Ancient civilization is more advanced than the present day

>Ancient civilization is more advanced than the present day

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Other urls found in this thread:ʿādh_al-Jayyānī

Literally only acceptable in magic based games. I can totally roll with forgotten magics. An ancient civilization being super tech? Fuck that.

It makes sense in the context.

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Forgotten technology exists, though.


Roman Empire -> Dark Ages

What's the difference user? Magic and Tech in games usually fulfill the same rolls, narratively speaking.


The Roman Empire was still around during the "Dark Ages".

actually the romans did little advancement in technology and "science" unlike the middle ages

Tell us how to make Damascus Steel, OP.

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compelling argument user.

''Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.'' Clarke's First Law
I like to think, advanced enough, technology can be equal to magic. The real big brain though is to make it to where the technology is powered by magic

Layout multiple sheets of metal and keep hammering them until they're incredibly thin, keep doing that and BOOM damascus steel.




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easily the laziest plot device there is but its so ubiquitous theres almost no point in criticizing it

>there are theories that this was actually true until the Great Flood came around
Shit like this almost makes me want to become a historian.

>modern humans are descendants of said ancient civilization, who have all but died out or become ascended beings by now

The Dark Ages were named so because they were "dark" in the sense that wee have very few sources for what happened in certain areas compared to later periods
It's stupid people like you who took the meaning "dark" as meaning a sudden total collapse of civilization back to caveman tech

Why? It's make sense in context. Especially in space operas.

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>people are trying to unearth their ancient secrets
>turns out their technological advances were the cause of their downfall
>main plot revolves around preventing it from falling into the wrong hands
i love this shit

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Yeah, as in "how did these subhumans accomplish this with poo and sticks"

You motherfucker, Damascus Steel is nothing special compared to the glory that is 1040 Steel. Your smoothbrained nincompoopery likely thinks those wavy lines and “nanotubes” mean it’s some super metal of almost mythical power.

Haha fuck that and fuck you, the common scrap crap in your local junkyard is just as good if not better. The stuff we pump out in EAFs would be kingly in the olden days.

Fantasy>Historical suck it homos

I deeply deeply despise how often people look at the ingenuity of the ancients and go DUURRRRR GOTTA BE ALIUMS PUMAPUNKU MUH ANNUNAKI HAHAHAHA. Like it boggles the mind how people can genuinely believe some old white boomer with crazy eyes telling us how ancient people used the pyramids as microwave energy emitters for the Orion’s Belt or the people of Peru used antigravity sleds to transport stones from their quarries.

just like in real life. the black kings of the past basically lived in a utopia that was far more advanced than civilizations of today, but of course the white insects had to come along and destroy that.

thought it was cool in FF X.
Probably the way our civilization is going if we dont stop fucking shit up for short term profit

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>being autistic about fictional worlds


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Reminder that in the modern day we are still incapable of creating concrete as strong as the romans could.

>no one finds out anything of substance about this advanced ancient civilization until you come along and walk into the right cave

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Same. It's cliche but it's my jam

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>It's stupid people like you who took the meaning "dark" as meaning a sudden total collapse of civilization back to caveman tech
Nice assumptions you autist. i don't even call it the dark ages, just the lower middle ages

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Yeah and the romans also wrote about scores of gods and chimerical monsters, but we never see those in the modern day either

and the pyramids were created to broadcast microwaves

Only liberal retards think history progresses in a straight incline of improvement with no deviation.
There are multiple epochs in mankind's history where technology went backwards and so did the people.

No, they were created to house the ancient egyptian power generators

>But we never see those chimerical monsters in the modern day either
We’ve had plenty of history with the Anglo-Saxons.

It's true
I don't quite see what you meant by this post. The concrete still exists, we just don't know how to make it, it's not a story or anything made up.
no they weren't

Nah we're set on the dystopia path, not the Utopia path

>when you learn cancer causing swords fashioned from meteoric rock were real
History is wilder than fiction any day.

>not living in primitive society and hiding truth

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Only because they used volcanic materials that react with sea water

>not living in forced stagnation

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Warhammer 40k did it best; take an absurdly advanced society and collapse it. Much like Early Middle Europe, the technology still existed but the ability to mass produce it was lost, leading to advanced cogitators working alongside slave crews using pulleys to load macrocannons.

That's one of my favorite tropes though.

And it has some grounding in reality. Like with Greek Fire. We know it existed, because there are multiple independent sources about it, but we have next to no fucking clue how to make it, or even what it was made of.

Man Shinsekai Yori was good shit. What a hell of a setting.

And was also so predictable

That reminded how i got fed up with Age of Decadence. Being a fighter basically means that you had to play a dumb character, thus blocking many dialogue options.

I stopped watching it when 2 dudes started kissing.

That's fucking gay.

Mechanicus tech support: Have you lit the proper incense?

Fucking japan and their nuke narratives.

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What game?

If is a forgotten one, can made sense

we can, but we don't do that because we don't need buildings that can exist for millennia, but house to destroy and rebuild, selling parcels of lands, making the economy moving forever.

Ffx was a dystopian society.... That zanarkand was basically under water with the rest of the world because of global warming. Notice how fucked the weather was in that game.

The first person you quoted has a picture of Magisa from Granblue Fantasy, a gachashit game with impeccable character design and tons of bodacious babes with bountiful bosoms.

Wait, GranBlue Fantasy has that plot?

Might and Magic is based fuck off

Hell if I know, I just knew what the first game you quoted was so I explained it.

>Ancient civilization has Forgotten Technology where things like roads or pillars can last for a very long time without eroding
>Turns out, the capitalists has to stifle growth of said technology to fund technicians and repairmen

If there's one thing in this world I absolutely hate, it's people like you.

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Imagine being such a meme-spouting wojak faggot that you don't even know what is meant by "dark ages".

Ah, the old white boomer meme; it's not like we don't have fucking niggers running around claiming they had spaceships or anything.


Fucking FAGGOT

that's why video game lore should be made by sane people, not artists

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>Everything that was materially achieved by the Romans should be disregarded because we don't actually know how their religion worked


>game takes place in an alternative universe of an older period of history mixed with modern/futuristic technology

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>transcended universe creators pretend to be ancient aliens and pull the strings behind

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The number system we still use was made by people who revered cows and worshipped gods with elephant heads and dozens of arms.

animal fat, ash, and kerosene
how does anyone not know this

Most 'roman' advances were just 'borrowed' from the neighbors they conquered... not even the beloved gladus is roman... it's fucking gaelic.

To be fair this trope makes a little bit more sense in European medieval settings, since civilisation became stagnant and even retroceded after the fall of the Western Roman Empire. Roman aqueducts, for instance, would not be surpassed for a millennium.

ass creed



I always thought this was interesting how LoZ pulled this.

I liked Horizon Zero Dawn's backstory a lot more then I expected to.

Partially because they managed to give actual weight to a title as initially meaningless as Horizon Zero Dawn.

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Well, at no point does it say it caused the fall of whatever civilization made it, but in Shantae 1, Shantae's uncle digs up steam machinery and Risky Boots steals it to create a giant tank. By the end of the game, its destroyed and the uncle decides its for the best as the world may be not ready yet for steam technology. Doesnt really matter since Ammo Baron has actual tanks and guns



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LMAO imagine getting so assblasted at that post. Thanks for the laugh, /pol/nigger.

yeah but that probably has more to do with the sand they used rather than anything else. Its kinda like how we cant make really good old fashioned violins anymore because we dont have access to 500 year old trees.

Mass Effect

you're fucking gaelic

Zanarkand wasn't even the high tech city, that was Bevelle

I honestly can't play a fantasy based game and not worry where the NPCs shit offscreen so I'm glad they have magic or alien tech that takes care of their indoor plumbing.

Because taking the time to find out would ruin the mystery.

>Ancient civilization has incredible technology and magical prowess that surpasses present day
>Their artistic talents are still fucking carvings in a wall
Name one (1) trope that is dumber and more nonsensical than this shit.

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Youre welcome reddit.

Gothic 2 expansion

Chrono Trigger, except its technology derived from magic

so the moral of today's thread is, "ignorance is magic"

Yes but overall theories are that if written communication didn't survive to present day there must've been events that made that era more obscure hence why it's so "dark".

Gaelic my nuts you fucking cunt

I'm curious about "dragonfire". Supposedly ancients had it to engulf ships and castles but we have no fucking clue what the chemical makeup of it was.

People still make artistic carvings in walls today and will probably be some of the only things that'll survive for thousands of years

You need to educate yourself about art user.

Do you mean Greek Fire? Never heard of "dragonfire".

You mean Greek Fire, mate. There's been a lot of technologies lost to the ages, or were more advanced than archaeologists are willing to admit/properly date.

>ancient civilizations get eaten by an even ancienter civilization
>a shit game series steals this concept then proceeds to alienate colorblind players from an ending

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Yeah I obviously meant Greek Fire but for all intents and purposes it could be actual dragonfire for all we know.

Because Christians were spergs and destroyed more knowledge than Muslims

Man, Reynolds used to be so good and now he writes YA trash.
What happened? Did he hit his head?

Dude, if the paint on statues made less than 2000 years ago got completely bleached out, what makes you think any form of art from 20,000 years ago beyond "lol cave doodles" would survive to modern day? Hell, it's only been recently that a tomb was found in Egypt that had 100% untouched/unfaded artwork depicting the true skin tone of the ancient Egyptians.
Helpful Hint: They weren't Nig-Nogs, so they wuz nah kangz n shiet.

They made everything better. Obviously the sword wasn't so great for the barbarian scum but was superior in Roman hands



>YA trash
>Yea Forums

>YA trash
pic related

I just read Permafrost and while a lot of the harder science went over my head, it was enjoyable enough. His Prefect books recently have been decent as well.

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They didn't have religion to hold back progress.

What are you even talking about? Are you obsessed with those wierdo we wuz Burgers?

Fuck you, ancient advanced civilization is cool.

Ancient Egypt was litterally taken over by every race. Nubians took over and I'm sure some Asians did aswell

>it's real life

>greek fire
>damascus steel
>roman concrete
>proper stradivari violins

This shit isn't a fucking meme, you underaged retard.

You're welcome nigger/nigger

Middle age swords made by those same barbarians are better regardless

This. Ulfberht swords for their era are basically like us having fucking lightsabres now.

>proper stradivari violins
blind listening tests and acoustic analysis has literally proven that is just mass hysteria

Haven't read that one.
Slow Bullets and Revenger were definitely YA trash.
Poseidon's Children was just boring.

All the Revelation Space books are great. Terminal World was alright, but barely counts as sci fi.
House of Suns was decent but felt like a lot of wasted potential.
I need to read Pushing Ice again but recall thinking that was pretty good too.

I'm willing to give Permafrost a try but I really feel like Reynolds has run out of good ideas.

Here is a FUN FACT Strativari Violins are partially so good because of the trees used in them that haf certain qualities that were a combination of the soil, volcanic ash, growing conditions etc etc.

Also while Strativari made VERY GOOD VIOLINS in blind tests the best players in the world could not tell a new violin of equal quality from a strat and FREQUENTLY PREFERRED THE NON STRATS.

Saying a strat is some lost technology is buying into marketing and also believing a really good painting from the renaissance is lost tech. Art evolves and isn't quantifiable like that.

>present day society
>you have magic shit but nobody believes in it or uses it routinely

I will never understand why shadowrun is pretty much the only thing that doesn't do this

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Mongol Empire and Pax Mongolica did more for the world then the Roman Empire ever did.

>religion did this!

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>warning about totalitarianism
wew lad

Also Roman Concrete was NOT special. Our concrete fails due to steel reinforcements. Iron Oxide aka rust expands in the concrete and weakens it.

They didn't reinforce their shit with steel. They used domes, arches and other tricks to make their concrete last.

We needs a shit zillion more times concrete so we take short cuts.

>Muh Christianity did no wrong!

Bullshit, faggot. It' well known that draconian Christian practice kept Europe in the fucking dark ages up until the Renaissance.

Whoever sacrifices to any god other than the Lord must be destroyed. Exodus 22:20

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I was not interested in the first two, and the Poseidon's Children series sounded like pandering or some such. Was the overall plot good, any big reveals/wild shit, etc.?

Permafrost is a good time-travel novella, can finish in a few hours if you'd like. I wasn't a big fan of Terminal World but maybe I wanted something bigger. Pushing Ice was fun but took a while to get anywhere.

Nepenthe is fictional you silly bitch. Homer wrote FICTION very frequently you idiot.


t. Ahmed who believes that stealing from Sassanid persia allows them to have a "golden age"

go fuck yourself you pedophile worshipping sandnigger

Monster hunter does this, but it's barely touched unless you pay attention to the background

It's completely possible, specifically if your game is set during a dark age.

Ugh...What could've been...

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>Warhammer 40k
>Everyone had better shit in the past except for tau, orks and nids
At least gothic aesthetic with flying robot babies is fun.

>t. Butthurt cumskin who thinks that the Islamic Golden Age is just a meme despite it being an aspect of history for literal centuries. inb4 "j-j-just Persians!!!! j-j-just stealing from Romans!!!!!ʿādh_al-Jayyānī

I can keep going if you want user, but this is getting embarrassing.

But I'm white you idiot, you're the type of faggot who completely ignores shit like the Thirty Years War and all the other protestant vs. c****lic European wankfests that killed millions in the name of Christianity.

>that's it, i'm getting me monolith

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>source: my ass

What the everloving fuck is He-Gabe?

>A chart that includes the "age of Atlantis" is bullshit
Well no shit dumbass.

based retard

Reminder during the Crusades, Crusaders mostly killed Christians and Jews.

Next you're going to say the emu confederacy never happened

> It's a fantasy game where there was a double-collapse of technological innovation and the usual magic is just technology, which is powered by actual magic (still just technology an order of magnitude more advanced)

the "dwarves" in the setting have primitive light bulbs that are hooked into a steam engine turbine... that's powered by a very hot, radioactive nuclear fuel rod.

>multiple milllennia pass and technology barely advances

Between Fire Emblem 4 to Fire Emblem 1 to Fire Emblem Awakening(13), roughly 3000 years pass, give or take anywhere from 1000 years to 4000+ years of lore, and in this time people are still swinging around swords and shit.
I guess it's hard to advance out of medieval fantasy times when dragons keep fucking nuking everything.
Of course, they have things like replicating equivalents of modern technology with magic tomes like the "snapshot" tome being a camera and people mentioning experimenting with what is obviously gunpowder, but given that Awakening is functionally the chronologically last game still there's no real longterm impact on Fire Emblem tech outside of weird robot and ICBM shit in Three Houses.

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>the ancient advanced civilisation is actually the Jews before evil white people took over and ruined everything

I liked new order

Shame the main character is boring and ugly.

Objectively false.

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Well the Romans did by burning the Library of Alexandria before that
Muslims couldn't have destroyed all knowledge since it got passed down eventually
Europeans took that ancient knowledge and brought us the Renaissance

the most tired and retarded cliche of all

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this has been true at multiple points in history.

Because it never happened in real life !
Right ?
Riiiiiiight ?

why didn't some african blacksmith just thought about making a simple, sharp blade with a guard? wtf

define 'ancient'

>Humans are descended from aliens
That answers the question of why the aliens look, sound, and act so much like humans, but it raises a bunch of other questions. Why do humans so closely resemble other species on Earth? Why do we share 50% of our DNA with bananas? Is all the evidence that we evolved from old world monkeys just fake?

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It took me a while to understand that those ghosts are actually this very model with a 50% chameleon buff...

Damascus steel is a shitty meme. We can make better steel these days and know far more about metals than ever.

You ignorant motherfucker. It actually was special

Yeah nothing even comes close to spring steels and tool steels for swords and such
D2 and 5160 are steels that would have blown any middle ages blacksmith away

>negro specialists
>negro scientists
>negro leadership

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not since the industrial age

Not knowing the chemical makeup doesn't mean shit. The basis of it would be fairly simple. Not all fire burns oxygen in the air for it's chemical reaction. Some are also aggravated by water instead of being smothered by it because of this. There are numerous ways could recreate the same effect. We just don't know SPECIFICALLY what they used.

Once again, it's more of a 'how the fuck did these primitives make something this good?" question rather than being unable to reproduce it. If you believe the myths of it, damascus was a wonder material by standards of the era. That said, I'm more of a believer in wootz steel myself. As we have proof it actually existed and know how it was made.

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I'll give you a good scale about what's going to survive after thousands of years, from what's going to go first to what's going last.

>data stored electronically/magnetically
>engravings made in areas with very low ambient moisture and air movement

>Ancient civilization is more advanced than the present day
This is totally acceptable in Science fiction.

WOOTZ is cool as fuck by the way. Not that anyone genuinely cares.

Making it resembles something like modern chemistry instead of ancient forging. You mix the raw material in with a selection of specific amounts of other elements then seal the container in a furnace and keep it buried in there for ages. Eventually the elements combine and react in the heat and separate out the shit you don't want in your steel FOR YOU. The junk elements combine with the impurities and separate. You have to treat the steel you get from this a bit more delicately than normal till you finalize the steel in the shape you want, though. Prone to crumbling under the same level of heat other swords are made, but they make really good swords if done properly.

I'd love to know how some mother fucker figured this out. Some protochemist knew their shit.

Everyone should play Age of Decadence.
It's a great fucking game.

You can play a smart character (as in "unlocks the vast majority of the story") who can still fight (as in "capable of winning every fight I'm the game").

We aren't direct descendants of aliens, we're genetically hacked alien / primate hybrids

Creativity and problem solving use different regions of the brain you retard

>game is secretly post-apocalyptic

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Best answer.