This game looks like it's gonna be shit. Berseria seemed so much better before it released. This looks like soulless crap.
This game looks like it's gonna be shit. Berseria seemed so much better before it released...
Berseria is garbage because of dork edgelord MC who's menstruating 24/7
They are trying to copy Monster Hunter World's graphics.
how do i get into this series where do is start
The games sure unconnected to each other so it doesn't matter
what games are like symphonia where you can pick your wiafu
That was like a one time thing, thank God.
>That was like a one time thing
what a shame. i think i'll pass on this series then.
Bandai publishes the Tales of series.
The guy that helped make the series popular was involved in a lot of personal bullshit and had to leave.
Instead of allowing team members to step forward and make the ultimate Tales of Game, Bandai went across the hall and brought in the director of the GOD EATER series. The reason the game seems like Monster Hunter is because it's God Eater with a different coat of paint. God Eater 3 was developed by Marvelous, which is why the story seemed kind of meaningful.
What ?! lol
The game looks good, gameplay looks amazing for now, lets wait and see more.
>unreal engine 4
>that helped make the series popular
You mean helped make it into complete shit right ?
Thank god Baba is out.
Tales of God Eateria
Why are people saying it looks like Monster Hunter?
Baba was the problem.
I really wanted the next tales after Arise to use artstyle from games like KLK:IF or Dragon Ball FighterZ.
You should know user, people here are complete retards, the last gameplay video looks pretty taleish.
why does the protag look like Ludger so much
cel shaded ?
I didn't realize monhun world looked cartoony
>MC's armour is so big and clunky because people are worried he will get his dumb ass hurt without realizing it because he feels no pain
I like it already
Hopefully it will deliver on romance front.
Holy fuck this looks bad.
Thats what your mother said when you were born.