I finaly noticed why i dislike this game

I finaly noticed why i dislike this game

is not that your movement is too slow. is not that they fucked the balance of doom making imps take 6 shotgun shots to die
is not that the soundtrack is fucking PAIN inducing and makes me want to killmyself and is even not the fact that every enemy drops health like they are piñatas

what makes me hate this game is the fact that you cannot make the fuckers infighting

there is infighting in the game but is done in the distance and you cannot provoke it.

Attached: file.png (1600x800, 2.5M)

Other urls found in this thread:


>the soundtrack is fucking PAIN inducing
also what

This is an 18+ website.

then why the fuck are you still here?

whats your point? the sound track is better than most games

infighting is something literally nobody uses

Whoa there, wise guy! Don't shoot your load off too fast.

>the sound track is better than most games
100% false.

>infighting is something literally nobody uses
says a literal zoomer who never played a Doom game before 2016.

>imps take 6 shotgun shots to die
Learn to aim.

>what makes me hate this game is the fact that you cannot make the fuckers infighting
This is a thing. There are even videos covering how this works. Get good, shitter.

So why did you make this ignorant thread where you also admit to being a shitter that can't aim for shit.

>the sound track is better than most games
oh yeah i sure do love dot matrix printer sounds passed out as music

my favorite d44m song

>doom 1 and 2 literally the same
>doom 3 literally different than all

who are you quoting?

what the fuck are you actually talking about how about that?

>>doom 1 and 2 literally the same
and they are better than 4, meaning there are atleast 2 games better than 4

>Learn to aim.
nuDuum is not a shooter about aiming. It's literally a first-person beat'em up, where you pop a few in the demon's face in order to trigger the QTE finishing move.

For a series known for its amazing shotguns, D2016's twelve gauges ditched two of the most essential characteristics of its own IP:

Someone forgot his meds.

Let's not forget Doom 64, aka "the real Doom3".
That's 3 games in total, and we could get extra two from FINAL if needed.

>infighting is something literally nobody uses
Confirmed for playing just id-made iwads on continuous.

> what makes me hate this game is the fact that you cannot make the fuckers infighting

What are you talking about? Have I lost my mind cause I'm almost 100% sure that I've had some of those things end up fighting eachother (and I'm not talking about the scripted ones like the two revs and the mancubus in hell).


are you russian? or some fucking spic?


Attached: mwQ6YnY4LXhERy8uC3XKMA.jpg (2304x1296, 728K)

and this is the part where I lost all hope in Eternal.
Zenimax should an hero.

I really like the soundtrack

Demons have an insane health regen while in glory kill animation. Also the glory kill animation trigger very easily on a lot of demons.

racism belongs on b newfag

I like this to be honest
I mean the slayer's fist are obviously better than any guns in nuDoom anyway so might as well turn the game into melee only.

OP here
there is nothing racist about what that faggot said it
please remove yourself from my thread
thank you

>I’m shit
>I can’t aim
>my favorite music is J-pop

i like doom sountrack
i hate doom4 dubstep bullshit
>i cant aim
is a shotgun
you dont need to aim


guess my age

>You don't need to aim with a shotgun
Nigga this is a video game yes you do

>the sound track is better than most games
It's better than all games actually. Except Oblivion

I personally love this game, but I understand why people don't like it; it's a lot different from classic doom.

in shit videogames

thats what makes doom diferent, is the onyl game where the shotgun behaves like a fucking shotgun should.

t.Hasn't played a Darius game


Lol no the soundtrack is fucking shit and theres only two or three memorable tracks
>nobody uses infighting
Kill yourself faggot

that's because original doom has vertical auto aim

why do people here really go out of their way to hate DOOM 2016

Soundtrack is zoomer wubshit, no melodies or metal to it.

is not that hard actualy

Attached: DOOM 4.webm (640x480, 2.86M)

Look at all the posts in this thread and how much OP is seething that people enjoy Doom 2016. This fucking boomer, who is completely out of touch with reality, can't even begin to comprehend why others would like Doom 2016. OP is a prime example of all the cucks that say 2016 is shit.


Attached: illust_75985021_20190730_101430.png (1300x1000, 539K)

>doom is at its best when theirs tons of projectiles to dance around
>they made doom 4 have like only 3 range enemy types while putting 100's of zombies in every room

Enemies only drop health when you're low on health in 4. Also, the game play is different in both. Original Doom prioritizes camping and corridor trapping, while 2016 emphasizes pushing, thus you need the extra health for the damage you'll be taking. Don't even act like Doom 1&2 are suppose to be circle strafed when half the enemies do hitscan damage.

The soundtrack is fantastic, but you can't expect a board where people think Megaman X2 has good music to have anything but shit taste.

>lying on the internet


>imps take 6 shotgun blasts
On the hardest difficulty you can one shot imps with the base shotgun

>soundtrack is pain inducing
If you're a huge faggot

>no infighting
Its a thing and you're a confirmed fucking retard

btw why would the demons fight each other besides being braindead

>he likes dubstep

Read the lore codex's retard

>still not knowing what dubstep is in 2019

dummo why would a demon try to hurt something that atacked it right?
>implying i give a shit

We get it, you don't like fun. Go back to jerking off and playing Fortnite you little shit.

Attached: duck.gif (60x95, 24K)

>so what if I talk about things I don't understand or know what they are? I don't care

Based retard

The soundtrack is shit, Mick Gordon is a bad "composer" with no ear for melody.

So the shotgun doesn’t have the range of the first. Just switch to a different weapon.

i dont like doom 2016 soundtrack because it reminds me of dubstep
i dont give a shit if it IS dubstep, it reminds me off it and thats enough for me to dislike it


Heres a handy link that should help you.

It's wub wub shit and not metal, therefore zoom zoom shit for kids and not fit for Doom.

Absolutely based retards

atleast they are getting better in ethernal

you only heard of americanized electro dubstep aka brostep, which sounds little like actual dubstep

I swear to god between this and Tekken threads no one knows what the fuck dubstep is

Attached: XOxHd7B1GwfwTpfSLdAh3h42vDSDpgYTHG_Tl40adbSxoCU2emHKmlUTRG9eMFFHF8KS6mn9dMj66jxVX4HdclU2e4rHBmLc3Msg (600x338, 44K)

final and ultimate don't count

a soundtrack has to fit the game it doesn't need to be good to listen by itself
btw he did a great work with Prey

you fucking kids and your fucking new music is too new for me

Attached: Suspense.webm (720x480, 2.96M)

composing a catchy melody like the ones in the original doom is easy as fuck melodies in non-classical music are generally very simple and recurring

>Too Slow
Guess someone doesn't understand the movement mechanics.
>6 Shots to die
So, you're shit at the game, then?
>Pain-inducing Soundtrack
Only if you're being fed J-pop and NuPop. Doom 2016's track is ideal for the doom experience.
>Health Pinatas
Feeds into the playstyle: "Move quickly and think quickly. Don't waste your time hiding"
Such a Strategy is for the weak in Old Doom, and, while still present in Modern Doom, isn't as easy to activate.

>Only if you're being fed J-pop and NuPop
what if i like old metal and the old doom soundtrack and i dont want printer sounds on my music?
did that ever pass throught your straw head mister strawman?

why are you roleplaying as a dadrock boomer you perfectly know what dubstep is and that doom's ost has nothing to do with dubstep

The only thing that sort of ruined a bit of the fun to me in this game is that there's a clear dominant strategy.

Once you get the infinite ammo perk when your armor's above 75 or 100 then you can just deck out your gatling gun to maximum and just go through each level's five arena's holding down your firing button and moving around mowing down literally everything in your path with little resistance as long as you keep moving. I had to just set a rule for myself to no do that to not kill the fun a bit.

Actually the fact that each level becomes broken down into 5 arena traps also sucks.

Still a sick game though. Shame the multiplayer's dead.

You're free to like or dislike whatever you want, but it sounds like you just didn't like it because it wasnt exactly what you were expecting. How anyone can say rip and tear, bfg division, rust blood and guts arent great tracks is beyond me. But to each their own.

>the fucking distorted chainsaw sound used in beat in bfg division

I pity the fools that can't appreciate this track

Attached: 682603.jpg (1920x1080, 192K)

D44M has imps, barons, cacodemons, revenants, summoners, possessed soldiers, hellrazers, and mancubi firing projectiles. Then there are hellknights, pinkies and lost souls charging at you, and can be avoided the same fucking way as the projectiles.
The zombies are mostly in-between the Combat encounters, and are heavily outnumbered by better demons in said encounters, unless of course you've only played the first two fucking levels or something.
Lying fucktard.

You move faster in a feet per second rate in 2016 DOOM than you do in the first DOOM.
>imp taking 6 shotgun shots
Objectively untrue
>He DOESN'T like extremely loud aggressive testosterone fueled heavy metal
Go drink some more soi you pussy.

Oh, I see, you must consider rap to not be music, and idolise pretentious faggots like Ben Shapiro.

I really appreciate when faggot OP's get blown the fuck out

Attached: doom-by-det-bullsonparade.jpg (1920x1080, 627K)

I liked the gameplay but I asked for a refund when I realized that I would never adapt to a game where my shotgun shots cause enemies to lose their balance and dance around waiting for a Brutal Doom fatality.
I mean... if this mechanics worked the other way around, melee blows make enemies dizzy and you execute them with the weapon, at least it would make some sense.

just shut up already. you tortannic faggots are so annoying.

>What is Industrial Rock
I Feel sad for people like you who don't expand their musical horizons. The OST for Doom 1 and 2 were quite literally just printer sounds.

>most people agree with me other than the 2 guys saying "BUT IS NOT REALY DUBSTEP"
sure thing

so is it the hip new meme on 4chins to hate doom 2016? also has any anons been playing the doom 2016 vanilla mod for the old dooms? its been kinda fun

>old game good
>new game bad
it's that simple you weebs

Everything Op said has been shown to be objectively untrue. The only thing he said that could be true is he didnt like the soundtrack, and that makes him a faggot. So yeah eat shit shit eater

>>What is Industrial Rock
shit and not fitting for doom
yeah but this is doom 1/2

this is doom 4

i mean if you read the thread OP you would realize that is exactly what is happening

half of those are hitscan the other half prefer meleeing you retard

fucking hell

this is doom 4

Has anyone played the DOOM 2016 remake in OG DOOM engine? Like as a bunch of WADs?

>the word prefer means only does, suddenly
huh thanks for the dictionary update user

>>What is Industrial Rock
>shit and not fitting for doom
Again, It's sad that you don't expand your musical horizons. Besides, It's perfect for Doom: The Hard, coursing beat of "living" metal combined with the cold steel of electronic synth. The Demons you face are the same: Tissue augmented with Electronic components.

this one?

when it melees you 90% of the time user then its not really a room of projectiles now is it?

nice easy mode playing fag
a man of culture i see

No, its not a joke, it actually looks great

>infighting is something literally nobody used
go play in traffic

nice lie, do you need help moving that goalpost. user if an enemy uses projectiles it does, no faggy middle ground where you pretend they don't. Also enemies hesitate to use range more in easy mode.... you played on ultra violence at least right

you do know classic doom is like babies first shooter, why did you think it was the most popular?
go play blood faggot than come back and talk

thats what im talking about
how come the soundtrack on this sounds SO MUCH BETTER than doom 4 soundtrack?
i belive they are the same music right just done diferent?

>just because they melee 90% of the time doesnt mean they do 100%
>therefor i win, nanananana boo hoo
you really got me dude

>Falls in love with purely synthetic track while complaining that new doom isn't metal enough because it has synths
I honestly hope you're not the same user making that argument.

yes facts really did prove you wrong. also thanks for omitting the part where i said enemies avoid using range on lower difficulties, really helped you save face

>a game made 4/5 years after doom is better than one of the FIRST fps games ever made

now you gonna tell me that sonic mania is better than the first plataformer game ever made.

You just like MIDI retard thats it. Just say I like MIDI and ONLY MIDI. you didnt have to shit up the whole fucking thread to say ONE SENTENCE.

You've convinced no one of anything other than you're a huge faggot, just cut your losses and hopefully your wrists later.

so is the story in eternal going to be "you are destroying hell so heaven is coming as a backup against you"?

the point of this thread is infighting
you fags are just realy realy defensive about the shitty soundtrack

i mean yeah. sonic mania is miles better than atari platformers

yeah good luck with that when there's only like 6 enemies on the screen at once. what a piece of shit game.

Which is in doom 2016? OP was just completely wrong, its even enforced and explained in the lore. What fucking point are you making.

fallen angels that are secretly helping hell try to stop you,
you kill then too with the blessing from heaven

Sonic Mania was bad and you should feel bad

yeah they put there in scripted events to trick you to think there is infighting in the game
but you cant cause it
is aways ALREADY happening when you enter a arena
think about it

i got so bored i stopped playing at the end
and only restarted the campaign cause enternal sounded hype 2 years later(prob a mistake)
and yes i played on ultra cause nightmare just sounded like a bitch and it was easy enough.
honestly they should just rename it normal difficulty

Attached: cbcx.png (942x168, 34K)

you literally can cause it you fucking moron

Nope that was my first post in this thread dumb nigger. Not my fault you are so dumb that you fail to form sentences about what you are talking about. anyways I'm outty fag.

>cant disprove anthing so i going to result to name calling and giving up

you could just PROVE to me that infighting is in the game

that would shut me up. but instead you act like a bitch defending a shitty soundtrack on a shitty game

thanks for proving you didn't even read the thread. several anons posted links if you actually bothered

>playing western shit
i seriously hope you guys dont do that

Attached: 2019.png (1669x1700, 1.04M)

woo there big guy calm down

op is probably whiter than you lmao

>”the real Doom 3”
Playing it strictly with autosaves/pistol starts and fast monsters is legitimately spooky.
>Don't even act like Doom 1&2 are suppose to be circle strafed when half the enemies do hitscan damage

Those hitscanners die nearly instantly and just often get priority when fought in bigger fights. They’re mainly handled poorly in Plutonia (intentionally on UV though, that’s the point). The games CAN be ‘corridor camped’ if you want and sure you’ll have to take cover in between shotgun pumps sometimes but it’s plenty quick still. For comparison, Doom4 gives you a literal insta-kill button.


you fucking baffoon

do you think ultra is hard or noteworthy to play on? Oh lord don't tell me zoomers are this bad at video games

was that hard?
you just proved me wrong and i admit i was wrong in this particular case

soundtrack is still dogshit though, and the game is too easy

There's literally one fucking hitscan enemy type in the entire game, the shield soldier with his shotgun, and you need to be close as fuck to get hit.
No shit they prefer melee when you're right in their fucking faces, you fucking retarded schizoid. All other times they throw shit at you.
Either you're mentally challenged or just lying like an insecure little bitch.

i said

>not playing doom up close
you cant be this bad dude
its always the people that try to bring up skill in the conversation that end up being the biggest shitters
imagine thinking ultra is hard
like you can tank 5+ hits, and getting health back is easy.
how the fuck do you die lol

It took me two fucking seconds to type it into google, and the fact you made the effort to bitch it wasn't in the game when you're too fucking stupid to notice it was in the game means suicide is probably your best bet.

It's difficult to provoke infighting, but not impossible. I wish it were easier.

Attached: Infighting provocation.webm (1244x700, 2.78M)

you gonna learn today, lil zoom

lmao just admit your a contrarian who came here and tried to start shit about a game you know next to nothing about. Now for the rest of us lets talk about all Doom games and wads like mature adults

>suicide is probably your best bet.
nah i dont like the doom 2016 soundtrack

so you are saying doom4 is a hard game?

Do zoomers really spend all day thinking only their taste in music is correct? Like calm down, sucks you cant enjoy industrial metal.
mmmm all those words you put in my mouth

I'd rather shoot demons from at least two feet away. Do you hate the original Doom for having hitscan soldiers and enemi meleeing you?

the way you got triggered by me shiting in your musical taste shows me that words is not the only thing you like in your mouth
so we both agree that doom4 is too fucking easy then?

>how come the soundtrack on this sounds SO MUCH BETTER than doom 4 soundtrack?
because you're a fucking idiot.

>imps take 6 shotgun shots to die

nigga learn to aim

doom 4 is easy
classic doom is easy compared to other classic shooters
stop trying to have a say in conversation about gameplay that you struggle with

Go put on big boy pants and pop in duke for a nice warm up before you get fucked in shadow warrrior and blood
then come back and talk

This is like the third time you're trying to change what you're talking about. Just stop you fucking idiot.

Attached: rocketnade.webm (853x480, 1.35M)


let me rephrase that so you zoomers understand

>imps take 6 shots to kill WITH GUNS like a fps was supposed to be
>2 shots at blank range to get then to stun so you can use the insta kill QTE

is that better?

not liking a video game because you cant make enemies fight each other is literally one of the dumbest fucking things I have ever heard.
t.30y boom


i said infighting, you people changed the subject to music
and then 1 guy proved me wrong on the infighting.
the game being easy is still a problem

lmao imagine just going around pretending people had trouble with a game when that wasn't even a part of their post. you guys are off of your meds. Also no base doom games are hard. Shadow warrior is piss easy if you are not brain dead, blood is average difficult.
Also everyone here is "triggered" because you were too stupid to even know what genre of music you were bitching about. Yet another mistake in your OP


it's a pretty integral part of the gameplay though especially in wads

This Picture is retarded
>You fly in a plane
>Remaster from the times games were good. Still a Remaster, though.
>hack and Slash. Also Disney
>hack and Slash
>>Fighting game
>Actually Really Good. 10/10
>Quicktimes, the game. Switch Exclusive.

You can kill an Imp with one head or body shot if you're close enough that their body/head takes up the entire reticule.

>has a list of problems
>multiple people are proving them all wrong, usually 1 thing per post
never change OP, you zoomer cocksuckers are hilarious

You simpletons, nu-doom's music is no more than dull DUBSTEP tripe!

I myself prefer real music, for example, Queen, with their timeless classic Bohemian Rhapsody.

Repeat after me r/gaming,


Attached: S90917-133543.jpg (1080x1920, 331K)

you realy want to complain about QTE's in a doom 2016 thread user?

dude this difficulty shit started cause your retarded ass starting with "are you playing ultra and then acting surprise when everyone said it was basically normal"
don't pull that lets just forgot that part of the conversation bit

also blood is just average? and shadow warrior is easy? you surely must be just meming or worse some zoomer trying to fit in

abhorrent taste kys

>Hurr durr me dislike game, me wanna kill myself, me cry.

Attached: whatamoron.jpg (502x353, 43K)

Post your favorite doom2016 songs

no user i said on easy mode enemies shyed from using range. You are playing on ultra violence? (ultra violence being the setting where they use range as normal). Yet another fact you missed and a statement you distorted to look "smart"

I don't see me mashing any buttons besides F, user, and one-key-mashing does not a QTE game make.

Attached: j01d2yhvblm11.jpg (863x717, 55K)

watch as he tries to distort the definition of QTE

>industrial metal
Nudoom's music is not industrial metal, it's just a bunch of noises.

and i said yes
and you then made it sound like i was bragging because i said it was basically normal difficulty for that game
because your that fucking bad you think ultra is some impossible challenge

you don't have brain damage do you?

>yet again saying i couldn't beat the game for some reason
You are a very tiresome young man OP. Before you sperg some more, if i had not beaten the game, how could i have know so much more about it then you

In video games, a quick time event (QTE) is a method of context-sensitive gameplay in which the player performs actions on the control device shortly after the appearance of an on-screen instruction/prompt. It allows for limited control of the game character during cut scenes or cinematic sequences in the game.

Enemy turns blue, you have a limited amount of time to perform a insta kill CINEMATIC MOVE where you have no control over the character

is a QTE

I'll distort it one final time, just for you:
You also remain in complete control until you initiate a glory kill; most QTE games put you in a fixed cutscene where you press it or you fuck up.

>this isnt a QTE because you are in control during it

Attached: file.png (440x250, 144K)

>yet again saying i couldn't beat the game for some reason cause it was boring as fuck the first time I stopped playing for 2 years to restart it because of enternal rumors
user I honestly cant believe that your this fucking stupid

QTEs aren't player initiated events.

The Glory Kills are more akin to bosses having weakpoints that you expose via damage.

Glory kills are more akin to a cinematic playing when you press a button. Because that's exactly what they are.

the soundtrack for doom64 was a welcome departure

no user you keep accusing me of never beating it because i am a zoomer.
is your own conversation hard to follow

>In video games, a quick time event (QTE) is a method of context-sensitive gameplay in which the player performs actions on the control device shortly after the appearance of an on-screen instruction/prompt. It allows for limited control of the game character during cut scenes or cinematic sequences in the game.

So Supers in fighting games are quicktime events?

I'm not sure if you know this user, but video games are literally cinematics playing at 30 or 60 fps when you press a corresponding button.

Oh no user you better watch out, OP may get angry you posted dubstep

It's more like doing a stealth kill in Assassins creed or dishonored, rather than an actual quicktime event

turn off highlighting for finishing moves. shoot them instead. fixed. retard

>shortly after the appearance of an on-screen instruction/prompt
in stuff like injustice probably

Is the sword lunge in Halo a QTE? It basically behaves just like a glory kill in D44M, just without a fancy animation.

Attached: lunge.jpg (1280x720, 80K)

>I'm not sure if you know this user, but video games are literally cinematics playing at 30 or 60 fps when you press a corresponding button.
Except cutscene kills activate on a single button press, and the only requirements are distance a flashing enemy that says "kill me". Then you hit F and it plays a little movie for you, during this time you are not allowed to move nor are you allowed to take damage.

Holy fuck, what disgusting subhuman taste. An opinion is supposed to be subjective; but in this case, you are objectively wrong and absolutely fucking retarded.

>in stuff like injustice probably

Off the top of my head SFV, Tekken, MK, SC, Smash

>just without a fancy animation.
you might be into something there user

Probably, but Halo is shit and it doesn't surprise me that nudoom fags like that game too.

zoomers pretending to be old is disgusting. I can sense you were not alive during any of these games

>activate on a single button press
So does every other animation in the game.

>and the only requirements are distance a flashing enemy that says "kill me"
No, the prior requirement is that the player take down the enemy's hitpoints to a sufficient bar.

>Then you hit F and it plays a little movie for you
Just like if you shot the enemy with a rocket launcher. The only difference is the duration of the little movie.

Anyone got that YouTube vid where the dude explains the mechanics behind every monster. And that you can block the hell fire with a 1 pixel high wall?

Attached: twin-peaks-fire-walk-with-me-cannes.jpg (825x464, 36K)

lol what is berserker kit in doom
lol roughly half the guns deal enough damage to finish a demon off when in their staggered state.
do any of you guys play this game or do you like lying to people. latter.

>making imps take 6 shotgun shots to die

Attached: 2579D8DA-42DA-4FF9-8A2B-EE5C0F192FD4.jpg (339x340, 32K)

>Just like if you shot the enemy with a rocket launcher.
Shooting a rocket doesn't take the controller away from me to watch a movie.

stuff like the clash
that probably can be considered a QTE

but specials cannot because they are not 100% garantee to hit if you press the button
unlike the glory kills that start a cinematic that is 100% likely to kill the guy

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 1.63M)

ah another liar. way to remove your arguement ENTIRELY.

the thing i hate the most about 2016 is the fucking level design. i really dont want to be locked into a serious sam arena.



Here you go m8

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In nightmare you will die if you rely on QTE too much.

Doing a Stealth Kill or instant kill in most video games does, though.

>imps take 6 shotgun shots to die
what the fuck? I played on hard and it took me 2 shot every single time

>Shooting a rocket doesn't take the controller away from me to watch a movie.
Can you fire a different weapon while you're pulling the trigger to make the rocket launcher launch and it's going through its launch animation?

To answer the question for you, no, you can't.

You're describing a weapon the player has that has invincibility and a longer usage animation than any other in the game. You can maybe argue that it's an overpowered weapon, but it's not a QTE, no.

>but specials cannot because they are not 100% garantee to hit if you press the button
Neither are Glory Kills, you have to be within a certain range of an opponent for them to hit, just like a Super.

i'm sorry but how shit are you at this game? that's just not how it works. on ultra violence you one shot the imps with a WELL PLACED shot. if they are in the qte just shoot them again. guess what, it will die. guess you're just another sheep who refuses to experiment and figure truths out for yourself. neck urself

shotguns should be long-distance

>lol what is berserker kit in doom
Something that takes more effort to use than anything in nudoom. Where you have to think about dodging enemy attacks while punching because it doesn't make you invincible and lock you into a short film while killing things.
You must be really shit at games, because it has literally never been an issue for me.
>Can you fire a different weapon while you're pulling the trigger to make the rocket launcher launch and it's going through its launch animation?
I can still move, punch, and throw grenades. Can you do any of those actions while in a glory kill?

Attached: 20190916220150_1.jpg (1920x1080, 162K)

Fuck yeah. Lookin to rewatch this for months.

Attached: yes.jpg (1200x889, 360K)

>I can still move, punch, and throw grenades.
No, you can't, and you've just betrayed the fact that you don't understand how video games work. When you pull the triger on any weapon in the game, the weapon and your on-screen model undergo a certain number of frames of animation of that action. During those frame of animation you cannot act until the next available input frame. If this wasn't the case, you could simply full-auto the shotgun as fast as you could pull the trigger if you could act every 1 frame out of 60.

The only differences are that your Glory Kill is a weapon that takes many more frames before you can act again compared to other weapons in your arsenal, but as a trade-off it has armor on it to reduce its vulnerability.

enemy can block the super.
in some games they can use that blast hability to escape the super

once you start the QTE in doom4 the enemy is dead

Attached: file.png (728x546, 592K)

>No, you can't
Prove me wrong, then.

>making imps take 6 shotgun shots to die
It takes only 1

Okay. Turn on the game, pull the trigger on the rocket launcher, and then on the next available frame, pull the trigger again. See what happens.

>D2016's twelve gauges ditched two of the most essential characteristics of its own IP
The double shot SSG is even more overpowered than the SSG in Doom 2

I pressed the melee button and the A key. It let me punch and strafe.

it sounds that you played this on console, on pc with mouse it is super fast
also the 6 shotgun blasts thing well yea if you played on a higher difficulty everything is harder to kill
the health you can ignore it, just dont use the runes or anything else that boosts your character, the map or the glowing
the game is awesome you are just a contrarian

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based ESL retard

yeah you can really dodge those hitscan enemies whilst going in for melee.

There are only 4 hitscan enemies in the old games, and 1 of them has a long windup to its attack.

>enemy can block the super.
Try blocking Zangief's super or Raging Demon. Not all Supers are blockable in all games, no.

>once you start the QTE in doom4 the enemy is dead
That's because you've lowered their life bar to that point. The fighting game Supers will also only kill if you've lowered their life bar to a sufficient point. The only difference between these two things are that the fighting game Supers are available once you have the meter to use them.

here is a pitfall to my arguement.
BUT BUT BUT there's like a small clause where it isn't so therefore ALL of it is wrong!
jesus fuck kill urself already

No, you literally can't punch until the animation is through. Now you've also reveal that you're simply lying and don't even play the game.

I accept your concession, user. You tried at least.

>No, you literally can't punch until the animation is through
Yes you can. You can switch weapons too.

>That's because you've lowered their life bar to that point. The fighting game Supers will also only kill if you've lowered their life bar to a sufficient point
so super atacks are not a qte then
got it

I can dodge the attacks of the other dozen enemies just fine.

>so super atacks are not a qte then
Right, just like Glory Kills.

I miss the serious sam autist in D44M threads.

If you're shooting the shotgun normally you're using it wrong. You switch to the shotgun, shoot the explosive shot, and then switch to something else while the cooldown wears off. Kills imps in 1 shot in an area of effect. That's how you use the plasma rifle too. Let the charge build up, do the AOE blast thing, and then switch to something else while it builds up again.

nah glory kills are QTE's, you dont need to weken the enemy to perform a super.

Then offer a definition of QTE's that applies to Glory Kills but not to Supers.

>you dont need to weken the enemy to perform a super
So a QTE requires you to weaken an enemy for it to be a QTE? I guess Uncharted or Tomb Raider don't have QTE's then.

You're essentially making a definition from an examlpe instead of from an objective point. As easily as you can say "Supers aren't QTE's because you don't have to weaken the opponent to use them" you can inversely say "Glory Kills aren't QTE's because you don't have to build meter to use them".

Try again.

>So a QTE requires you to weaken an enemy for it to be a QTE?

>In video games, a quick time event (QTE) is a method of context-sensitive gameplay in which the player performs actions on the control device shortly after the appearance of an on-screen instruction/prompt. It allows for limited control of the game character during cut scenes or cinematic sequences in the game.

>actions on the control device shortly after the appearance of an on-screen instruction/prompt
what fighting game shows PRESS X BUTTON TO PERFORM SUPER on screen?
>but your bar is full
yeah and you can use it to perform stronger versions of normal atacks

You seem to forget
>It allows for limited control of the game character during cut scenes or cinematic sequences in the game.
Glory kills happen in normal gameplay, not during cutscenes.

this isnt a QTE because is during gameplay

God of war has no QTE because they are all during gameplay.

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>turning doomguy into a micromanaging warlock twat

no thanks.

>>In video games, a quick time event (QTE) is a method of context-sensitive gameplay in which the player performs actions on the control device shortly after the appearance of an on-screen instruction/prompt. It allows for limited control of the game character during cut scenes or cinematic sequences in the game.

Well even if we ignore "during cut scenes or cinematic sequences" which immediately invalidates your entire argument which is kind of funny:

Supers are QTE's, by this definition (excluding the above text).

>what fighting game shows PRESS X BUTTON TO PERFORM SUPER on screen?
Your meter is an on-screen prompt that your Super is ready to use, just like the flashing enemies are an on-screen prompt that your Glory Kill is ready to use.

When in DOOM does the game show "PRESS X BUTTON TO PERFORM GLORY KILL" outside of maybe a tutorial section in the beginning? It doesn't. It also doesn't force you to perform them. It gives you an on-screen cue that you are now able to use your Glory Kill, just like your on-screen cue that you are now able to use your Super. Whether you use it or not is up to you in both cases. Both cases simply offer indicators that a game mechanic is now available to you.

Did you have anything else?

Maybe the definition you're using is just not a very smart definition if it's defining those things out of the equation eh?

fair enough both are QTE's then

Only according to you. And you're free to go about your life believing that Supers are QTE's user.

>imps take 6 shotgun shots to die
2 max.

I hate this board. I hate gook Moot. He doesn't do shit. At least burger Moot tried to fix this cesspool and interacted with the community from time to time.

i'll take his place someday
haven't played past the 3d game yet

>You move faster in a feet per second rate in 2016 DOOM than you do in the first DOOM.
That's not true. 2016 is probably faster than the WALKING speed of Doom, but nobody walks on Doom.

No, you can activate it pretty easily if you know how. Halo did melee weapons better than any first person game from the past 20 years.

>I only play Halo

Yes. It's essentially just an easier version of the Glory Kill that you don't even have to take down the opponent's health to use. Entirely a noob crutch weapon.

Theres a 14 minutes long unscripted compilation on YouTube right now, so what are you doing?