basically ignore the shitty open environment
>nearly everyone in agreement that it’s not Kojimas strong suit
>death stranding
>entire game is empty looking open world
>probably no helicopter to help with this
>crux of the game is navigating the environment
>suddenly everyone forgets Kojima can’t into open environment
I can’t wait to see people defend it

It's a survival game. Rust and Minecraft with a powersuit. And he still doesn't shows the other goddamn half of the gameplay, even 50 days before release

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Wait, so it has combat, bosses, stealth, crafting, interactions, etc.? looks like I need to rewatch non cimenatic trailers again.

>In the past, even if games are “open-world,” there are limitations where you can’t go further.
have these idiots ever played gta or minecraft?

>metal gear
Also infiltrator predates Metal Gear by 1 year.

The more Yea Forums cries about a game, the better it turns out to be.

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Technically no, but he is the first one to make an full game out of it. Everything before were small arcade based games with much simpler gameplay and different setting. He was certainly the first one to make what today we would think of as a stealth game.

I'll save my judgement on this game until I buy and play it cause I have a good paying job with a large disposable income and I will lose nothing if I do not enjoy it.

Tenchu, Escape From Castle Wolfenstein, Shoplifting boy. Kojima is a hack faggot.

seething thief fag
typical contrarians

Wolfenstein before it was an FPS was the earliest iirc, and it was pretty advanced as it was basically hitman where you need to find disguises to sneak around effectively.

Muh shitty western game with even less stealth mechanics that no one remembers because it's irrelevant but it's great for hipsters and contrarians to pretend they even played it to act superior

Not around in ‘87.
>must sneak around to avoid confrontation with enemies
>not stealth
What makes a stealth game if Metal Gear wasn’t a stealth game?

>But this is a new genre
but walking simulators already exist

MGS was not only not that popular, but it wasn't even the only stealth game released in 1998. The people who actually think that Kojima alone is the reason why stealth games gained popularity are all fucking morons. Tenchu and Thief came out during the same year for fucks sake.

Pacman is a stealth game and is better at stealth than Metal Gear ever was seeing as it's actually fun and isn't full of plagarism.

It does

>you just don't get it

The fucking state of Kojimhack

This, main elements are survival mechanics and inventory management

He is without doubt a pioneer in the genre, but by no means he invented the whole thing.

Are you implying that Thief was ever popular?

Why do people itt think mgs is the first metal gear?

I wonder what person he's going to have to sue this time for calling him a hack? Last time it was translators, this time I'm betting on Mads.

It actually has all of that, but 70 to 80% of the game will still be walking

>walking sim in a new genre


It literally has all of those things. There's 50 minutes of gameplay showing them all you dumb fuck.

Yes? Are you fucking stupid?

Metal Gear Solid was the same. No vehicle? Walk... Far.

The game looks interesting. It's a slow burning game and seems realistic. Very authentic feeling for lack of a better word. Even if you trip over something you're going to have to calm the baby from crying in order to not attract people or something like that.

It's not for everyone but I think people will appreciate the entertainment they get from it if that's their thing. Funny thing is that I have a feeling it's going to be a 10 for some weird reason. He knows what he's doing.

Just like MGSV right?

Because they are the kind who just heard about how ebin and 2deep4u MGS is and jumped on the bandwagon, having only played MGSV.

We've seen melee and shooting combat, bosses, and stealth. I don't remember crafting though.

Precisely, MGSV had uh... solid mechanics but you were only able to do so much considering there were only a handful of mission types and interactions, all for the sake of that stupid "seamless cinematic" gimmick he wanted to pitch which also made the story insufferable.

Well shit, that's a waste.

There were stealth games a decade before MG1 even. Kojima is basically the Edison of vidya. A complete hack who is very good at using the same kind of shit Apple used to convince retards they invented shit.

Nobody ever heard of infiltrator, let alone play it

When is the subbed gameplay from TGS dropping? IGN said it'd be ready today.

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Ideot Fagjima

I'm going to join the Kojima is a hack bus, dude thinks making a objective focused video game is making a new genre.

>What makes a stealth game if Metal Gear wasn’t a stealth game?
MG1/2 hardly use stealth mechanics at all and being seen is almost irrelevant in most cases, it's the furthest from stealth in the entire series barring MGR/MGA.

Also Castle Wolfenstein and Infiltrator predate MG regardless of that, just as Tenchu and Thief predate MGS.

Tenchu was unpolished niche shit

>In the past, even if games are “open-world,” there are limitations where you can’t go further. Like, they created valleys where you can’t go. But in this game, you can go anywhere.
Can I go into a better game?

>Contrarian Yea Forumstards will shit on peak post apocalyptic, spiritual iceland exploration
I swear gacha and waifushit is all there is here

Kojimadrones need to be gased

No other game around was like MG. The best you got was Wolfenstein, but it’s so basic that it barely qualifies.

So was MGS1 in 1998. MGS didn't gain popularity until 2.

Yes, MGSV was, by far, the best MGS ever made.
Of course, Yea Forums was only hyped, and then started whining, because they just wanted a movie about Big Boss genociding children.

It's amazing how throughout the 3 years of MGSV hype threads not a single one was about gameplay, it was always

and considering the amount of MGSfags who started spouting
I have no doubt that MGS redditors are all SJWs.
Which is why i'm happy MGSV dissapointed them so much (while I had fun with it) and why MGS is dead.

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I predict this will be Waterworld of gaming.

Castle Wolfenstein precedes the first Metal Gear game and in the same year in which MGS was release, Tenchu and Thief were also release. Thief in particularly revolutionised the genre and it's miles ahead of MGS in terms of stealth gameplay

Metal Gear Solid is also unpolished shit. That doesn't mean it doesn't count, dumb ass.

>Kojima lurks Yea Forums

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What other game predating MG was like it?

MG wasn’t good until MGS,
Which means Death Stranding won’t be good until Death Stranding Solid

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Thief is better than Metal Gear Solid.

So if it isn't as popular, it doesn't count?

What I wonder is why anyone would ever take Yea Forums's feedback seriously.
This place knows nothing about videogames.

I want things to do in my exploration, not spending 30 minutes walking around in the hopes of finding an enemy outpost to deal with in 3 minutes.

It's MGSV with a bigger map, it gets boring incredibly quick unless I can do shenanigans and stupid shit constantly like BotW, SotC, etc.

The fuck he was, Castle Wolfenstein came out more than half a decade prior to Metal Gear, and not only had more stealth elements but also had better ones than MG had as you actually HAD to stealth through the game.

MGS is half backtracking and half the "brilliant ideas" are just gimmicks that add nothing to the gameplay. The stealth is also on par with fucking pac man. It took the faggot until the last entry to implement a darkness system in a fucking STEALTH game for christ sake.

>It's MGSV with a bigger map
I hope so.
Only thing I hope is that it has even less focus on the plot and more emphasis on the gameplay.
MGSV's problem is that it still had too many cutscenes.

You guys can say whatever the fuck you want but I'm so glad this game is being made. Seeing Kojimas sanity spiral over the years is the most hilarious fucking thing I've ever seen in the gaming industry. His games have been getting unbearably retarded since MGS4 and I love it. I'm not buying this piece of shit game but seeing this all happened is just the best.

>Claims he created a new genre of game called stranding

>Claims he created stealth genre

fucking kek

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>even less stealth mechanics
Wolfenstein is literally more mechanically involved than either of the Metal Gear games despite being years behind it. Kojima literally only knows how to rip off other successful content, assuming he isn't just throwing all of his work at someone else like he did for MGS1/2.

>didnt invent stealth
popularized it enough to make that claim (i dont agree with it personally)
>nothing about them is interesting
his games were the reason to buy a psp, ps2, ps3, and were basically what bloodborne/rdr2 are to the ps4 right now.

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>It’s the same as when I first brought out a stealth game

>Instead of showing the fucking gameplay he keeps wanking their hollywood friends and doing some 2 deep 4 you bullshit.

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If you are more popular, you can bullshit people around with the "I invented it" idea, happens all the time, people only remember the mainstream stuff anyway

Which mechanics?
Reminder that this is Castle Wolfenstein.

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>Yes, MGSV was, by far, the best MGS ever made.
No, it's not, it completely shits on the atmosphere and stealth mechanic that the series is known for, while also being utterly unfinished in mass. It's literally Peace Walker with a giant empty map with most of the stealth removed outside of 3 missions, and the story being the worst the series has had by far.

TPP utilized the formula way better to a point that an entire game similar to TPP would have been the best MGS by fucking far, but MGSV throws nearly all of it out of the window in terms of how you actually tackle missions and gameplay that it's utterly ridiculous.


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This is like the guy who found out you can make toast invented something new. He's so far up his own ass now it's hilarious.

Cope, kojimaturd. Thief is better than your trash.
>better stealth mechanics
>actually revolves around stealth, combat is ill advised
>better sound design
>actual level design

>you can go anywhere
What's at the edge of the map then?


He did invent the modern simplistic style of stealth though or at least pioneered it. Thief and games like it like Dishonored are their own thing also obviously Hitman and Tenchu go here as well as their own experiences that focused heavily on the stealth mechanics. Every major game mimics a mix of mgs and some splinter cell, see every naughty dog game this and last gen and pretty much every single playstation exclusive but Bloodborne and GoW. He sounds like a cunt saying invented but it's not too far off

Yakuza at work.

It's not just a walking simulator but you can also get in your FedEx or Amazon motorcycle and drive your packages to the next destination.
So it's partial driving simulator as well.

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This seems like another "You will be ashamed of your words and deeds" scenario.

I loved the gameplay of MGSV and this just seems like it has even less going for it in that department.

Agreed. Might even be game of the gen. People complaining about the gameplay just need to rewatch the previous trailers with all the cool shit (Hades, Mads' skeletal soldiers, Troy Baker's character). Think about the gameplay elements those aspects are gonna involve.

I'm already intrigued by the concept of the game world being some type of purgatory with mankind opening the portals to hell and what not.

Infiltrator is still a stealth game and it predates Metal Gear. Popularity is irrelevant.

Like No Man's Sky then, which turned out to be pretty, um, repetitive let's say.

I actually really liked the look of NMS - just like I've liked the look of DS, in fact. But still, empty worlds where you're just scrounging for materials most of the time aren't that fun.


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>STILL thinks anyone is talking about MGS1
Go jerk off in /vr/

>it's not like other open world games where places are closed off, in THIS game you really CAN go ANYWHERE!!
How many times have people used this line over the years? Literally every time someone wants to sell their open-world game as being the best, they say this

Holy shit that looks shittier than I though, Kojima is right and we should be thankful for Metal Gear breathing life into stealth games

MGSV barely has any cutscenes at all, and a bigger map does not equate to being good. It just means there is far more empty areas and traveling to actually get to objectives and interesting things within the landscape. It's like traveling through Skyrim (that is 5 times as large) and with barely any enemies. That's pretty much what traveling is going to be like, just a lot of boring stuff to look at with nothing to actually do in a good chunk of it.

Uncanny valley cringe

>Popularized it
Shit man, I guess Ford invented the car after all
>his games were the reason to buy a psp, ps2, ps3
Last time I checked that was having DVD player and a Bluray player since both have no actually worthwhile games. PS2 had
>Artshit that helped damage the industry with SotC and Ico
>A bunch of shitty platformers
>A bunch of shitty Japanese "RPGs" with no actual role playing
PS3 had
>Demons Souls

The ocean? some turret will shoot you? a cliff?
>mads' name in ds is cliff

He has shown gameplay. DS is a survival game focused on walking/delivery with some weird shit and action spread throughout the game. Pic related

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Breath of the Wild was literally the first game to do "You can go ANYWHERE" right.

Just watch the original videos and use YouTube's caption translation. I used that to watch the voice cast video (it's the Japanese voice cast of course) and it was translating pretty damn well.

The dickhead didn't invent stealth. I thought it was just his brainlet fans that were saying this but he is too apparently

>Gathering the RIGHT disguises to pass by nazis
>Enemies that actually follow you from screen to screen
>Few to no weapons meaning you had to rely on stealth instead of flat out walking through every enemy and obstacle ala Metal Gear
I-I mean early game bad!

Infiltrator is as much a stealth game as Yoshi’s Island is a TPS. Sure, you shoot things in Yoshi’s Island, but it’s too basic to call a TPS.

The atmosphere is irrelevant, that has nothing to do with gameplay.
And the stealth mechanics of the franchise were utter garbage.
I firmly believe those who developed MGS1, 2 and 3 had never played a single videogame before.
Only a brain damaged moron would make a stealth game with a top down camera.
It's why the Soliton radar needs to tell you literally everything about your enemies and the level, from the layout, to where the enemies are and where they are looking at, because they a retarded choice that nobody would ever make with a stealth game.

The problem with MGSV is that it's an MGS game, as such, it's tied to a horrible plot that nobody with more than two brain cells would ever care about, and boss fights even though those do not fit a military game.

MGSV should have been a stealth focused milsim, not a cutscene-filled mess to appeal to the videogame-hating retards that form the MGS fanbase.

Everyone jacking him off since he left Konami is really making him an airhead. He was definitely one before but it’s starting to get ridiculous. Love mgs but this shit isn’t doing anything for me.

More map, duh

Or strands

Except it didn't. MG didn't do anything for the stealth genre, and Thief is what gave it life in the late 90s.

She looks literally like me

>He did invent the modern simplistic style of stealth though or at least pioneered it.
That sounds like a condemnation if anything. Thanks for making it so garbage like Far Cry shoehorn in line of sight "stealth" gameplay into everything.

>Developer's cat goes between the blinds and breaks them
>Have to replace the entire thing

Attached: Every single time.jpg (400x359, 24K)

The fuck is this WebM

Throw 20 blood grenades as you gobble around a shitty environment. I can’t wait user

Kojima starts making actual games and the MGS redditors get mad because they hate gameplay in videogames.
If MGSfags are mad, then it means Kojima is making an actual videogame instead of a movie.

This hack is completely avoiding the most likely possibility

>100 people play it. Everyone knows its a walking simulator. 50 say its fun anyway. 25 finish it. 10 are unshakable defenders.


There is literally no pleasing these people though. They're determined to hate it.
>no gameplay shown
>"it's a movie game"
>no guns shown
>"it's a walking simulator"
>guns shown
>"it's a generic third person shooter"
They will never stop moving the goalposts and trying to tear down the game. This happens with every Japanese game now.

It's a Benny Hill chase simulator

Attached: 1559149030258.webm (640x360, 2.1M)

even then the fact that it was open world hurt other aspects of the game

Problem is, if your world is boring and empty af, nobody cares about doing shores in your game, plot and pretty graphics will only get to so far

It's Yea Forums
The same place that insists that MGSV flopped and everyone hated it and that GZ was a masterpiece, despite MGSV having a higher score everywhere and MGSV being the best selling MGS of all.

So is MG. And any MGS game other than Ground Zeroes but don't tell the Kojimbo babbies I said that

>proof that it's not a walking sim
>"w-well it's bad anyway!"

he's shown segments of Sam fighting and shooting at bad guys multiple times but you people keep calling it a walking sim for some reason

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>Japanese game
Kojima is such a westaboo and head deep in Hollywood culture now that this shouldn't even qualify as a Japanese game.

Holy shit, do you even like vidya?

Attached: You+gotta+learn+to+love+suffering+for+the+greater+good+_34a436833f30a8f202c9e83fad591547.jpg (1000x903, 94K)

Literally who

But you guys told me BOTW is shit!



So basically, the people whining are a bunch of blue haired American millennials.

lmao nobody plays video games here. Is just a psyop battleground for corpo shills thinking that the are inducing market trends. It's pretty hilarious considering the true V died years ago. Now it's like that movie with the shape shifting monster that falls in the Antarctica, but everyone is actually the same Eldritch aberration tricking itself.

Hyper capitalism is the gift that just don't stop giving.

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>He sounds like a cunt saying invented but it's not too far off
He literally didn't Not only where there multiple stealth games prior to Metal Gear, but as you said even MGS was beaten by games like Thief (which is FAR more of an inspiration to stealth games as Thief allowed traversing large stages in numerous ways while MGS was insanely linear, along with Thief having a light/dark system which MGS didn't implement until decades later, both of which are a major staple in every modern stealth game) and Tenchu.

>No gameplay shown
Ok it's a movie
>No guns shown
Ok, it's a shitty walking simulator
>Guns shown
Okay the guns look like shit and feel like they shoot paper clips just like every other jap shooter that isn't RE4
Kojimadrones are pathetic, every time he shows actual gameplay the game looks more and more generic. It doesn't outdo anything other game haven't already done outside of pretentiousness, but YIIK already exists so it isn't even the champion in that.

>Kojima makes a Sony exclusive
>Yea Forums immediately turns on him
This board is so predictable. I'd bet all my money if this was a multiplat, people would be slobbering over it.

Attached: 1415251662152.gif (245x184, 1.32M)

I remember when I defended FFXV despite the fact that it looked worse and worse as it got closer to release. It’s like I’m looking into a mirror with you people thinking this things gonna be good. The lesson you’re gonna learn is a hard one.

You fucking idiots. Tenchu didn't come out in the 80's you stupid retards.

No, MGS2 is the champion of pretentiousness.
Probably why Yea Forums loves it.
I mean, a game starring le ebin Solid Snake, full of cutscenes, no gameplay and 2deep4u shit?

I'm so tired of Kojima already. He's like Shyamalan, a self-indulgent, deluded fool who's still living on his past success.

Yeah man I love generic JRPG #1295283562985 and artshit where you walk around an empty field then asscreed up a boss to attack it's weak point for massive damage. The PS2 is so good.

Can you prove it’s good?

Uh... I am sure it will be less cringey once released... right?

My hair is black

Does this nigga believe he invented the stealth genre?

Attached: ZZiGzWh.jpg (859x782, 87K)

>The atmosphere is irrelevant, that has nothing to do with gameplay.
Yes it does, atmosphere and how the world is built affect gameplay. MGS shines on being in tight and cramped spaces and being limited in movement in how you tackle things in an effort to stealth, that's atmosphere and it matters, it matters for literally every single game.
>And the stealth mechanics of the franchise were utter garbage.
Clunky yes, utter garbage no. Also it's what the series is known for, whether you like it or not.
>I firmly believe those who developed MGS1, 2 and 3 had never played a single videogame before.
Neither have you since you're spouting this stupidity.
>Only a brain damaged moron would make a stealth game with a top down camera.
Outside of MG1/2, the series does not have a top down camera.
>It's why the Soliton radar needs to tell you literally everything about your enemies and the level, from the layout, to where the enemies are and where they are looking at, because they a retarded choice that nobody would ever make with a stealth game.
Even FPS stealth games have radar, also Splinter Cell exists and does stealth very well despite the camera that you apparently hate.
>The problem with MGSV is that it's an MGS game, as such, it's tied to a horrible plot that nobody with more than two brain cells would ever care about, and boss fights even though those do not fit a military game.
No the problem is forsaking what the series is known for in an effort to adhere to open-world that doesn't fit the series and the way its played. Also boss fights are fine, most games have them.
>MGSV should have been a stealth focused milsim, not a cutscene-filled mess to appeal to the videogame-hating retards that form the MGS fanbase.
MGSV should have been a tacical espionage action game like the rest of them, none of them are military sims and you misunderstand the series entirely, nor is it a cutscene filled mess by any means, it has less cutscenes than the most games.

around blacks and japs
never relax

The people who hate it are MGS SJWs who want movies.
I don't, Kojima didn't make anything worthwhile until MGSV.
If MGSfags are angry, it's good news for me.
Movie games like MGS have no place in this industry.

After 10 years of dev hell and the shitshow that was XIII you were pretty dumb to defend that

>“Oh, it’s a walking simulator!”
It's always reassuring to know that the Japs shitpost as hard as we do.

>gameplay looks worse than metal gear survive
>kojimdrones defend full force

It seems they were making a porno. At some point everything went to shit. It's pretty surreal.

I get it you can't read. Shoplifting boy and Wolfenstein came out before Metal Gear 1. Tenchu came out before MGS. Kojima didn't invent either the 2d stealth game or the 3d stealth game. He is a hack in all ways.

I agree

Numerous people have already pointed out games which preceded both MG and MGS, you fucking retard.

Good job missing the entire point of a video game series, hell you miss the point of most video games period.

>starring solid snake

>no gameplay

>actually got confused by the plot so calling it 2deep4u when kojima over explains everything

If you're the guy who thinks MGSV should've been an Arma clone, you surely won't get that here.

I think it looks interesting. Slower paced open world game with survival elements and supernatural elements with a cool sci-fi setting. It's better than spurting out terms that are literally incorrect.

>full of cutscenes
oh no no no, it has worse than cutscenes, it has codec scenes in place of cutscenes because "its more secure" aka we need to cut corners due to time constraints

Kojima hasn't put himself in a game yet as the "prophetic writer whose works will save all of mankind and show them the way" yet so he's not Shyamalan tier yet.

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>But this is a new genre – same as stealth the first time

Attached: 1568576158914.jpg (900x1200, 134K)

you can either say
>b-but walking is really fun!
or you can say
>b-but it's not just walking!
you can't say both. either it's a walking simulator where you made walking fun or it's not a walking simulator.

>it's a fun walking simulator

He doesn't even bring out any other mechanics or even the action to defend himself - meaning it really is a walking simulator.

Did any of you really expect anything else? How do you believe anything the man says after Phantom Pain?

Well guys, as we all know, games where you're not told what you actually DO in the game leading up to release are always great! Just trust them when they use vague phrases or say you can do anything. Surely that means all your hopes for the game will cone true!

>mgsv never happened
>will pretend every soul blamed konami giving kojimbo a free pass in his next reply
don't @ me

Only MGS4 is a movie game, the rest are not. With that said, I don't think you understand what the term SJW actually means, nor do I think you understand that MGS fans are not mad in any way and are instead making fun of Death Stranding for being MGSV, which is notoriously the worst game in the series, MGS fan or not and is notoriously agreed upon.

>"prophetic writer whose works will save all of mankind and show them the way"
Solidus was literally that though

He's not Shyamalan tier yet because he hasn't even made one good game, whereas Shyamalan made a few good movies, even recently with Split.

If he didn't believe his own bullshit, he wouldn't be Kojima

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Don't kid yourself, you couldn't name a stealth game that predates Metal Gear without googling it. Especially since you're a dipshit who forgot that Metal Gear even existed and were thinking about Metal Gear Solid instead.

Traversal is one of the main elements of the game and it's fun. I'm not sure what the confusion is here.

>Hayter STILL seething

what is the Japanese term for "walking simulator" ? Or do they just say it in English?

Castle Wolfenstein faggot.

Of course he does, he's a retard who actually thinks Refn and Del Taco are good directors lmao.

MGSV times were much better in Yea Forums

>atmosphere and how the world is built affect gameplay
No it doesn't, it's like "immersion", it's a buzzword.

>MGS shines
When you are playing it, something that's lacking in any MGS that isn't V.

>Clunky yes, utter garbage no
Considering no one tried replicating it and that even the hacks at Kojipro dropped it, I think even they understood that it was a terrible gameplay system.

>Outside of MG1/2, the series does not have a top down camera.
Then what is what MGS1, MGS2, and non-Subsistence MGS3 had?

>Even FPS stealth games have radar
Sure, garbage like Call of Duty.

>Splinter Cell exists
Not anymore, and for a good reason.

>No the problem is forsaking what the series is known for
Being a movie that puts emphasis on endless cutscenes instead of the gameplay?
MGS is a not the kind of franchise that deserves to be honored or respected, it's the kind where you need to completely gut it to make something worthwhile out of it.

>MGSV should have been a tacical espionage action game like the rest of them, none of them are military sims
So what?
What came before was utter drivel.
MGSV's systems would fit a military simulator akin to ArmA 3 although with more focus on stealth more than just some linear stealth game.

> it has less cutscenes than the most games
Actually MGSV has 6 hours of cutscenes, and the amount of them in the first level alone is embarassing.

FFXV had a shitty development from the get-go. Plus a director who barely had major game experience. Comparing it to Kojima's next game, a guy who hasn't released anything below a 90, is ridiculous

Why couldn't he just call it a regular ass action adventure game where you have some combat elements to deal with enemies but the primary obstacle is navigating the environment with the tools at your disposal, since the main challenge is
>surviving given basic biological needs
>navigating since compared to someone like Link from the Legend of Zelda who can sprint for miles and climb up mountain faces barehanded, Sam is not very agile while he has a bunch of shit on his back and that can often get unwieldy

What is this headassery?

Metal Gear didn't bear on 97

>games where you're not told what you actually DO
But we know what you do in Death Stranding. We got a pretty good idea with the E3 2018 trailer.

This. Remember how much this board was sucking MGSV’s dick as the pinnacle of video games. PC faggots wouldn’t shut up about having the “definitive version”.

His doujins are great. That said, despite the gallons of cum, everything looks dry.

>...But the other thing about it is that you can go anywhere in the world. It’s open-world. In the past, even if games are “open-world,” there are limitations where you can’t go further. Like, they created valleys where you can’t go. But in this game, you can go anywhere.
Guaranteed this game is not as free and open as Breath of the Wild.

>"lesbian jew kiss scene in vidya really turns me on, better than anything in my life, also, my boyfriend's girlfriend will visit me tonight to peg me, i've been a naughty boy and I really need his BBC"

that's you user.

FF XV is good

No way yout can judge Kojima that hard while defending M Night, especially after Glass

>Hasn't released anything below a 90
I'm sure that wasn't influenced by him introducing the idea of "review bootcamps" with MGS4 at all where he told reviewers they weren't allowed to mention the atrocious install times or cutscene length. No that was all the evil Konami. YOOOOOOOOONG OUT

literal who games

>So if it isn't as popular, it doesn't count?
People attribute sticky cover systems to Gears of War and not Killswitch, so yes.

Because that's literally the "main" gameplay, you dipshit.
The enemies come to disrupt or stop your walking.
You fight back, shoot at them so you can go back to walking.

One day we'll kill all these disgusting chimps.

Yes, I can look at the wikipedia page too.

Kojima said in a recent Tweet that he just likes coining his own terms for his games like he did with the Tactical Espionage Action subtitle for MGS. Honestly he should stop being allowed to come out with it because it just makes people confused.

>bloodborne/rdr2 are to the ps4 right now

Considering MGSV has high ratings everywhere and is the best selling MGS, I doubt it.
Not to mention that what MGSfags like are movies with borderline no gameplay and endless cutscenes and expository dialogue, so their wishes should never be pandered to since what they want is the opposite of what videogames should be.
You want cutscenes and shitty expository dialogue that feels written by a monkey with brain damage?
You should stick to Steven Seagal movies and leave this industry free of your cancerous influence.

Also yes, MGSfags are known SJWs, they went as far as complaining about Quiet for muh sexist outfit.
If something's made MGS redditors mad, it's because something good happened in this industry.
Thank god MGS died with it's corpse pissed on, it's exactly the legacy that piece of garbage deserves.

>acknowledges that people call it walking simulator
>couldn't say anything to disprove it

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>You still had more gameplay variety in Metal Gear
Imagine being this delusional. Games from that era were extremely rudimentary and there are FAR more interactions in DS.

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>popularized it enough to make that claim
Microsoft invented computers, who would have thought.

if you have to spend the whole time explaining what the fuck your game even is you're doing something wrong.

Yes I can. Because Unbreakable, Sixth Sense, and Split are all better than anything Kojima has created. And his worst creations like The Happening are at least entertaining unlike Piss Walker.

It's not an action game, for starters

The hate for MGSV only existed due to the fact it was unfinished. A factor directly influenced by Konami. Its gameplay is still regarded as top-tier and don't pretend this board wasn't losing its shit when it was announced for Steam.

I have said it before and I'll say it again;
Kojima is a hack.


>literally doesn't disprove the "walking simulator" claims at all

fucking christ

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How does my knowledge of the names of stealth games that predate MG or lack thereof affect the fact of him not inventing the genre, you single digit mongoloid?

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How can he be a hack if he has a with a perfect track record of making good games?

Don't kid yourself, the hate for MGSV was because it wasn't a movie.
If MGSfags ever gave a fuck about gameplay, they wouldn't have put up with the trash that MGS1, 2 and 3 were.
They want endless movies about le epic bandana man fighting the illuminati.
They only care about the plot, and they don't even want it to be good because MGSfags, like DMCfags, are the kind that praise B-movie tier writing, something like a Stockholm Syndrome.

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Wait..he claims to be the inventor of stealth as a genre? what a fucking hack

That's why we have the action-adventure genre. There's action elements, but there's also adventure elements, without emphasizing into something else like shooter or stealth, and the game is expected to keep some degree of balance between the "action parts" compared to something like Devil May Cry where you just go from room to room linearly beating ass, and "adventure parts" which focuses gameplay more on non-combat elements.


Attached: A fun time.webm (720x1280, 2.95M)

Does Kojima do casting couch?

Splinter Cell Chaos Theory did the same things even better, minus the open world meme which is absolute shit in MGS V

Because it's as obvious as it gets.
That hack is so obsessed with movies that he wants his game to be one. That means as little interaction as possible.

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Even if you're willing to admit that M Night only made 3 decent movies (which is a vast minority of his filmography) can you seriously say Kojima never made anything good? Not even one game?

The problem is that the open world wasn't big and varied enough.
Africa was small as fuck, and Afghanistan was nothing but endless corridors.

So, why doesn't Yea Forums like it?
Yea Forums loves movie games, from MGS2 to Detroit.

Haha so he not only invented stealth games and strand games, he invented a walking simulator

Right, and how fucking long did it take to get it? 90% of the pre-release for the game has been him tweeting shit like "Here is me lightly kissing Norman's lips while fondling his ballsack. I am not a gay."


Ground Zeroes is good but it's a demo

>No it doesn't, it's like "immersion", it's a buzzword.
Please don't parrot this stupidity, it's utterly ridiculous and is counter-intuitive to actual game design.
>When you are playing it, something that's lacking in any MGS that isn't V.
MG1, 2, MGS1, MGS2, MGS3, MGA, MGA2, MGR, MPO, MPW, try again.
>Considering no one tried replicating it and that even the hacks at Kojipro dropped it, I think even they understood that it was a terrible gameplay system.
A lot of games tried replicating MGS, also Konami dropped Kojima because he was spending more money than any other Japanese Developer had in history.
>Then what is what MGS1, MGS2, and non-Subsistence MGS3 had?
Those aren't top-down cameras, it's a static camera.
>Sure, garbage like Call of Duty.
And every single FPS since the invention of 3D.
>Not anymore, and for a good reason.
They are literally developing a Splinter Cell currently.
>MGS is a not the kind of franchise that deserves to be honored or respected, it's the kind where you need to completely gut it to make something worthwhile out of it.
Again, most of the games have more gameplay than cutscenes barring 4, and to completely gut a classic franchise in favor of less gameplay (MGSV and now Death Stranding) is not helping.
>MGSV's systems would fit a military simulator akin to ArmA 3 although with more focus on stealth more than just some linear stealth game.
MGSV is nothing like Arma3 in any way, shape, or form. To compare the two beyond "They have guns and a big world" is utterly ridiculous and beyond retarded.
>Actually MGSV has 6 hours of cutscenes
Here is a fun fact, every game has hours of cutscenes, still less than other MGS.

Clearly all you want is to play a military sim, go play Arma3 and stay out of other franchises that have no business being those things and never should. You understand nothing of actual development, genres, etc. You're the ACfag of this thread.

We're done here.

TPP has some of the worst map design in the series.
Go ahead and accuse me of hating it for not being a movie game you strawmanning cunt.

Bloodborne all over again ey fox and grapes faggot?

>specifically add that i disagree with that claim
>argues with me over it anyway

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ZOE is okay but it's shit compared to the other Mech games. MGS has shit mechanics compared to other stealth games and the story is garbage.

The man has lost it

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This has to be bait.

"Walking sim" and "movie game" sound like the exact opposite of each other. They both sound boring as hell, but in completely different ways

He's always done this, he's even accepted awards for it despite no doubt knowing it's bullshit. The guy is hack incarnate.

No, Bloodborne was good, this is not. This is MGSV again, except a bigger and just as empty map and without all the characters we actually give a fuck about.

>this is the typical kojima hater
Absolutely cringe

then which was the first stealth game if not Metal Gear?

every fucking one ITT complaining that kojima is saying he invented the first stealth game are fucking ESL retards
>It’s the same as when I first brought out a stealth game
he mentions he does HIS first stealth game, not invented the genre,god this fucking place...

BASED Kojima not willing to muddle his Magnum Opus for brainlet ADHD retards.

>A weapon to surpass Metal Gear

Good to know we're living rent free in Kojimmy's head. Also, damn him for making me want a black woman. Whoever this chick with the glasses is, she's too damned attractive.

>tfw hungry for a walking sim
>the walking rpg about inventory management in a fantasy land looked good
>people didn't seem into it so I didn't pick it up
>this appears
>looks like jank
As a simulator fag who wants some realistic travel/survival mechanics this still doesn't look appealing. There's just this off vibe around everything. That and the gameplay shown looked jank
The shoe stuff looks cool and so does that water management, maybe.
Glad to see what this does for future sim games mechanically more than I am for the experience of this game in particular.

kojima hasn't done anything good in 30 years

Yea Forums also tried to tell me RE2 remake and Sekiro weren't good

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In what way? Shallow gameplay most of which consists of walking is the defining characteristic for both

>my boyfriend's girlfriend.
>his BBC
There is a such thing as too far off the deep end, m8

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user there are people literally arguing that MGS is better without stealth and that Pacman is a better stealth game. You're on Yea Forums, you should have stopped expecting real discussion and intelligence here back in 08.

Shoplifting Boy you fucking retard. It's been mentioned multiple times in this thread.

Walking sim is "look at the pretty flowers" while movie game is "i dont know how to tell a story without badly emulating a movie". God of War tried to be both but accidentally left some gameplay in there. Looks like Kojima aims to correct that mistake.

but if the world would really be limitless and fully accessible he would have to create a whole planet to satisfy that smartass that just run in one direction expecting to circle the whole world

Don't know what threads you've been in but I've seen nothing but praise for both of those, outside of the changes to Mr. X at least, which is a bit of a shame, but good game.

These are movies.

>A lot of games tried replicating MGS
No they didn't, in any case they tried replicating other stealth games.
If anything, what they tried to copy was the obnoxious focus on the plot and having endless cutscenes.

>also Konami dropped Kojima because
They didn't, firing people is ilegal in Japan.

>Those aren't top-down cameras, it's a static camera.
Top down, from above, whatever, it's a horrible choice for a stealth game because it doesn't let you see what's 10 feet in front of you.
This choice was made because no one at Kojipro has any experience in actual videogame development, that's why the gameplay part of MGS has always been lacking, even in MGSV when they still decided to focus on stealth instead of making a more broad military game.

>They are literally developing a Splinter Cell currently.
Which will no doubt be pretty much like the new Ghost Recon games.

>most of the games have more gameplay than cutscenes barring 4
If you don't know what you are doing at all, sure.

>to completely gut a classic franchise in favor of less gameplay
Less gameplay?
MGS1, 2 and 3 didn't have any.
The lack of focus on it it's obvious since Kojima just wanted cutscenes.
Fortunately, he cut back on that.
If he wants to tell stories, he has tapes, he should relegate all cutscenes to a system like that.

>MGSV is nothing like Arma3 in any way, shape, or form
But it had the potential to be, and it should be, it would have been a far better game than anything any MGS could have hoped for.

>Here is a fun fact, every game has hours of cutscenes, still less than other MGS.
Not really.

>Clearly all you want is to play a military sim
I want videogames, and that's clearly what would have benefited MGSV the most, not sticking to an archaic, simplsitic plot from a time when the mere presence of cutscenes in videogames was deemed revolutionary.
Nobody with a non-single digit IQ cares about the plot of MGS.

i like how you are shilling for literally the same type of garbage

You've conjured up that narrative by yourself. Even a non-MGS fan could tell MGSV was unfinished when playing the game. The rushed ending, the countless subtitle typos, clearly a missing Chapter 3, etc. And besides there was plenty of wacky shit in MGSV that people "who only like movies" enjoyed. There were many PC players who were praising it even when it was their first MGS game.

You just described virtually every game ever. I guess the Medusa heads in Castlevania showing up to disrupt your movement forward is also a walking simulator.

Why do you morons keep pushing this shit is beyond me.
>inb4 merely pretending
You're still a retard either way.

I could see walking around an open world being good, especially with the autistic care it seems to be getting, but there has to be some catch besides seeing shit other people built. People will finish the game in 2 days and never see the 12th ladder dimension that will appear within weeks or the ear rape music station cave

>Don't know what threads you've been in
The threads in the lead up to the releases for those games. Yea Forums does this with every game that seems interesting or good

Kojima is the Uwe Boll of video games

daniel hates kojima because he's not looking glass studios
he's right

kojima cope on full display

>clearly a missing Chapter 3
Not clearly, all you had was a file with a pic saying "Chapter 3".
And here's a fun fact about Chapter 3: the leaked script points that your beloved Chapter 3 was nothing but the Paz hallucination quest chain.

>wacky shit in MGSV that people "who only like movies" enjoyed
Indeed, it had a ton of flaws.
If a videogame appeals to those people then something must be done to fix it.
I would have given MGSV as much focus on the plot as Doom, for starters.

This, he didn't deny it was a walking sim at all. He essentially suggested that people don't like the idea of a walking simulator because they don't "get it".

Sounds like Super Mario Bros is a walking sim

He's still saying it's a new genre?

not him but Yea Forums shit on the remake every day for months before it actually came out then sucked its dick hard. there's still at least one daily thread trying to shit on sekiro.

Nobody cares about your shit taste faggot, fuck off to Yea Forums or some shit.

>>Less gameplay?
>MGS1, 2 and 3 didn't have any.
This is such a stupid meme, it can only come from people that never touched the game.

if you listen to Yea Forums on whats good you end up playing on the news as another mass shooter. 99% accurate info.

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Wow you must be reaaaaally young

you have to find someone that people pretend is an auteur but actually sucks
maybe m night shyamalamadingdong before lady in the water

>trusting playtesters on current year +4
I am exited of how much of a turd this game will be

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I guess we'll see once he and everyone else figures out wtf this game is about.

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Like I said don't know what threads you've been in. The only complaint I saw with RE2make was the camera, which is a fair complaint considering how RE games have generally been the past few years.

As for Sekiro all I ever managed to see was people exciting to be playing a different aesthetic that wasn't the Souls series or Bloodborne, but were a tad weary on some of the general mechanics such as hooking/jumping. Which again is a legitimate complaint knowing how the games played.

How are you able to say with confidence that he didn't "invent the genre" if you can't list a single example in support of that statement? You got lucky this time, but you're not in a position to call anyone a mongoloid when you attempt to pass off your uninformed guesses as facts, dumb anime poster.

But to address your point more directly: because no one remembers games like Manbiki Shounen or Castle Wolfenstein. You probably weren't even aware that there were Wolfenstein games before 3D until I just now told you. What's the point of doing something first if no one remembers that you did it? I should also point out that your smooth-brain ass is taking Kojima's statement far too literally. You're taking something that was translated and completely ignoring the context of the conversation. I'm sure Kojima took inspiration from some of these proto-stealth titles that predate Metal Gear, but he's not saying that he invented stealth in video games by pulling it purely out of his own asshole. The point that he's making is that stealth games were still an untested and unestablished genre that people were unsure would be successful when he made Metal Gear.

No, sadly, I did play them.
And the gameplay was so barebones that everytime it tried throwing a twist to it it ended up making it more unbearable, like having to escort Emma.
What's amazing is that they had the balls to repeat this section in MGS3.

Yeah, clearly MGSV should have been a 15 hour long linear game where 10 hours of it are cutscenes of bandana man mutilating little kids.
Fuck off with your shitty, direct to DVD-tier plot.

Because 95% of people that like Kojima games and 95% of people that hate Kojima started with V.

dude, Yea Forums is full of retards that think hating something popular makes them interesting, so they keep at the hate wagon without even knowing why, and repeat the same copypaste post some troll made to gain (you)s

Both games got constant dedicated shitposting threads

I was going for the angle about how Uwe Boll makes shit game movies and Kojima makes shit movie games.

All I know is I can't wait for the shitshow when the reviews are out. This place will be in a meltdown worse than what Bloodborne caused.

And then, if the PC version is announced a year later, the "thanks for beta testing" threads will be made in full force.

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Salty incel. Jerk off to your futa porn and calm down, neckbeard

Like I said, in order for his game to become as much of a movie as possible it has to have:
Many actual actors
Lots of cutscenes and dialogue
As little interaction (as in active gameplay) as possible.
This leaves us with a walking sim.

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Funny, because Yea Forums didn't start shitting on Kojima until he stopped making movie games.

fair enough

I thought "movie games" were defined by "move 2 feet down a corridor and watch a 5 minute cutscene, maybe do a QTE here and there, repeat until game ends. And "walking sim" was more like BotW or Skyrim, where you just aimlessly walk around an empty open-world and try not to fall asleep.

Right. I'd agree with that.

Get the fuck out of here newfag

I bet the price of the game this will be a boss you fight once and can never meet on the world again just like the SKULL soldiers on MGSV

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No, MGSV was expected to be game of the century. I'll give you MGS4 though.

>there is an entire cliffhanging just prior to Ch. 3 about Liquid/Mantis and the game just abruptly ends with no real satisfying conclusion, also its been confirmed many times over that the game was unfinished, hell we have things that were in the trailers that weren't even in the final product, despite them having been finished and seemingly fitting into the game in a Ch. 3 or even Ch. 4 scenario.
>I would have given MGSV as much focus on the plot as Doom, for starters.
DOOM actually has quite a bit of plot, also you sound exactly like ACfag now, what's next, we're gonna turn Zelda into DOOM as well? With that said, MGS is about the plot as well. Games have stories now, if you don't like it, find a new hobby. Just like I constantly have to tell ACfag, just because a game has a story and a plot doesn't detract from it actually having gameplay in most cases and prior MGS games prove this, well except 4, but that's it's own thing.

Death Stranding? More like Death Streaming, am I right guys?

But it seems like you interact with the environment constantly.

Hi Hideo, now we know you browse Yea Forums.

whoever you are, you are damn right,it'd be better for me to just turn off my brain while I stay here, it'll spare me headaches.

No these pop up naturally if Timefall occurs.

is that why he made cinematic minecraft

But you can lean back and enjoy the view all the time.

Well skyrim was a huge success and will always be remembered as pretty good so...

>Yeah, clearly MGSV should have been a 15 hour long linear game where 10 hours of it are cutscenes of bandana man mutilating little kids.
Linear does not equate to bad, this meme needs to stop. With that said, MGS3 has 3 hours of cutscenes total (and that includes extra stuff as well), for a game that is 20 hours (which doesn't actually include cutscenes into the timer), you overestimate things by an extreme amount and instead want to parrot the MGS4 is a movie shtick in order to fit your own distorted revisionist views.

Right, a prime example.

keep telling yourself that

I dunno man, Snoys really seem to like these walking/ escort movie games for whatever reason.

I think its more that hes the director of videogames version of Yoko Ono, or that artist-chick who shoved rotten Spaghetti-Os up her cunt in front of an audience. Yeah, its memorable, yeah you can't look away, but is there any substance there? I've never considered any of his work to be good. He is definitely a hack even if he can get your attention.

Can you name any at all? Even with googling?

Doesn't MGS2 have a bigger cutscene to gameplay ratio than 4?

can say that about most games though, especially nowadays

user, do yourself a favor, stay off Yea Forums for awhile, trust me it does wonders. I used to come here daily for hours on end to talk and discuss, but as time moves forward and the userbase changes, as well as the growing terrible memes and constant infighting and entitled brats, it's best to just come here once in a blue moon, hopefully finding a good thread for once where there is discussion, or to just shitpost and troll some retards without any actual care and then go about your day.

The Yea Forums we once knew has been gone for years.

>you lived long enough to see Kojima go from revered gaming god to Todd Howard levels of shitposting

perhaps the ratio of walking to combat is something to be considered.

the game has soul and TECHNOLOGY so people don`t mind

>there is an entire cliffhanging just prior to Ch. 3 about Liquid/Mantis and the game just abruptly ends with no real satisfying conclusion
You mean the one that leads to Chapter 51, a cancelled DLC?
Here it is.

>also its been confirmed many times over that the game was unfinished
Yes, and the leaked script points exactly what's not in the final game.
Which is Chapter 51, the Battle Gear, a sideop in Africa about finding and killing Chico and Chapter 3.
One was a cancelled DLC, the other is actually in the game, and the other two were, indeed, cut.

>we have things that were in the trailers that weren't even in the final product
Actually they are in the game.
Even the first shot in the Nuclear trailer was nothing but the animation that plays in the Quarantine platform, and you can even find the village with the burning bodies and even the crow in the first mission in Africa.
So no, your speculation about a Chapter 3, or 4 is wrong.

By the way, if you want to take a look yourself, here it is, the leaked MGSV script.

>MGS is about the plot as well. Games have stories now
I have one rule, if you are going to bother me with a plot in a videogame, make it a good one.
Metal Gear Solid's isn't one of those.

And also, make sure, as you said, it doesn't detract from gameplay.
For example, the usage of cutscenes, this has no place in videogames.
Having cutscenes in a videogame is the equivalent of a movie randomly displaying entire paragraphs of text every 10 minutes.

>he actually believes MGS was the first stealth game created my Kojimbo

lmao Kojima fanboys don't even know what was the first Metal Gear game made by Kojimbo.

that'll be the same case for Death Stranding

Yes, that's why there are so many boring walking Sims on the market

And reminder that people hated MGS2 because they didn't play as le ebin bandana man.
Well, at least until youtubers made videos about how MGS2 is 2deep4u because Jack is symbolism for jacks where you connect stuff.

The MGS fanbase is the most pretentious bunch of neckbeards ever and dying is the only good thing MGS ever did.

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>Todd Howard levels of damage control
So where is this hack going to work after Sony sacks him for being a retard that blew all the money on the actors?

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Way to prove you're a little baby boy. MGS1 was a commercial powerhouse. It sold over 1 million copies worldwide in September-December of 1998 alone. Those sales numbers were astronomical for a game in those day.

I have never played a single game that allowed you to interact with the game world more than the metal gear games. There is so much interactive detail packed into each one. You're a retarded, disingenuous piece of shit. Go fuck yourself, subhuman.

MGS1 Cutscene Time: 3 hours, 14 minutes
MGS1 Gameplay Time: 15-20 hours
MGS2 Cutscene Time: 5 hours, 24 minutes
MGS2 Gameplay Time: 17-20 hours
MGS3 Cutscene Time: 4 Hours, 22 minutes
MGS3 Gameplay Time: 20 hours
MGS4 Cutscene Time: 8 Hours, 27 Minutes
MGS4 Gameplay Time: 6-8 hours
MGSPW Cutscene Time: 2 Hours, 57 Minutes
MGSPW Gameplay Time: 15-18 hours
MGR Cutscene Time: 2 Hours, 19 Minutes
MGR Gameplay Time: 5-6 hours
MGSV Cutscene Time: 5 hours, 16 Minutes
MGSV Gameplay Time: 16-18 Hours

There, you're welcome.

At Kojipro?
Kojima Productions is an independant studio now, it's just they got hired to make a game for Sony like how Activision hired Platinum to make that Transformers Devastation game.

I'll agree with you there.

Why would it matter in a thread where games that pionered the genre were mentioned multiple times?

Are you snoys just hop in to fish for (you)s with these posts, or you're genuenly as retarded as everyone else thinks of you?

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>They didn't, firing people is ilegal in Japan.

>it is a walking simulator but its fun because we made a way to make it fun
I'm alright with this, won't buy it anyway but he's fine to do whatever he wants. This is way better than shit like no man's sky where it was marketed as if you could to anything and the game had 1/10 of the features at launch.

and what where they again?

>just walking in that world is really fun
No it's not kojima you retard. walking is never fun. you honestly think you've created something new and innovative.
the most interesting thing is the interpolating animation system for walking over rocks and different terrain highs and even that technology has been done before you.
it doesn't make walking fun. get out of your own ass. you are a hack.

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Either the monster shootan stuff is way more prevalent than the released footage has implied, and it's just another bog-standard open world 3rd person shooter, or those encounters really are as rare as suggested and it's legitimately a walking simulator.

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does this include codec calls?

Don't mind me just posting the pic of two developers who actually built a genre from the ground.

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It's true, you can only fire people in Japan if that person commited a serious crime, and you need a judge to approve it.
The way of "firing" people in Japan is by punishing the employees so much that they quit on their own.
Konami actually did this with plenty of game developers, so they forced to do janitor work in order to make them quit.


>a shit ps4 game with another ps4 game

He's wrong, Japanese has a termination act, where firing is often unheard of, but is under the guise of normal obligatory being let go.

Essentially they just don't call it being fired and instead just call it "You're being let go for reasons."

to be honest with you, i rather be playing actual games than post here,i just browse this site to find the little gem that puts a smile on my face,but that's too dificult nowadays,i'm about to go to bed,have a good day wherever you are user.

Dark Souls is Action Adventure, but it's always labeled as Soulsborne by Yea Forumsincels. Now don't angrily reply to me bro.

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Mandatory codecs yes, optional ones no.


Good night to you too user, and I would rather be playing games too, but sadly my TV is dead now. Either way, be good, don't let the stupidity of Yea Forums these days get to ya.

Sekiro still gets shitposting threads. There's like 3 Sekiro is forgotten threads a day.

retarded weeb must've misunderstood japan's extremely hostile corporate environment
Kojimbo was on contract with Konami, and was still technically an employee, and would be in violation of japanese law if he looked for employment at a competing company. He was even prevented from going to the GOTY awards despite being months separated from the company.

They do this to prevent corporate espionage. You can't just to tell all of their secrets to another company the moment you quit. You are their bitch forever because you signed a contracted that sold you life to them.

I guess stealth games can also be adventure games right? because you're exploring a location usually

>What I realized is, when I monitor playtests – even the staff's – they don’t get it at first. But when they really start playing, just walking is really fun in the space.

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Sony is going to spend all the money they profit from the PS4 to make sure this game is a critical success. If you thought the shilling for the TLOU was vomit inducing wait until this game drops.

>game looks boring as fuck
>"it's a new genre, and they just don't get it"

Attached: 1568159809202.gif (322x324, 91K)

I will,user,I will.

Normal dismissal is based on Japan's Civil Code and Labor Standards

In principle an employer in Japan can freely terminate an employment
agreement if the employment satisfies the following conditions
provided by the Labor Standards Law (plus anything more which may
have been guaranteed to the employee by employment contract, if
applicable): where an employer elects to dismiss an employee having a
non-fixed term contract, the Labor Standards Law provides that the
employer must provide the employee with either 30 days prior notice,
or a payment equivalent to 30 days salary.

Notwithstanding the above principle, from the viewpoint of protection
of workers, Japan has proceeded to legislate that the employer must
have "justifiable reason" for dismissing an employee on other than a
fixed-term contract. An employer who dismisses a non-fixed term
employee without "justifiable reason" risks having the employee's
contract reinstated by the courts.

"Justifiable reasons" for termination have been characterized as follows
(with (a) to (c) being required to be quite serious in practice to satisfy
the requirement):

- 3 - ©2011 ChinaGoAbroad.com
(a) cases where workers cannot work, lack the ability to perform
work properly, or are ineligible for the subject work;

(b) cases where workers violate the employer's rules of employment;

(c) cases where it is necessary to dismiss workers from the
viewpoint of operating the business of the employer; and

(d) cases where labor unions request that an employer dismiss an
employee based on an applicable union agreement.

Japan can fire employees.

It's a Kojima game, it's going to sell fine on its own.

>And "walking sim" was more like BotW or Skyrim, where you just aimlessly walk around an empty open-world and try not to fall asleep.

Open world being the "name" of the genre.
Walking sims are things like Stanley Parable, Jazzpunk, Gone Home, Journey, Edith Finch, from top of my head

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He said those weren't bosses just a stronger category of enemy. Weakest are the floating dudes, then catchers then these.

Open world games have the potential to shit on linear games, it's just developers are lazy as fuck and don't want to put the same amount of detail in them.
The fact that you need crunch time for them to put out the unpolished shit they release nowadays proves that game developers are hacks in general.

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Its because open worlds require there to be something to has to fill every single void nearly in an attempt to make the world interesting and viable, which costs more money, more development time, etc. It's not fiscally viable in any way.

>nu-ACfag doesn't respond to anything that contradicts his narrative
Go back to playing Arma for 16 hours a day you fucking autist

I think Sony is getting worried after reception of the TGS videos.

Gonna need a rundown on the lore of your post buddy

Japs can't into open world games.

There's no such thing because of the simple fact the game isn't even out yet, and that no one would universally agree anyway on such an arbitrary line that suddenly turns a game of genre X into genre Y.

The fact of the matter is once a feature is introduced, it needs to be taken into account. It's just that many retards around here are weaselly downplaying or outright ignoring the other mechanics besides movement, like combat, stealth, or inventory management.

Apologies but I have no idea who they are

No, I rather keep modding MGSV.
Wish the map could be modified too.

It's ACfag, he uses the same DOOM argument in Metroid threads. He thinks Metroid has too many cutscenes (even Super Metroid) and that the 5 minute Intro is too much for his small brain to handle and that it ruins the entire game and hurts it because of "plot", while also saying that Metroid doesn't need immersion and atmosphere, and just needs to play like DOOM and Samus should be a robot.

It's literally the exact same arguments that ACfag uses, the exact same. It's ACfag.

Becuase they aim for the "we're x times bigger than before!" and not "we've made a more meaningful and rewarding gameplay!". Hype over substance.

I don't know what he means exactly and I'm not trying to because I want to go in mostly blind. But he's right you have to play a game, watching a game doesn't do it JUSTICE.


>he still plays MGSV

Attached: bun dem ull.jpg (225x225, 6K)

>walking sim is a new genre

RE2 Re was forgettable and Sekiro is a solid 7/10 game

He basically said he's trying to pioneer a new genre about walking.

Shinji Mikami and Hideki Kamiya. One is the father of survival horror the other the father of stylish action games.

Nice blog, fellow redditor

Almost 2k people still play MGSV every day.
Hell, they even went back to releasing stuff for MGSV even after Survive came out.

>when konami fired him everyone swore kojima dindu nuffin and was a good boi
>DS so far is MGSV all over again with him blowing the money on actors and music
>only this time people are calling it out

>Almost 2k people still play MGSV every day.

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Wonder if hes useing procedural generation in someway or form...not for the map but for Hades and other areas? I'm really trying to figure out what he means by new genre

Death Stranding WILL be GOTY.
Cope and dilate nintentrannies.

Oh wow 2k people, what a bright number. Glad to know there are 2k sad people out there playing a shit game that not only killed a beloved franchise, ruined Konami (worse than what they already were), and led to a highly beloved developer to making a walking sim and becoming a laughing stock among his fanbase.

>DS so far is MGSV all over again
Why fix what's not broken?
MGSV is his most succesful game yet.

To be honest I'm not actually familiar with ACfag. I don't even know what AC means in this context.

post yfw death stranding sells like pancakes and Yea Forumstards start seething

>2,000 people play MGSV still

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>empty map
I'd like people to actually define what makes a map "empty". You actually have more potential for interactions with the world than a game like GTA. The difference there is you can fuck with hundreds of mindless AIs that you end up ignore after 10 minutes, and bunch of building that serve as window dressing.

>ACfag and Barry had a child and he's latched onto Death Stranding

Does it make it good though?

Attached: meh.png (800x601, 75K)

MGSV is the best selling MGS game and got high ratings everywhere.
Whether it's dead or not depends on whether Konami is willing to make a big MGS again.

>ruined Konami
Konami is making more money now than before it came out.

>led to a highly beloved developer to making a walking sim
I think he's making what he originally wanted to do with MGSV.
I'll wait and see.
MGSV also looked like it was going to be a movie, and fortunately, it was an actual game, although it had the potential to be something far bigger than even MGS itself.

>becoming a laughing stock among his fanbase.
His fanbase is irrelevant, his fanbase is composed by pretentious neckbeards who think MGS2 is some kind of "post modern masterpiece" even though even Kojima thinks the game is just a bunch of anime and action movie tropes thrown together.

His fanbase wants movie games starring le ebin bandana man.
That's not the kind of fanbase you respect if you are making videogames.
The MGS fanbase deserves to rot away.

Sales do not equate to quality.

kojima pioneered the interactive journey genre back in 1987 with the original metal gear and the

It's true, there are people that play games unlike you fags.


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1200 are playing right now, and that's only on PC.

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This is like saying Yea Forums didn't shit on cyberpunk because sometimes there are good thread without shitpost, pure bullshit, Yea Forums did shit almost all the time on RE2Make and Sekiro and this is a fact.

my same face when pokemon sword and shield sells like pancakes
retards like you paying for dogshit because your favorite dev made them.

This "game" sounds like a train wreck

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there's probably a lot more on PS4 desu


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MGS4 killed the franchise bud.

Uh, am I the only person who just found out - from this article - that other players leave footprints on the ground? I don't remember hearing about this before and it's kind of a big deal.

Considering Yea Forums insisted MGSV flopped because you didn't like it, yes, selling means it's good.

>You actually have more potential for interactions with the world than a game like GTA.

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I play games, just not shit ones.

Keep coping.

Even if Konami makes a big MGS nobody will buy it. Dorito pope saw to that.

>Reviews don't count
>Sales don't count
>But posts from mentally ill Yea Forums posters count!!!!

>meanwhile, the game that Yea Forums spent 2 years shilling endlessly and saying it would be a stealth hit

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the games main objective is to deliver packages
from point a to b
by the looks of things you can even avoid enemies all together your not even required to beat them just walk around them

its fair to say its a walking simulator

>But posts from mentally ill Yea Forums posters count!!!!
Nice projection

I'm still laughing that all the jokes about it being a UPS simulator are unironically true now.

MGSV did flop, again just because it sold good doesn't mean it didn't hurt the company. MGSV did not make back the money that was spent on it. Therefore it is a flop, and again, sales do not equate to quality, whether it's MGS, Mario, Halo, Call of Duty, Witcher, etc.

>Yea Forums insisted MGSV flopped
Fake news

What?? none of that happened.

Zelda is the only good open world.

>you can even avoid enemies all together your not even required to beat them just walk around them
>its fair to say its a walking simulator
You've heard it here folks. Thief is a walking simulator.

holy shit it's real

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Negros are so cowardly.

Seriously, if they don't have a group to back them up, they are so chicken shit.
Can't even stand up to a tiny dick chink that can't even fight.

Truly bottom feeding scum.
Not even human. Just scared, stupid, mutant apes.

>MGSV did not make back the money that was spent on it.
What are you talking about?
MGSV cost 80 million dollars and it made 180 million on launch day alone.

>this bullshit again

Metal Gear Solid 5 Ships 6 Million, Konami Profits Rise

Stop lying you fucking retarded

>MGSV did not make back the money that was spent on it
Lol it made it back in the first day.

>Death Stranding Interactions
Today I walked and saw grass, I kept walking, this time I saw a rock in the grass, kept walking some more, saw more grass, walked even longer, saw a mountain, I was told I could climb it, can't climb it, kept walking, this time I saw a big rock in some grass, kept walking, saw a river next to more grass, kept walking, saw ruined build near grass, found enemies finally, took about two minutes to deal with, kept walking, found pavement, with a grassy park by it, that led to more grasslands.

This has been my 10 hour review of Death Stranding, thank you.

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I didn't say what I liked and what I didn't, retard.
And if that makes it good then okay user, but please take your pills.

>Previously, in design, you had to create the rule because you couldn’t do the realism, right? In our everyday lives, there are so many mechanisms we have to work through, as you say, and we have to take the balance of what we do, how we maintain ourselves, and how we live. So I wanted to free the game design concept that we had to live by because we didn’t have the technology to do so in the past. We always created a rule, like the life bar is like this, and one hit takes away this much health. I wanted to add the real essence in Death Stranding.
Kojima comes off as a genius in this interview desu

>Millions of flies like shit, surely they can't be wrong!
Is this actually his argument?

>Too stupid to spot shills
You're not going to make it.

>What now Kojimadrones
Now I'm convinced the people desperate to hate Death Stranding prayed to god Survive wasn't shit so they could shit on Kojima

Whoever wrote that article has no idea how actual game sales work, nor do they understand that a lot of that money goes to the employees, higher ups, distribution services, etc. All to cover not only the cost of the game, but advertisement, marketing, etc.

MGSV did not make 180 million, hell more popular games that sell more don't make 180 million, and that's with less development costs.

These threads are so repetitive
>anti-kojima people come in, shit over the game being a walking simulator, ignore every argument for the game
>pro-kojima people pretend there's a huge part of the gameplay we haven't seen yet, deny the game being a walking simulator
I just wanna grill for gods sake
I'm excited for the game, but I get why you wouldn't be but I don't get why people are so upset

Ford didn't invent nothing that Alfa Romeo was doing already

do you think konami being shitheads or a literal shill is more likely to make me not like konami


you will be ashamed of your words and deeds

I'm not saying they were genuine marketeers, i'm saying Yea Forums unironically insisted it would be good.
Then again, it was probably, like the reaction to DS, a side effect of MGSV having no plot.

avoiding enemies is an element of a lot of games
the problem with death stranding is the reward you get for successfully doing that

and that prize is you get to successfully deliver your package thats boring

Yea Forums ripped it to shreads from beginning to end. No one liked that garbage game.

It's pointless to even have these threads until release. Nobody can judge until then. For now it's pure shitposting and nothing more.

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Dumb ass is two words.

>The game is so close to being complete. Now that you can see the near-final product, what is the biggest difference you notice from how you first envisioned Death Stranding?

>The concept hasn’t changed at all from the start. On the vision side, yes, I imagined I could do more – like, PlayStation 6 for the visuals. But it’s not all about graphics.

This man can see Playstation 6 graphics in his mind.

Reward for delivering a package is more of the map coming under UCA control, which makes movement around the map smoother. It probably unlocks more resources and items too
I think speculation is okay, especially considering how much of the game is still shrouded in mystery, but the sheer amount of shitposting is depressing

How is this an argument?

I think you wouldn't buy a new MGS either way.
I also think the general public wouldn't give much of a fuck about Konami being shitheads if Dorito pope hadn't been publicly felating Kojima's sob story.

>Death Stranding Interactions
Yup. In a game that has a weight and balance system, inventory management, using ladders to climb or cross gaps, ropes to descend mountains, equipment durability, etc. etc., every slight change in the terrain becomes an opportunity for problem solving and it occurs moment-to-moment.
So how's the level design/world empty exactly, or is the criticism purely from an aesthetic point of view? I'm still waiting on that definition.

Kojiiiiiiimaaaaaaaa is godddddddddddd

Sony could see PS4 graphics in mind, they thought about Toy Story all the way back with the PS2, now we finally see them in KH3.

So brilliant, 10/10 visionaries.

No one thinks Gears of War invented sticky cover. What the fuck are you talking about?

>reward is being able to bypass all the interesting traversal mechanics
Weird flex but ok

>reviews dont count
>sales dont count
>opinions outside Yea Forums dont count

wtf does it count then, you delusional incel?

he's probably seen some stuff at Sony there are devs working on ps6 games currently

You mean like the ladders and stuff? I'm pretty sure those only appear in UCA controlled areas, right? Otherwise you have to place them on your own

It's impossible to speculate, like with Cyberpunk and FF7 Remake threads people just want to argue the same things over and over.

I meant ps5

Personal opinion, and it only matters to yourself

What good is inventing something if your game doesn't generate any revenue, is forgotten and someone else perfects it?
No one is actually stupid enough to believe doing all the footwork and getting none of the recognition/profit is good do they?

there are 0 examples of this

>the problem with death stranding is the reward you get for successfully doing that
>and that prize is you get to successfully deliver your package thats boring
Can you tell me more about about these rewards in detail? Oh you can't, because the game still isn't actually out yet.
You're just making shit up as you go along, aren't you?

Good job, you just named things pretty much every other single game has. Also if you really think that every slight change is going to be some grand defining and world building moment that isn't either scripted or entirely trite then you're an idiot. The game will not have that amount of processing power or coding prowess in any way. It's the same thing that has been touted for decades that changes to the world will affect how you play and its never been more correct.

In reality Death Stranding is going to play exactly like MGSV without the guns, and with some ropes to traverse slightly (which is not game defining), while having some equipment durability and "weight and balance issues. Which again, are also not game defining and have been around for ages. Literally not a single thing that has been shown is new to video games in any way, shape, or form.

Funny, MGS had sticky cover before Killswitch.

0 examples that fit your shitty taste that is

What was the general consesus on Outer Wilds (not worlds)

My opinion matters, that's it. That's what matters to me, because that's all that is supposed to matter. Doesn't matter to you, because quite frankly I couldn't give a flying fuck what you think, just as you don't me. But there have been plenty of games that have sold poorly that are great games, just as the reverse is true, and even then, that is personal opinion.

Again, my opinion matters, nothing else.

>Good job, you just named things pretty much every other single game has
Not quite like this

Not every game needs to focus on gameplay.

Almost every game. Notable example being Bloodborne.

i hope the package delivery gameplay
evolves to having to deliver it to a location full of BTs or something might actually be fun now

>This man can see Playstation 6 graphics in his mind.
Anyone with a pc can see Playstation 6 graphics.

Could be better, could be worse.

Feel free to use this review for every video game on the planet.

why argue n e way

No. Demo showed them before the mission complete and connection to network.

>But this is a new genre
Imagine unironically believing this

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You should play more video games then. Hell Minecraft has all of these things. There are survival games on the PS2 that have all of this, etc. Again, play more games.

Most pretentious man on the planet. Hasn't worked on a good game since MGS3.

What kind of fucking ass backwards cope is this? Popularity is irrelevant in regards to who actually created something.

You should probably watch the gameplay video. They implement the weight management very uniquely, forcing you to make decisions on how you balance items on and off your body

>this guy is a hack now
>man, he used to be so good when he made all those clunky games full of cutscenes

why even argue then? this board is full of kids

>Create something and become irrelevant
>Or swoop in, take concept and perfect it, 95% of people think you invented it, get tons of money
You're fucking retarded dude, can't wait til Godjima drops Death Stranding and you're left coping when you can no longer get the BABY from Kojima's Magnum Opus because your head was so far up your own ass

Attached: I want that baby.png (448x203, 27K)


At least MGS1, 2 and 3 were fun games to play.

Oh yeah I can't wait for the clunky game full of cutscenes he's currently working on

No they weren't.
Only people who liked that is because they were kids and had extremely low writing standards, and as such, they unironically thought the plot was good.
That's why these games fall apart if you replay them as an adult.

The gameplay is trash, and asking questions about the plot of MGS makes it completely fall apart.

Everything points out at DS being MGSV 2.0, and that game, rightfully, dropped the plot in favor of gameplay.
Only thing I hope is that this one has less cutscenes.

Yes, games have had this before. I will grant you that this system is probably the best that its been done, but it's been done. With that said, that doesn't make a game revolutionary, it in fact makes it seem more tedious and actively takes away from a lot of elements that would otherwise benefit from the rest of the system.

Regardless, Death Stranding isn't doing anything ultimately new, it's just dousing it with a prettier coat of paint.

>you just named things pretty much every other single game has
This is just blatantly wrong.

>Also if you really think that every slight change is going to be some grand defining and world building moment that isn't either scripted or entirely trite
>The game will not have that amount of processing power or coding prowess in any way. It's the same thing that has been touted for decades that changes to the world will affect how you play and its never been more correct
I don't even know what you're attempting to address with this whole spiel.

>In reality Death Stranding is going to play exactly like MGSV without the guns
Wrong again.

>Which again, are also not game defining
>central mechanics are not "game defining"
Okay, retard.

>Literally not a single thing that has been shown is new to video games in any way, shape, or form
So? Is this the whole reason why you shat yourself for an entire post?
You do realize this doesn't answer the posts you're replying to, right? Take a deep breath and try to follow the conversation and the exact points actually being made.

>Hell Minecraft has all of these things. There are survival games on the PS2 that have all of this, etc. Again, play more games.
This isn't what "pretty much every other single game" means.

Nah you need to limit your pc to 24fps.

The ghosts automatically move towards you though, so its not stealth. To me what makes mgs stealth is programming your enemy AI with field of vision that you as the player need to manipulate and maneuver around to achieve your goal. You can hate kojima but its unlikely there would be splinter cell or other stealth games if the devs were not inspired by the stealth mechanics in mgs. I much prefer the stealth in mgs to the modern stealth introduced by assassins creed which has basically infected most modern games with "ok now go in the tall bushes, ok now wait, ok now kill the enemy instantly in one hit, ok now wait more, ok now kill that guy in one hit." Mgs had cardboard box, vents, line of sight, crawling, and even wearing disguises, in mgs3 he played around with the tactical camo which was goofy and gimmicky but insanely more creative and realistic than wait in Bush for 2 years press square.

inb4 kojimbo says he invented the walking sim genre

>In reality Death Stranding is going to play exactly like MGSV without the guns
But it has guns.

He may be an incel, but at least he's not a drone that is afraid to have his own opinion.

Attached: 1391040848182.jpg (480x480, 25K)

I can't wait for Death Stranding to have hours of cutscenes and play just the same as clunky ass MGSV and you still defend it because it's not MGS.
Not him, replayed through them all last month, they all still hold up and are fantastic games to play. You're just an idiot with shit taste.

Why the fuck do you actually think popularity is relevant? People have listed at least 3 games that predate either MG or MGS and are stealth games. Do those not fucking count because they aren't as popular as MGS at its peak? This is fucking retarded.

>stranding genre
Kojima has become Molymeme.

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>>In reality Death Stranding is going to play exactly like MGSV without the guns
>Wrong again.
Nigga I'm not even him and you can tell the games play pretty damn similarly.

Do you think anyone here plays games to know that?

He might as well call the genre "Kojimalike"

MGSV had such smooth controls that it's hard to believe Kojipro did that.
Doubt it will be clunky in any way.

Im gonna be so stoned bros

Based Kojima

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Wait, is there a way to make custom missions in MGSV?
That sounds intresting

No, it's just I understand what videogames are and what they should be.
And endless cutscenes and codec calls are not that.
MGS is an anti-videogame franchise.
Storytelling should be done through gameplay.
A proper videogame doesn't have even a single cutscene, because scenes are for movies.
A videogame, even if it wants to tell a story, should use gameplay for that.

The interactive terrestrial journeyer is my favorite genre.

>Why the fuck do you actually think popularity is relevant
Because it is.
Being a know it all retard doesn't actually mean anything, you're probably some smart ass kid from high school that thinks knowing little factoids and solving rubik's cubes makes you smarter than everyone else.
Life is going to be rough for you, retard

Attached: 1568206545549.jpg (727x737, 36K)

>MGSV has smooth controls
What fucking timeline do you live in where MGSV has smooth controls and isn't just as clunky as every other MGS? It must be a magical timeline where everything is rainbows and glitter. Fuck Witcher 3 is less clunky than fucking MGSV.

>A proper videogame doesn't have even a single cutscene
Honestly fuck off with this mentality.

>pretty damn similarly
"Similar" and "exactly" tend to have different connotations.

So it's another huge amount of emptiness to waste your time from point A to B like Zelda Breath of the Wild... this not better at all!

Attached: 1512977307492.jpg (240x498, 21K)

I can't wait for this game to finally end Hackjimbos career.

bro your own post proves you wrong

Erm, well yes. If Steven Spielberg announces a movie, versus say Aaron Seltzer, then people are automatically going to be interested.

This game could actually be pretty decent, I'm reminded of Outer Wilds for some reason, that game was nothing but exploring areas, figuring out puzzles and reading. It was really good as well, relatively small but densely packed. There was also a lot of stuff that ended up being completely superfluous and didn't help you on your final goals at all. Dead ends, but fun ones.

Attached: OuterWilds_2019_08_06_00_42_50_177.png (1920x1080, 2.3M)

He's probably in the timeline where people don't lie just to save face on the internet

The only "proper videogames" that have come out in the last 10 years were garbage indie games. Maybe you should stick to those.

Well, the fact that the cover system isn't garbage, that aiming isn't a matter of stopping on your feet, going into first person and being unable to move, being able to crouch and being able to change stances smoothly, and the gunplay isn't the worst you can find in the videogame industry, unlike the older MGS games.

people are going to buy it because people are going to buy it
it's impossible for him to fail

this doesnt look like a stealth game to me


>What fucking timeline do you live in where MGSV has smooth controls and isn't just as clunky as every other MGS?
This is just shitpost
Literally anyone who played MGSV praised the controls and how smooth and polished it feels
Shitting on a game just because you hate that the creator is famous is just sad really

>off the grid concept

I'll play it. Is it coming out for PC?

This is just a pretentious pizza delivery boy simulator

Why would videogames be the only media that relies on others to do something as basic as storytelling?
Would you make a movie that throws random walls of texts for you to read every 5 minutes?
Why are videogames doing the equivalent of that?


Full retard.

>No, it's just I understand what videogames are and what they should be.
From what I've seen in this thread, you don't.
>And endless cutscenes and codec calls are not that.
Not endless and as someone pointed out, MGS games barring one have more gameplay than cutscenes (which includes mandatory codecs).
>MGS is an anti-videogame franchise.
By being video-games?
>Storytelling should be done through gameplay.
Like codecs, just because you don't like them doesn't mean they aren't a fundamental part of gameplay. And as you stated earlier in the thread, atmosphere doesn't matter (Despite that being story done through gameplay and actively enhancing one's experience).
>A proper videogame doesn't have even a single cutscene, because scenes are for movies.
Scenes is a broad term that incorporates gameplay as well, since its a scene on a screen that you are interacting with. With that said, some of the greatest video games in history over 35 years have cutscenes, just because you don't like them doesn't make that statement untrue.
>A videogame, even if it wants to tell a story, should use gameplay for that.
Completely depends on the game, some that works out well, others it does not. Also if you legitimately think that Death Stranding isn't going to have hours of cutscenes you're dead wrong.

Did you have a stroke mid sentence? What are you attempting to communicate?

gig economy simulator

me too probably

Wait is this the "First Stealth game" people love to bring up to say MG was not the first? Pfffttttt
I don't even like MG and Kojima but c'mon this shit here is not stealth.

Are you retarded, baiting, or both? Because you can't be serious with any of this.

Even fighting and racing games have cutscenes.
Get the fuck out of here with that no true Scotsman bullshit that doesn't even apply to MGSV.

dibs on first person ravioli folder

So when DS has 8 hours of cutscenes how do you think DSfag is gonna feel? Is he going to have a meltdown, is he going to continue to defend the game, what happens?

Place your bets.

>b-b-but n-nintendo!!1!
every time. when sonnigers will learn that they are the worst race

replying to yourself is embarrassing


Video games have had cutscenes since the fucking Atari you dipshit.

You wish

MGSV had 5 hours of cutscenes despite having "No story"
8 hours is completely arbitrary and means nothing outside of the context of how large the game is

zoom zoom

Oh, so cutscenes are ok when the gameplay is proportionate, therefore MGS1-3 are ok?

Nice goalposts by the way.

Mah niggi

>From what I've seen in this thread, you don't.
I do, it's Kojipro who doesn't.

>MGS games barring one have more gameplay than cutscenes
A praiseworthy achievement.

>By being video-games?
By focusing on elements that aren't a native part of videogames and half assing what it is.

>Like codecs,
How is listening to text gameplay?

>Scenes is a broad term that incorporates gameplay as well, since its a scene on a screen that you are interacting with.
That would be true if it let me choose what the character is saying, but it doesn't, there's no interactivity at all.

>Completely depends on the game, some that works out well, others it does not.
You know the advantage of it not working out?
That if you don't make your entire game revolve around it it doesn't matter, because it has the gameplay to fall back on.
That's why MGS1, 2 and 3 are horrible, because the stories are bad, and the gameplay is mediocre at best.

No, but MGSV fortunately has little connection to the plot, you could remove it entirely and little would change.
Shame about the first mission.

the "posting on Yea Forums" genre where you have to play as a full seething retard and bash every single competent game that comes out, the more you make kids cry, the more points you get

What the fuck are you talking about retard, can you speak using your own words instead of just spitting out diatribes and buzzwords?

I don't see why this is a problem, most of the games that this board circlejerks are 90% story.

If you're the expert why are you impotently raging on an Irish river dancing forum, while kojima is releasing his next game, while heading his own new production company, kojohnny has MGS series, Zone of The Enders, Castlevania Remake, Bok-tai, you have years of impotent shit posting on some nazi obsessed alt right online hangout. You honestly think YOU are the authority on what a video game should and shouldn't be? You honestly think ANYONE values your input on game design? It's amazing to me how many people call this man a hack when their own industry experience begins and ends with being a fucking customer.

Game will be 20-30 hours like most games and 1/3-1/4 of it will be cutscenes because there are actors on board who want it to be a cinematic experience.