Post yours as well oldfags
Meme archive dump from 2010 Yea Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
thanks doc
Here are some gold nuggets
This one isn't so gold.
Ohhh shit pulled out the 2011 on ya
Easily the best of these collages
I have nothing saved past 2015, they're probably all filled with fucking wojak edits and twitter caps anyway
That's all I have for the meme year collages, anybody else have more?
Commencing a dump of something actually from 2010
One two skip a few
Wasn't Kinect a pretty cool and creative gadget?
I've been here on and off from 2006 or so. I had a vault of shit saved but my HDD failed years ago. If you have some old shit please share
>asking if a game is good after you buy it
He had what was coming to him
The dancing games were great. The rest, not so much.
I was about to ask where undertale was but then I saw the sans 3d render behind kirby
Damn, I remember when Zelda Williams posted.
I know its not a good thing to live in the past but I really would give one of my nuts to relive a weekend of that SANIC HEGEHAG tribes ascend era of Yea Forums
>that fucking eyeball belly button
This style of comics was peak v
Imagine thinking 2010 is oldfag tier.
I've been here since 09, and even I know I was relatively new.
And then they dealt with it
whatever happened to OC? You'd think with more and more people being able to use PS (my little brother says they teach it in public schools now) we'd be getting OC comics made on the regular
Why bother being original when you can use wojak shit?
I unironically miss the good old days. Better times.
The mousepad giveaway was fucking hilarious
And I'd still take it over the tranny obsession we have today.
>its all the same nowadays with certain buzzwords changed out for others
I just hope some people save these and they get some sort of bastardized rebirth
ohhhhhhh man here we go.
Fuckin hell
>when people would actually draw OC comics on the regular
It sounds the same
Now tripfags are one thing I don't miss. Always hated them. It's an anonymous forum for a reason.
We’ve kept the trannies from converting Yea Forums to an SJW board. You should be thankful.
Things aren't fudamentally that different these days. It's just that what used to be posting racial slurs for the sake of edginess has become posting racial slurs because far-right politics have permeated the entire site to one degree or another. /pol/ drives the site now where Yea Forums used to. Plus, phoneposting.
3 more years
it's too hard to make oc on phones
>feels guy has been around since for almost 10 years and people are still fucking using it and the frog
Why did creativity die on this site?
The difference is back then he was only used for >tfw
Lol how right they were
The Sequel
this thread reminds me of how bad things really are
Goddamn these are still so good
Yeah, no fucking shit.
The 2016 elections absolutely destroyed this board.
no, it doesnt.
early 2010s were absolute shit, topped by gg. you could barely talk about fucking vidya gaems through all the shitposting, banana posting, ayy lmao posting, etc. i spent most of those years on Yea Forums, even on /r9k/ when girls used to post there.
I came here in 2018. I've been able to act like I've been here a while because I stay away from twitter-screencap threads
13 years later and still true
even so, 2011 Yea Forums > 2019 Yea Forums by 1000%
>university-greek relations
$599 still seems fucking ridiculous for a console
oh god this thread, so many memories are coming back to me
>that fucking mighty no9 feminist that drew that disgusting Mno9 face
man, mid 10s really ruined the fun for everyone.
What a disaster of an E3, but one of the most memorable.
2008, 2009 was where it peaked.
most of you fags don't even remember a time without captcha, or even where we still had to use noko
I remember both, then again I came here in 2009
Unfortunately it looks like the age of big companies royally fucking up their presentations is over. The last few E3s have been so sanitized and rehearsed they're just boring. Last notable fuck up I even remember is when that """influencer""" almost said nigga on camera.
I don't even know when auto-noko was implemented, I could have been nokoing for years for all I know until I accidentally didn't enter it.
You know nothing about the Holy Times
>those Sims threads where Stu Pickles was an evil mastermind
I miss them.
Would you say that this image is still accurate?
Latenight SC2 streams, those were the days.
Silver king prime.
He never scored.
where's she from?
Thanks the Commiefornia, the Switch is now the bing bing weeaboo machine.
Haydee. 3D metroidvania.
Who can post the oldest pic?
Here's mine January 2007
>worked nights then
>get home to korea time SC2
was on Yea Forums in early 06, so still a newfag, but would like to say that 07 Yea Forums deserves some credit too. The TF2 beta and GET OUT OF HERE STALKER threads were amazing. in fact it all was. after that gay ass chanology shit is when everything went downhill, by the time boxxy came around or whatever the fuck that ugly cunt's name was it was already too late.
Incel should be a bannable offense, 5 days.
>so still a newfag
06 was 13 years ago
Beats my oldest by a year, but only because I got a new computer that year and didn't have the old folder. Oh well.
Thanks to*
Everything went to shit on this board after 2013. If you came after that period you are ruining this board
Boy aint that ironic
Today, you have wojaks, e-celebs, furry porn, and twitter. There ARE NO videogame related threads most of the time.
Does anyone have the mspaint comic of the pokemon red vs blue wars with the dude who time traveled?
2010 is almost 10 years ago. Been here since 2006, i didn't notice major changes until the scientology stuff in i believe 2007. The website has only been around since, what, 2004? 2010 is closer to that time than it is to today.
once a newfag always a newfag, newfag
This thread needs to be a preserved art piece selected by the U.S. congress.
this was 2010? holy fuck
time fucking flies, someone kill me
>tfw my old hdd nuked itself back in the day so lost everything
Kid looks really happy.
I know how it feels but I am too jaded to ever feel it again.
I wish I learned how much I would want my old shitty HDD filled with old images back then.
It’s fucking Microsoft.
If that kid hadn’t been excited about the Kinect his nuts and his family probably would’ve been on the line.
Has anything actually changed?
>my free mousepad finally melted and deteriorated to uselessness a few months ago
O o
/¯/___________________________ _ __/
\_\¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯ ¯¯\
>spoon has shitty controls
I only just realized Yea Forums-tan's eyebrows is a V symbol
2010 was before I got married.
2010 was before I got divorced.
What have I done with my life?
>there was no furry porn before now
newfag alert
We knew this and we still couldn't save Polandball
You dont need noko anymore?!??!
Its gotten worse
You can actually pinpoint the exact moment Yea Forums went to total shit.
since inception?
yeah when these gay collage started being made for summers and election fags
Ever since we came under occupation
It hurts.
Don't care what anyone else says, this was the worst year. the only video game threads were generals and they were barely related to the topic they were talking about that and the sea of tripfags which I'm thankful the purge happened.
>subject: wheelchair balls
Somebody has to have a link to the music and the guy singing this, you gotta know what I'm talking about I've not heard that in years.
Phone posters are retards, news at 11.
I lost a lot of stuff when I used to sort out memes and had that hard drive broken, but I'll see what I got.
Got some old comfy Infdev here at least.
busted out the old external drive I had for ya user. I'll start dumping
I am sure without phones they would have trouble connecting to the internet.
If we restricted this site to desktop only we may have a small renaissance
this is a bit more dated, user
>The Vidya
Now that's some old shit
Post the screenshot of the user who did the same to his daughter.
me & the boys
I've never really understood this graphic because I used my phone to browse Yea Forums my senior year of highschool (in 2008)
I got a ton of saved threads too. Is there a good site to put those up.
Look what fun threads were before coombrain and brap memes.
Ah yes Tali, the official waifu of Yea Forums. Blueberries and human hussies can fuck off.
>vivian james a shitty character stolen from a how to draw manga book tried to replace this
I'm glad Yea Forums backed out of that.
They think it would make a fucking difference.
>tfw /vg/ bro who missed out on a lot of 2012-2015
I wonder if our absence was also a factor in things going down.
so it's just newfags pretending to be oldfags being mad that newERfags suck more dick than they do? Got it.
i will >imply that he can't get dubs now
Why haven't you added her yet.
Yea Forums
at least it was until I fucked everything up...
>I wonder if our demands to have singular threads for videogames that doesn't actually discuss the game but what waifu/husbando/eceleb/tripfag we should be blowing would help Yea Forums
You are still a cancer
>nostalgia thread
Every time. If you miss it so much than make something you lazy fucks, wojaks are popular because it's an easy meme templette and no ones doing anything better. Be the change you wish to see in the world.
my memes never work out, it's not worth the effort
when people post pictures like this are they really consuming all of that in a single day or is it just for show
>Be the change you wish to see in the world.
People did try, but Yea Forums refused to change
I don't think I've ever looked at someone before and WISHED they got a cart.
I would but don't frequent the board nearly as often as I did years ago. Most of the OC creators have probably moved on or died at this point... People will post on reddit now for more recognition/e-whoring
What game is this Yea Forums?
Are they still doing this or it's over?
Holy shit I haven't seen that term in like 10 years
Unironically check their subreddit, last time they did it was in late 2017.
BTW artz-cow is still wordfiltered even to this day.
That was great, I still shill that site.
These things happen. My hand gets way too hot and it had a wrist hole in a year.
Was way comfy and nice, though.
They still sell the custom mousepads for a fair price last I checked. That promo is long gone though.
oh god take me back
However, games software didn't really keep up.
I did a lot of research in college using Kinect for different use cases.
Really cool device
You're probably about 8-10 years late on your free mousepad
>that cute boy that built pc games
>that time 4fags against all expections actually made something kind of competent and nice
not to memespout too much, but the rine truly ended here in a way
I fucking miss troll science threads
god I love JRPGs
Just buy one. They're only like 5 bucks.
>back when we just a bunch of childish faggots having fun
good times, bring them back
>threads that started with this image
>that time all of the platforms had to engage in cooperative acts in order to unlock some DLC or something, and PC beat PS3 and Xbox by weeks
everyone post your free mousepads
when we thought Mario 64's plain gameplay was the height of trolling in it.
I was sad when mine finally wore out to the point that I couldn't use it anymore. These were thin as fuck. I can't complain because they were literally free. Anyone else still have their free engraved champagne glass? I have my "fill me up, onii-chan" glass.
Still true
Oh sweet I'm on this list. Too bad my trip is different now
I remember when Yea Forums was hellbent on defending Bioware until ME3
>round things off with a badass cool-kid finisher
to this day that line makes me laugh more hysterically than feel ashamed about how true it is
holy fuck that was 2011?
>green lex luther posting
I fucking wish. Now it's just "quote the other guy and throw in a wojak of the month"
I miss those. We used to co-operate pretty well when you could get us together.
>didn't think about saving images before 2012 when I bought a new computer
When did Bold Impact white text black outline memes die
i feel like it ended around 2011
When the black twitter style of "text with dumb emojis over the image" took over.
I really don't have much from 2010 except for my Pokemon related folder. All my good shit from 2011 to 2016 got wiped out. Stuff from Chanarchive and so on. I do have a story.
>2009, graduate from high school
>A week later, lose internet
>Have to go without for months
>March 2010, go to a health center and bullshit around the internet
>Go to Yea Forums
>Not blocked
>Everyone's saying mfw and off-topic threads are fucking rampant
>Pokemon Generals abuzz
>Post there every chance I got, loved it
>People were praising Gen III, acknowledging it for what it did right, Gen V was fresh and exciting
>Off-topic threads always maxed out, good discussion overall
It was a shock to me to say the least. I will say 2007 was a great year overall. I got more to dump from my folder.
I still have mine and am using it right now... was it that long ago?
Yea Forums, can I make a request for an image to be posted?
The image is Grafics Cat but its like a xbox 360 game. I made it way back in 2010, I haven't seen it posted in years.
Hey all, OP here. I've about exhausted all of my archive but it's been fucking fantastic looking through all of these. As of right now i've made a zip file with all the images ripped from this thread
Here's the link:
It's medaifire, i have no fucking clue what you guys use nowadays
happy posting my friends :) I hope this thread gave some of the frequent posters more motivation to make some shitty oc that'll be posted a decade from now
love you faggots
Cool kids remember demotivational posters.
Really cool kids remember red text on images memes (Only we called them Macros back then)
If after 13 years of growing up you still believe this nonsense I have nothing to say.
never forget
If you really care about getting called a newfag after 13 years, you never really grew up.
this is a fuckin classic
what the fuck I've been here this long?
That stupid fucking bandaid on the let's fish girl's knees still makes me mad.
the first image I ever saved from here was one of those
Gen V was fun, too bad it caused such shit we spawned /vp/ as a direct result.
>What does ANY of this have to do with videogames?!
This one ages very well.
It's still awesome.
>So many tripfags back then
truly we are in blessed times
The Dark Ages.
Nah it's like "we're legion" shit. No one from old Yea Forums post here. Except larpers. Or maybe one-two anons. Still it's pretty hard to prove.
obama memes were fun, mr. blind artist
Looking back on 2014/15 collages, we should've seen it coming
still giving in 2019
Sorry I don't have it.
O fuck, I forgot about this gem.
before normalization
>Still it's pretty hard to prove.
There are ways to tell.
It's subtle though. Like a sick sense.
does someone still faithfully post stu at 4am est every day? those threads used to be my jam. being an adult fucking blows man
Huh... there was a point in time in my life where I used to actually stay up past 4am, wasn't there.
These gun builder threads were always good for a chuckle. What was this from anyway?
I've seen them pop up every now and then. However they get deleted fairly quickly.
I still remember a time I could laugh at "Feels Good, Man" and those "You Will Never" Variants.
Usually posted but seldom like the old days where it was 4am on the dot.
can't wait for christmas dump again.
I still see them but mods = fags
still accurate
I always laughed my fucking ass off when that poorly drawn Disney porn was posted.
>tfw casual
It's been 9 years user. Time for the legend to come back to life
Wasn't this a ytmnd?
April 2005
I made a 4:00:04 thread last night
I've always followed the rule of "Half the site's age".
As long as you've been here most of Yea Forums's lifespan, you meet the requirements. But the requirements also get increasingly hard to achieve as each year passes.
Seriously guys, do you think that deleting /pol/ would improve this place or make it worse?
I don't recognize those names. I remember there was a group called Les Populaires that inhabited the Yea Forums room. They split at some point with one being the original name and the other called Little Girls due to some shitty drama which I didn't understand what it was about. Also, Les Populaires had Tigrounette, one of the creators of Transformice as a member.
It'd give them more time to shitpost in other boards
Yes, but it would take a while. There's already been so much damage done.
You say that like anybody had a choice. There was always some fag in any discussion of a game post-/vp/ that claimed something needed it's own board, and eventually moot did it and refused to re-merge the boards regardless of how stupid the idea was, we've still got faggots who scream for the consolefags to be split up ignorant of the fact it would only make shit worse if it did happen.
I wouldn't know, I didn't play it too much.
stuff like Broliviamunn is probably us.
Make it far worse. /pol/ is barely functional as a containment board but it is helping keep politics mostly in one place
I think that killing phoneposting would improve this site far more than any hypothetical best case scenario that could come from /pol/ vanishing.
/pol/ honestly isn't that bad. The real tumor is Yea Forums
>Yea Forums
Here's the oldest one I have. Funny didn't even need to be in that format.
No don't get me wrong, the overly regular threads needed to go and that was a good solution.
It's just that one of the unintended side effects is that people who were a 'part' of Yea Forums would feel more committed to communities there and wouldn't actually post on Yea Forums anymore.
You may not have liked what some of the other people in Yea Forums liked to obsess over, but they were still a part of things here and losing them could well have been a factor.
By the time I came back here I didn't recognize it as what I knew.
>more new pokemon per new generation in general
old fans really had some shit wrong
Killing phoneposting and replacing the moderation team completely would do more to help than killing /pol/. Removing phoneposting would clean up a huge portion of the repetitive shitposting and cancerous users by taking away their easy ban evasion, and /pol/ and other problem boards would get sorted out with mods that actually give a fuck and slap their shit for being terrible.
Won't ever happen though, so either deal with it or join in on the shitposting in the vain, distant hope that you can collectively make the site so utterly shit the mods are forced to do something about it instead of sitting back and doing very little
/pol/ failed its purpose of containing faggotry and began spilling over a long time ago. making them move would eventually make board culture move away from the damage it took
boy hush
Time for Crab.
Wow back when there was actual hope and expectations for this series
Worse. Easily. I think it would ultimately bring the entire site down in the process.
The real mistake was trying to quarantine a topic as broad and diverse a politics to a single board in the first place. It's a sisyphean feat, and it was always doomed to fail.
Banning /pol/ wouldn't stop content creators from using their mediums as a vehicle for politics.
Banning /pol/ wouldn't stop other sites from increasingly restricted speech.
Banning /pol/ wouldn't magically kill racism.
The internet as a whole is broken. I wish you could understand that.
silly hothead
kornheiser edits were peak Yea Forums
>/pol/ failed its purpose of containing faggotry and began spilling over a long time ago.
/pol/ failed because you can't contain politics to a single board.
It's like trying to quarantine cancer patients. It's not a communicable disease to begin with, its inherent in every medium.
>remove phone support for the site
>autoban people who start mindless console war/thinly veiled politics/repetitive topic(eg cyberpunk shitpost) threads
>more aggressive word filtering, and also filter every banned word to "desu"
It may seem harsh, but I think these 3 things would improve post quality. Only problem is they're liable to be abused and make posting even worse.
It's funny, I was one of the fags who got mad about banhappy mods 6-8 years ago, but now I'm all for a purge. That being said, I think the board culture has been irreversibly changed by the influx of new users over the last few years.
me at the top and bottom
it's too late, it should have never been brought back in the first place
I absolutely agree, pretty much everything is political and recognizing that is a step forward.
>no boomer/zoomer wojak
>no npc wojak
>no shrek meme
cringe. kill yourself
Yea Forums and /pol/ are joined at the hip and have been since 2013 or so. Although you could say the same about Yea Forums.
Yea Forums is the bigger cesspool of the two, since you can actually discuss vidya on Yea Forums.
>Tenchu music
>>more aggressive word filtering
Aggressive word filtering always makes things worse, and I'm glad you're not in charge.
Every filtered word just spawns a million derivatives in the process and just gives shitposters the satisfaction of forcing the entire site to dance around to their tune.
>no Hot Donna/DJ Groundhog
Those threads were honestly the most fun part of my life
You think the site would be different if gookmoot took away (you)s?
Never gonna rid of all that stuff.
The question was to make Yea Forums better. Getting rid of /pol/ would force /pol/-Yea Forums interminglers to go elsewhere. An anything leftover that trys to live here would just get banned.
They never last but someone is still trying to keep it alive. Bless them.
>tfw my first experience with this board was when everybody got renamed to lanced jack and taiga
>didn't know what the fuck was going on and didn't bother coming back until like early 2011
>vividly remember feeling confused when i saw a captcha under the comment field for the first time
i still feel like i missed out and want to kick my 15 year old self in the head for not sticking around and lurking back then
not significantly, people have always said stupid shit for attention.
I don't want to stop racism, I just want to be able to post about video games again.
>the playstation sex streams
man i forgot about that, do vods of those still exist? asking for a friend
Im at work, i only have this meme that i can remember that's old.
Also i used to remember when we called em' macro images.
man, no captcha on posts was amazing.
also amazing is how we got away with having that much shitpost potential for so long.
That's just a term we use now for a phenomenon that's always existed. Thing is people who care too much will get an add-on that serves up their attention anyway.
A faggot used to spam this on /vp/ every day.
Thing about /pol/tards spilling over is they feed on attention and we give it to them. Boards have to ignore these retards as if its tradition instead of seeking to get them banned.
Ends up the real problem was forgetting about "don't feed the troll"
>The question was to make Yea Forums better.
You need to understand that the problems are inherent to the industry itself. All you're doing is censoring negative reactions to it.
precious memories
>Every filtered word just spawns a million derivatives in the process and just gives shitposters the satisfaction of forcing the entire site to dance around to their tune.
That's why everything will be filtered to a single nonsense word. Rather than "Onions" being "Onions", it'll be "desu", cuck will be "desu" too, so will "coom" and whatever bullshit retards spam.
The idea being that you just eliminate certain phrases entirely instead of just giving them a new name. Like I said, I have no idea if this would work, and could potentially be a bad idea, but it's something to think about. I mean, what do we have to lose? The posting quality is already as bad as it can get.
reaction faces
He DID do that. For very short period of time. Like a day or two. It was back in 2015 or 2016.
People bitched SO much on EVERY board so he had to bring it back
>a fox and his grapes posting
Why did this ever stop?
Now post the one with the battleborn HUD for comparison.
Nothing you're suggesting is new and all of it has been tried over the years.
>but it's something to think about. I mean, what do we have to lose?
You start to render conversations completely incomprehensible. Trolls start high-jacking run-of-the-mill ordinary words just for the sake of seeing them get b& so that it becomes harder to discuss topics they dislike.
I don't think you realize how easily what you're suggesting can be weaponized against you.
>The posting quality is already as bad as it can get.
THEN LEAVE. Christ. Your ideas are terrible anyway.
Of course, so that's all you can ever do is try and isolate yourslef. Because the whole internet is bad doesn't mean you can't carve out a chunk for yourself. It's just another allegory of human existence.
>Like a day or two. It was back in 2015 or 2016.
You sure it was on purpose?
I once saw greentexting go down for a day or two. I just thought it was because the HTML broke.
So your idea to eliminate people saying words you don't like is to turn everything into spam. God I hope you never have any responsibility in your life, you're not ready for it.
found op in here
>Thing about /pol/tards spilling over is they feed on attention and we give it to them.
The problem with that is that it's not like posters are evenly split into different camps. polshitters argue with other polshitters and feed eachothers attention. The board culture has changed and this place is infested with shitposting.
I don't think your head could be any further up your ass. You sound like you're 22.
Smartphones took over computers. But there is still a significant portion of the userbase that browses on PCs. I guess we just got lazy. Maybe we should have an OC thread or something. I dunno. Those princess threads always get OC.
Haha holy shit. That Tiananmen square pic I drew made it in
Actually you guys are right, my idea is dumb. What would be a good solution though?
Bitch i was here since 2014 and 2015
>Maybe we should create another shitty circlejerk general thread
please no
This was never really a place for women. Any old fag girls out there?
>Peter Chimaera
This takes me back.
The games are the least exciting part of Kinect, but it's a competent piece of consumer-grade tech that businesses can adopt too, with use cases like budget mocap and airports checking on-flight baggage.
also found the rest of v in here
not gonna lie, I want to drive that creme egg van.
Its not like we could get much worse. And it'd kill a smash thread.
they were always here, they just weren't advertising it because the only outcome is a "tits or gtfo"
Sounds like you don't know how to solve problems and would rather throw your hands in the air and give up.
Lelpocolapse was an interesting solution, but I don't know how many times you can use it.
Basically, oversaturate it with mod support so hard that the trolls like they're sucking mod cock, then do a carpet ban a week later. It worked to remove lennyface almost entirely, but I don't know what else it would work with and it still suck ass for anyone caught in the cross-fire.
>this triggers the """oldfag"""
because it's reddit tier exploitables, make your own shittily drawn face.
guess you're right, can't really blame em.
Control Tower Simulator X sounds like the shit!
Something about a furry and a Brazilian with 200 ping managing to win.
iktf bro
No it doesn't. Classic wojak is pure. The one with the beard and glasses and the console war ones are the problem. Same with how pepe went from being a sad frog to a smug asshole.
Your "solution" is to dig your own grave and bury yourself in it, then say "Welp, that's human existence!" And then you tried to act like it was a profound statement.
>everyting i dont like is reddit
>Its not like we could get much worse
This has been repeated for nearly a decade now and it is no more true in 2019 than it was in 2011. People have been pointing fingers at boards, generals, mods, tripfags, and memes every single day for years on end. The only thing that I will admit has genuinely impacted the quality of every board is phone posting. It has made 40% of posts near illegible. People can no longer read or write and instead punch out ESL-tier autocorrect abortions masquerading as posts and I know that every English speaking soul out there has noticed it.
Yeah it was hoaky, but what's yours? Abandon the whole internet because it's fucked?
Have you ever guys thought why are you mocked and ignored by the moderation staff and the rest of the website?
And despite that, the legit worst board on Yea Forums though is /soc/
>Classic wojak is pure
"Classic" wojak was always offtopic rage-image-tier tear-lubed circle jerking.
>Same with how pepe went from being a sad frog
No, pepe went from being "Feels good man" to "sadfrog". Both were pure, but you're right about that at least.
This true, but you can't deny that the general "tone" of the board has shifted since 2016. This place is far more negative than it has ever been.
rage threads were good though
and usually he was used as an expression that we've been in each others shoes and can understand each other better on the basis of rage-worthy shit. Not directly made into a raging image.
No, it's to accept that's how the rest internet is and limit censorship appropriately. People come here because there's no other place quite like here, and excessive moderation removes what separates us.
>saving this image
>making this post
>rage threads were good though
Rage threads were good until about 2009.
>and usually he was used as an expression that we've been in each others shoes and can understand each other
So he was for circlejerking about how you don't have a girlfriend.
Yeah. I know. Eat shit, you faggot.
>spent 10 years as a tripfag on Yea Forums
It was always shitty here, but it used to be less shitty.
>Classic" wojak was always offtopic rage-image-tier tear-lubed circle jerking.
He worked fine as a simple mascot for people to make vidya related OC around. When he became a tool for shitposting, then he lost his original identity and became a symbol of everything wrong with this board.
you can spot trannies larping as oldfags when they blame the state of the website on /pol/ entirely
as awful as Yea Forums is these days, i do not miss this shit. thankfully twitter got popular and attracted the type of attention whores who would otherwise be tripfagging here.
>When he became a tool for shitposting
He was ALWAYS a tool for shitposting. Why is this so hard for you faggots to understand?
Do you even remember the endless "FEELS" threads surrounding that godforesaken meme? They were never about vidya.
One of the two mousepads I got still work
This is actually really good. Spot on.
>tfw still alive after the dimensional merge
I agree completely. I just think if we were to get rid of /pol/ having extra moderation for a while would help to get rid of the left over weeds.
animu and mango
not gonna happen
I dunno, drawing Wojack as Naked Snake was all in good fun and talking about your feelings with others can be nice once and a while. Certainly better than countless "onions" abominations posted on a daily basis.
i used to reference this all the fucking time with my friends in like 2011
I miss those so much
>I just think if we were to get rid of /pol/
"/pol/" isn't what you think it is. /pol/ is what you get when you try to exorcise politics from every other board, and they only stay there because they at least have a place to go.
Remove that, and they go back to whence they came. Here. Moot tried it once before, and it was a fucking mess.
At best, all you've done is piss off everyone with a dynamic IP and send them into a ceaseless shitposting frenzy.
>African american studies
>bowling team
>political science
To his credit, there is noticable improvement for B^U 2008 onward. It's not a lot to celebrate, but he's actually capturing emotion and dynamic shading.
This is everything, this is the cause the effect and the solution.
The industry itself tries desperately to alienate its original audience with the idea of "bigger audience is always better" which in turn causes real "capitalistic alienation" and the effects are seen and grown practically daily for those who found a home in the video game medium.
god I want to go back, every meme in the past 5 years has been garbage, zoomerfags and electionfaggots have ruined every board i used to enjoy
The thing is that the tranny you are replying to believes that if /pol/ gets removed that would mean that the site will become more welcoming to everyone, which is further from the truth.
>talking about your feelings with others can be nice once and a while.
me too user
2012 aged like fine wine
You first
I'm not denying that classic Wojak didn't encourage alot of off topic posts, but his use was alot different than it is today.
I'm actually surprised I like the 2012 format as much as I do.
Ehhh I've jacked off to alot of camwhores from there over the years, so it's not all bad. At worst it's a containment board that actually does it's job.
Finally, a use for all ths shit on my hard drive
What happened to him? Why he didn't return?
hoooooooooooly shit now that is a blast... what was that guys deal? i hated him but i loved him. do you have anmore of his shit?
I do, but it's not sorted out at all so its gonna take a while
>sexual education
>jewish studies
>general custodian
>those sonics
Fucking hell, that was 2011? Thought that was 2013 or 14. Fuuuuck I'm getting old.
God, I'd unironically take the days of pizza tipping spam over the cancer we have now.
I miss Sandwich Chef. But perhaps dead is better.
Feel Guy was great, these variations suck dick for the same reason Nu-Trollfaces did.
>yfw those kids are probably posting here right now.
The real solution to minimize politics shitting up other boards is to quarantine /pol/. Leave the board there, but track who lurks there and keep them from posting on other boards for 72 hours after their last /pol/ visit.
>Back when wojack was just annoying and not all invasive cancer
post the one with all the hands
>tfw it's been over 7 years since that moment of glory
What a beautiful day it was.
Then people would either ban evade or just avoid /pol/ altogether and attempt to bring it's content here
>tfw joined Yea Forums in 2014
>mfw it's been over 5 years since I joined this hellhole
Looking at this thread is how I feel when I think about the early years of tumblr and YouTube. Like a whole nother planet.
>Disney World threads
The internet before youtube was an adventure
Remember me?
I remember me.
Now Sony is Homosexual hurt feelings
Mario has underage panty quest
r. man who added captchas
>we aren't going to add captcha
the villain won in the end
Yeah. I remember parts of it--granted, not much, because I didn't get internet till I was 15, but my old buddy had shitty dialup that took roughly 10 minutes to load a single page. But when it loaded, man, was it great.
I love that song
Sup bitches
>that one girl that has bird poop on her ass
Still valid to this day.
The thread’s going to die soon. Later, guys.
Sony's 2006 conference is still the king of arrogance and fucking up.
Literally had no choice, Yea Forums was the target of way more automated spam attacks than just kimmo's (especially when shit like delayclose became a little more widely known and everyone was using it to imageflood). I don't fault him for it. What I do fault him for is going back on his word and making captcha permanent instead of a temporary measure. But it seems he was already suckling the google teat back then too.
This. Back in the day somebody would say nigger and everything would just keep moving. Now it derails a thread and gets you banned
I miss Ricky Bobby posting.
“Do you guys not have phones?”
>hamburger helper was almost 8 years ago
what the fuck, how long have I been here.
2003 fags are long gone user its time to join them
I like this comic. Is he training like Samurai Jack?
If you said you were 23, you're a liar and the worst of all.
But microsoft sure fucking tried to show them up. Console manufacturers never seem to learn.
Good night, Yea Forums. See you in the morning.
It all returns to nothing.
I can only imagine it’s gotten even worse since then.
The homogenization of the internet was a mistake.
Yea Forums history is small-time
fuck trannies
>tfw you'll never go back to golden age /tg/ before nazimod fucked it all up