ITT: post your guilty pleasure games
ITT: post your guilty pleasure games
I just love open-world, Ubisoft towers/collect-a-tons copy and pasted side-stuff. It's the ultimate timewaster for me and I will enjoy every 60 hours I spent on a generic ow game.
I also really enjoyed MGS V side-ops and finished then all, actually, the only thing I liked on that whole game was going on a map and tackle side-ops after side-ops until I cleaned the map and went back to the chopper.
People liked that game though.
I love Heavy Rain.
But just a reminder, MGS PW did everything better than MGS V and I'm glad I played after V because I would hate it even more.
I feel ashamed to admit it, but rolling around with my friends and brothers in this shit was a lot of fun. As long as you didn't take shit seriously, it was a bunch of goofy shit. Especially with the drones. Map was also big enough and dense enough with shit to do that we could just romp on through doing whatever.
Shamefully looking forward to the next game.
I don't like open-world games a lot, especially from Ubisoft, but the nepalese setting was very interesting and the story was surprisingly good, I still boot up FC4 from time to time to climb mountains and kill eagles. fuck eagles man.
Bro, coop make everything better.
Even poking shit is better with a friend.
I never played FC4 but I got platinum on FC3, as my experience with UBI titles. FC4 is just FC3 with snow.
Yeah I know, but the game was so full of purchases and bad practices I just feel terrible recommending it. I honestly had a ton of fun playing it. It was a good platform for goofing off.
EMP'ing the heli we're in while flying to the next destination and jumping off
There's not a lot of games that really fit the niche of being fun to fuck around in, but also big enough to keep it going for a few weeks. I honestly wish Ubi would buckle down and make a fully Co-op AC game or something.
Repetitive and definitely not a good game, but probably the best Godzilla fanservice in one package.
I like going onto Minecraft servers and destroying little kid's houses and stuff to make them mad.
I ain't proud of it, but it's fun.
I fucking hate Borderlands but I love Tales from the Borderlands
They did one AC like this once.
It called Unity.
You could have the balls and do the same IRL. Burn an orphanage and witness hundreds of children needing to sell their bodies to survival :)
Unity is one of my favorites (I really like the weight, and the parkour). I liked the Co-op from that, but there wasn't enough of it. Plus I only played with randoms.
That's why I think a whole drop-in drop-out version like FC5 had would be pretty neat.
The friend I usually play games with is super picky about games, so having co-op in them is a good way to expose him to stuff I'd know he'd like if he played it, but is too put off from it to try. That stigma of co-op making shit goofy and fun really helps.
He doesn't care for shooters, but he ended up loving GRW. Didn't like GTA and didn't get the point, we ended up having a shit ton of fun in GTA:O (to the point where he played it on his own for a while). He's got good tastes and stuff, but he just doesn't know it.
Oh yeah I forgot about Tell Tale. I like Minecraft story mode in a goofy family adventure sort of way
Then dress up as a nice priest and take all of them in :^)
For Jesus of course
There's something oddly charming in Starbound. I keep returning to it once in a while since beta. Devs can still go to hell though.
I guess it's comfy.
I like Fallout 3 just as much as New Vegas
A friend tried to get me into playing it after we played Terraria for a few dozen hours.
I was so burnt out from it, and Starbound looked like a budget version of Terraria. Seems like I dodged a bullet because he got it and told me it sucked.
ROTT '13 is very much someone's first AAA project in terms of stability, and you can't even disable FXAA or use the launcher options menu after a certain Windows patch, but it's a lot of stupid fun, and you can tell Interceptor is begging for a real publisher (and the Duke license)
I found Blue Reflection to be comfy as all fuck, and I'm not even much of a comfyfag. This one was just pleasant, even with all its glaring flaws.
Starbound is boring galore if you're looking for high action as in Terraria. I play it because I love exploring and building, even when the exploration is samey as fuck. And mods mend the pain a bit I guess.
By all means try taking a shot if you're looking for a game to get comfy in. Devs are shitters so pirate it.
I honestly don't know what I liked about Terraria. I mean in all honesty I don't know if I actually did like it. I mean I kept playing it with my friend, and it was fun, but I don't know why. Most of the combat was kind of shit with the bosses. I think I liked building the arenas and just digging more than anything. My ultimate goal was just seeing how fast I could dig. Eventually got something that made me dig as fast as I could fall. I think it was from a mod but I don't remember. Then I got that mount that digs and stuff, and made all sorts of underground highways.
Fucking around with the liquid physics and the wire stuff was alright too.
Assassins creed 1
repetitive but i love the setting and love the "stealth" and looking for new ways to kill my targets in a cool way
I didn't like FC3, it was very repetitive, the graphics were weird-looking and cartoony and Ubi wasted the opportunity to make Vaas a great vidya villain. FC4 fixed a lot of these issues.
this is a JRPG, right? the girls are cute, but I can't stand turn-based combat
The Assassin's outfit after that game always rubbed me the wrong way.
It made perfect sense in that game because you could blend in with the monks, but after that game the outfit always stuck out like a sore thumb. Granted it was probably more symbolic at that point and iconic to the series, but I wish they would have blended the outfits a bit more. Ezio was always looking 90% more fashionable than everyone around him.
watch dogs 1, it was brainless fun shooting people in slow motion with the 2 shot rifle and just hacking all the things with the upgraded battery
2 isn't as fun to me since you aren't an indestructible tank anymore