

Attached: EEhzu6HWsAASXOD.png (634x692, 424K)

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What news outlet uses the word Pissing?

>Luke Plunkett

Am I supposed to know who this is?

Why is it always Americans the ones who do shit like this?

>Anel Murkacic

Croats and Serbs are no better than niggers

Video games are for faggots.

vip at kotaku

>Anel Mujkanovic

>Anel Murkacic

Attached: 1565547538233.jpg (1920x1080, 955K)

Not american, just a tourist

he probably unironically posted on Yea Forums. remember that next time you argue with someone on Yea Forums. You might be chatting with a literal retarded person who pees in their pants to get back at the normans.

>He was found dead

Anel? Haha that name sounds like ANAL

As long as he saved some piss for the Mad Katz controllers, I'm OK with this.

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>opioids general


Clean it up, janny.

>ate ya winning son

Truly, America is land of the free.

>Man pees in your store
>murder him
Was it justified?

They must've seen the Death Stranding trailer

ugh you can't even piss on people's shit without getting arrested in America?
What a fascist hellhole. Land of the free my ass.

This mystery gets more and more deep


As shit as Kotaku is, there's no way they lack even the most basic of journalistic integrity to not let someone use the word "piss" in an article.

I'm crying

but we do that everyday here and nobody gets in problems...

Huh huhuhuh uh uhuh he said Anel huh hu huhuh

Attached: beavis-and-butt-head.jpg (500x368, 42K)

Did you ever play Postal 2? That's exactly what it's like living here. If the line for milk is too long someone will start pissing on people and everyone pulls out their guns.

It's spics. You never see slavs doing this shit.

Here's a picture of the man they arrested

Attached: 1561406859374.jpg (912x1024, 71K)


>After removing one set of urine soaked pants
Must be a relative of Liam Neeson.

Attached: CUDl1DjWUAEA8yj.jpg (1024x1024, 181K)

That's what you get when you piss off gamers

I pee'd all over the 2 liter soda at a convenience store one night drunk when they wouldn't let me use the restroom

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Is he /ourguy/?

You mean piss on gamers.

What the fuck Liam?



>Anel Mujkanovic
im going to call you obsessed now

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Attached: drinking-vodka.gif (450x188, 1.95M)

That's the ESRB for you.

History will look back at Death Stranding as one of the first big catalysts for the true meta-gamers, the mainstream media will come to call them "method gamers."

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It is physically impossible to down voka like that many a fratboy have tried. Thankfully that's just water for a movie, if he had done that for reals he'd of vomited everywhere and may have damaged himself

Whoever made pic related

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It's miserable when voting season comes around, and everyone is pissing all over the voting machines and shorting them out.

I've chugged fifths of pic related. Never a half-gallon, though.

Attached: sunnybrook-bourbon.jpg (1260x1534, 129K)

Obviously an eastern european name. Stop being so obsessed.

I just load with rubber bullets now so I can drop a few assholes on the fly and not be hunted down for manslaughter every week.