Saw mass builder for sale on steam
I think it's pretty good, anyone else play it?
The customization is super in depth, I haven't played heaps but considering it's in early access it's got loads of stuff already
M.A.S.S Builder
Don't know anything about it, but looks neat.
Doesn't look like the Armored Core clone it's so desperately trying to be, but seems okay
here's my MASS
i will try it down the line seei ng as theres a pvp mode in 2020 spring
gib ac ports now
fuck fuck fuck fuck OP hit my weak spot. I hope the actual game portion is good but that mech creator is enough to justify a pirate at least. If the game is fun so help me god my wallet cannot handle another Cosmic Break fiasco.
played the demo a while ago. my main gripe was that all the parts only slightly differed from each other. hopefully they end up diversifying them
How must a mecha control like? A flying tank? Because in this video it plays just like any generic human only with a mecha skin
The next Unicorn Gundam series is looking pretty good.
for me, the most important thing is that it feels like theres weight behind your movement and actions. not just zipping around in the sky or hovering at mach 5 instead of walking. there needs to be build up and anticipation. surprisingly theres almost no mech games that ive played that do this right. edf is probly the closest
>Cosmic Break fiasco.
What happened to Cosmic Break?
That's how I'd prefer it honestly. Mecha usually features melee and shooting so should play like all the other games with humanoids fighting with weapons and shooting. However is right, there needs to be weight to it. I want a mecha game that really captures that feel of a giant robot throwing a punch.
It was cute and had a lot of mechas and I totally did not spend $3,000 on waifubots.
Cosmic Break had a lot of shit happened. One diehard fan got mad and literally sent used diapers or something to the japanese office and the devs there were stupid enough to post it briefly on social media, before realizing it was a bad idea and taking it down.
>Build your own
>Guns and Melee
>Sorry, I mean Mecha, Japanese shit
Dropped. Give me big, tanky behemoths not "generic anime fighter but it's actually a robot.
Try Vox Machinae.
Soundscape leaves a lot to be desired. Building is really immersive, but at the end I don't really feel it changes much. It's a very wide pool, but it's super shallow. Good to just get in and put stuff together visually though.
Maybe when I can get a set for cheap, but fuck blowing hundreds of dollars just for one game.
You can play that game without vr.
Then maybe I will. I assume all VR games are built upon the usage of wii remotes.
wait for panzerwehr